Emperical Study Greece Crisis

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  • 8/9/2019 Emperical Study Greece Crisis


    Stimulus Package: An Empirical Analysis of


    Dillip Khuntia

    Prafulla Kumar Sahu

    Master of Finance & Control

    Utkal University

    Reviving Greece; Is the Greek crisis the beginning of a deeper sovereign debt crisis that

    could destabilise the Euro zone?

    This article argues the Euro zone is no closer to a debt crisis than the US, but some

    members are getting close. EU governments could bailout Greece and, to avoid having

    to do so, they should clarify their stance on the matter.

    The Greek crisis has led to fears that this is only the beginning of a deeper

    sovereign debt crisis that could ultimately destabilise the Euro zone. Are these fears

    exaggerated? How to deal with these problems?

    Financial markets now ask the question of whether the addition of government

    debt is sustainable. Clearly the rate of increase of the last two years is unsustainable. But

    with Euro-zone government debt standing at 85% of GDP at the end of 2009, the Euro-

    zone is miles away from a possible debt crisis.

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    Things are different in some individual countries, in Greece in particular, a

    country with a weak political system that has been adding government debt at a much

    higher rate than the rest of the Euro-zone and that in addition has a debt level exceeding

    100% of GDP. So, while the Euro-zone as a whole is no closer to a debt crisis than is the

    US, some of its member states have been moving closer to such a crisis.

    Is it conceivable that a debt crisis in one member country of the Euro-zone

    triggers a more general crisis involving other Euro-zone countries? My answer is that

    yes, it is conceivable, but that it can easily be avoided. The main concern lays at the

    point that bailout can be done when the banks fail and the euro countries can follow UK

    model to lend rentlessly to markets and to resort to fiscal and monetary measures to the

    scope of a potential second global financial crisis so soon after the credit crisis of 2008-

    09 goes far beyond the euro zone, the 16 nations sharing a common currency, the euro.

    Last week's dramatics could have been far worse. And they may yet manifest

    themselves in an ugly fashion in weeks to come if the euro-zone countries don't rescue

    what Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou described last week as "the weakest link

    in the euro zone."

    Greece accounts for just 3 per cent of the euro-zone economy. The crisis in the

    cradle of Western civilization serves merely as proxy for government over-indebtedness


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    Only a few months ago, a Dubai on the edge of default had to be bailed out by oil-

    rich neighbour Abu Dhabi. A debt-strapped Argentina recently tried and failed to pay

    debts by raiding its central-bank treasury.

    Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio is an eye-popping 95 per cent. But then, the U.S. isn't

    far behind at 84 per cent. (The Canadian ratio is estimated at 35.5 per cent in the

    current fiscal year.) Greece's deficit-to-GDP ratio is an alarming 13 per cent. But then,

    Britain isn't far behind at 12.6 per cent.

    A debt crisis is conceivable

  • 8/9/2019 Emperical Study Greece Crisis


    Lets start with the first part of the answer: It is conceivable. Financial markets

    are nervous and the most nervous actors in the financial markets are the rating agencies.

    One thing one can say about these institutions is that they systematically fail to see

    crises come. And after the crisis erupts, they systematically overreact thereby

    intensifying it.

    This was the case two years ago when the rating agencies were completely caught

    off guard by the credit crisis. It was again the case during the last few weeks. Only after

    Dubai postponed the repayment of its bonds and we had all read about it in the FT, did

    the rating agencies realise there was a crisis and did they downgrade Dubais bonds.

    The Greek crisis represents a crucial test for the European Union since a default,

    or a bailout that prevents one, would be a serious blow to the credibility of the euro.

    Membership in the shared currency demands that governments keep their budgets

    under control.

    Financial markets, it is feared, would respond to a default by selling off the bonds

    of other struggling euro governments. That would make it more costly for them to

    borrow money, deepening their predicament.

    The world is awash in potentially unsustainable debt.

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    The U.S. looms largest. President Barack Obama just tabled a budget that

    projects a doubling in America's national debt, to $28 trillion (U.S.), by decade's end.

    That's twice the size of the U.S. economy.

    Few nations emulated Canada's example of 11 consecutive budget surpluses

    heading into the Great Recession. And so the necessary stimulus spending to inject life

    into paralyzed economies worldwide has inflated already burdensome debt loads

    accumulated by less prudent jurisdictions than Canada, Australasia and a handful of


    To cover their stimulus-related and other debt obligations, national governments

    are expected to borrow a staggering $4.5 trillion (U.S.) this year. That's almost triple the

    average for advanced economies over the previous five years.

    Any hint that certain issuers of those government bonds and other borrowings

    are flirting with deadbeat status will jack up the interest rates bond-buyers will demand.

    That could easily lift the general level of interest rates worldwide. Which in turn would

    raise the cost of capital for businesses and individuals. And that would be a major

    impediment to economic recovery at a time when central banks are trying to keep their

    key lending rates at or near zero to encourage investment and job creation.

    In order not to set off this "global debt bomb," as Forbesdescribes the plight on

    its latest cover, the EU and the better-off EU nations haven't much choice but to rescue

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    Greece. Recalling how the failure of just one New York brokerage, in September 2008,

    turned a local banking problem into a full-blown global crisis, EU officials now regard

    Greece as "Europe's Lehman Brothers."

    A coordinated EU bailout of Greece, spearheaded by Germany, would defend the

    value of the euro. It would bolster an EU whose reputation would otherwise suffer from

    having abandoned one of its members. And it could stave off a currency and debt crisis

    that would likely be a worldwide spectre.

    In Athens last week for a conference, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, a liberal

    economist, counselled against the austerity measures the Greek government has just

    imposed including wage freezes, pension cutbacks and budget slashing across

    government departments. He cavilled against the "deficit fetish" for which the

    International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are notorious.

    The compelling counter-argument is that global markets aren't as rational as

    Nobel laureates. They need assurance now that Greece will not become an insolvent

    Iceland. And that the EU will backstop Spain, Portugal, Ireland and any other EU

    member that has obligations outstanding to world banks, already undermined by losses

    on U.S. subprime, or junk, mortgages and other "toxic assets."

    Even Stiglitz's fellow liberals on the Continent are insisting Greece "be helped with all

    the fiscal brutality" of which the EU is capable, as Germany's centre-left Suddeutsche

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    Zeitung editorialized late last week. The EU "has taken the first step to putting the

    country under its control, and virtually deprives it of its sovereignty. This is the worst

    imaginable punishment for a nation."


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