Landfill Gas Collection and Destruction Offset Project Plan January, 2008




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Landfill Gas Collection and Destruction Offset Project Plan January, 2008


1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................2 2.0 Project and Proponent Identification ..................................................................................3 3.0 Project description..............................................................................................................4

3.1 Project Scope .................................................................................................................4

3.2 Project Site Definition .....................................................................................................6

3.3 Pre-Project Conditions....................................................................................................8

3.4 Actions Taken.................................................................................................................8

3.5 Project Condition ............................................................................................................9

3.5.1 LFG Collection System............................................................................................9

3.5.2 LFG Conditioning System .......................................................................................9

3.5.3 Power Generating System ....................................................................................10

3.6 Quantification Protocol Applicability .............................................................................10

3.6.1 Controlled Combustion..........................................................................................11

3.6.2 Venting of LFG ......................................................................................................11

3.6.3 Metering of LFG ....................................................................................................11

3.6.4 Quantification of Reductions .................................................................................11

3.6.5 Offset Eligibility Requirements ..............................................................................11

4.0 Identification and Justification of Baseline ...........................................................................12 5.0 Quantification of Emission Reductions ................................................................................12

5.1 Process Description......................................................................................................12

5.2 Data Sources................................................................................................................14

5.3 Quantification Plan .......................................................................................................14

5.4 Monitoring and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QAQC) Plan.................................17

5.4.1 Metering Maintenance and Calibration .......................................................................19

5.4.2 CLGS Data System Maintenance and QAQC Program ........................................19

5.4.3 Manual Checking of Calculator Data.....................................................................20

5.4.4 Record Keeping.....................................................................................................20

6.0 Reporting of Emission Reductions ...................................................................................20

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Landfill Gas Collection and Destruction Offset Project Plan January, 2008


The Clover Bar Landfill Gas Capture and Destruction Project (the Project) is a landfill gas (LFG) to energy project located at the Clover Bar Landfill in Edmonton, Alberta. The Project is owned and operated by EPCOR Power Development Corporation (EPDC). The Clover Bar Landfill was commissioned in 1975 and has a total capacity of 13.2 million tonnes in its 80 hectare area. Approximately 12 million tonnes of waste has been disposed in the landfill between 1975 and present. The landfill is currently owned and operated by the City of Edmonton (the City). LFG collection was initiated at the Clover Bar Landfill in 1991 by Environmental Technologies Inc (ETI), and a landfill gas collection system was installed in 1992 for the purpose of sending the gas to the Clover Bar Generating Station. The LFG collection system was purchased by Eltec Incorporated in January, 1996. Ownership of the Project was transferred in 1996 from Eltec Incorporated to EPCOR Generation Inc., and then to EPDC (all subsidiaries of EPCOR Utilities Inc.) as part of EPCOR’s corporate restructuring. From 1996 to 2002, the LFG collection system was operated with little or no generation of power. The collected gas was intermittently sent to the nearby Clover Bar Generating Station operated by EPCOR Generation Inc. (taken offline on October 1, 2005) or flared using an open flare system. In general the volume of LFG collected exceeded the capacity of the Clover Bar Generating Station, and the excess was also flared. The generating station was shut down in 2002. From 2002 to 2005, LFG was intermittently collected and flared using the open flare system. During this period there was no consistent generation of electricity.

The termination by the Alberta Balancing Pool of the Power Purchase Agreement related to the output of the Clover Bar Generating Station and then the subsequent decision by EPCOR to decommission the facility, mean that there was no longer a value add reason for maintaining the collection system. Based on these developments, EPDC reevaluated its involvement in the LFG collection system in 2005. It was determined that the viable options for the existing infrastructure included decommissioning and removal, or substantial upgrades to the system in order to include generation of electricity. The Project was initiated in 2005 when EPDC decided to make significant investments and constructed the 4.8 MW Clover Bar Landfill Gas Generating Station (CLGS) to burn landfill gas in reciprocating gas engines to generate power for export to the provincial power grid. The existing LFG collection system was upgraded to supply the generating station. The first day of continuous operation for the Project was August 21, 2005.

This Offset Project Plan has been completed in accordance with the Alberta Offset System Project Guidance Document Version 1 (AENV, 2007). The Project complies with the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007).

