ENTSO-E Transparency Stakeholder Expert Group Meeting 2 28 February 2013

ENTSO-E Transparency Stakeholder Expert Group Meeting 2 28 February 2013


ENTSO-E Transparency Stakeholder Expert Group Meeting 2 28 February 2013. Agenda. 2. TSEG meeting 1 follow up…. Sent on 4 Feb: The draft minutes comment before Wednesday 13 February. (see next slide) The draft detailed descriptions and comment sheet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ENTSO-E Transparency Stakeholder Expert Group Meeting 2 28 February 2013

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ENTSO-E Transparency Stakeholder Expert Group

Meeting 228 February 2013

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10:30 – 10:40 Welcome and IntroductionAlain Taccoen

WGMIT Convenor

10:40 – 10:50 Terms of Reference Approval Peter Campbell

ENTSO-E Transparency Advisor

10:50 – 11:20Draft Manual of Procedures

– overview, scope, aims & readership

Andy Spiceley

IT Project manager

11:20 – 12:30Comments on detailed descriptions

- Load, Generation

Alain Taccoen

WGMIT Convenor

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch  

13:30 – 14:30Comments on detailed descriptions continued…

Transmission, Balancing

Alain Taccoen

WGMIT Convenor

14:30 – 14:50Feedback on data provider technical & operational criteria and Local

Project Monitoring

Andy Spiceley/Dalius Sulga

IT Project manager/Platform senior advisor

14:50 – 15:05 Coffee Break  

15:05 – 15:25 Feedback on Production typesPeter Campbell

ENTSO-E Transparency Advisor

15:25 – 15:45 Conclusions, Actions and Next steps Alain Taccoen

WGMIT Convenor

15:45– 16:00 A.O.B All

16:00 End of Meeting  

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TSEG meeting 1 follow up…..

Sent on 4 Feb:• The draft minutes comment before Wednesday 13 February. (see next slide)• The draft detailed descriptions and comment sheet • The updated ToR as discussed for final approval. Asked for proposals for:• Art.5-1-c,“Technical and operational criteria which data providers would need to fulfil when

providing data to the central information transparency platform”• Art.5-1-d,”Appropriate classification of production types”.  We would like to ask for you to return your comments in the Excel sheet and proposals before 22nd February, 12 noon to [email protected] which will then be consolidated and discussed at the next TSEG meeting on 28th February in Brussels. Input received after 22 February will not be considered. All documentation will be published at https://www.entsoe.eu/data/entso-e-transparency-platform/

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Terms of Reference

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Manual of Procedures: Terms of Reference

ENTSO-E asks for approval of the ToR

Jean-Noel MARQUET (EDF)• Concerning the 1st TSEG meeting draft minutes, I suggest to add these items (§4) :

"In the morning, the Convenor has mentioned the possibility to disclosure additional information using "free text" : that is a interesting idea". "It is useful to have a cost/benefit approach to any further specification"

Marcus Mittendorf (EEX)(Group comments) add:

• No requirement to send older data before EMFIP is established• A list on the ENTSO-E transparency platform of who complies with the data provider

requirements (including TSOs) should be made to have the same level playing field for everybody,

Modify the sentence:• “ENTSO-E remains the sole party responsible for the development of the central

information transparency platform and manual of procedures and shall not be bound to accept all suggestions provided by stakeholders. If a suggestion is rejected, ENTSO-E shall endeavor to provide an explanation.”

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Draft Manual of ProceduresOverview, scope, aims and readership

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• Readership:• Data owners• Data providers• Data consumers

• Purpose: To provide, either directly or by reference:

• All information that would be required for a data provider to develop & operate a system to submit data to the platform in accordance with the legislation and with ENTSO-E system definitions

• All information that would be required to develop & operate a system to extract data from the platform


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In scope:• “details and format of the data to be published…” per Art

4 of the regulation• Anything that a 3rd party would need to know to submit or

extract such data to or from the platform

Not in scope:• Matters internal to ENTSO-E or its suppliers• Material that would be considered confidential to ENTSO-

E or its members

Scope of the manual of procedures


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• The aim is that the handbook does not duplicate material published elsewhere. If such material is required it is included by reference only. For example reference to definitions in the Regulation on submission and publication of data in electricity markets and in Network Codes, existing standards documentation.

