EPP in Action 2007



Publication about the EPP's activities and achievements during 2007.

Transcript of EPP in Action 2007

EPP Headquarters

Rue du Commerce 10 · B-1000 Brussels Tel: +32-2-2854 140 · Fax: +32-2-2854 141

Email: [email protected]



[ 01 ] Welcome to the EPP

[ 02 ] EPP in the European Council | EPP Summit

[ 04 ] EPP Heads of State and Government

[ 05 ] EPP in the European Commission

[ 06 ] EPP in the European Parliament, EPP-ED Group EPP in the OSCE PA

[ 07 ] EPP in the Committee of the Regions EPP in the Council of Europe

[ 08 ] EPP Presidency and Political Bureau

[ 11 ] EPP Working Groups / Conferences

[ 14 ] 50th Anniversary Summit, 24 March 2007, Berlin

[ 19 ] Extraordinary Summit, 18 October 2007, Lisbon

[ 20 ] EPP Foreign Affairs

[ 21 ] EPP Supporting Electoral Campaigns

[ 22 ] EPP Communication Strategy

[ 24 ] EPP Statute and Party Funding

[ 25 ] EPP Internship | EPP Headquarters

[ 26 ] The Centre for European Studies

[ 27 ] Foundations and Institutes

[ 28 ] EPP Associations

[ 30 ] Who is Who - EPP Presidency | EPP Secretariat

[ 32 ] EPP Member Parties and Observers

[ 33 ] Map of Europe

[ EPP Team | December 2007 ]


Welcome to the EPP


Secretary General Antonio López-Istúriz and President Wilfried Martens

[ 01 ]

W elcome to the European People‘s Party, the largest European-level party on the con-tinent. With 72 member parties from 38

countries, 17 heads of government (twelve EU and six non-EU), nine European Commissioners, including the President, and the largest Group in the European Parliament with 288 members, the EPP is the leading political force in Europe. The EPP is a family of the political centre-right, whose roots run deep in the history and civilisation of the European continent and has pioneered the European project from its inception. The EPP is committed to a federal Europe, based on the principle of subsidiarity – a democratic, transparent and efficient Europe. Our vision is one of mutual respect, of inclusion of all free citizens, encompassing all European countries and re-gions, no matter how diverse – a Europe for all. The EPP wants a Europe that upholds a prosperous and peaceful future for all its citizens. 2007 was a turning point for Europe. During the first half of the year, the EPP led the three main EU in-stitutions – the Council with the German Presiden-cy headed by Angela Merkel, the Commission with José Manuel Barroso, and the Parliament with Hans-Gert Poettering – and was therefore finally able to overcome the institutional impasse with the agreement on the new Reform Treaty. The role of the newly-elected President of France Nicolas Sarkozy was catalytic in the process and, as a result, has given new impetus to the European project.

T he second half of 2007 was marked by two di-stinct but equally important political successes: the election victory of EPP member party the

Civic Platform in Poland led by the newly-elected Pri-me Minister Donald Tusk, and the adoption of the revised Regulation on European political parties. In the first case, the new EPP government of Poland has already managed to restore the political credibility of the country in the European Union and is expected to play a leading role in the coming years. In the se-cond case, the revised Regulation allows European-level political parties to campaign for the first time for European elections; it also permits the establishment of political foundations linked to European political parties. Needless to say, the EPP aspires for its new political foundation to become a leading European and international think tank. The EPP has many tasks ahead – it will again be at the driver’s seat of the three main EU institutions for the entire year of 2008 – the Slovenian Presidency led by Janez Jansa in the first half and the French Presiden-cy led by Nicolas Sarkozy in the second half – and will closely follow the ratification process of the Re-form Treaty. Also, as a result of the revised Regulation on European political parties, the EPP will begin to prepare its 2009 European election campaign, spear-headed by a number of important policy challenges such as climate change, economic development, im-migration, a.o.

EPP in the European Council | EPP Summits

[ 02 ]

Statutory Summit, Meise, 8 March 2007

Following reports from Commissioners An-

dris Piebalgs and Stavros Dimas, the EPP

policy document on “Europe’s Energy Chal-

lenge – proposals for a more sustainable,

efficient and secure future of energy” was


The leaders deplored the so-called “Move-

ment for European Reform”, stating any de-

bate on the reform of Europe could be held

at any moment in the framework of the EPP

political family.

Statutory Summit, Meise, 21 June 2007

Congratulations went to French Prime Min-

ister François Fillon for the UMP’s major-

ity win in the parliamentary elections and to Nicolas

Sarkozy for his election as President of France.

The EPP “trias politica” (chairs of the Council, the

Commission and the Parliament) elaborated on ne-

gotiations on the mandate and the timetable for the

Intergovernmental Conference in autumn 2007 with a

set time-frame for ratification by the end of 2008 in

time for the European elections in June 2009.

Upon the invitation of Mariano Rajoy, President of

the Partido Popular (PP) of Spain, the EPP decided to

hold a Convention on Climate Change in Madrid in

February 2008.

The leaders welcomed the creation of European foun-

dations linked to European Political Parties and offered

their support.

Berlin,24 March

Lisbon,18 October

50th Anniversary Summit

Extraordinary Summit

Special Chapter onpages 17 - 19

Special Chapter onpages 14 - 16

A t the Summits the EPP Heads of State and Government, party leaders in coalition gov-ernments and in opposition, the EPP Presidency and the EPP Presidents of the Coun-cil, the Commission and the Parliament, meet prior to the European Council Summits.

These important sessions offer EPP leaders in informal and confidential settings the opportunity to air their dif ferences and to seek consensus within the EPP family in an effort to develop com-mon positions at the European Council.

In 2007, five Summit meetings were held at various locations. During the first six months the EPP occupied the helm of the European Union with its “trias politica”: Angela Merkel, President of the European Council, José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission and Hans-Gert Poettering, President of the European Parliament.

The discussions focused on the EU’s economic development, the safeguarding of our energy sup-ply, the political development of Europe, the party and its Member States, and thorough debates on the Reform Treaty and the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC). An extraordinary enlarged Summit gathered in Berlin on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

[ 03 ]

Statutory Summit, Brussels, 13 December 2007

Members warmly welcomed newly-elected

Prime Minister Donald Tusk of the Civic

Platform in Poland, re-elected Prime Minis-

ter Ivo Sanader of the HDZ in Croatia, and

Deputy Prime Minister Bendt Bendtsen

of the Conservative Party in Denmark, fol-

lowing their respective victories in recent

elections; and congratulated President Tra-

ian Basescu for the excellent results of the

Democratic Party in the European elections

in Romania.

The President praised Chancellor Angela

Merkel for her in-depth discussions and

new basic programme in the CDU.

Celebrating the historical day of the procla-

mation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights

and the signing of the Reform Treaty, the EPP

leaders pledged that with united efforts they

would seek to have the Treaty ratified by the

end of 2008, and stressed that its implemen-

tation would be of great importance.

The leaders looked forward to their role as

representatives in the Reflection Group on

the future of the EU, which should receive

a clear mandate, taking into consideration

that it should not be an obstacle during the

Treaty ratification period.

In view of the situation in Kosovo, it was

considered that the draft conclusions of the

European Council should properly take into

consideration the Presidential elections in

Serbia on 3 February 2008. Swift and thor-

ough consultations with EPP Prime Minister

of Serbia Vojislav Kostunica will be crucial

in maintaining stability in the Balkans.

President Nicolas Sarkozy’s proposal for a

Mediterranean Union could receive support,

providing that it would not substitute the

Barcelona process, and that all EU Member

States would be able to participate.

It was reminded that the Commission’s

services should take into account the con-

siderable reforms undertaken in Croatia

and the stable democratic government

that was recently re-elected, in order to

proceed with the accession negotiations.

The chapter on Foreign Affairs should be

opened, especially since Croatia will be a

member of the UN Security Council.

