Energy Planning, Methodology and Approaches: Jamaica’s Experience

Energy Planning, Energy Planning, Methodology and Methodology and Approaches: Approaches: Jamaica’s Experience Jamaica’s Experience Latin American and Caribbean Latin American and Caribbean Energy Forecast – Energy Energy Forecast – Energy Scenarios at 2032” Scenarios at 2032” OLADE Sub-regional Workshop OLADE Sub-regional Workshop February 19, 2009 February 19, 2009 Conroy Watson Conroy Watson Senior Director Senior Director Ministry of Energy, Jamaica Ministry of Energy, Jamaica


Energy Planning, Methodology and Approaches: Jamaica’s Experience. “Latin American and Caribbean Energy Forecast – Energy Scenarios at 2032” OLADE Sub-regional Workshop February 19, 2009 Conroy Watson Senior Director Ministry of Energy, Jamaica. Outline. Introduction World Oil Market - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Energy Planning, Methodology and Approaches: Jamaica’s Experience

Page 1: Energy Planning, Methodology and Approaches: Jamaica’s Experience

Energy Planning, Energy Planning, Methodology and Methodology and

Approaches:Approaches:Jamaica’s ExperienceJamaica’s Experience

““Latin American and Caribbean Latin American and Caribbean Energy Forecast – Energy Energy Forecast – Energy

Scenarios at 2032”Scenarios at 2032”OLADE Sub-regional WorkshopOLADE Sub-regional Workshop

February 19, 2009February 19, 2009

Conroy WatsonConroy WatsonSenior DirectorSenior Director

Ministry of Energy, JamaicaMinistry of Energy, Jamaica

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• Introduction• World Oil Market• Jamaica’s Energy Profile• Market Structure• Petroleum Market• Electricity Sector• Energy Modeling, Planning & Policy Guidelines• Energy Conservation and Efficiency• Way Forward• Concluding Remarks

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• Jamaica is an oil importing developing country

• Petroleum imports satisfy more than 90% of the country’s energy needs

• Highly susceptible to global market conditions

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World Oil MarketWorld Oil Market

• Influences on global economy– Emerging markets (China, India)– Reserves

• Rate of new discoveries– Volatility of oil prices

• Market speculation• Geopolitical developments• Changes in production strategies• Uncertainty in supplies

• Crude and product prices– Crude prices traded at US$147/bls in 2008

• Averaged US$99.67/bls– Price decline started at the end of 2008– False sense of security

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T & T






T & T
























Jamaica’s Energy ProfileJamaica’s Energy Profile

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Market StructureMarket Structure• Petroleum

– Liberalized petroleum market– State owned refinery– 10 marketing companies

• 1 state owned marketing company• 3 multinationals• 6 Local marketing companies (private)

– Approx. 300 service stations island-wide

• Electricity– Largest supplier: JPS– Electricity generation is done competitively– Single distributor– Three Independent Power Producers– Other producers

• Bauxite/Alumina companies• Caribbean Cement Company Ltd• Sugar Factories

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Petroleum MarketPetroleum MarketDrill & Process


Bauxite & Mining

Electricity Generation


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Imports and ConsumptionImports and Consumption

2006 2007 2008** 2010** 2020**

Oil import bill (US$ million)

1,838 2,0082,700…

2,9002,100 3,300

Oil imports (million bls)

31 30 28 to 29 30 33

Total Energy Consumption (million boe)

28 28 26 27 28 ...32

** Assumptions for projections: (1) conservation and efficiency efforts successful and continuous (2) alternative energy projects developed (ethanol, wind, bio-diesel, coal, CNG, Petcoke) (3) oil price 2010: US$70/bls (4) oil price 2020: US$100/bls

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Sectoral ConsumptionSectoral Consumption

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Electricity SectorElectricity Sector


Generation = JPS + IPPS


Generation = JPS + IPPS


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Net Generation TrendsNet Generation Trends

2006 2007 2008 2010** 2020**

Net Generation (‘000 MWh)

4,043 4,079 4,133 4,270 5,340

Losses (% of net) 23 22 24 20 18

IPP Grid Contribution (%)

33 31 30 30 30

Renewable Energy Grid Contribution (%)

5 5 5 ** 10 15

Note: ** Projections guided by trends and Acres ReportSource: JPS and Acres Management Consulting

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Electricity Sector PrioritiesElectricity Sector Priorities• Sector monitored by the regulator (O.U.R.)

