Entreprise Head- Date Sector Title Scope Main Field ...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Entreprise Head- quarters Date Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament al rights Trade Union rights Social dialogue Restruct uring Training skills Mobility Subcontra cting H&S Environ ment Wages Working time Statutes Equal opportuniti es Data protection Employme nt 8 Accor France 1995 Hotels Agreement Global Trade union rights Yes Yes 31 Air France France N.A. Transport Joint opinion European ? Mobility Yes 32 Air France France N.A. Transport Joint opinion European ? Position of sales and marketing staff 33 Air France (AF/KLM) France 2001 Transport Social Charter Global + European Fundamental rights, human resources policy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 52 Anglogold South Africa 2002 Extractive industry and energy Agreement Global Fundamental social rights, social dialogue Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 92 Axa France 2005 Finance, Insurance Joint declaration - Annex to EWC agreement European Social dialogue and Restructuring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 57 Ballast nedam Netherlands 2002 Construction Framework agreement Global Fundamental rights, subcontracting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes European Commission - Study seminar “Transnational Agreements” 17 May 2006 – Working document 24

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


8 Accor France 1995 Hotels Agreement Global Trade union rights

Yes Yes

31 Air France France N.A. Transport Joint opinion European ? Mobility Yes

32 Air France France N.A. Transport Joint opinion European ? Position of sales and marketing staff

33 Air France (AF/KLM)

France 2001 Transport Social Charter

Global + European

Fundamental rights, human resources policy

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

52 Anglogold South Africa 2002 Extractive industry and energy

Agreement Global Fundamental social rights, social dialogue

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

92 Axa France 2005 Finance, Insurance

Joint declaration - Annex to EWC agreement

European Social dialogue and Restructuring

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

57 Ballast nedam Netherlands 2002 Construction Framework agreement

Global Fundamental rights, subcontracting

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Accor Group, IUF Yes Yes Both parties agree that any differences arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the parties concerned. Accor encourages the management of subsidiaries and entities to allow union representatives to carry out their mandates and to have access to the same opportunities for training, pay increases and advancement as all other equally qualified employees.

N.A. N.A. N.A. In general: implementation is a standing item on the agenda of the EWC's meetings and/or the EWC's select committee is given a role in overseeing implementation (EWCB 56, p. 11).

N.A. N.A. N.A. In general: implementation is a standing item on the agenda of the EWC's meetings and/or the EWC's select committee is given a role in overseeing implementation (EWCB 56, p. 11).

Groupe Air France, ETF, EWC (CGEAF)

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Air France will vigilantly endeavour to ensure that the fundamental principals of labour and workers’ rights be respected by the companies retained by it to perform duties as a handling agent or subcontractor.

Yes 11. IMPLEMENTATIONThe general management for the Groupe Air France and the European Works Council (CGEAF) of Air France will safeguard the implementation of this social charter. The practical supervision of it will be delegated to the board of the CGEAF in concert with and not superseding the institutions of staff representation in all countries having Air France employees. In this context, the board will have the authority to alert concerned staff and management representatives when necessary to guarantee the implementation of this charter. A progress report on the implementation of the charter will be placed on the agenda of the CGEAF’s annual meeting.

In the 2006 AF/KLM EWC agreeement: the social and ethical Charter AF adopted and signed on 25 June 2001 is a reference that applies to all companies of the AF group. The AF/KLM EWC is entitled, if it so wishes, to examine through negotiation, the conditions in which the ethical and social principles contained in the charter may apply in the new perimeter of the AF/KLM group,

Anglogold LTD, ICEM

Yes Yes IMPLEMENTATION4.1 Review and ApplicationThe parties agree to meet as often as is necessary, but at least annually, to review past practice and to preview future plans relevant to their interests, and to discuss the terms of this agreement. A sub-committee will be established to consider plans and proposals placed before it by either party following any alleged breach of accepted standards of conduct that could not be resolved at the level of local and national operation.

AXA SA, UNI (mandated by 18 unions- 8 countries) CFDT, CFTC, CGT, CGC, UNSA

Yes Yes N.A. Yes Parties aknowledge the transnational character of the agreement which aim is to ensure the employees' representation within the EU beyound national borders, strcutures and mentalities, They therefore solemny declare that this agreement is ruled by Community law, in particular the Treaty of the Union, the Social charter and the Directive 94/45 of 22 september 1994. As a result, any difficulty linked to its interpretation or application should come under Community jurisdictions

Ballast Nedam, FNV Bouw, IFBWW

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): BALLAST NEDAM requires that its contractual partners shall support this agreement and shall also ensure that it is adhered to by any of their contractual partners who are in any way active in connection with the business activities of BALLAST NEDAM.

Yes BALLAST NEDAM, the IFBWW and FNV BOUW meet once a year to review the implementation of this agreement. Should the IFBWW, FNV BOUW or the employees' representations within BALLAST NEDAM or the companies with contractual ties with BALLAST NEDAM become aware of any contravention of the spirit or the letter of this agreement, they will report this contravention to the Executive Board of BALLAST NEDAM. This body will examine and introduce suitable measures to remedy the issue. To this end, BALLAST NEDAM appoints an Officer for the application of this agreement.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


90 BMW Germany 2005 Automotive industry

Joint declaration

Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

79 Bosch Germany 2004 Engineering Joint declaration

Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

39 Bouygues France 2001 Utilities & communications

European social Charter

European CSR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

36 Carrefour France 2000 Retail Agreement Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

EURO Works Council, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): The BMW Group's business partners and suppliers will be encouraged to introduce comparable principles in their corporate structures and to apply them in the context of their own corporate policy. The BMW Group expects its business partners and suppliers to use these principles as a basis in their mutual dealings.

Yes 2. Implementation principles.The goals and principles of implementation set out in this joint declaration apply for the BMW Group worldwide. Like the human resources guidelines and the model for the workforce and management these are an integral part of the corporate culture of the BMW Group. 2.3.Periodic consultations. Consultations on compliance with the goals and implementation of the principles will take place periodically via the EURO-Forum. An intitial exchange of views on this will take place at the end of 2006 at the latest.

Europa Committee of the Bosch Group, IMF

Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Bosch will not work with any suppliers who have demonstrably failed to comply with basic ILO labor standards.

Yes 11. IMPLEMENTATION: Our aim is to implement these principles throughout the Bosch Group. These principles will be incorporated into the “Management System Manual for Quality, Environment, Safety, and Security in the Bosch Group”. Responsibility for their implementation lies with the senior management of the respective divisions, regional subsidiaries and company locations. Bosch will not work with any suppliers who have demonstrably failed to comply with basic ILO labor standards. Following consultation with the respective associate representatives, associates will be informed through the proper channels about the content of the above principles. Complaints regarding possible breaches of the above principles will be investigated; any action required will be discussed and implemented by the senior management and associate representatives responsible. The Executive Committee of the Europa Committee of the Bosch Group will be informed about any complaints that cannot be dealt with satisfactorily at a national level.

If necessary, the implementation of this declaration will be discussed at meetings between the Board of Management and the Europa Committee.

Bouugues Group, EWC, French WC, ETUC, CEC

Yes Yes Yes All employees will be made aware of this European Social charter which is applicable to all Bouygues Group activities

Yes The executive managements and the secretaries of the Group council and the European council for dialogue wil see that this Charter is enforced, Every year, a report containing an evaluation of all actions undertaken will be submitted to the chairman of the Group,

Carrefour, UNI (EWC involvement)

Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Carrefour intends to ensure that the principles established by the ILO are respected by its suppliers. The company has taken steps to implement this, by producing a charter which the suppliers have to respect.

Yes Carrefour undertakes to monitor jointly with UNI the proper application of ILO conventions 87-98 and 135.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


40 Chiquita USA 2001 Agriculture Agreement Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

37 Club Mediterranée

France 2001 Leisure Joint declaration

European Sub-contracting Yes

38 Club Mediterranée

France 2004 Leisure Agreement European + Africa

Fundamental righs and mobility Europe and Africa

Yes Yes

94 Coca Cola USA 2005 Food and drink joint statement

Global Social dialogue Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Chiquita, COLSIBA (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Sindicatos Bananeros ), IUF

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Chiquita will require its suppliers, contract growers and joint venture partners to provide reasonable evidence that they respect national legislation and the Minimum Labor Standards outlined in Part I of this agreement.

Yes CHIQUITA and IUF/COLSIBA will each appoint up to four members to a Review Committee that will meet periodically to oversee the application of this agreement and to discuss other areas of mutual concern. In case of a major conflict, CHIQUITA and IUF/COLSIBA may, in addition, include in the meeting a representative of the local union and a representative of local management.CHIQUITA and IUF/COLSIBA recognize that this Agreement is not a substitute for, and that they should do everything reasonable to encourage, effective local bargaining processes. The parties agree that local parties should exhaust every effort to resolve local issues, and that the work of the Review Committee, as well as any intervention required between meetings of this Committee, will relate only to alleged serious and/or systematic violations of the rights outlined in this agreement. The agendas for these meetings will be agreed in advance and both parties shall provide the relevant information necessary to carry out the intent of the meetings.

