Empaths Basics

By Sandra Martinez, MS


Empaths Basics give you a set of strategies to deal with being an empath. It is written from the understanding it is a blessing and not a curse. The insights and strategies where develpped b the collaboration of the members of Empath Zone Community. I just formalized it.Empathy is a gift, but we need to know how to handle the two sided blade.Awareness, knowledge and spirituality are not a commodity for an empath, there is a choice to be made: we follow the spiritual path or go very wrong. I hope this document will help you to embrace it.

Transcript of Empaths Basics

Page 1: Empaths Basics

By Sandra Martinez, MS

Page 2: Empaths Basics

Copyright 2011 Movads, Inc. Empath Zone .com


Copyright Notice

Written by Sandra Martinez, MS.

©2010 Movads, Inc. You have the right to post this ebook, share it and print it as long as you don´t

change it or charge for it.

You can make citations of the ebook in your own works, as long as you give attribution to the

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Please note: there will be additions over time. To download the latest Edition, visit:

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A Book version will be available soon.

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Table of Contents

What is an empath? ............................................................................................................................ 5

When empathy is taken to the next level... .................................................................................... 5

Empaths and awareness ................................................................................................................. 6

Ignorance is a curse ..................................................................................................................... 6

Traits of an empath ......................................................................................................................... 7

Permission to be different............................................................................................................... 8

Emotional empaths ............................................................................................................................. 9

The empathic instrument ................................................................................................................ 9

Models for Emotional Empathy .................................................................................................... 10

A Mechanical Model.................................................................................................................. 10

The Chakra Model ..................................................................................................................... 10

The Huna Model ........................................................................................................................ 12

Empaths and shielding ...................................................................................................................... 13

Empaths and crowds ..................................................................................................................... 13

Here's my favorite link: ................................................................................................................. 13

Why Empaths and HSP need to shield .......................................................................................... 14

How Empaths can shield ............................................................................................................... 14

Bubbles and cloaks .................................................................................................................... 14

Crystals ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Aromas ...................................................................................................................................... 15

Empaths and Flushing ....................................................................................................................... 16

Empaths and distress... ................................................................................................................. 16

Recovering the balance ................................................................................................................. 17

Simple Flushing Techniques .......................................................................................................... 17

Light Meditation Flushing Techniques .......................................................................................... 18

Root chakra flushing .................................................................................................................. 18

Salt Lamps and Flushing ................................................................................................................ 19

Empaths and grounding .................................................................................................................... 20

Empaths and expectations ............................................................................................................ 20

Here's my favorite link: ................................................................................................................. 20

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The power of grounding ................................................................................................................ 21

Grounding, flushing and Myths ..................................................................................................... 21

Grounding Techniques .................................................................................................................. 22

Spend time in Nature ................................................................................................................ 22

Yoga greeting technique ........................................................................................................... 22

Walk barefoot............................................................................................................................ 23

Grounding with Crystals ................................................................................................................ 23

Some Black and Gray Stones for Grounding ............................................................................. 23

Some Red Stones used for grounding ....................................................................................... 24

How to Ground with Crystals .................................................................................................... 24

Joining an Empath Community ......................................................................................................... 25

I know I´m an empath... now what? ............................................................................................. 25

The three main empath communities ........................................................................................... 25

When empaths gather... ............................................................................................................... 26

Goodies and problems you might find ...................................................................................... 26

Communities´ personalities .......................................................................................................... 26

Empath Resources ............................................................................................................................. 29

Squidoo Lenses about Empaths .................................................................................................... 29

Empaths links ................................................................................................................................ 29

Some readings ............................................................................................................................... 30

About ................................................................................................................................................. 32

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What is an empath?

When empathy is taken to the next level...

Picture this...Sally wakes up dizzy, her head is

too light and she doesn´t feel quiet herself.

Her stomach feels bad too.

-Not this morning, she thinks. - She has to

meet a new client and wants to give a good

impression. The client seems like a nice

person, she was looking at some info

and pictures the night before.

She tries to eat something, but everything

smells weird this morning, finally she settles

for some fruit and goes to work.

While she drives to work, things get better when she crosses her favorite wooden area. It is a

beautiful morning; she can see the trees and some birds and squirrels playing around. The sun has

already raised and the feeling of the place is just wonderful. Her window is closed, but could swear

she knew how the place sound and smell too.

She arrives to work, grabs some coffee and gets ready to start the day.

