EPP in Action 2011

epp.eu EPP IN ACTION 2011


‘EPP in Action’ is a yearly publication of the Party that highlights our work and activities for every calendar year. For the past five years this publication has been steadily showcasing the horizontal activity of the Party with all the main EU institutions, the internal policy work of the EPP, and the work of all our affiliated Groups, associations and organizations.

Transcript of EPP in Action 2011

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Welcome to the EPP

EPP in the European Council | EPP Summit

EPP Heads of State and Government

EPP Ministerial Meetings

EPP in the European Commission

EPP in the European Parliament

EPP in the Committee of the Regions

EPP in the PACE, OSCE and NATO

EPP and Electoral Campaigns

EPP Political Assembly

35th Anniversary of the EPP

The President’s 20th Anniversary

EPP Congress 2011 – Marseille

EPP Working Groups

EPP Foreign Affairs

EPP Communication

EPP Structure and Resources

EPP Internship Programme | EPP Headquarters

EPP Member Associations

Centre for European Studies

The Annual EPP St. Géry Dialogue

EPP Congress 2012 – Bucharest

Who is Who | EPP Presidency

Who is Who | EPP Secretariat

EPP Member Parties and Observers


EPP in Action 2011

Our Team in the EPP Headquarters

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EPP is by far the largest Europarty with 75 member parties from 40 countries, 17 EU and 6 non-EU heads of state and government, 13 European Commissioners, and the largest Group in the European Parliament with 271 members. In 2011, the EPP led all three main EU institutions: the European Commission with José Manuel BARROSO, the European Council with Herman VAN ROMPUY, and the European Parliament with Jerzy BUZEK who completed his 2.5 year term. Moreover in 2011, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor ORBÁN (first half of 2011) and the Polish Prime Minister Donald TUSK (second half of 2011) led the rotating EU Council Presidency with great success.

At the national level, EPP leaders and member-parties scored 4 important election victories, bringing the total number of EU Prime Ministers to 17 out of 27: in Ireland (February) with Enda KENNY and Fine Gael, in Finland (April) with Jyrki KATAINEN and Kokoomus, in Portugal (June) with Pedro PASSOS COELHO and the PSD, and in Spain (November) with Mariano RAJOY and the Partido Popular.

The EPP is governed under the 2003 “EU Regulation on political parties at European level and the rules regarding their funding.” In late 2007, this Regulation was revised in order to allow all European level political parties to campaign for the European Parliament elections. With the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the EPP (like all Europarties) is now able to be more politically engaged with the main EU institutions and the Member States. Through our work, we strive to make the EU more political and, therefore, more accountable to the citizens.

The European People’s Party (EPP) is the political family of the centre-right, whose roots run deep

in the history and civilisation of the European continent and has pioneered the European project

from its inception. Tracing back its roots to Europe’s Founding Fathers - Robert SCHUMAN,

Alcide DE GASPERI, and Konrad ADENAUER - the EPP is committed to a strong Europe, based

on a federal model that relies on the principle of subsidiarity. Founded in 1976, the EPP is a party

of values, based on the Christian view of mankind and the Christian democratic concept of socie-

ty. The EPP strives for a democratic, transparent and efficient Europe that is close to its citizens.

Through the promotion of the social market economy, the EPP aspires to achieve a prosperous


Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZEPP Secretary General

Wilfried MARTENSEPP President

Welcome to the EPP






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EPP in the European Council | EPP Summit

EPP SUMMITSPrior to the European Council meetings, the EPP Heads of State and Government, party leaders in coalition governments and in opposition, the EPP Presidency and the EPP Pre-sidents of the European institutions meet at the EPP Summit. The Statutory EPP Sum-mits are limited to the representatives of the member countries of the European Union, while the Enlarged EPP Summits are also open to the leaders of non-EU countries. These important meetings offer EPP leaders an informal and confidential setting to air their differences and seek consensus within the EPP family in an effort to develop common positions at the European Council and to tackle common problems.

In 2011, five summit meetings were held whilst the EPP was at the helm of the European Union with Herman VAN ROMPUY, as President of the European Council; José Manuel BARROSO, as President of the European Commission; and Jerzy BUZEK, as President of the European Parliament. Moreover, the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor ORBÁN and the Prime Minister of Poland Donald TUSK, during the first and the second half of the year respectively, were chairing the rotating EU Council Presidency.

Just as in 2010, the continued focus of the EPP during those summits lay on overcoming the financial and economic crisis.

Herman VAN ROMPUYPresident of the European Council

“Europe is the continent of unity in

diversity, of a culture of compromise,

of respect for minorities, of the rule

of law, of responsibility and solidarity.

These are major qualities of our politi-

cal and social life.”

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EPP Summit Highlights

EPP Statutory SummitHelsinki, 4th March 2011

At the invitation of EPP Vice President Jyrki KATAINEN, the EPP leaders met in Helsinki one week ahead of the Eurozone Summit. They discussed economic governance and approved an EPP position paper in which they stressed the need for a comprehensive strategy to safeguard financial stability, economic growth and improved employment in Europe. They pleaded in favour of a competitiveness pact and underlined the importance of the involvement of non-eurozone countries. This document was key in the preparation of the Euro Plus Pact. Furthermore, the leaders debated the developments in Northern Africa. Congratulations were expressed for the election result of Fine Gael and its leader Enda KENNY.

Enlarged Summit Meise, 24th March 2011

The Presidents of the European Council, European Commission and European Parliament, reported on the major achievements of the EU in the economic and financial field during the last year and elaborated on the main is-sues where further progress was needed. The EPP leaders discussed the implementation of the European Seme-ster, the strengthening of governance and the Euro Plus Plact. The economic and financial situation of different European countries was considered. The EPP leaders from Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine reported on the political situation in their respective countries.

Enlarged Summit Brussels, 23rd June 2011

The EPP Leaders congratulated the two new EPP Prime Ministers Pedro PASSOS COELHO (Portugal) and Jyrki KATAINEN (Finland) on their election victories, as well as Prime Minister Jadranka KOSOR for successfully con-cluding Croatia’s accession negotiations. Furthermore, they deplored the absence of former Prime Minister Yulia TYMOSHENKO who couldn’t travel to Brussels because of the travel ban imposed on her by the Ukraini-an authorities. The leaders discussed the six reports on economic governance, and the points of contention between the European Parliament and the Council with regard to these reports, as well as the eurocrisis and, in particular, the difficult situation in Greece. The need to take responsibility as the largest EU-level party was highlighted.

Enlarged Summit Meise, 22nd October 2011 Convinced that additional European measures are needed due to the change in outlook from the summer, the EPP Leaders discussed solutions to debt problems, to the leveraging of the European Financial Stability Fund and to the recapitalisation of the banks, as well as the need for further steps concerning economic governance. The economic and financial positions of different member states were elucidated. Furthermore, the leaders discussed the verdict of the trial of former Prime Minister Yulia TYMOSHENKO and prepared for the upcoming meeting of the International Democratic Union.

Enlarged SummitMarseille, 8th December 2011

The EPP Summit taking place during the Marseille Congress was the first one in the presence of the Armenian President Serzh SARGSYAN. President Wilfried MARTENS congratulated Prime Minister elect Mariano RAJOY and Prime Minister Donald TUSK for their decisive victories in their countries’ elections. The EPP leaders unanimously approved a common position in preparation of the European Council, presented by the Swedish Finance Minister Anders BORG. European action should be focused on: implementing fiscal consolidation, strengthening governance, reinforcing the firewall, restoring financial stability in Europe and boosting competitiveness and potential growth.






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EPP Heads of State and Government

Valdis DOMBROVSKIS | Latvia, V

Boyko BORISOV | Bulgaria, GERB

Angela MERKEL | Germany, CDU Viktor ORBÁN | Hungary, FIDESZ

Andrius KUBILIUS | Lithuania, TS-LKDLawrence GONZI | Malta, PN

The EPP currently has 17 out of 27 EU heads of state and government, which meet at the EPP Summit meetings, in preparation of the European Council meetings.

Enda KENNY | Ireland, FG

Jyrki KATAINEN | Finland, KOK


Jean-Claude JUNCKER | Luxembourg, CSV

Janez JANSA | Slovenia, SDSˇ

Traian BASESCU | Romania, PD-L˘

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Iveta RADIČOVÁ | Slovakia, SDKÚ-DS

Recep Tayyip ERDOĞANTurkey, AKP


Sali BERISHAAlbania, DP


Vlad FILAT Moldova, PLDM

The EPP has 6 non-EU heads of state and government, which are invited to attend the Enlarged EPP Summit meetings.

Pedro PASSOS COELHO | Portugal, PSD Mariano RAJOY | Spain, PP

Fredrik REINFELDT | Sweden, MOD

Nicolas SARKOZY | France, UMP


Serzh SARGSYAN Armenia, HHK

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EPP Ministerial Meetings

The European People’s Party organises and coordinates from its Brussels headquarters a total of 11 Ministerial meetings. The EPP Ministerial meetings underpin the horizontal activity of the Party with all the main EU institutions including the Council of Ministers.