Jan Peter BALKENENDE, Netherlands, CDA

Traian BASESCU, Romania, PD

Lawrence GONZI, Malta, PN

Janez JANŠA, Slowenia, SDS

Jean-Claude JUNCKER, Luxembourg, CSV

Aigars KALVITIS, Latvia, TP

Kostas KARAMANLIS, Greece, ND

Angela MERKEL, Germany, CDU

Frederik REINFELDT, Sweden, MOD

Nicolas SARKOZY, France, UMP

Donald TUSK, Poland, PO


Albania, DP



Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN, Turkey, AKP

Vojislav KOŠTUNICA, Serbia, DSS

Ivo SANADER, Croatia, HDZ

Mirek TOPOLáNEK, Czech Republic, ODS*


Ukraine, NSNU

I n 2007, the EPP proved again that it was the driving political force in Europe. 12 Go-vernments of EU Members States and six of non–EU countries were headed by leaders belonging to the EPP political family.

Especially relevant was the addition of Donald Tusk, winner of the Polish elections in the autumn, to the list of EPP Prime Ministers, and his participation in the last EPP Summit of 2007, held in Brussels. Leaders of the EPP played a key role in the main decisions taken by the EU in 2007, such as the adoption of the new EU Reform Treaty and the expansion of the Schengen area.

EPP Heads of State and Government

[ 04 ]

(*ODS is allied with the EPP in the European Parliament)


José Manuel BARROSO | Portugal

“Europe must continue to show leadership. The European dimension is absolutely essential. You cannot tackle global warming; you cannot deliver sustainable, secure and competitive energy, wi-thout Europe.”

External Relations & ENP

Benita FERRERO-WALDNER | Austria

“We want to see our border regions as well-developed, secure and exemplary models of fruitful cooperation, local initiative and part-nership.”

Information Society & Media

Vivianne REDING | Luxembourg

“The Information Society is crucial to achieving the Lisbon Goals of creating a competitive, sustaina-ble and socially inclusive Europe where everyone, regardless of their health, wealth or location, can fulfill their potential.”


Andris PIEBALGS | Latvia

“The world today is facing a massive energy and environmental challenge. I believe that a response can only be provided at the Europe-an level, and it must be based on sustainabili-ty, competitiveness and energy security.”

Justice, Freedom & Security

Franco FRATTINI | Italy

“We must promote fundamental rights if we are to achieve a Europe of which we can all be proud. Our aim is to facilitate the lives of EU citizens, setting clear rules, applicable laws and the recognition and enforcement of judgments within the EU and at international level.“

Education & Culture

Jan FIGEL | Slovakia

“We need to feel that Europe is integrating in sym-bolic, non-material domains. Through art, litera-ture, and cinema we can share in a European identi-ty and get a clearer sense that we belong to Europe. We need to harness creative energies in Europe.”


Stavros DIMAS | Greece

“We, the European Union, are ready to take the lead in international ef forts to combat climate change. The battle can be won if all countries make a contri-bution in line with their common but dif ferentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.”

Fisheries & Maritime Affairs

Joe BORG | Malta

“My aim is to help increase the prosperity and well-being of EU citizens through our relationship with the seas and oceans. I am committed to setting the European Union on the path towards a European Maritime Policy.”


Jacques BARROT | France

“I want a transport policy focused clearly on our citizens’ needs and expectations. Im-proved mobility throughout our continent should not bring new risks and dif ficulties for the people of Europe.”

EPP in the European Commission

T he European People’s Party has always played a pivotal role in the European Commission, a pil-lar institution of the Union that implements Eu-

ropean Union policies. With José Manuel Barroso – a long-standing figure of the EPP family – at the helm, the current Commission is giving a vital impulse to EU policies. The Commission has a total of nine Members that originate from the EPP family:

[ 05 ]

2 007 started with an important politi-cal highlight: the election of Hans-Gert Poettering, former EPP-ED Group Chairman,

as President of the European Parliament (January 16, 2007). One week prior to this election, Joseph Daul was elected as the new Chairman of the EPP-ED Group. European elections in Bulgaria (five EPP-ED Members) and Romania (18 EPP-ED Members) in 2007 were very successful for the EPP-ED Group and brought the to-

tal number of MEPs to 287. Moreover, an additional two members left the ALDE Group to join the EPP-ED Group. Fol-lowing the strong attendance of EPP member parties in na-tional elections last year in France, Finland and Poland, Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP-ED Group, is con-

vinced that this marks a significant sea-change in the way European citizens want the EU to develop.

According to Chairman Daul: “Our aim is to create a Europe based on deeply-held values, bringing people to-gether to focus on peace, prosperity and solidarity. The days of an inward-looking, class-based EU must be over. We need a Europe that pulls its weight on our continent and in the world and I am thrilled that this message is getting through not only across Europe but in the new Member States. I thank especially the people of Romania and Bulgaria for their confidence in our political family and their confidence in the future of Europe.”

In foreign policy issues the Group was successful in ensur-ing that resolutions were adopted on Venezuela, Cuba,

The Group of the European People’s Party and European Democrats (EPP-ED Group) has currently 289 Members in the European Parliament. This is historically the largest number of MEPs in any political group in the Euro-pean Parliament. The EPP-ED is also the only group with MEPs from all 27 Member States of the European Union.

Zimbabwe, Transnistria (Moldova), and Estonia. The Reform Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights were also adopted where the EPP-ED Group played a pioneering role in their promotion. The EPP-ED Group succeeded in financ-ing both the Gali-leo Programme and the European Insti-tute of Technology. Similarly, one of the major achievements has been the adop-tion of the Directive on payment services in the internal market and improv-ing the portability of supplementary pension rights.

For more information on EPP-ED Group, please visit:


EPP in the European Parliament, EPP-ED Group EPP in the OSCE PA

The Chairman of the EPP-ED Group in the Parliamentary Assembly for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) and Vice President of the Assembly is Panos Kammenos.

In July 2007, Göran Lennmarker was re-elected President of the OSCE PA for

a second one-year term, following his nomination by the Group. This was a great victory for the EPP since it rein-forced the position of its Group as the strongest political force in the OSCE PA.

For more information, please visit: www.oscepa.org/

EPP in the OSCE PA

[ 06 ]

EPP in the Committee of the Regions EPP in the Council of Europe

EPP in the Committee of the Regions

T he Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the political assembly which gives local and regional authori-ties a voice at the heart of the European Union.

As the largest political Group and the only one to have representatives from each of the 27 Member States, the EPP is the driving force for strength-ening the role and influence of local and regional authorities in the EU decision-making process. Since 2004, President Isidoro Gottardo, Councillor of the

Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, has led the Group in defin-ing the CoR’s political priorities.

During 2007, the EPP Group held five meetings in Brus-sels and three extraordinary meetings in Rome, Madeira and Malta respectively. The first of these was organised within the framework of the Special CoR Plenary Session to commemorate the 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome and was dedicated to Interfaith Dialogue. This extraordinary meeting brought representatives from Europe’s major re-ligions together with local and regional authorities and was concluded by the President of the European People’s Party, Wilfried Martens. In May, a meeting in Madeira discussed regional perspectives for the future European maritime policy with participation from Commissioner Joe Borg and the final extraordinary meeting considered the role of regions in the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of Malta. In ad-dition to this, the EPP Group organised a seminar on re-gional clusters during the Open Days: Week of Cities and Regions and held its second edition of the annual “Sum-mer University for regional and local journalists” gather-ing more than 70 journalists from across the EU.

Close cooperation between other European Institutions is a priority for the EPP Group in the CoR and this can be reflected through its regular consultations with both Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament from the wider EPP family.

For more information on the EPP Group in the Commit-tee of the Regions, please visit:


EPP in the Council of Europe

T he Council of Europe is the continent‘s oldest po-litical organisation, founded in 1949. It groups to-gether 47 Member States, including 21 countries

from Central and Eastern Europe. The Council of Europe is distinct from the 27 members of the European Union, but no country has ever joined the Union without first belonging to the Council of Europe.