– JPS compliance– Recommendations from All Island Black-out Studies– Established standards and directives from the regulator.– Implementation of National Integrated Electricity

Expansion Plan and Efficiency Study for Jamaica (Acres Report)

– Least Cost Expansion Plan– Tariff reviews for electricity rates– Electricity License

• Electricity Supply Strategy & Planning including renewable energy

• Examine impact of energy efficiency and conservation

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Electricity Sector Priorities cont’dElectricity Sector Priorities cont’d

• Generation– Establish and implement a programme to

monitor the efficiency of power generating units

– Fuel use and power generation

• Transmission• Distribution• Assess Infrastructure Performance• Merit Order Dispatch• Shifts in peak demand

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Energy Modeling,Energy Modeling, Planning Planning

and and Policy Guidelines Policy Guidelines

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Supporting Structures


E = MC2

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Energy Policy (Green Paper)Energy Policy (Green Paper)• Elements of Energy Green Paper 2006 – 2020

– Energy supply and security – Petroleum Industry– Electricity Sector– Rural Electrification Programme– Transportation Sector– Development of Renewable Energy Resources– Energy Conservation and Efficiency– Energy Fund– Institutional Arrangement

• Green Paper addenda– Energy Conservation and Efficiency Policy: 2008-2022– Bio-fuels Policy

• Ethanol Policy– Electricity Policy– Net Metering Policy– Carbon Trading Policy

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ModelingModeling• ENPEP (Energy and Power Evaluation Programme)

– Utilizing the BALANCE Module of ENPEP– Training & workshop– Stakeholder consultations/collaboration

• JPS, NEPA, PCJ, JBI, Petrojam, SIRI…– Petroleum market biased– Energy Sector Strategy and Development Plan Report

• WASP-IV (Wien Automatic System Planning Package)

– Training– Electricity sector biased– Generation planning

• T21 Model (Threshold 21)

– Training and workshop– Integrated development model– Examines the economy, society and environment

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What is ENPEP-Balance?What is ENPEP-Balance?

• One of approximately 8-10 other models by Argonne

• ENPEP-BALANCE is a nonlinear equilibrium model

• Simulation approach allows ENPEP-Balance to determine the response of various segments of the energy system

• Relies on a decentralized decision-making process• Creates an equilibrium model represented by the energy


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ENPEP Energy System EquilibriumENPEP Energy System Equilibrium

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To simulate the energy market and determine the energy supply and

demand balance over a long-term period of up to 75 years.

For Jamaica’s case, the period

2005 – 2030 is used.

Main Objective of ENPEP ModuleMain Objective of ENPEP Module

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Major CharacteristicsMajor Characteristics• Applications

– Energy policy analysis– Energy market projections– Natural gas market analysis– Carbon emissions projections– Projections of criteria pollutants (SO2, NOX, etc.)– Carbon mitigation studies

• ENPEP features– price-elastic demands– fully integrated economic cost calculations– enhanced error reporting– visible structure created

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Jamaica Energy NetworkJamaica Energy Network

A complete energy network for a country or region may consist of a large number of sectoral energy networks. Jamaica’s network topology includes various sectors*:

*The Ministry established an “ENPEP Working Committee” to modify the existing network and present a network topology that is highly reflective of existing energy systems.

• Refinery • Oil Distribution• Electricity Generation• Distribution• Imports• Sugar Industry

• Bauxite Industry• Domestic Energy Market• Residential Consumers

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Electricity NetworkElectricity Network

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Sugar Industry NetworkSugar Industry Network

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Refinery NetworkRefinery Network

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Limitations of the ModelLimitations of the Model• Solution generated year-by-year and is said to be

“myopic”, which for short term oriented energy market may actually be an advantage.