At about 10, the new client arrives. She is a lady in her early thirties and fine completion. Sally sees

her arriving and has an aha moment... so that was it! The lady has the "pregnancy halo". Sally can´t

explain very well how it works, but she can always tell when someone is pregnant, she just feels it.

She calls her secretary - Please bring some coffee for me, and some chamomile tea for the lady,

she is expecting... - the lady´s eyes open wide...

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Empaths and awareness

Ignorance is a curse Life is full of choices, and we are all the time

looking for reasons and patterns to explain what

happens around us. We just can´t help it, it is part

of human nature.

See Sally´s case for example... she woke up with

pregnancy symptoms. She purposely decided to go

on with her life and go to work that morning. She

purposely drove through a place that uplifts her

and "cleans her aura". She could have called sick.

She could have made an appointment with a

doctor, she could have taken over the counter

medication, she could have rushed to

the pharmacy and buy apregnancy test.

She could have interpreted the situation in many different ways, as the situation actually had

many possible causes.

What made her take the decisions that leaded to the best outcome? self knowledge and


Awareness is so important for an empath that there is a before and after, a qualitative change in a person´s life when that person realizes that some feelings or physical states are foreign.

For some it is a hard bone to chew, and some take it easier.

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Traits of an empath

The most common definition of an empath is

someone who can feel with the other. That is,

an empath feels the physical or emotional state of other person as if it were his or her own.

This is only the tip of the iceberg though. An

empath has the neuro-system in tuned with

incoming waves of any type so to speak. And

there are as many types of empaths as

empaths themselves.

So, some can feel emotions, but others can feel animals, and yet others can feel atmospheric

disturbances. Some will process them as emotions, others as physical disturbances. Some will

acknowledge the source, some can´t. Some can feel remnant emotions in places (for example

where battles took place), some can feel electromagnetic waves.

Some can tell the emotional state of the writer when reading a text, some transport themselves so

easily when they see images, tv or movies that they just can´t see thrillers, terror movies... or the 6

o clock news.

And to make things even more interesting, the traits are not set in stone, they change and evolve

depending of the emotional state of the empath and the life he or she chooses.

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Permission to be different

Blue eyes can be beautiful, but they don´t tolerate the tropical sun too well. Dark skin can be

under the sun without getting burned, but the cold... that is a different story. A poet in an artists´

family is very welcome, a poet in the war is dangerous.

Each special trait has a particular environment where it flourishes and other environments where

it suffers. Empathy is no different.

An empath is blessed with the ability to feel with the other. A trait like this can make a difference

in many cases, but empaths need protection from emotional overload or it can destroy them.

Needless to say, a poisoned and super-populated planet is a challenge for empathic people, and

this is probably one of the reasons why so many are waking up.

After the wake up call, it is the empath job to take care of his or her health. An overloaded empath

is of no use. Sometimes this simple fact becomes a challenge, but the challenge has to be taken

and embraced nonetheless.

As people with blue eyes need sunglasses even in winter, empaths need emotionally uncluttered moments on a daily basis. Yes, I´m talking about being alone.

This is something that kids and hubbies don´t take happily, so be it.

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Emotional empaths

The empathic instrument

Everyone (or almost everyone) has a certain

degree of empathy - the ability to feel with

the other. Empathy is the target of

advertising and art. In the theatre or a movie,

the viewer feels to certain extent what the

characters feel. That identification is

empathy. In advertising they trigger the

identification to an ideal situation, and force

a connection with the product.

So what is an emotional empath? Lets say it

is someone who has the "empathic

instrument" a couple of notches better tuned.

Where do we draw the line? That is a tough question and brings much debate among sensitives.

Draw the line in the awareness. Sometimes quantitative changes induce qualitative changes. So

that better tuning of the empathy instrument will have consequences. When empathy is strong

enough to make itself apparent repeatedly (usually crossing the pain threshold), we come to

realize that some of those feeling are foreign.

Before that moment of awareness, the sensitive person will be in a very messy situation, like a leaf

in the wind floating around and moved by other people´s wants and desires. In that second of

awareness is when we start recovering the power.

In this article we are going to explore different models that explain emotional empathy from

different perspectives.

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Models for Emotional Empathy

A Mechanical Model Lets assume that the body can work as a tuning

fork. In fact it does, if you´ve ever gone to see live

music, you know that it is more than the ears at

play, we feel it with the whole body.