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2.0 PROJECT AND PROPONENT IDENTIFICATION The project proponent is EPCOR Power Development Corporation (EPDC). Contact information is provided below. Corporate Contact Information: EPCOR Power Development Corporation 5th Floor TD Tower 10088 – 102 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Z1 Phone: (780) 412-3638 Fax: (780) 412-3239 Contact Information for Project: Oliver Bussler, Manager Commercial Environment EPCOR 8th Floor, 505-2nd Street SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 1N8 Phone: (403) 717-8971 Fax: (403) 717-4601 Direct emission reductions generated by the Project, or the emission reductions due to the avoidance of methane emissions from the landfill, are owned solely by EPDC. Indirect emission reductions, or the emission reductions due to the offset of fossil fuel use for electricity production corresponding to the electricity generated by the CLGS are owned by the City. This Offset Project Plan covers all direct and indirect emissions generated by the project.

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3.1 PROJECT SCOPE The opportunity for generating carbon offsets with this protocol arises mainly from indirect GHG emission reductions through the use of captured methane from the landfill to offset non-renewable electricity production, and from direct GHG emission reductions due to the avoidance methane emissions from destruction of waste in the landfill. LFG is passively emitted due to the anaerobic decomposition of the organic components within a landfill. LFG collection and combustion reduces the quantity of methane emissions released to the atmosphere from the landfill. The combustion of the methane component of the landfill gas results in emissions of biogenic carbon dioxide thus achieving a reduction in man-made GHG emissions. In addition, the generation of electricity will offset other sources on the Alberta grid which in this case include the combustion of fossil fuels. The CLGS consists of a Power Generation system and two supplementary systems: Landfill Gas Collection and Landfill Gas Conditioning. The Power Generation equipment consists of three Caterpillar 1.6 MW generator sets, three 600/ 25kV output step-up transformers, and associated switchgear, metering, telemetry and control equipment. The Clover Bar landfill produces methane-rich gas as a result of the anaerobic decomposition of organic component of the waste. This gas is collected and conditioned for commercial use. The collection system consists of some 70 active wells connected to two 12” collection headers. The headers join at a common manifold that feeds the gas plant, located to the south of the landfill, through a 14” buried line. All lines are high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Landfill gas from the collection system has moisture removed and is compressed by the use of two positive displacement blowers and then fed to the Generating Station’s Gas Conditioning System. H2S, moisture, particulates and siloxane are partially removed before the gas is fed to the three generator sets. When the generating facility is off-line, gas is directed to the flare stack through an automatic control valve. A process flow diagram illustrating the general components of the project is provided as Figure 3.1.

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Figure 3.1 – Clover Bar Landfill Gas Generating Station Process Flow Diagram

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3.2 PROJECT SITE DEFINITION The Project is located on the Clover Bar Landfill site in northeast Edmonton. The Project site consists of the following:

• The LFG Collection system; • The LFG Conditioning system; • The Power Generation facility; • An office building; and • Associated piping and connections between the collection system and the processing


The office building, LFG Conditioning system and Power Generation facility are located on a parcel of land measuring approximately 37 m by 30 m in size, and owned by the City of Edmonton (the Site). EPDC occupies the Site according to the terms of the lease agreement provided in Appendix A. The legal description of the Site is the NE ¼ of Section 21, Township 53, Range 23 west of the 4th Meridian. The LFG collection system is located in an adjacent portion of the landfill. A map showing the location of the components of the Project is included as Figure 3.2.

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Figure 3.2 – Clover Bar Landfill Gas Generating Station Site Plan

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3.3 PRE-PROJECT CONDITIONS Prior to the installation of the generating equipment associated with the Project, an LFG collection system was in place and was operating intermittently between 2002 and 2005. In general, concentrations of methane in the LFG collected were between 20% and 50%, making combustion of the LFG inefficient. Destruction of the methane component of the collected LFG was accomplished using an uncontrolled flare. The generating station was shut down in 2002. From 2002 to 2005, LFG was intermittently collected and flared using the open flare system. During this period there was no consistent generation of electricity.

Due to financial concerns, EPDC reevaluated its involvement in the LFG collection system in 2005. It was determined that the viable options for the existing infrastructure included decommissioning and removal, or substantial upgrades to the system in order to include generation of electricity. The construction of the Clover Bar Landfill Generating Station was selected as the appropriate course of action because the project falls in line with EPCOR’s long-term business plan focus in the regulation and environmental area, further strengthening and diversifying the existing Green Power portfolio. The installation of the landfill gas collection system by Environmental Technologies Inc (ETI) was premised on using the landfill gas as a fuel source at the Clover Bar Generation Station. EPCOR subsequently purchased the system with the intent to continue to use the fuel at the Clover Bar Generating Station. The termination by the Alberta Balancing Pool of the Power Purchase Agreement related to the electrical output of Clover Bar Generating Station and then the subsequent decision by EPCOR to decommission the facility, meant that there was no longer a value add reason for maintaining the collection system. Had the Project not been initiated by EPDC, the existing LFG collection system, conditioning system, and the flare stack would have been removed, and the Clover Bar Landfill would have been operated without LFG collection. The baseline condition for this project is thus the operation of the landfill without LFG collection.

