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  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    Global E-Waste Monitor Report

    E-waste is a term used to cover all items of electrical and electronic equipment and its parts that

    have been discarded by its owner as waste without the intent of re-use, also known as WEEE

    (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).

    The !lobal E-Waste "onitor #$%&, compiled by 's think tank 'nited ations 'niversity (''),

    said at # per cent, the '* and +hina produced the most e-waste overall in #$%&. ndia came in fifth,

    behind the '*, +hina, apan and !ermany, the report said.

    "ost e-waste in the world in #$%& was enerated in /sia at %0 "t or .1 k per inhabitant. The top

    three /sian nations with the hihest e-waste eneration in absolute quantities are +hina (0.$ "t),

    apan (#.# "t) and ndia (%.1 "t).

    The top per capita producers by far are the wealthy nations of northern and western Europe, the top

    five bein orway, *wit2erland, celand, 3enmark, and the '4. The lowest amount of e-waste per 

    inhabitant was enerated in /frica (%.1 k5inhabitant).

    n #$%&, people worldwide discarded all but a small fraction of an estimated &%.6 "t of electrical and

    electronic equipment -- mostly end-of-life kitchen, laundry and bathroom equipment like microwave

    ovens, washin machines and dishwashers.

    The volume of e-waste is e7pected to rise by #%8 to 9$ "t in #$%6, said the report, which details the

    location and composition of the worlds fast-rowin e-waste problem.

    While only 18 of e-waste last year was made up of mobile phones, calculators, personal computers,

    printers, and small information technoloy equipment, almost 0$8 was a mi7 of lare and small

    equipment used in homes and businesses, such as vacuum cleaners, toasters, electric shavers,

    video cameras, washin machines, electric stoves, mobile phones, calculators, personal computers,

    and lamps.

    The &%.6 "t weiht of last years e-waste is comparable to the distance from ew :ork to Tokyo and

    back. The lobal quantity of e-waste in #$%& is comprised of %.$ "t lamps, .$ "t of *mall T, 0. "t

    of screens and monitors, 1.$ "t of temperature e7chane equipment (coolin and free2in

    equipment), %%.6 "t lare equipment, and %#.6 "t of small equipment. The amount of e-waste is

    e7pected to row to &;.6 "t in #$%6, with an annual rowth rate of & to 9 per cent.

    The e-waste enerated in #$%& contained an estimated %0,9$$ kilotons of iron, %,;$$ kilotons of 

    copper, $$ tons of old (equal to %% per cent of the worlds total #$% old production), as well as

    silver, aluminum, palladium plastic and other resources with a combined estimated value of '*3 9#


    To7ins in that e-waste include #.# "t of lead lass, $. "t of batteries, as well as mercury, cadmium,

    chromium and &,&$$ tones of o2one-depletin substances (+

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    such to7ins include impaired mental development, cancer, and damae to livers and kidneys, the

    report added.

    =owever, they are likely to be the ap between the e-waste enerated, officially collected and the e-

    waste in the waste bin. >fficial data for the trans boundary movement of e-waste (mostly from

    developed to developin countries) are unknown.

    ?The monitor provides a baseline for national policymakers, producers and the recyclin industry, to

    plan take-back systems. t can also facilitate cooperation around controllin illeal trade, supportin

    necessary technoloy development and transfer, and assistin international orani2ations,

    overnments and research institutes in their efforts as they develop appropriate countermeasures.

    ?This will eventually lead to improved resource efficiency while reducin the environmental and

    health impacts of e-waste.?

    @ecyclable "aterials in e-waste are valuable, secondary resources, and this ?'rban "ine? needs to

    be e7plored by efficient and environmental system. n the mean time, to7ic material in e-Waste are

    harmful to the environment, and this ?to7ic mine? need to be taken care of by proper handlin system

    as well.

  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    Government's 100,000 – MV SolarEnergy Plan, Dis!ss

    The world is facin a rave crisis of climate chane caused by the e7cessive emission of reenhouse ases due to human activities. n tropical countries like ndia, the manifestation of climate

    chane has been in form of deadly heat waves, drouht, flash floods unseasonal rains and so on

    which claims hundreds of lives each year. t is the poor farmers, labourers, construction workers and

    homeless who suffer the most. /bout $8 of this reen house ases are emitted by power plants. n

    the ndian culture we consider *un as a !od and we have turned towards him to help us to mitiate

    the problem of climate chane to an e7tent. The !overnment of ndia aims to install %$$$$$ "W

    capacity of solar power by the year #$##. This will provide us with clean enery without any reen

    house as emissions. =owever, the question in front of us is that can ndia achieve such an

    ambitious taret of installin %$$$$$ "W of solar power in seven yearsA This question must be

    answered. This is because if this feat is achieved then it will be a reat boost towards our oal of 

    enery security. t will also help us reduce air pollution and reen house as emissions and mitiate

    climate chane. The poor farmers whose crops are bein destroyed due to erratic behavior of the

    weather will et some respite.

