ELEN468 Lecture 101 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV.

ELEN468 Lecture 10 1 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV

Transcript of ELEN468 Lecture 101 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV.

Page 1: ELEN468 Lecture 101 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV.

ELEN468 Lecture 10 1

ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design

Lecture 10Behavioral Descriptions IV

Page 2: ELEN468 Lecture 101 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV.

ELEN468 Lecture 10 2

Finite State Machines

Next state and output

Combinational logic

Next state and output

Combinational logic




input output

Next state

Combinational logic

Next state

Combinational logic




Combinational logic


Combinational logic



Mealy Machine

Moore Machine

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 3

Explicit Finite State Machines 1

module FSM_style1 ( … );

input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state;wire [size-1:0] next_state; // different from textbook

// which is wrong

assign outputs = …; // function of state and inputsassign next_state = …; // function of state and inputs

always @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else state <= next_state;


module FSM_style1 ( … );

input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state;wire [size-1:0] next_state; // different from textbook

// which is wrong

assign outputs = …; // function of state and inputsassign next_state = …; // function of state and inputs

always @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else state <= next_state;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 4

Explicit Finite State Machines 2

module FSM_style2 ( … );input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state, next_state;

assign outputs = …; // function of state and inputs

always @ ( state or inputs ) begin

// decode for next_state with case or if statement end

always @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else state <= next_state;


module FSM_style2 ( … );input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state, next_state;

assign outputs = …; // function of state and inputs

always @ ( state or inputs ) begin

// decode for next_state with case or if statement end

always @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else state <= next_state;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 5

Explicit Finite State Machines 3

module FSM_style3 ( … );input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state, next_state;

always @ ( state or inputs ) begin

// decode for next_state with case or if statement endalways @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else begin

state <= next_state;outputs <= some_value ( inputs, next_state );

end endmodule

module FSM_style3 ( … );input …;output …;parameter size = …;reg [size-1:0] state, next_state;

always @ ( state or inputs ) begin

// decode for next_state with case or if statement endalways @ ( negedge reset or posedge clk ) if ( reset == 1`b0 ) state = start_state; else begin

state <= next_state;outputs <= some_value ( inputs, next_state );

end endmodule

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 6

Summary of Explicit FSM

States are defined explicitlyFSM_style1 Minimum behavioral description

FSM_style2 Use behavioral to define next state,

easier to use

FSM_style3 Output synchronized with clock

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 7

FSM Example: Speed Machine

speedaccelerator brake



low stopped


a: accelerator

b: brake

a = 1, b = 0

b = 1b = 1

b =


b = 1

a =


b =


a = 1, b = 0

a = 1, b = 0

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 8

Verilog Code for Speed Machine

// Explicit FSM style module speed_machine ( clock,

accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed;reg [1:0] state, next_state;

parameter stopped = 2`b00;parameter s_slow = 2`b01;parameter s_medium = 2`b10;parameter s_high = 2`b11;

assign speed = state;

always @ ( posedge clock ) state <= next_state;

// Explicit FSM style module speed_machine ( clock,

accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed;reg [1:0] state, next_state;

parameter stopped = 2`b00;parameter s_slow = 2`b01;parameter s_medium = 2`b10;parameter s_high = 2`b11;

assign speed = state;

always @ ( posedge clock ) state <= next_state;

always @ ( state or accelerator or brake ) if ( brake == 1`b1 ) case ( state )stopped: next_state <= stopped;s_low: next_state <= stopped;s_medium: next_state <= s_low;s_high: next_state <= s_medium;default: next_state <= stopped; endcase else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 ) case ( state )stopped: next_state <= s_low;s_low: next_state <= s_medium;s_medium: next_state <= s_high;s_high: next_state <= s_high;default: next_state <= stopped; endcase else next_state <= state;


always @ ( state or accelerator or brake ) if ( brake == 1`b1 ) case ( state )stopped: next_state <= stopped;s_low: next_state <= stopped;s_medium: next_state <= s_low;s_high: next_state <= s_medium;default: next_state <= stopped; endcase else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 ) case ( state )stopped: next_state <= s_low;s_low: next_state <= s_medium;s_medium: next_state <= s_high;s_high: next_state <= s_high;default: next_state <= stopped; endcase else next_state <= state;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 9

Implicit Finite State Machine

module speed_machine2 ( clock, accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed; reg [1:0] speed;

`define stopped 2`b00 `define low 2`b01 `define medium 2`b10 `define high 2`b11

module speed_machine2 ( clock, accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed; reg [1:0] speed;

`define stopped 2`b00 `define low 2`b01 `define medium 2`b10 `define high 2`b11

always @ ( posedge clock ) if ( brake == 1`b1 ) case ( speed )

`stopped: speed <= `stopped;`low: speed <= `stopped;`medium: speed <= `low;`high: speed <= `medium;default: speed <= `stopped;

endcase else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 ) case ( speed )