3.4 ACTIONS TAKEN In 2005, EPDC constructed the CLGS, upgraded the LFG Collection and Conditioning systems, and removed or decommissioned infrastructure associated with the previous LFG collection project. Approximately $8 million in capital was invested in the Project. The changes to the infrastructure for each of the three systems are outlined in detail in Appendix B, and are summarized below:

• LFG Collection System – new gas blowers were installed to increase the output, and piping and headers were upgraded;

• LFG Conditioning System – prior to the project, the LFG conditioning system consisted mainly of gas compression for delivery to the Clover Bar Generating Station (now decommissioned). The 2005 upgrades included removal of the compressors and installation of a new dryer and filter. In addition, existing gas conditioning equipment was reconfigured for the new project, and new control systems were added; and

• Power Generation System – prior to the Project, generation of electricity was not conducted onsite. The entire power generation system was installed in 2005.

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3.5 PROJECT CONDITION The CLGS system commenced operation on August 21, 2005, and generates approximately 4.8 MW of electricity for distribution through the provincial grid. Flaring of LFG is conducted on an emergency basis only, using an open flare system. Had the Project not been undertaken by EPDC in 2005, the existing LFG collection system would have been decommissioned, and methane would have been passively emitted from the landfill. Details of the three systems included in the project are provided in the sections below.

3.5.1 LFG COLLECTION SYSTEM The LFG Collection System consists of approximately 70 active wells connected by individual 3” laterals and collection “risers” to two 12” collection headers. The headers are divided into two main branches; line C running along the north perimeter of the landfill and lines D and B running along the west and south perimeter. Automatic drains are field-installed below the headers to drain condensate back into the landfill. All headers and laterals are buried in the landfill. The risers are completed above grade allowing access to valved connections from each lateral. Headers C and D/B join at a common manifold, located to the south of the landfill that feeds the Landfill Gas Plant through a 14” buried line. All lines are high-density polyethylene (HDPE), SDR11. The capacity of the LFG Collection System is approximately 63,000 m3 per day.

3.5.2 LFG CONDITIONING SYSTEM LFG from the Collection System enters the Conditioning System (Gas Plant) through a Vertical Cyclone Inlet Separator where free moisture is removed. A condensate pump transfers any condensate, knocked out of the gas stream, into the flare line and subsequently to the flare drum.

The LFG is compressed from a nominal suction pressure of 76 kPa(a) and 20 oC to 165 kPa(a) by two Tuthill three lobe blowers, CPR-101 and CPR-102. During compression the gas picks up 85 – 125 oC and is subsequently cooled to 25oC. The LFG is then fed into the H2S Absorber Tower, where H2S is scavenged by a proprietary chemical for eventual disposal in a Deep Disposal Well. LFG is then transferred through a Knock Out Tower and on to the Power Generation System’s Gas Conditioning Skid.

This gas stream enters the Refrigerated Gas Dryer for removal of some siloxane and excess moisture. The gas entering the dryer is cooled to 2oC, the condensed moisture removed by a separator/coalescing filter and the gas subsequently reheated to 20oC. The conditioned gas is fed through a coalescing filter to remove any particulates/moisture, and is then fed to the three generating sets. Blower speed is controlled to deliver a pressure at the discharge of the coalescing filter of 119 kPa(a). All condensed moisture is routed to the flare line, collected in the flare drum and periodically pumped into a waste disposal truck for disposal off site.

Manual isolation valves isolate each generator set and an Emergency Shut-off Valve on the main header after the Gas Conditioning Skid will be tripped in the event of generating set shutdown. The blowers will also be tripped and the landfill gas automatically directed to flare.

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3.5.3 POWER GENERATING SYSTEM The CLGS can provide approximately 4.8 MW in total at rated power output onto the 25 kV distribution system. The point of common coupling (PCC) to the 25 kV distribution system is an extension of EPCOR Distribution Inc.’s (EDI) 25H feeder branch located east of the Project site.

The output of each of the three 1.6 MW generators is stepped up to 25H feeder line potential through individual outdoor pad mount style oil filled transformers, each base rated 1750 kVA 25 kV/600 V, wye/delta.

AC station service power for each generator enclosure (and the Master Control Room) is via 37.5 kVA 600/120/240 single phase transformers which are supplied from the generator 600V output buses. Finning supplied transfer switches provide power to the similar Master Control Room station service transformer. The scheme then, allows supply of the Master Control Room with 600VAC power either from any running generator or from the utility. The scheme allows station service power to be provided as long as any single generator is operating, or if the utility connection is energized through the 25kV breaker.