The Review Committee meetings will take place twice a year. An extraordinary meeting may be convened at the request of either party, in case a situation arises that requires urgent discussion by the Review Committee. Chiquita, the IUF, and COLSIBA will each identify a contact person responsible to facilitate communication and the timely resolution of any emergency issues that may be identified between meetings of the review committee. (See also fieldwork investigation of the implementation of the COLSIBA/IUF-Chiquita agreement in 2002 by Lone Riisgaard (ILO), involving structured and semi-structured interviews (61 in total) with banana workers as well as union and Chiquita representatives at both local, national and regional level, in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. These covered on-the-ground knowledge of the agreement, compliance with the agreement on Chiquita’s own and on supplier plantations. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/employment/multi/download/wp94.pdf)

Management of the Club Méditerranée group, Club Méditerranée European Social Dialogue Committee

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Club Mediterranée ensures that the subcontracting companies hired by Club Mediterranée establishments undertake to respect the company agreements and collective agreements applicable to them, where such agreements exist, and also comply with the regulations governing social security, particularly the fundamental principles and rights at work as provided for in the ILO declaration of 18 June 1998.

None specific to the agreement, but in general, the EWC appoints members (alongside trade union and management representatives) to a joint committee that oversees implementation of the agreement (EWCB 56, p. 11).

Management of the Club Méditerranée group, IUF

Yes N.A. N.A. In general: the EWC appoints members (alongside trade union and management representatives) to a joint committee that oversees implementation of the agreement (EWCB 56, p. 11).

Cocal cola company, IUF

Yes Meeting twice a year + commitment to maintain on-going dicussions

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


54 DaimlerChrysler

Germany 2002 Automotive industry

Principles Global Social responsibilty

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1 Danone France 1988 Food and Drink Joint opinion European Principles & common work programme


2 Danone France 1989 Food and Drink Project European Economic & social information


3 Danone France 1989 Food and Drink Action programme

European ? Equality between men & women

Yes Yes

4 Danone France 1992 Food and Drink Framework agreement

European ? Training Yes Yes

5 Danone France 1994 Food and Drink Joint declaration

European ? TU rights Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Dymler Christler, DC World Employee Committeeon behalf of the IMF

(Yes) Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): DaimlerChrysler supports and encourages its suppliers to introduce and implement equivalent principles in their own companies. DaimlerChrysler expects its suppliers to incorporate these principles as a basis for relations with DaimlerChrysler.

Yes These principles are binding upon DaimlerChrysler throughout the world. For all employees, including executives, the principles will be set down in the Integrity Code and then implemented... The senior managers of each business unit are responsible for ensuring compliance with these principles; they will take appropriate measures in respect of implementation. They will designate contacts to whom business partners, customers and employees can turn in case of difficulty... Corporate Audit will also examine compliance with these principles in its reviews and will include them in the audit criteria. In addition, Corporate Audit has established a general open line. This shall be the point to accept allegation of non-compliance with these principles at a decentralized level... The corporate management will regularly report to and consult with the international employee representatives on social responsibility of the company and the implementation of these principles.

Danone goup, IUF, EWC involved (not signatory)

Yes Yes Since the "Respect" agenda was launched, some 30 audits have been conducted and Groupe DANONE's aim is to cover all suppliers by 2008.

Yes At the meeting of Groupe DANONE's Information and Consultation Committee, held on 20 and 21 October 2005, the senior management indicated its commitment to giving the agreements new impetus in all countries where the Group does business. The way the agreements are applied will continue to be monitored via various channels:information will be passed directly from local trade union organisations to IUF headquarters; a full-time IUF representative will be appointed to liaise with the Group in 2006; a social reporting process will be applied to Groupe DANONE subsidiaries, based on 20 social indicators defined jointly by the Group and the IUF; an IUF–Groupe DANONE steering committee will convene every quarter, to ensure that the agreements are properly enforced; Groupe DANONEwould like to extend the Fundamental Social Principles beyond its subsidiaries, to cover all its suppliers.

In 2003, it launched the "Respect" agenda, to provide itself with the means to ensure that all suppliers comply with the Fundamental Social Principles. "Respect" aims to provide Groupe DANONE's various organisations and companies with a standard procedure and resources, enabling them to assess and monitor the way their suppliers apply the Fundamental Social Principles. The procedure was created in conjunction with an international company with recognised expertise in the field of social audits. Since the "Respect" agenda was launched, some 30 audits have been conducted and Groupe DANONE's aim is to cover all suppliers by 2008.

Danone goup, EWC, IUF

Yes Yes Yes Since the "Respect" agenda was launched, some 30 audits have been conducted and Groupe DANONE's aim is to cover all suppliers by 2008.

Yes This document is a list of the minimum of information required by workers and their representatives in order to understand the economic and social well-being of their Division. The content, form and frequency (at least once a year) of the information must be adapted to the conditions prevailing in each company.

See above

Danone goup, EWC, IUF

Yes Yes Since the "Respect" agenda was launched, some 30 audits have been conducted and Groupe DANONE's aim is to cover all suppliers by 2008.

Yes The Danone Information and Consultation Committee call upon labour and management to implement locally the provisions of the IUF-Danone action program of September 1989 on equality of men and women at the workplace. FOLLOW-UP AND EVALUATION: The follow-up and evaluation of ongoing actions should facilitate modifications, where necessary. Workers will be informed of the results of the assessment at company level. The BSN-IUF working group will produce report of the year 1990 and a general evaluation in 1991.

See above

Danone goup, EWC, IUF

Yes Yes Yes This program will be subjected to a joint follow-up and evaluation which provides information to the workers’ representatives. The first evaluation of this framework agreement will be made during 1993. This framework agreement will be put into practice in the subsidiaries through a program of action and a schedule of implementation developed under the joint responsibility of the management and the trade unions.

See above

Danone goup, EWC, IUF

Yes Yes Yes A first review of the implementation of this declaration will be undertaken in a concerted way during the plenary meeting in 1995. Danone and the IUF undertake to monitor proper compliance throughout all of Danone's subsidiaries

See above

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


6 Danone France 1997 Food and Drink Joint opinion European Management of change (training, redeployment, consultation, TU rights)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

7 Danone France 2001 Food and Drink Agreement European Social measures in cases of restructuring

Yes Yes

20 Deutsche Bank

Germany 1999 Banking Joint position European ? New structures, job security & employability


63 Dexia Belgium/France

2002 Finance Principles European Social management

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Danone goup, EWC, IUF

Yes Yes Yes The local management of Danone companies and the trade unions - or in their absence employee representatives - are now responsible for translating the general principles outlined below into practical provisions. Those provisions should under no circumstances be substituted for more favourable clauses existing at Danone.

See above

Danone goup, EWC Yes N.A. Yes MonitoringIn order to ensure that agreements negotiated at national or company level, within the framework of this accord, are properly implemented, joint union-management bodies will be set up at all of the group's entities affected (or will be given this role, if such bodies already exist). Employee representatives on these bodies will be given regular lists of employees and an update of proposals made by Danone in response to employee demands. These bodies will monitor developments while the restructuring plan is being carried out and for up to 24 months after the departure of an employee (or longer if necessary, by local agreement).At European level, a 'joint extended steering group' will be created. This body will be provided with a consolidated situation of each undertaking. It willbe charged with the examination and conciliation of any conflicts arising at local level, at the request of IUF on behalf of the IUF-affiliated local union concerned.

The agreement also sets out the roles and obligations of its signatory parties. For its part, Danone undertakes to communicate and explain the accord to its local managers and to ensure that its individual enterprises implement the accord 'properly and in full' . In the event of a dispute between an IUF-affiliated organisation and local company management, IUF and Danone undertake to support joint local efforts to reach a negotiated solution. If the dispute cannot be settled at local level, IUF and Danone undertake to arrive at a negotiated settlement.

Deutsche Bank, EWC

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

Dexia Management, EWC

Yes Yes The way that strategy is applied and how the resources deployed are managed is essentially a matter for the units themselves to decide.The social dialogue is therefore organised primarily by each entity, with due respect being paid to the laws in force in each of the countries concerned. Nevertheless, in view of the “corporate identity” of the Group, each entity must take account of the common values which lie at the heart of that Group. They constitute the “Principles of Social Management at Dexia”. Social Dialogue: The Group will see to it that in all countries where legislation exists on concerted consultation between the management and representatives of the personnel, each subsidiary undertakes to set up the competent bodies in which to organise the social dialogue. Taken as a whole, these principles form the basis of rules which will apply to all workers in the Group who have a contract, regardless of the business unit by which they may be employed.

In those countries where no specific legislation or legally organised representation of workers exist, the Group undertakes to see to it that the management of each business unit concerned does what it takes to establish a venue for exchange of views and concerted consultation between itself and the personnel on matters relating to employment or to the organisation of work or to any Other item of article 4 of theEuropean Agreement. Where such venues exist, each business unit of the Group undertakes, prior to any decision and at the earliest opportunity, to keep the representatives of the personnel regularly and with the utmost transparency informed on all matters relating to its economic and financial development as well as to the durability of its jobs and to changes to its structure, and to do so paying the same respect to the rules contained in the Agreement of the Group’s European Works Council.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


53 Diageo United Kingdom

2002 Food and Drink Annex to the EEC agreement

European Good restructuring practices


91 EADS Netherlands (France, Spain)

2005 Aerospace Framework agreement

Global + European

Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

56 Endesa Spain 2002 Energy Protocol Global + European

Social dialogue Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Diageo, EWC Yes Yes The agreement now makes provision for a steering or coordination committee, which was absent from the original agreement. This coordination committee will deal with constitutional and procedural issues that may arise and coordinate the business of the DEF between annual meetings. The group will include the employee-side chairperson, and five other employee representatives. The coordination committee representatives will aim to ensure appropriate representation of Diageo's 'demand', 'supply' and 'global' functions. Management representation will be determined by the issue for discussion.

