EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit

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  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Integrated Civil Rights Unit

    Melina Arriaza

    EDEL 453

    Nevada State College

    Dr. Kolar

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Table of Contents


    Title Page 1

    Table of Contents.2

    Book Summary.3

    NCSS Themes and Standards...4-5

    CEF Objectives...6

    Integration of Multiple Subjects..7

    Daily Lessons Calendar.....8-11

    Lesson Plans..12-19

    Day 1. 12-14

    Day 4......................15-18

    Day 7 .19

    References 20

    Reflection.. 21-23


  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Our Civil Rights Unit will focus on the aspect of segregation, the unity, faith and

    persistence of the people fighting for change during the Civil Rights Movements. The unit is

    centered around:

    Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-InsBy: Carole Boston Weatherford

    Paintings by: Jerome Lagarrigue

    4th Grade Integrated Social Studies Unit

    The story is through the eyes of an eight-year old

    girl living during segregation. She tells the storyof a sit in at a snack bar at a five-and-dime store.

    During this time they (African Americans) were

    not allowed to sit-in at counters. They wereallowed to purchase food but not allowed to sit

    and enjoy it. The sit-in happened after Dr.Martin Luther King J.R. visited Greensboro.

    Around this time the Civil Rights movement was

    predominant. She tells the story of her brotherscollege friends sitting in at the five-and-dime

    store and their standing up for what theybelieved. Shewanted to help since she also didn't

    believe segragation was fair. She helped make

    signs for her older siblings to use in a televised

    protest. During this protest her sister getsarrested but refuses to be bailed out because she

    is commited to make a difference and fight forthe end of segragation. The story ends with her

    family seeing colored folks being served at

    Woolworths lunch counter. The communitysunion and persistence stopped segregation.


    Civil Rights


    standing up to what you believe

    unity faith


    4th GradeGrade Choice

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    I. Culture The culture of those living In Greensboro, white and

    colored. The belief that races had to be segregated wasall they knew.


    Time, Continuity,


    The story takes place in 1960. A huge change occurs

    in this story. This story is the epitome of change

    accomplished through unity and persistence.

    III. People, Places and


    The citizens of Greensboro knew no better. Theyfollowed the rules of segregation even when they were

    not visible. The environment and feel was all the same

    everywhere: colored citizens were second-class theepitome of segregation.

    IV. Individual

    Developments and


    The identity of the little girl was handed to her without

    her having a choice. She began to create her identitywhen she noticed her older siblings fighting for what

    the injustice of segregation. By standing up for what

    they believed, the citizens of Greensboro created their

    own identity.

    V. Individuals,

    Groups and


    This story helps put a face to all that contributed to the

    end of segregation in Greensboro.

    VI. Power, Authority The police officers and jail played a part in this story.Dr. Martin Luther King was also introduced in this

    story he is a huge authority figure when speaking of

    Civil Rights. Their actions play a huge part in the stopto segregation in Greensboro.

    VII. Production,

    Distribution and


    Although having the banana split was a want, not

    being able to sit on the lunch counter was a need; aneed to be seen as equal, and not segregated.

    VIII. Science,

    Technology and


    The little girl was able to see her sister standing up for

    her beliefs and faith on television, a technology that

    was brought to the world merely thirty years prior.

    IX. GlobalConnections Segregation was occurring everywhere else.Greensboro was one of the many that stood up for

    Civil Rights.

    X. Civic Ideas and


    This is the link of the civic ideas and the practices thatput those ideas into action. This book is based on the

    practices of the colored citizens of Greensboro that

    worked together to put their ideas into action.

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit




    5.0 Citizenship-

    Students know the

    roles, rights, and

    responsibilities of

    United States

    Citizens and the

    symbols of ourcountry. (The

    citizens of

    Greensboro were

    fighting for their


    Not mentioned in

    this book, but they

    did need money to

    purchase items at

    the lunch counters.

    1.0The World inSpatial Terms-

    Students use

    maps, globes,

    and other


    tools andtechnologies to

    locate and



    about people,

    places, and


    (The students

    will identify

    Greensboro on

    a map, as wellas any other

    Civil Rights

    locations we


    1.0Chronology-Students use

    chronology to

    organize and

    understand the

    sequence and

    relationship of

    events. (The

    students know

    that it took Dr.

