Transcript of ETHNOBOTANY -...

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Page 2: ETHNOBOTANY - is a systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social group and its use



Prehistoric period of man used plants for multifarious uses in general, and for the

alleviation of diseases in particular. In the event of an injury or a fall, fever,

gastrointestinal disorders, skin afflictions, body ache and other health problems, he

resorted instinctively to plants growing in the surrounding areas. This information was

secretly imparted from one generation to another in the form of oral folklore. The

primitive man had probably limited needs, but the increase in human knowledge and

civilization, it has brought about an ever increasing complexity in man‘s requirements

further man remained no longer contented with food, cloth and shelter, but had an intense

desire to utilize every raw material available on this earth for his livelihood and comfort.

In early ages of man used to live a natural life, being very close to the nature they used to

observe the plants for their day to day uses. By their keen observation and long

experiences through the ages they came to know that the economic values of numerous

herbs and plants. The power of observation of these early primitive people had been

remarkable, since they could identify the plants from the wild flora not only edible plants

like rice, wheat, maize etc. but also numerous medicinal herbs/ shrubs/trees plants. Thus

from earliest times man used plants in his attempt to cure disease and to get relief from

physical sufferings. Primitive people through ages had some knowledge of medicinal

plants derived as the result of superstitions too.

In each civilization there was much interest in drug plants. In China as early as 5000

to 4000 B.C. many drugs of plant origin were known. The Aryans, Babylonians and

others used ancient names of medicinal plants used by the physicians of that day. The

Greeks were familiar with many of the present day drugs, as evidenced by the works of

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Aristotle, Hippocrates, Pythagoras and Theophrastus. However, in 77 B.C. Dioscorides

wrote his great treatise, the ―MATERIA MEDICA‖, which dealt with the nature and

properties of all the medicinal substances of that time. After the dark ages the herbalists

period has come there by encyclopaedists and the monasteries of Northern Europe, who

produced vast compendiums of true and false infromations regarding plants, stressing

particularly on the medicinal values and folklore.

This study has rose up to a new branch of science, which was given a concrete status

in the form of Ethnobotany, a term coined by the U.S botanist, John William Harshberger

(1895). Ethnobotany is a systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social

group and its use by local people, the locally available plants for food, medicine, clothing,

currency, tools, building and religious rituals. The ethnobotany of prehistoric cultures is

discovered through examination of ancient writings, pictures and plant remains found in

excavated at various archaeological sites. From the obtained information the agricultural

practices and cultural development of the then people can be determined. Ethnobotanists

often collect information practically from the study area of the society including

mythology, religious practices and language they use in order to determine their life style

and specific plants used. Further, methods involved in their preparation. The field notes

of botanist and other wirtings serve as sources of information about agricultural methods

and folk remedies of the past and also present.

Ethnobotany is recognized as a multidisciplinary discussion dealing with many

interesting and useful aspects of plant science blended with other subjects such as

anthropology, culture, literature, history and folk medicine, otherwise known as

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Ethnomedicine. It is an interdisciplinary science that involves the study of botany mainly

phytogeography and taxonomy, ecology, medicobotany, palaeobatnay, pharmacology and

pharamacognosy etc. In a broader sense, Ethnobotany deals with the relationship between

human societies and plants past and present. Such studies often show varied and any

uses of plants by the tribals and ethnic groups, many of which are still unknown to the

urbanites, as they are not as deeply associated with plants as are the tribals.

The rural areas, particularly the areas inhabited by tribal people are the major sources

of traditional knowledge about the uses of various plants and as practiced in our country.

The art of treatment is practiced by local doctor or healer. The drugs are prepared by

tribals in various forms like fresh juice, mixtures, powders, liquids, paste, decoctions

from leaves, barks, roots, fruits, tubers of plants.There are about 45,000 plant species

used in ethnomedicinal practices today. The Government of India, has recognized

ethnobotany and determined to encourage this system by asking scientists and folklorists

to preserve it and popularize it among the people. The common ailments like digestive

problems, jaundice are treated by the indigenous methods, used by the gondu tribes. The

discovery of compounds like quinine, ephedrine, colchicines, toxol, gugulipid, vincristine

etc., are from the medicinal plants gave impetus to the ethnomedicinal plant research in

the world. The traditional herbal medicine is gaining more importance, as they do not

show any side effects and are cost effective, compared to the modern drugs.

Each state of our country has a number of tribal locations and tribals, showing their

own culture. As the forests and tribals are inseparable, the tribals consider the forests as

their nourishing mother. Tribals are a distinct ethnic group who are confined to definite

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geographical areas. The tribals of India are mostly live in forests and in naturally isolated


The widespread forests in Adilabad district provide the basic necessities to man to

interact between them. Hence, this vegetation provides a large database for ethnobotanical

studies. The present ethnobotanical study has been done in Seethangondi grampanchayat of

Adilabad District, due to the large forest coverage area, predominantly showing timber trees.