If we feel the vibrations around us at a physical

level, and all those "waves" travel around the body

and get together "somewhere" (the assembly point

for example), then the initial signal is

reconstructed. Now suppose you are in front of a

person with high discomfort for any reason, those emotions drain us because we emit tons of

energy when we have them. Now those emotions arrive to your body in different places, they

travel and get together in the assembly point. At the moment of getting together, you reconstruct

the wave and feel exactly or almost exactly what the emitter felt.

Now, "normal" people have high boundaries. They have natural shields created by their own

thoughts and emotions. So the external signals get "absorbed" and changed by the person's fields.

This way, the amplitude of the signal has to be very strong, or the environment needs to be setup

in a way to lower the boundaries (turn off the lights in the theatre and require silence for example)

to trigger empathy.

The Chakra Model El Collie was a very special lady who was

subject of a spontaneous Kundalini process

(more about this some place else). Let's just say

that someone who emerged to a Kundalini

state knows a bit more about all this stuff than

anyone else.

She says that Clairsentience (the sound name

for what empaths do) comes with the

awakening of the third chakra. Have a close

look at what she says, it might ring a bell:

"The awakened Chakras are more complex. An

awakened 3rd chakra produces clairsentience -- the ability to feel within oneself the physical and

emotional state of others. This is a "no-boundary" condition in which one becomes like a psychic

sponge, taking on every sensation and emotion in the vicinity. If the heart or upper Chakras are not

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also awakened, this can present great difficulties. Without awareness that these physical and

emotional feelings are not all our own, we can

become overwhelmed, confused and panicky.

An awakened 3rd chakra also makes one

extremely sensitive to any manipulative,

dishonest or malevolent intent from others. The

awakened individual will feel queasiness,

stomach pains, nausea or may even vomit in the

presence of such people. These stomach

disturbances -- which can include tightness or

pressure in the solar plexus region -- are an

instant barometer which allows the awakened

3rd chakra person to know when she is being

deceived or imposed upon.

Sometimes these 3rd chakra disturbances are a reaction to collective atmospheric energy rather

than to a specific individual. I have felt nausea and tension in my solar plexus during periods of

strong public controversy, i.e., the week preceding the California execution of Robert Anton Harris

and the weeks leading up to the U.S. presidential election. A person with an awakened 3rd chakra

simply cannot afford to tolerate abuses of power. The instant and often severe visceral reaction

mandates resolution of conflict. Likewise, when one's own 3rd chakra is fully open, ruthless

competition is no longer a viable avenue for establishing one's own uniqueness. It becomes too

painful to lie, cheat or dominate others. A person with an active 3rd chakra can be the worst kind

of power-monger, but a person with an awakened 3rd chakra is forced to learn to use his will only

in the healthiest and most life-affirming ways. (Failure to recognize this lesson brings much

suffering to the individual in terms of chronic, serious physical and emotional disturbance.) "

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The Huna Model

Hawaii is very well known by its paradisiacal beaches and waterfalls, the hula dance and the

coconut drinks. But Hawaii is also the home of an ancient culture with traces going further back

than the Egyptian era.

The Huna culture is not completely known, but works like the one performed by Max Freedom

Long provides light over it; thanks to his research and others we have access to this masterpiece of

practical spirituality and psychology.

How does this connect with the building of an empath?

The huna culture believes the soul is created of three parts: the high self (the drop of God in us),

the middle self (what we think as we), the low self (similar to the subconscious, takes care of

automatic behavior and holds memories and structures, in other models it is called the inner

child). It actually goes further and consider them different spirits, in the sense that they work as a

team but can be separated in special occasions.

The literal translation for the low self is "sticky". It is believed that it is made out of a substance

that can be imprinted in things. It is also believed to replicate all the organs and cells of the body

at an ethereal level. This spirit has also the ability of creating cords. Cords are created and reach

out connecting the person with his/her environment. This way information is retrieved and

replicated in the inner system.

Under this model, empaths have a very nosy low self that rambles around spreading cords and

getting feedback of the surrounding (I usually call it to let the antenna roam lose), and a mid self

developed enough to gain awareness of the meaning if the retrieved information.

This model actually explains in a very simple way all the clair abilities, which is more than modern

psychology has done so far.

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Empaths and shielding

Empaths and crowds

Lets think of a typical day at the mall. Some

people hurrying around, some just having a

good time, some bored employees, and some

worried business owners. Some guilty because

they bought something they can´t afford, some

upset because they want to buy something they

can´t afford. Some feeling really good about

themselves and their new acquisitions... some

anxious about what that special person will

think of the present.

And there goes Mary to do some shopping.

