EIS New Employee Handbook

New Employee Handbook April 2010


A basic "New Employee Handbook" for a government IT branch.

Transcript of EIS New Employee Handbook

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New Employee Handbook

April 2010

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Welcome to EIS

Dear Employee:

We are pleased to welcome you as a new employee of Enterprise Information Services (EIS) and look forward to working with you in establishing an Information Technology environment that is efficient and responsive to the needs of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.  We encourage all of our employees to interact and exchange ideas in a productive work environment that is conducive to the many challenges and opportunities associated with the ever changing needs of the Department, other government and private agencies, and the citizens of California. Every employee in our organization is a valuable member of this team effort.

In the near future, I will be scheduling a one-on-one meeting with you to discuss EIS goals and objectives in light of the Department’s critical mission, your individual skills and abilities, and how EIS can provide you with knowledge and training towards your further career development.  Through this collaborative process of sharing information and encouraging individual employee development, I am confident your employment with EIS will benefit both you and the organization.

I look forward to our meeting and congratulate you on your new position with EIS.

(Original Signed By)

Joseph A. PanoraAssistant Secretary of Information Technology/AIOEnterprise Information Services

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Table of Contents


How to Use This Handbook...................................................................................................................4

CDCR Mission and Vision.......................................................................................................................5

CDCR Executive Organization Chart......................................................................................................6

EIS Mission............................................................................................................................................7

EIS Vision...............................................................................................................................................7

IT Strategic Goals...................................................................................................................................7

EIS Organization....................................................................................................................................7

EIS Quick Reference for Contacts..........................................................................................................8

CDCR Internet........................................................................................................................................9

CDCR Intranet......................................................................................................................................10

EIS Intranet..........................................................................................................................................10

SharePoint Collaboration Site.............................................................................................................10

EIS Equal Employment Opportunity....................................................................................................11

Employee Assistance Program............................................................................................................12


Travel Advances and Expense Reimbursement...................................................................................14

EIS Training..........................................................................................................................................16

EIS Campuses......................................................................................................................................17

Directions to Aerojet Campus.............................................................................................................18

EIS Aerojet Site Parking.......................................................................................................................18

EIS Help Desk.......................................................................................................................................19

E-Mail and Scheduling.........................................................................................................................20


Conference Rooms..............................................................................................................................21

State Vehicles......................................................................................................................................22

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Conference Call Information and Equipment......................................................................................23

Quad Area...........................................................................................................................................24

Accessing E-Mail Remotely..................................................................................................................25

Accessing Telephone Voice Mail.........................................................................................................26

Aerojet Neighborhood........................................................................................................................27

EMERGENCY HANDBOOK....................................................................................................................28

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IntroductionThe California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Enterprise Information Services (EIS) New Employee Handbook is a reference guide for new EIS employees.

This version of the Handbook supersedes all previous versions. All information is current as of the publication date, but is subject to change to reflect the latest revisions and/or amendments, as needed.

If you have any questions regarding your employment at EIS or anything found in this Handbook, contact your supervisor/manager for assistance.

This EIS New Employee Handbook is available on the CDCR intranet site at: http://intranet/ADM/EIS/Documents/New_Employees/EIS_New_Employee_Handbook.pdf.

How to Use This HandbookThis handbook references multiple URLs that are available to you for further, more detailed topic information. Copy and paste any URL into your browser. Optionally, you may store a URL in your Favorites for re-use.

To immediately navigate to a URL, click on its hyperlink.

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CDCR Mission and Vision

Vision With our partners, we protect the public from crime and victimization.

Mission We enhance public safety through safe and secure incarceration of offenders, effective parole supervision, and rehabilitative strategies to successfully reintegrate offenders into our communities.

Values SERVICE We serve and are responsible to the public. We value their trust and invite their involvement.

LEADERSHIP We serve as positive role models and foster an environment that supports a balance between professional development, professional job performance, and personal wellness.

INTEGRITY We conduct ourselves professionally through fair, honest, and ethical behavior. We have the courage to do what is right, even in the face of adversity.