The tribes live in the surrounding villages, and they frequently visit the forest. Due to the rich

floristic- diversity and forest area, emphasis has been done to establish ethnobotanical data

generation of this District.

In the present study, special emphasis has been made to survey and identify the

medicinally important plant used by Gond tribes of this area.

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Among the major systems of medicine, the 1. Ayurveda and 2. Unani dominated in

Indian Subcontinent. Traditional medicine is the mother of all medicinal systems of the

world such as 1. Siddha, 2. Homoeopathy, 3. Unani, 4. Ayurveda and 5. Naturopathy etc.

It has been received attention among Anthroologists, Archaeologists, Foresters,

Folklorists, Phytochemists etc.

1.2.1. Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is formed by the combination of two words viz., ―Ayur‖ means life and

―Veda‖ means knowledge. Thus, Ayurveda means the ―knowledge of life‖. Ayurveda is

not only a system of medicine but also represents a way of healthy living. It is holistic in

approach. This medicine gives equal emphasis on mind, body, spirit and strives to

harmonize this in individual. This also comprises natural therapy with proper treatment of

the disease. Patients are classified by the body types which are again determined by the

three doshas viz., 1. Vata, 2. Pitta and 3. Kapha. Any imbalance in the doshas will lead to

illness and disease. True medicine, according to Ayurveda, is one which cures the disease

without causing any side effect. It is in this respect that Ayurveda enjoys as advantage

over the modern system particularly alopathy, in this system a regulated diet is prescribed

along with the medicine. The regimen of diet and medicine is important because both

help to restore the balance of the body. The three main Ayurvedic texts are Ashtanga

Hridaya, Atreya Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. These texts have the orginal and

complete knowledge of Ayurveda. About 70% of the population in India use Ayurveda

and medicinal plants to meet their primary health care needs. Ayurvedic treatments are

primarily dietary and herbal consumptions. It is only after a detailed diagnosis is made

that the Ayurvedic practitioner starts the treatment. If the diagnosis is correct, the remedy

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would invariably be effective. Ayurveda largely uses plants as raw materials for the

manufacturing of crude drugs and from animal and marine origin and metals and mineral

are also used. Ayurvedic medicines are safe and have little or no known adverse side

effects. Ayurvedic system has preventive, promotive, mitigating and curative


Panchakarma, one of the unique therapies in Ayurveda, is advocated for the radical

elimination of the disease-causing factors and to maintain the equilibrium of the doshas.

This therapy promotes positive health by rejuvenating the vital body systems and

manages the autoimmune disorders. This is helpful in the treatment of sciatica,

rheumatoid arthritis and post polio paralysis. An Ayurvedic parasurgical intervention

using medicated thread is effective in the treatment of fistula, this method is known as

Ksharsutra is validated by the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha and

the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR)

1.2.2. Unani Medicine

―Unani‖ means medicines which are a symbol of life. Unani is a comprehensice

system of medicine including all the known healing systems of the world. This is based

upon the teachings of Hippocrates (377-460 BC), the Greek philosopher. Unani medicine

has a long and honoured history in our country. Physicians of Unani medicine came to

India during the 17th

century. The Unani scholars experimented by adding native Indian

drugs to their medicines. A number of Greek scholars like Al-Razi (850-925 AD), Galen

(131-210 AD), Al Zahravi, Ibn-Sina (980-1037 AD) and Ibn-Nafis have enriched this

Unani system of medicine. Today, India has the largest number of health care and

research institutions of Unani medicine in the world.

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The Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy (CCRIMH)

was established in 1969, and later on, this was split into different branches like Unani,

Yoga, Siddha, Ayurveda, Homoeoathy and Naturopathy. India is one of the leading

countries in Unani medicine. The main aim of this system of medicine is to provide

proper health care to the people.

Hippocrates has given the concept of humoral theory and established medical history

for the first time. The humoral theory states the presence of four humors-Dam (Blood),

Balgham (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow bile), and Sauda (Black bile) in the body. The humors

are assigned temperaments such as blood is hot and moist, phlegm cold and moist, yellow

bile hot and dry, and black bile and dry. Every person is supposed to have a unique

humoral constitution which represents his healthy state. For maintaining the humoral

balance, proper diet and digestion are necessary, If this power in the humors weakens,

imbalance in the humoral composition occurs, causing the disease. The ancient physicians

of Unani medicine developed their own instruments and methods for surgery. Diagnosis

is done through Nabz (pulse felt by fingers and other methods of diagnosis are through

Baul (Urine) and Baraz (Stool) etc. Unani sytem of medicine recognizes the influence of

surroundings and ecological conditions on the state of health of human beings. In Unani

medicine, compound formulations are also used in the treatment of chronic disorders. The

medicines administered go well with the temperament of the patient, thus accelerating the

process of recovery and also eliminating the risk of drug reaction Unani treatments for

restoring normal body, use herbal and mineral medicines, with specific diet and exercise,

massage and Turkish baths, Siddiqui‘s (1931) discovery of plant known as Pagal Booti

(Rauwolfia serpentina), for regulating blood pressure is well known in Unani medicine.