3.6 QUANTIFICATION PROTOCOL APPLICABILITY The applicability criteria, identification of sources and sinks, and quantification methodologies for this project have been determined in accordance with the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007). As outlined in the protocol, the project must conform to the following applicability criteria. This Offset Project Plan must demonstrate that:

1. The combustion is carried out under controlled conditions as demonstrated by a description of the LFG end use and specifications of the combustion device in use;

2. The LFG is not vented directly to atmosphere under the project condition once it is gathered as demonstrated by operational records and/or an affirmation by the project developer;

3. Metering of gas volumes takes place upstream and within a reasonable distance of either the combustion device or point of inclusion in the off-site pipeline network such that the meter will account for the potential for fugitive emissions as demonstrated by a project schematics;

4. The quantification of reductions achieved by the project is based on actual measurement and monitoring (except where indicated in this protocol) as indicated by the proper application of this protocol; and,

5. The project meets the requirements for offset eligibility as specified in the applicable regulation and guidance documents for the Alberta Offset System. Of particular note:

a. The landfill gas must have begun controlled combustion (on- or off-site) on or after January 1, 2002 as indicated by facility records;

b. The project may generate emission reduction offsets for a period of 8 years unless an extension is granted by Alberta Environment, as indicated by facility and offset system records. Additional credit duration periods require a reassessment of the baseline condition; and,

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c. Ownership of the emission reduction offsets must be established as indicated by facility records.

Demonstration that the Project complies with the applicability criteria outlined above is provided in the following sections.

3.6.1 CONTROLLED COMBUSTION Combustion of the landfill gas takes place in three Caterpillar 3560C reciprocating gas engines. All three engines are equipped with advanced combustion control technologies to optimize combustion for maximum energy generation. If the generating station is non-operational, an emergency shut-off valve located after the gas conditioning system is automatically tripped, directing the landfill gas to flare.

3.6.2 VENTING OF LFG As described above, landfill gas is flared in the event of an unexpected system shut-down. Venting of landfill gas is not conducted under the project condition.

3.6.3 METERING OF LFG Metering of LFG takes place immediately before the connection to the generating station. Therefore any fugitive emissions escaping from the system during the collection and conditioning processes are not counted as emission reductions, and there is low possibility of fugitive emissions occurring downstream of the meter.

3.6.4 QUANTIFICATION OF REDUCTIONS The quantification of reductions achieved by this project is achieved by actual measurement and monitoring, as outlined in section 5.0 of this Offset Project Plan.

3.6.5 OFFSET ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS This project meets the requirements for offset eligibility as specified in the applicable regulation and guidance documents for the Alberta Offset System. In particular:

• The controlled combustion of LFG began on August 21, 2005, which is after the specified start date of January 1, 2002. The project start date is demonstrated by the commencement of electricity transfer to the provincial grid;

• The Project proponent intends to claim offset reductions for an initial period of 8 years, as specified in the Guidance Document. The end of the initial Project offset crediting period is thus set at August 20, 2013; and

• Ownership of the emission reductions has been established through the contractual agreement between EPDC (the Project proponent and facility owner) and the City of Edmonton (the landfill owner). Details of the contract are provided in Appendix A.

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The baseline condition for projects applying the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007) is defined as the volume of methane captured that would otherwise have been released to the atmosphere, less the volume of methane that would have been captured under any other existing regulations. The baseline scenario for conversion from an open flare to controlled combustion is considered to be the same as the baseline scenario for conversion from no flare to controlled combustion. The baseline is thus project-specific. The approach to quantifying the baseline will be calculation-based as there are suitable data available for the applicable baseline condition that can provide reasonable certainty. The baseline scenario for this protocol is dynamic as the volume of methane would be expected to change materially relative to the age of the landfill, and the baseline condition may vary from project to project. Given the absence of approved emission factors for electricity, the Quantification Calculator does not calculate the emissions associated with “baseline electricity generator” or “baseline offset fossil fuel”. Since on the production of electricity is significantly greater than the consumption of grid electricity, the exclusion of these variables has a conservative impact on the calculation of net emission reductions. The electricity consumption is subtracted from production in the Quantification Calculator. The baseline identified for the Clover Bar Landfill Gas Collection and Destruction Project is the volume of methane that would be released to the atmosphere under normal operation of the landfill, without landfill gas collection or combustion. This baseline is reasonable and justifiable, given that without the Project, the Clover Bar Landfill would not have a landfill gas collection system in place and passive methane emission would be the normal mode of operation.