DurationThe agreement will last for five years from the date of signing by both parties. Subsequent to review in the fourth year of the currency of the agreement, the parties will meet to consider its renewal and/or extension.

Legal basisThe agreement is intended by the parties to be legally binding. It will be governed by, and construed, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland.


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with its suppliers, EADS aims to integrate them into its ethical approach to business. Compliance with EADS standards serves as a criterion for selecting suppliers. EADS therefore expects all its suppliers to recognise and apply the principles of this framework agreement and encourages them to introduce and implement equivalent principles in their own companies.

Yes IMPLEMENTING RULESThe head of each business is responsible for ensuring compliance with these principles and will take appropriate measures to ensure their implementation.The employees of the company will be informed, either orally or in writing, of all the provisions of this framework agreement, in accordance with the relevant legal form and/or local practice. EADS asks its suppliers and subcontractors to cooperate as best as they can in the application of the principles of this agreement and to remedy the situation in the case of possible infringement. The provisions of this framework agreement define EADS standards to be applied wherever the Group operates, insofar as more favourable conditions do not exist already. In the countries in which EADS operates, trade union or works council representatives may inform central management orally or in writing of any breach of one or more terms of the aforementioned provisions.

EADS central management shall take appropriate measures to eliminate any breach of the aforesaid principles, reporting on any measures taken to a plenary session of the European Works Council. The European Works Council may submit proposals for corrective measures to ensure compliance with this agreement to the management of EADS or the relevant Business Unit.

Endesa, Federación de Industrias Afines de UGT (UGT), Federatión MinerometalúrgicadeCC.OO. (CC.OO), ICEM

Yes Yes Yes At least once a year, or whenever required by the relevant nature of the topics to be discussed, an ICEM representative will take part in one of the meetings established in the “AGREEMENT dated 25.10.2000 BETWEEN THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF ENDESA AND THE TRADE UNION REPRESENTATION”, in which the questions provided for in the agreement shall be addressed in an international perspective. Independently of what has been established in the previous agreement, whenever the relevance of the topics to be dealt with so justifies, and in any event, at least once every six months, Endesa’s Corporate Human Resources Management will meet with the highest officials of the signatory trade unions, and that this meeting will be attended by one ICEM representative for each country other than Spain in which ENDESA has companies that it controls.

The basic content of this type of meeting will be the analysis and mutual exchange of information concerning the most relevant happenings in the labour area, as well as the short and medium-term outlook, and specifically as regards the evolution of employment. Additionally the two parties may agree on and adopt initiatives to achieve the basic objectives and principles that inspire the present agreement, including participation in international programmes that are consistent with the jointly adopted principles. In keeping with this, both parties consider it a matter of priority to work to draw up a code of conduct which is consistent with said principles. In order to render the objective of dialogue and consultation compatible with the good functioning of the meetings, the trade union representation will attend these meetings accompanied by officials who can guarantee that the topics are addressed in an adequate fashion.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


78 EDF France 2004 Energy Agreement Global + European

Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

9 ENI Italy 1996 Energy Agreement European ? H&S Yes10 ENI Italy 2002 Energy Global

AgreementGlobal ? Corporate social

responsibility, social dialogue

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

51 Etex Belgium 2002 Construction Group social Chater

European HR policy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Le Groupe EDF, France: FNME-CGT, FCE – CFDT, FNEM- FO, CFE-CGC, et CFTC; Royaume-Uni: GMB, Unison, Prospect et Amicus; Hongrie: VDSZSZ; Pologne: SOLIDARNOSC; Slovaquie: SOZE; Argentine: Luz y Fuerza; Brésil: Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Empresas de Energia do Rio de Janeiro et Sindicato dos Engenheiros de Rio de Janeiro; Mexique: SUTERM; Asie: Comité de Concertation Asie-Pacifique (CCAP), L’ ICEM, L’ ISP (Internationale des

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Ces exigences seront portées à la connaissance des sous-traitants. Tout manquement grave et non corrigé après observations, en matière de respect de législation, santé-sécurité des salariés, comportement éthique avec les clients, et respect de l’environnement, devra entraîner l’arrêt des relations avec l’entreprise sous-traitante, dans le respect des obligations contractuelles.

Yes Article 21 Mise en oeuvre de l’accord: 1- Tous les signataires conviennent de porter le présent accord à la connaissance des salariés du Groupe en s’appuyant sur leurs vecteurs de communication propres. Le Groupe EDF organisera une communication spécifique destinée à ses managers afin qu’ils portent et soutiennent auprès de leurs équipes la mise en oeuvre de cet accord. EDF portera à la connaissance de ses sous-traitants l’existence de ce texte, et notamment les principes qui les concernent (Article 10). 2- Dans chaque Société concernée du Groupe, un dialogue sera engagé entre le management et les représentants des salariés sur les initiatives à prendre et les modalités de mise en oeuvre du présent accord, dans un délai de six mois suivant sa signature. Celles-ci devront prendre en compte les caractéristiques économiques, culturelles, professionnelles ou réglementaires locales, et prévoir des modalités de suivi, dans une démarche d’amélioration continue.

Article 22 Modalités de suivi et de contrôle de l’application de l’accord: 1- Au niveau du Groupe, un bilan de la mise en oeuvre de l’accord dans les sociétés du Groupe sera réalisé et présenté chaque année à une instance spécifiquement créée à cet effet : le Comité de Dialogue sur la Responsabilité Sociale du Groupe EDF (CDRS). Ce comité est composé des signataires de l’accord, selon des modalités fixées en annexe. Il est présidé par le Président du Groupe EDF, qui peut se faire représenté. Il se réunit une fois par an. Il est seul compétent pour toutes les questions soulevées par l’application de l’accord. Les frais d’organisation (déplacements, hébergement, traduction, …) sont à la charge du Groupe. 2- Le Comité pourra inviter à participer à ses séances, pour les points d’ordre du jour qui le justifient et d’un commun accord entre les membres, des représentants d’ONG.

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.Eni SpA, FILCEA-Cgil, FEMCA-Cisl, UILCEM-Uil, ICEM

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): "Eni shall formulate suitable guarantees against possible violations within the framework of existing contractual relations"

Yes 3. Implementation procedures To ensure application of the principles and conventions referred to above, Eni undertakes to carry out adequate monitoring activities by means of its own control instruments. In the course of the annual meeting, as indicated under point 3.5, appropriate procedures may be agreed on for the involvement of local trade unions or – where these do not exist – of representatives designated by the trade unions signing the present agreement. When information is received of situations that are out of line with or violate the agreement reached, the parties shall notify each other of the fact in timely fashion. Once the nature of the situation has been determined, Eni shall act to eliminate any anomalies, and inform the union organisations of the initiative. With regard to activities assigned to contractors, Eni shall formulate suitable guarantees against possible violations within the framework of existing contractual relations.

President and secretary of EWC

Yes Yes Yes (information) The charter, in the appropriate language, shall be handled to all employees of the ETEX Group companies in the EEA, Group managment will also distribute the text of this charter for information to all other affiliated companies

Yes The management and the employee representatives undertake to see that this Charter is observed. The ETEX EWC will ensure that this Carter is implemented.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


30 Faber Castell Germany 2000 Office Materials Framework agreement

Global Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

55 Fonterra New Zealand

2002 Food and Drink Global Agreement

Global International trade union rights and minimum labour standards

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

21 Ford USA 2000 Automotive industry

Agreement European Sale of Visteon: employees' statute, representation and Visteon contracts

Yes Yes

22 Ford USA 2000 Automotive industry

Agreement European Joint venture CFT: maintanance of Ford contracts, investments

23 Ford USA 2003 Automotive industry

Agreed Principles

European Social rights and corporate social responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

A.W. Faber-Castell Unternehmensverwaltung, IG Metall, IFBWW

Yes Yes Yes A committee will monitor the implementation of the agreement in each of the three regions. The Monitoring Committee will be equally composed of representatives from Faber-Castell and IG Metall/IFBWW. It will meet at least every two years and will aim to hold its meetings at production and sales companies premises. The members of the committee shall receive all relevant information in order to carry out their mandate. If production and sales companies do not observe the Code of Conduct as per Appendix 1, the Monitoring Committee will review the matter and propose appropriate measures. The production and sales companies controlled by Faber-Castell must respect those Conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) which apply to their business.

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, New Zealand Dairy Workers Union (NZDWU), IUF

Yes Yes N.A. Yes A joint Review Committee made up of representatives of the IUF/NZDWU and the company will meet annually to review the application of the agreement, as well as other issues of mutual interest.

