ERAS Kosman

Guidelines for perioperative care in elective rectal/pelvic surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society recommendations Clinical nutrition, 2012. J. Nygren a, j,*,k, J. Thacker b,k, F. Carli c,k, K.C.H. Fearon d,k, S. Norderval e,k, D.N. Lobo f,k, O. Ljungqvist g,k,M. Soop h,k, J. Ramirez i,k


ilham kosman presentation

Transcript of ERAS Kosman

Guidelines for perioperative care in elective rectal/pelvic surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society recommendationsClinical nutrition, 2012. J. Nygren a, j,*,k, J. Thacker b,k, F. Carli c,k, K.C.H. Fearon d,k, . Norder!al e,k, ".N. #obo $,k, %. #jung&!i't g,k,(. oo) h,k, J. *a+ire, i,kEvidence base and recommendationse ERAS items :1. -reo)erati!e coun'elling.. tandard anae'thetic )rotocol1/. -erio)erati!e glycae+ic control2. -reo)erati!e o)ti+i'ation10, Na'oga'tric intubation10. 1arly +obili'ation2. -reo)erati!e bo3el )re)aration11. -erio)erati!e 4uid +anage+ent1.. 5udit and outco+e +ea'ure'6. -reo)erati!e $a'ting 12. "rainage o$ the )eritoneal ca!ity or )el!i'7. -reo)erati!e treat+ent 3ith carbohydrate'12. 8rinary drainage9. -reanae'thetic +edication16. -re!ention o$ ileu'/. -ro)hyla:i' again't thro+boe+boli'+17. -o'to)erati!e analge'ia0. 5nti+icrobial )ro)hyla:i' and 'kin )re)aration -ro)hylacticantibiotic'19. -erio)erati!e nutritional care1. -reo)erati!e coun'elling Preoperative counselling targeting epectations about surgical and anaesthetic procedures may diminish fear and aniety and enhance postoperative recovery and discharge! Summary and recommendation: patients should receiveroutine dedicated preoperative counselling.Evidence level: low.Recommendation grade: strong.Summary and recommendation: patients should receiveroutine dedicated preoperative counselling.Evidence level: low.Recommendation grade: strong.2. -reo)erati!e o)ti+i'ation-reo)erati!e e!aluation 'hould be u'ed to identi$y +edical condition' and ri'k $actor' $or )o'to)erati!e +orbidity and +ortality. %)ti+i'ation o$ anae+ia, diabete' +ellitu' ;"(< and hy)erten'ioncessation of smoking andalcohol intake 4 weeks before rectal surgery is recommended.Increasing exercise preoperatively may be ofbenet. !reoperative specialised nutritional support shouldbe considered for malnourished patients.cessation of smoking andalcohol intake 4 weeks before rectal surgery is recommended.Increasing exercise preoperatively may be ofbenet. !reoperative specialised nutritional support shouldbe considered for malnourished patients.2. -reo)erati!e bo3el )re)aration(echanical bo3el )re)aration ;(=-< i' a''ociated 3ith dehydration, and change' in electrolyte balance ;)articularly in the elderlyanaly'i' $ro+ 'tudie' $ocu'ing on colonic 'urgery, 'ho3' no clinical bene?t $ro+ (=-.Summary and recommendation: in general" #$! should not beusedinpelvicsurgery.%owever"whena diverting ileostomy isplanned"#$!maybenecessary&althoughthis needs to bestudied further.Evidence level'nterior resection: &not use #$!( high)otalmesorectalexcision&)#E(withdiverting stoma: &use#$!( lowRecommendation grade'nterior resection: strong)#E with diverting stoma: weak.Summary and recommendation: in general" #$! should not beusedinpelvicsurgery.%owever"whena diverting ileostomy isplanned"#$!maybenecessary&althoughthis needs to bestudied further.Evidence level'nterior resection: &not use #$!( high)otalmesorectalexcision&)#E(withdiverting stoma: &use#$!( lowRecommendation grade'nterior resection: strong)#E with diverting stoma: weak.6. -reo)erati!e $a'tingFa'ting $ro+ +idnight ha' been 'tandard )ractice in the belie$ that thi' reduce' the ri'k o$ )ul+onary a')iration in electi!e 'urgery. Ho3e!er, a Cochrane re!ie3 o$ 22 *CT' 'ho3ed that $a'ting $ro+ +idnight did not reduce ga'tric content, increa'e the )H o$ ga'tric 4uid, or a@ect the )re!alence o$ co+)lication' co+)ared 3ith )atient' allo3ed $ree intake o$ clear 4uid' u) until 2 h be$ore anae'the'ia $or 'urgery.Summary and recommendation: inta"e of clear fluids up until# $ h before the induction of anaesthesia is