5.0 QUANTIFICATION OF EMISSION REDUCTIONS 5.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION Quantification of the reductions, removals and reversals of relevant SS’s for each of the greenhouse gases will be completed using the methodologies outlined in Section 2.5 of the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007). Two sources/sinks identified under the Project Condition in the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007) do not apply to this Project:

Emissions Thermal Energy = emissions under SS P10 Thermal Energy Distribution

Emissions Pipeline distribution = emissions under SS P8 Pipeline Distribution and Usage

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Since there is no Thermal Energy or Pipeline Distribution of the landfill gas collected under this Project, the input variables for these emission calculations are zero and thus the emissions for these sources are zero. As such, these emissions have not been included in the calculation of emission reductions, or in the equations below. The following three equations serve as the basis for calculating the emission reductions from the comparison of the baseline and project conditions:

Emission Reduction = Emissions Baseline – Emissions Project

Emissions Waste Decomposition + Emissions Offset Fossil Fuel Use

Emissions Baseline = Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing + Emissions Electricity Production +

Emissions Processing of Landfill Gas + Emissions Onsite Co-generation + Emissions Flaring

Emissions Project = Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing + Emissions Recovery System +


Emissions Baseline = sum of the emissions under the baseline condition.

Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing = emissions under SS B7 Fuel Extraction and Processing Emissions Electricity Production = emissions under SS B9 Electricity Imported Emissions Waste Decomposition = emissions under SS B6 Waste Decomposition Emissions Offset Fossil Fuel Use = emissions under SS B10 Offset Fossil Fuel Use

Emissions Project = sum of the emissions under the project condition.

Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing = emissions under SS P12 Fuel Extraction and Processing Emissions Recovery System = emissions under SS P6 Landfill Gas Recovery System

Operation Emissions Processing of Landfill Gas = emissions under SS P7 Processing of Landfill Gas Emissions Onsite Co-generation = emissions under SS P9 Onsite Cogeneration Systems Emissions Flaring = emissions under SS P11 Flaring

The details of the parameters used in the equations are presented in the table in Appendix C. Given the absence of an approved Emission Factor for Electricity, the Quantification Calculator accounts for both Electricity Production and Electricity Imported, however does not associate emissions with these variables. The approach is conservative as Electricity Production is significantly greater than Electricity Imported.

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5.2 DATA SOURCES As the table in Appendix C demonstrates, the data required for calculation of the emission reduction generated by the Project consists of the following:

• Volumes of fossil fuels consumed for the operation of the LFG collection system, processing of the LFG, operation of the electricity generation system, and flaring;

• Volumes of landfill gas consumed for the operation of the LFG collection system, processing of the LFG, operation of the electricity generation system, and flaring;

• Methane composition of the LFG; and • Net electricity generation for the system.

The specific methods of quantification for the above data sources under the Project are presented in the following section. 5.3 QUANTIFICATION PLAN Quantification of the emission reductions generated by the project will be conducted using the Calculator provided by AENV along with the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007). The general methods of quantification for the required data listed above are as follows:

• Volumes of fossil fuels consumed - the landfill gas collection and conditioning equipment are powered by electricity, either imported from the grid or generated by landfill gas combustion. The only fossil fuel consumed in the process is propane, used to keep the flare stack in operation if landfill gas is not being flared. The volumes of propane consumed are determined from monthly bills from the propane supplier.

• Volumes of landfill gas consumed – LFG is consumed in the power generation facility to power the three reciprocating engines, or is diverted to the flare stack. The volume of LFG consumed by the power generation facility is determined by direct, continuous metering. Flaring only occurs during the re-start of the electricity generation system following a shut down. The flare is used for a short period of time to help balance flow volumes to the generators. The flare is only in use for approximately 10 minutes until the first generating set is fully operation and the second generation set is partially loaded. The landfill gas volumes required during this process are estimated based on the number of shut downs that occur in a particular month. The number of shut downs are determined from the hourly generation data that flows to the provincial power grid.

• Methane composition of LFG – this parameter is determined by in-line gas analysis. • Net electricity generation – the net of electricity generated and consumed by the CLGS

is measured at the connection to the provincial power grid. In general, data collected from the CLGS data management system is reported monthly as either a monthly total or monthly average value (depending on the data being collected). The monthly values are then manually entered into the Calculator provided along with the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007).

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Detailed descriptions of the quantification methods for the required data are provided in Table 5.3.1 below.


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Required data

Project-specific data

Measurement method Measurement Frequency

Meter ID Quantification Method

Volume of fossil fuels consumed

Volume of propane consumed for flaring.

Monthly reconciliation of propane bills.

Monthly N/A Manual entry of volume of propane consumed into the Quantification Calculator.

Volume of LFG consumed

Volume of LFG consumed by power generation facility.