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    The technoloy for solar power is still e7pensive and the cost of power comes out to be minimum @s

    1 compared to thermal power which costs @s -& per unit. ndian lower and middle class may not

    aree to pay hih rates. The solar power will be available durin the day while peak demands in

    ndia is durin the niht. The technoloy for storin electricity is e7pensive and may add to the cost.

    The !rid in ndia is very unstable and weak and miht not be able to absorb the solar power 


    The problems listed above mainly have to do with e7pensive technoloy and infrastructure

    weakness. These problems are comple7 but solvable. ndia can use fundin from !reen +limate

  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    "#ina's re$!sal to ai% &epal %!e ton%ian Military Presene in &epal, is it

     (!sti$ie%)t has always been a matter of fact that most of the times even a natural cause of humanitarian crisis

    are taken on the rounds of political advantae or motive. The similar instance happened in epal,

    which was shook by the disastrous earthquake that took place on /pril #9th. /mid such wide spread

    impact on the lives of people, killin more than 6$$$ and inBurin above #$,$$$ with scores of bodies

    still to be recovered.

    The ndian overnment was the first to active it�s synapses and et involved in the rescue

    operation within si7 hours of the impact. ndia was followed by +hina which also endeavored a brisk

    attempt to the rescue effort. This is when controversies have been raised when +hina claimed and at

    the meantime showed reluctance to aid epal Bust because of ndia�s military presence. t is true

    that ndo-+hinese relationship for decades is not on the riht track. /nd over the past few months

    bein hassled by border disputes and other enaement related issues over the ndian >cean and

    the subcontinent.

    +hina has always had an eye on epal for it�s own advantae. n #$%& +hina overtook ndia as the

    biest forein direct investor in epal in a very unconventional and unfriendly way intensifyin the

    speculations about +hina�s unfriendly nature. "any countries all over the world have souht help

    to epal and they very well accomplished their Bobs. +hina should also have focused on that point

    rather than drain implicitly all the disputes with ndia on the rounds of epal, makin it more

    victimi2ed where the toll kept on risin every sinle day.

    The question of ethics and humanity is raised over here is that-3oes +hina always endeavors a

    motive of political ain or profit irrespective of the conditions of any countryA ndian military was in

    epal not to challene +hina but to help out its residents in every way possible. =ow come +hina

    was havin problem from thisA t is really very saddenin that +hina, one of the leadin rowin

    economies in /sia is ready to compete with ndia, that too on the rounds of epal which was shortly

    eradicated with all types of developmental aspects. This could never be Bustified for +hina or any

    other country showin such apathy towards humanity. =umanity should prevail over every other 

    priority and that is what +hina ouht to have forotten.

    ndia and +hina have a lorious history and similarly epal is amalamated with maBority of two

    reliions that is =induism and Cuddhism, makin it a sister country of both. /spects related to

    development should always be there in every country but when a country is facin such severe crisis

    like epal at present. The superior ones should always lend a helpin hand to them irrespective of 

    any profit motive. There are several prospects which the overnment of every nation should follow.

    These are they should all possess the capability to learn from their histories both bad and ood and

    to rectify the former in the future. The principle of humanity should be clear to all and should be

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    prevailin over every other priority. /ll should maintain friendliness, cooperation, peaceful

    movements and competition for development in a bona fide way. !reat leaders have always spoken

    that humanity is reater than reliion and it should encapsulate all.

  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    s t#e yo!t# o$ n%ia s*aye% by t#e !seo$ soial me%ia in politis+

    With proliferation of social media into the masses there has been quite a tectonic chane in themindset of the society as a whole and this chane is visible in the way our eneral elections have

    been conducted in recent times. Doliticians today reali2e that they need to harness the power of 

    youth and social media. n modern times, social media has played a mammoth role as a

    communication channel between the politicians and the public and has helped in connectin the two.

    ust about a decade ao, the newer technoloies neither attracted the audience nor the officials,

    who were busy in ivin traditional interviews to ae old media outlet. ndia�s lare population and

    increasin teledensity especially in urban pockets has spurred impressive Bump of people online and

    that has resulted in political parties beinnin to harness the power of social media, takin a leaf out

    of Carack >bama�s online Dresidential electioneerin book.