Management representatives, Ford EWC members and Visteon employee representatives

Yes Yes 1. The parties to this agreement commit to implementing this agreement at the national level. A joint working group shall be set up with Ford management and the FEWC select committee. This working group shall monitor the implementation of this agreement and shall take a decision in the case of any dispute regarding its interpretation.2. After legal separation, Newco management shall be responsible for adherence to this agreement vis-à-vis the corresponding Newco employee representatives. In the case of disagreements between Newco management and the corresponding employee representatives that arise from different interpretations of this agreement, the procedure described under 1) above may be applied.3. Where Newco management and employee representatives agree it is beneficial to make changes to the agreement, then changes will be made by mutual consent and after prior concurrence by the working group.

The agreement applies to hourly and salaried employees on Visteon payroll below senior management (the agreement covers up to and including LL5/SCR). The agreement was implemented by national agreements in the European countries concerned (EWCB, p.12).

Ford of Europe, Ford EWC

Yes N.A. Yes Since the agreement was signed, an agreement on forward looking investment and several agreements to protect plants and ensure there future development have been reached. (Ford presentation at IPL/HBS Congerence, Turin, March 2005)

Ford of Europe, Ford EWC

Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Ford of Europe will encourage business partners throughout its value chain to adopt and enforce similar policies to those contained in these Principles, as the basis for establishing mutual and durable business relationships. The Company will seek to identify and utilise business partners who aspire in the conduct of their business to standards that are consistent with this document.

Yes Ford of Europe and the Ford European Works Council commit themselves to the implementation of these Principles on a national/local level. Ongoing compliance with these Principles will be reviewed at the annual meeting of the FEWC with management. The assistance of independent third parties will be sought as appropriate to verify the implementation.

An intitative is in progress to extend the agreement to the global scale (Ford presentation at IPL/HBS Congerence, Turin, March 2005).

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


24 Ford USA 2004 Automotive industry

Agreement European IOS restructuring: maintanance of jobs, investments, employability


34 Freudenberg Germany 2000 Chemical Industry

Global Agreement

Global Promotion of cooperation and social responsibility, social dialogue, H&S, environmental protection

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

71 GEA AG Germany 2003 Engineering Declaration Global + EWC

Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

59 General Electric Advanced Materials (GEPE)

USA 2002 Plastics Agreement European Electronic Communications

Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Ford of Europe, Ford EWC

Yes N.A. Yes Since the agreement was signed, the EWC has been seeking to make progress on drawing-up: a detailed agreement on the realignment of engineering and development responsibilities between Dunton and Merkenich; a schedule showing how and when changes due to IOS will be implemented; and a training schedule in preparation for the restructuring in product development. It has also been seeking a continuing process of information for all employees affected.

Board of Management of the Freudenberg Group, ICEM, IG BCE

Yes Yes Yes In order to inform each other of the implementation of the agreement and any issues in connection with it as well as to have an exchange of experience, consultations shall take place once a year. This includes monitoring the agreement reached. Participants shall be the Member of the Freudenberg Board of Management responsible for Personnel and the General Counsel of the Freudenberg Group, a member of ICEM's Secretariat and the Head of the International Department of IG BCE. Good examples of developing labour relations, improving occupational safety and health and environmental protection and other items particularly worthy of support can be the object of this dialogue in order to possibly utilize them in the cooperation at other corporate levels.


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): GEA AG expressly supports and encourages its business partners to apply or consider the agreed codes in the respective in-house corporate policy. It takes the view that these codes represent an advantageous basis for subsequent business relations in the future.

Yes 2. Execution and implementation of the agreement2.1 The codes of conduct of GEA AG are binding within the company throughout the world. They obligate executives and employees at all levels to observe, accept and promote the agreed objectives. The management of the respective company units, and, where they exist the employees’ representatives are responsible for ensuring this.2.2 The codes will be made accessible in an appropriate form to all the management teams, interest representatives and employees throughout the group...2.5 The parties to the agreement will ensure the observation of the agreement to the extent that they are able to do so. Information with respect to problems, deviations or necessary changes of the codes will be exchanged and discussed at least once a year between the parties to the agreement. This exchange of information will take place in the EWC and in the EWC presiding committee.

GEPE management and EWC

Yes Yes Guidelines to prevent and react to violations of this agreement:1. In order to prevent abuse of the internet as far as possible, the company has installed an internet-filter and will maintain or instal new filters when needed. Installation of a new type of filter however, will only take place after having consulted the EWC and/or local works council. This filter contains the web addresses of internet sites with inappropriate content. Attempts to access such sites are rejected and strictly prohibited. Instead of the referred internet site the user receives a message that the access to this site is prohibited.2. In cases where illegal and/or inappropriate use is suspected (eg voluntary introduction of viruses, paedophilia, attempts to access inappropriate sites, occurrence of e-mails with inappropriate content or attachments), management has a justified reason to investigate and monitor the e-mail and internet usage of suspected data subjects.

In the event applicable law and regulations prohibit such, management or employee may request an investigation by external consultants.3. Violation of any of the foregoing rules and guidelines may result in discipline up to and including discharge.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


60 General Electric Advanced Materials (GEPE)

USA 2003 Plastics Annex to the EEC agreement

European Bargaining mechanism between the European Works Council and management


61 General Electric Advanced Materials (GEPE)

USA 2004 Plastics Agreement European Recruitment data Yes

25 General Motors

USA 2000 Automotive industry

Framework agreement

European Consequence of the GM/Fiat merger on the statute of employees and representation


26 General Motors

USA 2001 Automotive industry

Framework agreement

European Current restructuring

Yes Yes

27 General Motors

USA 2001 Automotive industry

Framework agreement

European Restructuring of Opel

Yes Yes

28 General Motors

USA 2002 Automotive industry

Principles European Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

GEPE management and EWC

Yes Yes Falls ZL und EBR zu einer Vereinbarung gelangen, wird diese den nationalen Wahlgremien vorgelegt. Die EBR-Mitglieder sollten bereit sein, die Vereinbarung auf nationaler Ebene zu erklären und hierfür zu werben. In dieser Phase haben die nationalen Betriebsräte und/oder Gewerkschaften und/oder andere Formen der Arbeitnehmervertretung das Recht, sich gegen die Anwendung der Vereinbarung (in ihrem Land) zu entscheiden. In diesem Fall kommen für die Einführung der betreffenden Regelung die bestehenden nationalen/lokalen gesetzlichen Regelungen zur Geltung.6. In denjenigen Ländern, in denen eine Zustimmung zu der Vereinbarung erfolgt ist, wird die in Frage stehende Regelung entsprechend dieser Vereinbarung umgesetzt. Sofern es nationales oder lokales Recht bzw. bestehende Gewohnheiten erfordern, können zusätzliche Vereinbarungen auf nationaler/lokaler Ebene abgeschlossen werden, um den gesetzlichen Vorschriften zu genügen.

Dispute settlement: Für den Fall, dass Schwierigkeiten auf nationaler/lokaler Ebene während oder nach der Umsetzung der Vereinbarung, die zwischen EBR und ZL erreicht wurde , auftauchen, richten ZL und EBR eine Schlichtungsstelle ein. Diese Schlichtungsstelle wird versuchen die Probleme zu lösen. Fall die Schlichtungsstelle keinen Erfolg hat, werden nationale/lokale Verfahren angewandt, um das Problem zu lösen. Der Anhang zur GEPE Vereinbarung wird zum selben Zeitpunkt unterschrieben wie die neu verhandelte GEPE EBR Vereinbarung. Der Anhang hat den selben rechtlichen Status wie die GEPE EBR Vereinbarung und wird Gegenstand des in der GEPE EBR Vereinbarung festgeschriebenen Auswertungsverfahrens sein. (The Annex underlies the same conditions of implemenation as the agreement.)

General Electric Plastics Europe B.V.,European Works Council of GE Plastics Europe B.V.

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): The agreement lays down the principles on how to conduct pre-employment screening, which shall apply to its supplier KrollBackground Europe who will do these background checks for GEPE.

GEP herewith declares it will :1) not use more stringent checks as decribed in this Agreement without addressing this first and upfront with the EWC2) inform the candidate upfront in case GEP wants to hire additional services from Kroll (e.g. a reference check) and ask to authorize GEP and KBE to do so3) not switch from KBE to another supplier without notifying the EWC

GM management, the GM EWC (EEF) and the EMF

Yes Yes N.A. Yes Implementation of this framework shall occur on national levels. Any issues or concerns with regard to this framework document shall be brought to the attention of the EEF leadership forclarification and/or resolution.

GM management, EEF

Yes Yes Implementation of this framework shall occur on the national level. According to European legislation and national laws management and employee representatives will ensure that the agreed provisions will become legally binding for individual employees as well as negotiating partners.

GM management, EEF

Yes Implementation of this framework shall occur at the national level. According to European legislation and national laws Management and employee representatives will ensure that the agreed provisions will become legally binding for individual employees as well as negotiating partners.

GM management, EEF, EMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Business partners shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations that relate to wages, hours & conditions of employment, discrimination and occupational H&S.