ACCOUNTABILITY We accept responsibility for our actions and decisions as well as their consequences.

RESPECT We respect each other’s differences and treat others with courtesy, dignity, and consideration.

TRUST We are people of character. We keep our word and honor our commitments.

COLLABORATION We work with our stakeholders as partners to support mutual understanding of ideas and open exploration of our differences.

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CDCR Executive Organization Chart

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EIS MissionThe EIS mission is to provide customer access to enterprise IT services and information essential to support the Agency’s Mission.

EIS VisionWe are an innovative and professional IT organization that is recognized and respected for its outstanding leadership, quality customer service and that the organization:

Creates collaborative business partnerships;

Develops and implements quality business-driven applications;

Provides consistent and timely access to critical business information; and

Provides secure and reliable IT infrastructure and services.

IT Strategic Goals

IT Goal 1 – Manage Information Technology (IT) as an enterprise asset to improve the delivery of service to customers

IT Goal 2 – Ensure availability of IT infrastructure and systems

IT Goal 3 – Secure and protect the Department’s IT assets

IT Goal 4 – Develop a sustainable customer-focused IT support model

IT Goal 5 – Reduce IT carbon footprint and improve energy efficiencies

IT Goal 6 – Develop a robust IT workforce to meet existing and future information technologies

EIS OrganizationOrganizational charts for EIS are located within SharePoint, EIS’s shared portal, at:


The organization charts located at this site are updated regularly.

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EIS Quick Reference for ContactsThe following is a quick reference list of EIS divisions, management and contact information.

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CDCR Internet

The CDCR Internet home page is available at: http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/

The following tabs at the top of the internet home page can be accessed by clicking on them or by direct access as shown in parenthesis, without going to the CDCR Internet home page first.

1) About CDCR (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/About_CDCR/index.html)

How CDCR was re-organized Plans for the future

2) News (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/News/index.html)

Publications from the Office of Public and Employee Communications

3) Prisons (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Prisons/index.html)

Adult prisons Youth facilities Conservation camps

4) Rehabilitation (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Divisions_Boards/Adult_Programs/index.html)

Adult rehabilitation model

5) Parole (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Parole/index.html)

Adult parole operations

6) Juvenile Justice (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Juvenile_Justice/index.html)

Juvenile justice operations

7) Visitation (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/index.html)

Adult inmate and juvenile offender visitation

8) Victim Services (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Victim_Services/index.html)

Victim and survivor rights and services

9) Careers (http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Career_Opportunities/index.html)

Career opportunities within CDCR

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CDCR Intranet

The CDCR Intranet home page is located at: http://intranet/

This home page provides access to day-to-day operational information about CDCR.

EIS Intranet

The EIS intranet home page is located at: http://intranet/ADM/EIS/

This home page provides access to operational information pertaining to EIS.

SharePoint Collaboration Services

SharePoint allows you to collaborate with others in your workgroup for the creation and management of work information used in your daily work activities, including:

creating document libraries to store and search for documents

controlled document versions

creating slide libraries

Shared calendars, contacts and web links

Task assignments and workflow

Feedback using surveys

To access the on-line SharePoint training click on the SharePoint training link located on the CDCR Intranet home page at http://intranet/. This training must be completed before you are given permissions to create or update information in the SharePoint environment.

For general information about SharePoint, contact the Enterprise Web and Collaboration Solutions Unit by sending an email to the ‘SharePoint Help’ group (located on the Global Address Book).

For technical assistance or service requests, submit a Remedy ticket at: http://intranet/ADM/EIS/Pages/ContactHelpDesk.aspx or by contacting the Service Desk at (916) 324-7789.

For information regarding your specific unit’s SharePoint workspace, contact your unit supervisor/manager.

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EIS Equal Employment Opportunity

CDCR creates and maintains a working environment free of discrimination for all California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) employees and applicants.

The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) serves all employees of the department by ensuring effective processes for the filing, investigation and resolution of complaints, developing policy, providing technical assistance and providing training to all CDCR staff in complying with State and federal statute and regulations, as well as departmental policy related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).

