Ebook: Wearables, mobile revolution (English)

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BBVA Innovation Center launches a new ebook for Innovation Trends Serie, about the revolution in wearable devices. Now you can download!

Transcript of Ebook: Wearables, mobile revolution (English)






    01 Much more than just work gadgets 03Wearable devices

    in banking

    04 INFOGRAPHICThe rising value of wearables

    05 CASE STUDIESCompanion to chronic patients

    02 Millennials, potential customers

  • Wearables , much more than just work gadgets


    Over seven out of ten people believe there is at least one

    about wearable technology? ( )

    Efficiency. Productivity. Safety.

    These are not only three of the pillars of the workplace but also three

    of the areas where wearable technology can benefit the workers that

    use them, according to data collected by the Workforce Institute at

    Kronos Incorporatedand Harris Poll after conducting a questionnaire

    to find we are using this wearable technology in our everyday work.

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

    https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets http://bit.ly/1a79eEn by @cibbvahttp://www.kronos.com/pr/kronos-survey-indicates-workers-around-the-world-are-poised-to-embrace-wearable-technology.aspxhttps://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets http://bit.ly/1a79eEn by @cibbvahttps://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets http://bit.ly/1a79eEn by @cibbvahttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en
  • technology will take off in the workplace before

    the home because devices such as smart

    watches and even fitness and health monitors

    can provide organizations with uncharted data

    collection pointsto greatly improve safety,

    productivity, collaboration, and overall

    We can therefore say that wearablesare a new opportunity

    to obtain data about a worker's daily routine, so if the

    company analyzesthese data (Big Data analysis), you can

    improve the output and efficiency of that routine ( ).

    Joyce Maroney ,

    director of Kronos'

    Workforce Institute.

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

  • Security and privacy

    Workflows and productivity can

    be measured using the data

    collected from wearable

    devices worn by the workers.

    This application is considered

    by many to be invasive, as

    corporate policy is somewhat

    unclear, and there are no

    processes in place toprotect

    both the employee's privacy

    and the company's security.

    This is the balance that has to

    be achieved.

    In fact privacy and possible

    security failures are the two

    main concerns when asked

    about the "buts" of this

    technology. 44% of US workers

    questioned by the Workforce

    Institute consider that privacy

    could be a issue, whereas 35%

    believe there could be security

    failures that make the use of

    these devices a problem.

    But let's take a look at the data

    found by this survey:

    Use of wearablesat work

    Fuente: The Workforce Institute at Kronos Wearables

    Over seven out of ten

    respondents believe that

    wearablescould benefit or

    improve their work. Many

    workers agree thatit could help

    them achieve the much desired

    balance between personal life

    and work and even favor

    collaboration and "friendly"

    competition in workplace ( ).

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

    https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en/news/wearables-much-more-just-work-gadgets&title=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets&summary=&source=https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en/news/wearables-much-more-just-work-gadgets&title=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets&summary=&source=https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en/news/wearables-much-more-just-work-gadgets&title=Wearables, much more than just work gadgets&summary=&source=https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en
  • According to the data shown

    in the graph, the potential of

    this type of technology is clear,

    as many of the respondents

    mention improved efficiency

    and productivity and improved

    safety among the benefits they

    find when using these

    wearable devices in the


    Safety is one of the most

    commonly mentioned reasons

    for using this technology,

    particularly in countries like

    India (56%), Mexico (54%) and

    China (49%). However

    improving profitability,

    competition and customer

    experience and satisfaction are

    other reasons for using this

    type of wearable device.

    What are the leading devices

    in the workplace?

    Headphones, watches and

    armbands or smart

    wristbands are the three types of

    wearable devices considered most

    useful at work.

    Although there's something for

    workers in the US, United

    Kingdom, France and Germany

    believe that they would find

    smartwatchesuseful at work,

    whereas this percentage is higher

    in China (56%), India (49%),

    Mexico (40%) and Australia (33%).