Yes The joint endorsement of these principles and guidelines begins with open and transparent communication to all of our employees. All employees have an obligation to follow the principles outlined in this document. The GME Internal Control Audits, which are conducted on the local levels on an annual basis, ensure the adherence to the principles. Status and compliance issues will be shared and if necessary discussed with the EEF at the regularly scheduled meetings. All employees have the opportunity to raise issues that may arise in relationship to these principles and will not be disadvantaged in any way for doing so.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


29 General Motors

USA 2004 Automotive industry

Framework European European Restructuring


76 H&M Sweden 2004 Retail Agreement Global Fundamental workers' rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes

35 Hochtief Germany 2000 Construction Code of conduct

Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

GM management, EEF, EMF (IMF)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Implementation of this framework shall occur on the national level. According to European legislation and National laws Management and Employee Representatives will ensure that the agreed provisions will become legally binding for individual employees as well as negotiating partners. Follow-up: Negotiations over the implementation of the European framework have occurred at national level in the countries affected. Notably, with German operations accounting for the majority of workforce cuts, a subsisiary agreement on how this reduction will be achieved has been signed by national management and workers' representatives at Opel. It provides that depatures from the company will, in the first instance, be voluntary and will involve severance packages, retraining and job placement.

H&M CEO, UNI Yes Yes Yes (integrated): All suppliers are oblidged to always keep H&M informed about where each order is produced. H&M reserves the right to make unannounced visits to all factories producing our goods, at any time. We also reserve the right to let an independent third party (e.g. and NGO) of our choice make insprections, to ensure compliance with our code of conduct. Non-complicance. Should we find that a supplier does not comply with our code of conduct, we will terminate our business relationship with this supplier, if corrective measures are not taken within and agreed time limit. If we find repeated violations, we will immediately terminate the cooperation with the supplier and cancel our existing orders.

Yes H&M and UNI take joint responsibility for the observance of the agreement.

HOCHTIEF Executive Board, the company's General Works Council, IG BAU and IFBWW

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): HOCHTIEF requires that its contractual partners shall support this Code of Conduct and shall also ensure that it is adhered to by any of their contractual partners who are in any way active in connection with the business activity of HOCHTIEF.

Yes The International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW) and the Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (German Construction Workers' Union, IG BAU) and the employees' representations within HOCHTIEF support HOCHTIEF in the implementation of this Code of Conduct. Should the IFBWW, the IG BAU or the employees' representations within HOCHTIEF or the companies with contractual ties with HOCHTIEF become aware of any contravention of the spirit or the letter of this Code of Conduct, they will report this contravention to the Executive Board of HOCHTIEF. This body will examine and introduce suitable measures to remedy the issue. To this end, HOCHTIEF appoints an Officer for the application of this Code of Conduct.

6 The IFBWW and the IG BAU acknowledge that this Code of Conduct is a self-imposed obligation on the part of HOCHTIEF. They undertake to actively support HOCHTIEF in the implementation of this self-imposed obligation and state their readiness to cooperate actively in remedying any contravention of this agreement and in preventing any future contravention.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


13 Ikea Sweden 1998 / 2001

Furniture retail/manufacturing

Code of conduct / Framework agreement

Global Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

81 Impregilo Italy 2004 Construction Framework Agreement

Global ? Corporate Social Responsibilty

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

73 ISS Denmark (Global)

2003 Cleaning and Maintenance

Letter of Agreement

Global + EWC

Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

16 Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris

USA 1998 Food and Drink Code of conduct

European ? Smoker/non-smokers

17 Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris

USA 1999 Food and Drink Code of conduct

European ? N.A.

18 Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris

USA N.A. Food and Drink Principles European ? Introduction of the euro

19 Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris

USA 2001 Food and Drink Agreement European ? Data protection Yes

69 Lafarge France (Global)

2003 Construction European meetings and joint declaration

European H&S Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

IKEA, IFBWW Wood and Forestry Committee, the Swedish Wood Workers Union.

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): A contract based on "The IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products" has been introduced world-wide and is being implemented in relation to all suppliers of IKEA products

Yes Both IKEA and IFBWW appreciate the value of a continued co-operation and henceforth see it beneficial to have a joint group that will meet twice per year, one meeting being organised by IKEA and the other by IFBWW. IKEA will inform IFBWW of the progress of the implementation of "The IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products" for advice and comments from the group. Should the IFBWW become aware of any contravention of "The IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products", IFBWW will report this to the group which will review the matter and propose appropriate measures. Furthermore, the parties will at such meetings exchange general information and experiences within the field of subjects covered by the "The IKEA Way on Purchasing Home Furnishing Products".


Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated):The parties commit themselves to work in this direction to achieve social justice and sustainable development in the activities and undertakings of Impregilo and its contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.Impregilo S.p.A. considers the respect for workers rights to be a crucial element in sustainable development and will therefore engage only those contractors, subcontractors and suppliers which recognise and respect the criteria listed above.

Yes IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATIONImpregilo S.p.A. will provide information concerning this agreement in both written (in the local language and/or dialect) and verbal form at all work sites. All the parties are highly responsible for the widest possible dissemination regarding the contents of the agreement referring to all the activities of Impregilo S.p.A. A consulting group is set up, composed of representatives of the Management of Impregilo S.p.A. and the signing federations. It will meet at least once a year, or when necessary, to evaluate and review the implementation of the agreement. Before opening the sites, in accordance with the needs for confidentiality in the commercial phase, Impregilo S.p.A. shall discuss issues referring to site activities with the signing organisations. Impregilo S.p.A. will make the necessary resources available for the work of the consulting group. Each organisation will provide the name of its representative in the consulting group.

The annual review of the present agreement shall be incorporated into Impregilo S.p.A annual reporting with the consent of all signatories. Framework agreement IMPREGILO S.p.A. and FITBB/FENEAL-UIL/FILCA-CISL/FILLEA/CGIL page 4 of 5 All signatories agree that any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the signatories concerned.This agreement shall remain in force unless otherwise agreed by any party giving three calendar month’s notice, in writing, to the other.The present agreement may be revised at the request of one of the signatories no later than two years after it has been signed.

CEO of ISS, UNI Yes Yes Yes (integrated): The principles, which are in line with current ISS practices, will be reflected in an ISS code of conduct directed at ISS employees, suppliers and customers.

UNI in its turn pledges to publicly support companies, which they conceive to be model employers in the service industry. In addition UNI will use its leverage to address and disclose companies, which are undermining fundamental standards in the service industry – i.e. by evading tax payments, social security contributions etc.

Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris, EWC

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris, EWC

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris, EWC

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

Kraft Jakobs Philip Morris, EWC

Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


70 Lafarge France (Global)

2005 Construction Agreement Global Corporate social responsibility, industrial relations

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

68 Leoni Germany 2003 Automotive and Metal Industry

Declaration Global + EWC

Social rights and social relations

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

80 Lukoil Russia 2004 Energy/Oil Global Agreement

Global Fundamental human rights, social rights and trade union rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

41 Marazzi Italy 2001 Ceramics Declaration European ? H&S Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Lafarge Group,IFBWW, ICEM and WFBW

Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Lafarge will seek to use the services of those trading partners, subcontractors and suppliers, which recognise and implement these principles.

Yes All signatories are strongly committed to the most widespread dissemination possible of the content of this agreement throughout the Lafarge operations. A reference group consisting of representatives of the Lafarge management and the signatory international federations shall meet at least once a year, or whenever necessary, to follow up and review the implementation of this agreement. The Lafarge Group shall make available to the reference group the resources needed for its mission. The annual review of the present agreement should be incorporated into the Lafarge Group’s reporting with the consent of all signatories. All signatories agree that any difference arising from the interpretation orimplementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the signatories concerned.

Leoni Managing Board, EWC, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): LEONI supports and encourages its business partners to take this declaration into account in their own respective corporate policy.

Yes 2 Realisation 2.1 These principles are binding for LEONI worldwide. LEONI will place its executives in the respective countries under the obligation to comply with this declaration. These principles will be made available to all employees and their representations in a suitable manner.2.2 During internal audits, the Internal Auditing Department will monitor compliance with these principles and will include them in its audit criteria. 2.3 LEONI supports and encourages its business partners to take this declaration into account in their own respective corporate policy. It views this as an advantageous basis for mutual relationships. 2.4 Implementation and compliance with these principles will be reported on and discussed during the annual European Works Council meetings.

Third parties cannot derive or enforce any rights from this declaration

Oil company Lukoil, ROGWU (Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union), ICEM

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): LUKOIL will notify its contractors, licensees and major suppliers of the existence of the Agreement and encourage them to comply with the standards and principles contained within it.

Yes 5.1. LUKOIL and ICEM will meet annually to review practice and experience of the agreed principles as part of the follow-up to this Agreement. The purpose shall be to discuss the issues covered by the Agreement with a view to agreeing joint actions that will further develop good working practices. In addition to general industrial issues and health, safety and environmental matters, the following topics may be addressed: 5.1.1. General corporate policy on employment, occupational health, safety and environmental issues and challenges affecting those within the LUKOIL Group and, as appropriate, between LUKOIL and its related companies, including suppliers and subcontractors; 5.1.2. Training and education matters, issues affecting the exercise of trade union rights, other issues mutually agreed. 5.2. Participants at these annual review meetings will normally be 3-5 senior officials representing the ICEM, ROGWU and relevant managers from LUKOIL.

