Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer

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  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    Tke R6)ta Blue Book ol Cal"iforni.t

    scrorpsSouthern aliforniapractice

    E. L. FARmER,ManagerEscrouDepartmentTitle lnsurance& Trust Co.LosAnleles

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    52 Tke RedtA Bhe Book of Calilornia


    EscrowsB? E. L. FARMBDefrnition-A Legal, Escrow-Defihtte Unil.efttandingNecessarA+C@rrtel,l,atiotuefore Compl,etion ol Escrou*Cgrnplgte a d Prcper Instn&tions-The Agl.eenlent-In- .stntatiorls MuBt Cooer all Detail.s-Cornpleted Escrow i*Biftd:ing Escrou-Proper Instructions*Elet;en Poi,nts toObeeme-The Escrow Eold,er-The Broket's D t1t.

    HATEVER may be the customof your community n furnish-ing evidence of title-whethea you use the old fashioned ab-stract, with an attorneys opinion, a ceitificate of title, aguaranteeor a policy of title insurance,t is obvious hat some imemust elapse betweenthe original offel to sell and to buy and the inalconsummation f the deal, A searchof title must be made o date,and hat searchmust bepassed n and an opinion,guarantee r policygivenas to the conditionof the title.In some nstances, preliminary agreemeDts entered nto, and asmall depositmade o "bind the bargain," or more frequently a re-ceiptglven lor a sumpaid "aspart of the pr.rrchaserice." Generallysuch"deposit eceipts"ale looselydravn, are of little real valueandare frequently dangerous.It is to cover this lapse of time, and to make more cer.tain hffnalclosingof the deal hat escro{rs avecome nto favor.DUFINITIONWhere wo or morepe$onsdepositmoneyand instrumentswitha thild person, o b deliveredon a certain contingency, r the hap-peningof a certain evnt,suchmoneyaDd nstrumentsare said to be

    in escro\p, nd the personwith whom hey are depositeds said to bethe escrowholder.There are two gneralclasses f escrows n use at the presenttim----one,which might be designated as an escrow based on goodfaith alone,and the other as L erfect or binding escrow.An escrowbased r1 ood aith alonedoesnot contain he essentialelemnts necessary to a per-fect escrow, and is not one, ordinaribrspeaking, hat couldbe enforcedor that is bindirg, until it has been4ctedon by the escrowholder by the delivery of tlle instruments nalmoney, n accordance ith the instructions.olwhen the conditionsltavebeenmet, at vhich time it becomesinal.A I,EGAL ESCROWA prfect escrow fu one thgt contains sU the necessary nstruc-t ions hat showa complele eetingoi the mindson all of rhe es-

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    f henea,trtaBLueBook of C&l,ilornltlts of the deal. That is, it must be executedby allparti$, or if exe.utedoh their behalf, all partiesso ex-I have adequate vritten authority from the proper

    in the escrow, clearly authorizing the agent or attorney,them.contain a.definite subject matter-i. e., the description of' must be accurate end complete, sullicient to thoroughly

    subjct to which the same is to be taken, tsxes endl assess-iShtsof way, resemations, restdctions, or any other matters,

    This can all be done f all information s in handIf the money and the instruments are not deposited at

    idedtify the property, and such aa could not be con-Dorft the description of any other parcel of lanal. A per-caa not be made where a vague and indefinite descdptionand the instructions state, "I am later to appmve descrip-rtisfacto$ to me."condition bf the title must be agreed on as to the incum-

    the parties.anountof the considerationmust be agreedor, and not beio any reservation of a right to change same through anyeither of the parties. It must be definite and not subject to atodification or change hrough the separate calculations of oneDsrties o the escrow, or subject to a later agreement between

    teraN of any such incumbrances, showing clearly that theLave coNidered the subject ard that their minds have met,t Buchmatte$ have not been left open for a later agreement

    DEFINITD UNDRSTANDING NECESSABYi$ for these easonshat it is necessary nd advisable hat allto an escrow should meet in the escrow office at the inceptiondeal, that all matters may be discussed and all questionson.there may be a perfect meeting of the minds when allsare thus sssembled, he agent should see hat the parties have'thernthe guaranteeor policy of title insurance, ire insurancea copyof ary existing ease,and any other instruments re-d to give the exact conditionof the title, that the escrowclerkbe n a position o draft instructions hat will cover all of thertial points.It is obvious hat at this stageall instrumentsshouldbe drawl,by the proper parties, acknowledged and placed in the escrowappropriatenstrlrctions. Instructionsshould ikewisebe drawnpropellysignedas promptly as possible. All money should bein esclow o be used n accordance ith the sisnedescrow n-of the deal, t is manifesl lhal after the examinationbeen ompletedt will be ne.essary hen to wrilp to thethe balanceof the money and the instruments.