    Martin Luther

    King to plant the

    seed, and that

    Civil War

    happened after

    the fight for their


    2.0History Skills-Students will use

    social studiesvocabulary and

    concepts to

    engage in


    9.0 The Twentieth

    Century, A

    Changing World:

    1945-1990- Students

    understand the shift

    of international

    relationships and

    power as well as thesignificant

    developments in

    American culture.

    (This is more about

    the change in

    American culture).

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    It is expected that students will:

    Social studies/History

    H3.3.1 Explain how the actions

    of heroes and heroines make a


    H3.3.2. Determine what it means

    to be an American citizen and

    describe achievements of famous

    and ordinary citizens.

    G.7.3.5 Describe purposes forvarious organizations.

    H.3.3.5 Explain how technology

    at home and in school impacts

    their lives.

    H.3.4.5 Discuss major news

    events on the local and state


    Language Arts/Reading:

    3.4.2 Describe physical and

    personality traits

    3.4.3. Explain the main idea

    supported by evidence.

    3.4.9. Make connections to

    self, other text, and/or the


    Service Learning

    H.3.3.3 Define ethnicity and

    explain that people who make

    contributions to their

    communities include those who

    have diverse ethnic origins,

    customs, and traditions.

    H.3.3.4 Demonstrate respect for

    each other, the community, and

    the world.


    3.4.4 Determine totals for

    monetary amounts in practical


    Computer3.B.5.1 Use key words to search,

    organize, locate, and synthesize

    information in multiple sources tocreate an original product.

    6.B.2.1 Navigate age appropriate


    6.C.2.1 Demonstrate proper care

    of equipment.

    Theater, Music, & Visual


    G.5. 1.4 Develop Vocabulary through

    meaningful text

    1.3.1 Create a simple script based on

    personal experience, imagination, orretelling of a story.

    1.5.2 Work together in a group toplan, rehearse, and present adramatized idea or story.

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Integration of Multiple Subjects

    Social Studies/ History:

    -Students will create a CivilRights timeline

    -Each group picks an

    activist/Movement and

    completes research

    Reading Language Arts:

    -Students will research howcolored families were treated

    and the difficulties theyencountered during


    -Students will read stories offamous Civil Rights

    Activists: Rosa Parks, Dr.

    Martin Luther King

    -Students will answerdiscussion questions in small


    Visual Arts:

    -have students create acharacter map

    -Groups of 4/5 can make acollage of things that were

    not allowed during

    segregation-Students will create a

    collage of signs that may

    have been used during

    Civil Rights movement.


    -Use the computer/ internet

    to look up data andstatistics of Civil Rights

    and Segregation

    -Use the computer toresearch signs that were

    used for protesting in the

    Civil rights Movements


    -Discuss how Segregation

    affected the economy

    -Create a store where

    certain items are not

    available to sell To-Gohow much profit is

    potentially lost due to


    Service Learning:-Ask students to come upwith 4 things they want to

    change about their school

    Theatre/Music:-Students will reenact a CivilRights Action

    Social Studies /Geography:-Students will identify where in

    the United States Civil Rights

    Activism took place

    For this unit I will be integrating Social Studies/History, Visual Arts, and Service


  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Calendar and Objectives

    Day of Lesson SocialStudies/History

    Visual Arts Service Learning

    CEF Objectives H3.3.1 Explain how theactions of heroes andheroines make adifference.

    H3.3.2. Determine what itmeans to be an Americancitizen and describeachievements of famousand ordinary citizens.

    G.7.3.5 Describe purposes

    for various organizations.

    H.3.3.5 Explain howtechnology at home and inschool impacts their lives.

    H.3.4.5 Discuss majornews events on the localand state levels.

    1.3.1 Create a simple script

    based on personal

    experience, imagination, or

    retelling of a story.

    1.5.2 Work together in a

    group to plan, rehearse,

    and present a dramatized

    idea or story

    G.5. 1.4 Develop

    Vocabulary through

    meaningful text

    H.3.3.3 Define ethnicity

    and explain that people

    who make contributions

    to their communities

    include those who have

    diverse ethnic origins,

    customs, and traditions.