The Group of the European Peo-ple’s Party in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Eu-rope promotes political coopera-tion in Europe, according to the principles and values of the EPP. During the course of 2007, members of the EPP Group in the Council of Europe participated in observation mis-sions for legislative elections in Serbia, Armenia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The 25th Quadripartite meeting between the Council and the European Union took place on 23 October 2007 in Strasbourg. The participants reaffirmed their commit-ment to implementing the Memorandum of Understand-ing in order to enhance cooperation on topics of com-mon interest, including through joint projects. Specific reference was made to the development of activities of the Council of Europe and those of the newly-established European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. There was a will for the early accession by the European Union to the European Convention for Human Rights, and Fun-damental Freedoms would contribute greatly to coher-ence in the field of human rights in Europe.

Luc Van den Brande was elect-ed by acclamation as President of the EPP Group in January 2005. He underlined that the Council of Europe was the “Cathedral of Values” and must adhere to its core objectives while also reach-

ing out to the colleagues in the European Parliament and the OSCE. For more information on the EPP Group in the Parlia-mentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, please visit: http://assembly.coe.int/ppe/index_e.htm

[ 07 ]

EPP Presidency and Political Bureau

EPP Structure

T he EPP has three levels of decision-making: Presidency, Political Bureau and Congress. EPP Heads of government can give policy

recommendations at the level of the EPP Summit, whereas EPP Working Groups perform preparatory political work.

The Presidency decides on the general political guidelines and presides over the Political Bureau. The Presidency is composed of the President, 10 Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. The Chairman of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament is also ex officio Vice Pres-ident of the EPP.

The Congress is the highest decision-making body of the Party. It is composed of delegates from EPP member parties, associate member parties, and EPP recognised associations. The number of participants reflects the number of delegates for the Political Bureau. The EPP Congress meets once every three years. It elects the EPP Presidency and decides on the main policy documents, electoral programmes and provides a platform for the EPP Heads of Government and Party leaders.

The Political Bureau defines the political posi-tions of the party between Congresses, deciding on membership applications and final political guidelines. The Political Bureau also decides on the budget and safeguards the political presence of the EPP between the Congress meetings. The Po-litical Bureau is composed of designated delegates from the EPP member parties, associated member parties, and the EPP recognized associations. The number of delegates for each party is linked to the election result in the last European elections so that parties are weighted according to their strength. This allows taking decisions by majority. The Politi-cal Bureau meets three to four times a year.

The Political Bureau defines the mandate of the Working Groups which prepare the Party’s poli-cy documents and recommendations. All member parties and Associated member parties and mem-bers of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parlia-ment have the possibility of participating in the Working Groups.

[ 08 ]

EPP Political Bureau Highlights

During 2007 the EPP held nine Presidency meetings in preparation for the EPP Political Bureau meetings and EPP Summits. It makes recommendations to the Political Bureau and takes decisions on the good governance of the party and its Secretariat.

8 & 9 February 2007 - Brussels

The EPP document “Europe’s Energy Challenge”, later presented at the March EPP Summit, was adopted.

The membership applications of VMRO-DPMNE (FYROM) and KDNP (Hungary) had their first reading.

The Statutory Auditors (Art. 24 EPP Statutes), Peter Scheib (CDU Germany), Otmar Karas (OVP Austria), and Leif Hallberg (KD Sweden) were elected unani-mously and the composition of the Political Bureau (Art. 15b EPP Statutes) was adopted. It was agreed that two EPP Conventions would be held before the European elections: the first, in early 2008, would focus on climate change, while the second foreseen in spring 2009 would be dedicated to the 2009 European elections campaign. The EPP Statutory Congress will take place after the European elections and the nomination process of the Commission President.

14 & 15 May 2007 - Brussels

To enhance cooperation within our political family it was decided that henceforth on the eve of the European Council meetings the EPP would organise meetings with its Ministers of Foreign Affairs (coordinated by Elmar Brok) and its Ministers for ECOFIN (coordinated by Jyrki Katainen, EPP Vice President and Finance Minister of Fin-land).

The EPP Working Group 1 on European policy received the mandate to draft the document on climate change, which would be part of the EPP’s European elections pro-gram for June 2009. Eija Riitta-Korhola was nominated rapporteur.

A resolution on the condemnation by the EPP of the Rus-sian attacks on Estonia was unanimously adopted.

Corien Wortmann-Kool, who was elected as new EPP Vice-President, would also take over the chairmanship of EPP Working Group 3 on EPP membership from Camiel Eurlings. In view of the developments on the Euro-pean Political Foundations and the pilot project, Tomi Huhtanen was nominated as Director of the EPP Foun-dation. The EPP membership applicants, KDNP (Hungary) and VMRO-DPMNE (FYROM) were respectively granted the status of full member and observer member in the second reading, while a decision on the lifting of the suspension of UDF’s (Bulgaria) membership was postponed to the next Political Bureau meeting. HSS (Croatia) had the first reading for the upgrade of its membership to associate member, and it was decided to organise a fact-finding mission to Georgia led by President Wilfried Martens and Corien Wortmann-Kool on the UNM’s applica-tion. The EPP annual accounts for 2006 were unanimously adopted.

14 & 15 September 2007 - Brussels

On the invitation of the Partido Popular (PP) in Spain, the Bureau decided to hold an EPP Convention on climate change in Spain in February 2008 and a tentative agenda was adopted.

The meeting confirmed the EPP’s support for the seminar on the cooperation in the Mediterranean Region, organ-ised by the EPP-ED Group. In support of the continuation of the dialogue between the EPP and the Orthodox Churches, it was agreed that the President of the EPP together with member(s) of the Presidency of the EPP-ED Group would visit Ecumenical

[ 09 ]

[ The EPP Presidency ]

Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul on 22 September 2007.

HSS’s (Croatia) application for associate membership was approved by unanimity, and the UNM’s (Georgia) and AVH’s (Serbia) applications for observer member-ship received the first reading.

Fact-finding missions on GERB to Bulgaria, and on the Motherland Party of Yulia Tymoshenko to the Ukraine would be organised respectively. UDF’s (Bul-garia) temporary suspension was lifted since its new leader withdrew his predecessor’s signature from the so-called ‘Movement for European Reform’. The document “Renewing the European Labour Market - Creating More and Better Jobs through Innovation and Entrepreneurship” was unanimously adopted. The EPP’s political foundation ‘Centre for European Studies’ was formally established on 13 September 2007, following an official signing ceremony. The EPP member parties would send observers to the parliamentary elections in the Ukraine on 30 Septem-ber 2007. The EPP would support the resolution de-nouncing the Golodomor genocide by famine perpetu-ated by Stalin in 1932-33.

8 & 9 November 2007 – Brussels

The Working Group’s draft document on climate change was approved unanimously, and would be adopted by vote at the Political Bureau meeting on 6 and 7 Febru-ary 2008 in Madrid prior to the EPP Convention. The European Ideas Network (EIN) would also hold a con-ference in Madrid in cooperation with the EPP.

The application for EPP observer membership from the AVH (Serbia) was unanimously approved in the second reading, while GERB’s (Bulgaria) application for the fact-finding mission was scheduled for 7 December 2007.

The EPP Ministers of Foreign Affairs would be consulted on the political developments in Serbia and the West-ern Balkans.

The Bureau approved the document on “Tax Com-petition in Europe” and the EPP Budget 2008 was adopted.

EPP Presidency and Political Bureau

[ 10 ]

The Working Groups are the backbone of the EPP’s political work, where high-profile representatives from the EPP member parties develop common positions and strategies on major policy areas, and submit specific recommendations to the Political Bureau for final approval. A Working Group can be given a specific mandate for preparative work for EPP Summits and the EPP Congress. Working Groups are also responsible for organising Conferences, Roundtable discussions and other important events.

Campaign Mangement

In view of enhancing the exchange of best practices and past electoral experiences among members, the EPP organises regu-lar meetings with the responsible campaign managers of all EPP member parties. The goal is to facilitate the cooperation be-tween campaign managers in order to bet-ter prepare for the European elections, and to exchange experiences in campaigning. During 2007, this group focused mainly on questions regarding image-building and the identity of the EPP, campaigning techniques and especially the preparation of common ideas and slogans for the European elections in 2009. Furthermore, relations between the EPP and the International Republican In-stitute (IRI) were reinforced in view of the forthcoming 2008 US Presidential elections and the planned meeting of the EPP Cam-paign Managers during the Convention of the Republican Party at the beginning of September 2008.

