ELISA DOUWRY by Merie Grace n Rante

The Painting By: Merie Grace N. Rante It was a freezing lonely night the moon where so vivid that feels as if it was looking at sight. Trembled as it breezes that touches the skin seeing an empty street with a bust of rusty rat running and crushing the cesspit deep. A Whore standing the street luring a man who intended to enjoy a lonely night that calls for the roar of the dawn. A clamor can be heard from a near saloon. It came out a women in a street where unknown to man walking so intensely, running, outcry and screaming for help suddenly a scream were devour and the solitude of silence was all around. Elisa feels so uptight that day. It is the first time that she has to report for work. Yesterday, she was interviewed and accepted as an exclusive painter for a man name Gosto. Gosto is a billionaire who has a pleasure of indulging his self collecting painting, that is so exotic and also he always travel the world. At that time, Gosto wanted her to paint a nude woman with a seven tails, with wings as pure as black and a man kneeling like as if the man were aching for the woman’s love. It is a painting that will trench time with a set of implication and quarrel between the man and woman. There in the background of the painting found a cherubs singing like there’s no tomorrow but had a face like they were lonely and abandoned. This gives Elisa an urge a tickling sensation, making her yearn as if it gives her a sense of electrifying lust. The ambulance passes by at the Belmont Street; people were so busy doing their chores. Elisa was walking within the area she hears from a man in store where she bought a bread for breakfast said that someone died horrendously. She was killed as if the killer were having a good time in killing the woman. The lips were tangled with wire, eyes lids stitched and the body arm crunching in the focal point of the legs of the 1


a short story

Transcript of ELISA DOUWRY by Merie Grace n Rante

The PaintingBy: Merie Grace N. Rante

It was a freezing lonely night the moon where so vivid that feels as if it was looking at sight. Trembled as it breezes that touches the skin seeing an empty street with a bust of rusty rat running and crushing the cesspit deep. A Whore standing the street luring a man who intended to enjoy a lonely night that calls for the roar of the dawn. A clamor can be heard from a near saloon. It came out a women in a street where unknown to man walking so intensely, running, outcry and screaming for help suddenly a scream were devour and the solitude of silence was all around.

Elisa feels so uptight that day. It is the first time that she has to report for work. Yesterday, she was interviewed and accepted as an exclusive painter for a man name Gosto. Gosto is a billionaire who has a pleasure of indulging his self collecting painting, that is so exotic and also he always travel the world. At that time, Gosto wanted her to paint a nude woman with a seven tails, with wings as pure as black and a man kneeling like as if the man were aching for the womans love. It is a painting that will trench time with a set of implication and quarrel between the man and woman. There in the background of the painting found a cherubs singing like theres no tomorrow but had a face like they were lonely and abandoned. This gives Elisa an urge a tickling sensation, making her yearn as if it gives her a sense of electrifying lust.

The ambulance passes by at the Belmont Street; people were so busy doing their chores. Elisa was walking within the area she hears from a man in store where she bought a bread for breakfast said that someone died horrendously. She was killed as if the killer were having a good time in killing the woman. The lips were tangled with wire, eyes lids stitched and the body arm crunching in the focal point of the legs of the women. In a split of second Elisas eyes turn grey without knowing it. Bounded with fear looking the womans body, seeing something so horrifying, Elisas heart beats fast feeling crazy to take control of it. The medics took the body. As she was looking around it caught her attention a man supervising the crime. He was looking so rugged, wearing a leather jacket under it with black shirt and a sexy jean that tighten through his legs. He was so intimidating to look at He was bossing around and was called Inspector Bo by a man who is beside him. As he was talking to the man their eyes met and Elisas body trembled. It is as if she was mesmerized, fire heated up burning were felt by her. Confused she wanted to get out of there, which crashed her whole being.