• The handbook will be constructed as an on-line resource (which facilitates the cross-referencing of material) but a pdf reference version can be exported for download.

• Only the on-line copy will be definitive.



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Article 5 requirements:

“ENTSO-E shall develop a manual specifying”

Details and format of the submission of data

Standardised ways and formats of data communication and exchange between concerned parties

Technical and operational criteria for providing data

Appropriate classification of production types

To be developed under open and transparent consultation with stakeholders To be made available to the public To be updated when necessary To be submitted to ACER who will provide an opinion


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• Detailed data descriptions (next topic for today)

• Implementation Guides: to be produced for each business domain under the Regulation (Load, Generation etc.)

• Implementation Guides• Provide XML schemas for encoding of the data • Are developed by the ENTSO-E WG EDI• already in existence for the present www.entsoe.net

platform• Currently published through the EDI library on


Details and format of the submission of data


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• Connection and submission methods:• Web Services• Market Data Exchange System (MADES)• Secure ftp

• Payload expected to be XML documents compliant with the XML schemas of the relevant Implementation Guide

Standardised ways and formats of data communication and exchange…


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• Management of standing (reference and master) data• Establish data ownership & accountabilities• Devolve responsibility and control as far as possible

to data owners• Establish clear procedures for distribution of updates

to standing data• Support routes (resolution of technical and business


Other topics


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Comments on detailed descriptions

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Total load per bidding zone per market time unit (6.1.a, 6.2.a)• “Actual” total load• Net generation:

• Net or gross: net is suitable but use gross if high accuracy• Real-time measures (SCADA) + estimated dispersed

generation• Real-time measurements are enough. No additional

measures after H+1• Storage resources:

• Only significant storage resources to be provided• H+1 is obliged by the Regulation. In case of absence of

measures, estimation is needed.

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Day-ahead forecast of the total load per market time unit (6.1.b, 6.2.b)• Market time unit harmonization not needed as data is per bidding zone• Replacement:

• “The total load refers to the same definition as in Article 6.1.a.”; by• “The day-ahead forecast is calculated (estimated) on the historic

load profile on similar days, taking into account the variables that affect electricity demand, such as weather conditions, climate and socioeconomic factors”

• Need for national agreements between TSOs and DSOs regarding procurement of information to perform the forecast by TSOs.

• Forecasts can be updated is weather conditions changes.

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Week-ahead total load forecast per day (6.1.c, 6.2.c)• Replacement:

• “The total load refers to the same definition as in Article 6.1.a.”; by

• “The week-ahead forecast is calculated (estimated) on the historic load profile on similar days, taking into account the variables that affect electricity demand, such as weather conditions, climate and socioeconomic factors”

• Need for national agreements between TSOs and DSOs regarding procurement of information to perform the forecast by TSOs.

• Forecasts can be updated is weather conditions changes.

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Month-ahead total load forecast per week (6.1.d, 6.2.d)• Replacement:

• “The total load refers to the same definition as in Article 6.1.a.”; by

• “The month-ahead forecast is calculated (estimated) on the historic load profile on similar days.”

• Need for national agreements between TSOs and DSOs regarding procurement of information to perform the forecast by TSOs.

• Forecasts are not influenced by weather conditions as it is long-term forecast.

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Year-ahead total load forecast per week (6.1.e, 6.2.e)• Replacement:

• “The total load refers to the same definition as in Article 6.1.a.”; by

• “The year-ahead forecast is calculated (estimated) on the historic load profile on similar days.”

