ENER.AL ~ASSEMBLY - Documentary History of … d; if tb" 11ub cr1ptions b eomplete tbe commiuionen...


Transcript of ENER.AL ~ASSEMBLY - Documentary History of … d; if tb" 11ub cr1ptions b eomplete tbe commiuionen...










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llllftaa 'D'" na d


• I I . '

. , .

co IDGE.LY, (oF ITA lProN) E Q. GovERNoR. 8~

• B r; IT E. ACTED, T h t th commi . ioners DEc. s .... r .l itl Ol'atu~." rity of lh m, !'ball. certain and valoe if rc- 18 15 ·

at the rom m is ion thr r·· ~·isions of thi S) I · nia agrc • and

;,•d \\' 1at dam~·· · m·1y :: su tuin d l>y any person or p r- ~ IPI o ·c.:r "'ho e lanrl tb &o:i•i rt' tl d may a s by pening the • •• ;u. m , nnrl th v •'u:~li'ln . b,IJ he made b fo1· the sa1d com-

m C rc l'll Va't I • to iun a lh • nalut e of' lh

i ion •·s ,. n n•aj .. ril of th 111 ~lhtll proc •c•d I open the . . ProYi&o. ro d ; Pt·o t lt1L nlw !iS, th t il auy person o~ per ons

To\ u lo i 111 er cl.l !,a i hr u•tlt who~c lan I h" ai· l road may pas., or Ius her 01.'

hit· guanlian or l ru ·t • • hall con in~ tbcm~c l ves aggricv-by ll t: h VUfUalioll ll!l II Sti l' In '1\t O f uamaa by tbe

id c mmi ssio ncr r a mojo!'i ty of tlwm, it shall and may '·'" fu l f r :111 , .In Li ·c~ of the county on apJli~ation of the

t•ly inte1· •cd, or hi , b t· r their uard ian ot· tro tee L is-u · hi . \ uraut.. und r his lumd an•l s al, dir d d to any con­tahl c of the co u y, omm<ln d i 1g himt . unwon twelve free.

I lcr who d no t hold land thro ugh which the said road ptl s, to ap ,,eo r on d y by h ai~! justice to b appoint­

' on tl c land of' the p •r 0 11 or pl•rso n making application afo,·csaid, or fo r who. c b ncfit . uch appl ica tion shall be mado,

tile u.ir l frecho lde1· hav ing fir t maclc oath b fur the said u~ti cc of the pea that tlwy ' ifl without fav or, all'ection or

parti ality a e, s the dam ·t~l' · ~n ~o l ,tinr d by th per on or per ~ns u.t wb c reque tor fo1· "'" ', e bci)rtit , such inquisition hall be taken by r ll on of op t ing the afore aid road througb his, her ('r their land, hall thereu pon proceed to assess and value the

amages accordingly, of whi h the sa icl commission~rs or a majority of them shall have I .ul at hut 6ve days notice, and shall rctul'n tbe dama~ce~ o a!i~ es~cd to the said justice of tbe

anrt such inqaisition and valuation shall be final and eon­lcJ,usiive; and the party or parties in whose favb'fr ~.he 'al•ation

's•ur•f'rtai'.n ed by tbe said commiuio.,trs or a maJOraty of them, or the damages assessed by the said freeholders shall be made, shall be entitled to l'eceive the same from the said petitioners to

Cmcral .-1ssembllJ tbe said road within the space of six months after the assess• ri ck county are he' men t of such valuation or damages; and IJefore they shall pro-

five commi ioners ceed to atfsct the lands and tenements of the person or persons all urvcy lay out an concerned, and upon the payment ofthe money or the securinr r other persons inte the same to be paid as aforesaid to the person or persons .tbrougli

'Y feet in widtb, in whose land the said road is intei'Jded to pass, tbe saad com-all circumstances in missioners may open the said road through such person or pel'·

o llartgi 's papet· mill sons• land· Prov1cled, that the said road shall not pus tllrougb he Catoctin mountain any house, 'yard, garden, meadow or orchard unless with the sect the new cut. consent of the owner or owners thereof.