Inspector Bo was devastated of what he was seeing; this is not the first time that a special case came in hand; a woman was killed without any traces of evidences. It was vague and indistinct. It happened sometime now that a lady was also killed. It was a different style of killing any way; sucking the blood out of the body; the red hair was pulled out of her scalp. And then her it comes again another woman was killed. It doesnt make any sense, who is killing these poor women! He was discussing these to Inspector Harison, they were partner for some time now they were following and extra ordinary case like this for 2 years already and as always no killer were found. Now again, like a dj vu a phenomenon of having a strong sensation that have been seen. Inspector Bo grinded his teeth, Ris I want to have a full responsibility with this case I will give all my attention in searching that killer roaming around our city, this is getting to far!, Bo said.It is also getting through my nerves Bo but lets take it easy, look at this I found this in the stomach of the body. Ris said. Its a cross stick inside her navel.

While Inspector Bo and Harison were talking; Bo felt that someone was staring at him he feels different like he was burning inside. He looks up then he saw a woman, the womans eyes turns gray in a split of second she seems also in distress then turn her back of him and run away. Bo did not mind the feeling maybe it is because of the ambiance of the place thats why he is feeling and seeing differently. He then again returns to his work, the case, the murder he reminded his self and forgets of what he saw.

Elisa returns home with tension she felt a while ago; that was the first time that seeing someone can have a deep impact at her. That was new she said thinking again the looks of the inspector she felt a chill, funny though feeling awkward thinking about it.

Im home. Elisa shouted referring to her cuddly furry cat and throws her body to the sofa and falls asleep.

In the morning Elisa went to the house of Gosto. She intended to finish half of the painting, while walking she spotted a man begging for money kneeling in the street an idea came up to her mind of what she had to do in the painting.

As she touches the brush Elisas eyes turns grayish red, stroking again and again without any hesitation, the world seems all in her hand, the strong stroke touches the palette a figure were forming slowly, then she stop awkwardly, breathing so heavily, drops of sweat on the ground, Elisas eyes returns to blue again a normal color of her eyes; it is as if nothing happen. Then she looks at the painting drop the brush feeling satisfied. As always Elisas stop her work at exactly 12 midnight without knowing it. Suddenly she turns up her head looking at the ceiling eyes were grayish blood, with a fierce red hair She move leisurely a glance of her eyes seems exhilarating and then..She goes out of the room walking fast but not so hurriedly but with glaze. She knows where to go: From a far! a foot step were heard so intensely its was like walking and running, breathing so heavily, two shadow were gasping the other shadow as if holding one another; then silence devour the dark alley

It was November 8, Elisas sister came to her house to celebrate Elisas birthday, their parents died long ago with a car accident Elisa at that time was 12 years old and her sister was 5 years old. They were put to an orphanage. Elisa was so timid at that time she always put herself in a place where no one would find her. She has few friends and sometimes she works alone especially when she has something to sketch on. Elisa have one and only friend name Jarred. Jarred was so skinny, dark hair always worn big shirt and pants, wearing a nerdy glasses and when he smile you can see the up and down braces clinging to his teeth. He keeps on following Elisa because he found her amusing. At first, Elisa dont want him following her but when the time goes by as Jarred always make Elisa laugh or do naughty thing to make her smile. She fell for it and they became best friend. Where ever you see Elisa you will find Jarred too. And when its her birthday Jarred will make her fell to the ground laughing they dont have money to buy things or a gift so Jarred just do crazy thing that they both enjoy... Her sister was adopted by a rich family and on the next year she was raise in foster home Jarred was left in the orphanage. She heard that Jarred was also adopted by a judge and his wife that cant bear a child. She misses him so bad, she miss all the fun and crazy things they do when they were young. 13 years have passed and now she lives alone in an apartment in a small town called San Isidro Valley. Her sister Clarrisa visits her when there is an occasions like her birthday and also when her sister is hurt broken. Last night, she got home so late again there is a red stain in her pants but she just think its just a red paint that she uses in her painting. She undresses herself and went to bed with a satisfying outcome knowing that half of the paintings were almost done. She saw again the inspector when he was walking home he seems different this time. His face was angry and shattered but he still looks ruggedly handsome in his black leather jacket and black skinny jeans. People were so cautious talking about the dead body found in an alley; skin was detached and almost all of her blood was suck from her body. It was found by a beggar who sleeps in the area. She heard it from a two teenager who came from a bar near the block. She cannot help herself and just stood there a bit and went home. When she wakes up that morning her sister was already in the kitchen preparing food for breakfast. Happy Birthday Lis. Her sister said. Did you meet a man last night thats why you came home late?" Elisa did not answer she just walk through to the refrigerator and drink milk directly from the bottle. Her sister looks at her waiting for her answer. Yeah! Ive seen it last night when I was passing by the place. And I see the inspector was angry too. Elisa said.