EPP Conferences and Policy Seminars

EPP conferences and policy seminars aim to reflect the political agenda and priorities of the EPP, where experts, European politicians and representatives of the EPP member par-ties debate hot political issues and present their conclusions to the public.

In February 2007, a joint EPP-EIN seminar on “Europe’s Energy Challenge” attracted a wealth of politicians and experts in the field of energy and the environment. European Commissioners Stavros Dimas (Environ-ment) and Andris Piebalgs (Energy), to-gether with other panelists, addressed 200 participants and discussed how to create a coherent, cost efficient, reliable, competitive and ecologically clean energy policy, which would secure energy supplies for the future.

“A new European Energy Policy is truly ambi-tious. It is Europe’s vision to have a thriving and sustainable energy economy that over-comes the threats of climate change and glo-balisation, to gain world leadership in clean, efficient and low-emission energy technolo-gies, and to become a motor for prosperity and a key contributor to growth and jobs. It is the beginning of a new industrial revolution in energy. To achieve this vision we need to act together, urgently”, stressed Commissioner Piebalgs during his speech.

In November 2007 another event, initiated by the EPP, took place in Brussels. For the first time a political debate between the EPP and the CPC on “China-EU Relations: Common Challenges for the Future” was launched in the capital of Europe. A number of high profile party and govern-ment representatives from China visited the

EPP in order to exchange ideas on such is-sues as the Current International Situation and Common Challenges, China-EU Rela-tions, Future Cooperation and Perspectives for International Cooperation on Climate Change. In conclusion, Vice Minister Zhijun Zhang stressed the important work of the EPP President Wilfried Martens, who had taken an historical step by initiating such a dialogue.

EPP Working Groups / Conferences

[ 11 ]

European Policy (Working Group 1)

The EPP has decided to produce a comprehensive position paper on climate change entitled “Combating Climate Change: Our Responsibility for Future Generations”. This document, which will be approved by the EPP Political Bureau in February 2008 during the EPP Conven-tion in Madrid, is based on the main scientific arguments and newest data available and has been discussed widely both within the EPP Working Group 1 and the EPP Political Bureau in November 2007.

EPP Working Groups

Today global warming is already a reality. Around the globe we can observe implications of rapid warming within a short period of time. The contin-uous retreat of glaciers as well as sea and land ice, and longer growing seasons across the Northern Hemisphere support this and announce profound changes in the biosphere. In 2007, the Arctic Sea Ice reached a historical minimum - some two mil-lion square kilometres less than the average of the past 25 years. To many of us, a degree of warming might not sound like anything to worry about, but in certain locations, e.g. in the Arctic, small chang-es are amplified into bigger ones.

Therefore, any political decision to reduce green-house gas emissions has to keep these “tipping points” in mind. Most scientists believe that be-yond a warming of 2° C, the further development of the earth’s climate system can no longer be con-trolled, and will inevitably lead to runaway global warming, which occurred 55 million years ago – with catastrophic consequences for almost all life on the planet. The political decision to limit global warming to a maximum of 2° C is the most im-portant figure to keep in mind – but it will require a significant amount of effort on a global scale.

[Nea Demokratia Congress on Environment - 30 June - Ioannina, GR]

[ 12 ]


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It will be essential for the fate of mankind to develop more sustain-able ways to deal with the earth’s resources. Therefore, we must be-gin now to put in place the policies and technologies needed to limit the damage due to climate change and to work towards a healthier planet. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will give us the opportu-nity to become more independent with regard to oil and gas imports. However, this must be achieved in a balanced way that will provide the necessary energy supply while also investing in alternative ways to power our economies, and satisfying the world’s growing thirst for energy without increasing the level of CO2 and other greenhouse gases above critical status. We also have to keep in mind that the production of ener-gy should not endanger the world’s food supply.

With the post-2012 discussions on the renewal of the Kyoto Proto-col in mind, our goal is to reach a new international agreement with concrete reduction goals in order to stay within the 2° C framework. This agreement will need to be con-cluded by 2009 and the EPP calls not only on the different actors in the European Union, but also the whole world to step up their efforts to achieve this target. The EPP docu-ment on climate change is another step in the right direction. We are convinced that it will help decision-makers around Europe to adopt the necessary solutions in order to bet-ter adapt to the changing climate, and to increase their efforts in the fight against climate change.

As the largest European party, the EPP has already taken the first steps towards effective action. We have made far-reaching proposals for a more sustainable, efficient and safe energy supply in our Policy Document “Europe’s Energy Chal-lenge” in March 2007. However, the challenge is huge and it is a collective responsibility to look for solutions to safeguard the planet for future generations - it is in our hands to preserve creation. We consider this a political but also moral responsibility.

Economic & Social Policy (Working Group 2)

Under the dual chairmanship of Ria Oomen-Ruijten (MEP) and Peter Jungen (SME Union), this Working Group focuses on the fundamental developments re-garding economic and social policy inside the European Union. The main topics discussed in 2007 included the Reform of the European Labour Market, the Fiscal Com-petition in Europe and the Financial Crisis on the Euro-pean markets due to the US subprime crisis. In 2007, the contacts with other European economic institu-tions, such as the European Central Bank, ECOFIN and ETUC were further strengthened.

EPP Membership (Working Group 3)

Following the successful tenure of Camiel Eurlings (who was appointed as Dutch Minister of Transport), the Chairmanship of Working Group 3 (WG3) was taken over by EPP Vice President Corien Wortmann-Kool (MEP). WG3 is mandated to promote, facilitate and in-corporate new EPP members, associate members and observers throughout the continent. Once admitted to the EPP, elected repre-sentatives of the accepted party automatically join the EPP-ED Group in the Eu-ropean Parliament, and/or all other EPP Groups in the EU and other international organisations. Although the decision to accept a new member party is taken by the EPP Political Bureau, WG3 has the right to give a recommendation on an application, following a thorough review. In 2007, WG3 organised fact-finding missions and study visits to Georgia, the Ukraine and Bulgaria.

[ 13 ]

50th Anniversary Summit 24 March 2007 | Hotel Adlon, Berlin

Extraordinary Summit, 18 October 2007Hotel Ritz Four Seasons, Lisbon

Front row / from left to right:

Lorenzo CesaIvo SanaderSali BerishaJanez JansaKostas KaramanlisTraian BasescuFranco FrattiniWilfried MartensAngela MerkelHans-Gert PoetteringJoseph DaulJan-Peter BalkenendeJean-Claude JunckerEdmund StoiberLawrence GonziBéla MarkóClemente MastellaCyril SvobodaRené van der Linden

Middle row / from left to right:

Othmar KarasVito BonsignoreStruan StevensonMarianne ThyssenAndrius KubiliusAntonio TajaniSilvio BerlusconiAntonio López-IstúrizMariano Rajoy Brey






Middle row (sequel):

Yves LetermeDonald TuskLuís Marques MendesMikuláš DzurindaPeter HintzeIngo FriedrichViktor OrbánMário DavidJyrki KatainenEnda KennyJacek Saryusz-Wolski

Back row / from left to right:

Elmar Pichler RolleJean-Marian MarinescuJanez PodobnikŞaban DişliNicos AnastasiadesAndrej BajukIbolya DavidIsidoro GottardoPier Ferdinando CasiniPavol HrušovskýErna SolbergIvan KostovAlojz PeterleMarian Petre MilutPierre LequillerElmar BrokAlain Lamassoure


The EPP celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome with an Extraordinary Summit in Berlin.