URL: http://intranet/ops/AO/dapo/region2/Pages/EEO.aspx

Listed below are the EEO Coordinators and counselors located at EIS. They are available to assist you with any EEO matters.

EIS EEO Contacts:

Coordinator: Darin Swart

Phone: (916) 358-1658

Counselors: Lori Bates

Phone: (916) 358-2401

Ryan L.Wong

Phone: (916) 358-2302

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Employee Assistance ProgramAs a State of California employee, you and your eligible dependents have access to a statewide Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This program is provided by the State of California as part of the State’s commitment to promoting employee health and well being. Offered at no charge to you, the EAP provides a valuable resource for support and information during difficult times, as well as consultation on day-to-day concerns. Through the EAP, you can receive assistance for:

Emotional, Personal and Stress Concerns;

Marital and Family issues;

Legal matters (telephonic assistance only with limited services);

Financial and Credit problems;

Dependent Care (child and elder care consultations); and,

Alcohol and Drug Abuse, including co-dependency

The State of California contracts with a vendor to provide the EAP services. For information about the current vendor and phone number, please contact the Office of Employee Wellness (OEW) at (916) 327-8570.

For detailed information about the State’s Employee Assistance Program, please read the following information and resources: MHN Online Services Password: "soc"

The above information and pages linked is duplicated from DPA's EAP internet site. For further information please see DPA's website at http://www.dpa.ca.gov/benefits/other/eap/eapmain.shtm (internet access is required).

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TimesheetsEmployees are required to complete a timesheet (CDCR 998-A form) the last day of each pay period and submit it to your supervisor/manager. The timesheet is available at:

URL: http://intranet/adm/eis/pages/default_bu2.aspx

The timesheet is an Excel workbook consisting of 3 tabs:

The timesheet itself The back page of the timesheet Instructions on how to fill in the timesheet

For questions regarding timesheets, please contact the PPSS Timekeeper located in the reception area of Aerojet site building 1940 or your immediate supervisor.

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Travel Advances and Expense Reimbursement

Travel Guide

The Travel Guide located at http://intranet/ADM/DSS/fs/accounting-mgmt/travelportal/Pages/TravelGuide.aspx provides guidelines for CDCR employees who are required to travel on official State business, identifies available travel methods and their use, and explains how travel expense reimbursements are allowed. 

The publication of this guide is intended to provide the basic information travelers and supervisors may need in order to effectively approve, plan, complete, and receive reimbursement for travel. 

CalATERS is a web-based solution for travel advance and expense reimbursement processing. It offers: automated audits of statewide travel rules and department policies, form tracking, management reporting capabilities, and more.

URL: http://www.sco.ca.gov/calaters.html

Access http://www.sco.ca.gov/calaters_getstarted.html to:

register as a new CalATERS user process a travel advance process a request for expense reimbursement

Additionally, from the EIS internet home page, access the Travel Portal by:

Moving the cursor over the Employee Information tab Clicking on Travel

Options available from this page are:

Institutions Directions and Lodging CDCR Travel Portal CalATERS Internet Website

Click on the CDCR Travel Portal to access the statewide Travel Management Program that provides cost effective transportation by competitively bidding and managing the State’s travel contracts for airlines, car rentals, travel agencies and the State’s travel payment system provider.  The program also maintains the State’s Lodging Directory.

Alternatively, directly access the CDCR Travel Portal from:


The following links are directly available or can be accessed through the Travel Portal.

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SWABIZURL: http://www.swabiz.com/

This is the Southwest Airlines online corporate booking tool.

Giselle’s TravelURL: http://intranet/ADM/DSS/fs/accounting-mgmt/Documents/Giselle%20Corporate%20phonelist.doc

This link provides a telephone list of Giselle’s Travel travel agents.

Lodging Guide

URL: http://www.catravelsmart.com/lodguideframes.htm

The Department of General Services and American Express have joined together to present a guide for California state business travelers.

This on-line guide provides single-source information on:

Location of quality hotels throughout all regions of the state where the American Express Travel Charge Card is welcomed.