• “Rolling year” consistency.• Need for national agreements between TSOs and DSOs

regarding procurement of information to perform the forecast by TSOs.

• Forecasts are not influenced by weather conditions as it is long-term forecast.

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Planned unavailability of consumption units and Actual availability of consumption units (7.1.a,b, 7.2, 7.3)

• Reason for the unavailability have to be clearly defined. To be checked with generation unavailability.

• Decision time reporting seems to be needed for monitoring purposes under Transparency Regulation and REMIT.

• Replacement of “DP” by “Data Provider”• Need for national agreements between TSOs, DSOs and consumers

to report unavailability.• Immediately publication: EMFIP will support it, being “immediately”

understood in terms of information systems (probably seconds).

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Year-ahead forecast margin (8.1, 8.2)• Deletion of "Total load is defined as in Section 2.“• Only one value will be provided per year.• TSOs are also Primary Owner of the “calculated” data.• Updates of this data: not clear. To be discussed.

• No, as it is a year-ahead forecast (recommended).• Yes, as it can change during the year.

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Generation - Objective of the document

Main points raised in the comments received need to be discussed • General comments

• UMM and unavailabilities

• Production type

• Criteria for data provider

• Master data

• Kind of filing rate of water reservoir and hydro storage plant to be


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Generation – General Comments

• Comments on the content and the wording of the regulation

No modification of the regulation is possible. All the comments made on the regulation are rejected.

• Location

2 kind of proposal for describing the location:- GPS coordinates- Country, Town … : lower level of precision

2 questions to define the relevant level of description: - What is the additional value for the market to know exactly the location of the

generation/production unit?- Is there strategic defence restriction which apply for this information ?

=>To be discussed

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Generation - UMM and Unavailabilities

• List of reason for unavailabilities A Predefined was first drafted in the data description:

• maintenance• failure (permitted for changes in actual availability only)• shutdown (permitted for Consumption, Generation and Production Units only)• other

Additional list suggested:• Outage, External factors, redispatch• to be completed

=> to be discussed• Change in actual availabilities and unplanned unavailabilities in the same

document In the data description ENTSO-E already suggested to have only one document.

If the actual unavailability have been planned and already reported with the correct available capacity, it’s not necessary to deliver again the data.

But it is still in discussion inside ENTSO-E=> To be discussed

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Generation – UMM and Unavailabilities

• Free Text for UMM2 different requirement for the UMM : REMIT and the draft Transparency regulation2 proposal on 2 different levels could be used for publishing open comments

1) On the unavalaibilities required by the regulation:The text is related to an outage with a specific period covered

2) Outside any outageThe text is an open comment not linked directly with an outage.

=>To be discussed

• No aggregation for unavailabilities

It was suggested to make aggregation on the unavailabilities (per control area or perproduction type)

This aggregation is not required by the regulation.=> Comment rejected

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Generation - UMM and Unavailabilities

• Decision taken to be defined?In the regulation a planned unavailability is published as soon as possible, but no later than one hour after the decision regarding the planned unavailability is made.”

Some comments suggested to define the decisionIs it necessary to define clearly what is a decision?=>To be discussed

• Example of interval pattern mode

In the data description it is mentioned that In some cases, if an unavailability is repeated several times it could be described with an interval pattern mode. 

For an outage on a generation unit which is unavailable every Friday for one year, This outage could bedescribed in only one document, The period covered by the document will be one year, and the

unavailability of every friday will be described.

It will be clearly explained in the BRS and IG.=>To be discussion when the BRS will be presented

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Production Type

• Proposal to replace production type by fuel type: rejected

No modification of the regulation is possible. All the comments made on the regulation are rejected.