Mary is wise and kind, she has those deep eyes

that can read your soul; she has a bit of a

healing aura, it feels good to be around her; it is the kind of person total strangers share secrets

with, and kids and animals feel compelled to get close to her.

But Mary has a little problem, when she enters the mall, her heart pounds, her emotions swing

wildly, you could say she is having a panic attack. It doesn´t really make sense and she doesn´t

understand why, but big crowds are an issue for her.

Do you want to know what is going on? Mary is an empath, and she is not shielding. Shielding is a

process used to create a protective energetic skin in empaths and HSP. This allows them to move

normally in highly emotional places without feeling overwhelmed.

In this lens I´m going to explore some of the methods and shortcuts used to shield. This is

knowledge developed by the contribution of many members of the Empath Zone Community.

Here's my favorite link: Shielding talk at Empath Zone Community

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Why Empaths and HSP need to shield

Highly Sensitive People are highly sensitive for a reason

Of course none of this is set in stone, so take my words as what they are: an opinion. Or better

said, the result of a debate and cross of opinions of several people who not only want to cope with

the gifts but own them.

Before training, we can say that empathy works like a

passive sense- think hearing. You can´t avoid hearing

everything around you and loud noises can drive you

crazy. This is how empaths and HSP perceive the

emotional fields around them. And this explains Mary´s

panic attack in the mall, you can actually drive an

empath crazy by emotional overload.

After training, empathy can develop into a sense more

similar to sight. It is not completely passive, but active.

At this stage an empath can actually identify the source of the emotion, choose to put the antenna

inward and not be bothered (unless the emotions run too high), and do all kind of neat tricks.

You can say that by shielding you put a headset on to lower the noise, and by training you gain

control of the remote control to choose the radio station you want to hear.

How Empaths can shield

Most Shielding techniques include visualization

of some kind, some say visualization

is just training wheels, but it is a good starting

point. Other methods include external help,

like crystals and essential oils.

Bubbles and cloaks

The most broadly used shield is the bubble. You

picture a bubble surrounding you that repels

unwanted energies. This is easier to say than do, as to keep the image in the mind for long periods

of time is daunting. But, for short periods of time is pretty easy to do and efficient.

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Some go further and create a full featured cloak

under the bubble. Starting with a golden skin, then

adding different layers with the different colors of

the rainbow. This is a good shield for those

interested in leaving an impression in others.


Some crystals, like zirconite have a shielding effect.

It is not very strong, but it helps. A zirconite

pendant can be used as an extra layer of



The sense of smell can be a good shielding helper. Essential oils can be carried around in oil

pendants and smell every time we feel overwhelmed. Blends that contain minty elements will help

with dizziness, and blends with bergamot have an uplifting effect.

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Empaths and Flushing

Empaths and distress...

Picture this... it is 3 am and the phone rings. Paula

wakes up and sees who´s calling, the name in the phone

is Sharon; she answers.

Her best friend, Sharon, is having a very hard time with

her hubby, so she knows something happened. They

had a horrible fight and she asked him to leave, what he

did. Now, four hours later he didn´t come back yet and

she is very upset, anxious and worried about him.

Sharon dedicates the next hour and a half to tell her all

the issues with her hubby (again), plus her fears, reasons why he should not return, reasons why

he should be home by now, what she plans to do when he comes back, and what she is going to

do if he doesn´t.

The monologue ends as abruptly as it started when he actually gets home. -He is here, i have to

go, bye.

Paula looks at her clock, it is 4:30 am, and now she is feeling noxious. She did more than just lend a

ear, she absorbed a lot of the energy her friend was releasing and now all that distress is in her

system roaming around and making damage.

This can happen to anyone, but empaths seem to attract relationships where they are something

like walking emotional dumpsters and Paula is not exception.

The question is, what to do next? how can she release all that energy that is clogging her system?

The answer is flushing.

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Recovering the balance

What Paula needs to do now is to take that energy

out of her system fast. There are two words usually

used to do it: flushing and grounding. But grounding is

wrong from my perspective, so lets stick to flushing.

Flushing is to take energy out from the body and to

the material world, in particular you can send the

energy deep into the Earth. During the flushing

process you will need to replenish the energy you are

losing or be drained, for that you complete the circuit

bringing in white light energy from spirit.

After the flushing is done, we need to ground to recover the balance. They work as movement and

counter movement in yoga.

I can´t stress enough how important this is:

balance is not an accident, it is a conscious act.

An empath will never be at peace unless the

search of balance becomes a priority.