As a natural reaction to the economic and social effects of the financial crisis in Europe, the Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs of the EPP member parties started to meet in March 2010, under the chairmanship of Enda KENNY (Ireland) and Maurizio SACCONI (Italy). During 2011, as unemployment levels in Europe continued to rise in many countries, the EPP Ministers focused their discussions on the EU2020 Strategy for growth and employment, on the preparations of the social

agenda of the G-20, and on the Working Time Directive and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. In September 2011, Xavier BERTRAND (France) took over leadership and during the French G-20 Presidency managed to organise a meeting with EPP and G-20 Employment Ministers in Paris. Finally, the EPP Employment Ministers drafted a resolution on “Job Creati-on: A Priority for Growth Policies”, which was presented in Mar-seille during the EPP Political Assembly (7th-8th December).

2011 has been a particularly important year for our Trans-port Ministers to discuss the state-of-play of the transport sector in Europe. Under the co-chairmanship of Anca BOA-GIU (Romania), many issues were analysed and discussed,such as the revision of the TEN-T policies (financing and metho-dology), the establishment of a truly European maritime Safety Agency and the Commission White Paper on the future of the EU

transport policy until 2020. Finally, the issue of public-private partnerships (PPPs) was debated extensively by our EPP Trans-port Ministers, resulting in the drafting of a resolution on how to improve access to financing for PPP projects in the transport sector. To this end, we also invited the Director of the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC) of the European Investment Bank, Thomas C. BARRETT, to give a presentation on this issue.

Under the continued chairmanship of Antonio TAJANI, Vice President of the European Commission and the EPP, the Mi-nisters worked to find common solutions on topics such as the current competitiveness levels of industrial output across the EU and how to increase it. Furthermore, they focused on the mid-term review of the Small Business Act in order to improve conditions for the small and medium enterprises in Europe.

Finally, they also had extensive exchanges of views on the Annual Growth Survey and the Europe 2020 Strategy, assessing the con-tribution of the industrial sector to the EU Semester.

area, the future of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the legislative package on strengthened economic governance (“six pack”), the fiscal compact and possible Treaty changes to strengthen the Stability and Growth Pact. It goes without saying that the critical situation in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy was monitored and debated constantly by all of our EPP Ministers. Finally, we also invited the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Philippe MAYSTADT, to discuss future cooperation with the EIB.

The EPP Environment Ministers Meeting is chaired by the Irish Minister Phil HOGAN. The focus of these meetings in 2011 was once again on the Global Climate Change negotiations, which took place in December in Durban, South Africa. Other important topics were the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the EU Roadmap to a low carbon economy by 2050 and the water policy for the EU.

Employment MinistersChaired by Xavier BERTRAND

Transport MinistersChaired by Antonio TAJANI

Economy and Finance MinistersChaired by Anders BORG and Luc FRIEDEN

Industry MinistersChaired by Antonio TAJANI

Environment MinistersChaired by Phil HOGAN

Since February 2008, this political coordination meeting has quickly become a valuable discussion forum for our EPP Mi-nisters, especially in view of the difficult decisions that were needed in the Eurozone member countries in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Under the leadership of Christine LAGARDE (France) and Giulio TREMONTI (Italy) to begin with, and subsequently under the guidance of Luc FRIEDEN (Luxemburg) and Anders BORG (Sweden), the ministers dis-cussed measures to safeguard financial stability in the Euro


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EPP Foreign Ministers convene on a regular basis and discuss issues such as the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership, Mediterranean Union, Middle East, Iran and Afghanistan. In 2011, under the co-chairmanships of Elmar BROK and Franco FRATTINI, the EPP organised two seminars in Sarajevo (17th March) and in Bordeaux (30th October – 1st September) with its

Foreign Ministers and with the participation of non-EU Foreign Ministers from our political family; thus enhancing its foreign relations beyond the EU. A position paper on EU-Russia relations was approved by the EPP Foreign Ministers and introduced to the Political Assembly with the aim of contributing to a new and enhanced strategic partnership between the EU and Russia.

The EPP Energy Ministers Meeting is chaired by EPP Vice President and MEP, Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI. In September 2011, EU Commissioner Günther OETTINGER, who actively participates in the EPP meetings, launched new initiatives on the external energy policy as well as on infrastructure. He received broad support from the EPP Ministers, who un-

The EPP Agriculture Ministers Meeting is chaired by Niki BERLAKOVICH, the Austrian Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management. During the course of the year the Agriculture Ministers had a very dy-namic and constructive debate on the future of the Common Agriculture Policy. EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian

The EPP Justice Ministers Meetings were organised for the first time in spring 2011. These meetings were chaired by the Vice President of the European Commission, Viviane REDING and Angelino ALFANO from Italy, followed later by Beatrice ASK from Sweden. During these meetings the Ministers adopted

CIOLOS, actively participated in the discussions and during the October meeting presented new proposals to the Mi-nisters on the CAP reform, which dominated the agenda at the end of 2011 and will remain the main topic for the year 2012.

derlined the significant efforts made by the Commissioner to better coordinate energy policy between Member States. During the meeting on 23rd November, EU Commissioner Janusz LEWANDOWSKI was invited as the special guest and informed Ministers about the financing of the EU’s energy in-frastructure.

positions on European Contract Law, Data Protection, Collec-tive Redress and EU Criminal Law. The focus was on “justice for growth” in order to abolish barriers and to achieve the full potential of the internal market.

The EPP Ministerial Meetings on Home Affairs are chaired by the German Minister of Interior Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH and Manfred WEBER, MEP. In September 2011 the Ministers adopted the EPP position on Cyber Security and, furthermore, prepared the reso-lution on “Immigration and Integration”, which was adopted at

the EPP Congress in Marseille in December 2011. In addition, the Arab Spring and related migration flows, as well as the Schengen enlargement to Bulgaria and Romania, were high on the agenda during these meetings.

Foreign Affairs MinisterChaired by Elmar BROK

Agriculture MinistersChaired by Niki BERLAKOVICH

Energy MinistersChaired by Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI

Home Affairs MinistersChaired by Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH and Manfred WEBER

Justice MinistersChaired by Beatrice ASK and Viviane REDING

The EPP Defence Ministers’ Meetings, chaired by Belgian Minister of Defence Pieter DE CREM and launched in 2009, continued successfully in 2011 (23rd May in Brussels and 22nd

September in Wrocław, Poland). On the one hand, the meetings were important as a useful forum to discuss the EU’s engage-

ment in Libya. Whilst on the other hand, the Ministers were able to use the meetings to concentrate on pooling and sharing exper-tise in the field of military capabilities as well as CSDP Operations (i.e. EUNAVFOR Atalanta, EUFOR Althea in BiH).

Defence MinistersChaired by Pieter DE CREM



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EPP in the European Commission

Antonio TAJANIIndustry and Entrepreneurship - Italy

The modernisation and the strengthening of the EU’s industrial capability will play a central role in the success of the EU’s 2020 strategy. That is why I want to take a fresh look at our current industrial policy to make the sector more competitive on the global stage. I want to put the framework in place to enable industries, large and small, to be dynamic, sustainable and in-novative in addressing the economic and environmental needs of the 21st Century.

Michel BARNIERInternal Market and Services - France

Europe needs to take the next step. The Single Market turned the EU into the largest economy in the world and has been a valuable shield in helping to weather the economic and financial crisis. If we want to kick-start new growth that is both sustainable and fair, Europe needs to equip itself properly and act with strength and determination. A collective commitment at European level is required from all the players involved – European, national or regional, public or private, economic and social – making these goals their own.

Dacian CIOLOSAgriculture and Rural Development - Romania

This is a historic opportunity for the Common Agricultural Policy. We must grasp it fully. The democratic thrust of the CAP must help to strengthen this European bridge between an increa-singly urbanised world on the one hand and increasingly strategic agriculture on the other. The importance of agriculture lies not in the number of farmers; quite the contrary! Agriculture re-quires patience and the CAP must be seen as a long-term investment.

John DALLIHealth and Consumer Policy - Malta

Health can contribute substantially to most of the objectives established within the framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy. To succeed, we need close co-operation across different policies spanning public health, research and industry. We need strong commitment from all partners at all levels. I firmly believe that smart investment in health – coupled with smart innovation in health – provide the keys to the more efficient healthcare systems of the future.

José Manuel BARROSOPresident of the European Commission - Portugal

We do not seek to impose any single model of democracy. After all, the EU’s 27 member states each have their own form of democracy shaped by history, culture and circumstance. But we do seek to play a role where we can in supporting democratic processes, which are so fundamental to spurring economic development.

Vivianne REDINGJustice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship - Luxembourg

I will make full use of the new possibilities offered by the Lisbon Treaty in the area of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. It is the right moment to re-orient our policies in this field and realise that there can be no freedom without both security and justice. My policy shall not be driven by fear but firmly based on our common values and on the concrete needs of our citizens.


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Kristalina GEORGIEVAInternational Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response - Bulgaria

The aim is to get targeted help to those in need, making the best possible use of political and financial tools, and ensuring the EU’s actions are visible. This will mean that the help Europe delivers to people in need has the maximum effect. A lot of this work involves working with governments as well as regional organisations. This is where most of my work on international cooperation takes place.

Andris PIEBALGSDevelopment - Latvia

As we in the European Union look to up our game in terms of the results we produce from our development policy, we must realise that we are at a game-changing moment. We need to take a hard look at our approach to governance and democracy. The days of interference and rule-setting are over. We are now in an era of partnership. No one has a monopoly on deve-lopment – we can all learn from each other. Our partner countries are exactly that – partners in an enterprise in which we all have a stake. We are all in this together.

Algirdas ŠEMETATaxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud - Lithuania

I believe it is time to re-examine our tax systems. Not only should they deliver in terms of raising revenues, but they must also promote economic prosperity and support environmental and social goals. Modernised, effective and interconnected customs administrations will be an important asset for the EU economy in a global and competitive environment.

