Elastin and the lung - thorax.bmj.com · the physical properties of elastin has been recently...

Thorax 1986;41:577-585 Review article Elastin and the lung It is essential that the framework of all multicellular organisms should include some materials with high tensile strength and rigidity, such as bone and col- lagen, to maintain shape and mechanical rigidity. In addition, there is a requirement for a component with intrinsic elasticity that can stretch and undergo elastic recoil when required. This property is supplied by an unusual fibrous protein, which over 150 years ago was given the name elastin. Elastin fibres are present in virtually all vertebrate tissues, although it is only within a few, such as ar- teries, some ligaments, and the lung, that elastin com- prises an appreciable percentage of the total protein. The ligamentum nuchae of grazing animals and the aorta of most vertebrates contain over 50% elastin on a dry weight basis. The elastin content of lungs on the other hand is quite variable, ranging from as low as 2% in rodents up to 28% in the cow and in man. For this reason most of the chemical and biological stud- ies that have been conducted on elastin have used either the bovine neck ligament or the ascending aorta of several species. Although the primary aim of this article is to review the role and metabolism of elastin in the lung, most of the background information must come from elastin derived from other sources. The findings may, however, be extrapolated to the lung, since within a given species all elastins appear to be chemically the same, regardless of the tissue of origin. We may safely assume that the essentials of elastin metabolism are the same in all tissues, although apparently much influenced by other components in the extracellular matrix of that particular organ. Identification and purification of elastin The first century of elastin research was primarily directed towards the morphological and histological features of the elastin fibre. This early history of elas- tin research has been reviewed in detail by Hass.' The elastin fibre is composed of two distinct components. The elastin, or amorphous component, is the major fraction, comprising some 90% of a mature fibre. It derives its name from the absence of any repeating structure or banding pattern, when reviewed under an electron microscope. The microfibrillar component, Address for reprint requests: Professor BC Starcher, Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas, Health Center at Tyler, PO Box 2003, Tyler TX 75710, USA. most prominently displayed in newly synthesised or juvenile elastin, is a glycoprotein that stains with ura- nyl acetate and leads, which appears as small fibrils 10-12 nm in diameter concentrated around the periphery of the amorphous elastin. The microfibrils are chemically and morphologically quite distinct from the amorphous elastin. There is some evidence to suggest that the microfibrils are secreted into the extracellular matrix before elastin synthesis and func- tion as a nucleation site for future elastin deposition. For more details on every aspect of the microfibrils, readers are referred to other articles.24 The purification of elastin depends predominantly on its remarkable insolubility, even under harsh, denaturing conditions. The protein has been defined operationally as the insoluble residue remaining after a tissue is autoclaved repeatedly or boiled in 01 N NaOH for up to one hour. This procedure was satis- factory for tissues comprised mostly of elastin and collagen. Isolation of a relatively intact and pure elas- tin is impossible using this method, however, in tis- sues that have a low elastin content or are particularly rich in glycoproteins or complex ground substance. In recent years milder yet considerably more complex methods have been used. These methods have been compared by Soskels and it is now fairly well accepted that, even in such complex tissue as the lung, elastin can be purified in the absence of harsh alkali extraction. "Pure" elastin, however, still remains as an operationally defined protein residue that has an amino acid composition typical of elastin for that particular species. This has created some confusion since with slight contamination this protein may appear as a different elastin. There have been reports of two distinct types of elastin within cartilage6 and synthesised by chick aorta in culture.7 Advanced techniques analysing elastin messenger RNA do not support this theory.8 9 Other studies have compared the amino compositions of elastins derived from vari- ous organs within the same species. These studies indicate that, once the glycoproteins and other pro- teins in close association with elastin have been com- pletely removed, the compositions are the same within a species regardless of the tissue of origin.10 l Structure of elastin The amino acid analysis of elastin is consistent with its unique physical properties. Almost one third of the 577 on 7 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://thorax.bmj.com/ Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.41.8.577 on 1 August 1986. Downloaded from

Transcript of Elastin and the lung - thorax.bmj.com · the physical properties of elastin has been recently...

Page 1: Elastin and the lung - thorax.bmj.com · the physical properties of elastin has been recently reviewed.2" Degradation ofelastin Turnover studies have shown that, once the elastin

Thorax 1986;41:577-585

Review article

Elastin and the lungIt is essential that the framework of all multicellularorganisms should include some materials with hightensile strength and rigidity, such as bone and col-lagen, to maintain shape and mechanical rigidity. Inaddition, there is a requirement for a component withintrinsic elasticity that can stretch and undergo elasticrecoil when required. This property is supplied by anunusual fibrous protein, which over 150 years ago wasgiven the name elastin.