• Proposal received for the production typesTo be discussed

• Primary owner of dataOwner of production units or operators of production units?=>To be discussed

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Criteria for being data provider

• Question raised in the commentData provider have to belong to the area of the data concerned => to be discussed

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Master Data

• Which master data to be used in EMFIP

One comment raised that the production name , the install capacity for a generation unit… is not needed to be reported each time if it is a master data

This question is still open in ENTSO-E. It involves lots of questions: - legal issues : who is responsible for the data, What kind of validation is required from EMFIP- how to manage the data,- if some master data are not previously recorded in EMFIP, some data sent could be rejected -…To be discussed when the BRS will be introduced

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Kind of filing rate of water reservoir and hydro storage plant to be reported

• Question raised in the comment

What kind of water reservoir and hydro storage to be reportedProposal from Eurelectric: refer to UNIPED definition

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group


general comment: The used term definition in the Entso-e network code should be as well the basis for this term definition

OK we will align the data description with Network code as much as possible


Status of unavailability of transmission assets

The note in the definition is not clear. What does it mean?

Another status, for instance “forced” could be added.

It is meant here the status of the information/message and not the status of the unavailability.

=> definition will be clarified

termsFor all articles referring to reason for the unavailability (i.e. consumption, generation), the same list should be used. => to be clarified

ok it will be done


to add in the terms section

Remedial actions: As defined in the draft CACM NC: “means a measure activated by SOs, manually or automatically, that relieves or can relieve Physical Congestions. They can be applied pre-fault or post-fault and may involve costs.”

ok it will be done

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group

10.1 a,b,c

Unavailability of transmission infrastructure

In order to follow that the requirement to publish within one hour is fulfilled, the decision time and publication time must be submitted.

The publication time will be published but decision time has low added value for the market. Data provider is responsible to deliver the information on time. Statistics could be calculated on a year basis about the level playing field of data providers.

10.1 Planned unavailability of offshore grid infrastructure is missing in the Regulation requirements !? Yes, not required by the regulation

10.1As set in the terms part that will work only for NTC capacity calculation approach. How the FB calculation would be impacted?

For the time being It was decided to wait regarding the FB publications as there are no current implementation in Europe

10.1 a,b,c

reasons for the unavailability

Are the reasons the ones that are set in the term part "Reason for planned unavailability or change in actual availability"?

Reference to "terms" part should be added.

ok it will be done

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group


Note: in case of unplanned outage , there cannot be status “canceled”

The definition of "status of unavailability of transmission asset should foreseen a status for this unplanned outage. Why not using the term "forced?

No, it is not the meaning of the "status“.

The status related to the information/message and not the status of the unavailability


If due to the technical reasons a transfer capacity for a given bidding zone is calculated for the whole technical profile of this bidding zone, then the transfer capacity between bidding zones means the transfer capacity on the technical profile

Not sure the meaning is clear here. TSO has to provide the NTC available per border and per direction.

There are two options for TSOs either NTC values or technical profiles


submission of the data can be done with smaller granularity

What does that mean? NTC variation within a month? And/or specifying value for base peak off peak product? The term granularity should be explained.

A smaller granularity means that the submission could be done with a more accurate information, f.i. a value per day even if it is request per week

We will align the wording.

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group

11.2 BRS should be definedBRS = Business Requirements Specifications for the transparency platform (EMFIP). It will be removed from the doc.


A yearly offered capacity may include some sub periods where the value may differ.

To what the term "sub periods" is referring to? The sub period should be explained.

A sub-period is a time interval within the whole period (Eg a month is a sub-period in a year)

11.3 intraday transfer limits

To be defined in the "terms"section

intraday capacity limit value taking into account the technical capacity of the interconnector and the security constraints of the grid. It will be added in the document

11.3ASAP without undue delay.

The regulation foreseen "not later than one hour"" Is this wording foreseen an improvement?

Regulation has been modified several times. It will be changed.


Market Committee to decide on the way of creating/publishing this report

Which market committee? The report should be publicly available.

internal ENTSOE comment, it will be removed

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group


all possible measures that could be implemented to increase the offered transfer capacity, together with their estimated costs of all possible measures.

The detailed descriptions should develop on what are the possible measures.