Over 60 participants were present at this historic meeting, which was hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel – at that moment also President of the Europe-an Council - and chaired by EPP President Wilfried Martens. Participants included EPP Heads of State and Government, such as Jan-Peter Balkenen-de (The Netherlands), Kostas Karamanlis (Greece), Jean-Claude Juncker (Luxem-bourg), Lawrence Gonzi (Malta), Janez Jansa (Slovenia), Traian Basescu (Roma-nia), Sali Berisha (Albania), and Ivo Sana-der (Croatia), along with Austrian Deputy Federal Chancellor Wilhelm Molterer, Ro-manian Deputy Prime Minister Bela Marko, and Minister Presidents Edmund Stoiber (Bavaria) and Yves Leterme (Flanders). Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission; Hans-Gert Poettering, President of the European Par-


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liament; and Joseph Daul, EPP-ED Group Chairman, as well as EPP Party leaders, Sil-vio Berlusconi (FI – Italy), Mariano Rajoy (PP - Spain), Mikulas Dzurinda (SDKU-DS, Slovakia), and Luis Marques Mendes (PSD - Portugal) also participated in the meeting, together with the President of the Council of Europe, René van der Linden, the Pre-sident of the OSCE PA, Göran Lennmar-ker and the President of the CDI (Centrist Democrat International), Pier Ferdinando Casini. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, EPP leaders adopted a Declaration on Europe during the meeting. The document highlights the EU’s achie-vements over the past half a century, uni-maginable without the support of the EPP leaders and its founding fathers, and out-lines a common vision for its future. “After 50 years of European integration, we are able to look back proudly at our achie-vements. Many things that seemed incon-ceivable 50 years ago appear obvious to-day. There have, of course, been setbacks and disappointments, but they have been far outweighed by the achievements of the Union. These achievements give us courage to face the future. Our task, as politicians, is to reconcile conflicting interests and find solutions to problems. The EPP will conti-nue to work for the consolidation of Europe-an integration, in the service of all citizens and on behalf of peace and freedom in the world.”EPP Declaration of Berlin

“I am particularly pleased with the outcome of this historic EPP Summit since we have adopted a Declaration that expresses the vi-sion of our great political family for the ye-ars ahead. The forefathers of the EPP were the driving force behind the European pro-ject and they inspire us and give us strength to tackle the challenges that lie ahead,” said EPP President, Wilfried Martens.

“We need Europe in order to face the global political challenges together and to take the lead” added German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


On 18 October, the EPP Heads of State and Government, along with other party leaders, gave a decisive backing to reach a deal on the pending points in order to conclude the agreement on the Reform Treaty launched under the German presidency of the EU.

During the EPP Summit a number of pro-minent EU Heads of State and Government participated, including Angela Merkel (Germany), Jan-Peter Balkenende (The Netherlands), Kostas Karamanlis (Gree-ce), Jean-Claude Juncker (Luxembourg), Lawrence Gonzi (Malta), Janez Jansa (Slovenia), Aigars Kalvitis (Latvia) and Traian Basescu (Romania), along with Austrian Deputy Federal Chancellor Wil-helm Molterer and Danish Minister of Fo-reign Affairs, Per Stig Moller.

The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering, also attended the meeting, as well as Prime Minister Ivo Sanader (Croa-tia), Prime Minister Sali Berisha (Albania) and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski (FY-ROM).

In addition, the EPP Summit in Lisbon re-gistered the participation of the President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili (UNM) for the first time. The leader of the oppo-sition in Belarus and winner of the Europe-an Parliament Sajarov Prize, Aleksander Milinkevich (BPF), also participated in the meeting, along with President Vic-tor Yushchenko (NSNU), and Yulia Tymoshenko, currently Prime Minister of the Ukraine (BYuT).

The presence of Mr Saakashvili and Mr Milinkevich showed the EPP’s commitment to promote democracy and freedom beyond EU’s borders.

“The Treaty will make the EU more efficient, more transparent and more flexible in order to meet current and future challenges. Such an agreement would end the political crisis in the EU and give new impetus to the European institutions. The Reform Treaty provides the instruments we need in order for Europe to move forward,” said EPP President Wilfried Martens.

[ 20 ]

EPP Foreign Affairs

Transatlantic Relations

In the framework of our interna-tional activity, the EPP is commit-ted to expanding transatlantic rela-tions on the basis of constructive and mutually beneficial dialogue with like-minded North American politicians and organisations for

the promotion of common goals. Therefore, in the framework of our transatlantic relations, we are cur-rently in close contac with the US Republican Party, the Conservative Party of Canada and the Partido Acción Nacional of Mexico.

In the United States, the EPP is continuing to deepen its relationship with the International Republican In-stitute (IRI). In 2007, a number of high-level political delegations from the EPP and the IRI met in Washing-ton and Brussels, and there was regular cooperation on many issues of common interest.

Also this year, two high-level EPP delega-tions led by President Wilfried Martens visited Washington – in early February and in late Septem-ber – which further strengthened EU-US ties on a political level

with a number of important US actors. In addition, in July 2007, a delegation from our EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament led by Chairman Joseph Daul, also visited Washington and met, among others, with US Vice-President Dick Cheney.

Working with EU Delegations around the world

In order to maximise the impact of our international activity, the EPP works closely with the Delegations of the External Service of the European Commission. Al-ways having as our primary goal the furthering of EU interests in the countries of EPP engage-ment, our coop-eration with the respective EU Delegations and their Ambassadors has proven to be particularly suc-cessful. With the ratification of the new Reform Treaty, the EPP looks forward to working with the future EU Diplomatic Service, which will function under the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

EPP Foreign Ministers

In 2007, EPP inaugurated a new political process with the gathering of EPP Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of this initiative is to discuss in a private and informal setting the wide-range of foreign pol-icy priorities of the European Union. The re-sult has proven to be particu-larly successful since the EPP Foreign Ministers have already met three times (June, October and December) and discussed issues such as the Western Balkans, European Neighborhood Policy, Middle East, etc. The Foreign Ministers’ meeting is co-ordinated on behalf of the EPP by veteran European parliamentarian Elmar Brok.


In recent years, the EPP has begun to develop its international profile in the global political arena. In view of the EU’s expanding relations with many countries around the world, the EPP is actively assisting in the promotion of these relations on a political level, whilst influencing Europe’s foreign policy priorities. Thus, the EPP’s international rela-tions have a dual aim: to advance both its political principles and values beyond the EU, and to promote EU interests around the world.

[ 21 ]

EPP Supporting Electoral Campaigns


As the largest political party at European level, the EPP is often asked by member parties to support their national campaigns. In 2007, many Presidency members trav-elled around Europe to offer their support. This resulted in a number of victories for our member parties.

The party participated in election rallies for the French UMP (a Presidency meeting also took place in Paris) and the Polish Civic Platform (PO) in Warsaw. The EPP went on to play a prominent role in Greece’s Nea Demokratia election campaign.

The EPP was present in Romania and Bulgaria for the European elections campaign. In Romania, the EPP ad-ditionally held a Campaign Managers committee meet-ing in preparation for the European Parliament elec-tions.

Finally, the EPP was also very active in Croatia’s HDZ election campaign – the last national elections to be held before Croatia becomes the 28th Member State of the European Union.

[ 22 ]

EPP Communication Strategy

Press releases

The EPP communicates its decisions and activities by sending regular press releases to journalists in European countries. During 2007 over 100 press releases were dis-seminated.


This online monthly publication highlights the main ac-tivities of the EPP over the previous few weeks. It also provides interesting articles and interviews with internal and external personalities. The newsletter is available in English, French and German.

“EPP in Action”

Launched in 2005, the “EPP in Action” is an attractive brochure, which provides a general introduction and background to the Party, and reviews EPP activities which have taken place over the past year in a clear and concise manner.


Updated daily, the EPP website contains not only “last minute” information, but also a virtual library with docu-ment archives, and background information on the Party and its presence in Europe. 2007 has seen a re-launch of the current homepage, to make it clearer and more

accessible to its visitors. This includes a “Newsroom” with the latest press releases, speeches, photos and mul-timedia videos.

The aim of the EPP’s external communication strategy is to use a variety of communication tools to inform its member parties, the media, and the public on the activities of the EPP and its political family.