    H.3.3.4 Demonstrate

    respect for each other,

    the community, and theworld.

    Day 1Objective: (H3.3.2)

    Students will be

    expected to describewhat they know of

    Segregation and Civil


    0bjective: (H.3.3.3)

    Students will be

    expected to define

    ethnicity and the

    difference in culture.(H.3.3.4)Students will

    be expected to be

    courteous to classmates



    (5minutes)Students will answer What is segregation, what

    do you know about it? In their journals

    (10 Minutes Students share their reflections, teacher writes

    them on KWL classroom chart

    (45 minutes) Students head to magic carpet. Teacher reads

    Freedom on the Menu. After reading students go over

    vocabulary used in book; and discuss the reading.

    (5 minutes) Homework description: students are required to

    Look-up 3-5 facts they find interesting about Civil Rights

    AND bring a written copy of to class.

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    Day 2Objective: (H.3.3.1)

    Students will choose

    their favorite Civil



    Objective: (H.3.3.3)

    Students will explain

    how their favorite

    Civil Rights Activists

    made contributions

    towards Civil Rights


    Day 3Objective: (G.5. 1.4)

    Students will use

    resources (books,

    internet, memoirs tocreate a biography

    of Civil RightsActivists/Civil

    Rights Movements


    (20 minutes) Student will share their 3-5 facts of Civil Rights.

    Teacher writes these facts in W chart. (Students will

    probably state names)

    (35 minutes) Teacher will choose enough

    activists/Movements for the amount of students in class and

    give a brief of each.

    (5-10 minutes)Teacher will ask students to choose the

    Activist or Movement they want to write about. Do not let

    them pick Rosa Parks (At end of day provide students with

    books, resources for their individual assignment.


    (30 minutes) Students use this time to fill out a

    Who/What/When/Where/How Chart of chosen

    Activist/Movement using resources provided to them.

    (25 minutes) Students return to their assigned seats. Teacher

    models a completed project. Teacher will look over students

    writing and proofread/correct any spelling/syntax mistakes.

    (5 minutes)Homework assignment is to neatly re-write their

    organizer or type it up to be brought in final form to class the

    next day.

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    Day 4Objective: (1.3.1)

    Students will be

    expected to present

    their biographies to

    the class.


    Day 5Objective: (1.3.1) Students

    are expected to role play

    and think deeper about the


    Activities:(5 minutes) Teacher begins by explaining that students need

    to take notes of the presentations

    (50 minutes)Each student comes up to the front of the class

    and shares their activist biography or retelling of movements

    during Civil Rights.

    (5minutes) Teacher chooses from name jar (A jar full of

    popsicle sticks with students name written on each, teacher

    uses this for partnering students up to incorporate life skills

    as often as possible). Teacher writes the partner groups upon wall. Teacher explains to them that their homework is to

    make up three questions to ask their partner. They need to

    use their imagination and pretend they are the activist/

    movement durin interview.


    (5 minutes) Teacher makes sure students have their threequestions. If they do not hand them a handout with three

    generic questions to ask (take note of who did not do their


    (20 minutes) Partners group up and ask each other their

    three questions.

    (30 minutes) Each person introduces their partner (follow

    seating arrangement).

    (5 minutes) Teacher recaps the Civil Rights Activists and CivilRight movements that were introduced to the classroom. No


  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Day 6Objective: H3.3.1Students willunderstand how anactivists actionsmakes a difference

    Objective: 1.3.1Students will use theirimagination to tell howlife would be withoutCivil Rights

    Objective: H3.3.4Students will berespectful of oneanother.

    Day 7Objective: (1.3.1) Students

    are expected to role play

    and think deeper about thesubject.

    Objective: Students

    will incorporateservice learning.


    (15 minutes) teacher speaks about Rosa Park and explains

    her part in Civil Rights Movement.

    (2 minutes) teacher passes out goody bags to only half the

    students in class)

    (15 minutes) teacher reviews the vocabulary word

    prejudice. Teacher will explain her unjust favoritism

    (20 minutes) Students work in groups of four to imagineand create a scenario of how life would be without Civil

    Rights Activists and/or Movements. They create a group

    chart of what would be different. As they are writing give

    them ideas (e.g. our President, our schools)

    (5minutes) Last five minutes reflect on the differences that

    have been made through activists/movements.