Johanes HAHNRegional Policy - Austria

Regional Policy funds are the investment arm of the EU – the most significant resource we have at EU level to boost failing economies and keep successful ones competitive. Cohesion policy works, it has a positive impact on growth and jobs. For the past three decades, Cohesion Policy has provided substantial resources for investment across Europe, and our relative prosperity over the years owes a great deal to this consistent and targeted support.

Janusz LEWANDOWSKIFinancial Programming and Budget - Poland

I am here to ensure the sound financial management of EU funds, stemming from the European taxpayers, in liaison with the budgetary authorities and 27 member states. I shall strive to make an impact of the EU budget visible to the people across Europe. Its value added is best demonstrated via contributions to the well-being, security, healthy environment, innovation, territorial cohesion as well as to the global ambitions of our “old” continent.

Connie HEDEGAARDClimate Action - Denmark

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face in the 21st century. As the EU’s first Climate Action Commissioner, I am working to ensure that we invest in a sustainable future and in solutions that benefit the climate while strengthening our economy and energy supply. Meeting climate challen-ges doesn’t just mean avoiding flooding, drought and violent storms in the future. It’s also about the economic and geostrategic interests of Europe, here and now.

Günter OETTINGEREnergy - Germany

Without an internal energy market Europe would be vulnerable. We would all pay the price. The process of opening and integrating Europe’s energy markets started more than a decade ago. It has been a step-by-step process. Moving to low carbon and secure energy generation across the EU will require increased cooperation and coordination amongst Member States. The project of getting to an open, integrated and competitive energy market in the EU by 2014 can only succeed with the active engagement of industry.

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The Group of the European People’s Party (EPP Group) is the largest in the European Parliament with 271 Members. French politician Joseph DAUL is the Chairman of the EPP Group.

As the largest political group in a Parliament, the EPP Group is in a stronger position than any other to set that body‘s politi-cal agenda and to win its most critical votes. This strength is reflected in the fact that, since 1999, the EPP Group has been on the winning side of more votes than any other group in the European Parliament‘s monthly plenary sessions.

Strength of numbers also ensures that EPP Group Members hold a range of key positions within the Parliament - inclu-ding the Chairmanships of 10 of the EP’s 22 committees or subcommittees, 7 of its 14 Vice-Presidents, and 2 of its 5 Quaestors. Within the parliamentary committees, EPP Group Members are best placed to secure the right to author the EP‘s position on key pieces of draft legislation and other ma-jor reports: the Group gets more of these rapporteurships on more important subjects than any other group.

For more information please visit: www.eppgroup.eu

EPP in the European Parliament


President of the European Parliament

(July 2009 - January 2012)

“As President of the European Par-

liament I served you, and Europe‘s

citizens (…). I have never had

doubts about a common Europe.

Representing you in Europe, and

around the world, I was able to

perceive the full, distinctive bor-

ders of the European project, as

well as its exceptional, human,

moral, economic and cultural

potential. The European Union

is an incredible value, one worth

working for and living in. But it is

a value that can be created and

used only if we are united.”

BUZEKJerzyJoseph DAUL, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament

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The European People’s Party is the largest political Group in the Committee of the Regions. Chaired by Michael SCHNEIDER, the EPP Group is the CoR’s driving force in the EU decision making process. Thanks to its size, the EPP Group authors many opinions and is on the winning side of most decisions. It also regularly tables resolutions for ad-option by the Plenary and influences its political decisions.

The EPP Group aims to enhance the efficiency and influence of the CoR by representing the interests of citizens in the diverse cities, regions and municipalities across Europe. The EPP Group works towards a Europe that will uphold a pro-sperous and peaceful future for all its citizens.

Under the motto “think globally - act locally”, it works on the principle of subsidiarity. This means that decisions should always be taken at the level closest to citizens unless a better result can be achieved by working at the national or European level.

Given that approximately two-thirds of EU legislation is im-plemented by local and regional authorities, the EPP Group allows them to become more involved in framing European policies. Local and regional politicians are also ideally placed to establish and maintain close links with European citizens.For more information please visit: web.cor.europa.eu/epp

EPP in the Committee of the Regions

Michael SCHNEIDER, Chairman of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions

Joint meeting between EPP Groups in the CoR and EP

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EPP in the PACE, OSCE and NATO

EPP-CD Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

The EPP is committed to its involvement in the Council of Europe, an organisa-tion that promotes the principles of the rule of law and on the values of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Through their actions within the Council of Europe and in their national parlia-ments, more than 200 members of the Group of the European People’s Party (EPP-CD Group) have committed themselves to consolidating and stabilising freedom and democracy, human rights, peace, prosperity, solidarity and social cohesion throughout the European continent and in the wider world. The mem-bers of the EPP-CD Group defend freedom of expression and information, as well as freedom of movement of ideas and of religious tolerance. Moreover, the EPP-CD Group works to promote respect for the principle of subsidiary and local autonomy, as well as the defense of national, social and other minorities.

The Chairman of EPP-CD Group is Luca VOLONTÈ (Italy) For more information please visit: www.epp-cd.eu

NATO-PA President Karl A. LAMERS with the NATO Secretary General

EPP Group Chair Walburga HABSBURG DOUGLAS speaking to the press about Kyrgyzstan.

Luca VOLONTÈ speaking at the EPP Congress 2011 in Marseille

EPP and likeminded Group in the OSCE-PA

The “EPP and like-minded Group” in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is the most active political Group of the OSCE-PA. The Group meets on a regular basis and promotes the EPP positions at levels of the decision-making process. The members of the EPP Group also participate in election monitoring missions of the OSCE and are committed in promoting democratic values and practices.

The Group is chaired by Walburga HABSBURG DOUGLAS (Sweden). The Group Presidency includes the following Vice Presidents: Consiglio DI NINO (Canada), Vilija Aleknaitė ABRAMIKIENĖ (Lithuania), Laura ALLEGRINI (Italy) and George TSERETELI (Georgia).

For more information please contact: [email protected]

EPP and associated Group in the NATO-PA

The EPP has become increasingly active in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

(NATO-PA) through its political Group, the “EPP and Associated Members”.

The Group is led by German CDU politician Karl A. LAMERS, who is also the

current President of the NATO-PA.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

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EPP and Electoral Campaigns


In February, Fine Gael - which is a founding party of the EPP - and its leader and EPP Vice-President Enda KENNY obtained a sweeping victory in Ireland’s parliamentary elections.

A few weeks later, on 4th March, EPP Prime Ministers and leaders met in Helsinki for a special Summit hosted by Jyrki KATAINEN - Kokoomus leader and Vice President of the EPP - and attended by José Manuel BARROSO, Herman VAN ROMPUY, Jerzy BUZEK, Angela MERKEL, Enda KENNY, Viktor ORBÁN, Traian BASESCU, Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Lawrence GONZI, Andrius KUBILIUS and Yves LETERME, among others. One month later, Koo-komus achieved a historic victory securing 1st place, thus appointing Katainen as the country’s new Prime Minister.

In October 2011, continuity was obtained in Poland thanks to the impressive results of Civic Platform (PO), which won the elections. Donald TUSK, leader of PO, was re-elected as Prime Minister.

Also in October, EPP President Wilfried MARTENS and Secretary General Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ attended the Con-gress of Partido Popular in Malaga (Spain), which anticipated the historic victory by an absolute majority with its leader, Mariano RAJOY, in the general elections held on 20th November. Rajoy’s victory allowed the EPP to end 2011 in an amazing position: lea-ding 17 out of 27 governments in the European Union (EU).

Another important victory warmly celebrated by the EPP was the one achieved in Portugal by Pedro PASSOS COELHO, leader of PSD, ending several years of failed Socialist governance.

As one of EPP’s core activities, in 2011 the EPP was politically engaged in the national campaigns of our member parties. The EPP offered political support to our parties and leaders across Europe and helped them achieve the relevant electoral victories in countries such as Ireland, Finland, Portugal and Spain.


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EPP Political Assembly

The Presidency

The Presidency decides on the general politi-cal guidelines and presides over the Political Assembly. The Presidency is composed of the President, the Secretary General, 10 Vice Pre-sidents, and the Treasurer. The Presidents of the European Commission, European Council, European Parliament, and the High Represen-tative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (if they are EPP), as well as the Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, are ex officio members of the EPP Presidency.

The Congress

The Congress is the highest decision-making body of the Party. It is composed of delegates from EPP member and associated member parties, member associations and parliamen-tary groups. The EPP Congress meets statuto-rily once every three years and elects the EPP Presidency. The Congress decides on the main policy documents and electoral programmes, and highlights our EPP Heads of Government and Party Leaders.

The Political Assembly

The Political Assembly defines the positions of the Party between each Congress, decides on membership applications and finalises political guidelines. The Political Assembly also decides on the budget and safeguards the political presence of the EPP between Congress meetings. The Po-litical Assembly is composed of designated dele-gates from EPP member and associated member parties, member associations and groups. The number of delegates for each party is linked to the election result in the last European election so that parties are weighted according to their strength. This allows the taking of decisions by majority. The Political Assembly meets three to five times a year.

Working Groups

The Political Assembly defines the mandate of the Working Groups, which prepare the Party’s policy documents and recommendations. All EPP member and associated member parties, member associ-ations and groups, as well as members of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, have the possibi-lity to participate in the Working Groups.

