Essay English Calau 2015

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  • 7/24/2019 Essay English Calau 2015


    A very good morning to our beloved principal, Mr lau,teachers,fellow students and friends. I'm indeed

    honoured to be able to say a word or two on behalf of the Environment club on the 'Ways to save water'.

    We all know how important water is to us. We can go without food for a few days, but we cannot go without

    water. wo!thirds of our body is made of water and that shows that water plays a vital role in our well!being.

    his week, as we observe Environment week, I would like to highlight on some of the ways we can conserve"to

    prevent waste# water. $ur environment cannot survive without water and we shoud look for ways means to save

    this precious "of great value commodity#.

    When taking a shower, do not let the water run when you are applying soap. urn on the shower only when

    you need it. his will avoid unnecessary wastage of water. %esides, taking &uick showers would definitely be


    e(t when you are in the kitchen washing fruits and vegetables, it is far better to collect water in a basin to

    watch them, than to do it under running water. In case you are not satisfied washing with the first basin of water,

    then do it again the second time. his can also be done when washing our cutlery"knives and other cutting

    instruments# and crockery "cups,plates,pots,etc# too.

    When there is a heavy shower it is a good idea to collect the rain water in big tubs or pails. his can be used

    to water the plants, wash the car, the porch and so on. )ou have no idea how much water can be saved when wedo this, not to mention that we can save too, on our water bill.

    It is economical to collect a pail of water when washing your car,instead of a water!hose because when we

    use te water hose, clean water is being thrown down the drain. *ometimes leaving the car out in the rain, helps,

    washing and cleaning the car much easier, as not much water is consumed, as most of the dust from the car, has

    been watched away by rain water.

    +ast but not least, if you notice that your water bill is running high, then you need to check if there is any

    leak in the pipes. If you do find the leak, then it is time to call the plumber to mend it.

    here are some of the simple ways we can save water and our environment. We have to remind ourselves,that how we treat the environment reflects on our attitude towards it. I hope my talk has benefited you and you

    will be able to apply these steps in your daily life. With that I say thank you.

  • 7/24/2019 Essay English Calau 2015


    ear -ayma(,

    eceived your letter a couple of days ago and I am really concerned to know that you are having some

    problems with your studies. )ou mentioned that you are unable to score well in your studies and would like me

    to give you study tips. I am only too glad to help out in any way I can.

    /irst and foremost is to pay attention in class. Make sure to clarify with the sub0ect teacher, if you cannot

    follow or understand whatever the teacher is e(plaining in class. o not be shy to do so, because unless you

    understand what is being taught, you will not be able to follow the preceding lesson. )ou have to grasp the

    basics before you can assimilate the facts presented in the ne(t lesson.

    e(t, is to take down short important notes during the lesson that will hep you recapitulate very &uikcly

    especially before the e(am. Make an effort to remember what you have 0otted down from time to time. It will

    definitely help you in your studies.

    If in doubt, regarding what has been taught, it is advisable to approach the teacher concerned, to clarify the

    fact or the point that you may find difficult to grasp. If the teacher is not available, you should ask your friends,

    whom you know are helpful, to e(plain to you what you find difficult to understand.

    $ur sure way to overcome problems in your studies is to have study groups. 1elping one another to

    understand a topic, will help you improve in your studies and will also build your confidence.

    *pend more time to do your revision regularly. %e consistent in your revision work so ou will not slack in

    your studies. emember that not everyone is smart and intelligent, so to achieve your desired result, you need to

    have true grit. *trive to do your best by making short notes while doing your revision. %ear in mind that ome

    was not built in a day. *lowly but surely all your hard work will one day pay off. *pend or playing computer

    games but instead, do whatever it takes to e(cel your studies.

    I hope my suggestions and tips I have given will help you overcome the problems you are facing. o let me

    know how are faring once you get the hang of it.

    2onvey my love and warm regards to all at home. Wishing you the best in your studies. %ye for now.

  • 7/24/2019 Essay English Calau 2015



    he 4rincipal

    *m +oti 2eni

    55666 *ungai +angsing


    ear *ir,

    ef3 he cleanliness campaign

    he Environment 2lub of our school has successfully carried out a cleanliness campaign a fortnight ago

    and as the secretary of the club, it is my pleasure to update you on our pro0ect.

    his cleanliness campaign was one of our pro0ects for this eyar and as most students of rhe club had a lot

    of time on their hands after their final e(amination, we decided to carry it out on *aturday the 78 th $ctober.

    he aim of this campaign was to bring awareness among the students on the importance of keeping the

    environment clean.' 2leanliness is ne(t to godliness'. hey say it is always good to start when they are young.

    he slogan for our campaign was 'ake care of Mother ature'.

    Almost all the forty!five members of the Environment 2lub came in a full force on that day to do theirutmost for a cean environment. At the end of it all, we were indeed proud of our members who did an e(cellent


    I must commend on the three teacher advisors, who let their hair down and worked with us form the start

    till the end. We take our hats off for them.

    We had numerous activities on that day and I would like to highlight a couple of them. he first thing

    that we did was to clean the drains that were clogged up with plastic wrappers, dried leaves and papers. his

    had caused mos&uitoes to breed in the stagnant water. e(t we rid the premise of plastic bottles, rusty tins as

    well as trim the overgrown shrubs and plants. After we had swept up the dried leaves and broken twigs around

    the compound, the whole place was indeed a pleasant sight to behold.

    We all know that is strewn around destroys the environment. *o after the cleanliness campaign was done,

    we felt assured that there will no longer be mos&uitoes breeding in the drains and in the rusty tins. he plastic

    bottles were sent for recycling. ot only that, the place will have beautiful flowers growing and the air will be


    We did face a few problems along the way, one of which was that the water!supply was cut for almost an

    hour. his hindered the washing and the cleaning of the drains and toliets. he scorching mid day sun was

    unbearable to many of us, that from time to time we had to take shelter under the shady trees.

    When the campaign was over the teacher advisors treated us to a delicious meal at the canteen. heythanked us of our undivided support with the cleanliness campaign, our Environment club activities and pro0ects

    for this year came to a close. As we look back at all that we had carried out thus far I must say, that this was a

    successful year for our club, and we look forward to better things ne(t year with your support.

    Written by3

    Eli9abeth 2han

    "*ecretary of the Environment 2lub#