    (20 minutes) Students return to their groups of four and

    brain storm what they would like to change about their

    school. They will decide on one change and how they would

    go about it.

    (20 minutes) Each group will present to the class what they

    would like to change and how they would do so (sit-in,

    picket, write a letter)

    (15 minutes) Teacher picks one great point from each group

    of the change they would like to see. Teacher wraps up lesson

    with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s speech I Have A Dream.

    Grouping for each lesson will not always be the same. Grouping accommodations

    include assigned seating groups, random popsicle buddies", Familiar Language

    Students, and mixed abilities groups for Inclusion purposes (GATE through Special

    Education to assist one another).

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit






    Description of Classroom:4

    thGrade Classroom

    Social Studies/American HistoryIn a low-Income Community (95 % of school is on free meal plans)


    - 15 female, 12 male

    1 G.A.T.E. 2 IEPs 3ELLs

    Background:This is day one of a seven day lesson on Civil Rights Movements. We are using Freedom on

    the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins as our main source. We will be discussing what segregation means

    to us, and our reading. Our Civil Rights Unit will focus on the aspect of segregation, the unity, faith andpersistence of the people fighting for change during the Civil Rights Movements.

    Content Objective(s):It is expected students will:

    explain how their favorite Civil Rights Activists made contributions towards Civil RightsMovement

    will be expected to define ethnicity and the difference in culture make a connection of the past with the present

    examine primary source materials to gain knowledge of the Civil Rights Movements pick out important points to share with classmates

    Language Objective(s):It is expected that students will:

    Listen and use information to create important facts to share. Discuss with other students their opinions and thoughts Make a connection of the past with the freedom and rights of the present.

    Nevada Standards:

    (4) 5.0 Citizenship- Students know the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United StatesCitizens and the symbols of our country. (The citizens of Greensboro were fighting for their

    rights). (4) 1.0Geography- The World in Spatial Terms- Students use maps, globes, and other

    geographic tools and technologies to locate and derive information about people, places, and

    environments. (The students will identify Greensboro on a map, as well as any other CivilRights locations we discuss).

    (4) 1.0 Chronology- Students use chronology to organize and understand the sequence andrelationship of events. (The students know that it took Dr. Martin Luther King to plant the seed,

    and that Civil War happened after the fight for their rights).

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    (4) 2.0History Skills- Students will use social studies vocabulary and concepts to engage ininquiry

    (4) 9.0 The Twentieth Century, A Changing World: 1945-1990- Students understand the shift ofinternational relationships and power as well as the significant developments in American

    culture. (This is more about the change in American culture).

    Key Vocabulary: prejudice Change segregation Equality Civil Rights Commitment Activists Unity



    Boycott Sit-ins

    Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)

    Preparation Scaffolding Grouping OptionsAdaptation of content Modeling Whole Class

    Links to background Guided practice Small groupsLinks to past learning Independent practice PartnersStrategies incorporated Verbal scaffolds Independent

    Procedural scaffoldsIntegration of Processes Application Assessment

    Listening Hands-on IndividualSpeaking Authentic (Meaningful) GroupReading Linked to objectives WrittenWriting Promotes engagement Oral

    Teaching Strategies:

    Whole Class participation Hands-on learning Book: Freedom on The Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins Cooperative Learning Questioning Interaction Graphic organizer






















  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Warm Up Activity:Activities:

    (5minutes)Students will answer What is segregation, what do you know about it? In their journals

    Lesson Sequence:

    (10 Minutes Students share their reflections, teacher writes them on KWL classroom chart (45 minutes) Students head to magic carpet. Teacher reads Freedom on the Menu. After

    reading students go over vocabulary used in book; and discuss the reading.

    (5 minutes) Homework description: students are required to Look-up 3-5 facts they findinteresting about Civil Rights AND bring a written copy of.