Elastin fibres are present in virtually all vertebratetissues, although it is only within a few, such as ar-teries, some ligaments, and the lung, that elastin com-prises an appreciable percentage of the total protein.The ligamentum nuchae of grazing animals and theaorta of most vertebrates contain over 50% elastin ona dry weight basis. The elastin content of lungs on theother hand is quite variable, ranging from as low as2% in rodents up to 28% in the cow and in man. Forthis reason most of the chemical and biological stud-ies that have been conducted on elastin have usedeither the bovine neck ligament or the ascending aortaof several species. Although the primary aim of thisarticle is to review the role and metabolism of elastinin the lung, most of the background information mustcome from elastin derived from other sources. Thefindings may, however, be extrapolated to the lung,since within a given species all elastins appear to bechemically the same, regardless of the tissue of origin.We may safely assume that the essentials of elastinmetabolism are the same in all tissues, althoughapparently much influenced by other components inthe extracellular matrix of that particular organ.

Identification and purification of elastin

The first century of elastin research was primarilydirected towards the morphological and histologicalfeatures of the elastin fibre. This early history of elas-tin research has been reviewed in detail by Hass.' Theelastin fibre is composed of two distinct components.The elastin, or amorphous component, is the majorfraction, comprising some 90% of a mature fibre. Itderives its name from the absence of any repeatingstructure or banding pattern, when reviewed under anelectron microscope. The microfibrillar component,

Address for reprint requests: Professor BC Starcher, Department ofBiochemistry, University of Texas, Health Center at Tyler, PO Box2003, Tyler TX 75710, USA.

most prominently displayed in newly synthesised orjuvenile elastin, is a glycoprotein that stains with ura-nyl acetate and leads, which appears as small fibrils10-12 nm in diameter concentrated around theperiphery of the amorphous elastin. The microfibrilsare chemically and morphologically quite distinctfrom the amorphous elastin. There is some evidenceto suggest that the microfibrils are secreted into theextracellular matrix before elastin synthesis and func-tion as a nucleation site for future elastin deposition.For more details on every aspect of the microfibrils,readers are referred to other articles.24The purification of elastin depends predominantly

on its remarkable insolubility, even under harsh,denaturing conditions. The protein has been definedoperationally as the insoluble residue remaining aftera tissue is autoclaved repeatedly or boiled in 01 NNaOH for up to one hour. This procedure was satis-factory for tissues comprised mostly of elastin andcollagen. Isolation of a relatively intact and pure elas-tin is impossible using this method, however, in tis-sues that have a low elastin content or are particularlyrich in glycoproteins or complex ground substance. Inrecent years milder yet considerably more complexmethods have been used. These methods have beencompared by Soskels and it is now fairly wellaccepted that, even in such complex tissue as the lung,elastin can be purified in the absence of harsh alkaliextraction. "Pure" elastin, however, still remains asan operationally defined protein residue that has anamino acid composition typical of elastin for thatparticular species. This has created some confusionsince with slight contamination this protein mayappear as a different elastin. There have been reportsof two distinct types of elastin within cartilage6 andsynthesised by chick aorta in culture.7 Advancedtechniques analysing elastin messenger RNA do notsupport this theory.8 9 Other studies have comparedthe amino compositions of elastins derived from vari-ous organs within the same species. These studiesindicate that, once the glycoproteins and other pro-teins in close association with elastin have been com-pletely removed, the compositions are the samewithin a species regardless of the tissue of origin.10l

Structure of elastin

The amino acid analysis of elastin is consistent withits unique physical properties. Almost one third of the


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residues are glycine, about 12% are proline, and over40% of the remaining amino acids contain hydro-phobic side chains, making this one of nature's mostnon-polar proteins. A survey of the amino acid com-positions of elastin, from representative species of allvertebrate classes and some invertebrate phyla, indi-cates that elastin is present in all vertebrates exceptAgnatha. "Renewed interest in elastin biochemistry began in