    the in-of titlpartresThis, with the time necessary o clear a check through the bank,consumemm five to ten days' additional time, and if the cleckchancpo bc on ar easlern bank, i t wi l l lake moch lunger o

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    54 The ne&LtuBLueBoak of CakJonri.lIt is the experienceof those handling escrows hat over fifty percent of the time lost in closing an escrow is due to instruments andmoneynot having beendeposited rior to the completionof the ex-amlnanonoI uue.Ilerefore, if time is material in the closing of any deal; it canbe seen hat the rule o[ depositing l,he instruments and monevpromptlywjl l greaLlya. i l i lare he closing f the ,ransaction.

    CANCELLATION BEFORECO}dPI'ETION OF ESCBOWAgain, it is a well known fact that r rhile the buyer and seller are,at the nception f thp deal, orhwil l ingandanx:ouso consummatelt. rt rs an exception o lhe rule whereoneor lhe othel of the partiesdoesnot changehis mind and desires o cancelhe escrowafte; a fewdays' ime has elapsed.ft is commonexpedencehat .whena sellerhas agreed o sell hisproperty, he 6nds, or believesthat he could have maae a better dealwith someoneelse,and if there is any loophole hrough which hemay rescind he agreementhe will try 1odo so. lf [h; instructionshave not beensignedby all of the prcper parties,or iI there has notbeena perfectmeetingof the mind6as l,o hedpscriptionof LheDroD"erty Lo be conveyed. r to the ler7nsand condijionsof the incuri_brances, r as o the adjustmentof rents, axes, nterest, nsuiance,orany olhermalerial rnatler.he will take advantage rhai point in sup.port of the cancellation f the escrow,anal he escrowwili fail.

    COMPLETEAND PROPERNSMUCTIONS. Oi if , on -theother*rand. he purchaser,who hasonly tentati\,lysrgreoup underone ot the escrowsbasedon good aith, has a desireto withdraw from thd escrowbecause e believis hat he'is payinctoomuch or the property.or could havepurchased n equalli d;si;ableprece t prcperty Lbr essmoney,he likewisewould ake advantaseofany tecinicality lo supporthis cancellalon of the escrow. He w;uldretuse.toapprove he descriptionof the property,or the terms of anylncumorances, r the amount or which the property was leased,oithe adjustmenl,of any inrerest.rents or oth;r inrtti"" i"fi o*ri inthe ongrnal instructions.and the deal wguld iikewisefail.. ll . however,all oI ihesepoints had beencovered n lhe orisinalrnstruc$on6.he proper partieshad beensigTedup, all of the termsatrd o-ndrtronsgreed on and all the money and inslruments de_posited in escr-ow, he escrow holder coutd not refuse t" ;t;;; thel,ransaction-u-nlessponan allegationof flar.ld,or,under he aw, nvalidate contracl,n whichcastitwourdbe necessaryor the party claimingsuch o go inlo courl andsecurea,restrainingorder againsI he esctowholdeifrom proceeain!to close he escrow..Ihe escrow holder would then hold the money and instruinentsuntil.the fighls of ihe partjeswpre adjudicatedby a a;rt-;i;;;;;rentJunsorctron.r lhe inslruments ndmoneymightbe urnedoverto the court to detemine lhe rights of the pariies., .. ilscTowDlankshavebeenpreparedand are available hat includeoolnan agreemenlo.Onveyand escrow nstl.uct ionsn the one n-

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    Tke Re.akgBIue Book'ot Californtu'it Dossible hat al l monev shall be deposited withand that al l of the writ ing ,n conneclionwilh theiirl'"iii "ii, i^"i,eld;o. end.-""t'""*"" mav e.maved n the one nstrimenl andheld by ihe escroY'/older'convenience copy of suchan instrument is incor-ln.' Agreernent of SaleDscrow nstructions

    T, dadF a r Los AngF los . Ca l i t o t t r i a , l bp. t c2 . . i be r sean . . . . . . .

