Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for...

Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in-process varying of spindle speed and cutting depth Christian Brecher 1 Prateek Chavan 1 Alexander Epple 1 Received: 29 September 2017 / Accepted: 23 April 2018 / Published online: 14 June 2018 Ó The Author(s) 2018 Abstract The experimental determination of stability lobe diagrams (SLDs) in milling can be realized by either continuously varying the spindle speed or by varying the depth of cut. In this paper, a method for combining both these methods along with an online chatter detection algorithm is proposed for efficient determination of SLDs. To accomplish this, communication between the machine control and chatter detection algorithm is established, and the machine axes are controlled to change the spindle speed or depth of cut. The efficiency of the proposed method is analyzed in this paper. Keywords Chatter detection Poincare ´ Cutting depth variation Spindle speed 1 Introduction Material removal rate (MRR) significantly determines the financial viability of a cutting process. In the case of conventional as well as high-speed milling, MRR is mainly limited by the maximum achievable depth of cut without process instability or regenerative chatter. The critical depth of cut during milling can be either estimated by a simulation model or established experimentally for a given combination of machine, workpiece, and tool. Milling simulation models for predicting instability have been the subject of extensive research in the past decades. The process of regenerative chatter for interrupted cutting, such as milling, where the cutting forces vary periodically, can be modeled using non-autonomous delay differential equations (DDEs). A time-domain numerical solution of these equations gives the stability boundaries as in Ref. [1]. Altintas and Budak [2] proposed a zeroth order approxi- mation of the Fourier terms of the periodic cutting force coefficients. Subsequently, a complex analytical formula- tion of the relation for critical depth of cut was proposed in Refs. [3, 4]. Although these simulation models of the dynamic milling process are valid for tools with large numbers of teeth and high radial immersion, they still suffer from several disadvantages. Simulative methods require extensive measurement of the dynamics between the workpiece and tool in different directions. Furthermore, several assumption and simplifications regarding material properties, force characteristics, and dynamic behavior are necessary to create a dynamic milling model, which introduces inaccuracies. Despite these simplifications and assumptions, an analytical solution for the stability boundary still requires certain expertise and cannot be readily implemented in the industry. Experimentally determined stability boundaries, on the other hand, represent the true boundaries and act as a ref- erence for comparing the accuracy of analytical models. However, the experimental determination necessitates several cutting trials covering the variables of spindle speed and depth of cut. Each trial is conducted at a fixed spindle speed and depth of cut. This is a tedious and time- consuming job. In the literature, two methods have been proposed for expediting the experimental determination of stability borders: the continuous variation of depth of cut at constant spindle speed [5], and the continuous variation of spindle speed with constant depth of cut [6]. These corre- spond to movements along the vertical and horizontal axes & Prateek Chavan [email protected] 1 Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL), RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany 123 Adv. Manuf. (2018) 6:272–279 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40436-018-0225-x

Transcript of Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for...

Page 1: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in-processvarying of spindle speed and cutting depth

Christian Brecher1 • Prateek Chavan1 • Alexander Epple1

Received: 29 September 2017 / Accepted: 23 April 2018 / Published online: 14 June 2018

� The Author(s) 2018

Abstract The experimental determination of stability lobe

diagrams (SLDs) in milling can be realized by either

continuously varying the spindle speed or by varying the

depth of cut. In this paper, a method for combining both

these methods along with an online chatter detection

algorithm is proposed for efficient determination of SLDs.

To accomplish this, communication between the machine

control and chatter detection algorithm is established, and

the machine axes are controlled to change the spindle speed

or depth of cut. The efficiency of the proposed method is

analyzed in this paper.

Keywords Chatter detection � Poincare � Cutting depth

variation � Spindle speed

1 Introduction

Material removal rate (MRR) significantly determines the

financial viability of a cutting process. In the case of

conventional as well as high-speed milling, MRR is mainly

limited by the maximum achievable depth of cut without

process instability or regenerative chatter. The critical

depth of cut during milling can be either estimated by a

simulation model or established experimentally for a given

combination of machine, workpiece, and tool.

Milling simulation models for predicting instability have

been the subject of extensive research in the past decades.

The process of regenerative chatter for interrupted cutting,

such as milling, where the cutting forces vary periodically,

can be modeled using non-autonomous delay differential

equations (DDEs). A time-domain numerical solution of

these equations gives the stability boundaries as in Ref. [1].

