Engaging Millennials. Seth Baker, Justin Kirschner, Steven Rhue, Allison Schoeppner, Morgan Stanley...

download Engaging Millennials. Seth Baker, Justin Kirschner, Steven Rhue, Allison Schoeppner,  Morgan Stanley Verge.

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Basis of Our Solution Enhancing voter political knowledge Opportunities to be civically engaged Diversity enhancement Increase voter turnout rates Provide an interconnected platform for political expression “America’s first platform for developing political identity.” - Verge

Transcript of Engaging Millennials. Seth Baker, Justin Kirschner, Steven Rhue, Allison Schoeppner, Morgan Stanley...

Engaging Millennials. Seth Baker, Justin Kirschner, Steven Rhue, Allison Schoeppner, & Morgan Stanley Verge Project Charge Low voter turnout Engage, Educate, and Empower 80 Million US Millennials Accessible and diverse By 2020, Millennials will be 40% of US electorate Basis of Our Solution Enhancing voter political knowledge Opportunities to be civically engaged Diversity enhancement Increase voter turnout rates Provide an interconnected platform for political expression Americas first platform for developing political identity. - Verge Communication Strategy National Honors Society National Association of Student Councils Common Sense Action High Schools Strategic Partners Communication Strategy Engage : Directly to young Millennial voters Educate : Hands on learning Empower : Numerous new opportunities Engage through Social Media Platforms Express what is important #Givea2016 Communication Strategy Sustainability Web & App Development Maintenance $100,000 - $200,000 15% - 20% Competition and Risk Interactive product Outreach Strategy Connect to students outside of classroom We will now take your questions! Thank You!