`stopped: speed <= `low;`low: speed <= `medium;`medium: speed <= `high;`high: speed <= `high;default: speed <= `stopped;


always @ ( posedge clock ) if ( brake == 1`b1 ) case ( speed )

`stopped: speed <= `stopped;`low: speed <= `stopped;`medium: speed <= `low;`high: speed <= `medium;default: speed <= `stopped;

endcase else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 ) case ( speed )

`stopped: speed <= `low;`low: speed <= `medium;`medium: speed <= `high;`high: speed <= `high;default: speed <= `stopped;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 10

Another Implicit FSM Example

module speed_machine3 ( clock, accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed; reg [1:0] speed;

`define stopped 2`b00 `define low 2`b01 `define medium 2`b10 `define high 2`b11

module speed_machine3 ( clock, accelerator, brake, speed );

input clock, accelerator, brake; output [1:0] speed; reg [1:0] speed;

`define stopped 2`b00 `define low 2`b01 `define medium 2`b10 `define high 2`b11

always @ ( posedge clock ) case ( speed ) `stopped: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `stopped; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `low; `low: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `stopped; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `medium; `medium: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `low; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `high; `high: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `medium; default: speed <= `stopped;endcase


always @ ( posedge clock ) case ( speed ) `stopped: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `stopped; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `low; `low: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `stopped; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `medium; `medium: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `low; else if ( accelerator == 1`b1 )

speed <= `high; `high: if ( brake == 1`b1 )

speed <= `medium; default: speed <= `stopped;endcase


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 11


Server Client





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ELEN468 Lecture 10 12

Algorithm State Machine (ASM) Chart

s_idle / SR = 0

s_wait / SR = 1

s_serve / SR = 1

c_client / CR = 1

c_done / CR = 0

c_wait / CR = 1

c_idle / CR = 0



SR0 0



1 1





s_done / SR = 0






Page 13: ELEN468 Lecture 101 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 10 Behavioral Descriptions IV.

ELEN468 Lecture 10 13

Verilog Code for Handshaking

module server ( d_out, s_ready, c_ready );

output [3:0] d_out; output s_ready; input c_ready; reg s_ready; reg [3:0] d_out; task pause; reg [3:0] delay; begin delay = $random;

if ( delay == 0 ) delay = 1; #delay; end

endtask always forever begin s_ready = 0; pause; s_ready = 1;

wait ( c_ready ) pause; d_out = $random; pause; s_ready = 0; wait ( !c_ready ) pause; end


module server ( d_out, s_ready, c_ready );

output [3:0] d_out; output s_ready; input c_ready; reg s_ready; reg [3:0] d_out; task pause; reg [3:0] delay; begin delay = $random;

if ( delay == 0 ) delay = 1; #delay; end

endtask always forever begin s_ready = 0; pause; s_ready = 1;

wait ( c_ready ) pause; d_out = $random; pause; s_ready = 0; wait ( !c_ready ) pause; end


module client ( d_in, s_ready, c_ready ); input [3:0] d_in; input s_ready; output c_ready; reg c_ready; reg [3:0] data_reg; task pause; reg [3:0] delay; begin delay = $random;

if ( delay == 0 ) delay = 1; #delay; end

endtask always begin

c_ready = 0; pause; c_ready = 1; forever begin wait ( s_ready ) pause; data_reg = d_in; pause; c_ready = 0; wait ( !s_ready ) pause; c_ready = 1; end


module client ( d_in, s_ready, c_ready ); input [3:0] d_in; input s_ready; output c_ready; reg c_ready; reg [3:0] data_reg; task pause; reg [3:0] delay; begin delay = $random;

if ( delay == 0 ) delay = 1; #delay; end

endtask always begin

c_ready = 0; pause; c_ready = 1; forever begin wait ( s_ready ) pause; data_reg = d_in; pause; c_ready = 0; wait ( !s_ready ) pause; c_ready = 1; end


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 14

Polling Circuit




Server Polling circuit





service request

service code

Highest priority

Each client cannot be served for 2 consecutive cycles

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 15

State Transition Graph for Polling Circuit






















1-- 000

Service code

Service request

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 16

Verilog Code for Polling Circuit

module polling ( s_request, s_code, clk, rst );

`define client1 2`b01 `define client2 2`b10 `define client3 2`b11 `define none 2`b00 input [3:1] s_request; input clk, rst; output [1:0] s_code; reg [1:0] next_client, present_client; always @ ( posedge clk or posedge

rst ) begin if ( rst ) present_client = `none; else present_client = next_client; end assign s_code[1:0] = present_client; always @ ( present_client or

s_request ) begin poll_them ( present_client,

s_request, next_client ); end

module polling ( s_request, s_code, clk, rst );

