ETR How to Have a Great Meeting

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  • 7/28/2019 ETR How to Have a Great Meeting


    How to Have a great Meeting

    Control Your Time

    Time is more valuable than money. You can never get it back. And it's running

    out on us every day. That makes every useless, boring, or inefficient meeting

    all the more of a problem. We must eliminate the unnecessary and improve

    the essential. I worked with Matt Smith, ETR's Publisher and a man who runs

    many meetings every day, to come up with the exact blueprint you need to

    have a great meeting, every time.

    Craig Ballantyne

    "Clarity is 95 percent of success." - Brian Tracy



    How to Have a Great Meeting

    By Matt Smith and Craig Ballantyne

    Think back to a time where you had to sit through a boring, wasteful meeting.

    Maybe you've had one already today.

    Recently my friend, BK, told me about a nightmare meeting he experienced

    with high-paid television studio executives where he's consulting on a TV


    "It was the worst meeting ever," he said. "What a complete waste of time."

    I asked him to elaborate on what happened.

  • 7/28/2019 ETR How to Have a Great Meeting


    "It all went wrong before it even began because no one was prepared. There

    was no set agenda, no set objective, and no one had any idea of when their

    mission would be accomplished. That invited the 'idea fairy' to show up and a

    whole bunch of stupid ideas to surface," he explained with exasperation. It

    was a case of "too many chefs in the kitchen making for an unproductive


    The meeting resulted in three wasted hours that those highly paid experts

    will never get back. The cumulative loss of time, money, and opportunity was

    well into the tens of thousand of dollars. It happens at the largest

    organizations, at every level, and even your local community organizations.

    But the problems can be fixed. The idea fairy can be banished. A little

    preparation, in terms of both the attendees and the planned outcome, will

    make a huge difference in your meetings and ultimately in the success of

    your day and your business.

    As Matt Smith says, running meetings well is a skill.

    Step #1 - Limit the Meeting to the Right People

    The importance of having all the right people and none of the wrong people

    in the meeting cannot be overstated.

    Every person in the room should be there for a specific reason. If you can't

    look around the room and explain very succinctly why each person is there

    then you're wasting someone's time and potentially everyone's time. Each

    person should either contribute to specific decisions that are expected to be

    made -OR- take the action required after the meeting ends. Identify and

    eliminate the people who don't contribute to either of these causes. Having

    someone in the room to generate ideas isn't enough of a reason. Consult with

    them before the meeting begins in your preparation.

    Step #2 - The Meeting Must Have a Very Clear Leader

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    The meeting leader is not an assumed role. It should be clearly stated in

    advance so the leader can properly prepare.

    The meeting leader must know what the primary activity is for the meeting in

    general and must drive forward the agenda. They must keep the meeting

    focused and moving. The purpose of having a meeting can usually be boiled

    down to one (or a combination) of the four things below.

    1) Making Decisions

    2) Planning

    3) Information sharing: One to Many

    4) Information sharing: Brainstorming/Problem Solving

    The meeting driver must know where they are in relation to the agenda,

    meeting objectives, and what activity would best serve that end at any point

    in the meeting.

    Step #3 - Have Measurable Outcomes (M/O)

    Every meeting must have a stated measurable outcome.

    "By the end of this meeting we will have decided X and Y, we'll appoint a

    driver to take responsibility for Y and we'll put together a rough timeline for

    when Y will be launched."

    It's a good idea to state the M/O before the meeting starts and at the end of

    the meeting make sure everyone agrees that the M/O has been

    accomplished. Be clear and concise. For example:

  • 7/28/2019 ETR How to Have a Great Meeting


    "We have a lot of membership renewals coming due and we want to improve

    the retention rate of our subscribers. To do this, we are going to test email

    reminders compared to the postcards we use now. So, the purpose of this

    meeting is to decide how we're going to roll this test out."

    "The Measurable Objective for the meeting is this: By the end of the meeting

    we'll know exactly what we want to test. We'll decide on an approach to the

    copy that we'll be testing. We'll know what logistically is required to pull off

    the test and we'll assign specific tasks to individuals to execute the test."

    Matt will often write the M/O on a flip chart or white board where everyone

    sees it throughout the meeting. State the M/O at the beginning of the

    meeting to focus you and everyone else in the room on the goal of the


    This will keep you on track and everyone will feel that it was a productive use

    of their time when at the end of the meeting they see the M/O was achieved.

    Step #4 - Stay Focused

    In every meeting there will be times where the conversation will start to drift

    into side conversations that are irrelevant to the M/O. When this happens, the

    meeting driver must gently interrupt the conversation and bring everyone

    back to the decision you are trying to make. Be gentle, but firm.

    Step #5 - End with a Plan and Give People Specific Assignments

    Once decisions have been made, it's time to assign follow-up work to meeting

    members. Be specific. Make sure that each team member completely

    understands their objectives and can verbally restate them to the meeting

    driver along with the deadline for the delivery of the work.

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    Someone should write up a summary email that restates the tasks, owners,

    and due dates.

    Having a clear and concise plan makes sure the benefits of the meeting are

    not lost in the day-to-day shuffle of busy work. Only after this is the meeting

    wrapped up.

    Efficiently planned meetings will respect everyone's time and propel the

    business forward. Start by having only the relevant team members attend the

    meeting. Be clear about the agenda and the measurable outcomes. Stay

    focused. Make decisions. And eliminate unnecessary conversations. Once

    decisions have been made, assign work specifically to individuals and get

    confirmation that they understand both their objectives and the deadline for

    their work. Don't leave unsettled decisions unless it cannot be avoided.

    Follow that simple blueprint and you'll maximize your meeting time. You'll get

    three times as much work done and dramatically increase your productivity.

    You'll no longer be a high priced executive with their time wasted. Instead,

    you'll just be high-paid.