Altintas and Budak [2] proposed a zeroth order approxi-

mation of the Fourier terms of the periodic cutting force

coefficients. Subsequently, a complex analytical formula-

tion of the relation for critical depth of cut was proposed in

Refs. [3, 4]. Although these simulation models of the

dynamic milling process are valid for tools with large

numbers of teeth and high radial immersion, they still

suffer from several disadvantages. Simulative methods

require extensive measurement of the dynamics between

the workpiece and tool in different directions. Furthermore,

several assumption and simplifications regarding material

properties, force characteristics, and dynamic behavior are

necessary to create a dynamic milling model, which

introduces inaccuracies. Despite these simplifications and

assumptions, an analytical solution for the stability

boundary still requires certain expertise and cannot be

readily implemented in the industry.

Experimentally determined stability boundaries, on the

other hand, represent the true boundaries and act as a ref-

erence for comparing the accuracy of analytical models.

However, the experimental determination necessitates

several cutting trials covering the variables of spindle

speed and depth of cut. Each trial is conducted at a fixed

spindle speed and depth of cut. This is a tedious and time-

consuming job. In the literature, two methods have been

proposed for expediting the experimental determination of

stability borders: the continuous variation of depth of cut at

constant spindle speed [5], and the continuous variation of

spindle speed with constant depth of cut [6]. These corre-

spond to movements along the vertical and horizontal axes

& Prateek Chavan

[email protected]

1 Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering

(WZL), RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 30,

52074 Aachen, Germany


Adv. Manuf. (2018) 6:272–279


Page 2: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

in the stability lobe diagrams (SLDs) (see Fig. 1). Both

these approaches require an online or real-time detection of

the occurrence of instability.

Quintna et al. [5] used a microphone and a frequency-

domain based chatter detection algorithm. However, as the

detection is based on the fast Fourier transformation (FFT)

of the sampled time period, there is always a delay asso-

ciated with the sampling time period. Additionally, initial

milling trails are required to identify the chatter frequency.

The frequency-domain identification can be erroneous if

the chatter frequency lies at the teeth engagement fre-

quency. Grossi et al. [6] proposed a ramp-up test where the

spindle speed was varied linearly, and the feed per tooth

and depth of cut were kept constant. Here, as well, a fre-

quency-domain based order analysis technique is used for

chatter detection; however, it suffers from the same

drawbacks mentioned previously. This paper proposes a

time-domain based online chatter detection algorithm that

does not suffer from significant time delays and disad-

vantages associated with frequency-domain methods.

A successive combination of both experimental strate-

gies for reaching instability, along with an online, real time

chatter detection algorithm, and a communication with the

machine to affect a change in machining parameters would

drastically reduce the experimental effort associated with

establishing SLDs. This paper proposes such a method so

that SLDs can be established rapidly (see Fig. 1). The

paper is organized as follows: the online chatter detection

algorithm based on the Poincare map is discussed, together

with the necessary signal processing required for achieving

sharp trajectories of spindle displacements. Section 3 gives

an overview of the measurement setup for combining

experimental strategies. Section 4 presents a comparison of

the stability boundaries obtained by the conventional

method and by the proposed method. Conclusions are

presented in Sect. 5.

2 Real time chatter detection algorithm

The online, time-domain chatter detection algorithm pro-

posed in this paper is built on the approach of using

Poincare maps and sections as introduced by Davies et al.

[7]. This method is based on vibration of the cutting tool in

a two-dimensional plane. The trajectory of the displace-

ment of the tool centerpoint (TCP) in this two-dimensional

plane is plotted, and the TCP position at a given angle is

sampled once per revolution. Hence, the trajectory is

analogous to a Poincare map and the once per revolution

sampling is analogous to a Poincare section. For a

stable process, the motion of the TCP and hence the tra-

jectory repeats itself. Upon the onset of chatter, the tra-

jectory becomes quasi-periodic and does not pass the same

point after one revolution (see Fig. 1b). This idea has been

used as an indicator for process stability for time domain

simulation models of milling process in Refs. [8–10] as

well as for milling experiments in Refs. [11–13]. In reality,

the actual TCP position is not known. Hence, for the mil-

ling experiments, acceleration signals from a sensor placed

at the main spindle were used for the analysis. Despite this

approximation, promising results were achieved in

Refs. [12, 13].