5.3.The ICEM, supported and assisted by LUKOIL, will establish an international network of trade union representatives to ensure effective communication and exchange of information between union representatives at the LUKOIL Group enterprises. In support of the network LUKOIL will provide e-mail access to union representatives in LUKOIL Group enterprises for communication, and facilitate annual meetings of union representatives from each location participating in the network. This will require paid time off, the payment of travel and accommodation costs, plus providing translation and interpretation. 5.4.The Agreement between the Parties shall be applied consistently throughout LUKOIL operations...5.5. ICEM and LUKOIL will cooperate in developing joint training arrangements covering those issues dealt with in this Agreement, and their implementation.

Marazzi, EWC Yes N.A. N.A.

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quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


50 Merloni- Indesit

Italy 2001 Metal Industry Statement of agreement

Global + EWC

Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes

77 Nordea Sweden 2004 Banking Standing Nordic negotiating committee

European All issues- working conditions (project of SE)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

58 Norske skog Norway 2002 Paper Agreement Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

42 OTE Greece 2001 Telecommunications

Global Agreement

Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

75 Philips Netherlands 2003 Electronics Text written by management after consultation with the EWC

European Management of restructuring


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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Merloni, FIM-Cisl, FIOM-Cgil, UILM-Uil, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (integrated): In the event that the conduct of its own direct suppliers should violate the principles contained in conventions no. 29 and 138 referred to in Art. 1, Merloni reserves the right to institute sanctions against said suppliers including, for cases of serious violations, cancellation of the contract.

Yes ART. 4 – MONITORING OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT: Monitoring shall be entrusted to the National Joint Commission already provided for in the prevailing Enterprise Agreement.

Nordea Group, Suora, Finansforbundet NO, SE and DK, Nordea union NO, NFU, EWC/SE representatives

Yes Yes Yes Yes Permanent negotiating committee with follow up of the agreements at Nordic level with all National unions invloved in NO, SE, DK and FIN

Norske Skog, Fellesforbundet (The Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions), ICEM

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Norske Skog will notify its subcontractors and suppliers of this agreement and encourage compliance.

Yes IMPLEMENTATIONa) Norske Skog will ensure that appropriate translations of the agreement are available at all workplaces. The agreement will also be made public on Norske Skog’s website and Intranet. b) Both parties accept that effective local monitoring of this agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their representatives, health and safety representatives and local trade unions.c) To enable local representatives to play a full role in the monitoring process, they will be given adequate time for training and involvement in the monitoring process. The company will ensure that local representatives are provided with information, access to workers, and rights of inspection necessary to effectively monitor compliance with this agreement.

INFRINGEMENTS OF THE AGREEMENTIn the event of a complaint or an infringement of the agreement the following procedure will normally apply:a) Firstly, the complaint should be raised with the local site management.b) If the complaint is not resolved with local management, it should be referred to the appropriate national union who will raise the issue with the company’s regional president.c) If still unresolved, the complaint will be referred to the ICEM Brussels office who will raise the matter with the company’s Corporate Management. Where infringements are found, these shall be reported to the responsible member of management, who will ensure that relevant corrective measures are implemented. The signatories to the agreement will hold an annual meeting in order to review the principles, practice, effectiveness, and impact of the agreement. The aim shall be to exchange views regarding the current situation, and jointly develop further good working relations in Norske Skog.

OTE, OME-OTE (UNI's Greek affiliate), UNI

Yes Yes N.A. Yes Several paragraphs concern the implementation of the agreement including the creation of a monitoring group.

N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


83 Porr Austria 2004 Construction Agreement European Data protection Yes

86 Prym Germany 2004 Metal manufacturing

Declaration Global Social rights and industrial relations

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

87 Renault France 2004 Automotive industry

Declaration Global Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

72 Rheinmetall Germany 2003 Defense, Automotive components, Electronics

Code of conduct

Global + EWC

Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Porr management, EWC

Yes Yes Dieses Übereinkommen gilt für alle ArbeitnehmerInnen, welche im europäischen Wirtschaftsraum von einem Konzernbetrieb beschäftigt werden oder im Zuge der länderübergreifenden Beschäftigung in einen anderen Konzernbetrieb entsandt werden.§ 2 Geltungsdauer. Dieses Übereinkommen gilt grundsätzlich auf unbestimmte Zeit, welches jedoch von zeitlich nachfolgenden abgelöst oder ergänzt werden kann.

Translation: The agreement applies to all employees, who are employed by a company within the European Economic Area or are sent to another company as part of the transnational employment strategy. Duration: The agreement is valid until further notice, but can be ammended or replaced by subsequent agreements.

Prym European Group Works Council, Prymm Group Management, International Metal Trade UnionAssociation

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Prym supports and encourages their business partners, to consider

Yes 2. EXECUTION2.1 The employees of Prym are informed about all terms of this declaration in their corresponding national language.2.2 Prym supports and encourages their business partners, to consider this declaration in their own respective company policy. Herein it sees an advantageous basis for the mutual relations.2.3 The group management annually informs the EWC in its meeting on the realisation and will discuss together with the EWC on the procedure in case of violations.2.4 No claims can be asserted from this declaration by third parties. The declaration comes into force by signing it and has no retroactive effect.

Renault management, Renault Group Works Council, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Renault informs its own suppliers of the contents of this declaration and the Global Compact and urges them to consider adhering to it. It encourages them to introduce and implement equivalent principles in their own companies. The actual adoption of these principles is a basis for long-term relations.

Yes IMPLEMENTATIONThis declaration will be distributed to all the personnel of Renault group companies.Employees will have the opportunity to inform the company of any conduct that does not comply with this declaration. Working with the employee representatives of the relevant companies, management and the Group Works Council will ensure that this declaration is actually implemented. An initial evaluation of the implementation of this declaration will be performed together with the signatories in late 2006.

Rheinmetall AG, EWC, EMF, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Rheinmetall AG supports and expressly encourages its business partners to take into account and apply the agreed guidelines in their own corporate policy.

Yes § 4 Implementation of the agreement4.1 The Social Responsibility Guidelines / Code of Conduct of Rheinmetall AG are binding world wide and apply to all companies of the group in which a Rheinmetall company is in charge of industrial management. They oblige senior manager and employees at all levels to comply with, accept and promote the agreed objectives. The responsibility lies with the management of the individual operations and with the workers’ representatives, insofar as such a body exists.4.2 The basic principles will be made available in an appropriate form to the management, the workers’ representatives and employees of all operations throughout the group. The means of communication, information and consultation will be agreed upon with the existing workers’ representatives and implemented and put into practice together...

4.5 The parties hereto are committed to adhering to the agreement within the bounds of their possibilities. The parties hereto will exchange information on problems, deviations or necessary changes of the guidelines at least once a year. This exchange of information is currently taking place within the body of the European Works Council of Rheinmetall AG.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


82 Rhodia France 2004 Chemical Industry

Agreement Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

89 Röchling Germany 2004 Automotive industry, Plastics

Code of conduct

Global + EWC

Corporate Social Responsibilty

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

49 Sara Lee Personal Products

USA N.A. Textile and clothing

N.A. European + Global

H&S Yes

88 SCA Sweden 2004 Paper and packaging

Agreement Global Cooperation and corporate social responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

95 Schwan Stabilo

Germany 2005 Pencils International framework agreement

Global Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Rhodia Group, ICEM

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Rhodia expects its suppliers and subcontractors to comply with the laws, regulations and basic human rights stipulated by international agreements and standards. Any serious violation of employee health and safety legislation, environmentalprotection or basic human rights that is not remedied shall lead to termination of relations with the company concerned in compliance with contractual obligations.

Yes Rhodia and ICEM agree that they will be mutually available on an ongoing basis to inform each other of any problems encountered and to determine the best solutions. Rhodia and ICEM both believe that problems are best resolved closest to the location at which they are occurring. However, Rhodia and ICEM agree that Group management may be solicited in the event of a persistent problem or a failure to apply this agreement. Rhodia pledges to provide management with copies of this agreement and to inform employees of its existence and the commitments it entails. This agreement will be translated into the languages of the different countries concerned and will be available on the company’s website in the “sustainable development” section.

VI - ANNUAL REVIEWRhodia and ICEM will review the application of this agreement on a yearly basis. Rhodia will draft an annual review assessing the application of this agreement based on the indicators selected. Any problems encountered with the application of this agreement will be described in a report that will also discuss the solutions developed. This report will be written jointly by management and employee representatives at the site concerned and will be included in the overall review. The review will be sent to ICEM in sufficient time before the date scheduled for the annual review meeting.

Röchling KG, EWC, EMF, IMF

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): The company also encourages its business partners to adhere to the principles of this accord, stating that this will constitute 'a positive basis for future business relationships'.

Yes The accord states that it is binding on all Röchling companies in which the group has industrial leadership. These obligate management and employees at all levels to respect, accept and promote the attainment of the agreed upon objectives. It should be made available to all managements, employee representatives and employees throughout the group.

N.A. Yes N.A. N.A. N.A.

SCA (Swedish Paperworkers Union), ICEM , SCA EWC

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): SCA will notify its subcontractors and licensees of this agreement and encourage compliance with the standards.

Yes IMPLEMENTATIONSCA will inform its business groups about the existence and the content of this agreement. SCA will take necessary steps to make all local site management aware of their obligations according to this agreement. SCA will ensure that appropriate translations of the agreement are available at all workplaces. ICEM will distribute copies of this agreement to all affiliates that organise employees in SCA world wide, and broadly publicise the existence of the agreement and explain its implications to their affiliates within SCA. The parties to the agreement may also decide to cooperate jointly in promoting and explaining this agreement and its implications. ANNUAL REVIEW: SCA and Pappers / ICEM will meet annually to review practice in the area of the agreed principles and follow up this agreement. The purpose shall be to discuss the issues covered by this agreement with a view to jointly agreeing actions that will further develop good working practices.