    called the PurchaseriT}l, that said sellr..... asree-.... lo sell io stid Pnrchdel..ty ln the City of...-... ..-...-.. . ... --.Cotrntv of Losol Calirornit, descriled as lollows:of t*es tor the iscal

    ! l . . . . . . . . pHr .ent pFr anbunr' rom

    e \p .u lp i l by

    t le snm ol $. . . . . - . : . . - . . - . , . , o l which $. - .! cs!, .rd lbe ba)ancp6std Purcha6er.......-ilo hereby agree to lurchas sald proDertv o!oDs ald on the terms above set folth;s&iit Sller.-...... and said Purchael...- herebv !nuttrallv selectff Eolder, for the plrpose of handling in ecrow tne fioney a.di! tlris as.eemetrt lefeted to:saiit Selter-..-.-,.do......-.hereby sre to deposit ir sid escrow t aoodCr ao l Dppd .. executed by said Seller. in lavor of saiil Purchaser. -..onlhe - - - - - . . - - - - - . . . - .day i . . - . . . . . - . . . - . . . . , . . . . . , - . - , 192- . . . - .ef t Purchaser do...-, he.eby aeree io pav to saiil Escrow Ilolderrscrow,he purchaseDriceor saiil propertv in tne sum herein agreed od follovs: $...... ...-.herewith,atrd tlalance of l-....-...-,...-..the. . . . . . . . - -- . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .dayl . - . - . . - . - . . . . . - . . . - - . . . . . . . . . - . ,192. -- , a t rd tothe note &nd Mortstse atrd a sum sufticlent to pav Faiil Purchaser'sTrust Dee.rbelore he closeof said escrow;it is agreed thrt out ol said pufchase so paid, said Escrorvshall deduct its ch.rseB ror rhe m.kins of the Guarantee ol Title, Nlthf tere{nder lnn i ied to ,$ . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , wh ich Guarante lsordred, ald its s.roN cnarEe, and that lrom stid purchsse n'onev,Eolder snall aiso !.y all incunhrances iound ol record asatnrt

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    Tke Real,t?tBLaaBook of Cakforni.q,