allo%ed! &nta"e of solids should be %ithheld at ' h before anaesthesia!Evidence level: moderateRecommendation grade: strongSummary and recommendation: inta"e of clear fluids up until# $ h before the induction of anaesthesia is allo%ed! &nta"e of solids should be %ithheld at ' h before anaesthesia!Evidence level: moderateRecommendation grade: strong7. -reo)erati!e treat+ent 3ith carbohydrate'=y )ro!iding a clear 4uid containing a de?ned ;12A< concentration o$ co+)le: carbohydrate' 2 h be$ore anae'the'ia, )atient' can undergo 'urgery in a +etabolically $ed 'tate. Thi' treat+ent reduce' the )re!alence o$ )reo)erati!e thir't, hunger, and an:ietySummary and recommendation: preoperative oral carbohydrate loading should be administered to all non*diabetic patients.Evidence levelReduced postoperative insulin resistance: moderate.Improved clinical outcomes: low.Summary and recommendation: preoperative oral carbohydrate loading should be administered to all non*diabetic patients.Evidence levelReduced postoperative insulin resistance: moderate.Improved clinical outcomes: low.9. -reanae'thetic +edication-atient' undergoing rectal 'urgery are an:iou' about the, 'urgery and outco+e. 1ducation and rea''urance can allay an:iety, but )har+acological inter!ention' to reduce an:iety can be indicated, )articularly in younger )atient' be$ore )rocedure' 'uch a' in'ertion o$ an e)idural or arterial catheter.Summary and recommendation: no advantages in using longacting ben+odia+epines.Short*acting ben+odia+epines can be used in young patientsbefore potentially painful interventions &insertion of spinal or epidural" arterial catheter(" but they should not be used inthe elderly &age ,-. years(.Evidence level: moderate.Recommendation grade: strong.Summary and recommendation: no advantages in using longacting ben+odia+epines.Short*acting ben+odia+epines can be used in young patientsbefore potentially painful interventions &insertion of spinal or epidural" arterial catheter(" but they should not be used inthe elderly &age ,-. years(.Evidence level: moderate.Recommendation grade: strong./. -ro)hyla:i' again't thro+boe+boli'+-atient' 3ith e:ten'i!e co+orbidity, +alignant di'ea'e, 3ho are taking cortico'teroid' )reo)erati!ely, 3ho ha!e undergone )re!iou' )el!ic 'urgery, and tho'e in hy)ercoagulable 'tate' ha!e an increa'ed ri'k o$ BT1Summary and recommendation: patients should wear welltting compression stockings" and receive pharmacological prophylaxis with /#0%. Extended prophylaxis for 12 days should be considered in patients with colorectal cancer or other patients with increased risk of 3)E.Evidence level: high.Recommendation grade: strong.Summary and recommendation: patients should wear welltting compression stockings" and receive pharmacological prophylaxis with /#0%. Extended prophylaxis for 12 days should be considered in patients with colorectal cancer or other patients with increased risk of 3)E.Evidence level: high.Recommendation grade: strong.0. 5nti+icrobial )ro)hyla:i' and 'kin )re)aration -ro)hylactic antibiotic'u++ary and reco++endationC )atient' 'hould recei!e anti+icrobial )ro)hyla:i' be$ore 'kin inci'ion in a 'ingle do'e. *e)eated do'e' +ay be nece''ary de)ending on the hal$>li$e o$ drug and duration o$ 'urgery. 1!idence le!elC high*eco++endation gradeC 'trong kin )re)aration u++ary and reco++endationC a recent rando+i,ed trial ha' 'ho3n that 'kin )re)aration 3ith a 'crub o$ chlorhe:idine>alcohol i' 'u)erior to )o!idone>iodine in )re!enting 'urgical>'ite in$ection'. 1!idence le!elC +oderate *eco++endation grade For 'kin )re)aration in generalC 'trong )eci?c choice o$ )re)arationC 3eak.. tandard ana'thetic )rotocolu++ary and reco++endationC to attenuate the 'urgical 'tre'' re')on'e, intrao)erati!e +aintenance o$ ade&uate hae+odyna+ic control, central and )eri)heral o:ygenation, +u'cle rela:ation, de)th o$ anae'the'ia, and a))ro)riate analge'ia i' 'trongly reco++ended. 1!idence le!el1)iduralC +oderate.DB #idocaineC lo3.*e+i$entanilC lo3.High o:ygen concentrationC high. *eco++endation grade C1)iduralC 'trong.DB #idocaineC 3eak.