Email How-to: Welcome Your New Subscribers

Don't forget to welcome new community members! One of my favorite morning reads is 300 Words a Day by Jon Swanson. Outside of simply being a good way to start the day, I like his simple and human approach. It grounds me and reminds me (as a digital marketer) how to have real conversations, with real people, even though we’re doing it online. The other day was one of those valuable moments. I want to share a powerful lesson Jon illustrated in his How to help me write better post. He realized that he wasn’t properly welcoming people when they subscribed to his email list. Now, I’m from the South so I know the importance of being hospitable and welcoming folks is a big part of it. But, somehow many of us in the digital marketing world turn people into tally marks and forget to be being hospitable. Believe me our customers quietly punish us for this sin of omission. Welcome New Community Members Welcoming your new community members should now be a no brainer; especially since I just reminded you that they’re people. So, put this on your TODO list. If you have an email list, write a personal welcome message If you’re active on Twitter, personally (not auto-DM) say, Hi! If you’re active on Facebook, greet and highlight new Likes For most of us that’s only a few how-do-you-does a day. Yet, the engagement with your community and the effectiveness of your outcomes will dramatically benefit. Kaleidico | Detroit Digital Marketing | 866-667-5253
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Are you welcoming your new email subscribers? Do a good welcome email can up your responsiveness, engagement, and future revenue potential.

Transcript of Email How-to: Welcome Your New Subscribers

Page 1: Email How-to: Welcome Your New Subscribers

Don't forget to welcome new community members! One of my favorite morning reads is 300 Words a Day by Jon Swanson. Outside of simply being a good way to start the day, I like his simple and human approach. It grounds me and reminds me (as a digital marketer) how to have real conversations, with real people, even though we’re doing it online. The other day was one of those valuable moments. I want to share a powerful lesson Jon illustrated in his How to help me write better post. He realized that he wasn’t properly welcoming people when they subscribed to his email list. Now, I’m from the South so I know the importance of being hospitable and welcoming folks is a big part of it. But, somehow many of us in the digital marketing world turn people into tally marks and forget to be being hospitable. Believe me our customers quietly punish us for this sin of omission.

Welcome New Community MembersWelcoming your new community members should now be a no brainer; especially since I just reminded you that they’re people. So, put this on your TODO list.

● If you have an email list, write a personal welcome message● If you’re active on Twitter, personally (not auto-DM) say, Hi!● If you’re active on Facebook, greet and highlight new Likes

For most of us that’s only a few how-do-you-does a day. Yet, the engagement with your community and the effectiveness of your outcomes will dramatically benefit.

Kaleidico | Detroit Digital Marketing | 866-667-5253

Page 2: Email How-to: Welcome Your New Subscribers

How Do You Welcome New Community MembersCommitting to doing a better job of welcoming new community members leads to the obvious next question: “What do I say?” Herein lies is the magical secret that Jon captured in his welcome and struck me when I read his post. Ask them to do something! Nothing kicks off community engagement better than getting new community members comfortable with participating. Here is what Jon does:

Right now, I would love for you to do two things. Thing #1: Reply to this email and tell me what you’re wondering about God right now. Even if it’s something really small or you think it’s odd, just hit reply and let me know. While I can’t reply to everyone, I read every single one of these emails. Thing #2: Pray for me. Really. Because I want to be as clear and helpful and practical as I can. And sometimes, about 11:00 pm when I’m trying to write, I’m not too clear. So you can help all of us by asking God to help me. I look forward to hearing from you.

If you sign up for the Kaleidico digital marketing newsletter, here is what I will ask you to do:

Chances are you signed up with a question or goal already weighing on your mind. Hit the reply button and tell us what it is.

This really is the easiest way to make a welcome personal. Invariably people come to your website because they are looking for something. If they take an action, like signing up for your email newsletter, they are definitely looking for answers. Simply ask them the question.

Kaleidico | Detroit Digital Marketing | 866-667-5253

Page 3: Email How-to: Welcome Your New Subscribers

Talk to Your Community in a Personal WayCareful! If you use this strategy you need to be committed to the follow-through. If someone asks you a question or begins dialoguing with you--be responsive and helpful. You don’t need to get bogged down in free consulting, but give them guidance. Refer your community members to references, resources, and yes even products that might help them. What do you think? Will this work with your community? How do you jumpstart engagement in your online community development?

Kaleidico | Detroit Digital Marketing | 866-667-5253