    Among the main benefits to be

    obtained with these devices is

    a improved attendanceat

    of workersfind smartwatchesuseful at work.

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

  • devices like Fitbit promote

    exercise and enable data

    tracking, for example to

    correct a worker's posture at

    their workplace or suggest

    using the stairs to get more

    exercise after a certain

    number of hours sitting down,

    or eating something healthy

    after a few days of fast food.

    The company can reward the

    healthiest decisions.

    Source:Techcrunchand The

    Workforce Institute at Kronos

    . This

    online survey was sent to

    respondents aged

    over 18 in Australia,

    China, France,

    Germany, India,

    Mexico, United

    Kingdom and

    United States..

    meetings, based on analyzing

    people's preferences and habits

    from data collected with the


    For example, another use being

    made of this real-time

    information and the analysis

    extracted from the devices is

    the improvement in the process

    of integrating employees in new

    departments by providing them

    with orientation and training

    manuals preloaded in a device

    which is issued to the employee

    and adapted to their needs.

    And naturally wearablesrelated

    with health and sport are also

    winners at work. Taking care of

    their employees' health is vital

    for a company that wishes to

    reduce absenteeism, and

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

  • The Millennials , potential customers of wearables


    Although many people have already bought or

    used wearable devices, the truth is that most

    admit they soon stop using them. That is why the

    market is looking closely at the so -called

    Millennium generation (aged between 18 and 34):

    they are the consumers who could provide the

    final breakthrough in the use of wearables.

    Wearablesare a (r)revolution of the mobile trend that

    has in recent years has seeped into practically all the

    socioeconomic sectors. These wearable devices are a

    step beyond smartphones and mobility: they mean

    carrying this mobile technology on you, whether

    as a watch, a bracelet, an item of clothing or even

    as contact lenses...

    And those who are driving its use are young

    people from the millennium generation (aged

    between 18 and 34), who want to be different and

    to test all the technologies available, such as 3D

    and wearables. These are two examples they are

    prepared to include in a variety of environments in

    their everyday life and use them to the full: from

    work to leisure time and entertainment.

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

    https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=The Millennials, potential customers of wearable devices http://bit.ly/1yzSOto by @cibbvahttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/enhttps://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=The Millennials, potential customers of wearable devices http://bit.ly/1yzSOto by @cibbvahttps://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=The Millennials, potential customers of wearable devices http://bit.ly/1yzSOto by @cibbva
  • In fact, 7 out of 10 say that they will buy a

    wearable device. And one of the main reasons

    why they are destined to become potential

    customers for these devices is that they are more

    inclined to share personal information, so their

    barrier to intimacy is much lower.

    "The traditional thinking is that consumers would

    never agree to share information like location, with

    brands and the like, but this research shows that

    consumers, particularly the millennials, would

    share their location and much more," insists Luis

    Felipe Rincn, managing director of

    Wearables.com, following the publication of the

    study The Unexpected State of Consumer

    Wearable Technology.

    According to the research data, these young

    people feel much more comfortable sharing

    information anonymously with the government

    (40% vs. 25% of other adults), anyone on the

    Internet (35% vs. 20%) and their employer (30%

    compared with 16%).

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en

  • These data may be key for pushing big companies

    to these devices, as they can become a business

    opportunity on which advertising has already set its

    sights. In fact, wearablesare expected to be a

    turning point for the new mobile advertising: better

    targeted advertisements thanks to the data offered

    by these devices about how their owners use them

    and their habits in specific activities, such as sports,

    games, consumption of entertainment... And it is

    the millennialswho are the targets of this type of

    advertising of the future.

    That is why one of the answers that all those

    involved in the world of wearableswant to know is

    how to boost the use of wearables. A study by

    PwC, Wearable Future, asked the millenniums for

    the keys that would make them increase their use

    of these kinds of devices.

    INNOVATION TRENDS SERIE FEBRUARY 2015 www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en