    AND a Moltsage fo! $-,.--....-...-...--b.srilbofore d$crined, aDil shall ediuBt htetest theleoD to..,,-..-..-,,.--........-....-,,,baded on a vrttteD stateDnt lrcm t! lesal trolder ot the Note, whtch stateEe4t said Seuer-..---.-do .---..hereby aare to have Dlaced ln satal esrov;AND i t ls aEreed 1bt r . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . - . . .. - . . . . . . - .i3 the aseDt of saiii Seiler.-,.....iD thls t.aDsactio!, that..--..--...,-..-.-.-comdisstoDshau be $.--..------...--...---.- ........-......., and Bhall be lalil througb satd escrcwlAND that Selle. - .-sharl Eot co!6ent to aly c&Dcellatton ol thts4sree@elt wlthout nr6t obt.tniDg the con8e4t of sairl asnt;AND drtd ..,,thal.,--..--....,...,--.-relll cause fo b ptacd iDsial escrow 4ll Decessary inttrrmerts ud tNhuctloDs rcquireit to pt&e thetttle iD the coDditior call6d lor herein;AND it is Dutuarly aeTeed tLat whD sid Selle!-_...-_.shaU 'e crused robe llaced {tth Escrow Holiler the Decasary craDt Deed_.--_..dd other iDst rEnk ard inBtruclloE rqulrd to c.rrr out the terms of thisrgreeoert; and Baid Purcbdser sh.ll h.v6 causerl t tle deDoslted i! satd escroFthe rcquired DoDey, by tle ue ol which satd EBcrow Holde. caD idsue ttseuaraDtee, showing th record title to b6 vested iD satd Se1te.,,.._,,..subJectorly to the coldttioDs, restncdoq anit r4eryetions .eferred to, theu saidEr . roq Holdar shal l .au6p rh6 Crdr Deed. . . .aDd other tnshuDentB to be iocorded tn the olrico ol the County Recoiler, ddshau theretrlon iDDedlately pta.e saiil purchde moley to th account oI saidS6lle.-.---i4d dtEburse B.Ee tn acco.itelce wtlh saiit eBcrow instru.ttoDs ondthe tems of this asreement;Sa,id Seller.-..--..wi1l c4ue to be ptaceil la sald e6.roF, file tDsu.ance iDthe BUE or 9.,,...-....-.....-...-___.---_.-whichhaD be transtefled, anal ior Fhich satdPurchase.-..-,,..shall pay pro rata tlroush said escrow;It is muiu4lly asrced that the dat6 ot treDBter ot said prolerty shalt bea3 of tho date o! recordilg o! the Grant Ded,-- -by said E8crow Holder atril such date of bakirs of the Crant Deed,__-. ............sha;Il De ltr accordance sith the uBual custom oi Baid Esdow golder ani! atsucrr tiD oi the day aEtl on duch day aB it Eay elct. aDd that th6 coDditto[ol title dhrll be as ol the date ard,tihe ol the. recolditrs ot sid illtruDeDts.Tiqe is declared to be of the essenco of thts asreeEeat, ad ot th86 i!.shuctioDs. Il Escrow Iloliler iB uDable to compty vitl these iastlucuon!{ithin tle tiloe speclid ly lga8on of the (tefault oi either sa.tit Seller-..--..-orol 6aid .,, lt!e! Darty boy, ar , ........--..---....... le.rton. brtne.cUorror Bpeci6. perlorbarcs ot rhe tems of rbis acreeDerr. o. th; on6;t 6sldpartls [ot tD delault, nay, i I ., -__..,_.,.,....-.solect, demanil the reiurl oi th6EoDey aDd tle i$tru@ents lD said sc.oF itelosttd, aDiI th caDcellattoD eBcros, subject to the colsent of th agert, But 1. the absence of DoUc.ol eithq sucb etion6, sriit Escrcw golrter 6hatl lroced to close esld escDvd 3oo! a3 Dossibr there4lter.It ia Eutualty agred iy .DrI betveeE tI DartteE herto, thst shouldellber parly opposa tba carryios out ot rh6 (.ms ot rbts asreeDbr, auesiDsiD wr l t tDs to sa i d E8croq l to ldr tbat rbe.ab6 is Eot b tbdtbs ror aby .!5o;rccoetrlzed by lrs, rbe! Mirt EBcros Holder sbetl be erti Fd, on lts el6iflou. tobo ld rbe EoDcy dd lb6r rumprr6 ib escrow unt i l a ! ac l io ! ;ha l l b brou.h i hr .our r o l propFr Judsdic t ioD to daterntD the r isbrs ot the Danies L ; rheasrcpmpnf : ard sa id E8. roE Hold6r shal l , upoD rh6 del ivery o t sa id Doqe udi l8 t rumal ts toro ibp jur isdtc o! o l tbe Courr tay i la cbuse of 6ucb sct i6b, bo.c t lovd ol a l l lu r t le r l l rb i l i ry abd res loDs lb l ) l t y herefor .SiaDatDr

    Adilress.,-..,,.--,..-..--Slgnature ,-..,--..--

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    The Realt?t Blue Book of Calilonia

    ccessfully raft instructions o makea pefect escrow t isto gofurlher than simply to find a partt who has propertyd another_ alt-y who desires to buy. You must go-baik toof your original listing of tle property.A" owns-a iven piec"oi propeny-and' s desirous l placingthe Earket for ssle, he is doing so becausehe wishes to dis:i t al a statedprice. l f tha ngpnl is ro do his du.1 ne wit t1|yxpend.trme nclmonFJ n adverl isingand displaying hety. .Before e slrrrs r-o how he proppfly o ant i,rospitrrpDeehoulclnowexa(l ly hp .ondjl ion n $hi.h he .ar, del iverif thepurchasers wjl l ing to buy.'orc,at the ime of l ist ing Lhe roperty,anl l whlle ,he selleraDdwil l ing o dispose f i l , he shouldsecure he cprri f icate,eeor policyof title insurance hen leld bv the owner. or iia mor"tgagee,e shouldsecurean order which will entiUehimhimself \r.ith the conditionof the title as shown bv the