Participants at the annual meetings will normally be relevant managers from SCA and officials appointed by ICEM / Pappers. Representatives from the SCA European Works Council (EWC) have also a right to attend the meetings. In case of special circumstances (larger restructuring measures etc.), employee representatives from affected units/countries can be invited to participate in such meetings. Duration and renegotiation This agreement is valid for a period of 2 years, after which it may be prolonged or renegotiated.

Schwan-Stabilo, IFBWW, IG Metall

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): The company expects that its suppliers apply similar principles.

Yes A monitoring committee will oversee the implementation of the agreement - this committee will comprise one representative respectively from Schwan-Stabilo management, its German works council, IG Metall and IFBWW. The company will bear the costs of the monitoring. The committee will meet once a year and will conduct monitoring at least every two years at production and sales subsidiary locations with the involvement of local trade union officials. The participants will have access to all information necessary for performing their function. If production and sales subsidiaries do not comply with the principles set out in the agreement, the monitoring committee will examine the matter and propose appropriate measures.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


45 Skanska Sweden 2001 Construction Agreement Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

74 SKF Sweden 2003 Metal Industry Code of conduct

Global + EWC

Work ethics, trade union rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

46 Statoil Norway 2001 / 2003

Energy Agreement Global Social dialogue Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

14 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

France 1998 Utilities and Communication

Charter Global + EWC

Fundamental rights and human resources management

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Skanska, IFBWW Yes Yes Reports on compliance with this agreement and eventual infractions, which could not be resolved through discussions in the workplace, will be addressed by an application group comprising Skanska’s Human Resources Director (Senior Vice-President Human Resources), EWC Skanska’s executive committee and IFBWW. The Senior Vice President Human Resources and executive committee will each appoint one representative to visit and inspect selected work sites at least once a year.... If a unit of Skanska does not comply with the regulations contained in Enclosure I, the application group will report such violations to the responsible member of the Group Management staff, who will ensure that relevant corrective measures are implemented. The agreement applies to all units and subsidiaries in the Skanska Group.

If agreement regarding interpretations and applications of this agreement cannot be reached in the application group, the issue will be referred to an arbitration board comprising two members and an independent chairman. Skanska AB and the IFBWW will each appoint one member, and the chairman will be appointed through mutual agreement.

AB SKF, SKF EWC (representing the EMF, IMF)

(Yes) (Yes) Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): SKF encourages its suppliers to adhere to similar codes of conduct.

Yes All employees have the obligation to follow the Code of Conduct, Group Management and the World Works Council presidium will regularly supervise the observance of the Code of Conduct.

Statoil, ICEM and the ICEM-affiliated Norwegian oil and petrochemical workers' union NOPEF

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Statoil will notify its subcontractors and licensees of this agreement and encourage compliance with the standards.

Yes Statoil and NOPEF/ICEM will meet annually to review practise in the area of the agreed principles and follow up this Agreement. The purpose shall be to discuss the issues covered by this agreement with a view to jointly agreeing actions that will further develop good working practices. In addition to the general industrial issues and HSE-matters, the following topics may be addressed:-General corporate policy on employment, occupational health, safety and environmental issues affecting within the company and, as appropriate, between the company and its related companies including suppliers and subcontractors. - The economic and financial position of the company and the development of its business and related activities.- Training matters and iIssues affecting the exercise of trade union rights.

Any other issues mutually agreed upon.

Participants at these annual meetings will normally be 4-5 senior officials from NOPEF/ICEM and relevant managers from Statoil. The duration of this agreement is two years, until 1st September 2005, after which this agreement will be evaluated and may be prolonged for a new period.

The General Management of SUEZ, the European Instance of Dialogue and the International Human ResourcesCommittee

Yes Yes Supervision of the application charterThe Human Resources Department and the European Instance of Dialogue shall be jointly responsible for supervising the application of this international social charter, in cooperation with recognized employee representatives. This subject will be included on the agenda of each meeting of the European Instance of Dialogue.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


15 Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

France 2002 Utilities and Communication

Charter Global + EWC

H&S Yes Yes

47 Telefónica S.A.

Spain 2001 Telecommunications

Code of conduct

Global Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

84 Total France 2004 Petrochemicals and energy

Agreement European Social dialogue, forward-looking management of jobs, restructuring

Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

SUEZ Group’s General Management, European Consultative Committee (trade union and employeerepresentatives)

Yes Yes The H&S at Work code of conduct must be integrated into the management system in all companies. The code of conduct requires that each company implement a dynamic policy to achieve continuous improvement through: an intial review covering the company and the risk involved; objectives and plan of action; the determination of assignments and resources; the launching, managing and monitoring of activities; regular reviews.

The Group Health & Safety Steering Committee, reporting directly to the SUEZ Group Executive Committee, is responsible for monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety performance indicators and development of the maturity and improvement of the Group’s performance. It is made up principally of members from Management and the SUEZ Consultative Committee and reports once a year to the SUEZ European Consultative Committee at its plenary meeting. The Steering Committee will periodically report to the Group Executive Committee on the results achieved in relation to the objectives set and will make all necessary changes to observe the Charter and code of conduct.

Telefónica S.A., CC.OO Comisiones Obreras (Spain)), UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores), UNI

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Telefónica S.A. will notify the companies that would like to provide contracts and services the need to adhere to these principles

Both parties shall be responsible for the administration and implementation of this agreement. To that end they will engage in ongoing dialogue and they will meet regularly. Any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the parties in conflict. A group will be appointed that comprises three members from Telefónica and three members from UNI (UGT/CC:OO –UNI) to examine and report to the President of Telefónica and the General Secretary of UNI.

The duration of this agreement is five years, after which this agreement will be evaluated and may be prolonged for a new period

Neil Anderson, Head of UNI Telecom and Rodolfo Benitez, UNI-Americas Regional Secretary along with UNI Telecom Spanish affiliates met with Oscar Maraver, Head of Human Resources of the Telefónica Group on 8th April 2005 in Madrid to review the UNI Telefónica Global Agreement which is due to be renewed in 2006 after being in place for five years. This meeting to review the existing agreement and also to start the process for renewing the agreement was prompted by the positive response of Telefónica's CEO Cesar Alierta who said at the UNI Telefónica alliance meeting held in February in Peru that the UNI Global Agreement is good for the company and that it should stay.The review will look at making changes to the agreement to improve the procedures and make it work better for both sides. UNI states that the current agreement works well, but that they are always seeking to improve the arrangements that they have with the company to protect the rights of Telefónica workers globally. (http://www.union-network.org)

Total SA, l’EMCEF, CEC/FECCIA, FECER, EWC involved (not signatory)

Yes Yes Yes Article 5 – SUIVI DE L’APPLICATION DE L’ACCORD. Deux fois par an, à l’occasion des réunions du Bureau de Liaison du Comité Européen, un point sera fait sur la mise en oeuvre de l’accord dans les différentes entités du Groupe. Il est convenu qu’à l’occasion de cet examen, un recensement des actions qui auront pu être mises en oeuvre sur chacun des domaines du présent accord sera établi et donnera lieu à un échange. Ce recensement fera l’objet d’un rapport annuel succinct qui pourra être transmis aux entités du Groupe TOTAL. En cas de difficultés constatées par les partenaires sociaux dans l’une des entités du Groupe, les signataires du présent accord auront la possibilité de demander une réunion consacrée à son application, cette réunion sera organisée en accord avec la Direction du Groupe TOTAL.

Le présent accord s’applique à toutes les entités juridiquement autonomes du Groupe TOTAL.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


85 Total France 2005 Petrochemicals and energy

European Agreement

European Equal Opportunities

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

48 Triumph Switzerland 2001 Textile and clothing

Code of conduct

Global + EWC

Fundamental rights

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

43 Unilever Netherlands/UK

2001 Food and Drink, Home and personal care

Brochure European ? Responsible restructuring


44 Unilever Netherlands/UK

2004 Food and Drink, Home and personal care

Joint declaration

European ? Data protection Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Total SA, L’EMCEF, FECCIA, FECER ; (EWC involved, not signatory)

Yes Yes Yes Une synthèse annuelle sur l’égalité des chances sera établie et sera examinée une fois par an par le Comité Européen. Cette synthèse devra permettre aux membres du Comité Européen de : - veiller à l’absence de discrimination dans l’ordre des classifications et des fonctions - procéder à un examen régulier des évolutions des rémunérations hommes/femmes par filière (évolution par coefficient ou par classification des fonctions) - établir un bilan annuel des actions menées pour limiter la ségrégation horizontale et verticale - examiner les actions à mener pour s’assurer que les périodes de congés de maternité ne pèsent pas sur l’évolution des rémunérations et de la carrière des femmes.

L' accord s’applique à toutes les entités juridiquement autonomes du groupe Total à l’article 1 de l’accord relatif au Comité Européen du 29 juin 2005.