the late 1950s and early 1960s with a series of inter-esting nutritional observations on the effects of cop-per deficiency in young growing animals, and thesimultaneous studies on the chemistry of elastin andits crosslinks by the Cambridge group headed byPartridge.'2 13 The most dramatic signs of copperdeficiency are the fragmented appearance and consid-erable decrease in the amorphous elastin content ofmajor blood vessels, leading to aortic aneurysms andsubsequent death of the animal.'4 It soon becameapparent that lysyl oxidase, a copper metalloenzyme,was required for the formation of crosslinkages thatstabilise the elastin fibre.'5 In the absence of cross-linking, a soluble, non-functional elastin moleculeaccumulates in the tissues in sufficient quantities for itto be isolated. This rather fortunate event (for thebiochemist) has led to the characterisation of tro-poelastin, the soluble monomer form of elastin, whichhas now been isolated from several tissues, includingligaments, aortas, and lungs.16 Tropoelastin has beenessential for the sequencing of this otherwise highlycrosslinked and very difficult protein. Characteristicrepeating sequences are found throughout the tro-poelastin molecule. The sequences ala-ala-ala-lys andala-ala-lys each repeat six times and are believed to bethe sites for future oxidation by lysyl oxidase and sub-sequent crosslink formation.17 Several hydrophobicrepeat sequences are also found in elastin, includingthe pentapeptide pro-gly-val-gly-val and a hexa-peptide pro-gly-cal-gly-val-ala. Some have proposedthat the pentapeptide repeats form a /B spiral structureconsisting of / turns while the crosslinked regionsform a more rigid a helical conformation. Othersharply contrasting views, derived from physical mea-surements, suggest a highly anisotropic or randomarrangement for the polypeptide chains.'8 21

Synthesis of elastin

Elastin synthesis has been documented infibroblasts,22 smooth muscle cells,23 chondrocytes,24and endothelial cells.25-26 The process is initiated bynuclear transcription from the elastin gene. The geneis quite extensive, containing many large interveningsequences, suggesting that the final elastin messengerRNA (mRNAE) molecule has undergone major pro-cessing from the initial primary transcript.8 In the tis-

sues that have been examined, including the lung, thedata indicate that elastin synthesis is regulated by thetranscription and availability of mRNA .27

Translation of the mRNAE produces a tropoelastinmolecule containing a short (24-26 residue) signalpeptide.8 As the chain elongation proceeds, selectprolyl residues are hydroxylated by prolyl-hydroxylase.8 '4 The hydroxylation of prolyl residuesin tropoelastin, unlike collagen, does not affect eithersynthesis or stability of the molecule.28 29 Someinvestigators have even considered this a serendip-itous event that occurs simply because the machineryis present and the molecule resembles collagen inmany aspects of primary structure. The entire intra-cellular elastin synthetic process requires about 20minutes.2'

Tropoelastin is secreted from the cell into theextracellular matrix as a protein with a molecularweight of 72000. As tropoelastin molecules becomealigned, perhaps in association with the microfibrils,hydrophobic interactions occur, presumably leadingto coacervation. Lysyl oxidase subsequently convertsthe epsilon (E) aminos of all but five or six of the total37 lysine residues in tropoelastin to aldehydes. Thesevery reactive residues (allysines) spontaneously con-dense to form various Schiff base and aldol conden-sation crosslinks. Within a few days most of the cross-links have isomerised into the stable quaternarypyridinium ring structures of desmosine and iso-desmosine. Several excellent reviews have discussedthe crosslinking process in great detail.30 31

Lysyl oxidase has been isolated from severalsources and, although shown to be present in thelung, it has not been isolated from that tissue. Copperis required for enzymatic activity, which explains theconnective tissue defects observed in copper deficientanimals. Additionally, lathrogens like BAPN inhibitthe enzyme, producing the connective tissue defectsthat are seen in copper deficiency. 4 Genetic disordershave also been described that are characterised by lowlysyl oxidase activity and severe connective tissuedefects. 14 31Once the tropoelastin molecules are crosslinked

they form a three dimensional fibrous network thatoften appears branched and fused into a very complexmatrix. The elastin fibre can be organised in variousconfigurations in different tissues. In ligaments theyextend as long fibres parallel to the direction of stress.The fibres in the aorta appear to have a lamellararrangement, forming concentric sheets. In the lungparenchyma the elastin fibres establish lamellar sheetssurrounding the alveoli. It is apparent, in whatevertissue elastin is found, that its orientation takesadvantage of the protein's main function of beingable to stretch to large extensions with little force andthen return to its original dimensions. The essence of

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Page 3: Elastin and the lung - thorax.bmj.com · the physical properties of elastin has been recently reviewed.2" Degradation ofelastin Turnover studies have shown that, once the elastin

the physical properties of elastin has been recentlyreviewed.2"

Degradation of elastin

Turnover studies have shown that, once the elastinfibre is formed, normal remodelling processes areextremely slow. Studies in man, using sensitive immu-nological techniques to measure elastin peptides inthe blood or desmosines excreted in the urine,8 sug-gest that less than 1% of the total body elastin poolturns over in a year. By means of the more directmethod of in vivo radiolabelling of elastin, theseobservations have been confirmed with several animalmodels, including mice, rats, chicken, and quail.8 32The mechanisms for elastin degradation in vivo

may be divided into two categories-proteolyticenzymes that degrade uncrosslinked tropoelastin, andenzymes that degrade the fully mature crosslinkedand insoluble elastin fibre.