ADA (American Disability Act) enhancements Special rates and complimentary upgrades offered to government employees. Weekly rates Monthly rates Meeting facilities available. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Act) approval. Interior or exterior room access. Enclosed parking facilities. Room cancellation policies. Distance from nearest airport. Transient Occupancy Tax rates and exemption status Other helpful travel information web sites and tips on safety.

Out-of-State TravelURL: http://intranet/ADM/DSS/fs/accounting-mgmt/travelportal/Pages/ambOST.aspx

This site contains forms and process information for requesting permission for out-of-state travel.

Travel assistance is available via email to: [email protected]

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EIS TrainingThere are a number of training courses that are required of all CDCR employees. There are additional courses that may be required depending on your specific job function or position. Information about mandated courses is located on the Enterprise Information Services (EIS) SharePoint site.

Non-mandated courses that are essential to be successful on the job are identified with the supervisor on an individual basis. Each year a Training Plan is developed for the Division and training needs prioritized. Once approved, you will be contacted for scheduling and will be registered in the course(s) by the EIS Training Coordinator. A list of vendors is provided at the EIS SharePoint Training site to assist you with identifying appropriate courses.

Training identified after the Training Plan has been approved requires the completion of an Employee Training Request and Training Exemption Form and will be subject to the availability of funding and approval by the Undersecretary (Administration).

To register for training course(s) or if you have any questions about training classes, contact the EIS Training Coordinator.

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EIS Campuses

EIS has three facilities.

The primary offices and data center are located on the Aerojet Campus located at 1900, 1920, 1940, and 1960 Alabama Avenue.

To support the growing needs of the department, two satellite offices were added:

The Customer Service Client Support and the Project Management office are located at 9838 Old Placerville Road, Rancho Cordova

The Applications Maintenance and Support for Juvenile Justice is located at 10000 Goethe Road, Sacramento

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Directions to Aerojet Campus From the Sacramento Metropolitan Airport, take I-5 south past downtown Sacramento.

Just south of downtown, transition to Highway 50 east towards Fresno / Reno.

Continue on Highway 50 through Rancho Cordova to the Aerojet off-ramp (about 20 miles).

At the stop sign, turn left onto Folsom Boulevard.

At the Folsom Auto Mall traffic light, turn right onto Alabama Avenue.

Take an immediate right past the railroad tracks into the parking area.

EIS Aerojet Site ParkingFree parking is available adjacent to all four buildings.

If you ever have a need to leave your car on the campus overnight, email the following information to “EIS Computer Room Operations” since EIS operates a staffed, 24/7 data center:

Vehicle make

Vehicle model

Vehicle color

License plate number

Dates on which the vehicle is to be left overnight

Your supervisor’s name and telephone number

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EIS Help Desk

An on-line Requestor Console through Remedy provides real time access to an EIS Help Desk.

URL: http://intranet/ADM/EIS/Pages/ContactHelpDesk.aspx

The Requestor Console allows you to:

Create a new Help Desk ticket

Check the status of a ticket

See who it is assigned to

Add additional information to the ticket, and/or cancel a ticket that you created.

To learn how to access and use the Requestor Console, visit:

URL: http://intranet/ADM/EIS/Documents/14.%20Requester%20Console.doc

The Help Desk is also available by telephone at: 916-324-7789.

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E-Mail and Scheduling

Office Outlook is used for both e-mail communications and scheduling.

Upon your hire into EIS, you will be provided with a unique user ID and a default password for you to change. A member of the EIS technical staff will provide you with initial access to e-mail, and you will:

Access e-mail through the mechanism the technical staff member has set up for you, usually through a desktop icon

Provide your user ID and password when prompted

Change your password, when prompted, to one that you define upon entering your first e-mail session. Note: You will be prompted every 42 days to enter a new password in compliance with the security policy.