g ground, and tbe sai ~

· said road and retu CHAPTER 90. "*..l J I be t-ecorded among An act for irdroclucinc_ a supply of water into tlae . Totem 15 111 . 1 · en so opened at the of Emmit&litlrg_l&. ' _ rested tlaerein and Sse. t. BE IT .ENACTEp btl the General .Asa~ml1ly of. 8~ -

shall be raid or .M"'1Jlancl, That a company be and they are hereby ID~Orpo· Ul)fltlt, . d, shal be the•~earte••rated and made a body politic, for the purpose~ bereaoafter shall be ~ept in ~entioned, and that the said body p()litic sh~ll be known~·

oads are directed d••Ungaiahed by the appellation of -nte Prestdent aQd Direc­tors or the :lmmitabargh Water Companf, and •ball &lave faU a-.acl mple power and autboritylo do, ~norm and e . eiate, all tid ev~y matter and thing wllich a •imilar corp_oratiOD or

ma1iora··l ril tlifUy can do, and •hall pve IUMtliOD clatiP~ tH . II

LA' rs Of' l\IARYL. D .

.Dac. Sau. ·a&tion ol tbia act, and t that end, for perpetuating the aaid in· 18lb. corperate body, the bt"irs, devisee. , representatives, and aa· ~ 1i~u es, of the indh·idual member thereof, ahall be, nd aro

hereby decl r d to be memb fl tbereor, and by th name afure­&aid ma aue and be 11 d, an wer and be answered, JD any

Capital-om illinnert

and p•aeu of •ub r ip<ton· • clellci ncy or ucu. .

court (Jf law or equity in thi tate or el ewbea·e. i. A D BE IT K ACTED, That the capital tock of

the nid corpuration hall not esceed ten 1 housund dollar , to be diYided 111to ti e hundl'ed shMes of twenty dollar! neb, and thut the ub rriptius to lhe aaid capital atock ahall he open· ed in the 'own of Emmit burgh, under the direction uf 1 ob rt L. Annan, .Patrick Reid, John Agnew, Le i .Motter, and Daniel M. Moore, or an1 two or more of them, on a day ap · pointed by thrm for thatt purpo e, and notified in two r more pa r publiah d in Frederick county at leaat three weeks pre . viou thereto, ho hall meet. on the day appointed for receiv­in sub cnphon , at ten o'clock A . 1. and conLiuue the larue open until he o'clock, P. M; and iftbe ubacription• a~all ex:·

• ceed the capital Lbe cqmmi sionera aball appor&.ioo tbe aatlJe, . ccordmg tu the aub cribcrs by propurLionate deductione, 10 tb4L tbt> whole be reduc d to the proper limit, but if the aid aubscriptit~n sha'l nol be 61led on the first daJ, the commiuion­er afore aid may a.tjourR from day to day until the llltn be fill d; if tb" 11ub cr1ptions b eomplete tbe commiuionen ehall clese the books, llnd those wbo have previooely atrbscribJ:d ehaH be entitl d to the stoek in said compaoy, from each of whom the ·said comwis ·ioners •hall exact th first instalment of two dol· lars and fifty l'l!nts on ach ahare so aubscriberl.

Oommitsion- 8. AND BE l'r ENACTED, 'J'hat. within ten days after en t ·• hold an elo iog the subsc1·iption , two or more of the commissioners elution, shall meet at Emmit burgh foe the purpo1e of holding an -elec·

tion for the prr ident anrl clirectora. ection of . 4. AND Bb IT ENACTED, That the stockholder•

&rei~ors and afore&aw, or uch as shall be present in peuon, or by their J~r•• enl. .prox), 1hall electby ballot, out of the stockholders, five di.rec­

·tors, to aerve unt tl aucceuora to them shall be chosen, and the ~~aid corporation shall aooually thereafter, u.pon the ame day in each IUld every y~ar, or within teo day• thereafter, in like


manner elect five directou for one year, or until suc:ce110ra to them shall be chosen • and lbe said directors immediately after th~ir appointment. anrl 10 after ev~ry aub•equent appoint­ment as a ore aid, thall choo1e from among tt"ie ato ··k· holders by ballot, a president, to aerve for one year frem the time of his appointment; and the said president, and his auecee or, for the time being, sbaU always be entitled to vote a a director, and thall perform 1uch dutiee, and rt;.eeive 1ue'h

· .compen1ation for hit aervices, ae the directors ~ha" from time tO time appoinl; atld in caae an,direcaor shall be chosen preai· den&, &be remainin'C diteetore shall immediately cbooae by "b 1 •

. Jot, from among tbe stockhofder., .. person to 11lpp1y.bi place ; and wllenewer a vacanc;y illall happen in the office of d.arector ~r Dleaident, by death. reai1nation, .or remo~al rom the state. or hy ao_y other .means. it thall immediate~ be 611641 by &allot • • bJ tbe directors, from &mOJlf .t.e aiockbofaer .. antil tbi aed elletioa in cour-.e

a. A D BE iT ENACTED, that u\ cbooalnr dftaeten no ~raon or body politic •hall have mere than twenty votes • • cl tb1 laaJa Pll'JOD h vinll' .0111! n,. mn,.,. eh,.,.,.. "".f.,. '"• ... ; ..