[ 23 ]

Advertising on other websites

The cooperation agreement made in 2006 with Eurac-tiv, one of the most important portals on European af-fairs, to guarantee further advertisement of EPP activities, continued in 2007. Articles are also published on other websites of the EPP family, e.g. the EPP-ED Group, and EPP videos were posted on ‘You Tube’ (the well-known hosts of user-generated videos) to ensure wider interac-tion with the public.

Press conferences and meetings withjournalists

The EPP also offers to hold press conferences with jour-nalists during every important event, such as the Sum-mits.

In addition, President Wilfried Martens and Secretary General Antonio López-Istúriz meet regularly with journalists throughout the year to give interviews.


The latter part of 2007 saw the EPP enhance its audiovisual communi-cation. Several videos of summits, seminars, speeches and meetings were recorded during the year, and uploaded with a voiceover on

to the website. The first “EPP” video, made in house, was launched at the Summit in Brussels on 13 Decem-ber 2007. It gave an informative overview of the event and the main issues discussed, and provided a showcase of interviews conducted with several important leaders including José Manuel Barroso, President of the Euro-pean Commission, Hans-Gert Poettering, President of the European Parliament, Wilfried Martens, President of the EPP, and many EPP Prime Ministers. The EPP is planning to extend this audiovisual service in 2008 by posting regular videos and TV clips of EPP-related activi-ties.

European Political Parties will play a prominent role in the European public debate

Article 191 of the EC Treaty recognises the crucial role of Political Parties at European level and provides the legal basis for the Regulation on political parties adopted in 2003. In order to strengthen and optimise the democratic infrastructure of the Union and increase the public debate, the Commission decided on a proposal to improve and adjust the existing regulation. Under the impulse of EPP, the European Parliament and Council approved the Commission’s proposal.

The new regulation focuses on three key issues :

- Creation of new Foundations: European Foundations at European level have an important role to play in underpinning and promoting the activities and ob-jectives of the political parties at European level. European Foundations will con-tribute to the debate on European public policy issues and European integration, and will therefore receive public funding. EPP established the ‘Centre for Euro-pean Studies’.

- European Political Parties are now responsible for organising the European elec-tion campaigns: provided that they do not directly or indirectly finance na-tional political parties or their candidates, European parties will now be allowed to use part of their European subventions to campaign across Europe. The EPP has established a task force that will coordinate the 2009 European election cam-paign.

- Financial Reserves: European political parties will be allowed to build savings with their own resources (Membership Fees) and also to carry over part of their unspent European subventions to the following year. The EPP has now finally been given the security for long-term political and financial planning.

[ 24 ]

EPP Statute and Party Funding

Public Funding

Ten European parties were recognised in 2007 and re-ceived funding from the European Parliament:

- European People’s Party (EPP)- Party of European Socialists (PES)- European Liberal Democrat and Reform party

(ELDR)- European Democratic Party (EDP)- European Federation of Green Parties (EFGP)- Party of the European Left (GUE)- Alliance for the Europe of Nations (AEN)- European Free Alliance (EFA)- Alliance for Independent Democrats in Europe

(AIDE)- EU Democrats Alliance for Democracy in the EU


The European Union budget for 2007 set aside 10.1 mil-lion EURO for party funding.

15% of the budget is distributed among the parties in equal shares. 85% is distributed on the basis of the

number of Members of Parliament accounted for by every European party.

The European funds were allocated as follows (in million EURO):

EPP 3.2 GUE 0.5PES 2.9 AEN 0.3ELDR 1.1 AIDE 0.3EFGP 0.6 EUD 0.2EDP 0.5 EFA 0.2

The European Parliament funds constitute two-thirds of the EPP income. The remaining income is generated through membership fees. The membership fees of full member parties are calculated on the basis of the political strength of the party and the number of their MEPs. The membership fee of the associate and observer member parties is calculated by the Political Bureau on the basis of the votes obtained by these parties from their last national elections.

[ 25 ]

EPP Internship | EPP Headquarters

EPP Meeting Point at the heart of Europe

At the heart of Europe, and a five minute walking distance from the European Institutions, are the offices of the Euro-pean People’s Party.

Since September 2006, the new EPP Headquarters have become the true meeting point and the “place to be” for everyone linked to the large family of the European Peo-ple’s Party.

The professionally equipped meeting rooms and attractive lounge area have hosted numerous Working Groups, Con-

Internship Programme

In 2007, the EPP launched a new successful Internship Pro-gramme. This Programme is focused on immersing young university graduates with the short-term and long-term political planning and activities of the Party: organising meetings and conferences, preparing reports and press re-

ferences, Seminars, and Presidency meetings, including lunches, dinners and cocktails.

Almost every week the EPP HQ welcomes visitors from member parties and high level delegations from all over the globe. All are impressed with the modern, efficient and inviting look and feel of the office building.

Alongside the EPP Staff, the office is also host to most of the EPP’s recognised associations, the newly created EPP foundation ‘Centre for European Studies’, and others.

Five Interns have participated in the six months internship programme so far:

Nicolas Alexandris, Greece (6 Feb – 6 July 2007)Annamaria Forgacs, Hungary (13 Mar – 13 Sep 2007)Marianne Bardsgjerde, Norway (17 Sep - )Matthieu Ravillon, (Centre for European Studies) France (5 Nov - )Nesrin Aydoganoglu, Turkey (15 Nov - )

leases, editing publications including the ‘European View’, updating the website and databases, communicating with member parties, EPP Groups, associations and other af-filiated organisations, liaising with officials from the Euro-pean institutions, etc.

[ 26 ]

The Centre for European Studies

T he creation of an EPP think tank has been a long-term aim of the Party. For many years, the EPP has strived to find ways to create a serious instrument of political

thought that would produce briefs, policy papers and aca-demic journals not only for the benefit of the EPP, its member parties and national foundations, but also for the benefit of influencing opinion makers in Europe and across the world.

Political foundations were finally introduced by the European Commission to the political life of Europe in 2007. As a conse-quence, a signing ceremony took place on 13 September 2007, and the Centre for European Studies was established, becoming the official political foundation of the EPP.

The Centre for European Studies will function as the EPP’s think tank and includes as its founding members and active stakeholders all major national foundations: Konrad Adenaeuer Stiftung (KAS), Hanns Seidel Stiftung (HSS), Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES), ÖVP Political Academy, C. Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, CDA Research Insti-tute, J. Hjalmarson Foundation, Foundation for Civic Hungary, amongst others.

Our think tank will be jointly run by the EPP and the national foundations, and will cooperate closely on all levels of its ac-tivities and decision-making. The “European View” journal will be incorporated in the work of the think tank and will function as the centrepiece of its activities. Thus, with the “European View”, the output of the EPP think tank will be circulated to wide audiences across Europe and around the globe.

The intellectual work will also compliment the long-standing activities of the existing EPP and EPP-ED Group structures. The EPP think tank will conduct research and analysis, and produce concrete options and solutions for the on-going policy-making and political formulation of the EPP and its member parties.

The European View

The European View is a journal produced by the Centre for Euro-pean Studies that tackles the entire spectrum of Europe’s political, economic, social and cultural developments. The European View is published biannually by Springer and allows members of the EPP family (presidency, leaders, Prime Ministers, etc) and academics to express their point of view on relevant political themes. In 2007, the European View focused on Europe and Immigration (Spring Issue) and Religion and Politics (Winter Issue).

[ 27 ]

Foundations and Institutes

European Ideas Network (EIN)

The European Ideas Network is a pan-European think tank process designed to promote new thinking on the key policy challenges facing the European Union and its Member States. Launched in 2002 by the EPP-ED Group, with active EPP party support, the network has

rapidly emerged as an important meeting point and intellectual crossroad for the centre-right in Europe-an politics. The EIN currently has 12 working groups which hold regular meetings, addressing key domestic and international questions. The main activity in 2007 was the EIN Summer University and European Ideas Fair on 20-22 September, gathering a wide range of European decision makers and opinion leaders to de-bate the challenges and the future of Europe.