*e+i$entanilC 'trong.High o:ygen concentrationC 'trong.10. Na'oga'tric intubation5 +eta>analy'i'in 1..7 'ho3ed that routine na'oga'tric deco+)re''ion 'hould be a!oided a$ter colorectal 'urgery becau'e $e!er, atelecta'i', and )neu+onia are reduced in )atient' 3ithout a na'oga'tric tubeSummary and recommendation: postoperative nasogastrictubes should not be used routinely.Evidence level: high.Recommendation grade: strong.Summary and recommendation: postoperative nasogastrictubes should not be used routinely.Evidence level: high.Recommendation grade: strong.11. -erio)erati!e 4uid +anage+entu++ary and reco++endationC 4uid balance 'hould be o)ti+i'ed by targeting cardiac out)ut and a!oiding o!erhydration. Judiciou' u'e o$ !a'o)re''or' i' reco++ended 3ith arterial hy)oten'ion. Targeted 4uid thera)y u'ing the oe'o)hageal "o))ler 'y'te+ i' reco++ended. 1!idence le!elC +oderate.*eco++endation gradeC 'trong.12. "rainage o$ the )eritoneal ca!ity or )el!i'The u'e o$ a 'uction drain in the )el!ic ca!ity a$ter rectal 'urgery ha' been traditionally ad!ocated to e!acuate )otential blood or 'erou' collection' and )re!ent ana'to+otic leakage.Summary and recommendation: pelvic drains should not beused routinely.Evidence level: low.Recommendation grade: weak.Summary and recommendation: pelvic drains should not beused routinely.Evidence level: low.Recommendation grade: weak.12. 8rinary drainagein$ection, accounting $or al+o't 60A o$ all no'oco+ial in$ection'. Dn $a't>track 'urgery, urinary drainage 'hould be a' 'hort a' )o''ible ;ideally 26 h/2 h in !ie3 o$ the 'u)erior &uality o$ )ain relie$ co+)ared 3ith 'y'te+ic o)ioid'. Dntra!enou' ad+ini'tration o$ lidocaine ha' al'o been 'ho3n to )ro!ide 'ati'$actory analge'ia, but the e!idence in rectal 'urgery i' lacking. D$ a la)aro'co)ic a))roach i' u'ed, e)idural or intra!enou' lidocaine, in the conte:t o$ 1*5, )ro!ide' ade&uate )ain relie$ and no di@erence in the duration o$ #%H and return o$ bo3el $unction. *ectal )ain can be o$ neuro)athic origin, and need' to be treated 3ith +ulti+odal analge'ic +ethod'. There i' li+ited e!idence $or the routine u'e o$ 3ound catheter' and continuou' T5- block' in rectal 'urgery.19. -erio)erati!e nutritional careu++ary and reco++endationC an oral ad>libitu+ diet i' reco++ended 6 h a$ter rectal 'urgery.1!idence le!elC +oderate.*eco++endation gradeC 'trong.1/. -erio)erati!e glycae+ic controlu++ary and reco++endationC +aintenance o$ )erio)erati!e blood 'ugar le!el' 3ithin an e:)ert>de?ned range re'ult' in better outco+e'. There$ore, in'ulin re'i'tance and hy)erglyce+ia 'hould be a!oided u'ing 'tre''>reducing +ea'ure' or i$ already e'tabli'hed by acti!e treat+ent. The le!el o$ glycae+ia to target $or inter!ention at the3ard le!el re+ain' uncertain, and i' de)endent u)on local 'a$ety a')ect'.1!idence le!el 8'e o$ 'tre''>reducing +ea'ure'C +oderate. #e!el o$ glycae+ia $or in'ulin treat+entC lo3.*eco++endation grade 8'e o$ 'tre''>reducing treat+ent'C 'trong.Dn'ulin treat+ent ;non>diabetic'< at the 3ard le!elC 3eak.10. 1arly +obili'ation1:tended bed re't i' a''ociated not only 3ith an increa'e ri'k o$ thro+boe+boli'+ but al'o 3ith 'e!eral un3anted e@ect' 'uch a' in'ulin re'i'tance, +u'cle lo'', lo'' o$ +u'cle 'trength, )ul+onary de)re''ion, and reduced ti''ue o:ygenation.Summary and recommendation: patients should be nursed inan environment that encourages independence and mobilisation. ' care plan that facilitates patients being out ofbed for 1 h on the day of surgery and - h thereafter isrecommended.Evidence level: lowRecommendation grade: strongSummary and recommendation: patients should be nursed inan environment that encourages independence and mobilisation. ' care plan that facilitates patients being out ofbed for 1 h on the day of surgery and - h thereafter isrecommended.Evidence level: lowRecommendation grade: strong1.. 5udit and outco+e +ea'ure'u++ary and reco++endationC all )atient' 'hould be audited $or )rotocol co+)liance and outco+e'.1!idence le!elC lo3.*eco++endation gradeC 'trong.)hank you