There are many methods to flush and ground,

some very simple, some more complex and some use helping elements like crystals or essences.

In this lens I´m going to give some of the techniques, you can read the general discussion in

the Empath Zone Community .

Simple Flushing Techniques

-Have a bath

-Put your wrists under water

-Walk barefoot

-Hug a tree

-Hold a salt lamp

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Light Meditation Flushing Techniques

The tree technique

Imagine you are a tree and from your feet

roots dive deep into the ground. Now picture

your energetic body (aura) with your third

eye (it doesn't matter if you don't really see a

thing because the fifth chakra is closed, just

picture it). Imagine or look for grey areas,

which represent the unwanted energy.

Now use intent to push that energy down

your body toward your feet. Keep pushing

through the roots until the energy gets lost

deep in the ground.

Now you can use the same exercise to

replenish yourself: dress yourself up with

strong branches full of leaves. Feel the sun

over the leaves and feel how that energy

flows through your body invigorating you.

Root chakra flushing

The root chakra is the first one, located in the base of the spine. It is the lowest one and it deals

with survival. It is usually assigned the colour red.

Chakras are vortexes of energy, so we can channel from them. One of the channelling techniques

is via cords. To use the root chakra to flush, create a cord from it and stick it in the ground, make it

go as deep as you can.

Then picture again the dirty energy as a grey cloud and use intent to push it down to the root

chakra and out of the body through the cord.

After you are done, release the cord.

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Salt Lamps and Flushing

Empaths feel other people emotions, because

the chemical processes induced by the actual

feeling take place. When exposed to negative

emotions, many of those processes induce the

liberation of free radicals. Free radicals are

positively charged ions that move around the

body combining with negatively charged ions and

stopping their natural functions.

When touching a salt crystal lamp, you feel how

the unwanted vibes seem to be flushed,

generating a sense of peace and wellbeing. From

the chemical standpoint, it is related with the

presence of negatively charged ions combining

with the free radicals and taking them out of our

electromagnetic system.

The ionization of the air also affects the incoming waves generating a soft shield, and the ions that

make it to the walls will take care of some of the stored emotions in them.

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Empaths and grounding

Empaths and expectations

Meet Peter and Paul, they are brothers and

they are both empaths. Paul is two years

older than Peter. Sons of an attorney and a

yoga teacher, they inherited the empathic

predisposition from their mother.

Paul was the first born, and their father

"claimed" him. He was going to follow his

footsteps. When Peter was born, they were

happy, but the father main expectations

were already on Paul so Peter took over the

responsibility to be the messy one, and

mama´s boy.

Their parents never actually talked with them about their expectations. But being both empaths,

and crystal children with the ability to condense reality, they actually grew to meet them.

Paul was straight A´s and Peter lived in detention. Paul hardly drank and Peter... well, his

weekends were blurry for a while...

Paul was all day reading, studying and getting informed; while Peter spent most of his days

outdoors playing with his dog, swimming in the lake or riding anything he could find.

When they finished high school Paul went right to collage, while Peter took a sabbatical year to

cross the country on his bike (and find out what he wanted to do with his life).

They met again after that year... Peter discovered his passions: he decided to become a ranger and

wild life photographer. While Paul discovered he was trapped in a life that was made out of left

over dreams.

What is the real difference between the two? Grounding.

Here's my favorite link: Grounding techniques´ conversation at Empath Zone

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The power of grounding

At first glance we can infer that the main reason

why Paul is so unhappy while Peter found his

true place is the difference in expectations. But

actually it is not. The expectations over Peter

could have led him to gang life, drugs or who

know what... what made Peter able to use the

expectations in his advantage while Paul fell

completely in the trap was Peter´s love for the

outdoors, and his dog (animal empath, maybe?).

To spend so much time outdoors gave Peter

regular time away from emotional contamination, natural grounding, while toning his body so he

could hold bigger amounts of energy.

That is what made the difference. If the boys had grown up in an apartment building, with no

green around, Peter might have ended up in very bad shape.

Grounding, flushing and Myths

Grounding and flushing use similar

techniques. The main difference between

them is the direction of the flow. This is

something that took me some time to figure

out, and actually had it all wrong for a long


Still you will find that most places hold that

mistake: they use flushing and grounding as

the same thing (that is to flush energy toward

the material world), while at the same time

you will find the term grounded related with

the process of being in contact with Earth as a

reservoir which implies flow in both


I wouldn´bother about the direction of the flow if it didn´t had very clear consequences. The act of

grounding bring in material frequencies into our systems, they are low vibrational frequencies and

work over the health of the lower two chakras. To dismiss the importance of the lower chakras´

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health and these frequencies is in the heart of lack of wealth, lack of physical health, poor

relationships and untidiness (whether this is to ourselves, our home or our planet).