    Bhould e clearly-statedn your listing who is ro pay lhe Laxes.In-ey re o 0e adJusled r proraledexaclly on what basisandstrd o what date. The co ect name of tle owner of the proIFs shown y the records, houldbe given, ogetherwith the nanieespouse,f the spouse's ignature s essentiat and it is in most) and f suchsignaturesare necessaryo the executionof theot mortg&ge,hose signaturesshouldbe signed o your listing.Tle nature and iegal refer.ence o all exceptions or incumLrancesld be given sufficiently fully ro identify them, anal o show thathavebenconsidered nd that there has beena meetirg ol thes.thereon,after. the purchaser has signed up, giving p;ticularotion.toieDsand imumbrances,nc)udingstrelt-liens-andbonds.'r'rretenns and concultons l any morigageOr oLhpr ncumbrance


    lhe sale s madesubject shouldall be noted. The nameoI


    fite nsuranceompany ssuing he policies f fire insurance hould:lven,he numberof eachpolicy, he amoun! hereof. he premium,of etpirat beon your ist ingcard. t 'he ter;;conor ns t thesale.,he mounl I cash equired nd he imeath it rnust be paid, tle time to which inteiest, rents, taxes, i;-nc, tc_.,re to be proratedshouldbe stated n your listing, asas he dateon which possessions to begrven.Then.when-you-haveounda pur.hasei, ou.rr, pr.esenro hlmexaaD-condlltonn which Jou can furnish lhe tiLlp,and all of ther ofthelransaction. f heagaeeshat he wil l purihasehe oroo_undr hose,you can have the purcirasera deposjt o bind the barsain. f you so desire, d i"1;;-;;;_ry recerptncorporate ll the essential etailsof the transaction,Itray be securedfrom sucl proprly prepared tisting card.You-Lhenhave a spller who is willing to sell and able to deliverand a.purchaser who is willing to buy and able to purchase.aDy ime elapses,f you can, bring bolh your buyer ;nd seller

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    The Realtg Btu'eBoak ol Co'l,if rnia

    ELEYEN POINTS TO OBSEBVEWhen you are ready to make an eclow, keep the foltowilig au8_qeBtionsn mind:

    toqelher in escrow. You can have scrow Dstructionsdrafted tr|at*iii fi.a itt". a^s ightly as anv agteement o buy and-sell cao bemade binding, and if all the essentialpoints are cov-eredn ule.rn-structions,and signed n lhe manner heretolbrerndrerteo' nerureri:""* rriJ atv .;gXt t" changeor alter the instructioDso lhe detri---eni oi tr'J oitt"tl anaDeitheipartv can cancelwji'hout he conseDt fthe other party to the eacrow,If all ot tI; moneyancl nslrumentsare deposited t the dale-heescrow s stafted, he escrowmay be closedaa soonas the searcholiitie ls compteted,without further coDsulting with either the buveror the seller.Tllis in itself $rill save fifty per cent of the time required to closetn" t j*."tio", lr"o"se after'the search of title has been made, ifiiie isi;;hotd* must then report to the differcnt partjes that tleexaminationof title ha.s een inished, ,herewill be the delay n wnt'ing suchrepon, and then there will be Ue time takenby the mails todeiivorsuch letiers, he time lor the parliPs o gathe-r,heirdifferentins1"u-ent" and m6nev and to either write or visit the escrow officeto deposit thent, and the time necessary o clear on any checkaas maybe crven,After all that has beed completeal t will be necessary Jor thetitle companyto check the title from where it was found to be at thedateof iig report, to againmake exarnination f the records,notonlyior deeds.m6rtsaees,-etc..bui, for judgments, coult proceedingsbankruptcies,divo:rces, nd all other matters that might affect t}Ie.nndition of the title.This entails additionalwork alrd requiresadditionalUme. Youwould. herefore,have ost, iI you had not everything n prior to thecomDl;tionof the search,al l the time between he date of the titlecomiant's first examination of title and the date of the final clo8ingof the deal.Any agent can find a pieceof property thal is for sale,atrd anyasent can find someDurchaserwho wants to buy property. Ine realoi'oblem s Io brjnc Urebuver and seller together.securea perfectmeetinEoI lhe minds,reducp he same n writing in su'h a way as tomake a"valid contractof same,and finally to successlully lose hetransaction.

    PBOPER NSMUCTIONSA properly drafteal set of escrow instructions should cover evryessenti;l D;ina of the deal, should proYide for the pa)'ment of agenggcommission, should cleally set forth a summary of the entire trans-aclion, he full purchase rice,how much s to be deductedor incurn'tianc6s existini of record,houtmuch s to bepaid in cash,how muchis to be evidenad by a purchasemoneymortgageor trust deed,andthe full terms and conditions hereof, o when t}le taxes are to be

    adjusted, he renls, insuranceand everydetail of the transaclion.

