eFront 3.6 Functionality Overview

eFront 3.6 Additional Functionality on Commercial editions


eFront Educational & Enterprise Functionality Overview

Transcript of eFront 3.6 Functionality Overview

Page 1: eFront 3.6 Functionality Overview

eFront 3.6 Additional Functionality on Commercial editions

Page 2: eFront 3.6 Functionality Overview

Learning / Lesson Capacity

The administrator is able to set (i) a maximum number of users per lesson and (ii) the access period after registration - ensuring course capacity is maintained.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Learning / Linked Lessons

A very useful and ergonomic feature for creating lessons which permits the sharing of specific data between lessons e.g. a video in one lesson can be reused in other lessons. This saves time and space as the data is only stored once. Such a link is easily achieved by sharing a folder with existing lessons.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Learning / Certifications

Certificates are awarded depending on a predetermined set of objectives being satisfied e.g. the course certificate below was awarded once the user passed all three course lessons in the order of completion, within the deadline date set and with a score above the set threshold.

User’s homepage indicating the achievement of a certificate in the course.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Learning Delivery / Smart Content Import

Compatible with a variety of file types, eFront makes it easy to convert existing data directly into the database, e.g. Zip and PDF files can be imported and eFront will transform them directly into the working content tree, using folder names as unit names within the lesson.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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SCORM 2004 4th edition is the latest and most technologically advanced collection of standards and specifications for web-based eLearning.

Based on new standards for API and content object-to-runtime environment communication - with many of the ambiguities of previous versions resolved - has helped create a more robust test suite which helps ensure good interoperability. Combines the ability to specify adaptive sequencing of activities that use the content objects while allowing the sharing and use of information for multiple learning objectives or competencies across content and courses for the same learner within the same LMS.

All this gives users a faster and more complete experience and allows providers to set more stringent learning paths that users must comply to.

eFront is one of the first systems to offer this level of support for SCORM.

SCORM 2004 4th edition Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Communication / Surveys

Creating a survey is made simple and flexible, with many options available to the creators, e.g. respondents can remain anonymous and there is a wide variety of question types to choose from. Once the survey is published, the invited users will see a notification on their homepage and until when they should complete it.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Communication / Notifications

This feature allows for customized automated emails to be created for any event. These can be restricted to certain users and activated/deactivated, as shown below, in black/red accordingly. Very easy to manage - an efficient and reliable way to inform users automatically.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Ecommerce / Shopping Cart

Shows users which courses they have chosen to purchase and enroll in, indicating individual as well as total prices and any discounts available, as shown above. Offering a discount feature also allows users to enter a discount voucher code, which will adjust the balance automatically.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Ecommerce / Voucher and Discount

Vouchers and discounts can be entered by administrators, with the option of setting voucher codes, discount percentages and start dates. This gives administrators full control over which users are eligible for the discounts.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Ecommerce / Balance Support A very user friendly feature, permitting users to prepay an

amount towards their future purchases whilst simplifying the associated administrative process.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Social / Facebook Integration

Facebook integration allows users to login to their eLearning facility and Facebook simultaneously in order to view their Facebook profile on their eLearning homepage. Once connection with Facebook has been established there is no need to login separately, as shown below.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Social / System Timelines

Users can see their own history of actions whilst administrators will have an overview of what users are actually doing.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Social / Lesson Timelines

Each lesson has its own specific timeline, providing transparency of everyone’s actions for all parties associated with the lesson.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Social Extensions / User Wall & Status

Users with common lessons can write on each other’s walls, in an attempt to effectively utilize tacit knowledge within the organization. Users can also update their status, to keep anyone connected up to date e.g. the below user has written “Happy Twenty-Ten to all!!!”.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / Groups

Consolidation of users into groups allows administrators to auto-assign a variety of common content and settings to all group users. This is necessary feature for larger organizations, allowing administrators to efficiently, accurately and effortlessly register new users and manage existing ones.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / Extended User Profiles

Administrators can customize the details required when users register to contain more fields of information which can be set as mandatory or optional. Above are some examples of fields that can be added, although the standard details required from any registering user are set as default.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / Themes

Examples from a plethora of themes available. Themes can adjust not only color but also layout, by adding or eliminating blocks according to the user’s preferences.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / Auto-update

With paid editions, customers are able to auto-update their version of eFront, whilst maintaining their database intact, as long as their licence is still valid. Customers can compare their installed version to the latest available to make sure they are up-to-date.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / Archive support

Depending on the edition, when you delete a user, lesson or course, it is automatically moved to an archive folder in order to avoid loss of valuable data.