• Demand-driven

• Not set up with sufficient detail

• Can be insensitive to price

• Ease of use in the Windows interface conceals the sub-models.

“ENPEP-Balance is a tool – and a tool should be used wisely”

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ENPEP SummaryENPEP Summary• Framework for developing institutional capacity

– government and non-government organizations– agencies

• Model is adaptable and can be viewed as a planning tool– developing the country’s long-run energy strategy– generating scenarios according to user specifications– necessary to informing policy decisions.

• Jamaica’s case study created an appropriate energy network– Analyses both energy and environmental systems

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Energy ConservationEnergy Conservation and Efficiency and Efficiency

Projects and Activities

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• Energy audits

• Lighting efficiency improvement

• A/C efficiency improvement • Steam system efficiency

improvement• Power factor correction• Solar water heater installation


• Use of cogeneration systems• Use of high efficiency electric

motors and variable speed drives

• Power factor correction• Use of high efficiency industrial

lamps• Steam system efficiency


Public SectorPublic Sector

• Energy audits• Implementation of energy

efficiency measures in hospitals and schools

• NWC (approx. 50% of the public sector consumption)– Installation of energy

efficient pumps– Power factor correction

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Projects and Activities cont’dProjects and Activities cont’d

• Energy conservation programmes

• Public education programmes– Turning off lights when not in


– Water saving measures

– Proper use of refrigerators and freezers

• Energy saving cookware and cooking tips

• Compact fluorescent bulbs

• Use of solar water heaters

ResidentialResidential TransportationTransportation

• Promotion of car pooling where applicable

• Public education programmes– Driving to achieve maximum

fuel efficiency

• Rehabilitation of the railway system

• Introduction of bio-fuels

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IncentivesIncentives• Collaboration with other Ministries and agencies

– Ministry of Finance and the Public Service– Ministry of Transport and Works– Bureau of Standards– NEPA

• Expansion in tax exempted items– Renewable energy systems

• Solar water heaters, biogas plants and generators…– Energy efficient equipment and devices

• CFL bulbs, energy management and control systems…– Transport Sector initiatives

• Flexi-fuel vehicles• Hydrogen powered vehicles• Bio-diesel vehicles

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Energy Sector InvestmentEnergy Sector Investment

• Renewable energy equipment manufacturing– Solar panels

• Hydro stations• Wind farms• Bio-fuels production & distribution• Sustainable energy programs

• Nuclear Energy?– Small Nuclear Plants existing– Waste Disposal (an issue)

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Energy Sector Investment cont’dEnergy Sector Investment cont’d

Refinery Upgrade ProgramRefinery Upgrade Program

Oil and Gas ExplorationOil and Gas Exploration

• Expansion of the plant capacity/throughput from 35,000 to 50,000 barrels per day

• Upgrade to address some challenges facing the refinery– Old Technology: Hydro-

skimming– New product specification – Inability to supply all local

market demand

Facilitation of Natural Gas Supplies

Facilitation of Natural Gas Supplies



• Blocks to be explored

• Companies involved

• Existing agreements (production sharing)

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Legislative and Regulatory FrameworkLegislative and Regulatory Framework

• The Office of Utilities Regulation Act

• Electricity– All-island Electricity Licence– Electricity Lighting Act

• Petroleum acts and regulation– Petroleum Quality Control– Petroleum and Oil Fuel (Landing & Storage)– Weight and Measures

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Environmental ConsiderationsEnvironmental Considerations• Waste disposal

– Conversion of waste to energy

• Promotion of renewable energy– Less toxic– Reduced threat of water

quality– Decline in emission

levels (C02, NOX…)– Carbon credits

• Carbon tax• Emission levies

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Concluding RemarksConcluding Remarks

• Energy security crucial

• Conservation and efficiency initiatives are key

• Goals can be met with timely and requisite investment

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Ministry of

Petroleum Corporation of

Argonne National

International Atomic Energy

For Further InformationFor Further Information

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Contact Info:Contact Info:

The Ministry of Energy36 Trafalgar Road,Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.Tel. #: (876) 929-8990-9Fax #: (876) 968-2082

Email: [email protected]

Thank You… The EndThank You… The End