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    Tke n@kg BhLeBook ol CdlifornirLer possiblehave all padies to the escrow meet in theofrice.

    the guaranteeor policy of title insurance, fire insuLancs, eaies, tc.,and anyJurther instruments equired, ntoall instrumentsdrawn, sigred, acklowledgedard placedat once.aJl nstructionsdrawnaDdproperlysigned.

    anyones aciing under power o[ attorne). or -asaulhorizedgnt,bring into escrowsatisfacloryevidence f aujhorityve all instruments,money and nstructionsplacedn escrowonce, ndat the time of signingescrow nstructions.lot askor expector wait to be notified o bring into escrowthat should be deposited.the instructionscarefullybeforesignit1g,o be surethaiintentions of the padies are cleaxly expressed.not attempt nor expect 10 be permittpd Lo rhenge. alter orl i fv the instruct ion!ol onp part l to Lhepo"sibledeir imeniof the otherparties to the escrow.

    Do not forgef thai, any delays on thp part ol one delayq hework on the enlirc dealand delals other deelsRememberhat all checksor drafts on outsidebanksare sub-je"t to O"lnysof collectionand possible hargesmadeby thecollectingbanks.lrnembet hat the value of an escrow dependson your mannerii. It you iollow trre roregoing sugges,iors, both ss to listingmannei of depositing your escrow' you will find that it is aaid n tle suicessful losing t your lransaclions

    fHE DSCBOWHOLDEBhe escrowholder is not a mere agent. He is not subject to theanal ules goveming agency. He must be a neutBl parLy*io jnconsisientwitf agency. He is in a class bv himself-I with ce*ain respons,-ibiliiieslich. in thp caseof a perfecl: meke jle insl,ruciions rrevocable. nlesswith t}le consentof

    It should o! beforgotten hat the agentalEoowescertarnobliga-r to thebuyerand to tle seller. Wlile he isjn the emplov-of heiand whiie it is his duty to make asgooda deal ashe can for thej who is paying for his seryices,he must not overlook the-facthe must tdy t;jr wilh the pulchaser..lhtt he musl nol adviseiurchaser'o'acceptany evrdence f title other l.hanhe himselfid be willins to acceptwere he purchasing he property.ihe buyer ot today will be lhe seller of tomorrow'.and^if he ist lr""t"a'f* l t t l hcsr' i l l rotgive heagentan oppori 'unitvf sel l ingi pmperty.or'jf he does ist LheproDetty with that agent at suchtiire'as i',e may desire 10 sell and then finds that he has been

  • 8/14/2019 Escrows Southern CA Practice by E.L Farmer


    60 The Reolt! BLueBook ol CftliJurniaadvised to acceptsome orm of title that is not agreeableto his pur-chaser. r some orm of l i t le lhar doesnol givehim adeouate;ro-tection, hat ualsa.l ion wouldprcbablyerrdall .hancesof doinqfurther businesswith that palticular client.

    fHD EROKER'SUTYYour obligalion oes ol cease Lth he mere eceivins i vourcornmissionrom the'down payment," ul )ou are morally-and;rc-fpssionally bl igaledo both principals ntit the t i t le has a.tua ypassed rld he dealconsummated.Too many agents hink only of theconmission,and believe heir duty donevrhen he parties havebeenbrought together.No agent shouldbe a pa y to an attempt to so draft escrow n-structionsas n effect o givean option o the purchaser o buy apice

    of property nithout beingunder any obligaiion o buy that propertyoI to compensate]|eseller.or holding ame ff rhe r.ralket.Such nshuctionssavor moreof bad faith than o[ aood. lr, othe)words. oushould ot be a pany to altempting o t ie up sorieonc.spropelty lvithout giving a valuableconsidemtion herefor,wllen an agent has eamed he reputationof properly lis[ing hisproperlies,bringing his parties ogetherin escrow n a way thflt-willresull in the draftibg of a perfe.l esclow.stayingwi1h thai dral unlilit is finally closed, andling t successfully nd bringing it to a satis-factory conclusion,hen he will establishhimself ai alcal factor inth6 real estateprofession,and will appreciste that an escrow.DroDer_ly used,s his mostvaluable l ly.

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