Oh! Of all the people there! You only notice the inspector Clarrisa giggled. Elisa gently slaps her sisters shoulder and they both laugh. Elisa doesnt have time to look for a man she barely went out to a bar to mingle. She never dates any one thats why her sister always pursues her to find a man. Still, she hasnt think about it. She was gone now they spent the whole day talking about the inspector. She asks herself why would all the man she meets this is the only man she seems uncomfortable but feels to have a deep excitement and intense feeling especially the eyes. It feels like when their eyes meet they were move close together. Inspector Bo saw again the women, he see her standing without a glance of pity she seems at ease and relax as if nothing happens. She looks so familiar Bo said to Harison. Just to be sure he scan again all the last 2 years picture with all the unusual cases that they have He grind his teeth, she was in the picture in a crowd looking at the body same expression when she saw her. At this point inspector Bo and Harison think maybe the woman know something. They started following her where ever she goes. They found out that she was working to a man name Gosto. She paints every twice a month in the museum of Mr. Gosto house same day of the murder of a woman in the alley not too far from the mansion. They have came up to their investigation that also the last time she went to the mansion another woman died and thats the first time he saw her in the crowd. For one month they have followed her they have found out that her name was Elisa Douwry he was shocked excited because he know her. She was his best friend he never thought that he will find her in this situation. He really like Elisa at that time because she was so mysterious seems that she is hiding something and so he always followed her around but he fell for her. Every time she smile and laugh it melts his heart. That why when Elisa has been move to a foster house he felt so sad. But that was then, now they were following her with a case seems Elisa is involve. They have so many assumptions about her maybe it was just a coincidence with regards to the day of the murder. But when they were investigating they have seen the unfinished painting of Elisa they found out that she uses blood. It is the time again to go to the mansion. Elisa has to finish the half of the painting the man kneeling to the woman begging to love her. She was preparing to go when suddenly notice a car near her apartment. At first she did not bother who own the car but it was always there in front of her apartment and every time she went to the mansion there it is again the same old car. Still it does bother her knowing someone is following her maybe she think so. She feels the uncomfortable with the thought that someone is stalking her. But she notices that the one that was stalking her was the inspector she saw in every murder that happens in their town. It was Inspector Bo and Inspector Harrison. She trembled. Bo felt that Elisa trembled when it looks at the car were He and Harrison is. She seems in distressed but it changes; her face turn fierce and has it strong expression that if you want to look at it you will melt. She walks through the door of the mansion. Bo also went inside the mansion following Elisa. He saw Elisa stroking her brush she was so engrossed while it touches the palette Elisas appear to have changed it was not Elisa at all. Especially her eye it was grayish red, her hair was fierce red. Bo was stunt looking at a different person. He slowly moved to touch Elisa shoulder. She was not even aware Bo is in her back and touched here.Elisa felt a hand in her shoulder and when she did the reflex of her heart kick of the person. Bo was thrown by one hand when he landed he felt his head were so heavy and he fell down. Elisa continues on stroking intensely every touch, every whip of her hand arouses the emotion that can be seen in the painting. The painting was complete Elisa look at the painting and stopshe sees blood all over the painting it was flowing like a stream. She stood there a minute she was fully transformed Everything in her was different. Dark feathery wings came out of her backs; full black dress gives a delusional and a long shiny hair that follows the movement of the wind as it breezes and grayish red eyes that will devour every man who will set an eye on it.