The Office Outlook Calendar allows you to:

Schedule meetings with other people

Reserve conference call equipment (polycoms)

o Polycoms are listed with the prefix “EIS Aerojet polycom”

Reserve conference rooms

o Buildings are listed with the prefix “Bldg”

Reserve State cars

o Cars are listed with the prefix “EIS Aerojet car”

Reserve meeting projectors

o Projectors are listed with the prefix “EIS Aerojet projector”

Reserve the Aerojet campus quadrangle area (e.g., meetings, cookouts)

o The quadrangle is listed as “EIS Aerojet Quad”

Both e-mail and scheduling are intuitive to use. From either Office Outlook or Office Outlook Calendar, press the F1 key to activate on-line Help capabilities.

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Conference RoomsListed below are conference rooms available for meetings. To check availability and reserve these rooms, go to the Outlook Calendar and select a room from the Global Address Book (see list below). Scheduling of some conference rooms may be restricted and will require authorization from an executive assistant or support staff.

Bldg 1900 JAD Room 1 (Max capacity 20)

Bldg 1900 JAD Room 2 (Max capacity 20)

Bldg 1900 JAD Room 3 (Max capacity 20)

Bldg 1900 JAD Room 4 (Max capacity 20)

Bldg 1920 Conf Rm 1 (17-42) - (Restricted - Contact Shanna Padilla)

Bldg 1920 Exec Conf Rm (15-30) - (Restricted - Contact Shanna Padilla)

Bldg 1940 Exec Conf Rm (12-34) - (Restricted – Contact Darlene Mitchener)

Bldg 1940 Mariposa Conf Rm (8-10)

Bldg 1960 Lg Conf Rm (10-25)

Bldg QUAD (48-160)

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State VehiclesEIS state cars can be checked out through Outlook Calendar. If you are new to EIS, make sure to fill out the required paperwork before taking a car. To reserve a state car, follow the steps below.1. Go to Outlook Calendar.2. Choose the day that you will need the car by clicking once on that date.3. At the top of the menu, click on File. From the drop down menu click on Open,

and then open other Users Folder. In the box, type: EIS Aerojet car (#). All cars that are assigned to EIS at Aerojet will be listed. Select one by double clicking on it.

4. Choose the time that you need the car and double click on the line for that time. In the box, type your name and phone number in the subject line and enter the start and end times you will use the car.

5. Make sure to click save and close or it will not schedule the vehicle. 6. Please see the PPSS support staff located in the reception area of Aerojet

building 1940 to obtain the car keys, Voyager gas card and car log book.

The Aerojet facility currently has two state cars available for use as listed below:

Car #3 Chevrolet CavalierCar #7 Ford Taurus station wagon

The Old Placerville Road facility has one state car available for use as listed below.

Car #4 Toyota Prius

Please use the EIS state cars whenever possible to reduce travel costs.

Please Note: All employees who drive state vehicles must first take the Defensive Driver

course and have a current, valid driver’s license. (Refer to the Training Section of this handbook for further information).

When driving a state vehicle you must abide by all state vehicle codes/laws.

*Should an employee receive a speeding or parking ticket while in a state vehicle, it is the responsibility of the employee to pay the fine, not the state of California.

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ProjectorsEIS currently has three projectors available for use. To reserve a projector:1. Go to Outlook Calendar2. Choose the day that you will need the equipment by clicking once on that date.3. At the top of the menu, click on File. From the drop down menu click on Open,

and then Open other Users Folder. In the box, type: EIS Aerojet projector (#). All of the projectors that are available for use will be listed. Select one by double clicking on it.

4. Choose the time that you need the projector and double click on the line for that time. In the box, type your name and phone number in the subject line and enter the start and end times you will use the projector.

5. Make sure to click save and close or it will not schedule the equipment.6. Please see the PPSS support staff to pick up the projector and complete any

additional required paperwork.

Conference Call Information and EquipmentEIS currently has a contract with Verizon for conference calls. Please contact PPSS support staff located in the reception area of Aerojet Building 1940 for details.

EIS currently has two polycoms available for use. To reserve a polycom:1. Go to Outlook Calendar2. Choose the day that you will need the equipment by clicking once on that date.3. At the top of the menu, click on File. From the drop down menu click on Open,

and then Open other users folder. In the box, type: EIS Aerojet polycom (#).All of the polycoms that are available for use will be listed. Select one by double clicking on it.

