Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans,...

Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK- SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra, Officer
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Transcript of Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans,...

Page 1: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans

Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE

Rik Leemans, DirectorSjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board

Johan Feenstra, Officer

Page 2: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Rik LeemansEcologist, Prof. ESA, Director WIMEK, Chair Board SENSE, Chair SC ESSP

Simulating the structure an dynamics of Fiby urskog

Page 3: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

What is WIMEK?WIMEK is one of the seven graduate school of Wageningen University. WIMEK is strongly multi- and interdisciplinary, and focuses on studying understanding and solving environmental problems Groups include:

• Environmental policy,• Environmental economics, • Environmental technology, • Ecology, Hydrology, Meteorology, • Earth Systems Science, • Environmental systems analysis & • Landscape architecture

Page 4: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

The matrix structure of Wageningen University

Page 5: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

WIMEK as a partner in SENSEWIMEK is part of SENSE, which is the national graduate school for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment. SENSE is a joint venture of the environmental research institutes of ten Dutch universities and UNESCO-IHE and is officially accredited by the KNAW

Added value of SENSE:Common courses, evaluations, a PhD en research network

Page 6: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

SENSE organizes internationally recognized PhD education

Symposia and discussions

Interdisciplinary courses

Page 7: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Aim of WIMEK and SENSEo The scientific mission is to promote an integrated understanding

of environmental change in terms of the mechanisms that cause it and the consequences that result from it.

o the WIMEK/SENSE research and educationprogram aims at the development and improvement of scientific approaches that are required for an effective disciplinary and multidisciplinary understanding of environmental change.

o WIMEK/SENSE activities are dedicated to developing high quality scientific results which may be applied to practically and critically inform environmental policy perspectives.

Page 8: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

WIMEK/SENSE has three fundamental goals: o Education and training of PhD

students in disciplinary and multidisciplinary environmental issues

o Scientific research of environmental changes, both with regard to the disciplinary understanding of the issues and with regard to multidisciplinary understanding in the context of society;

o Support of society, environmental actors, and policy makers with independent and scientifically based expert advice.

Page 9: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Recruiting of PhD students

Page 10: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Structure of WIMEK/SENSE’s Research Programme

Three major disciplinary fields:1. Ecotoxicology, microbiology, physiology, ecogenomics,

environmental chemistry and environmental technology

2. Systems ecology, hydrology, geology, atmospheric sciences and soil science

3. Economics, sociology, political science and system analysis

Grouped by scale: from molecular, to ecosystems and landscapes, to economy and policies.

Excellence in disciplinary fields is important, but integration and synthesis is always emphasized!

Page 11: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,


Field 1

Field 2

Field 3

Increasing scale and integration


changeGlobal change

Industrial transformation

The SENSE research matrix emphasizes a network of researchers and PhDs that need to exchange expertise, approaches, ideas and findings



Page 12: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Strength and weaknesses of the disciplines-core themes matrix

Strengths:o A flexible network structure to discuss and communicate

research within SENSEo Strongly bottom-up organized with input from many SENSE

memberso Enhances the multi- and interdisciplinary viewso A appropriate structure to channel research needs and

initiate funding needs from ministries and others. (Collaboration with VROM & VVM)

Weaknesses:o Sometimes difficult to motivate individual senior researchers

to participateo Limited possibilities to steer activities from top-down

Page 13: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Recent development: research clustersCore theme 3: Global Environmental Change

(chair: Professor Pier Vellinga, WU/VU)VIII Global environmental change: pressure, state and impact

interacting biogeochemical cycles; global change observations and trends; earth system compartment interactions; complex systems and resilience; effects on ecosystems and biodiversity; scenarios and modelling potential impacts; uncertainty and communicationCoordinators: Dr. Laurens Ganzeveld (WU) & Stefan Dekker (UU)

IX Managing global and climate change the role of technological change on mitigation strategies; the development of long-term mitigation and adaptation policies in an international context; assessment of climate adaptation strategies for the Netherlands and internationally; risk management of vulnerable areas like river basins, river delta's and coastal areas; the use of spatial analysis, economic analysis and policy instruments in water management; global change and human healthCoordinators: Dr. Hasse Goossen (WU/Alterra)

XIV Integrated Assessment of Global Environmental Change (sustainability science; integrated modelling; participatory methods; uncertainty analysis; decision support systems for integrated pollution and/or ecosystem managementCo-ordinators: Dr. Pieter Valkering (MU-ICIS)

Page 14: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Tasks of WIMEKo Stimulate a good PhD-education and research environment

• Review and endorse PhD proposals and education plans (ITSP)• Facilitate courses, workshops, conferences and visiting scientists• Participate in and stimulate SENSE’s international networks to internationalize education

(e.g. Joint EU programmes, Marie Curie training sites, IIASA)• Vertrouwenspersoon (counselor) and mediations in conflicts (e.g. authorship)

o Managing and granting strategic research funds(i.e. 2 Million € for all WGS)

o Advice:• Spending of the KB and IP/OP strategic funding of WUR• Advice rector and WUR board on research and PhD education issues, bonuses & awards

(WGS)• Advice on Wageningen University’s research and education strategies (in WGS)• Appointment and Tenure Track evaluations for UDs, UHDs and Professors.

o Research Quality Evaluation and Assessment:• Evaluate WIMEK fellows (green, yellow and red cards) and chair group and inform

directors of the various departments on progress• Facilitate the international (SEP-protocol) and mid-term reviews (evaluated by WIMEK’s

international advisory board)

Page 15: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Minimum criteria to be(come) a WIMEK fellow

Classification A B C Comments

Description Top-25% of domain in ISI Impact factor

All other peer- reviewed journals covered by ISI

Peer- reviewed journal, no ISI Impact factor

The classification of journals is proposed to be updated every year. Papers are rated based on the classification in year of publication

Score 5 4 2 Editor-in-Chief 3 2 1 Editor Special Issue 3 2 1

Description World class publishers

Semi world class

Other publishers

The rating of publishers will happen at the beginning of the accredited period based on an international survey to be held by SENSE

Score 4 3 1

Description World class publishers

Semi world class Other publishers

The rating of publishers will happen at the beginning of the accredited period based on an international survey to be held by SENSE

Score 12? 9? 3 Books > 80 pages

Edited books Description World class publishers

Semi world class

Other publishers

The rating of publishers will happen at the beginning of the accredited period based on an international survey to be held by SENSE

Score 3 2 1 Promotor

2 Co-promotor 2 Candidate 4

SENSE Benchmark for Publishing in the Environmental Sciences

Journal Papers

Book Chapters

Other Activities



In year of graduation

Page 16: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Visitatie en mid-term review criteriao Productivity (# papers, keynotes, etc.)

o Scientific quality and relevance (# citations, scientific committees)

o Societal relevance (e.g. # interviews, ministerial committees)

o Vitality

Grades:A. Excellent: at the international frontier of disciplineB. very good: internationally renownedC. Good: internationally acceptableD. satisfactory: internationally poor but nationally goodE. insufficient: not up to disciplinary standards

Page 17: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

Recent developments and activities

Page 18: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

International connections

Page 19: Environmental Systems Analysis Prof. Dr. Rik Leemans Introduction to WIMEK-SENSE Rik Leemans, Director Sjoerd van der Zee, Chair WIMEK Board Johan Feenstra,

WIMEK: for students and supervisors!