Within the EPP there are three levels of decision-making: Presidency, Political Assembly and Congress. The EPP Heads of Government and EPP Ministers can also give policy recommendations, whereas the EPP Working Groups perform the preparatory political work.


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EPP Political Assembly Highlights






1 7th– 8th November 2011 – Brussels

A debate was held on the economic and financial crisis with the EPP Vice President and European Commissioner, Michel BARNIER, as the main speaker outlining the work of the European Commission.

The membership applications of four Armenian politi-cal parties were presented. Presentations were made by the Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran SARGSYAN and by high-level representatives of the applicant parties.

The PA adopted a resolution concerning the future of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) within the European Union. This resolution, drafted by the Chairwoman of the EPP Transport Ministers Anca BOAGIU and approved by the EPP Transport Ministers, states the importance of PPPs as a means of bringing much-needed capital and initiative into, among others, infrastructure development.

The PA also approved its Budget and Membership Fees for 2012 and adopted a series of amendments to its Internal Regulations.

6th December 2011 – Marseille

The PA was held in Marseille, France in preparation of the EPP Congress of 7th-8th December.

The French Minister of Labour, Xavier BERTRAND, presented a resolution prepared by the EPP Employment Ministers on “Job Creation: a priority for growth policies” and underlined the importance of developing employment opportunities, improving the professional training systems and modernising the social dialogue. The resolution was unanimously adopted by the members of the PA.

Other issues discussed were: the situation with the euro, the Arab Spring, and the political developments in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

10th –11th February 2011 – Brussels

The Political Assembly (PA) unanimously accepted the Czech party TOP09 as a full member and the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova as an observer member.

A position paper on EU-Russia relations, aiming to contribute to a new and enhanced strategic partnership between the EU and Russia, was unanimously adopted. This paper had been prepared and approved by the EPP Foreign Ministers and in-troduced to the PA by the EPP foreign policy coordinator and MEP Elmar BROK.

Resolutions were also adopted on various topics: “the situ-ation in Albania”; “intolerance, discrimination and violence on the basis of religion or belief”; “safeguarding the future of pensions through intergenerational solidarity”; and “hig-her education in times of crisis”.

3rd May 2011 – Brussels

Many important issues were discussed, including the euro crisis, the Arab Spring, the European Neighbourhood Policy, the opening of a politically motivated court case against Ukraine’s Yulia TYMOSHENKO, the rise of po-pulism in Europe and the launch of the Euronest Parlia-mentary Assembly. The issue of terrorism was also widely discussed and the PA recognised that the death of terrorist Osama Bin Laden is a significant step forward in the battle to eradicate international terrorism. EPP member parties noted positively the recent beatifica-tion of Pope John Paul II and underlined their recognition of the key role, which he played over several decades to pro-mote peace, democracy and reconciliation both in Europe and in the world.

20th September 2011 – Brussels

The PA thoroughly discussed the economic situation in the European Union and reiterated the need for f inancial stability and far-reaching measures to stimulate growth and employment in the Eurozone and the EU at large.

Great concerns were expressed about the political deve-lopments in Ukraine and Belarus and the impact on the European Neighbourhood Policy. With regards to the situ-ation in North Africa, the PA underlined the need to support and collaborate with the emerging democratic forces of the region.

The members also adopted a resolution on “European identity and EP elections”, tabled by the European Democrat Students (EDS).

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35th Anniversary of the EPP


It was not only the financial and economic crisis, which brought and kept the EPP leaders captivated in Brussels on 23rd June. In the solemn “Palais des Académies”, following an EPP Summit and prior to the meeting of the European Council, the 35th an-niversary of the EPP and Wilfried MARTENS’ 20 years as its President were celebrated.

The highest ranking European politicians, EPP Heads of State and Government, EPP member party Presidents and eminent EPP perso-nalities gathered to celebrate the founding of the European People’s Party in 1976. Wilfried Martens was present in 1976 as well: as a young President of the Flemish Christian Democrat party, he was one of the founding fathers of the EPP. Since the 10th May 1990, when he was elected for the first time as President of the EPP, he has been at the helm of the EPP and realised its development into the largest and most influential European party.

The “Academic Session” was opened by the Secretary General of the EPP, Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ. Speeches reflecting on 35 ye-ars of the EPP and words of acknowledgment for the work of Presi-dent Wilfried Martens came from the German Chancellor Angela MERKEL, European Council President Herman VAN ROMPUY, European Commission President José Manuel BARROSO, former President of the EPP and of the European Commission Jacques SANTER, and the Hungarian Prime Minister and President of the EU Council Presidency Viktor ORBÁN.

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The President’s 20th Anniversary



President Wilfried MARTENS closed the academic session with an impres-sive speech in which he compellingly outlined his path from President of the youth of the Flemish Christian Democrats, President of the CVP and Prime Minister of Belgium, to his European vocation as President of the EPP and as President of the EPP Group in the European Parliament. He elabora-ted on the creation of the EPP and how it developed from a party of Chri-stian democratic member parties to the largest European political party of the centre-right, whilst maintaining a strong and solid programmatic basis. Furthermore, he spoke about the major role the EPP played in the deve-lopment of the European Union and its institutional framework. President Martens concluded by giving a glimpse of the challenges that lie ahead in the coming years for the EPP and the EU.

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy BUZEKhad the honour of handing over a book with letters and speeches from his friends to President Wilfried MARTENS. Together with the updated history book of the EPP “At Europe’s service”, these publi-cations give a fascinating insight and view into the development and the role of the EPP.

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On 7th - 8th December 2011 the EPP held its 20th Congress in Marseille, France.

The EPP Congress adopted its document “Moving Europe Forward”, which outlines its long-term policy

strategy, as well as twelve resolutions. More than 2000 representatives from EPP member parties,

associations, international guests, and journalists attended the Congress.

EPP Congress 2011 · Marseille, France

Alongside the President of France Nicolas SARKOZY, the Chancellor of Germany Angela MERKEL, the President of the European Commission José Manuel BARROSO and many other EPP leaders gathered in Marseille. The Congress was honoured to welcome Spain’s Prime Minister-elect MarianoRAJOY, his first visit abroad after his November 20th landslide victory.

The former President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude TRICHET received the EPP Merit Award to honour his outstanding contribution to the European project.

Prior to the Congress, the EPP Political Assembly met and adopted a resolution on “Job creation: a priority for growth policies” presented by French Labour Minister Xavier BERTRAND. The Minister underlined the need for developing employment opportunities, improving professional training, and modernising the social dialogue.

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“The EPP Congress in Marseille was a new milestone for our political family. Our leaders have taken the responsibility to put forward a specific set of measures to resolve the euro crisis. At this critical moment for Europe, we need to show leadership and take action now”, stated the President of the EPP Wilfried MARTENS

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Eugenia CARR, the daughter of Yulia TYMOSHENKO delivered a moving speech describing the conditions of detention of her mother, who is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence. She conveyed a strong message from the former Prime minister of Ukra-ine: “We believe it is still possible to eradicate Spartan authoritari-anism as soon as Ukraine makes steps towards European standards and democratic values”.

The EPP Congress adopted several resolutions on: immigration and integration; the work of EPP’s Eu-ropean Senior Citizens Union; Re-thinking ageing; Expansion of work on public policy for older people; the provision for stricter regulation to secure the acti-vities of investment banking houses through the Basel III accords; Young Entrepreneurs; Belarus; Protection of Christian communities in Egypt; Oil and Gas Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean; Elections in Russia; South Africa “Protection of State Information Bill”; and recent political developments in Ukraine.

Many EPP Heads of State and Government were pre-sent including: Nicolas SARKOZY (France), François FILLON (France), Angela MERKEL (Germany), Donald TUSK (Poland), Mariano RAJOY (Spain), Traian BASESCU(Romania), Emil BOC (Romania), Viktor ORBÁN (Hun-gary), Fredrik REINFELDT (Sweden), Enda KENNY(Ireland), Boyko BORISOV (Bulgaria), Lawrence GONZI(Malta), Jyrki KATAINEN (Finland), Pedro PASSOS COELHO (Portugal), Mikheil SAAKASHVILI (Georgia), Vlad FILAT (Moldova), Nikola GRUEVSKI (FYROM), Sali BERISHA (Albania), and Serzh SARGSYAN (Armenia).

The Marseille Congress took place at a timely mo-ment to tackle the challenges brought by the debt crisis. The EPP political family gathered and jointly delivered comprehensive solutions to solve the crisis. The culmination of the process was the adoption of

the document: “Moving Europe Forward”.

Given the events in the Arab world in 2011, Marseille was a symbolic place to hold the EPP Congress and to discuss the Arab Spring. Paving the way for democra-cy was at the heart of the EPP Congress debates not only with the revolutions in Northern-Africa but also with the latest developments in Belarus and Ukraine.

The EPP associations actively contributed to the suc-cess of the Congress with a series of meetings, as part of the sideline programme, reflecting and debating on the keys topics in Europe and the world such as the Arab Spring and the economy.

Thanks to the excellent cooperation of our host par-ty, the Union pour un Mouvement populaire (UMP), and its Secretary General Jean-François COPÉ, the innovative staging, the use of original footage com-bined with an unprecedented live TV coverage and web-streaming, the Marseille Congress is recognised as one the most important political events of 2011.

