Embedding Self-Regulation Instructional Support Dawn Young & Kathryn Ley.

Embedding Self-Regulation Instructional Support Dawn Young & Kathryn Ley

Transcript of Embedding Self-Regulation Instructional Support Dawn Young & Kathryn Ley.

Embedding Self-Regulation Instructional


Embedding Self-Regulation Instructional


Dawn Young & Kathryn Ley

So why care if poorly self-regulating

students are enrolled?

So why care if poorly self-regulating

students are enrolled?

They take instructor time!!

Poorly self-regulating students often take a

disproportional amount of instructor time on the

learning environment infrastructure and learning.

So why support self-regulation?So why support self-regulation?

Poorly self-regulating students should be able

to learn with less frustration and without asking

as many questions if SR support is embedded

in the course.

So why supportSo why support

Students who self-regulate should take less

instructor time with questions about course

logistics and have more time for content


So why support learning environment self-


So why support learning environment self-


Students should spend less effort on SR if SR

support is provided rather than self-generated;

the time saved is a special benefit to adult

learners who may be part-time students.

Why embed SR instead of teach SR? Why embed SR instead of teach SR?

For the students - Course may have only a few poorly self-regulating students and teaching SR cannot be justified for a few.

Instructor may not be able or prepared to teach SR skills.

No time to teach SR in addition to course content; embedding takes no additional time once developed and may save student time.

Can SR be embedded with teaching SR? Can SR be embedded with teaching SR?

Of course, if faculty have time to teach SR then

there are several proven individualized models in

which faculty-work with individual students.

Embedded SR - AdvantagesEmbedded SR - Advantages

May benefit all learners not just less self-

regulated learner.

Decrease instructor time spent responding to the

poorly self-regulating students.

Requires minimal adaptation and preparation


Enables instructor-course to model SR.

Embedding SREmbedding SR

POME model of self-regulation instructional

support identifies four broad data-based, self-

regulation activity categories for embedding SR

in a learning environment. (Ley & Young, 2001) .

Strategic Self Regulation Skills: POMEStrategic Self Regulation Skills: POME

P repare

O rganize

M onitor

E valuate

environmental structuring

organizing & transforming

keeping records, monitoring; reviewing tests

self evaluation

Self Efficacy Essential for Self-RegulationSelf Efficacy Essential for Self-Regulation

SR activities should promote self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy has two self-regulation dimensions:

• self-efficacy for SR and

• self-efficacy for learning the content.

Embedded SR Support PrinciplesEmbedded SR Support Principles

Learner self-regulation support should

Address multiple strategic SR activities associated

with higher learning outcomes for your target group,

e.g., POME.

Prepare learning environment conditions and

resources to induce learners to engage in the SR-

supported activities.

Embedded SR Support PrinciplesEmbedded SR Support Principles

Learner self-regulation support should

Be intuitive for the target learners given their

technological resources and sophistication thereby

supporting self-efficacy for self-regulation.

Be useable by instructor and students immediately

with few if any instructions.

Embedded SR Support PrinciplesEmbedded SR Support Principles

Learner self- regulation support outcomes:

Increase student learning outcomes.

Require minimum instructor or designer adaptation,

preparation, and maintenance time.

Increase instructor time for cognitive feedback by reducing

time responding to poorly self-regulated students.

Strategic SR Activity Categories Strategic SR Activity Categories

Prepare Preparing learning environment to concentrate and attend the learning process.

Organize Organizing material for studying or as part of the learning process.

Monitor Monitoring learning progress.

Evaluate Evaluate learning outcomes and the effectiveness.

Regulating Activity Definition Instructional Support example

Preparing and structuring learning environment

Select or arrange the physical setting to make learning easier

Provide checklist of study environments and strategies to cope with distractions

Organizing and transforming instructional materials

Overt or covert rearrangement of instructional materials to improve learning

Give partial content outline for students complete Advise students how to arrange or use online materials

Keeping records & monitoring progress

Record events or results Give students approximate time required for activities and courses Provide assignment table with due date, title, readings, and submission requirements

Evaluating performance against a standard

Evaluate completed work quality; reread tests to prepare for class or further testing

Provide collective feedback that compares assignments did/did not meet which criteria or not and why

POME, SR Activities, & DesignPOME, SR Activities, & Design

The POME SR activities strategically support SR associated with achievement, thus encouraging SR activities similar to those used by higher achieving students.

Therefore, the POME principles support the fundamental goal of instructional design, to “insure that no one is educationally disadvantaged” (Gagne, Briggs & Wager, 1988) .

Implications for InstructionImplications for Instruction

If the learner is not self regulating then the

instruction should provide compensatory regulation.

Preparing Support: Example Preparing Support: Example

Provide study environment checklist.

List common distractions with advise for eliminating.

Suggest appropriate study conditions.

Include a print guide to structuring environment.

Organizing Support: Example Organizing Support: Example

Distribute outline of reading materials

Identify key points

List order for studying

Provide schedule

Distribute notes

Monitoring Support: Example Monitoring Support: Example

Collect goal/study time monitoring forms

Give self-test questions for reading

Provide grades online and announce when grades have

been posted.

Provide assignment calendar with details.

Identify scores required to make a grade

Suggest where and what activities class should be

completing to complete graded assignments.

Evaluation Support: Example Evaluation Support: Example

Give frequent quizzes (ungraded)

Analyze feedback from tests, assignments

Compare effort to learning

Identify effective/ineffective learning