In this paper, we propose the use of a main spindle-

mounted tri-axial acceleration sensor for the creation of

Fig. 1 Existing and proposed methods for rapid detection of stability boundaries in milling a continuous increasing of depth of cut, b continuous

increasing of spindle speed, c proposed methods, and d Poincare-section approach

Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in-process varying of spindle speed and… 273


Page 3: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

Poincare maps and hence for process stability monitoring.

Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

chatter vibrations. This is a moving window where the

calculations regarding process stability are performed

every 0.1 s. The latest 0.1 s signal is added to the analysis

window, and the oldest 0.1 s is removed from the window.

In this way, the maximum delay for detecting chatter is

0.1 s.

The accuracy and reliability of chatter detection is

heavily dependent on the quality and sharpness of the

spindle displacement trajectory. Therefore, extensive sig-

nal processing of the raw acceleration signal is performed

to obtain a sharp, noise-free trajectory on the Poincare map.

This is achieved by time integration of the raw acceleration

signal, removing of trends, periodic regression, and

applying a high pass filter. These processing steps were

established through initial trials and are performed in real

time every 0.1 s.

Besides the acceleration, the angular position of the tool

is also recorded from the control system. This is necessary

for creation of the Poincare section. Each deflection of the

spindle in the two-dimensional plane is allocated the cor-

responding angular position. A particular angular position

on the Poincare map can then be observed every revolu-

tion. This point is called the bisection point. For a

stable process, the trajectory passes nearly the same point

at a given angle, and the bisection points lie close to each

other, whereas in case of instability, the trajectory is quasi-

periodic and bisection points are scattered (see Fig. 1b).

Using the trajectory and the bisection points, the criteria for

detecting process stability and instability can be


The proposed method with a spindle-mounted acceler-

ation sensor is effective only for modes for which the

sensor does not lie on one of the nodes of vibration. In case

of long and flexible milling tools, the chatter vibrations

may not be observable at the spindle-mounted sensor.

Hence, observability of chatter vibrations is a necessity for

this approach.

2.1 Chatter indicator and criteria for detecting


For detecting the transition from stability to instability, the

ratio of the standard deviations of the bisection points, sBxand sBy, to that of the complete trajectory, sTx and sTy, is

used as the chatter indicator (CI) (CIin), and is calculated

accordingly every 0.1 s [13, 14]

Iin ¼sBxsBy

sTxsTy: ð1Þ

For a stable process, this ratio remains small (below 0.1)

and increases owing to instability (above 0.8). The course

of the CI during the cut can be used as an indication of the

transition from stability to instability, and the various cri-

teria used for the detection are illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Criteria for detection of instability and stability a positive and negative trend, b positive and negative leap, c absolute limit, and

d gradient analysis

274 C. Brecher et al.


Page 4: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

Four criteria are proposed in this paper for the recog-

nition of instability: positive trend, positive leap, absolute

limit, and gradient analysis. These criteria are based on the

current and previous values of CI. A sudden increase in the

amplitude of the CI can be identified as instability using the

positive leap criteria, where the amplitude of the current CI

is compared with the mean of the previous five CIs. Here, a

limiting leap factor Lp must be defined. A gradual increase

in the course of CI can be identified as chatter by the

positive trend criteria. A boundary trend factor Tp defines

the factor by which the present CIin exceeds the previous

CI. If this occurs for the current and the previous three CIs,

a critical trend indicating chatter is detected. In several

cases, it was observed that, owing to some unfiltered noise

in the acceleration signal, the chatter indicator could not

exceed the previous CI by a factor Tp, but an increasing

trend was still observed (see Fig. 2d). To cover such cases,

a gradient analysis criterion was created where the gradient

between the current CI and the fifth last CI was calculated

and a limit G was set. Additionally, as a safety measure, an

absolute value of Ap was set.

2.2 Chatter indicator and criteria for detecting


The proposed method for rapid measurement of SLDs

involves not only continuously increasing depth of cut, but

also the variation in spindle speed. In case of the latter, the

process may pass through one or more stability lobes.

Therefore, the detection of the transition from instability to

stability is also relevant. For this, the criteria for detecting

instability were modified such that negative leaps Ln, trends

Tn, and absolute limits An could be detected (see Fig. 2).