Direct metering of volume of landfill gas entering the power generation facility.

Continuous (data is collected every minute)

FIT-206 Manual entry of monthly totals from the CLGS into the Quantification Calculator.

Volume of LFG consumed

Volume of LFG consumed during flaring.

Estimation based on number of generation shut down events per month. The shut down events are determined from hourly generation data obtained from the revenue meter described in 5.4.2..

Monthly N/A Calculation of LFG flared by multiplying the # of monthly shut down events by 90 m3. The 90 m3 is based on the volume landfill gas and time required to restart the generator set.

Methane composition of LFG

Methane composition of LFG

Direct measurement Continuous (data is collected every minute)

AIT-206 Manual entry of monthly average into the Quantification Calculator.

Net electricity generation

Net electricity generation

Direct metering of net transfer of electricity to and from the grid.

Continuous (data is collected every minute)

CBGLGS01 Manual entry of monthly total into the Quantification Calculator.

Table 5.3.1 – Quantification Methods



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5.4 MONITORING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QAQC) PLAN In general, the data control process employed for this Project consists of manual or electronic data capture and reporting, and manual entry of monthly total or average values into a Quantification Calculator developed by AENV. For monitoring and quality assurance purposes, it is assumed that the quantification methods and formulas used in the Quantification Calculator are accurate and have been reviewed on behalf of the Project proponent.

There are two data streams involved in this project:

• Electronic data captured and reported by the CLGS metering and telemetry systems; and

• Manual data entry of propane volumes. The data flow process and general monitoring and QAQC plan for each data stream is illustrated in Figures 5.4.1 below. The specifics of the Monitoring and QAQC plan are discussed in the following sections.


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Figure 5.4.1 –Data Flow Diagram

Electronic Data Capture (CLGS Data System)

Monthly Electronic Data Reporting

Transfer of Monthly data to EPCOR staff via email

Manual entry of propane volumes and flaring volumes into Calculator

Manual entry of monthly values into Calculator

Manual checking of Calculator data (Section 5.4.3)

Electronic Data


Manual Data


Monitoring and QAQC

Meter maintenance and calibration (Section 5.4.1)

CLGS Data System Maintenance and QAQC Program (Section 5.4.2)

Record Keeping (Section 5.4.4)


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Monitoring and QAQC for the metering systems used at the CLGS consists of a maintenance and calibration program designed to ensure the accuracy of the data collection system. The details of maintenance and calibration for each meter used in the collection of data for emission reduction calculations are provided in Table 5.4.1

Table 5.4.1 – Metering Maintenance and Calibration Details

Project Specific Data

Meter ID Meter Make/Model

Maintenance Schedule

Calibration Schedule

Accuracy Rating

Volume of LFG Consumed (Volume entering Conditioning System)

FT-100 Thermo Brandt

MST 2100

Yearly Yearly 0.15% of re-ranged span

Volume of LFG Consumed (Volume entering Generating Station)

FT-206 Thermo Brandt

MST 2100

Yearly Yearly 0.15% of re-ranged span

Methane Composition of LFG

AIT-206 Siemens UltraMat

Oxymat 6E

Yearly Quarterly +/- 1% of span

Net Electricity Generation

CBGLGS01 General Electric

KV2 Multifunction Meter

On an as needed basis

Meter is continuously monitored.

None required.


Revenue metering data from CLGS is tracked with the installed GE KV-2 bi-directional meter (4 channel) accessed by dedicated phone connection by the EDI metering manager for reconciliation. The revenue meter at the generator is bi-directional to take into account that at times station service power requirements from the 25kV distribution system could exceed the power being exported. The onsite power requirements for CLGS are tracked on a monthly


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basis. The monthly consumption volumes are subtracted from the generator output in the Quantification Calculator.

5.4.3 MANUAL CHECKING OF CALCULATOR DATA The quantification of the volume of propane used is completed manually, and is based on monthly reconciliation of propane bills. Monitoring and QA/QC for propane volumes will consist of manual checking of data entered into the Quantification Calculator against the original propane bills to ensure independent review of the data prior to verification.

Similarly, the use of the Quantification Calculator involves manual entry of monthly totals (for LFG consumed and net electricity generation) and averages (for methane composition of the LFG) into the Quantification Calculator. Manual checking of this data will be conducted on an annual basis to ensure independent review of the data prior to verification and to identify any major discrepancies (“reality checking”). 5.4.4 RECORD KEEPING Record keeping practices for the project consist of:

• Electronic recording of values of logged primary parameters for each measurement interval;

• Printing of monthly back-up hard copies of all logged data; • Written logs of operations and maintenance of the project system including notation of all

shut-downs, start-ups and process adjustments; • Retention of copies of logs and all logged data for a period of 7 years; and • Keeping all records available for review by a verification body.