Tropoelastin is probably susceptible to a widerange of proteolytic enzymes, yet in only a fewinstances has it been systematically studied as a sub-strate. On the basis of these experiments and theresults obtained from sequencing data the knowntropoelastinases are elastase, trypsin, chymotrypsin,pronase, thermolysin, cathepsin G, thrombin, andkallikrein.


Fully crosslinked elastin, on the other hand, is sus-ceptible to attack by a select group of enzymesclassified as elastases. These enzymes are derived fromseveral sources, including the pancreas, neutrophils,macrophages, monocytes, platelets, smooth musclecells, and fibroblasts. Although they are designated aselastases, these enzymes are not specific in any senseand have been shown to cleave core proteins of pro-teoglycan molecules, types III and IV collagen,fibronectin, and many of the plasma proteins.33The role of these enzymes in normal elastin metab-

olism is difficult to assess. It is assumed that elastindoes have a normal turnover, albeit with a very longhalf life, and that the turnover observed is not just areflection of some pathological degradation process;nevertheless no one has yet shown a requirement forelastase in normal turnover or restructuring,of elastinin tissues as they develop.

Pancreatic elastase is secreted into the small intes-tine and it is unlikely to have any role in normal elas-tin turnover. There have been reports, however, of itsdetection in the blood,34 and during severe pan-creatitis it can damage the lung, inducing vascularinjury.35

Circulating neutrophil leucocytes produce an elas-

579tase that is stored in the azurophil granules of matu-ring neutrophils at levels of up to 3 jg/106 cells. Thecurrent theory, however, relegates neutrophil elastasemore to pathological processes than to any phys-iological turnover. The enzyme is released into tissueswhen the neutrophil dies or encounters molecules tobe phagocytosed. The enzyme has the potential todestroy not only elastin but a wide variety of otherextracellular matrix components as well as clottingfactors and complement proteins.Macrophages contain low levels of a metal-

loprotease, which is secreted into the extracellularmatrix and has the ability to degrade elastin.36 Thiselastase has the additional property of not beinginhibited by a, antiprotease and can actually digestthis important elastase inhibitor.37 These cells are ofparticular importance to the lung connective tissue bythe nature of their presence in the lung for purposes ofdefence.

Very little is known about the physiological role ofelastases produced by other cells, such as fibroblastsor smooth muscle cells. Although the concentrationof elastase is very low in these cells, it may be quiteimportant in normal elastin metabolism since theseare also the cells known to synthesise and secrete elas-tin on to the extracellular matrix. There are severalexcellent reviews devoted to the pathological capacityof elastases in the lung.38-42

Protease inhibitors

Protease inhibitors are a major weapon in the body'sdefence arsenal to protect against excessive pro-teolytic damage to the lung, and in particular to theelastin fibre. Of the many inhibitors circulating in theserum, al antiprotease has the greatest impact onelastin metabolism. a, Antiprotease is a glycoproteinof molecular weight 54000 that is synthesised in theliver and is present in the serum at concentrationsranging from 1-8 to 2-0 mg/l. The diffusion of thisprotein into the lung accounts for over 90% of theelastase inhibitory capacity of the alveolar epithelialfluid. Very stable, inactive complexes are formed withall elastases except macrophage elastase. Individualswith a heritable deficiency in ax, antiprotease (Pi ZZ)often have circulating inhibitor concentrations only10-20% of normal. This defect is often associatedwith early onset of panlobular emphysema and hasbeen instrumental in the development of the hypothe-sis of protease-antiprotease imbalance in the patho-genesis of emphysema.38

Configuration and function of elastin fibres in the lung

During the past two decades perhaps no single organin the body has generated more interest in the con-

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580nective tissue studies than the lung. This is fitting insome respects, since before this biochemists seemed tohave a particular reluctance in applying their tech-niques to studies of this complex tissue. Moreover,during this period there evolved a realisation that noother organ in the body depended so heavily on theproper architecture and stability of connective tissuesfor proper function, or could be so influenced by envi-ronmental factors.The elastin fibres of the lung are probably the most

important determinant of lung elasticity under phys-iological pressures. They can stretch to 140% of theirresting length before breaking, whereas collagen,which contributes tensile strength to the lung, canstretch only about 2%.