"' Cbooalnr dfte on &ban hren&y votes

n,.,. ch,.,.,.. nn,f .. ,. fl.a •• ;J

CH RLES RJDGEL v; (ol' HA Pl'O:N) EsQ. GovERNO&. 91

number of twenty, shall have one vote held.

for every 1hare so Dac. Saes.

fJ. AND BE IT E AOTED, That it eh II ind may be la ful for the icl president and direc:tore to ull and demand from the aid tub crihert respectively, all tum of money by tbcm bacribed, in in talmenll not exceedin« t o dullare and ·

1815. ~


fifty ~ent on each hare, onder tbe pain of r. rfeiture of their ehare , and or all pre iout payment mad thereon, to the said pre ident, director nd company; Prouided, th l no ~uch de. Provi•o. m nd h II be marie without two mon ha previous notice being gi en in two or more newspaper published. in Fr de rick coun-ty ; And prollidtrJ a/:~o, that no more . tbaa .one such payment shall b ~ailed ~ r or required in the term of tbree months.

7. D 8£ l'f EN C fED, That •be- president and di- O~b, rector , and subordina . agentf of the said company, ehall tev-erolly take an oath before aome jt1 tiee of the peace of said couut,, tb t &hey ill (; ithfu~ly and diligently perform the do• ti s o their re p~ive tatioa , aceo~:ding to the be l of their skill and judgment, and the 10bordinate agents sh II moreover give satiafactory eecurity to &.he preliderK o£ said eompauy, be. (ore they shall be-permitted to ·t as sucb

s. AND. BE IT ENACl'.l£0, ThatLbe said pre idenhnd , 8 r ·l•w• otc. airectors shall have full power an61 author1t,.. to make all bf• laws, rplet nd r gulatioll for the w II ordering and condPct-iog of the buainess orthe company, and sllch by law1, rules and regulation , to alter ehanp aad.annul at their pleasure, but e-very .uch by law, raJ~ or-regula&ion, lni&J be.ahered or repealed byt&e stock-holder • at &.gftleral meeting te be called for that purpose by any ten or more etockbolders, provided that there be present at uch meeting· &ockholdere holding. one hundred shares, or their prode , and that fflur eek no1.1ce be given io two or . more newspaper. printed in. the coantr· o£ Frederick of aqch meeling, and of the., alteration or rep~a inteoded. to.be propoa-ed thereat.

0. A D BE IT E .kCTED, That the eaid president and Subo directnrs hall have power to appoint and remove at tbeir plea- :r'!~"'· lore, all eh:rka, Upt'rinteAdaD' , agent , or other officers, ne• · ceuary for carrying on the b ineas of the said company ; to dispoae o( it funds or proper~ in the manner hereim.Aer di· rected, and ·to fix and pa.y out of the fwul• of the taid, com,a-ny, the compensation of aU such agen&t, superintendant•, clerks or officers, tO make lOCh. conbactt, parcbaSCI Of agree. mente of all 1Uch matters and thing• in .behalf of the nid .com.

· p&ny, and of aU tt1ch pri ilege1, perwiesiona, rights and advtD•. ges, of e•ery kind and oature whate•er at ttiey thall judge neces ary for completing in an e6:c.toal anti proper ma ner-. tli~introdoction .dt&lribation, and supply of water to tbno•n ofEmlllit burgh, wiLb any indi•itlual, companie•• firma oa: oor• poratlons, and tp oee and dilpoae of any 1arplu• water t &be. be t intire t and advanta1e of the said company,. and all acb contract• to reecind, alter, abridg. or enlarge, with consent of,

~ rtiet there o respectively, and to leue, eell, conve tt eA and blnd1 by their contraeta, .deede .and writing-. r the han of· the pre1ident and the ~eal . of the cemp a~, l the. ~ tty, e• te, oomanon stock, and ,. oint faadt of tbe •aid: eo~an;, tabject to the ratiftcatioa o 'be 1tockbo1dera or a