Triumph Management and EURO Works Council

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Triumph binds contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and licensees to support and participate in the monitoring of the Code of Conduct. If a supplier violates one or more of the regulations contained within this Code of Conduct, the company concerned will be approached to instigate immediate measures to correct this. Should the requested corrective measures not be carried out Triumph can stop the actual production, annul existing orders, suspend future orders or terminate the business relationship.

Yes TRIUMPH Int. commits itself to take the necessary steps for the implementation of the Code of Conduct; by;- establishing where responsibility belongs within the Company on all questions in connection with the Code of Conduct.- instructing in particular supervisors and operational employee representatives in a suitable way regarding the contents of the described standards, recommendations and aims.- ensuring that all employees know the Code of Conduct. For this purpose TRIUMPH Int. will instigate that the Code of Conduct is translated into the relevant language of each country and displayed in each respective factory and explained to employees in an understandable way.- product management briefing and informing contractors and suppliers regarding the contents of the Code of Conduct...

Monitoring TRIUMPH Int., the EWC and the EGV/TBL are setting up a committee for the supervision of the regulations of this Code of Conduct. TRIUMPH Int. is sending 2 representatives to this Monitoring Committee, likewise the Euro-Works Council 2 representatives and EGV/TBL 2 representatives.

Unilever, UEWC (involved in discussions)

N.A. Although they maintain that the responsibilty to act remains local, they commit to making recommendations and offer best practice examples from their own experiences.

Unilever, UEWC Yes Yes The Unilever Policy and its implementation will be the responsibilty of national managers but in each country a Data Protection Officer will be appointed and made responsible for the maintenance of the inegrity and use of the database at national level. The Unilever Audit team as part of their normal practice will also audit the process and management have agreed to report back to the UEWC the outcome of any such audits as and when they take place. The company has indicated that it will expect all its subsidiaries to comply fully with the policy.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


64 Usinor-Arcelor France 2002 Steel Industry European Convention

European H&S Yes Yes

65 Usinor-Arcelor Luxemburg (Global)

2004 Steel Industry European Convention with preparatory groups

European H&S Yes Yes

66 Usinor-Arcelor Luxemburg (Global)

2005 Steel Industry Preparatory groups

European Developing skills Yes

67 Usinor-Arcelor Luxemburg (Global)

2005 Steel Industry Global Agreement

Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Usinor-Arcelor, EWC

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): The Charter applies not only Group personnel, but also subcontractors working on the sites, persons living near the facilities, customer personnel working with Arcelor products, and consumers. The social partners that co-signed this charter are closely tied to its distribution and proper application, for both personnel and co-contractors.

Yes The 2005 objective will consist in expanding the policy toward wellbeing and tending toward a Global Health-Safety Policy (Panhealth policy). Concrete actions in particular concerning individual safety were conducted in 2004: • launch of a unique internal audit method (Defined, Understood, Operational - DUO) which will be deployed over three years on all the sites. A team of 40 safety auditors will be deployed to ensure that all sites comply with the OHSAS 18001 framework; • faster dissemination of return of experience feedback sheets, which report and describe all accidents and incidents that occurred on the Group sites, in order to build a safety culture based on anticipation and preparation; • behavioral initiatives concerning wearing of the safety belt: “buckle up when you travel”.

Usinor-Arcelor, EWC

Yes Yes Yes (integrated): The Charter applies not only Group personnel, but also subcontractors working on the sites, persons living near the facilities, customer personnel working with Arcelor products, and consumers. The social partners that co-signed this charter are closely tied to its distribution and proper application, for both personnel and co-contractors.

Yes See also above. The future programmes adopted include:1. preparation of a Health Charter as part of the “Panhealth Policy”, modelled on the Arcelor SafetyCharter established at the time of the Arcelor merger,2. continued joint dialogue on safety, in the form of a monitoring body under the auspices of the EWC,3. continue and intensify safety training efforts for all players, including managers, with the support of Arcelor University. Major risks are now identified and managed both at corporate level and by the operational units and the sites. The Internal Audit division audits all these risks and ensures that the action plans implemented run smoothly.

N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Arcelor, EMF, IMF Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Entrent également dans le champ d’application de l’accord, conformément à son Article 8, les sociétés dans lesquelles le groupe ARCELOR est présent de façon significative, mais sans y exercer une influence dominante, ainsi que les sociétés cotraitantes et fournisseurs.

Yes ARTICLE 9 : SUIVI DE L’ACCORDLes instances représentatives locales sont les premières en charge du suivi de la mise en oeuvre du présent accord. Au niveau du Groupe, une instance paritaire et interne spécifique, sera chargée de suivre l’application du présent accord. Au sein de cet organe, la Direction sera représentée par le Directeur des Ressources Humaines qui, dans le cadre de ces activités, rapportera directement au Président de la Direction Général. Il sera assisté par les Directeurs des Ressources Humaines des Secteurs et/ou des régions concernés. Quant aux représentants des salariés, ils seront représentés par le Vice-Président du Comité d’Entreprise Européen, par un représentant désigné en commun par la FIOM et la FEM et par un représentant de toute zone géographique entrant dans le champ d’application du présent accord et qui sera désigné conformément aux règles et pratiques locales. ARCELOR mettra à disposition les moyens nécessaires pour la mise en oeuvre et le suivi du présent accord.

European Commission - Study seminar “Transnational Agreements” 17 May 2006 – Working document 63

Page 41: Entreprise Head- Date Sector Title Scope Main Field ...






A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WEntreprise Head-

quartersDate Sector Title Scope Main Field Fundament

al rightsTrade Union rights

Social dialogue


Training skills

Mobility Subcontracting

H&S Environment

Wages Working time

Statutes Equal opportunities

Data protection


93 Veidekke Norway 2005 Construction Framework agreement

Global ? Corporate Social Responsibility, H&S, wages, working hours

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

11 Vivendi France 1996 Utilities and Communication

Joint declaration

Global + EWC

Fundamental social rights

Yes Yes

12 Vivendi France 1999 Utilities and Communication

Charter European ? H&S Yes

62 Volkswagen Germany 2002 Automotive Industry

Joint declaration

Global Social rights and social relations

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

European Commission - Study seminar “Transnational Agreements” 17 May 2006 – Working document 64

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X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AGIndividual Signatory parties

National Union

Int. Union Europ.Union

EWC Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Wording of Supplier/Subcontracting clauses

Follow up

Implementation procedures, dispute settlement and follow-up provisions

Follow-up continued

Veidekke, Fellesforbundet (The Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions), Norsk Arbeidsmandsforbund (The Norwegian Union of General Workers), IFBWW

Yes Yes Yes Yes (encouragement): Veidekke will use its fullest influence in order to secure compliance with the principles set out in this agreement also with its contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.

Yes 3. IMPLEMENTATIONa) Veidekke will ensure that appropriate translations of the agreement are available at all workplaces. The agreement will also be made public on Veidekke’s website and Intranet. b) Both parties recognize that effective local monitoring of this agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their representatives, health and safety representative and local trade unions. c) To enable local representatives to play a role in the monitoring process, they will be given adequate time for training and involvement in the monitoring process. The company will ensure that local representatives are provided with information, access to workers, and rights of inspection necessary to effectively monitor compliance with this agreement.

5. ANNUAL REVIEWThe signatories to the agreement will hold an annual meeting in order to review the principles, practice, effectiveness, and impact of the agreement. The aim shall be to exchange views regarding the current situation, and jointly develop further good working relations in Veidekke. At these meetings leading IFBWW / Fellesforbundet, Norsk Arbeidsmandsforbund representatives, the Chief Shop Steward of Veidekke, and representatives of Veidekke Corporate Management will participate. Veidekke will make the necessary resources available for these meetings. The annual review of the present agreement shall be incorporated into the Veidekke annual reporting with the consent of all signatories.

Vivendi CEO, EWC Yes Yes Yes (integrated): Ce devoir de vigilance s’exercera tant à l’égard des activités placées directement sous leur responsabilité qu’à l’égard des activités de leurs sous-traitants et fournisseurs.

Yes Cette déclaration commune entre la Direction Générale et l’Instance de Dialogue Sociale Européen sera diffusée dans l’ensemble du groupe Générale des Eaux, et déposée auprès des instances compétentes de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail. Implementation is a standing item on the agenda of the EWC's meetings and/or the EWC's select committee is given a role in overseeing implementation.

Vivendi , EWC Yes N.A. Yes Implementation is a standing item on the agenda of the EWC's meetings and/or the EWC's select committee is given a role in overseeing implementation (EWCB 56, p. 11)

Volkswagen AG, Group Global Works Council of Volkswagen AG, IMF

Yes Yes Yes § 2 Realisation2.1. The employees of Volkswagen will be informed about all of the provisions of this declaration. Within the context of the respective plant practice, unions or existing elected employee representatives will have the possibility to inform the workforce together with representatives of management.2.2. Volkswagen supports and expressly encourages its contractors to take this declaration into account in their own respective corporate policy. It views this as an advantageous basis for mutual relationships.2.3. At the suggestion of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG or the Volkswagen Group Global Works Council, this declaration and its realisation will be discussed and considered with representatives of management of Volkswagen AG within the framework of the meeting of the Group Global Works Council. If necessary, appropriate measures will be agreed upon.

European Commission - Study seminar “Transnational Agreements” 17 May 2006 – Working document 65