Elastic fibres are ubiquitous in the lung, and as withother organs they are closely associated with collagenand proteoglycans. Elastin and collagen fibres fromalveoli, bronchi, interlobular septae, and the pleuraall appear to have connections with fibres of pul-monary arteries. This gives a continuum of fibresthroughout the lung such that any force exerted onthe parenchyma is distributed throughout the organ.In the larger pulmonary arteries and airway elastinfibres are present both as circular and as longitudinalbundles. In the vessels they are more prominent in themedia but are also evident in the adventitia andintima. The fibres are seen in the submucosal areas inthe airways. Elastin fibres in respiratory bronchiolesbecome more distinct distally, where the alveoli arealso more developed. As the fibres continue distally,they take on a circular or helical arrangement. Thisobservation was reported early by Pierce and Ebert.43They observed that collagen and elastin encircledrespiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts in a coiledor helical fashion. They proposed that the lung tissueunfolds to accommodate its increased volume onexpansion, much as in the expansion of an old fash-ioned door spring. In other words, the tissue canexpand with no substantial increase in the length ofthe elastin fibres. This is an important concept sinceelastin is so intimately associated with collagen thatthe fibres may be unable to undergo axial elongationowing to the inelasticity of collagen. The Setnikar-Mead model,44 on the other hand, proposes that col-lagen and elastin operate in parallel, and indepen-dently of each other. At low lung volumes the elastinfibres are readily extendable, giving the steep part ofthe volume-pressure curve. As the lung volumeincreases, the coiled collagen fibres strengthen, pro-ducing a decrease in compliance of the combined col-lagen and elastin networks and increasing the stiffnessof the lungs at maximal lung volumes. In vitro stud-ies, using collagenase or elastase for selective dis-ruption of connective tissue components, support thetheory of parallel functioning of elastin and collagen


Elastin and early development of the lung

The chronological appearance of elastin in mam-malian lung is similar to that seen in studies in othertissues.45 Generally, it has been observed that aroundthe third trimester of pregnancy microfibrillar com-ponents appear, followed within a few days or weeks,depending on the species, by deposition of amor-phous elastin, which steadily increases in amountuntil parturition. During embryogenesis elastin syn-thesis in the lung is associated with specific devel-opmental periods. Throughout the canular stage offetal lung development the elastin concentration isvery low. During the period of alveolarisation elastinsynthesis is dramatically increased and the concen-tration in the lung rises. After parturition rapid elas-tin accumulation continues through the perinatalperiod, which in man may extend up to seven years.Elastin and lung development has been reviewed inmore detail by Rucker and Dubick.32

Experimental disruption of elastin in the lung

There is general agreement that the mechanical prop-erties of the normal lung are much influenced by elas-tin and other connective tissue components. The het-erogeneity and close association of these components,however, make it very difficult to assess the con-tribution that each makes to lung function. The mostsuccessful approach to defining the mechanical prop-erties of the lungs in terms of its individual connectivetissue components is found in studies aimed at pro-ducing lesions directed towards specific lung proteins.Numerous studies have been reported using vari-

ous means to disrupt or degrade lung elastin. Whenthe injury is considerable and affects the lower air-ways and alveoli, the lungs usually progress to someform of emphysema or fibrosis. These models havebeen reviewed at great length in several excellentarticles.38 -42

INTRATRACHEAL INSTILLATION OF ELASTASEPerhaps the most dramatic model has been the intra-tracheal administration of pancreatic or neutrophilelastase to experimental animals, which results in arapid loss of as much as 40% of lung elastin. Withinminutes of elastase administration surfactant activityis altered, and the elastase has begun to enter the typeI alveolar epithelium. On entering the lung inter-stitium, the elastase spreads rapidly and degradationof elastin fibres is initiated. A major portion of theenzyme is cleared from the lung either by entering theblood stream and combining with inhibitors or bybeing engulfed by macrophages. The remaining elas-