Marseille Congress: a milestone

EPP Congress 2011 · Marseille, France


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EPP Working Groups


WG2 - Wilfried MARTENS, Gunnar HÖKMARK , Johannes HAHN and Rumiana JELEVA

The EPP Working Group 1 is chaired by President Wilfried MARTENS and Parliamentary State Secretary and EPP Vice President, Peter HINTZE.

On the one hand, this Working Group was of high importance in 2011 because it continued to develop and discuss the new Party Platform, which will be adopted at the EPP Congress in Bucharest in 2012 and replace the Basic Programme of Athens, which was adopted in 1992. In cooperation with its think-tank, the Centre for European Studies, the EPP organised another high ranking meeting with senior experts of our Member Parties who reflected on and gave important input to the draft document.

On the other hand, the Working Group bore great signifi-cance as it focused on drafting the EPP Congress Document “Moving Europe Forward - a stronger Europe to stand for our values and defend our interests”, which was adopted at the EPP Congress in Marseille in December 2011.

European Policy

Economic and Social PolicyWG2The EPP Working Group 2 is co-chaired by Rumiana JELEVA, EPP Vice President, and MEP Gunnar HÖKMARK, Vice Chair-man of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.

The main focus of the Working Group over the course of 2011 was the elaboration of the EPP Resolution “Combating the Crisis and Winning the Future”, which was adopted by the EPP Congress in Marseille. The resolution was based on four meetings with exter-nal experts and policy makers on the following topics: “Economic governance”, “Innovation, research, knowledge society”, “Jobs and growth”, and “Cohesion and rural areas”. Invited speakers included, amongst others, Johannes HAHN, European Commis-sioner for Regional Policy; Daniel GROS, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); and Ann METTLER, Executive Director of The Lisbon Council.

Following the recommendation of the EPP Presidency, the Working Group also debated and expressed its opinion on the YEPP Resolution “The provision for stricter regulation of the securitisation activities of investment banking houses through the Basel III accords”, which was also adopted by the EPP Con-gress in Marseille.


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EPP MembershipWG3

(Ad Hoc) Climate ChangeWG

The discussions on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) continued on 5th October with the workshop on “Recent political developments in BiH” with compre-hensive analyses from the participating experts.

Due to the fact that access to Belarus for the EPP Members was denied, the EPP delegation held its Belarus study visit in Vilnius, Lithuania on 19th and 20th May where they met with representatives from EPP’s Belarusian obser-ver member parties, partners, experts and officials.

Following the applications of the four political parties in Armenia, WG3 agreed to organise a mission to Armenia. (21-23 November). The mee-tings with government representatives, NGOs and EPP foundations and all four parties’ structures enabled the EPP to review and to analyse Armenia’s political, social and economic developments.

The EPP Delegation also visited Georgia on 24th November 2011 where they learnt about Georgia’s reforms and met with government representatives.

Twice a year, the EPP organises a Campaign Managers Meeting, chaired by EPP Deputy Secretary General Christian KREMER, where specialists from EPP member parties review national and regional election campaigns and exchange experiences to deve-lop common strategies and analyse current trends in modern campaigning.

The 2011 meetings were held in Budapest, Hungary and in Belgrade, Serbia. In Hungary an extensive discussion regarding the Duff Report took place. The report offers possible ways in which European political parties can increase their participation in the democratic process. In Serbia the continuing issue of populist parties and campaigning during times where the internet is becoming so dominant and relied upon, were the key topics. In addition, presentations on election strategy, results and outlooks were provided by the member parties.


The EPP Working Group 3, chaired by EPP Vice President and MEP Corien WORTMANN-KOOL, promotes, facilitates and incorporates new parties, which have made a request to become either a full member, an associate member or an observer member of the EPP.

In 2009, WG3 launched its workshop as a vehicle to exchange views and share knowledge between experts and WG3 members in different areas of external relations. In 2011, the EPP held 3 WG3 meetings and organised 2 workshops and 2 study visits.

Following WG3’s constructive discussion and positive recom-mendations on 27th January 2011, at the Political Assembly on 10th & 11th February 2011 both the PLDM and TOP09 were unanimously accepted as EPP Observer member and EPP full member parties respectively.

On 14th April, WG3 members closely discussed the unea-sy political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the country’s economic and social developments. Moreover, the WG3 members exchanged their views on the working paper: “Modernisation of the EPP Observer Status”.

The workshop on “Political developments in Ukraine” allo-wed the participants to learn about the politically motivated trial of Yulia TYMOSHENKO in greater depth and to hear a general assessment of the country’s developments during President Yanukovich’s term and the situation with the opposition parties.

In the framework of this ad hoc Working Group, which is chaired by MEP Karl-Heinz FLORENZ, the EPP organised a Climate Change Conference on “Prospects for Durban and Economic Growth through Green Econo-my”. The event included keynote speeches from Jos DELBEKE, Direc-tor-General for Climate Action, and Philip LOWE, Director-General for Energy, representing the European Commission. Furthermore, the con-ference included interventions from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and by companies such as Desertec, Ecopower and Al-stom. The representatives presented their views on the opportunities, which are created through fighting Climate Change.

Campaign Managers Meetings

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The European Neighbourhood Policy is the cornerstone of the EPP’s foreign relations. This successful framework enabled the EPP to enhance its political cooperation with the EU’s neighbouring countries and to help them to build stable, democratic and prosperous states.

• Northern Africa and the Middle East

The Arab Spring can be considered as the most important event internationally since the fall of the Berlin wall, and will reshape fundamentally international relations. Through interfaith and in-tercultural dialogue the EPP was already present in this region of the world prior to the Arab Spring. For instance, the dialogue with Al Azhar University was launched in 2010 and reinforced in 2011.

The EPP has actively supported pro-democratic forces. For ex-ample, from 24th-29th July 2011, an EPP Delegation led by Pre-sident Wilfried MARTENS visited Egypt to better understand and to support the aspirations of the young revolutionaries and to promote democracy, rule of law and human rights.

Subsequently in December 2011, more than 40 young people representing political forces and civil society from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Lebanon were invited to the EPP Congress in Marseille where they had the opportunity to meet with the EPP leadership, the EPP member parties and to exchange experiences.

The EPP also decided to launch, in cooperation with the EPP group, an ambitious program of training and seminars for this young generation coming from the south shore of the Mediterra-nean Sea. This program will be implemented in 2012.


EPP Foreign Affairs

The European Neighbourhood Policy

• Eastern Partnership

While there is renewed hope in Africa, in some places east of EU’s borders, such as Belarus and Ukraine, hope is fading.

Because the EPP was not allowed to visit Belarus, an EPP delegation, led by EPP Vice President Corien WORTMANN-KOOL, went to Vil-nius, Lithuania on 19th - 20th May to support the Belarusian EPP par-ties. The delegation also met with experts and officials from different neighbouring countries of Belarus. Sanctions against Lukashenko’s regime were discussed.

The EPP, together with its international partners, followed the politically motivated trial and sentencing of former Prime MinisterYulia TYMOSHENKO closely. During his visit to Ukraine (13th-15th

September) EPP President Martens condemned this unacceptable situation and underlined to the Ukrainian authorities that the EU-Ukraine association agreement remains at risk until the EU’s basic values and fundamental principles (the rule of law and democracy) are respected and implemented.

However, the history of the relationship between the EU and the coun-tries of the Eastern Partnership is also marked, thankfully, by success and promise - Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. To illustrate this, in De-cember 2011 the EPP President hosted the first Eastern Partnership mi-nisterial meeting of the EPP and like-minded Ministers from Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia in Batumi, Georgia. This meeting brought toge-ther the Chief negotiators of the three countries.

The cooperation between Armenia and the European Union as well as the Eastern Partnership project was previously discussed during the President Martens’ visit to Armenia in May 2011.

In December 2011, President Martens visited Georgia to support UNM, the party of President SAAKASHVILI, to assess the impressive reforms implemented by the current government and to reaffirm, on behalf of the European People’s Party, the commitment of Europe to the sove-reignty of Georgia, its independence and territorial integrity.

The following day, in Azerbaijan, President Martens encouraged the authorities to implement the necessary reforms that will facilitate a closer relationship with the EU.

As the European Union is becoming a global player on an international scale, the biggest political force of the EU, the European People’s Party, is actively assisting in strengthening foreign relations at a poli-tical level, whilst influencing Europe’s foreign policy priorities.

EPP President Wilfied MARTENS and Elmar BROK, MEP and Chairman of the AFET Committee at the Tahrir Square

Eugenia CARR, daughter of Yulia Tymoshenko, during the EPP visit to Ukraine

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For the past seven years, the EPP has developed strong transat-lantic relations via regular meetings in Brussels and Washing-ton. The cooperation between the EPP and transatlantic partners helps to promote common goals and to strengthen common values. In the United States the EPP cooperates clo-sely with the International Republican Institute (IRI).

The EPP continues to fortify its transatlantic relations via constant political dialogue with our longstanding partners. In June, EPP President Wilfried MARTENS and EPP Secretary General Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ were present in Washing-ton DC at the 2nd Transatlantic centre-right think-tank con-ference co-organised by the IRI and the CES. Also, in Novem-ber 2012, EPP Secretary General Antonio López-Istúriz was a keynote speaker at an event in Dallas on Cuba, entitled “Voices of Freedom”, organised by the George W. Bush Presidential Centre.