    Supplementary Materials:

    Book Student Journals

    Accommodations: For ELL students will make sure to have examples and give clear instructions of what is


    For IEPs a microphone system in place, and a quiet area to sit down if over stimulated. For GATE extra questions and/activity sheets provided

    Review/Assessment:Students will be randomly (each will be picked once) to answer questions about the reading

    Reflection:Reflection in action

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit






    Description of Classroom:4th Grade Classroom

    Social Studies/American History

    In a low-Income Community (95 % of school is on free meal plans)

    24Students- 15 female, 12 male

    1 G.A.T.E. 2 IEPs 3ELLs


    This is lesson four of the seven day lesson on Civil Rights Movements. We are using Freedom

    on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins as our main source. Students will be sharing their chosen

    Activists/ Movements with the class. Our Civil Rights Unit will focus on the aspect of segregation, the

    unity, faith and persistence of the people fighting for change during the Civil Rights Movements.

    Content Objective(s):

    It is expected students will:

    explain how their favorite Civil Rights Activists made contributions towards Civil RightsMovement

    will be expected to define ethnicity and the difference in culture make a connection of the past with the present examine primary source materials to gain knowledge of the Civil Rights Movements pick out important points to share with classmates

    Language Objective(s):

    It is expected that students will:

    Listen and use information to create important facts to share. Discuss with other students their opinions and thoughts Make a connection of the past with the freedom and rights of the present.

    Nevada Standards:

    (4) 5.0 Citizenship- Students know the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United StatesCitizens and the symbols of our country. (The citizens of Greensboro were fighting for theirrights).

    (4) 1.0Geography- The World in Spatial Terms- Students use maps, globes, and othergeographic tools and technologies to locate and derive information about people, places, and

    environments. (The students will identify Greensboro on a map, as well as any other Civil

    Rights locations we discuss).

    (4) 1.0 Chronology- Students use chronology to organize and understand the sequence and

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    relationship of events. (The students know that it took Dr. Martin Luther King to plant the seed,

    and that Civil War happened after the fight for their rights).

    (4) 2.0History Skills- Students will use social studies vocabulary and concepts to engage ininquiry

    (4) 9.0 The Twentieth Century, A Changing World: 1945-1990- Students understand the shift ofinternational relationships and power as well as the significant developments in Americanculture. (This is more about the change in American culture).

    Key Vocabulary:

    prejudice Change segregation Equality Civil Rights Commitment Activists Unity Persistence picket Boycott Sit-ins

    Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)

    Preparation Scaffolding Grouping OptionsAdaptation of content Modeling Whole ClassLinks to background Guided practice Small groups

    Links to past learning Independent practice PartnersStrategies incorporated Verbal scaffolds Independent

    Procedural scaffolds

    Integration of Processes Application AssessmentListening Hands-on IndividualSpeaking Authentic (Meaningful) Group

    Reading Linked to objectives WrittenWriting Promotes engagement Oral

    Teaching Strategies:

    Whole Class participation Hands-on learning Book: Freedom on The Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins Cooperative Learning Questioning Interaction Graphic organizer





















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    Warm Up Activity:Activities:

    (5 minutes) Teacher begins by explaining that students need to take notes of the presentations. Teacher

    will recap what was supposed to be done the day before (Neatly re-writing or typing the graphicorganizer with all errors corrected).

    Lesson Sequence:

    (50 minutes)Each student comes up to the front of the class and shares their activistbiography or retelling of movements during Civil Rights.

    (5minutes) Teacher chooses from name jar (A jar full of popsicle sticks with students namewritten on each, teacher uses this for partnering students up to incorporate life skills as often

    as possible). Teacher writes the partner groups up on wall. Teacher explains to them thattheir homework is to make up three questions to ask their partner. They need to use their

    imagination and pretend they are the activist/ movement during interview.

    Supplementary Materials: Books, texts, context text sets Graphic organizers


    For ELL students will make sure to have examples and give clear instructions of what isaccepted.

    For IEPs a microphone system in place, and a quiet area to sit down if over stimulated. For GATE extra questions and/activity sheets provided


    Students will be randomly (each will be picked once) to answer questions about the reading


    Reflection in action

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Name: _______________________________________ Date:_________







  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    Day 7:

    The Focus:

    The focus of the final day is to incorporate service learning and havestudents deeply think and analyze how they too can be activists. This willserve as a group assessment to see how well each group works together and

    their brainstorming techniques. This final activity will bring forth the nextunit which will be poems by incorporating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s IHave a Dreampoem.