• orit7 of die•. al· aome pneral moeUDIJ U' val of, t

LAWS OF f RYL D. Dac S••· mattrr ia question shall esceed five hundred dollara, but not tbe

1115 persona or separate proper y of them elve or any of the stock• ~ JJolders.

t. ... ..... t. 11 10. A D BE 1 T E ACTED, Tbat Lh id corporation ,., r nl t

•lmrn or- may purcha e and bold, in fee simple or otherwi e, al 8uch -,ater-privl J nds and real e tate& suitable for tbe erection of the necf sary le • in 'ene· works, and that may be necessary in whole or in part, for tbe rat. proper a,:complisbment of their undertaking, as they shall

judge proper, and m'y divert from the u&ual bed apd course for the purpose aforesaid, at such place or pi aea a they shall tbink 6t, an,- ltream or slreoms wbicb they may tbink suitable for the purpose ur any part or parts thereof, tb y obtaining the consent of all persons .. aving any richt, interest or property in the stream or 1treame respectively, so to be diverted in whole or in part, or in the lands through which uch atream or streams may be intended to pa after btina so diverted ; and the said corporation shll have full po\\er and autbOI'ity to make a canal and tunnel, or either of them, for the con\·eyance of said water under and along anr public bi hway, or any street .or streets, lane or lane., alley or alfe71 ohhe county, or town o£ Emmitabur#Jh, and to Ja7 a pipe or pipe in •ucb hiJhway, or in any of the said treets lanes or alleys, for the pur~sea of con• veying and dinributing the said water, and the sa~d pipes from time to time renew ana res.-ir, and for those purposes to dif, break up and Ofen, at the1r own expence, all or any part of sacb highway or of such atreets and alleys, and of the pave­men~• and foot wars thereof, leaYiD(I at all times a suflicien' Jfa•· sage war fGr carnages, horses and toot passenger•• and restor• iug forthwith to tbeir former condition all sucll highways, or all soah of tbe said streets, lanes and alleyr., pavements and foot• "'a7 , as shall from time to time, and at an7 time, be so dug, opened or taken up.

ervoln 11. AND BElT ENACTED, That the said corportion shall have full power and authority to establi b reaerYolrl and public fountains in such parts of the streets and squares of the said town as they may think proper, and to grant to all persona whomsoever, and to all bodies politic and corporate, the privi· lege of using the said water so to be introduced, in a~ch man• ner and on such terms and coDdition•, and in such quantitiet re (»ectively, as they a ball think tit ; and the 1aid water 10 te be antrodoced, together with all the reservon, pipes, canal• and tunnels, engiaes, biJildings, and machines whataoever, to be .by them made and used for the purpose . of introduciof, raising, and distributiQg the said water, tp hold to them, the1r succeuors and rantees as their sole and exclusive property.

11 • .AND B IT ENACTED, That iC aDy perton or per· Jmp~:;:~~:! son• shall wilfully do, or cause to be done, any act whatloeftr ~,enait1• hereby tile laid workt, or any pipe, cooduii, canal, wat

cour~, mound, plug, cock, reaarvoir, dyke, ot eajioe, machine or structure, or any matter or tbiagapperraininr &o tJae • tJie, sball be stopped, ob tructed, impaired, weakened or io­jored1 or ilfully pollute tbe said water by the th~wiaa de . oodiea pr other impure 1obstaoae iD'o the aame, or ,­.rwuoming, bathing, or wubinr therein, tbe penon o.r OJll. ao ott'end~l shall forfeit aDd ~y to tbe said coiDCaD!. a 1wa n~t esceecJJng on hJJndJed dollars for ev "c offeDae or jDJury, to be reeorered by 1ucb company. with COIU •f tait,


dollare, but not tbe lve or any of the stock·

lbe aid corporation otherwise, al auch

[er.ection of the nect sary 1«: or in part, for the kmg, •• they shall

uaual bed and course or pla11es a tbey shall

may tbink suitable .' tb y obtaining the mterest or property

•o to be diverted in which ncb atream or

btinr so diverted ; and wer and authority to . , for the conveyance

b• hway, or any street the county, or town or

in •uch birhway, or for the pur~•e• of con­and the s&Jd pipet from those rurpotes to diJ, nee, al or any par& of

and of the pate· all a tufBcient 8• passengera, and restor­all such highways, or all

pavements and foot­anr time, be 10 dug,

the •aid corportion tabli h reaeno1r1 and

and •quares of the to grant to all persona d corporate, the privi­

IU•·oduct!d, in such man• in ancb quanti&iet

&be aaid water 1o te i"eere..,.,n•·•, pipet, canal•

whatsoever, to of introducing,

to them, their ezclusive property.