6.0 REPORTING OF EMISSION REDUCTIONS Emission reductions achieved through this Project from the project start date to the end of 2007 will be claimed following December 31, 2007. After the initial emissions reduction claim, emissions reductions for the years 2008 to 2013 will be claimed on an annual basis and quantified in accordance with the calculation methodology described in the Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Capture and Combustion (AENV, 2007). Emissions reductions will be verified by a third-party verifier according to the Guidance Document provided by AENV.


APPENDIX A – The City of Edmonton and EPCOR Power Development Corp – Agreement Regarding Emission Reductions – REDACTED


APPENDIX B - Clover Bar Landfill Gas Generating Station Infrastructure Changes Table B.1 - Infrastructure Added in 2005

SYSTEM EQUIPMENT TITLE EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION VENDOR/MAKE MODEL COMMENTS Collection Gas Blowers Tuthill 5514-57T3 125 HP, c/w WEG VFDs Conditioning Gas Conditioning

Dryer filter

Dries the gas to a RH of <80% Removes all particles > 1 micron

Pueumatatech Fil-Trek


Generation Generator Sets Produces 4.8 MW Finning Generation Reciprocating

Engines Powers the generators Caterpillar 3560C

Generation 25 KV Switchgear Finning Generation Low Voltage

Switchgear Finning

Generation Generator Output Transformers


Generation Protective Relaying Finning Generation 25 KV Cable Finning Generation Metering &

Telemetry Finning

All Control Systems Various systems PLC based various Conditioning/Generation Interconnecting

piping Piping at the blowers, to connect the gas conditioning/filter and to the gen-sets’ engines (underground).

Collection/Conditioning Power supply To blowers, gas conditioning equipment and ancillary equipment.


Table B.2 – Infrastructure Removed in 2005

SYSTEM EQUIPMENT TITLE EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION VENDOR/MAKE MODEL COMMENTS Collection Blowers Low pressure compression Spencer Turbo-Blower 75 HP Insufficient for the

demands of the new gas conditioning equipment

Collection Compressors High pressure compression IRR reciprocating Higher pressure was required to transfer gas to the Clover Bar Generating Station (now decommissioned)

Collection Power supply to compressors

Cable runs n/a

Collection Interconnecting piping Piping from gas cleaning equipment to compressors and compressors to high pressure plant (HP plant de-commissioned)


Collection/ Conditioning

Programmable Logic Controller

Recording of data captured by project instrumentation



APPENDIX C – Quantification Procedures Table C.1 – Quantification Procedures (Quantification Protocol for Landfill Gas Collection and Combustion, AENV 2007) 1.0 Project/ Baseline SS

2. Parameter / Variable 3. Unit 4. Measured /

Estimated 5. Method 6. Frequency 7. Justify measurement or estimation and frequency

Project SS’s Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing = ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions Fuel

Extraction / Processing kg of CO2e N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

Volume of Fossil Fuel Combusted for P6 to P11 / Vol Fuel

m3 Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel CO2

kg CO2 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

P12 Fuel Extraction and Processing

N20 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel N2O

kg N2O per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.


Emissions LFG System = (Vol. LFG Consumed * % CH4 * EF LFG CH4) ; (Vol. LFG Consumed * % CH4 * EF LFG N2O) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions LFG

System kg of CO2 ; CH4

; N2O N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

Volume of Landfill Gas Consumed / Vol. LFG Consumed

m3 Measured Direct metering of volume of LFG being flared.

Continuous metering

Direct metering is standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible.

Methane Composition in Landfill Gas / % CH4

- Measured Direct measurement.

Daily sampling averaged

monthly on a volumetric


LFG composition should remain relatively stable during steady-state operation.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

P6 Landfill Gas Recovery System Operation

Volume of Each Type of Fuel used / Vol Fuel i

L / m3 / other Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.


CO2 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Emissions Process LFG = (Vol. LFG Consumed * % CH4 * EF LFG CH4) ; (Vol. LFG Flared * % CH4 * EF LFG N2O) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions Process

LFG kg of CO2; CH4;


Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

Volume of Landfill Gas Consumed / Vol. LFG Consumed

m3 Measured Direct metering of volume of LFG being consumed.

Continuous metering.

Direct metering is standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible.

Methane Composition in LFG / % CH4

- Measured Direct measurement.

Daily sampling averaged

monthly on a volumetric


LFG composition should remain relatively stable during steady-state operation.

P7 Processing of Landfill Gas

CH4 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.