Under the drug standardization research programme, the CCRIMH has so far been

able to finalize standards for 212 single drugs and 385 compound formulations. The

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standardization of Unani formulations has been undertaken in order to establish standards

for the drug and the methods of their manufacture. To date 13 single and 148 compound

drugs have been standardized.

1.2.3. Siddha Medicine

Siddha medicine has originated in South India. Siddha medicine mainly

emphasizes on the mastery over nature. This can be done through medication and by

yoga. The persons who practiced this medicine are yogis, known as Siddhars. This Siddha

system of medicine is named after them. Siddhar is a Tamil word derived from ‗Chu‘

which means one who has heavenly bliss, the ‗Siddhi‘ which means achievement.

Agasthya Siddhar is the greatest of all Siddhars. Siddha has the specialized area of

rejuvenation and longevity, and helps in the treatment of various diseases. The Siddhars

have studied the human system and found the basic principles of nature, for the treatment

of various ailments. According to Siddha, the human body is composed of 96 Tatwas,

72,000 blood vessels and 1300 nerves. All of them play important roles in the functions

of the body.

The Materia Medica of Siddha literature, shows many herbs, effective in the

treatment of diseases. The substance in atomic forms, were ground with herbal juices.

Siddha science includes 64 kinds of yogas. This medicine is also known as ‗Tantric

vidya‘. Siddha has wide knowledge of Alchemy called Kayakalpa. The kayakalpa cures

the disease and prolongs life span. The kalpa is both protective and preventive as well as

constructive. This system believes that all objects in the universe and the human body is

made up of five basic elements like: 1. Earth, 2. Water, 3. Fire, 4. Air and 5. Sky (Ether).

Food is the basic building material of the disease. The system deals with medicines and

meditations like in Ayurvedic system. This Siddha system associated with different

minerals like Mercury and Sulphur can cure different types of chronic diseases. Siddha

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texts like ―Varma Kannadi‖ and ―Varma Suthiram‖ have described 108 vital points,

which are located on vital junctions of arteries and veins, joints etc., and are called

―Vaamanilaigal‖. For the purpose of treatment, Siddha physicians give pressure by

specialized techniques on these points to cure the ailments. Siddha medicine has great

strength in the treatment of chronic ailments like peptic ulcer, infective hepatitis,

psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.

1.2.4. Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy system of medicine was discovered and developed by a

German Physician, Christian Freidrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a celebrated

chemist, and one of the leading physicians of his times. In 1839, Homoeopathy was

introduced into India by French traveler, John Martin Honigberger. Homoeopathy works

on the simple principle of treating the disease, with a remedy according to the principles

of the medicine. For the development of Homoeopathy in the country, the Government of

India has taken several steps by constituting the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

Committee, establishing a Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory at Ghaziabad,

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy at New Delhi, and a National Institute of

Homoeopathy at Kolkata. The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory was established

in the year 1975 at Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) to establish the standards for testing the

quality and purity of homoeopathic drugs. The laboratory maintains a medicinal plant

garden and conducts survey and collection of medicinal plants. It has a computerized

information centre and documentation cell for disseminating technical information of the

Homoeopathic drugs. The laboratory submits data of Homoeopathic drugs to the

Homoeopathic Pahrmacopoeia Committee for their approval.

The Council has made significant achievements in the treatment of skin

allergies, amoebiasis and osteoarthritis. Positive response has been achieved for clinical

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trials on the treatment of HIV (AIDS). The pharmacognostic standards for 136 drugs have

been worked out and work on 102 other drugs is in progress.

1.2.5. Naturopathy

Nature cure is rightly described as a system of man living in harmony, with

constructive principles of nature on physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of living.

Disease is abnormal and an unharmonious vibration of the elements and forces

constituting the human entity. The primary cause of disease is violation of mothe nature‘s

laws. Nature cure is a very old science of healing and method of living and has great

preventive, curative and rehabilitative potentials. The nature cure physicians simply help

to overcome disease by applying correct natural forces to work under safe limits. Most of

the principles and practices of naturopathy like morbid matter theory, fasting, nutrition,

dietics, cleansing acts, excercises, massage, longevity have been in practice in some form

or the other and are well known to our ancient saints. The Central Government has

established the National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN) at New Delhi for the main

purpose of development of Naturopathy.

Naturopathy believes that and individual is composed of five great elements of nature.

They are:

Earth, Tissues, Muscles and Bones.

Water, Fluids, Blood, Lymph.

Air, the Vital force, Oxygen and Carbandioxide.

Ether, Vacum, Cavities, Lungs, Stomach.

Universal soul, Individual soul.