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tase continues to attack the elastin fibre for at leastseveral days. When the degradative process tapers off,there is a rapid increase in connective tissue synthesisas the cells attempt to repair the damaged tissue.Within a month total elastin content has beenreplaced but, of course, any severed alveolar wallscannot be rebuilt, which results in permanentlyenlarged air spaces. It is not clear whether the newlysynthesised elastin actually repairs areas where a rup-ture would otherwise be imminent. Clearly if therepair process is impaired by inhibition of elastincrosslinking with BAPN or by cigarette smoke, theresulting emphysema is exacerbated.4b47 Further-more, young, rapidly growing animals appear to haveless severe emphysema than older animals after elas-tase administration, which may also reflect the capa-bility of young animals for accelerated elastin syn-thesis and repair.48The severity of emphysema increases substantially

between three weeks and several months after elastaseadministration. Studies with tritiated elastase showthat only 1% of the initial dose remains in the lungafter four days.49 50 Radioactivity, however, is stilldetected in the lung 144 days after administration. Itwas suggested that a persistent low level of elastasemight remain for months, giving rise to the pro-gressive lesions in these animals. Other studies,however, suggest that functional elastase activity inthe lung lasts only a few days after administration.5"The outcome of studies with chloromethyl ketoneinhibitors also argues against prolonged enzymaticactivity.52 Another suggestion is that the stress ofbreathing has an effect on the injured connectivetissue framework, leading to further damage of alveo-lar walls.

Light and electron microscopic examination showslesions resembling human panlobular emphysema,including the destruction of elastin fibres withdecreased numbers of enlarged and distorted alveoli.Quantitative histological techniques reflect thesechanges; the mean linear intercept is increased and theinternal surface area is decreased. Physiological stud-ies show an increase in lung compliance, total lungcapacity, residual volume, and functional residualcapacity. Apparently there is also some destruction oflung collagen, but this lesion has not been localised.

NITROUS OXIDEAnother model ofemphysema results from prolongedexposure of experimental animals to nitrous oxide,which may result in small airway lesions, an increasein neutrophil and macrophage populations in lavagefluid, and a loss of lung elastin.53 Total elastin returnsto normal with the cessation of exposure to nitrousoxide. Mean linear intercept and lung volumesincrease and there is a corresponding decrease in the


internal surface area. The age of the animal duringexposure appears to be an important factorinfluencing the extent of lung injury, as nursing ham-sters are more susceptible to permanent lung injurythan three week old animals or adults.42 54

ENDOTOXINMild lung destruction has been observed withrepeated intravenous injections of endotoxin. If ratsare treated with D-galactosamine to lower a, anti-proteinase concentrations just before the adminis-tration of endotoxin, there is a considerable reductionin lung elastin with an increase in mean linear inter-cept and lung compliance.55

INTRATRACHEAL CADMIUMIntratracheal administration of cadmium has beenshown to cause enlargement of air spaces and, insome instances, fibrosis.42 The mechanism of injury isnot clear and may be modulated to a large degree byperipheral factors, such as the mode of adminis-tration or agents that block the elastin repair process.Aerosol administration produces a lesion resemblinghuman centrilobular emphysema. Instillation of cad-mium in saline, however, causes functional and mor-phological abnormalities characteristic of pulmonaryfibrosis. When BAPN is administered simultaneouslywith cadmium instillation the animals developchanges typical of bullous emphysema, with no indi-cation of fibrosis.56 This again illustrates theimportance of elastin and perhaps collagen repairprocesses not only in the degree of severity but also inthe nature of the lesion. The role played by elastase inthis model is not clear. Neutrophils are pulled into thelungs of hamsters after cadmium installation andhave been shown to lose azurophilic granules andelastase.57 If, however, the animals are depleted ofneutrophils before being given cadmium and BAPN,the lesions are just as severe as those produced inhamsters with normal neutrophil levels.58

COPPER DEFICIENCYCopper deficiency prevents normal crosslink for-mation in both elastin and collagen. When weanlingrats from copper deficient dams were continued on acopper deficient diet for six to 10 weeks, their lungsshowed a significant reduction in elastin contentalong with increased mean linear intercepts.1442 Theemphysematous changes were not reversible withcopper supplementation once the lesions wereformed. Similar observations have been made withcopper deficient pigs and hamsters.42 Yet, inter-estingly, the lungs from these animals were notdifferent from controls in total elastin content. It waspostulated that low ceruloplasmin concentrationsresulted in oxidative cleavage of the elastin fibres,producing emphysematous changes without appre-

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ciable removal of elastin.The mottled mouse has a genetic defect affecting

copper metabolism, which results in low lysyl oxidaseactivity and lack of normal connective tissue cross-linking.40 These animals develop progressive pan-lobular emphysema with increased compliance anddecreased elastin recoil. Mean linear intercepts areincreased and internal surface area is decreased.These animals develop more severe emphysema whenexposed to nitrous oxide59 and could provide a sensi-tive model system for testing compounds that mightpotentiate lung injury.

Repair of lung damage

Although there are some differences between the ani-mal models, the importance of the integrity of theelastin fibre in maintaining normal lung function isapparent. Equally important is the ability of the lungto turn on elastin synthesis and remodel areas wherelesions have occurred.

