Economic situation in Spain

Economica l aspects in Spain.
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Transcript of Economic situation in Spain

Page 1: Economic situation in Spain

Economical aspects in Spain.

Page 2: Economic situation in Spain

Europe, Spain & Canary Islands.

Page 3: Economic situation in Spain

Is the market value of all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the residents of a country.

Gross Domestic Product.

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Since 2008 the Spanish economy has been suffering from decline giving way to a long period of recession. During 2012, there was a contraction of GDP, and the evolution of the economy in this period was marked by the strong decrease in the expense of the public administrations and the decrease in private consumption, driven by the reduction of employment and wage income and investment.

Economic recession.

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 Is the mean income of the people in an economic unit such as a country or city. It is calculated by taking a measure of all sources of income in the aggregate (such as Gross national income) and dividing it by the total population.

Per capita income.

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Evolution of inequality in Spain.

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-Consumption: Is the action and effect of consuming or spending, wheter products or goods and services used to meet primary and secondary needs.

-Investment: is the act by which certain assets are invested with the aim of obtaining and income over time.

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ENDESA: in Spain is one of the leading distributors and producers of electricity.

INDITEX: Focused on the manufacture and distribution of clothing.

SANTANDER: One of the largest banks in the world.

The main Spanish companies.

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The court found that Spanish legislation goes against EU law because it prevents judges declaring the terms of a loan agreement to be unfair.

An estimated 350,000 families have been evicted from their homes since Spain's property market crashed five years ago.

Evictions in Spain.

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Green Tide is called the set of protests against cuts in non-university education that began to occur in Spain, mostly in Madrid, at the beginning of the school year 2011/2012.With the White Tide name known to all groups and the demonstrations organized to defend public health and in protest of the cuts and privatization plans.


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The Blue Tide reborn in various parts of Spain against the privatization of water and rivers of the hand of a platform consisting of civic associations, environmental groups and unionsBlack Tide The term may refer to:  - Mining protests  - Protests officials   -Protests against corruption

The Yellow Tide defends public library system.

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Disgusted people also known as 15M( fifteen-may) manifestation is apolitical manifestation called by several organizations through socials networks to people that were disgusted with the actual situation of the country.

The first manifestation of this group was in front of ´´PUERTA DEL SOL´´ square in Madrid, and then this manifestations were extended to other cities.

15M movement.

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This group aren´t agree with the actual political and economic model of Spain, they complain about the bipartidism , about trade union representants , about unemployment, health cutback, education cutback and evictions.

One of theirs slogans is ´without home, without job, without pension, without fear.

They report the system decomposition and they reclaim a real democracy, socials improves, scarcity abolition, Bologna Process abolition and electoral law abolition.

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