Further details on the European Ideas Network can be found on the EIN website: www.ein.eu

Centre for Political Parliamentary Education and Training (CET)

The Centre for Political Parliamentary Education and Training was launched in 2002. The CET’s aim is to con-tribute to the successful work of the EPP-ED Group by organising educational activities: workshops, seminars, conferences and special meetings. The main activities that the EPP-ED CET was involved in during the course of 2007 included “Developing local self governments”; “Being successful in local councils”; the “Educational programme for deputies of local councils: Local gov-ernment: A step towards effectiveness for the Western and North-Western Regions”; “MEP Assistant Training” and the “School for active people of self-governments in Belarus”.

For more information on the Centre for Political Par-liamentary Education and Training, please contact: [email protected]

The Robert Schuman Foundation

The Robert Schuman Foundation for Cooperation among Christian Democrats in Europe, founded in 1989, is an entity of the EPP-ED Group, registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Since its establish-ment, the Foundation has provided a one month in-

ternship in the European Parliament to more than 500 young people, pri-marily from central and Eastern Europe, but also from Latin America, Rus-sia and the southern Cau-casus. The majority of those who complete the programme remain faith-ful to the policies and

values they originally adopted. Every two years the Foundation organises meetings of former interns in the form of political seminars. These were first held in Prague, Poland, and Hungary, and in recent years, in Brussels, Strasbourg and Rome.

For more information on the Robert Schuman Founda-tion and its activities, please contact: Corinna Zehler, [email protected]

The Robert Schuman Institute (RSI)

The Union of the Robert Schuman Institute for Devel-oping Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe” (RSI) has been operating under the auspices of the EPP with an extended scope of activities since 1995. The RSI organises international courses for potential young leaders, party members, and officials of the EPP sister and cooperating parties of the developing democracies in the region receiving both theoretical and practical training. In 2007, Mag. Othmar Karas, MEP, Head of the Austrian Delegation of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament, was elected President of the Un-ion of the Robert Schuman Institute. The RSI provided a number of traning days in 2007 to a total of 1,174 participants. Such events included the “Young Leaders XIII 2006-2007”; “Enhancing Women’s Participation in Politics”; “Political Organisation Management VI”; “How Europe Works: A First-Hand Perspective on EU Institutions II” and “Media and Politics VI”.

For more details on RSI activities, please visit www.rschuman.hu

[ 28 ]

EPP Associations

European Union of Christian Democratic Workers (EUCDW)

The EUCDW is the workers‘ organisation of the EPP with 24 member organisations from 18 countries. As the officially recognised EPP association of workers, the EUCDW led by its President Elmar Brok, MEP, has the fol-lowing aims: to press for the political unification of a democratic Europe; to promote the development of the EPP on the basis of Christian-social teaching; to represent and defend worker interests in European Policy; to work for the achievement of Christian-social principles and policies in the European workers‘ movements; to step up cooperation with the workers and their organisations.

In the context of its 30th anniversary in 2007 the EUCDW stressed its engagement to strengthen Social Europe. Therefore, the EUCDW welcomed the adoption of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the social clause of the Reform Treaty which obliges the EU to “promote a high level of employment, to guarantee adequate social protection, and to fight against social exclusion“ in all areas of policy. In the context of the debate on labour law and “Flexicurity” the EUCDW repeated its struggle against any attempt to undermine enforceable employ-ment rights.

For more information on EUCDW, please visit: www.eucdw.org

European Democrat Students (EDS)

EDS is the official students’ organisation of the EPP. It was founded in 1961, and since then the EDS has been bringing together students and young political leaders from all over Europe to promote a political pro-European exchange. Led by its Chairwoman, Ana Filipa Janine, the structure has 36 member organisations, represent-ing nearly 500,000 students across the continent. Currently, EDS is represented in 34 countries, including non-EU Member States like Belarus and Georgia.

The first EDS event of 2007 was the bureau meeting in Vienna, where the working year was evaluated, and plans for the months ahead were made. The traditional Winter University took place in Bialystok in Poland in February, where the topic was “Poland - a bridge between Western & Eastern Europe”. In April, EDS hosted a Council Meeting and a seminar in Zagreb on Defence and Security Policies, including a study trip to Vukovar. EDS Policy Days took place in Madrid, where EDS representatives participated in the local election campaigns. In July the annual meeting in Skopje and Ohrid re-elected the Chairwoman, and a new Bureau was given their working mandate for the year to come. The new bureau held its first Bureau Meeting in September. The first Council Meeting took place in Guimarães, Portugal. In addition to the meetings and seminars, the permanent Working Groups and the Council are producing new policies for the interest of Students, and EDS will soon publish a booklet on Higher Education and Research.

For more information on EDS, please visit: www.edsnet.org

Youth of the European People’s Party (YEPP)

YEPP is the EPP‘s official youth organisation, self-governed by its own statutes, political program and elected representatives. YEPP’s members are national party-political youth organisations. The purpose of YEPP and all 58 member organisations is to provide young people a channel in order to influence the shaping of their socie-ties with democratic means and centre-right, Christian democratic and conservative ideas. Through its member organisations YEPP brings together more than 1,3 million youngsters in 37 European states. This makes YEPP the largest party-political youth organisation in Europe. In 2007, YEPP celebrated its 10th anniversary in the presence of the First YEPP President and currently Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt. During this congress YEPP also approved a new political programme, as well as a statutory reform. The Congress also elected a new Board of 13 members led by President Yannis Smyrlis and Secretary General Martin Humer with a mandate for the next two years. Apart from the congress, YEPP also gathered its youngsters in five seminars, one summer school and several other working groups and events. Key topics on the agenda were: climate change, demography, transport, and neighbourhood policy. The YEPP Office is based at the EPP headquarters and is led by YEPP Executive Officer Ann-Pascale Mommerency.

More information can be found at: www.yepp-eu.org or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]

[ 29 ]

EPP Women

EPP Women is recognised by the EPP as the official association of women from likeminded political parties in Europe. EPP Women has over 40 member organisations (women’s organisations from the EPP’s member parties) from countries in the European Union and beyond.

EPP Women, led by its President Doris Pack, MEP, dedicated the year 2007 to further enhancing gender equality in the EU. In particular, EPP Women addressed two issues in 2007, which will also be high on the European agenda in 2008: firstly, the Roadmap for Gender Equality in the EU; and secondly Adult Learning, which is particularly im-portant for middle-aged and elderly women. The Roadmap was discussed by the EPP Women at a meeting in the European Parliament in spring 2007. In the autumn, in Athens, the EPP Women dedicated their annual congress to Adult Learning. The Congress was visited by nearly 200 women. A resolution on Adult Learning was adopted, which will be proposed to the EPP in 2008.

For more information on EPP Women, congress documents and resolutions, please visit:www.epp-women.org or send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Union of the EPP (SME UNION)

The SME UNION is the business organisation of the EPP, and the network for pro-business Christian-Democrat, Conservative and Center Right politicians and political organisations. As an officially recognised EPP Association, its main objective is to shape EU policy in a more SME friendly way in close cooperation with the SME Circle of the EPP-ED Group in the European Parliament, DG Enterprise and the SME UNION members within the EPP member parties.

The importance of the work of the SME UNION derives from the fact that SMEs are the key drivers for sustainable jobs, growth and prosperity. 80% of the national business legislation is shaped in Brussels. Therefore, the SME UNION’s top priority is to reform the legal framework for SMEs all over Europe, and to promote and support the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises which - due to their willingness to take risks and responsibility - are the engines of the European economy. The topic of the Year for 2008 will be the European Small Business Act. In May 2007 former President of Eurochambres and President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Christoph Leitl, was re-elected President of the SME UNION.

For more information please visit: www.sme-union.org

European Senior Citizen’s Union (ESU)

The ESU, founded in Madrid in 1995 and led by its President, Bernhard Worms, is the largest political senior citizens’ organisation in Europe. The ESU is represented in 21 Member States with 34 organisations and about 500,000 members. The ESU is dedicated to the advancement of rights of European senior citizens and their en-gagement in society.