`define client1 2`b01 `define client2 2`b10 `define client3 2`b11 `define none 2`b00 input [3:1] s_request; input clk, rst; output [1:0] s_code; reg [1:0] next_client, present_client; always @ ( posedge clk or posedge

rst ) begin if ( rst ) present_client = `none; else present_client = next_client; end assign s_code[1:0] = present_client; always @ ( present_client or

s_request ) begin poll_them ( present_client,

s_request, next_client ); end

task poll_them; input [1:0] present_client; input [3:1] s_request; output [1:0] next_client; reg [1:0] contender; integer N; begin: poll contender = `none;

next_client = `none; for ( N = 3; N >= 1; N = N – 1 )

begin: decision if ( s_request[N] ) begin

if ( present_client == N ) contender = present_client;

else begin next_client = N;

disable poll; end end end

if (( next_client == `none ) &&( contender ))next_client = contender;

end endtask endmodule

task poll_them; input [1:0] present_client; input [3:1] s_request; output [1:0] next_client; reg [1:0] contender; integer N; begin: poll contender = `none;

next_client = `none; for ( N = 3; N >= 1; N = N – 1 )

begin: decision if ( s_request[N] ) begin

if ( present_client == N ) contender = present_client;

else begin next_client = N;

disable poll; end end end

if (( next_client == `none ) &&( contender ))next_client = contender;

end endtask endmodule

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 17

Test Bench for Polling Circuit

moduel test_polling; reg [3:1] s_request; reg clk, rst; wire [1:0] s_code; wire sreq3 = M1.s_request[3]; wire sreq2 = M1.s_request[2]; wire sreq1 = M1.s_request[1]; wire [1:0] NC = M1.next_client; wire [1:0] PC = M1.present_client; wire [3:1] s_req = s_request; wire [1:0] s_cd = s_code; polling M1 ( s_request, s_code, clk,

rst ); initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = ~clk; end initial #400 finish; initial begin rst = 1`bx;

#25 rst = 1; #75 rst = 0; end

moduel test_polling; reg [3:1] s_request; reg clk, rst; wire [1:0] s_code; wire sreq3 = M1.s_request[3]; wire sreq2 = M1.s_request[2]; wire sreq1 = M1.s_request[1]; wire [1:0] NC = M1.next_client; wire [1:0] PC = M1.present_client; wire [3:1] s_req = s_request; wire [1:0] s_cd = s_code; polling M1 ( s_request, s_code, clk,

rst ); initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = ~clk; end initial #400 finish; initial begin rst = 1`bx;

#25 rst = 1; #75 rst = 0; end

initial begin

#20 s_request = 3`b100; #20 s_request = 3`b010; #20 s_request = 3`b001; #20 s_request = 3`b100; #40 s_request = 3`b010; #40 s_request = 3`b001;

end initial begin

#180 s_request = 3`b111; #60 s_request = 3`b101; #60 s_request = 3`b011; #60 s_request = 3`b111; #20 rst = 1;


initial begin

#20 s_request = 3`b100; #20 s_request = 3`b010; #20 s_request = 3`b001; #20 s_request = 3`b100; #40 s_request = 3`b010; #40 s_request = 3`b001;

end initial begin

#180 s_request = 3`b111; #60 s_request = 3`b101; #60 s_request = 3`b011; #60 s_request = 3`b111; #20 rst = 1;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 18

Exercise Exercise 22

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 19

Find Errormodule something_wrong ( y_out, x1, x2 );

output y_out;input x1, x2;

`define delay1 3; // No “;”`define delay2 4;`define delay3 5;

nand #(delay1, delay2, delay3) ( y_out, x1, x2 ); // No turnoff delay for non-3-state gate // Remove “delay3”, or replace “,” with “:”endmodule

module something_wrong ( y_out, x1, x2 );output y_out;input x1, x2;

`define delay1 3; // No “;”`define delay2 4;`define delay3 5;

nand #(delay1, delay2, delay3) ( y_out, x1, x2 ); // No turnoff delay for non-3-state gate // Remove “delay3”, or replace “,” with “:”endmodule

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 20

Timing Models

Determine time values in simulation `timescale 10ns/1ps 2.447 24.470ns `timescale 1ns/100ps 2.447 2.4ns

What is the typical falling delay from a1 to y2? (a1,a2 *> y1, y2) = (7:8:9, 6:10:12);10

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ELEN468 Lecture 10 21

Correct Errormodule flop ( clock, data, q, qbar, reset );

input clock, data, reset;output q, qbar;reg q;

assign qbar = ~q;

// This cannot model flip-flop properly // when reset rises and clock == 1

always @ ( posedge clock or reset ) begin

if ( reset == 0 ) q = 0;else if ( clock == 1 ) q = data;


module flop ( clock, data, q, qbar, reset );input clock, data, reset;output q, qbar;reg q;

assign qbar = ~q;

// This cannot model flip-flop properly // when reset rises and clock == 1

always @ ( posedge clock or reset ) begin

if ( reset == 0 ) q = 0;else if ( clock == 1 ) q = data;


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ELEN468 Lecture 10 22

What will happen?

module A ( … );…initial clock = 0;

// Nothing will happenalways @ ( clock ) clock = ~clock;


module A ( … );…initial clock = 0;

// Nothing will happenalways @ ( clock ) clock = ~clock;