per1on or per. act wbatloe"fer

co•~dt11it. canal, wat dyke, !Jt. eafrlae, appercatnlna &o t

b weakene~oria

1 the thtowm, into the lime, • rr the peraoa o.r aa. laid COIDP&Dl- ·a IIIIa

•kcb offRce or witb COJ&I tf tait,

CHARLES RIDG I. , (o HA..MPTo:.o) Q. Gov~aNo,a.

by action of debt, or action on the c:ue, in any c~urt uf jndi- Dzc. 8as1. cature of tbit' stat~ or by warrant before any magistrate there- ut:;. of, which action ahall in every instance be considered as trans· ~ itory in it nature, and' shall and may be triable in any eoanty of thi tate.

lS. NO BE IT ENACTED, That it hall not be 1 wfol Di•idrnda. for the said corporation to enter into any negotiation on bills

r note•, nor to deal in exchange, discount, or other commer­cial or banking operations, aad dividends of the profit• of tbe stock lh II be annually made, reserving only, at the discr tion of the directors, aucb propOrtion as tbey, or a majority of stockholdera shall deem sufficient (or mainLainiog and f;Upport. in~ the works necessar1. to promote or attain the object of thi incorporation ; and 1f tbe said corperation shell not carry into effect the Intention• of 1hi act within five years from the p 1 age thereoF, in that ca1e all the po•ers hereby vested in them •hall cea1e and determane . ..

CHAP f.ER. 91. .J4n act lo incorporate. a company to make a turnpike roa~ frttm

tlae wtst encl of th1 flillage of Liberty 7 own, to intersect the BaUimort and lUisttr•s 1ottm 7urt1ptke Road, st or taear the w1st encl of the town oj JVt. tminster. Bee. t. BElT ENACTED or the Gcheral..lssembly of Mary.

l(Jnd, That a compit.ny shall be incorporated Co make a turn. pike road from the west end or tbe 'village of l.iberty To n t.o mteraect tbe Baltimore and Reister's To' n 1'urnpike Road at or aear tbe weet end of &be to u of Westmin ter.

i. AND BE IT E ACTED, That subscription books shall be opened on or before the first Monda1 of January eigh· teen bondred and nineteen at Westminster, at Warner's tavern, on the liberty road, and in Liberty To\ ·n, for a eapital stock for .ad cempany of seventy thoueand dollars, in twenty eight hnndred shares, twenty five dollars each, under Lbe direction of the followina commissio~ers, or -any. on~ of them, to wit • at Weltminster, by Waab1ogton Vaob1ber, Thoma etfs, and Thomas Guest; at Warner's tavern, br. Aiexander Warfield, Jacob Landis, and Thoma• Bqnd; at L1berty Town, by Robert Cumming, John Duddero, and Vachel Hammond.

• AND ·BE IT EN ACTED, That when six hundred •ban• or aaid·stock shall h ve been subscribed, tbe commis­sioners shall give twenty da71 public notice or the time and place appoin&eCI for the 1Ubscr~bers to meet to organi&e said in­saltation, and to choose by a plarality of votes, by ballpt, a pre1ident and eiaht IDI.D,gers, (five of whom shall form a quo· ram,) a treuarer, and aucb o1her officer• as they sbaU deem n sary to conduct the alail'l of the company, until the first Moml :yin J nalt'Y thereafter1 and until a new electioq, and to fll&k• M1ch by-laws as thef 1hall deem necessar7_1 and on the ll'll Monday of January 1n every year, or \Vitbin ten da daereafter, ••HI company shall meet for the • me parpo1e11 t 1 pi u e pl'e ident anrJ maoap:ers thall appoint i and

I ti 1 IJy steckbolders each •hare thall be en tleG to one bat no pe.!'••a-or unapanf s all haYe more than ten ntes.

6 D HIT ACTED, bat the. holdert • y be and are hereby created and tid n a body Hrperate aad peli,ic, bJ &tie n me all4 st Of

Puaed Jaa. 15, 1816.


Sobnrl a.


Eleetio• of president au maaaaerar