N20 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Volume of Each Type of Fuel Used/ Vol Fuel i

L / m3 / other Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Emissions Co-Gen = (Vol. LFG Consumed * % CH4 * EF LFG CH4) ; (Vol. LFG Consumed * % CH4 * EF LFG N2O) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions Co-Gen kg of CO2 ; CH4

; N2O N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

P9 On Site Co-Generation Systems

Volume of Landfill Gas Consumed / Vol. LFG Consumed

m3 Measured Direct metering of volume of LFG being consumed.

Continuous metering.

Direct metering is standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible.


Methane Composition in LFG / % CH4

- Measured Direct measurement.

Daily sampling averaged

monthly on a volumetric


LFG composition should remain relatively stable during steady-state operation.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Electric Utilities emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Electric Utilities emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Volume of Each Type of Fuel used / Vol Fuel i

L / m3 / other Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.


N20 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Volume of Each Type of Fuel used / Vol Fuel i

L / m3 / other Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Emissions Flaring = (Vol. LFG Flared * % CH4 * EF LFG CH4) ; (Vol. LFG Flared * % CH4 * EF LFG N2O) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions Flaring kg of CO2 ; CH4

; N2O N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

P11 Flaring

Volume of Landfill Gas Flared / Vol. LFG Flared

m3 Measured Direct metering of volume of LFG being flared.

Continuous metering.

Direct metering is standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible.


Methane Composition in LFG / % CH4

- Measured Direct measurement.

Daily sampling averaged

monthly on a volumetric


LFG composition should remain relatively stable during steady-state operation.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Landfill Gas / EF LFG N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated

From Environment Canada reference documents. In the absence of LFG data, rely on Industrial emissions factors for Natural Gas as this most accurately reflects the condition for the methane fraction of the LFG.


Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Volume of Each Type of Fuel used to Supplement Flare / Vol Fuel i

L / m3 / other Measured

Direct metering or reconciliation of volume in storage (including volumes received).

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.


N20 Emissions Factor for Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per L / m3 / other Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Baseline SS’s Emissions Fuel Extraction / Processing = ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N2O)

Emissions Fuel

Extraction / Processing kg of CO2e N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.

Volume of Fossil Fuel Combusted for B10 / Vol Fuel

m3 Measured Direct metering or reconciliation of volumes transferred.

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel CO2

kg CO2 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

B7 Fuel Extraction and Processing

N20 Emissions Factor for Fuel Including Production and Processing / EF Fuel N2O

kg N2O per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Emissions Electricity = Electricity * EF Elec B9 Electricity Imported Emissions Electricity kg of CO2e N/A N/A N/A Quantity being calculated.


Incremental Electricity Exported from the Site / Electricity

kWh Measured Direct metering. Continuous metering

Continuous direct metering represents the industry practise and the highest level of detail.

Emissions Factor for Electricity / EF Elec

kg of CO2e per kWh Estimated From Environment Canada

reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

Emissions Waste Decomp = Vol LFG Consumed * % CH4 * ρ CH4 Emissions Waste

Decomp kg of CH4 N/A N/A N/A Quantity being calculated.

Volume of Landfill Gas Consumed / Vol LFG Consumed

m3 Measured Direct measurement of mass of material decomposed.

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

Methane Composition in LFG / % CH4

- Measured Direct measurement.

Daily sampling averaged

monthly on a volumetric


LFG composition should remain relatively stable during steady-state operation.

B6 Waste Decomposition

Density of Methane kg / m3 Constant 0.7157 at standard

temperature and pressure. Actual value If this value is used all values must be adjusted for standard temperature and pressure.

Emissions Fuel Offset = ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CO2); ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i CH4) ; ∑ (Vol. Fuel i * EF Fuel i N20) B10 Offset Fossil Fuel Use

Emissions Fuel Offset kg of CO2 ; CH4

; N2O N/A N/A N/A

Quantity being calculated in aggregate form as fuel and electricity use on site is likely aggregated for each of these SS’s.


Volume of Each Type of Fuel Offset by Landfill Gas / Vol Fuel i

m3 Measured Direct metering or reconciliation of volumes transferred.

Continuous metering or

monthly reconciliation.

Both methods are standard practise. Frequency of metering is highest level possible. Frequency of reconciliation provides for reasonable diligence.

CO2 Emissions Factor for Combustion of Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CO2

kg CO2 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

CH4 Emissions Factor for Combustion of Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i CH4

kg CH4 per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.

N20 Emissions Factor for Combustion of Each Type of Fuel / EF Fuel i N2O

kg N2O per m3 Estimated From Environment Canada reference documents. Annual

Reference values adjusted annually as part of Environment Canada reporting on Canada's emissions inventory.