There is no harmonization on that topic


Total capacity nominated means aggregated capacity nominated,by market participants from time horizons (Y, M, W, D, ID) corresponding to explicit allocations , agreed between the TSOs (i.e. where a TSO-TSO matching process applies) and confirmed to the market.

TSO-TSO matching process should be explained

It should be specified as soon as the nomination has been approved/validated by both TSO?

ok we will remove the “TSO common wording” and the text will be clarified

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group


Amount of MW nominated capacity per border and direction

This option “per border” should be used, more useful information.

CACM network code foresees both options (per border or in net position)


The regulation as well as the data description states that the information on Day-Ahead Prices should be published no later than one hour after gate closure. The gate closure is a set time but the publication time for the outcome of price calculation is not. In some rare situations the price calculation may take longer time than expected and this will affect the time for when it’s sent to the platform. This should be taken in to account in the restrictions of publication deadline for ENTSO-E.

When a publication deadline is reached it will not block a publication afterwards. The publication deadline is a monitoring feature which will send alarms to the data provider if the deadline is passed

12.1.g Is operational period the same as operating period? This period should be defined in the "terms" section ok it will be done

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Transmission section

Article Comments Answers from experts Group


Information relating to countertrading per market time unit, specifying:


Comment should specify the period of countertrading action?

The comments field should not be used for duration.A Period could be added


For their control areas TSOs shall provide to ENTSO-E for publication a monthly summary report detailing the costs incurred to them separately for measures taken as referred to in paragraph 1(a), paragraph 1(b) and any other remedial action.

Is an explanation on how these costs are calculated will be provided?

An explanation on the methodology to calculate the cost should be published in the summary report.

An Explanation on the costs will be given but not a specific methodology

13.1.cPublication in M+3

The regulation foreseen a publication no later than on month after the end of the referred month

Regulation has been modified several times. It will be changed

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• Finalised Balancing Network Code will be used as basis for terms and definition.

• Rules on balancing should be published by TSOs.

• All balancing data should be sent by TSOs or Market Operators (primary owners). Market participants (generators, consumers) don’t have to send such data.

• Bilateral balancing contracts should be handled the same way as other balancing contracts.

• According to the regulation, cross control area balancing and international assistance between TSOs shouldn’t be distinguished only under point 17.1.j and 17.2.i

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Coffee time

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Feedback on data provider technical and operational criteria

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Feedback on data provider technical and operational criteria (1)

Technical criteria for data providers:

• Communication shall be done by using MADES, web services, SFTP (reference to the detail descriptions)

• Information exchange must be done in accordance with formats defined in Implementation Guide (EDI library)

• Data provider should be capable to resend data

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Feedback on data provider technical and operational criteria (1)

Operational criteria for data providers:

• Approval by local TSO is needed

• Prequalification period is recommended. Prequalification should be done by using EMFIP test platform

• Audit by local TSO

• Communication in English

• Data providers and TSOs should nominate Single Point of Contact (SPoC) for all data related issues.

• Market participants should collaborate with TSO in defining data providers for EMFIP in a way to ensure cost efficiency, optimize data flow, avoid duplication of tasks and data flows. Data providers should provide data for substantial (not less than1/3) part of the local market.

• The number of data providers for EMFIP should not exceed 200 (this 200 should be proved in “The Proposal concerning the operation of the central information transparency platform and the associated costs”).

• Generation units, production units and consumption units should send data to the EMFIP via the local TSO or other data provider approved by the local TSO. The number of data providers to the EMFIP shall be limited and optimised.