It was observed that the application of the stability

detection criteria to the CI described in Eq. (1) led to

inconsistent and erroneous results. During chatter, the

spindle trajectory and bisection points are distributed

quasi-periodically and non-deterministically, the CI fluc-

tuates significantly and a transition to stability is difficult to

establish. An alternative chatter indicator is proposed here

which relates the current Ic to the CI during stable cutting

conditions Is:

Ist ¼sBxsBysTxsTysSBxsSBysSTxsSTy

¼ Ic

CIs: ð2Þ

In other words, it is the ratio of the current chatter

indicator to that during stability. In this manner, a reference

to the process condition during stability is maintained, and

the detection of the transition to stability is easier. As soon

as chatter is detected using the Iin from Eq. (1), the CI for

the time package preceding the current CI is chosen as the

indicator during stability CIs, and the indicator is switched

to Ist from Eq. (2) until stability is detected. The complete

chatter and stability detection algorithm is implemented as

a software in a Matlab environment.

3 Experimental setup

The milling experiments were conducted on a 5-axis

machining center carrying a four-toothed milling cutter

head of diameter 50 mm with coated carbide cutting inserts

(R390-18 06 08 M-PM 4230). C45 steel work pieces with

dimensions of 217 mm 9 217 mm, fixed with four M12

screws, provided a basis for the different milling opera-

tions, as shown in Fig. 3. A tri-axial acceleration sensor

was mounted on the spindle housing. An external inter-

polator was used to extract the current angular position of

the spindle from the machine control.

Firstly, an SLD within the range 1 200–1 500 r/min was

obtained conventionally. The measurement points with

different combinations of depth of cut and spindle speed

lead to the stability lobe that is shown in Fig. 3b.

For the rapid determination of stability boundaries, two

cuts with different cutting parameters were performed

successively. In the first cut, the depth of cut, starting at

2.5 mm with a constant spindle speed of 1 300 r/min, was

continuously raised until chatter was detected. This was

possible owing to the inclination of the workpiece created

by rotating the B-axis (see Fig. 3). After a pause of 5 s,

where the chatter detection software reinitializes, the sec-

ond cut was initiated by increasing the spindle speed and

keeping the depth of cut constant. Here, the spindle speed

was varied starting from 1 300 r/min till the edge of the

workpiece for different rates of spindle speed variation.

Furthermore, as communication is required between the

chatter detection software and the NC program, the digital

input/output interface X142 of the Siemens numerical

control unit (NCU) was utilized. Synchronous commands

continuously monitored the digital signal from the chatter

detection algorithm and switched to a spindle speed vari-

ation subroutine as soon as it received the signal.

4 Results and discussions

Five experiments were conducted with the same parame-

ters as mentioned in the previous chapter to roughly ana-

lyze the repeatability and consistency of the detected

stability and instability boundaries. An example analysis of

trial 3 is described in this section (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4 shows the two consecutive milling cuts with

the corresponding acceleration signals and calculated

chatter indicators. In the case of Cut 1, where the depth of

cut is increased continuously on account of the inclined

Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in-process varying of spindle speed and… 275


Page 5: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

workpiece, Iin is used as an indicator for detecting insta-

bility. As can be seen in Fig. 4a, the onset of chatter seen in

the acceleration signal is accompanied by a clear increase

in Iin. This increase is recognized as instable by the gra-

dient analysis criteria. A digital signal is then sent to the

machine control system. The software also calculates the

Fig. 3 Measurement setup and conventionally obtained SLD a measurement setup, and b conventionally obtained SLD

Fig. 4 Exemplary analysis of trial 3

276 C. Brecher et al.


Page 6: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

critical depth of cut based on the feed rate and the time of

chatter (see Table 1). Owing to the inclined workpiece, the

tool experiences minimum and maximum depths of cut

(see Fig. 5). The average of the two is taken as the effective

depth of cut and is listed in Table 1 as the calculated

critical depth of cut ap;calculated.

It is observed that there is a constant delay of 0.3 s until

the feed and spindle are stopped after recognition of

chatter. This means that the process is stopped at a higher

depth of cut of an additional 0.16 mm for the used feed

rate, workpiece inclination, and spindle speed. The process

stops at a point around 0.16 mm above the detected sta-

bility boundary.