Often when the lung is injured and there is cellulardestruction in the parenchyma, reparative processesgo awry and the lungs become fibrotic. This process isusually equated with a considerable increase in col-lagen, yet there is an equally important increase intotal cell mass, as well as in elastin and the other com-ponents of the extracellular matrix. Agents that maycause interstitial pulmonary fibrosis are diverse,including oxygen and oxides of nitrogen and sulphur,inorganic dusts, infectious agents, and drugs such asbleomycin. Many patients with adult respiratory dis-tress syndrome who have survived develop what maybe considered a form of rapidly progressing inter-stitial pulmonary fibrosis. The mechanism of fibrosisis unknown. It is apparent that the major pulmonaryinflammatory and immune effector cells, neutrophils,macrophages, and lymphocytes have critical roles inthis process through the release of enzymes, oxidants,chemotactic factors, growth factors, and secre-tagogues. Acting in concert with probably severaltypes of lung cells, such as the septal cells of the alve-olar walls, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and endo-thelial and epithelial cells, there is a rapid move torepair the injury and restore normal lung architectureand function. An apparent loss of regulatory control,as well as problems in directing the replacement pro-teins to the appropriate sites of injury, may result in aconnective tissue build up that may virtually oblit-erate the alveolar air spaces.

Effect of tobacco smoke

The effect of tobacco smoke on lung elastin isextremely complicated, affecting many facets of con-nective tissue metabolism. Inhalation of cigarette

smoke causes an accumulation in the respiratorybronchi of alveolar macrophages, which appear to befilled with pigments and are metabolically and mor-phologically activated. The activated macrophage hasthe ability to secrete chemoattractants and secre-tagogues for neutrophils, as well as secrete a metal-loprotease capable of digesting elastin and oi anti-protease. The end result is a clustering of largenumbers of neutrophils and macrophages, poised torelease considerable amounts of elastolytic enzymesat the site where the earliest signs of centrilobularemphysema are detected. In addition to this, the alve-olar macrophages, as well as cigarette smoke, are richsources of oxidising agents. One potential action ofthese oxidants would be to oxidise the methionine res-idue found at the active site of cx1 proteinase inhibitor.This has been shown by selective chemical oxidationto yield a relatively ineffective inhibitor that associ-ates with elastase some 2000 times more slowly thanthe native protein.38 60 61 There is also the potentialfor direct oxidant damage to lung cells or cellularcomponents such as lipids, cofactors, and nucleicacids. Recently there have been suggestions thatendogenous antioxidant systems within the lung, suchas ceruloplasmin, vitamin C, or methioninesulphoxide-peptide reductase, may be adverselyaffected by cigarette smoke, lowering the lung'sdefence against oxidants.6' The elastin maturationprocess may itself be impaired by cigarette smoke.Chronic exposure of hamsters to cigarette smoke,after a single intratracheal dose of elastase, reducedthe rate of desmosine formation in resynthesised elas-tin.47 Lung lysyl oxidase activity appearedsignificantly lowered in the animals exposed to ciga-rette smoke. Similar in vitro studies have also shownthat the ability of lysyl oxidase to convert the lysineresidues of tropoelastin to aldehydes is blocked byextracts from cigarette smoke.62

Effect of infection

Bacterial infection in the lung is another means ofdelivering destructive potential to the elastin fibres.On the one hand, infection can draw substantial num-bers of neutrophils to the lung. Even more damagingmay be an elastase released from organisms such asPseudomonas aeruginosa. Patients with cystic fibrosiscommonly have serious infection with this organismthat proves impossible to eradicate. As the lifespan ofthese patients has dramatically increased in recentyears, the incidence of emphysema has also gone up.Increased degradation of elastin has been documen-ted in these patients by increased excretion ofdesmosine.63 The assumption is made that theincreased desmosines originate from the lung and area reflection of the damage being done to elastin fibres,

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but this has not been documented.

Effect of nutrition

One area of growing interest is the role of nutrition inchronic lung disease. This topic has been recentlyreviewed in detail.6064 For many years it has beenknown that excessive weight loss and starvation arepositively correlated with the development ofemphysema. Deprivation of essential nutrients, suchas trace minerals and vitamins, could foster con-nective tissue abnormalities and predispose the lungto injury through several means. Unusually low con-centrations of copper could affect lysyl oxidase activ-ity, retarding crosslink formation in elastin and col-lagen. Superoxide dismutase and ceruloplasmin alsorequire copper for activity and both may function asantioxidants. Selenium is required for glutathioneperoxidase activity and iron is required for catalase.Vitamins E and C are effective scavengers of free rad-icals and deficiencies of these may also affect the lungcells' defence against oxidant damage.A more direct effect on lung connective tissue may

be seen with a deficiency in vitamin B6. Several stud-ies have indicated that elastin crosslinking is impairedin B6 deficient animals, implying that pyridoxal phos-phate is a cofactor for lysyl oxidase.64 A recent study,however, presents evidence suggesting that the B6effect on elastin crosslinking is due to a block in theconversion of homocysteine to cystathionine.65 Theraised concentrations of homocysteine then block theconversion of allysine to the desmosines through theformation of thiazine derivatives with the aldehydefunctional group.