Another common misconception is to make a connection between low frequencies and distressing

patterns. They are not, distress comes from the crash with disrupted wave packages (wave

packages contain a set of frequencies and their amplitudes, and they carry both energy and


Bottom line, we need a healthy amount of ground energies and to honor our physical side, as it is

the foundation where we raise toward more spiritual realms.

Grounding Techniques

Spend time in Nature This is the simpler and better of all techniques. Find a favorite spot where you can be in awe with

the beauty of nature. Preferable not of manmade nature mutilations… the more real the better.

Relax, clear your mind and let the feeling of "awe" guide you. That is the signal showing you the

energy is actually flowing and fulfilling its purpose.

Yoga greeting technique If you put intent into moving energy around and bringing grounding energy to your body, the yoga

greeting pose (the more basic of them all) will do the trick. I do change it a bit when grounding is

the intent and start it as low as I can (joint the tips of my fingers at belly button height), and the

palms are facing down when they finish the circuit in a round movement around the sizes.

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Walk barefoot In the grass or tile floor, just take the shoes off and feel the ground. If you walk barefoot, Zero law

of Thermodynamics will come to the rescue and you will be flushing and grounding naturally

depending on your body´s needs (almost without any active action from your part). Carpet or vinyl

will not be good in this case, and wood... well, it will do something, but not as much as tile or

grass. And it is better if it is in first floor than in a higher floor.

if you want to setup a scale of effectiveness from most to least:

grass (bare nature, dirt, the real thing) - tile - wood - carpet/vinyl

Grounding with Crystals

The base chakra is identified with the color red. And the second, with the color orange. To ground

these chakras to Earth think on red, brown and dark colors like black and grey. Most people I

talked with find the pure black stones too strong and distressing to be in contact with for long

periods of time.

Some Black and Gray Stones for Grounding Black obsidian - This stone increases awareness

of personal illusions, so we can push past those

illusions and be more grounded in reality.

Hematite - This stone is an iron ore that often

comes as a metallic gray but can also be black

and red. It acts over emotional grounding,

balancing opposing energies. It helps in

focusing the mind and bringing peace to deal

with emotional situations.

Onyx - Onyx provides strength in times of

turmoil. Use it to stand your ground when principles are being threatened.

Smoky quartz - This crystal aids in grounding without losing the ability to see past physical survival

issues to more spiritual concerns.

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Some Red Stones used for grounding Bloodstone - Also called heliotrope, bloodstone is a form of quartz that is dark green with red

flecks. It's used for purification of the self and surroundings.

Garnet - This stone ranges in color, but red is the most popular. It has a stabilizing effect by

breaking through chaotic thoughts, behavior and surroundings.

Red jasper - Besides being a good stone for protection, red jasper provides a sense of calm and

gentle grounding. It also helps in completion of projects.

Ruby - Ruby crystals are used to release blocked energy and clean clogged chakras and also for

protection against psychic attack.

How to Ground with Crystals Just have them around you, use them as jewelry, carry them on your pocket or apply them over

the skin when meditating. Be careful of keeping crystals around you while you are sleeping,

sometimes they have way too interesting effects.

Crystals are like a lil piece of Earth we can carry around, but being small in size they can get

contaminated without energies (or those surrounding us). Leave them under the full moon, wash

them or use the method you prefer to clean them up regularly.

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Joining an Empath Community

I know I´m an empath... now what?

The natural next step after finding out you are

an empath is to connect. Empaths are usually

lonely wolves, not exactly by choice, but to

avoid the emotional overload.

There are three communities dedicated to

empaths, that I know of. On this lens I´m going

to go over pros and contraries of the three.

Please note: I own one. I will try to be as fair as

possible under the circumstances nonetheless.

There are also other types of communities that

have sections or groups for empaths. I also

provide a list of them, but can´t go further as I

haven´t been around them yet.

The three main empath communities

Empath Zone Community It is the new kid on the block, but growing fast. The population is around 200 members. It gathers very spiritual people exploring empathy as a gift.

Elise Lebeau´s Community It is the biggest and the oldest Empath community. It´s population is over 4000 members right now and growing. It dedicates mainly to people very new to the gifts and coping.