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ENTSO-E collects information about Local Projects via TSOs

Local projects – on Data provider side

Local Monitoring Dashboard (LMD): • Identified Data providers for each Data item;• Status of the project on Data provider side;• Date, when data is expected to be ready for submission

SPOCs of TSOs (TPCs) provide necessary info for LMD;

Close dialog between TSO and Data provider is needed 

Information flow from Data owner to the New TP has to be defined



Monitoring of Local Projects



AggregatorsAggregatorsAggregatorsAggregatorsAggregatorsPXs, AOs, CAs



New TP

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Coffee time

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Feedback on Production types

Required in the manual of procedure• To be specified by ENTSO-E• Reviewed by ACER

ENTSO-E approach:• Our goal is to keep it simple• The information must be useful for the market (fuel

type vs technology type)• Possible use of existing lists or for coherency in

other reporting (e.g. statistical reporting, REMIT…)• List to be clarified and discussed in further


ERGEG FEDT Guidelines (2010)Thermal power plants

Hydro power plants

Renewable energy plants

• Nuclear • Reservoir • Wind

• Lignite • Run-of-river plant • Solar

• Hard coal • (Pump) Storage • Other renewable energy

• Brown coal • Tide

• Gas

• Oil

• Waste

• PeatEC• Should not be too detailed but also not too simplistic. • Reasonable mixture between generation technology and fuel. E.g. It is not enough to

determine that it is a thermal generation. People would want to know whether it is lignite fired, coal fired or gas fired or fuel oil fired. This would have to be combined with the technologies used. Combined cycle, open cycle, boiler, etc.

• An additional indication of CHP may also be interesting

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What do existing ENTSO-E publications have?

Existing data in ENTSO-E statistical publications

• Thermal Nuclear• Fossil

• Lignite• Hard coal• Gas• Oil• Mixed fuel

• Hydro• Run of River• Storage and pump storage

• Renewable• Non Renewable

• Other Renewable• Wind onshore• Wind offshore• Solar• Biomass

• Not identifiable

Not detailed enough??

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What standards are already published?

EECS Rules Fact Sheet 5 TYPES OF ENERGY INPUTS AND TECHNOLOGIES:TechnologyTECHNOLOGYLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Description Description DescriptionSolar Unspecified Unspecified

Photovoltaic UnspecifiedClassic silicon

Thin filmConcentration Unspecified

Wind Unspecified UnspecifiedOnshoreOffshore

Hydro-electric head installations

Unspecified UnspecifiedRun-of-river head installation UnspecifiedStorage head installation UnspecifiedPure pumped storage head installationUnspecifiedMixed pumped storage head Unspecified

Marine Unspecified UnspecifiedTidal Unspecified


Wave UnspecifiedOnshoreOffshore

Currents UnspecifiedPressure Unspecified

TECHNOLOGYLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Thermal Unspecified Unspecified

Combined cycle gas turbine with heat recovery UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Steam turbine with back-pressure turbine (open cycle) UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Steam turbine with condensation turbine (closed cycle) UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Gas turbine with heat recovery UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Internal combustion engine UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Micro-turbine UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Stirling engine UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Fuel cell UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Steam engine UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Organic rankine cycle UnspecifiedNon CHPCHP

Nuclear Unspecified UnspecifiedHeavy-water reactor UnspecifiedLight water reactor UnspecifiedBreeder UnspecifiedGraphite reactor Unspecified

Other Unspecified Unspecified

Too detailed?

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What standards are already published?


Too detailed?

FUEL (or heat source)Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Description Description DescriptionUnspecified Unspecified UnspecifiedRenewable Unspecified Unspecified

Solid Municipal wasteIndustrial and commercial wasteWoodAnimal fatsBiomass from agriculture

Liquid UnspecifiedMunicipal biodegradable wasteBlack liquorPure plant oilWaste plant oilRefined vegetable oil

Gaseous UnspecifiedLandfill gasSewage gasAgricultural gasGas from organic waste digestionProcess gas

Heat SolarGeothermalAerothermalHydrothermalProcess heat

Mechanical source or other UnspecifiedWindHydro & marine

Unspecified Unspecified

FUEL (or heat source)Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Fossil Solid Unspecified

Hard coalBrown coalPeatMunicipal wasteIndustrial and commercial waste 0

Liquid UnspecifiedCrude oilNatural gas liquids (NGL)Petroleum products

Gaseous UnspecifiedNatural gasCoal-derived gasPetroleum productsMunicipal gas plantProcess gas

Heat UnspecifiedProcess heat

Nuclear Solid Radioactive fuel

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What is required under REMIT?