    believe social technoloies are now fast movin out of the research labs into real life monitorin of 

    people�s reaction to politics, policy and rapid responses to crisis situations. n the recent years we

    have seen how social networkin has been at centre stae of dramatic rise of arendra "odi from

    an ordinary citi2en to the +hief "inister of !uBarat and finally becomin the Drime "inister of larest

    democracy of the world. Cack in #$%# when his !overnment came to power in !uBarat, he became

    the first +" to interact with the audience throuh an online medium. =is movement ained hih

    popularity so much so that F"odihanout became a trendin topic and similarly his FmisssionG#1#

    stormed the virtual and political world. =e reali2ed that the rules of the ames have chaned and

    walkin shoulder to shoulder with the youth of the color emered as a ame chaner for his political


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    interested in the topic, ivin evidence of peer effects in sociali2ation. 3ominance of social media as

    the preferred mode of acquisition of political information by youn people is indisputable and their 

    political knowlede is positively influenced by it. Time and aain it has been proved that

    parliamentary knowlede and political interest of the youth is interlinked and this is the reason why in

    recent times we are seein substantial number of youn people across racial and ethnic divide

    enain in �participatory politics�. @ise of several youner politicians are perfect e7amples to

    prove the above stated point. /s leaders they have interacted and connected with the youth and

    have emered as maBor forces in the world of ndian politics, mainly predominated by elderly ae


    n an era when public�s time and attention is increasinly directed towards social media platforms it

    is important to reali2e how youn people especially youth of the color are usin new media to

    amplify their voices in the political realm that need not be only elections or overnance but also

    various other matters that may affect a larer society. This new trend has turned feeble voices into a

    roar and has caused individuals to act, takin our country by a storm.

  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    Gol% Monetiation S#eme GMS.,Dis!ss+

    *eekin to mobili2e idle old worth up to @s 0$ lakh crore held by households and institutions,overnment proposed a new scheme offerin ta7-free interest on depositin the yellow metal with


    The draft old moneti2ation scheme also provides for incentives to the banks, while individuals and

    institutions can deposit as low as $ ms of old, while the interest earned on it would be e7empt

    from income ta7 as well as capital ains ta7.

    The stock of old in ndia that is held by people of the country that is neither traded nor moneti2ed

    is estimated to be over #$,$$$ tonnes, which would be worth about @s 0$ lakh crore at the current

    market price.

    ndia is one of the larest consumers of old in the world and imports as much as 6$$-%,$$$ tonnes

    of the metal each year.

     /s per the draft uidelines, a person or institution holdin surplus old can et it valued from C*-

    approved hallmarkin centers, open a !old savins /ccount in banks for a minimum period of one

    year and earn interest in either cash or old units.

    The scheme, which is proposed to be initially introduced only in select cities.

    ?The new scheme will allow the depositors of old to earn interest in their metal accounts and the

     Bewelers to obtain loans in their metal account. Canks5other dealers would also be able to moneti2e

    this old.?

    The proposed scheme is aimed at moneti2in idle old held by households and institutions provide a

    fillip to the ems and Bewellery sector and reduce reliance on import of the metal over time to meet

    the domestic demand.

    ?The amount of interest rate to be iven is proposed to be left to the banks to decide. Coth principal

    and interest to be paid to the depositors of old will be valued in old.

    t added, as an e7ample, that if a customer deposits %$$ ms of old and ets % per cent interest,

    then, on maturity he has a credit of %$% ms.

    With reard to redemption, the uidelines said that customers will have the option of ettin it back

    either in cash or in old which will have to be e7ercised at the time of makin deposit.

    The tenure of the scheme has been proposed at a minimum % year and with a roll out option in

    multiples of one year, it said, addin that it would be like a fi7ed deposit, breakin of lock-in period

    will be allowed.?To incentivi2e banks, it is proposed that they may be permitted to deposit the mobili2ed old as part

    of their +@@5*H@ requirements with @C. This aspect is still under e7amination,? it said.

    +ash @eserve @atio (+@@) and *tatutory Hiquidity @atio (*H@) are mandatory requirement which

    banks have to follow as per @C directive.

    Elaboratin other benefits of the scheme, the uidelines said, banks may sell the old to enerate

    forein currency. The forein currency thus enerated can then be used for onward lendin to

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    e7porters or importers.

    Cank may convert mobili2ed old into coins for onward sale to their customers and can be used for 

    lendin to Bewelers, it said.

    The overnment is also plannin to commence work on developin an ndian !old +oin, which will

    carry the /shok +hakra on its face.

    While there is a mention about ?mobili2e the old held by households and institutions in the country?,

    the real impact and benefit of this measure in terms of providin a maBor boost to the ndian

    economy by release of the idle funds locked in these old assets and its !ross 3omestic Droduct

    (!3D) multiplier effect has not been hihlihted.