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Empath Chat Community It is the smallest of the three and the second one created. The population is around 175 members. It gathers a good mix of personalities, interesting conversations and support.

When empaths gather... Goodies and problems you might find

The goodies

You are in a place where you are normal

for a change.

If interested in learning, the growing

process skyrockets.

Real communication.

Emotional support.

The problems

Risk of emotional overload.

Those places attract some parasites, psy-vamps and unbalanced people.

Communities´ personalities The three communities I mentioned have distinctive personalities and do their best to increase the gooddies and compensate the problems on their own particular way. They are also careful with monetization.

Empath Zone Community Personality It gathers people who walk the spiritual path, there are many developed empaths and light workers. The system is horizontal in the sense that there are no leaders, each person is assumed to have the potential to be the biggest authority in something, and the search of

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that uniqueness is encouraged. From the same perspective,philosophical, and religious plurality is accepted and respected (as long as they are under the light). Everyone add their own gifts to help others in their own development. Goodies They have starting documentation (Empath basics groups). There are different groups actively developed for self awareness (Empath games, Meditation room, etc) The community is very active from the growing encouragement perspective. Problem solving Encourage people to enter the site in the right mindset (library or garden) Discourage advertising Discourage activities leading to vertical systems (leader/follower type of relationships) Encourage respect for plurality in terms of ideas and beliefs They have a strong set of moderators You will get into Trouble if You whine or vent too much, not looking for a solution (just to release stress). You are an emotional parasite of any type. You are using the community as platform for a business (advertising, whether it is spelled out or hidden). And of course... if you spam, get into fights too often or show a disruptive behavior. Monetization First Store for Empaths

Elise Lebeau´s Community Personality The community has a maternal style. It targets mainly empaths who are new to the gifts (or its awareness) and still trying to cope with them. There are some developed empaths, and very talented people, but growing is not encouraged from the structure. Goodies They have starting documentation (Empath survival program) and EFT videos. They provide emotional support for people in distress. Problem solving They discourage religious/spiritual talk in the main forum. They prohibit mentions to parasites, psy-vamps, and attacks in the main forum. They encourage people with strong opinions to leave. You will get into Trouble if You have a strong presence. You talk too much about your personal beliefs.

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You mention you have been attacked in the forum. And of course... if you spam, get into fights too often or show a disruptive behavior. Monetization Paid courses Intuitive consultation Gift shop

Empath Chat I asked Tammie, Empath Chat owner, for help. These are her words Personality Bold for an empath community. We are not as fluffy as most empath sites. We take a very realistic view of empathy, for day to day issues, to survival type skills. The only rule on the site is that you have no right to tell another what faith or path they should walk. Because of this we have a lovely blend of people that respect each others views. Goodies Information on nonconventional empath skills. Most use the site as a step up site, we have very few newbies. We help each other learn and grow, sharing and trading what we have learned. There is an online store available to everyone. Problem solving Because of the free thinking on the site, problems are almost tackled till a solution is found. There is nothing over looked. There are brilliant folks that are very helpful. Trouble? : lol Its hard to get into trouble, all we ask is for honesty. Unkindness is dealt with on an individual basis. Monetization Community marketplace.

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Empath Resources

Squidoo Lenses about Empaths Empaths and shielding

Lets think of a typical day at the mall. Some peop more...

The Joys and Pitfalls of Being an Empath

Can you feel what others around you are feeling? A more...

What is an empath?

Picture this...Sally wakes up dizzy, her head is t more...

Joining an Empath Community

The natural next step after finding out you are an more...

How To Thrive As An Empath

An intuitive empath, is a special individual who h more...

The Empath Next Door

The popular book 'The Sociopath Next Door' paints more...

Empaths and grounding

Picture this... it is 3 am and the phone rings. Pa more...

Online Resources for Empaths and Intuitives

We all have empathic abilities, but some of us hav more...

Emotional empaths

Everyone (or almost everyone) has a certain degree more...

Empaths links Empath Zone - your empath friendly store

Empath Zone Store - Unique store for the empath ne more...

Empath Zone Community - A place where Empaths can be themselves :)

Join our Empath Community! Find a place of belongi more...

The complete empath toolkit

Ebook with 44 tricks to thrive as an empath.

Empathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elise Lebeau Empath Community

Join our supportive Empath community! Ask question more...

What is an Empath? Tools and Resources for Empaths | EliseLebeau.com

Discover basic survival tools to manage your Empat more...