After a pause of 5 s, the spindle speed variation is

automatically initiated at the same depth of cut. For this

cut, the indicator Ist from Eq. (2) is calculated online, and

the criteria for negative leap, trend, and absolute limit are

applied. Stability is detected at 1 465 r/min by the negative

trend criteria, but the spindle speed is varied till the end of

the workpiece. After this point, the chatter indicator is

switched back to Iin, as the transition to instability will now

be searched.

The five milling trials were carried out for the same

workpiece inclination angle, but for different spindle

accelerations (r= min � sð Þ), as can be seen in the Table 1.

As far as Cut 1 is concerned, a very high agreement can be

seen between the calculated and measured critical depths of

cut. In general, however, the critical depth of cut for an

inclined workpiece seems to be marginally higher than in

the case of a conventional slot. For Cut 2, the spindle speed

was varied at different rates of change in spindle speed,

which is referred to as ‘‘spindle acceleration’’ (r= min � sð Þ)[6].

For different rates of change in spindle speed, different

boundaries were obtained. The conventionally obtained

SLD shows that for a cutting depth between 7 mm and

7.5 mm, the stability boundary lies roughly between 1 325

r/min and 1 375 r/min. However, the detected boundaries,

taken from the average of the maximum and minimum

depths of cut (see Fig. 5) lie slightly lower than the con-

ventionally obtained boundaries (see Table 1 and Fig. 6).

Higher spindle revolutions per minute accelerations show a

higher deviation from the actual stability boundary. A

reasonably accurate stable spindle speed was detected only

for the low rate of spindle speed variation of 23.1

r= min � sð Þ. Due to the dimensions of the workpiece, a

subsequent Cut 3 with increases in depth of cut was not


5 Conclusions

This study proposes a combination of experimental tech-

niques of continuously increasing the depth of cut and

continuously varying spindle speed such that SLD can be

Table 1 Summary of conducted trials for rapid SLD determination



Cut 1 Cut 2

ap;measure/mm ap;calculated/




Start spindle


(r � min-1)

End spindle


(r � min-1)



ðr � min � sð Þ�1Þ

Stable spindle

speed/(r � min-1)

1 6.92 6.91 0.14 1 300 1 450 23.1 1 388

2 6.60 6.61 - 0.16 1 300 1 475 27.3 1 428

3 6.91 7.01 - 1.45 1 300 1 500 31.3 1 435

4 6.82 7.01 - 2.79 1 300 1 525 35.7 1 434

5 7.12 7.11 0.14 1 300 1 550 39.7 1 439

Average and standard deviation:

ap;measure ¼ 6:87� 0:168ð Þmm

Conventionally obtained stable spindle speed between 1 325 r/min and 1

375 r/min

Fig. 5 Effective depth of cut for an inclined workpiece

Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in-process varying of spindle speed and… 277


Page 7: Efficient determination of stability lobe diagrams by in ... · Poincare´ maps and hence for process stability monitoring. Acceleration signal packages of 0.3 s are analyzed for

obtained rapidly and automatically. For this, a real-time

chatter detection algorithm based on the Poincare section

was developed and implemented for detection of instability

as well as stability. All mathematical operations regarding

calculation of CIs and the criteria can be performed in real

time, and stability and instability were detected with a

maximum delay in recognition of 0.1 s. A communication

with the machining center was established via the digital

input/outputs of the NCU.

Promising preliminary results were obtained for the

combination of the experimental techniques. The critical

depth of cut for a given spindle speed could be identified

accurately and quickly. The boundary of stability at a given

depth of cut could be identified with reasonable accuracy

only in the case of a low rate of change in spindle speeds.

This appears to be a limitation of the proposed method as a

larger workpiece is required for low revolution per minute

accelerations. For larger workpieces, the position depen-

dent machine dynamics may lead to a distortion or falsi-

fication of the SLD. Further experimentation is required to

analyze the effect of rate of change in spindle speed to find

an optimum value for a given process.

Acknowledgements The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the

support of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungs-

gemeinschaft, DFG). This work was funded as part of the DFG

Project ‘‘Efficient determination of Stability Lobe Diagrams’’ (Grant

No. BR 2905/73-1).

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea

tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give

appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a

link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were



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