Transatlantic Relations

The Western Balkans

Between countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, with whom it is necessary for Europe to develop a privileged partnership, and the member countries of the Eastern Partnership, whose Europe-an destiny is being affirmed day by day, the Balkans occupy a particu-larly special place. The relationship with the countries of the Western Balkans remains one of the top pri-orities of the EPP. The EPP President visited Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 2011 where he met the EPP sister parties in order to help them to negotiate and solve the political deadlock, which has paralysed the development of the country.

EPP Secretary General Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ, José María AZNAR former Prime Minister of Spain, and George W. BUSH former US President with three Cuban dissidents.

EPP Defense Ministers’ MeetingItalian Foreign Minister Franco FRATTINI and Foreign Minister of France, Alain JUPPÉ | ©

Joint interview with the President of Georgia Mikheil SAAKASHVILI and EPP President Wilfried MARTENS

Trilateral dialogue in Batumi, Georgia

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EPP Communication

The mission of the EPP Press and CommunicationDepartment is to disseminate and promote - systematically and in real-time - our positions to the general public and to the European and in-ternational media. Our team works closely with our like-minded colleagues in the EU institutions and with the communication departments of our member parties in the national capitals, in order to streamline our messaging and to maximise our impact in public opinion.

Live Facebook Chat with Swedish MP Christian HOLM | EPP Headquarters February 2011

Communication Strategy

In 2011, the EPP continued to upgrade its communication strategy in an effort to help close the gap bet-

ween the EU and the citizens. The EPP strives to explain in an open and transparent manner its policies

through a set of new web-based platforms. Thus, the EPP is not only present in all of the main social

networks, but it has, by far, the highest level of social engagement - compared to all other European

political parties and groups - and continues to rapidly expand its outreach.

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Through Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social networks, the EPP is listening to the public,

explaining its policies, and connecting with people who share similar views on Europe. The EPP has also set-up its

very own social network myepp.eu, which is open to all its friends and supporters, as well as a webTV platform called

myepp.tv, which also includes channels for our member parties.

Our Social Networks

Finnish PM Jyrki KATAINEN during a press briefing at the EPP Summit

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EPP Structure and Resources

1European Political Parties: achieving legal status based on EU law

In April 2011 the European Parliament backed an EPP proposal to give EU-level political parties and foundations a legal perso-nality based directly on EU law. Greater flexibility in financing and a right for European parties to take part in referendum campaigns were suggestions, among others, that were included in a resolution submitted by EPP MEP Marietta GIANNAKOU. This resolution was prepared in coopera-tion with the EPP Headquarters and may later lead to legis-lative proposals amending the law.

Currently, most of the European political parties receiving EU funding are legally registered as non-governmental orga-nisations in Belgium but some are based in other Member States. The EP argued that more convergence is needed and concluded that this “can only be achieved by establi-shing a common legal and fiscal status based on EU law for the European political parties”.

EU legal status would enable the European political parties and their political foundations to act as authentic represen-tative agents of the European public. The EP, therefore, asked the Commission to propose a draft statute. The EPP and theother political parties and foundations are currently negotiating with the Commission to draw up this statute.

Marseille Congress approved key statutory amendments

The EPP Congress in Marseille approved, with a large majori-ty, a number of important amendments to the EPP Statutes such as:

• The EPP will strive towards equal participation of women and men in all its statutory organs.

• Member Associations will have the right to propose candi- dates for the functions of EPP President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer.

EPP: Sound and Transparent Finances

“The EPP General Secretariat practises a detailed monthly budget control and gives proof of commitment and solid profes-sional and transparent financial and budgetary management.” This was the conclusion of the EPP Auditors Report and wasalso confirmed during the ‘Ex Post Audit’ performed by the Directorate General Finances of the European Parliament.

The European Union budget for 2011 set aside €17.2 million for party funding. 15% of the budget is distributed among the parties in equal shares. 85% is distributed on the basis of the number of Members of Parliament accounted for by every Party. 11 European Political Parties were recognised in 2011 and received funding from the European Parliament(in million €):

• European People‘s Party (EPP) | 6.1• Party of European Socialists (PES) | 4.1• European Liberal Democrat and Reform party (ELDR) | 1.8• European Green Party (EGP) | 1.2• Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists (AECR) | 1.1• Party of the European Left (EL) | 0.8• European Democratic Party (EDP) | 0.6• European Free Alliance (EFA) | 0.4• EU Democrats (EUD) | 0.3• European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) | 0.3• European Alliance for Freedom (EAF) | 0.3

The European Parliament funds constitute 2/3 of the EPP in-come. The rest of the income is generated through the mem-bership fees. The membership fees of the ordinary Member Parties are calculated on the basis of the political strength of the party and the number of MEPs. The membership fee of the associate and observer member parties is calculated by the Political Assembly on the basis of the votes obtained by these parties during the last national elections.

Public Funding

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EPP Internship Programme | EPP Headquarters



EPP Internship Programme

In 2011 the EPP continued its successful Internship Programme and gave 10 young university graduates the opportunity to acquire useful experience in Euro-pean political life.

The EPP internship Programme is focused on immersing the trainees in the short and long term political planning and activities of the Party: organising meetings and conferences, preparing reports and press releases, editing pu-blications, updating the website and databases, communicating with mem-ber parties, EPP Groups, associations and other affiliated organisations, and liaising with officials from the European institutions, etc.

The 2011 interns

• Ana Maria MARTÍN (Spain)• Alena DZEMIDZENKA (Belarus)• Bernada CUNJ (Croatia)• Christopher HELBIG (Germany)• Raminta ŽŪSINAITĖ (Lithuania)• Lisa DUTTON (UK)• Emese-Margit BOGA (Romania)• Costanza BRACCI (Italy)• Sara PETRUCCI (Italy)• Óscar SÁNCHEZ BENÍTEZ (Venezuela)

EPP Headquarters: the Brussels Meeting Point of the EPP Family

The EPP Headquarters are the true Brussels meeting point for everyone associated with the European People’s Party. The meeting rooms and attractive lounge hosted numerous Working Groups, Conferences, Seminars, Presidency and Ministerial meetings.

Almost daily, the EPP HQ welcomes visitors from Member Parties and high level delegations from all over the globe. All of them are charmed by the modern, efficient and inviting look and feel of the office building.

Alongside the EPP Staff, the office also hosts most of the EPP Member Associations, the CDI and the Forum for European Studies.

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EPP Member Associations

Bringing together more than 50 centre-right youth poli-tical organisations from 38 countries all over Europe, YEPP is the biggest political organisation for the European cen-tre-right youth. It constitutes a genuine meeting point for those committed to European integration and sharing our values: the rule of law, freedom, human dignity, preserving our traditions and the rejection of any kind of extremism.

President: Csaba DÖMÖTÖR Secretary General: Juha-Pekka NURVALA

YEPP activities in 2011

03-06.02 YEPP Seminar “Euro-Mediterranean Partnerships”, Caserta, Italy09.04 Congress Preparation Working Day, Brussels, Belgium12-15.05 YEPP VIII Congress “How to finance the European Union in the 21st century?”, Berlin, Germany07-10.07 YEPP Summer School “Common Foreign and Security Policy”, Limassol, Cyprus08-11.09 YEPP Seminar “Democratic Process in Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine08-11.12 YEPP Seminar “European Economy: Governance & Main Challenges”, Marseille, France

For more information please visit: www.youthepp.eu


The European Union of Christian Democratic Workers is the workers’ association of the European People’s Party (EPP) with 24 member organisations from 17 different European countries. As the official EPP representative for wage-ear-ners, the EUCDW supports all related work carried out by the EPP and promotes the interests of its affiliated demo-cratic trade unions, political associations and civil society organisations in the EPP, the European Parliament and at all political and trade union levels in Europe.

President: Elmar BROK | Secretary General: Ivo BELET

EUCDW activities in 2011

03- 04.02 EUCDW Political Working Group, Brussels, Belgium12.02 EUCDW Presidium and Board Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal16.07 EUCDW Presidium and Board Meeting, Doorn, the Netherlands29.10. EUCDW Presidium and Board Meeting, Castelldefels, Spain06-07.12. EUCDW Political Working Group, Marseille, France07.12. EUCDW-EPP Workers‘ Group coordination session, Marseille, France

For more information please visit: www.eucdw.org

EDS is the official students’ organisation of the EPP. Since it was founded in 1961, EDS brings together students and young political leaders from all over Europe to promote a political pro-European exchange. Although being a students’ organisation and, the-refore, taking a special interest in topics like the Bologna Process, the organisation is especially aware of the importance of promoting values like freedom, democracy and human rights. Led by its Chairman Juraj Antal, it has 43 member organisations from 36 countries, representing over 1,600,000 students and youngsters. EDS publishes its magazine the BullsEye four times a year.

Chairman: Juraj ANTAL | Secretary General: Samuli KAURANNE

EDS activities in 2011

31.01.- 05.02. XXI. Winter University, “European and Regional Integration - the Role of Youth”, Brussels, Belgium07-10.04. Seminar & Council Meeting, “Central European Policies - Hungarian Priorities”, Budapest, Hungary12-15.05. Policy Days, “Security Challenges of the Baltics”, Riga and Ratnieki, Latvia08-13.07. XXXV. Summer University, EDS 50th Anniversary Celebration, “Europe Stronger Through Youth – Volunteering for a Knowledge Based Society”, Vienna, Austria13-18.09. Seminar & Council Meeting, “20 years of Democracy and Sustainable Development in Central and Eastern Europe”, Prague, Czech Republic07-11.12. EDS Seminar & Council Meeting, “Multiculturalism in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities”, Marseille, France

For more information please visit: www.edsnet.eu




Youth of the European People’s Party

European Union of the Christian Democratic Workers

European Democrat Students4

ESCU3 European Senior Citizens’ Union

With more than 1 million members, the European Senior Citizens’ Union is the largest political senior citizens’ organisation in Europe. Represented in 27 countries with 41 organisations, the ESCU is dedicated to advancing the rights of European senior citi-zens and promoting issues such as the role of the elderly in ageing European societies, discrimination against the elderly, European pension systems, volunteering and seni-ors active commitment in society.