The administrator then has the option to fully restore or permanently delete the data and free up storage space, as shown above.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Administration / LDAP support

LDAP support and an extensive XML API provide the means to communicate with other systems. In conjunction with other administrative features, it allows for the creation of a secure environment e.g. where you can restrict the IP addresses that have access to the system.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Test Reports

Administrators and supervisors can check to see how many users have completed a specific test, how many times they tried and their average score, allowing instant access to any user’s performance.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Test Reports

Test analysis, a feature of test reporting, allows for a quick and accurate comparison between all completed test scores, providing supervisors with valuable insights of individual performances.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes Reporting / Test Reports

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Reporting / Time Reports

The administrator has access to a plethora of time constraint reports from users on a course to most active users, instantly giving valuable information which prior to eLearning was too time-consuming to compile!

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Event Reports

Adjustable to a specific user, lesson or course, these reports summarize all events related to the variable selected e.g. certificates issued for and historical job positions of the selected user, plus many more…

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Group Reports

A report on a group of users that gives varied information including registration and last login per user, lessons related to the group, group user traffic and access time.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Certificate Reports

Generates a report showing users who obtained a particular course’s certificate, within which specified time frame, with certificates about to expire and of a specific certificate key.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Branch Reports

Shows users within a particular branch, indicating last login and jobs assigned, lessons enrolled in and total access time per user - similar to group reports.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / Participation Reports

Offers a high level overview of user’s participation in the various eLearning mediums e.g. content viewing, tests, projects, forums. These can be time constrained per user, group, specific lesson or course.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Reporting / User reports generator

Build your own reports through an easy to use user interface, the user reports generator . The generator is based on a number of conditions and reporting columns.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Skill Gap / Tests & Analysis

Examines the capability of users in pursuing a role according to predetermined criteria (reflected in the questions created and chosen, as shown) ensuring that the organization efficiently allocates its human resources.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Skill Gap / Tests & Analysis

Invited users will receive a link on their homepage to access and complete the test. The results will indicate which users are most suitable for the role, thus maximizing productivity. A valuable tool for organizations, which has the potential to revolutionize resource management systems and take workforce productivity to new levels.

Educational Yes

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Track job placements

Allows for job specific searches and/or in conjunction with branch location i.e. specific job roles in specific branch locations. It also allows for skill specific searches or a search of employees within a specific job role across all branches.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Branch management

Provides a quick overview of all branches, their location details, number of employees at each branch and where each branch reports to. By selecting a particular branch, further information such as employee details and job positions can be viewed – thus providing conclusive information more effectively.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Branch Theme and Url

You can define a different theme and access url for each one of your branches. Users will see a different interface as well as different course catalog according to their branch.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Branch Supervisor

Supervisors are considered as the administrators of their branch, with privileged access to features and control of users, within that branch. Branch supervisors have access to the categories shown below, and each category has numerous options e.g. add/delete users, assign users to job roles or courses, add/delete job positions, create groups of users, plus much more. Branch Supervisors are able to access these options from their homepage via an organization link.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Skills management

Skills are easily created, categorized and assigned to users once they have fulfilled certain criteria, e.g. pass a specific test associated with a skill, or be assigned by the administrator directly if a user already possesses the skill.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Competency management

This allows for a search of various skills simultaneously required to perform certain tasks e.g. the three skills searched below matched only two user’s skill-sets and thus their competency in performing desired task.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Employee transcripts

An example of an employee transcript showing evaluation remarks by supervisors on their performance and achievements.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Employee transcripts

An example of an employee transcript showing overall and individual test scores (and date test was taken) plus lessons and courses the user has already completed.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise Suite / Managing users

Users can be managed by branch or job position, as shown below, and also by location and department.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise Suite / Assign courses based on job role

This ensures users are automatically enrolled into courses and lessons depending on their job role e.g. Business Development Managers will automatically be enrolled into the courses shown below.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Skill based search

Allows for skill based searches across the whole organization, a particular branch or within a specific job position i.e. in the below example, 3 people within the whole organization have the ‘experience in managing people’ skill.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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Enterprise / Certification paths management

Depending on the version, certificates can be further managed to include an expiry date e.g. the below certificate will be valid for twelve months and users must repeat the course upon certificate expiry. This is particularly useful with courses covering evolving topics as it keeps course users as up-to-date as possible.

Educational No

Enterprise Yes

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