What will be the requirements under REMIT for UMM (outages)?

The ACER Guidance notes (2nd edition, 28 Sept) include the following Annex:

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A balanced approach

UnspecifiedRenewable Unspecified

Solar UnspecifiedPhotovoltaic Unspecified

Classic siliconThin film

ConcentrationWind Unspecified


Hydro-electric head installations

UnspecifiedRun-of-river head installationStorage head installationPure pumped storage head installationMixed pumped storage head

Marine UnspecifiedTidal Unspecified


Wave UnspecifiedOnshoreOffshore



Fuel type 1 Fuel type 2Biomass    Thermal Unspecified      

Combined cycle gas turbine with heat recovery


  Non CHP      CHP    Steam turbine with back-pressure turbine (open cycle)


  Non CHP      CHP    Steam turbine with condensation turbine (closed cycle)


  Non CHP      CHP    Gas turbine with heat recovery Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Internal combustion engine Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Micro-turbine Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Stirling engine Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Fuel cell Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Steam engine Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    Organic rankine cycle Unspecified      Non CHP      CHP    

Process heatUnspecifiedHeavy-water reactorLight water reactorBreederGraphite reactor

Fuel TypeSolid Unspecified

Hard coalBrown coal/LignitePeatMunicipal wasteIndustrial and commercial waste

Liquid UnspecifiedCrude oilNatural gas liquids (NGL)Petroleum products

Gaseous UnspecifiedNatural gasCoal-derived gasPetroleum productsMunicipal gas plantProcess gas

Heat UnspecifiedProcess heat

Solid Municipal wasteIndustrial and commercial wasteWoodAnimal fatsBiomass from agriculture

Liquid UnspecifiedMunicipal biodegradable wasteBlack liquorPure plant oilWaste plant oilRefined vegetable oil

Gaseous UnspecifiedLandfill gasSewage gasAgricultural gasGas from organic waste digestion

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Conclusions, actions and next steps

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Next Steps (Tentative Agenda)22 Feb Collect feedback 28 Feb TSEG 2 meeting – identify most important comments on detailed definition descriptions

12 Mar Consolidate, reject/accept comments and incorporate final TSO comments

13 Mar    WGMIT meeting for approval of BRS including detailed descriptions

18 Mar New BRS version by secretariat

21 Mar   TSEG 3 meeting presentation of BRS and initial IGs

25 Mar  send BRS to all stakeholders for review (in parallel with ENTSO-E)

23 Apr  TSEG 4 meeting to finalise review of BRS & IGs.

End Apr  Consolidate final version of BRS

15 May   WGMIT meeting approval of complete MoP (consultation draft)

End May MC written approval of complete MoP (including BRS & IGs)

Jun   Public consultation (following the publication of the  regulation) Duration ≈1 month

Jul – Aug Consolidation of responses & draft for final comments and WGMIT approval

Sept      MC and Assembly approval

Send draft to ACER (within 4 months of entry into force)

Feedback and amendment before publishing

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Next Steps

Topics for discussion in TSEG 3 (21 March)

• ENTSO-E to send proposals on (14th March 2013)• Criteria for being data provider• List of production types Comments awaited by 19/3 end of day

• ENTSO-E to send a new version of Detailed Data Description (frozen version until the Public Consultation) just before the next meeting.

• ENTSO-E presentation of BRS and IG for TSEG consultation before 4th TSEG (23/4).

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End of Meeting, Thank You!  Date LocationMeeting 1 31 January Brussels

Meeting 2 28 February Brussels

Meeting 3 21 March Brussels

Meeting 4 23 April Brussels