The highlight of the ESU’s political work in 2007 was the VI Election Congress, held from 29 September to 2 October 2007 in Pulheim, near Cologne, Germany. The “Declaration of Pulheim” which was adopted after a long discussion process contains the following priorities for the mandate of three years:

- Elaboration of the basic political decisions, and joint adoption with the youth organisation of the EPP. This manner of proceeding will be in line with the motto of our Congress “Old and young together - guarantee-ing the future of a united Europe,”

- Enforcement of bilateral communication between European countries according to our Christian, occiden-tal culture and our specific experience of life,

- Creation of real equality between generations based on the recognition of the different fields of interest of (in the future) up to five generations,

- Easing of the gainfully employed generation because they alone will no longer be able to raise the decreas-ing number of European future children, or obtain the financial means which are necessary to support those who are no longer, or not yet, gainfully employed.

For more information on ESU, please visit: www.eu-seniorunion.info

Who is Who - EPP Presidency

PresidentWilfried MARTENS(Belgium, CD&V)

Vice Presidents-01- Michel BARNIER (France, UMP)-03- Mario DAVID (Portugal, PSD)-05- Jyrki KATAINEN (Finland, KK)

-02- Joseph DAUL (France, UMP)-04- Peter HINTZE (Germany, CDU)-06- Enda KENNY (Ireland, FG)

-07- Viktor ORBAN (Hangary, FIDESZ)-09- Hans-Gert POETTERING (Germany, CDU)-11- Antonio TAJANI (Italy, FI)

-08- Alojz PETERLE (Slovenia, NSI)-10- Jacek SARYUSZ WOLSKI (Poland, PO)-12- Corien WORTMANN-KOOL (Netherlands, CDA)

TreasurerIngo FRIEDRICH(Germany, CSU)

Honorary Presidents-01- Sauli NIINISTÖ (Finland, KOK) -02- Leo TINDEMANS (Belgium, CD&V)


-01- -02-



-11--10- -12-

-01- -02-

-03- -04-

-05- -07-

[ 30 ]

Who is Who - EPP Secretariat

Officials-01- Emanuela FARRIS | Political Adviser (Italy) | [email protected] Galina FOMENCHENKO | Political Advisor (Ukraine) | [email protected] Gemma SLAYMAKER | Political Advisor (United Kingdom) | [email protected]

Cabinet of thePresidentIngrid GOOSSENSHead of President’sCabinet [email protected]

Assistants-01- Mélanie DURSIN | Assistant to the Secretary General | [email protected] Susanne CORDS | Assistant to Christian Kremer | [email protected] Daniele BUFFELS | Assistant to Luc Vandeputte | [email protected]ŠPAČKOVÁ|AssistanttoKostasSasmatzoglu|[email protected]

Specialised Personnel-01- Yelba TORRES | CDI, Working Groups [email protected] Sophie PAEME | General Administration and Logistics [email protected] Guy VOLCKAERT | Manager of Informatics and Internet [email protected]

Secretary GeneralAntonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ (Spain)

[email protected]

Deputies Secretary General-01- Christian KREMER (Germany) [email protected] Luc VANDEPUTTE (Belgium) [email protected]

Secretary of External RelationsKostas SASMATZOGLU (Greece)[email protected]

Press OfficerJavier JIMENEZ (Spain)[email protected]


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Senior Officials-01- Tomi HUHTANEN (Finland) [email protected] José Luis FONTALBA (Spain) [email protected]

CROATIAHDZ Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica www.hdz.hr / HSS Hrvatska Seljacka Stranka www.hss.hr / DC* Demokratski Centar www.demokratski-centar.hr

FRANCEUMP Union pour un Mouvement Populaire www.u-m-p.org

F.Y.R.O.M. VMRO-DPMNE* www.vmro-dpmne.org.mk

ALBANIAPDR* New Democrat Party / DP* Democratic Party of Albania www.dpalbania.org

BELARUSBPF* Belarusan Popular Front www.pbnt.org / UCP* United Civil Party www.ucpb.org

GREECEND Nea Demokratia www.nd.gr

GERMANYCDU Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands www.cdu.de / CSU Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern www.csu.de

NORWAYHOYRE www.hoyre.no / KRF* Kristelig Folkeparti www.kr f.no

PORTUGALPSD Partido Social Democrata www.psd.pt

ROMANIAPD-L Partidul Democrat Liberal www.pd.ro / PNTCD Partidul National Taranesc Crestin Democrat www.pntcd.ro / RMDSZ Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség www.rmdsz.ro

SAN MARINOPDCS* Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese www.pdcs.sm

POLANDPO Platforma Obywatelska www.platforma.org / PSL Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe www.psl.pl

FINLANDKOK Kansallinen Kokoomus www.kokoomus.fi / KD* Suomen Kristillisdemokraatit www.kristillisdemokraatit.f i

ESTONIAIRL Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit www.irl.ee

LUXEMBOURGCSV Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei www.csv.lu

HUNGARYFIDESZ Fidesz Magyar Polgári Szövetség www.fidesz.hu / MDF Magyar Demokrata Fórum www.mdf.hu / KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party

TURKEYAKP* Justice and Development Party www.akparti.org.tr

SWITZERLANDCVP Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei www.cvp.ch

UKRAINENSNU* People‘s Union Our Ukraine www.razom.org.ua / RUKH* People‘s Movement of Ukraine www.nru.org.ua

SLOVENIANSI Nova Slovenija - Krscanska Ljudska Stranka www.nsi.si / SDS Slovenska Demokratska Stranka www.sds.si / SLS Slovenska Ljudska Stranka www.sls.si

SPAINPP Partido Popular www.pp.es / UDC Unió Democràtica de Catalunya www.unio.org

SWEDENModeraterna www.moderat.se / KD Kristdemokraterna www.kristdemokraterna.se

MALTAPN Partit Nazzjonalista www.pn.org.mt

MOLDOVAPPCD* Partidul Popular Crestin Democrat www.ppcd.md

NETHERLANDSCDA Christen Democratisch Appèl www.cda.nl

BELGIUMCD&V Christen-Demokratisch & Vlaams www.cdenv.be / CDH Centre Démocrate Humaniste www.lecdh.be

BOSNIA & HERZOGOVINAHDZBiH* Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica BiH www.hdzbih.org / PDP* Partija Demokratskog Progresa RS www.pdp-rs.org/ SDA* Stranka Demokratski Akcijewww.sda.ba

BULGARIADSB Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria www.dsb.org / UDF Union of Democratic Forces www.sds.bg / DP Democratic Party / BANU/APU

IRELANDFG Fine Gael www.finegael.ie

ITALYFI Forza Italia www.forza-italia.it / UDC Unione dei Democratici Cristiani www.udc-camera.it / Popolari UDEUR www.popolariudeur.it / SVP* Südtiroler Volkspartei www.svpartei.org

CZECH REPUBLICKDU-CSL Krestanka a demokraticka unie www.kdu.cz

AUSTRIAÖVP Österreichische Volkspartei www.oevp.at

CYPRUSDISY Democratic Rally of Cyprus www.disy.org.cy

SERBIADSS Democratic Party of Serbia www.dss.org.yu / G17PLUS www.g17plus.org.yu / AVH-Alliance of Hungarians in Vojvodina www.vmsz.org.yu

LITHUANIATS-LK Tevynes Sajunga www.tsajunga.lt / LKD Lietuvos Krikscionys Demokratai / www.lkdp.lt

LATVIAJL/NE New Era www.jaunaislaiks.lv / TP Tautas Partija www.tautaspartija.lv

DENMARKDKF Det Konservative Folkeparti www.konservative.dk / KD Kristendemokraterne www.kd.dk

SLOVAKIASDKÚ-DS Slovenská Demokratická a Krest‘anska Únia – Demokratická Strana www.sdkuonline.sk / KDH Krestanskodemokraticke Hnutie Slovenska www.kdh.sk / MKP Strana Madarskej Koalície www.mkp.sk

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EPP Headquarters | Rue du Commerce 10 | B-1000 BrusselsJanuary 2008 | Funded by the European Parliament

EPP Headquarters

Rue du Commerce 10 · B-1000 Brussels Tel: +32-2-2854 140 · Fax: +32-2-2854 141

Email: [email protected]