    Activities:(20 minutes) Students return to their groups of four and brain storm what they would like

    to change about their school. They will decide on one change and how they would go

    about it.

    (20 minutes) Each group will present to the class what they would like to change and how

    they would do so (sit-in, picket, write a letter)

    (15 minutes) Teacher picks one great point from each group of the change they would

    like to see. Teacher wraps up lesson with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s speech I Have A


  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit




    Balanti, J., Libresco, A.S., & Kipling, J.C. (2011).Every Book is a Social Studies Book:How to Meet Standards withPicture Books, K-6. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC.

    Weatherford, C.B., (2005).Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins. New York,

    N.Y.: Puffin Books,

    Crandall, Rick. Provided the vision of the who/what/where graphic organizer

    Whiley, Renee. Looking at her Lesson Unit helped a lot.

    Kolar, Dr. A, feedback, corrections, and suggestions

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit




    Creating this unit was the most stressful assignment Ive encountered.

    At points where I felt confident I did not realize I was mixing two different

    time periods in my head. I cannot believe I was unable to see that very

    obvious mistake even after reading and re-reading what I had written. I

    finally decided to take a step back and focus on other assignments and revisit

    this lesson once I had cleared my head and saw some examples. My time-off

    from this unit helped immensely (I believe, unless my mind is giving me too

    much credit).

    I was able to incorporate other strategies into this lesson and now I can

    see how important interdisciplinary Lessons are. I believe that by the time I

    graduate writing interdisciplinary lessons will be as easy as tying my shoes. I

    first must learn the loops and twists of interdisciplinary lessons but with

    enough practice I will be able to tie, err, write great interdisciplinary lessons.

    I was having the most difficult time braking down my whole lesson into

    individual days. Before even creating my days I was having difficulty with

    connecting my themes to the summary. I was completing to separate

    assignments and was not combining them to complement one another. To top

    it off I had too many themes going on I was overwhelming myself. The

    breakdown of what was expected threw me off. I was the only one that seems

    lost I believe. It looked and felt I was out in the ocean somewhere lost when I

    should have been in the Dzoosotyn Lisen Desert (land farthest from ocean).

    The funny part was I was unaware of it.

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    My original calendar looked like so:

    Monday: Day 1


    H3.3.2 Determine

    what it is to be an

    American citizen

    and describe

    achievements of

    famous and

    ordinary citizens.

    H.3.3.3 Define

    ethnicity and

    explain that peoplewho make

    contributions to

    their community

    include those who

    have diverse ethnic

    origins, customs,

    and traditions

    Students answer

    the question what is

    segregation, what

    do you know about



    (5 minutes) Students

    will answer the

    above in their


    (10 minutes)Have

    students share their

    reflections. Teacher

    writes them on class

    KWL chart.(20 minutes)

    Teacher reads

    Freedom on the

    Menu: The

    Greensboro Sit-Ins

    (10 minutes) Have

    students share what

    they now think of

    segregation and add

    any questions they

    want to know to the

    Tuesday: Day 2


    H.3.3.1 Explain

    how the actions

    of heroes and

    heroines make a


    Students will

    choose their own

    Civil War Activists

    or movement.

    -Students will

    create a Civil

    Rights timeline.

    -Have a guest

    speaker that was

    part of Civil rights

    Movements or




    (20 minutes)

    Each student will

    share their

    homework with

    the class. Which

    character did you

    like the most, and


    (15 minutes)

    Teacher will have

    a list of different

    Civil War activists

    and movements

    that each groupof two students

    will choose from.

    (10 minutes)

    The rubric for

    assignment will

    be explained

    during this time.

    (5 minutes)

    Wednesday: Day 3


    3.b.5.1 Use key

    words to search,

    organize, locate,

    and synthesize

    information in

    multiple sources

    to create an

    original product.