At its regional conferences and through its Summer Academy in Vienna in 2011, the ESCU supported the concerns expressed by the 2011 European Year of Volunteering. It turned out that senior citizens adhered to the existing palette of proven forms of volunteering for the common good while at the same time exploring new fields of activity that representatives of different generations can tap into.

President: Bernhard WORMS | Secretary General: Ingeborg UHLENBROCK

ESCU activities in 2011

18-19.01 Board Meeting in Königswinter, Germany28.02-01.03 ESCU Regional Conference “SOUTH”, Ciudad Real, Spain13-15.05 ESCU Regional Conference “SOUTH-EAST”, Varna, Bulgaria15.05 Board meeting, Varna, Bulgaria30.06 Board and Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium24-26.07 Second Summer Academy for senior citizens’ leaders, Vienna, Austria15-16.09 ESCU Regional Conference “West”, Brussels, Belgium10.11 Board and Executive Committee, Brussels, Belgium

For more information please visit: www.eu-seniorunion.info

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The SME UNION is the business organisation of the EPP and network of pro-business Christian democrat, conservative and centre-right politicians and political organisations. As an officially recognised EPP Association, its main objective is to shape EU policy in a more SME friendly way. Its top priority is to reform the legal framework for SMEs throughout Europe and to promote and support the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the engine of the European economy; thereby contributing to eradicating unemployment and promoting econo-mic growth in Europe.

President: Nadezhda NEYNSKY

SME UNION activities in 2011

26.01 Working Breakfast with VÖB on “The Impact of Basel III on SME financing”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;09.02 Working Lunch on “inSpire ME! Young entrepreneurs on the internet”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;16.03 Book Presentation “Beyond mechanical markets” by Professor Roman Frydman, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;30.03 Working Breakfast with EBAN (European Business Angels Network) on “Can the EU bridge the equity gap?”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;13.04 Working Lunch “The Online SME story: Untapping the possibilities” European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;31.05 Working Breakfast with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers on “Role of Bookkeeping in SMEs in Sustaining Financial Stability”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;15.06 Panel discussion on “Using ICTs to reach the Europe 2020 goals: what role for the European Parliament?”, Brussels, Belgium;22.06 Working Breakfast on “Next generation transmission grid” with the Energy Commissioner Günther OETTINGER, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;29.06 General Assembly of the SME UNION, SME UNION Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium;21.09 SME UNION Working Lunch on “SME-commerce: embracing the cross-border potential”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;06.10 European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Katowice, Poland;19.10 SME UNION Working Breakfast with Microsoft “A new EU budget for economic recovery: how will SMEs fare?”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;22.11 SME UNION - TuR&Bo (Turkish Research and Business Organisations) Conferences on “Women Entrepreneurship in the EU and Turkey: fostering development in times of eco- nomic downturn”, Museum of Art and History & European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium;

For more information please visit: www.sme-union.eu

EPP WOMEN (EPPW) is a Member Association of the EPP, which consists of national women’s organisations of EPP Member Parties from all over Europe. EPP WOMEN unites over 40 member organisations from countries of the European Union and non-EU countries. EPP WOMEN is dedicated to the advancement of women’s political emancipation throughout Europe and the promotion of important women-related issues. Most recently EPP WOMEN addressed issues such as gender justice, trafficking, equality between women and men, and women in conflict zones and newly developing democracies.

President: Doris PACK | Secretary General: Hillie VAN DE STREEK

EPPW activities in 2011

14.04 EPPW Conference and General Board, Brussels, Belgium21-25.07 EPPW Summer Academy, Mallorca, Spain07.10 EPPW Congress, Malaga, Spain

For more information please visit: www.epp-women.org

SME UNION5 Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Unionof the European People’s Party








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In 2011, the official think tank of the EPP, the Centre for European Studies (CES), conducted research that gained widespread acclaim. CES publications reached the people of Europe and enabled them to understand the dynamics of politics at the European level better.

The activities of CES in 2011 included the publication of research papers, policy briefs, news commentaries and policy recommendations as well as seminars, conferences panel debates, roundtable debates and workshops on EU policies. CES also marks 2011 as the launch year of the very promising and ambitious Springeneration Project, which aims to forge stronger ties among Europeans and people in the Middle East and North Africa.

The 2nd US-EU Centre-Right Think Tank Conference was another influ-ential initiative of CES in 2011 and took place in cooperation with the International Republican Institute (IRI). Under the title “Challenges to the West – Security, Democracy and Prosperity”, this two-day centre-right think tank forum in Washington, DC was organised with the aim of reas-sessing the transatlantic relationship and encouraging like-minded thin-

As the official think tank of the EPP, the CES monitors, analyses and contributes to the debate on the EU’s policy priorities. A wide range of specific political issues were covered in CES’ research papers:


Centre for European Studies

Research Papers and Publications

The US-EU Centre-Right Think Tank Conference

In addition, CES reached out to relevant audiences by organising high-level events, which frequently featured Prime Ministers and other distinguis-hed speakers, reflecting the core values of the European centre-right. At CES, we count on the contribution of our 21 member foundations, with whom we have cooperated with in the organisation of over 60 common projects on a wide range of topics that have contributed to enriching EU policy discussions across Europe and beyond.

kers on both sides of the Atlantic to coordinate and share ideas about common challenges and goals.

The event featured Wilfried MARTENS, Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ, Lorne CRANER, Karl ROVE and many others.

• EU-Russia Relations: Time for a realistic turnaround• The Future of World Trade: EU Priorities for the Global Trading System after the Crisis• Old Ghosts in New Sheets: European Populist Parties and Foreign Policy• A Thorn in the Side of European Elites: The new Euroscepticism• EU Economic Governance: The French and German Views• The European Union at a Crossroads: an Action Plan• Political Islam in Europe and the Mediterranean• After their Establishment: Right-wing Populist Parties in Europe • Stopping the Drift: Recalibrating the Transatlantic Relationship for a Multipolar World • The European Factbook 2011: The European People’s Party and Centre - Right Politics

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For more information please visit: www.thinkingeurope.eu


The Economic Ideas Forum

The International Visitors Programme

More than 200 participants attended the second annual Economic Ideas Forum (EIF), one of the flagship events of CES that took place on 25th -26th May 2011 in London. This forum brought together high-level economic experts, ministers, Members of the European Parliament, influen-tial business leaders from around the world and enter-prise representatives in an effort to involve EU leaders and inspire them with strategic insights. This edition of the EIF focused on the pertinent issues of reinvigorating the transatlantic partnership, reforming financial services and completing the European Single Market.

The Arab Spring Programme

An important topic of the workshops organised by CES was the empowerment of women in the post Arab Spring Middle East. This highly successful event was a showcase of CES’ ability to bridge the emerging generation of Arab political leaders and members of civil society with Europe.

As an integral part of the EPP Congress in Marseille, the International Visitors Programme (IVP), organi-sed by CES, aimed at bringing together prominent personalities from around the world to address pressing issues on the European and global agen-das. The programme featured Prime Ministers Jyrki KATAINEN and Viktor ORBÁN, as well as other influential leaders and academics, who discussed current issues like job creation in times of austerity, and social, fiscal and economic integration.

This year’s IVP also featured an exclusive breakfast debate with Tim PAWLENTY, former Republican candidate for President of the United States in the 2012 election. Tim Pawlenty briefed the audience on current transatlantic relations and focused on the GOP take of nearly all current issues in world affairs.

CES invited young activists who played leading roles in the Arab Spring to participate in the EPP Congress and the IVP. This event gave future Arab leaders the chance to observe Europeanpolitics while also providing CES with the opportunity to promote centre-right values and their role in politics. CES succeeded in gathering a very engaging group of young Arabs who brought fresh perspectives into the debate. This was the perfect backdrop for the launch of the Springeneration public opinion survey, which is located online at www.springeneration.eu.

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The Annual EPP St. Géry Dialogue

The main objective of this year’s event was to discuss ambitious decisions for overcoming the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and strengthening the Euro. Commission President José Manuel BARROSO deli-vered a comprehensive keynote speech on the need for further economic integration in Europe. Follow-ing his intervention, President Barroso joined a lively panel with MEP Corien WORTMANN-KOOL, Prof. Hans GEEROMS and Financial Times Brussels Bu-reau Chief, Peter SPIEGEL. The debate was mode-rated by EPP Deputy Secretary General, Christian KREMER. The main conclusion of the discussion was that the advantages of the Euro by far outweigh the costs, but more economic and fiscal integration is necessary to ensure this positive outcome.

The EPP has already set the date for next year’s Annual EPP St. Géry Dialogue: 3rd September 2012.

On 7th November 2011 the EPP organised the se-cond edition of the Annual EPP St. Géry Dialogue under the title “Securing the future of the Euro through deeper economic integration”.

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EPP Congress 2012 – Bucharest

take the floor during the plenary session. On the occasion of the Congress, EPP’s official think-tank The Centre for European Studies will organise the 4th edition of the International Visitors Programme brin-ging together like-minded partners from all around the globe.