Empath Chat - A place to be yourself

Empaths have varied gifts, and here is a place to more...

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empaths - About.com : Holistic Healing

Articles about empaths in About.

Hubs about empaths

Empaths in Hubpages: Collection of hubs about empa more...

Empath Group at Experience Project

"I am an empath" group in Experience Pro more...

The Book Of Storms | Empath 101

Rose Rosetree: Aura Reading, Empath Skills, Face Reading, Cut Cords of Attachment

A leader in the field of reading auras, Rose Roset more...

ADVICE COLUMNS: Psychic Advice by Psychic and Spiritual Healer

Some readings

Dancers Between Realms-Empath Energy, Beyond Empathy by Elisabeth Y.


The Empath. The word has found its way into our consciousness

accompanied by ideas of healing, sharing emotion and pain. Empaths are

sensitive, caring, responsive people who have at the core of their nature an

innate ability to receive energy, information and awareness from others

with a depth and intensity that is beyond our customary understanding of

empathy. Yet, this very receptivity and permeability brings its own

challenges. It is vital for empaths to recognize themselves as such and to

consciously explore, understand and address this energetic flow in their life.

The book explores in depth this receptivity, as well as tools, concepts and approaches to support

understanding and how to flourish with this heightened sensitivity. This book is a shared journey,

edited from years of workshops and sessions with Elisabeth Fitzhugh and the Orion group.

Becoming an Empath by Karla McLaren

Did you ever know that someone was upset, even when no one else seemed to notice? Or felt that a loved one far away was in trouble, only to learn that you were right? If so, teaches Karla McLaren, you have already demonstrated the gifts of an empath - a person who uses the skill of emotional intuition to understand and connect more deeply with others. On Becoming an Empath, Karla McLaren brings together her thirty years of work with emotional intuition to offer this practical course for discovering and using one's empathic abilities more effectively. In four guided training sessions, listeners will learn how to create healthy emotional boundaries, navigate their own emotions more skillfully, and

tune in to the feelings of those around them with unprecedented depth and clarity. "Empathic

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awareness," says McLaren, "is essential for psychotherapists, health care providers, teachers, and parents - or anyone else who must rely on this instinctual power of perception every day." With Becoming an Empath, listeners now have a way to master this vital inner skill.

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Hi, I´m Sandra. Maybe you know me and maybe not… but either way, it is schizophrenic to talk in third person about myself, so first person will have to do the trick.

I´m supposed to give you a reason to believe that I have some authority to write this ebook. Well, I will leave that to you. There are many things that got together to make it happen.

For starters, I was born an empath and to make it more fun, claircognicient. I am very lucky; being second generation, things were easier. I have no issues about the gifts or self esteem problems. For me any new ability that unfolds deserves some good Champaign and a toast!

Claircognicience is a weird gift, as you almost look normal, only that annoying. It is very annoying to be right most of the time when emotions get out of the way. And have the right answer without knowing where it came from, so you can´t backup the reasoning. And imagine do it when you are 5 years old and you interrupt a conversation of adults talking about things like personal relationships… :D

It does come handy though… school is really easy from the academic side. And university too… I had my Degree on Physics without buying one book (it was not that easy though). When I was finishing the PHD, my biological clock started ticking. I dreamt and had a talk with my baby to be; the good news: if I had a kid it would be her; the bad, I would have to through my life to the toilet to make it happen. There started a quest to find a man with the same face. It was not easy… had to cross half of the World to find him. There went my PHD… but the translation of my title to USA system gave Master Degree, which is where the MS comes from.

I lived 6 years the life of the typical empath married from second chakra… not good. Divorce, coming back home and that burning desire: to deliver my own life. One thing leads to another and I found out there was a name for what I was: it was to be an Empath.

And then things started to happen fast. I searched others to connect to ask for help when the spill in the gulf was too much for my gifts to manage (go figure, I was channeling energy over there and trying to solve it all by myself :D). Found others, also found certain basic issues: the main community for empaths puts the accent into trying to cope with the side effects of being an empath, and I am not good for coping.. I want to OWN it.

More things lead to other things and I ended up building a new community: Empath Zone. Focused in taking it to the next level. We work together to develop the gifts and walk the spiritual path. We help each other to be what we planned to be before jumping into this life.

And it is working, and it is happening.

I hope you liked the ebook, I tried to give the basics to deal with the main side effects from the awareness perspective. There is much more info in the forum though. This is only an introduction. If you have ideas, corrections, subjects you would like to see included, or would like to join us…jump in the community.