    6.B.2.1 Navigate

    age appropriate



    proper care of


    Students will use

    technology and

    written resources

    to find

    Information for


    Thursday: Day 4


    3.b.5.1 Use key

    words to search,

    organize, locate,

    and synthesize

    information in

    multiple sources

    to create an

    original product.

    6.B.2.1 Navigate

    age appropriate



    proper care of




    Friday: Day 5


    1.5.2 Work

    together in a group

    to plan, rehearse,

    and present a

    dramatized idea or


    Students will

    collect and piece

    together their

    findings to turn in

    at end of class, noexceptions.

    Students will

    complete their Civil





    (50minutes)Complete oral or



    Any groups that

    finish early are

    allowed time on

    computer or

    reading corner.

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    KWL chart.

    (5 minutes)Homework

    Assignment desc.

    Add any new

    items to KWL



    (5 minutes)

    Give out list of

    books and

    internet sources

    available in the

    library to eachgroup.

    (25 minutes)

    students head to

    the library and

    find and check

    out their books.

    (30 minutes)

    students have

    this time to

    navigate the

    internet to find


    information from



    Acitivities:(50 minutes)

    Students have

    this time to either

    read or find

    information on

    the internet.(5minutes)

    Remind that final

    is due at end of

    class on Friday, if

    need be,


    assignment is to

    finish gathering

    information or


    collaborating final


    It wasnt after I took a step back and realized I was mixing two separate

    events and interchanging them in my lesson. I have learned a lot from

    completing this lesson plan. The number one lesson is if overwhelmed

    step back and refocus. Other lessons I learned were having someone

    proofread several times will also help, start early, and last but not least:

    dont be afraid to ask for help.

    Asides from the confusion I created, I enjoyed the book: Freedom

    on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins. I can see myself teaching this unit.

    After I revisited I can see how many different ways this lesson can go.

    With the interdisciplinary teaching strategies there really isnt a wrong

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    way to teach this unit. I am pleased with my final product, now that I can

    think clearly and have discovered the Civil War was not in the 1960s.

    Melina Mely ArriazaNAME ___________________________________________________________


    60 Points Possible (20% OF COURSE GRADE)

    _____/ 5 Title Page and Table of Contents + Over-all Presentation of Unit

    _____/ 20 Introduction to the Unit

    The grade level, the theme, a summary of the central piece of literature(childrens book) of the unit, and the NCSS Themes addressed by yourselected childrens book.

    Brainstorming Chart for the Integration of Multiple Subject Areas(Visual) AS WELL AS statement of the subject areas you chose for yourunit.YOU COMPLETED THIS IN PART I. YOU DETERMINE HOW THIS ISPRESENTED IN YOUR FINAL UNIT.

    _____/20 Calendar of Lessons for the 7-10 days of your unit. This calendar willdelineate the subject areas in each lesson AND the CEF objectives for eachsubject area. Also, you will detail the activities.

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    PORTION COMPLETED FOR PART II/ HERE WILL BE ALL 7-10 DAYS-COMPLETE CALENDAR____/10First four days including objectives (COMPLETED PART II)____/10 The remaining days of the calendar including objectives (PART III)

    _____/10 Lesson Plans (one for the FIRST day of the unit, one for a MIDDLE day ofthe unit in DOE Lesson plan format or proposed lesson plan format; yourTHIRD lesson details the culminating activity of the unit (you can selectyour format of presentation)

    _____/2 Presentation of Resources (ALL teacher and student- books, articles,websites, etc. used in the development of the unit)

    _____/3 A 1-2 page comprehensivereflection on the total process of developingyour unit. You can include narrative and visuals.

    TOTAL POINTS = _____ GRADE = _____

    Bonus Points will be assigned for exemplary contents

  • 8/2/2019 EDEL 453 Arriaza Final Social Studies Unit



    TEACHER: ____________________________________________________________

    TOPIC/TITLE OF THIS LESSON: _________________________________________________________

    Day # _____

    OBJECTIVES(What specifically should the student be able to do,

    understand, and care about as a result of the teaching?)




    inclusion of key materials


    (Actions and statements by the teacher to relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of thelesson). Sometimes a hook to grab students attention.

    ACTIVITIES IN THE LESSON (Give sufficient detail for each of the activities)


    (How will you access student learning/understanding?)