For more details (starting 1st July 2012) please visit: epp2012.eu - Twitter hashtags: #epp #epp2012


2012On 16th-18th November 2012, at the invitation of the Democratic Liberal Party (PD-L) and the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) as well as Romanian President Traian BASESCU, the EPP will hold its XXI Congress in Bucharest, Romania. The Congress will renew the party’s Basic Programme and will elect its leadership.

More than 1,200 delegates from 75 parties and 40 countries will have a chance to participate in various working groups, seminars, conferences and high level debates. All EPP Heads of State and Go-vernment and Presidents of the EU Institutions, as well as other high-level guests, will be invited to


Page 40: EPP in Action 2011


Who is Who | EPP Presidency

Viktor ORBÁNHungary, FIDESZ

Peter HINTZEGermany, CDU

Enda KENNYIreland, FG

Michel BARNIERFrance, UMP

Joseph DAUL France, UMP

Mário DAVIDPortugal, PSD

Antonio TAJANIItaly, PdL


Corien WORTMANN-KOOLNetherlands, CDA



José Manuel BARROSOPortugal, PSD

Herman VAN ROMPUYBelgium, CD&V

Rumiana JELEVABulgaria, GERB

Jyrki KATAINENFinland, KOK


Wilfried MARTENS


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Who is Who | EPP Secretariat




Javier JIMÉNEZSenior Press and Communication [email protected]

Christian [email protected]

Luc [email protected]

Kostas [email protected]

Nicolas [email protected]

Brenda [email protected]

Karine MILHEIROPress and Communication [email protected]

Galina FOMENCHENKOPolitical Adviser [email protected]

Mélanie DURSINPolitical [email protected]

Juan MAGAZPolitical Adviser [email protected]

Lisa DUTTONAssistant toPresident’s [email protected]

Yelba TORRESAssistantMinisterial [email protected]




Emanuela FARRISSenior Political [email protected]


Beatriz DE ANTAAssistant to the Secretary General [email protected]

Meri [email protected]

Julia ZALUTSKAJAAssistant to Nicolas [email protected]

Pavlina HEYMANSAssistant to Kostas [email protected]

Siegfried MURESANPolitical [email protected]

Ines PRAINSACKPolitical [email protected]

Daphné LAMALAssistant to Luc [email protected]

Christopher HELBIGAssistant to Christian [email protected]

Marta PRZYSIECKAEvents and Communication Officer [email protected]

Sophie PAEMEGeneral Administration & [email protected]

Guy VOLCKAERTManager of Informatics & [email protected]



Page 42: EPP in Action 2011


EPP Member Parties and Observers















Österreichische Volkspartei · ÖVP · (Austrian People’s Party)

Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams · CD&V · (Christian-Democratic and Flemish) Centre Démocrate Humaniste · cdH · (Humanistic Democratic Centre)

Граждани за европейско развитие на България · ГЕРБ/GERB · (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) Съюз на Демократичните Сили · CДC SDS/UDF · (Union of Democratic Forces) Демократи за силна България · ДCБ/DSB · (Democrats for a strong Bulgaria) Демократическа партия · ДП/DP · (Democratic Party) Земеделски Народен Съюз · ЗHC/ZNS · (Agrarian People’s Union)

Δημοκρατικόs Συναγερμόs · DISY · (Democratic Rally of Cyprus)

TOP 09 · (TOP 09) Křesťanská a Demokratická Unia – Česká Strana Lidová · KDU-ČSL · (The Christian Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People’s Party)

Det Konservative Folkeparti · DKF · (Conservative People’s Party) Kristendemokraterne · KD · (Christian Democrats)

Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit · IRL · (Pro Patria and Res Publica Union)

Kansallinen Kokoomus · KOK · (The National Coalition Party) Kritillisdemokraatit · KD*· (Finish Christian Democrats)

Union pour un Mouvement Populaire · UMP · (Union for a Popular Movement)

Christlich Demokratische Union · CDU · (Christian Democratic Union) Christlich Soziale Union in Bayern · CSU · (Christian Social Union of Bavaria)

Νέα Δημοκρατία · ND · (New Democracy)

Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség · FIDESZ · (Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union) Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt · KDNP · (Christian Democratic People’s Party)

Fine Gael · FG · (Family of the Irish)

Popolo della Libertà · PdL · (People of Freedom) Unione di Centro · UDC · (Union of the Centre) Popolari per il Sud· (People for the South) Südtiroler Volkspartei · SVP* · (South Tyrolean People’s Party)





























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Vienotība · V · (Unity)

Tėvynės Sąjungos-Lietuvos Krikščionys Demokratai · TS-LKD · (Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats)

Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei · CSV · (Christian Social People’s Party)

Partit Nazzjonalista · PN · (Nationalist Party)

Christen Democratisch Appèl · CDA · (Christian Democratic Appeal)

Platforma Obywatelska · PO · (Civic Platform) Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe · PSL · (Polish People’s Party)

Partido Social Democrata · PSD · (Social Democratic Party) Centro Democrático e Social-Partido Popular · CDS-PP · (Democratic and Social Centre-People‘s Party)

Partidul Democrat-Liberal · PD–L · (Democratic-Liberal Party) Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România/Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség · UDMR/RMDSZ · (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania) Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc Creştin Democrat · PNŢCD · (Christian-Democratic National Peasants‘ Party)

Slovenská Demokratická a Kresťanská Únia - Demokratická Strana · SDKÚ-DS · (Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party)Kresťanskodemokratické hnutie · KDH · (Christian Democratic Movement) Strana Maďarskej Koalície/Magyar Koalíció Pártja · MKP · (Party of Hungarian Coalition)

Slovenska Demokratska Stranka · SDS · (Slovenian Democratic Party) Slovenska Ljudska Stranka · SLS · (Slovenian People’s Party)Nova Slovenija – Krščanska Ljudska Stranka · NSI · (New Slovenia – Christian People’s Party)

Partido Popular · PP · (People’s Party) Unió Democràtica de Catalunya · UDC · (Democratic Union of Catalonia)

Moderaterna · MOD· (Moderate Party) Kristdemokraterna · KD · (Christian Democrats)

























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Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë · PD*· (Democratic Party of Albania)

Հայաստանի Հանրապետական Կուսակցություն / Hayastani Hanrapetakan Kusaktsutyun · HHK*· (Republican Party of Armenia)Օրինաց երկիր / Orinats Erkir · OEK*· (Rule of Law)Ժառանգություն /Zharangutyun · Z*· (Heritage)

Беларускі Народны Фронт · БНФ/BPF*· (Belarusan Popular Front) Объединенная Гражданская Партия · ОГП/UCP*· (United Civil Party)

Stranka Demokratske Akcije · SDA*· (Party of Democratic Action) Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica Bosne i Hercegovine · HDZBiH*· (Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Партија Демократског Прогреса/Partija Demokratskog Progresa · ПДП/PDP*· (Party of Democratic Progress)

Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica · HDZ · (Croatian Democrat Union) Hrvatska Seljačka Stranka · HSS · (Croatian Peasant Party)

Внатрешна македонска револуционерна организација – Демократска партија за македонско национално единство · ВМРО-ДПМНЕ/VMRO-DPMNE· (Internal ‘Macedonian’ Revolutionary Organization-Democratic Party for ‘Macedonian’ National Unity)

ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა / Ertiani Natsionaluri Modzraoba · UNM*· (United National Movement)

Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova · PLDM*· (Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova)Partidul Popular Creştin Democrat · PPCD*· (Christian Democratic People’s Party)

Høyre · (Conservative Party) Kristelig Folkeparti · KrF*· (Christian Democratic Party)

Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese · PDCS*· (Sammarinese Christian Democratic Party)


Демократска странка Србије/Demokratska Stranka Srbije · DSS · (Democratic Party of Serbia) Savez Vojvođanskih Mađara/Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség · VMSZ*· (Alliance of Hungarians in Vojvodina)

Christlich Demokratische Volkspartei · CVP · (Christian Democratic People’s Party)

Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi · AKP*· (Justice and Development Party)

Батьківщина/Batkivshcyna*· (Fatherland Party) Народний Союз ‘Наша Україна’/Narodnyi Soyuz Nasha Ukrayina · NSNU*· (People’s Union ‘Our Ukraine’) Народний Рух України/Narodnyi Rukh Ukrajiny · RUKH*· (People’s Movement of Ukraine)




























Other European Countries


Single Party Government

Senior Coalition Partner

Junior Coalition Partner

Not in Government

Observer Status

Symbols next to the country name correspond to governmental status of EPP member parties in the respective country.

Order of national member parties is correlated with their governmental status or representation in respective national parliaments.

Asterisk next to the party name corresponds to observer status within the EPP.

Page 45: EPP in Action 2011

Not visible on this Map:Guadaloupe (F) / Guayana (F) / Martinique(F) / Réunion (F)Curaçao (NL) / Bonaire (NL) / Sint Maarten (NL)Azores (P)

EPP Headquarters | Rue du Commerce 10 | B-1000 BrusselsFebruary 2012 | Funded by the European Parliament


United Kingdom












Czech Rep.Slovakia



Vienna Bratislava





San Marino

Slovenia Zagreb

Bosnia &Herzegovina




















































EU Country with EPP-led government

EU Country

Non-EU Country with EPP-led government

Non-EU Country


EPP in Europe

Page 46: EPP in Action 2011

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