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     Bubilant era had commenced apparently. "oody chaned its outlook on ndia from stable to positive.

    ndia was hailed as briht spot in /sia by none other than "< chief +hristian Haarde. Cushels of 

    forein investment over flowin in.The the World Cank peed ndias estimated rowth at 1.9

    percent. To cut a lon story short, party was on for ndia until the "/T issue cauht fire. The issue

    ot rekindled when finance minister e7empted

  • 8/20/2019 Essay-3.doc


    #e Role o$ &ational iger onservation/!t#ority+

    "rs. ndira !andhi used to say ?The tier cannot be preserved in isolation. t is at the ape7 of a lareand comple7 biotope. ts habitat, threatened by human intrusion, commercial forestry and cattle

    ra2in, must first be made inviolate?.

    The tier, ndias national animal, is a symbol that is an intrinsic part of our culture. >ne of the

    earliest portrayals of the tier in ndia is found in the =arappan seals from the ndus valley culture,

    datin back to #9$$ C+, which depict an intricate association between people and tiers. ndia is

    one of the thirteen tier rane countries and has the larest number of source sites with wild tiers.

    The ndian overnment has always made Tier protection a priority and DroBect Tier, launched in

    the early seventies, has put the endanered tier on a definite path to recovery.

    Role o$ &ational iger "onservation /!t#ority3

    i. /nti-poachin initiatives

    ii. *trenthenin infrastructure within tier reserves

    iii. =abitat improvement and water development

    iv. /ddressin man-animal conflicts

    v. +o-e7istence aenda in buffer 5 frine areas with landscape approach

    vi. 3ecidin inviolate spaces and relocation of villaes from crucial tier habitats within a

    timeframe by providin a better relocation packae, apart from supportin *tates for

    settlement of rihts of such people

    vii. @ehabilitation of traditional huntin tribes livin in and around tier reserves

    viii. Drovidin support to *tates for research and field equipments

    i7. *upportin *tates for staff development and capacity buildin in tier reserves.

    7. "ainstreamin wildlife concerns in tier bearin forests outside tier reserves, and fosterin

    corridor conservation in such areas throuh restorative stratey involvin local people to

    arrest framentation of habitats.

    7i. Drovidin safeuards 5 retrofittin measures in and around tier reserves and tier bearin

    forests for wildlife conservation.

    7ii. *trenthenin the infrastructure of ational Tier +onservation /uthority at the +entre.

    7iii. +arryin out independent monitorin and the evaluation of tier reserves.

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    7iv. Establishment and development of eiht new tier reserves.

    7v. Drovision of proBect allowance to all cateories of staff workin in tier reserves.

    7vi. Drovidin residential amenities to facilitate basic education to children of frontline field staff

    posted in tier reserves.

    7vii. Drovidin assistance to *tates for fosterin ecotourism to benefit local people.

    &"/ aomplis#e% 4ey Milestones an% Ma(or a#ievements3

    ver the years, the DroBect envisioned a core-buffer-corridor 

    stratey. While the core area of a tier reserve is manaed for wildlife conservation, the buffer is

    treated as a multiple use 2one.

    DroBect Tier has saved the endanered tier from e7tinction, and has put the species on an assured

    path to recovery by improvin the protection and status of its habitat. The core buffer stratey of 

    DroBect Tier has provided scope for elicitin local public support throuh site specific eco-

    development in the buffer5frine areas. The DroBect has contributed towards several intanible

    environmental benefits to society, such as absorption of carbon dio7ide, improvement of micro

    climate, rainfall and river flow. The DroBect has enerated considerable waes for the benefit of 

    frine dwellin communities, who are deployed as local work force for protection. While conservin

    the flaship species, the DroBect has saved several other species of plants and animals from

    e7tinction. The local communities are benefitin from eco-tourism apart from eco developmentalinputs in frine areas. The DroBect has served as a role model for wildlife manaement plannin,

    habitat restoration, protection and eco-development. *tates have been provided fundin support for 

    enhancin protection throuh deployment of local work force, e7-army personnel. The field staff have

    been provided allowance as an incentive for workin in difficult conditions. ndependent monitorin

    of tier reserves has been undertaken by a panel of e7perts, based on the framework of the World

    +ommission of Drotected /reas of the nternational 'nion for +onservation of ature and atural

    @esources ('+). The /ll ndia Estimation of tier, co-predators and prey animals has been refined

    by DroBect Tier in collaboration with the Wildlife nstitute of ndia, with a peer review mechanism

    comprisin independent e7perts, both national and international ('+).