Supplementing a copper deficient diet with a highcontent of vitamin C was shown many years ago toworsen the effects of copper deficiency and furtherreduce the elastin content of the aorta.66 Recently ithas been observed that smooth muscle cells in culturesynthesise significantly less elastin when the mediumis supplemented with vitamin C.8 67 One could specu-late that, with today's overindulgence in vitamin sup-plements, excessive vitamin C concentrations couldslow down elastin synthesis in the lung during acuteor chronic lung injury and thereby impair the crucialelastin replacement process.

Starvation in young growing rats produces a gen-eral loss of connective tissues, which may result inemphysematous like changes in lung structure.42 Thiseffect was not seen in older animals, where growthretardation did not occur.68 A direct relationshipbetween malnutrition and the elastin fibre componentof the adult human lung will be difficult to show.Other lung elements, such as surfactant, collagen, andthe respiratory muscles, which all play importantparts in normal lung function, would probably feel


the effects of a poor nutritional state sooner than aprotein like elastin with its extremely slow turnover.Malnutrition in infants, however, particularly duringthe period of alveolarisation, could have pronouncedand perhaps permanent harmful effects on elastinarchitecture and lung function.

Consequences of stability

In many respects elastin is a perfectly designed pro-tein for its role in normal lung function. The unusualamino acid composition and lysine derived crosslinksprovide the elastin fibre with great distensibility andrecoil properties. They also lend chemical stability tothe fibre, which is susceptible to few proteolyticenzymes and chemical injuries. Complications arise inconjunction with this inherent stability. Mature elas-tin has an extremely low turnover rate. Once the deli-cate architecture of the alveolar walls has been con-structed and the continuum of connective tissue fibresis established, the components are meant to remain inthat configuration. After the fetal and early perinatalstages of lung development we apparently have nocontingency programme for initiating a new andarchitecturally correct alveolus if the original struc-ture has been destroyed. So what has man done in hisinfinite wisdom but devise every means possible tobring tobacco smoke and other pollutants and drugsinto direct contact with this very durable but not in-destructible connective tissue matrix? Our defencesystem is magnificent, as we signal for macrophagesand neutrophils to fight this unforeseen menace. Asthe neutrophils degranulate and release their enzymesthere is disparity between the finely tuned ratio ofelastase to antiprotease. Every injury sustained byalveolar elastin that is not repaired hastens the inevi-table cleavage of the alveolar wall. If the injury isperpetuated, as is the case with cigarette smoke, alve-olar walls are slowly cleaved, leaving greatly enlargedair spaces and a lung without elastic recoil. Appar-ently, during some phase of alveolar damage theresynthesis of elastin and the repair of fibres has anappreciable effect on the development of the lesion.The nutritional state and age at onset of injury maybe of paramount importance during this period.

Protecting elastin

What avenues are being considered for preventing orat least curtailing the destruction of the elastin fibre inthe lung? One approach is to increase the serum elas-tase inhibitory capacity. Replacement treatment witha, antiprotease is currently being evaluated with lim-ited numbers of patients with a genetic deficiency ina, antiprotease.69 Assessment of the efficacy of thismethod will be difficult and it is the topic of a recent

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584supplement.4' Eglin C, a low molecular weight pep-tide inhibitor isolated from the medicinal leech, hasalso been shown to confer protection to experimentalanimals given elastase intratracheally, provided thatit is given just before or shortly after the enzyme.70A similar approach would be to administer low

molecular weight inhibitors specific for elastase.7"These molecules have many advantages, includingavailability, aerosol or oral administration, and non-antigenicity. So far, they have been used in animalmodels with varying degrees of success. As moreeffective inhibitors become available, we can expect tosee their use in clinical trials. Short of destroying thetobacco crops, a "perfect" low molecular weightinhibitor could be the best bet for the future.

BC STARCHERUniversity of Texas

Health Center at TylerDepartment of Biochemistry

Tyler, Texas, USA


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