The clock starts ticking 12 midnight. The wind breezes, the night bored with silence as the moon squeezing its light inside the dark museum of Mr. Gostos mansion. Footsteps were coming slowly and reluctant it was Inspector Harison he silently open the door and when he opens it widely; in front of him was Elisa, demonically smiling at him Harrison was surprised but Elisa was fast and grabs Harison. She was hugging him so tight to the point the he cannot even breathe but he seems distracted with the beauty that was clinging on to him. He was mesmerize his mind was out of control. He felt a tickling sensation never knowing that Elisa was draining his energy, his source of life. They slowly go up while she was sucking the mans life. Bo was exhausted and felt his head was so heavy he remembered that he was thrown and hit his head. When he was thinking of what happened his eyes were looking around hoping to find someone but with his surprised Elisa up in the air holding his partner Harison sucking a white light from his mouth as if they were kissing.

Bo Shouted Elisa Stop but seems like she did not hear him ELISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOO But Elisa did not mind the man who is shouting her name She dropped the man and satisfyingly smiles at the man who called her.

Bo vastly went to his partner who was lying gasping for life. Elisa what happen to you? Dont you remember me? Its me Jarred your best friend in the orphanage? Bo said.

Elisa is not here anymore and then she laugh demonically looking at Bo.

Seems like yesterday Jarred! I still remember you! those eyes, those watery eyes that you have. She talks fervently. But Im different now, this is who Im now, I indulge myself to satisfy my needs of hunger just to give life to all my paintings. And she laughs demonically Harshly she attacks Bo grab him wanting to suck his energy of life. But Bo lands a fist on her face she was thrown but seems like she doesnt mind the pain. She stands and walks towards Bo avidly and lingers her hand to the face of Bo caressing it.

When we were young you told me that you will love me forever and you said that you will never hurt me. You are not the Elisa that I love! and push Elisa away. You murdered so many people to satisfy your lust of blood. You are lustily killing those poor women! Bo chuckled with anger seeing Elisa again his love for her came back and he want to help Elisa. Those time that shes her in the crown when he was investigating a murder it got her attention a women that gives a focal sensation just looking at her eyes. Elisa smile horrendously and look through the eyes of Jarred! Bo suddenly realized that something was moving it was the painting. There are people faces coming out of it begging for help. Its a soul of those people whom Elisa killed; it was their blood and soul she was using. But for all the things that happened; he still truly love Elisa.

How can I help her? How?!! Bos mind was shouting of frustration. The woman that he loves was a posses by a demon who crave for blood and soul and she was feeding her thinking that it help her complete an Obra Maestra He grab Elisa holding her so tight Elisa was wanted to escaped the wiggling wrestled Jarred they she fly while Jarred was still holding her as they fly high above the ceiling the light of the sunrise that slips through the ceiling touches the skin of Elisa and it hurt her; she was in pain she falls back to the ground along with Jarred who still holds Elisa tighly hugging her with everlasting love. Bo was doing it because he dont know what to do he just want to put her in his arms letting Elisa know that the love that was lost long time ago was found. He will give his life just for her. Elisa falls back to the floor of the museum she was in agony and woe her skin slowly flaking to her body she was pulverized. Bo also falls down from a height he dropped to a broken chair the woods hit through his heart.

The noise of the patrol car and ambulance siren wakes up smiles at sun. Police cordon the area and the medics take out the body of Harison, people were moving toward the mansion gossiping.

Mr. Gosto got a call that an incident happen in his home he cut off his trip and went home. Everything was clean when he came back to his mansion the area were the incident happen was cordon by the police looking at the open door of the museum it caught his eyes the painting that was hanging in the center of the room a women standing looking so regent, wearing a full black dress it is as if it was flowing and a hand caressing the mans face feeling so loved that is kneeling and glancing towards the woman it seems to be so real and moving. As the door slowly closes The End11