4. Choose the time that you need the polycom and double click on the line for that time. In the box, type your name and phone number in the subject line and enter the start and end times you will use the equipment.

5. Make sure to click save and close or it will not schedule the equipment.6. Please see the PPSS support staff to pick up the polycom and complete any

additional required paperwork.

EIS has conference call capability. To schedule a conference call, ask a member of the administrative staff to schedule the call. Provide him/her with:

Date and time of call

Duration of call

Host /owner of call

Subject/title of call

Number of domestic lines needed

Number of international lines needed

Upon reservation confirmation, the administrative staff will be able to provide you with the dial-in telephone number and pass code (numeric) to provide to the conference call invitees.

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Quad AreaThe Quad is the covered area in the middle of the four Aerojet buildings. The Quad has lunch tables and two BBQ’s. To reserve the Quad area:

1. Go to Outlook Calendar

2. Choose the day that you will need the Quad by clicking once on that date.

3. At the top of the menu, click on File. From the drop down menu, click on Open, and then Open other Users Folder. In the box, type: EIS Aerojet Quad.

4. Choose the time that you need the Quad area and double click. Type your name and phone number in the subject line and enter the start and end times you will use the Quad.

5. Make sure to click save and close or it will not schedule the Quad.

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Accessing E-Mail Remotely

The CDCR staff has the ability to access Outlook remotely when away from the office via Outlook Web Access (OWA). For access, following the steps below:

Open Internet Explorer. Type in the following URL address: https://ca.mail.ca.gov/owa. In the Security section, select either Public/Shared Computer or Private Computer. Type your Domain\User Name Type your Password (enter the same password you use at the office) Select: Log On

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Accessing Telephone Voice MailVoice mail is accessible from your office or from any remote site. Each EIS building has a unique dial-in number from which an employee can access his/her voice mail messages. To access your voicemail, use one of the access numbers listed below.

The EIS buildings and their dial-in telephone numbers are:

Aerojet campus: 445-3301 or 327-2533

9838 Old Placerville Road: 327-2533

10000 Goethe Road: 327-2533

Your password is set to your 7-digit telephone number by default. By following the prompts of the voice mail system, you can change your password and set personal settings for yourself (e.g., out of office message)

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Aerojet Neighborhood

Light Rail

The closest light rail stations to EIS are located at Folsom Blvd/Hazel Ave and Folsom Blvd/Iron Point Rd. For more information on scheduling and routes, please visit the Regional Transit website at http://www.sacrt.com/ .


The Folsom Outlets have a food court with a variety of food chains. Historic Folsom on Sutter Street has many dining choices including Hacienda Del

Rio, Chicago Fire Pizza, and many other restaurants and cafes. East Bidwell Street has a variety of dining restaurants including Mimi’s, Macaroni Grill,

Fat’s (Asian), Rubio’s, BJ’s Brewery, and Ruby Tuesday, to name a few. Nimbus Winery has the Old Spaghetti Factory and Cellar Café.

There are also a few restaurants west of Haze Ave on Folsom Blvd. In addition, many dining restaurants are located on Sunrise Blvd. and Zinfandel Drive which are both located west on Highway 50.


The Folsom Outlets are located 1 mile northeast from Alabama Ave. at 13000 Folsom Blvd., on the corner of Folsom Blvd. and Iron Point Road. Many name brand stores are located at the outlets such as Nike, Calvin Klein, The Gap and Liz Claiborne.

Historic Folsom is located at 702 Sutter Street. Head east on Folsom Blvd. about 4 miles, then look for the signs to Historic Folsom. Sutter Street has many unique shops including antique, collectibles, art and more.

East Bidwell Street in Folsom has many shops and restaurants close to the freeway exit located east on Highway 50 about 7 miles from Hazel Ave or Folsom Blvd. East Bidwell is one of Folsom’s largest shopping areas and contains large chain stores and restaurants. The Palladio Mall is a brand new mall that will be opening many large chain stores and restaurants throughout the year of 2010.

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State of California

Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation







9 + 9-1-1


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