Easter Revision Session

GCSE Geography Easter Revision


Revision session for Year 11 Geography class

Transcript of Easter Revision Session

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GCSE Geography Easter Revision

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When you have an examination there are ways to make sure that you do your best. Revision is the key. This means that you should go back to what you have learnt in lessons, make sure that you understand it and can remember it...but

HOW? Here are some ideas. Remember that you can use some of them, all of them, BUT not just reading! These ideas can be

used if you are on your own, in pairs or groups. Test yourself and each other.

When you have an examination there are ways to make sure that you do your best. Revision is the key. This means that you should go back to what you have learnt in lessons, make sure that you understand it and can remember it...but

HOW? Here are some ideas. Remember that you can use some of them, all of them, BUT not just reading! These ideas can be

used if you are on your own, in pairs or groups. Test yourself and each other.

Step 1: Going back over the information

• Read it

• Highlight the key points.

Step 1: Going back over the information

• Read it

• Highlight the key points.

Step 2: Representing the

informationYou could write the key points


• Bullet points

• Spider diagrams

• Flow charts

• Prompt cards / post its

• A table

• A poster

• A cartoon strip

• Stick all the above on your bedroom wall and try

remembering a part every day

Step 2: Representing the

informationYou could write the key points


• Bullet points

• Spider diagrams

• Flow charts

• Prompt cards / post its

• A table

• A poster

• A cartoon strip

• Stick all the above on your bedroom wall and try

remembering a part every day

Step 3: Remembering the information without

looking back. From your key points...

• Read out loud. Write it down five times.

• Write key words on separate cards. Put them in an order of importance

and explain them.

• Write one key word on a piece of paper. Stick them at different points in your room. Move from one to the

next and explain them. Now close your eyes, picture where each word is in the room and try to explain it.

• Draw a quick sketch/symbol for each key point. Can you explain what

each picture/symbol is about?

Step 3: Remembering the information without

looking back. From your key points...

• Read out loud. Write it down five times.

• Write key words on separate cards. Put them in an order of importance

and explain them.

• Write one key word on a piece of paper. Stick them at different points in your room. Move from one to the

next and explain them. Now close your eyes, picture where each word is in the room and try to explain it.

• Draw a quick sketch/symbol for each key point. Can you explain what

each picture/symbol is about?

Step 4: Using the information

• Try to answer an exam question without looking back

at the information.

• Mark your work by checking that you have included all of

your information. Pick out information that you have

missed out.


Step 4: Using the information

• Try to answer an exam question without looking back

at the information.

• Mark your work by checking that you have included all of

your information. Pick out information that you have

missed out.


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• Flashcards: On small cards, summarise a case study into one (or both) sides of the cards and refer to it regularly. Make sure that you include key facts and number as you condense the case study to fit the card.

• Colour coding: colour code large pieces of text into sections. For example, it could be the social, economic and environmental impacts of the London Docklands Redevelopment

• Memory tests: You could look at an important diagram (erg the cross section of a meander) for 20 seconds, then cover it over and draw what you remember. Then give yourself another 20 seconds to see what you missed and add it in. Eventually, you will be able to draw the sketch without looking at a copy.

• Key words test: You could ask someone to read out 10 definitions and you have to say what the key word is. Then you could try it the other way around which is harder with someone giving you a key word to define.

• Spider diagrams (mind maps): Write a key theme in the centre of an A3 piece of paper. Write the sub-themes around it with important ideas and case studies to back them up. Look at the example of migration on the next page to help you. Stick your finished spider diagram somewhere visible where you will be able to refer to it often (e.g. fridge door, bedroom wall). Take a look at the migration spiderdiagram on the next page!

• Practice exam questions: Look at the examples of past case study questions. Practice writing responses to these questions using the flashcards or colour coded case studies you have created.

• Summarising: Condense a section of text into a set number of bullet points.

• Reading aloud: Read a case study summary aloud, then try to say aloud all the facts and figures you remember without the summary. You could also read your keyword lists aloud.

• Repeated writing: Copy out pieces of information more than one time (five times would be appropriate). The repetition will help you to fix the facts in your memory.

But I don’t know how to revise! Here are some strategies you could use…But I don’t know how to revise! Here are some strategies you could use…

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1. Key Term Flashcards2. Key Process Flashcards3. Online Flashcards4. Mind maps5. Physical Learning6. Podcasts7. Case Study Cards8. Watch Videos!9. BBC GCSE Bitesize10.S-Cool11.ClassPress News Reports

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CBDThe heart of a city

where the financial and business interests are

(shops, offices, entertainment).

Create flashcards to enable you to learn ‘key terms’.One side of the flashcard needs to contain the ‘key term’ that you are aiming to learn. The reverse side of the card should contain the ‘definition’ that relates to the key term.

Create a set of cards and then get somebody to test you on your key terms!

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The KEY point here is to summarise your notes. Be concise

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Create and save your own online flashcards using


Click onto the ‘flashcard generator’ option in the right hand toolbar.

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Follow the instructions on this screen. If you are creating key term flashcards, insert a key term followed by the definition

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Definition will appear here

Key term will appear here

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Associate corners in your bedroom (or any room) with a specific aspect of Geography. Attach notes to that corner. Memorise features of that corner with your notes

Hydraulic Action




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Geography At The Movies contains hundreds of videos that have been produced by teachers and students. Many Geographical topics are covered. Some videos are purely information videos, others are quizzes that you could try as part of your revision program.

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GeoTube is a relatively new website that also contains over 100 videos related to Geography.

Use these videos to support your case studies.Videos from this weeks earthquake in Italy are already on GeoTube.


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Use the Case Study Cards to summarise the key points about each case study that you have learnt.You do not need to fill in all of the card, but the card does allow you to follow a certain structure for each case study.

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Choose the topic that you wish to revise from the website and then test yourself at the end.

Make use of the Geography Message Board to ask questions that other students may help you with.

Listen to podcasts


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Sign up for email alerts

Get news reports directly related to Geography sent to you inbox. Use these news reports as case studies and examples of Geography in action!

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Image on Slide 2 from Flickr member Gembledine

Slide 3 ‘How to revise’ produced by Jo Blackmore, Okhampton College

Slide 4 ‘Revision strategies’ produced by Jo Blackmore, Okhampton College

Image on Slide 5 from Flickr member joey.ganoza

Image on Slide 14 from Flickr member Oliver Lavery