Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct- current circuits A flow of electric charge is called an electric current.


Electric current and direct-current circuits. A flow of electric charge is called an electric current. Electric current and direct-current circuits. Electric current and direct-current circuits. Electric current and direct-current circuits. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Electric current and direct-current circuits

Page 1: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

A flow of electric charge is called an electric current.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits


Page 3: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

1 ampere = CSI unit As

Page 4: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

When electric charge flows through a closed path and returns to its starting point the path is called an electric circuit.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

When electric charge flows through a closed path in one direction the path is called a direct-current circuit.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

When electric charge flows through a closed path and periodically reverses direction the path is called a alternating-current circuit.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

A battery produces a difference in electric potential

between its terminals through chemical reactions.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The symbol for a battery is

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The terminal designated + corresponds to the higher potential, while the terminal designated by a – corresponds to the lower potential.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

By convention we say that the direction of the current is the

direction in which a positive charge would move.

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Figure 21-4Direction of Current and Electron Flow

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The electromotive force (emf) (ξ) is the potential across the

terminals (voltage) of a battery under ideal conditions.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The charges that actually move through a conductor, are electrons.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

In a real conductor there is always some resistance to electron flow,

and a potential difference is necessary to keep them flowing.

Page 15: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ohm’s Law relates the potential(V), resistance (R)and current (I)in a


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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ohm’s Law


Page 17: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ohm’s Law

1 1 = 1ohmV VRI A

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ohm’s Law


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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ohm’s LawUnit for resistivity is


Page 20: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

When an electric charge moves across a potential difference the potential energy changes by the


( )U Q V

Page 21: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

SI unit; watt, W

( )U Q Vpower P IVt t

Page 22: Electric current and direct-current circuits

Electric current and direct-current circuits

Other expressions for electric power

22 VP I R


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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Other expressions for electric power

22 VP I R


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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Resistors in a series are connected end to end.

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Example 21-5Three Resistors in Series

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The equivalent resistance for resistors in series is just the

sum of the individual resistances

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

For the example given

1 2 3eqR R R R

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Each of the resistors connected in series has the

same current going through it.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Resistors connected in parallel are connected across the same potential difference.

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Example 21-6Three Resistors in Parallel

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The equivalent resistance for resistors in parallel is calculated by adding the reciprocal values of the individual resistors.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

This gives the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

For the example given

1 2 3

1 1 1 1

eqR R R R

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The current going through individual resistors connected in parallel is not necessarily the same.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The sum of the currents will be equal to the current calculated for the individual resistors.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

For circuits that contain resistors connected both in series and in parallel, we first calculate the equivalent resistances.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

We then treat the result as if it were just another resistor in series. Ex.21-7 on page 693.

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Example 21-7Combination Special

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The sum of the voltage drops in a circuit must be equal to the voltage applied to the circuit.

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Figure 21-16Capacitors in Parallel

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The equivalent capacitance for capacitors in parallel is

just the sum of the individual capacitances

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

For the example given

1 2 3eqC C C C

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The sum of the individual charges on the capacitors is equal to the charge on the

equivalent capacitor.

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Figure 21-17Capacitors in Series

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

The equivalent resistance for capacitors in series is calculated by adding the reciprocal values of the individual capacitors.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

This gives the reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

For the example given

1 2 3

1 1 1 1

eqC C C C

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Active example 21-3 p 700.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Kirchoff’s rules1. The sum of the currents entering a junction, must equal the sum of the currents leaving that junction (result of charge conservation).

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Kirchoff’s rules2. The algebraic sum of the potential differences around a closed loop is zero. The potential increases in going from the negative to the positive terminal of a battery, and decreases when crossing a resistor in the direction of the current. (energy conservation).

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Batteries – all non-ideal batteries have an internal resistance. The voltage measured across the terminals of a battery will be less with current flowing than without current flowing.

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Ammeters are connected in series with the part of the circuit being tested. The ideal resistance of an ammeter is 0 .

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Electric current and direct-current circuits

Voltmeters are connected in series with the part of the circuit being tested. The ideal resistance of a voltmeter is ∞.