Eastenders Story Board

Story Board. Sophie Griffiths

Transcript of Eastenders Story Board

Page 1: Eastenders Story Board

Story Board.

Sophie Griffiths

Page 2: Eastenders Story Board

Opening Credits.

The camera begins to zoom out of the River Thames and giving the audience a slow realisation of where the programme is based, Which is London. This is given away from the codes which are the give away of the 02 area which is situated in London.

Music is also included through out this which is a depressing drumming and also piano.

The opening credits end with a shadowed font of the show name “Eastenders” which then completely gives away to the audience in the first few seconds that the show is filmed in the East End of London.

This also ends with a slow end to the music of drumming and also piano.

The camera continues to zoom out of the river Thames showing a map of London and giving a slow view of the river whilst the depressing music plays.

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First scene.

The MISE EN SCENE of the state of the house, is “messy” and child-like with the amount of mess on the stair case. It is an instant give away that this is a family home (with children) from the amount of lunchboxes and toys slung onto the stair case and left in a messy environment.

A hand then reaches for the shoes at the bottom of the stairs and the sound in this scene is extremely silent, except for the noise of tip toeing quietly down the stairs with the odd creak.

Once the middle aged man grabs his shoes from the bottom of the stairs silently and heads for the door it is obvious that he is trying to escape the house without being heard by. This is also given away by the look on his face which is fear as to if he is going to get caught leaving the house without saying Goodbye.

A middle aged women then appears at the top of the stairs, tying her dressing gown which insinuates that she must of been naked underneath the dressing gown, there is then a sudden realisation that the middle aged man and women have had a one night stand and he is trying to escape unknowingly.

The middle aged women then begins the conversation to the male: “goodbye would of been nice” at this moment in time it is obvious that the man is trying to escape from the middle aged women without saying goodbye. This could judgmentally be from the mess of the house as there is a lack of modern decoration and also the toys and mess on the stairs might of frightened him as he may not be aware of the children living in the house.

A foot then begins to creep into this shot, showing that somebody is walking down the stairs through the mess of toys and other items that have been left on the stair case. Which must have made the man aware of the people living in the house.

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Second Scene.

The second scene opens with a Barbie inspired middle aged women whom is eating in a grubby cafe with builders whilst being dressed as if she is a rich successful women.

The “fake” women's appearance is well taken care of considering her age as she looks to be middle aged. Her jewellery and makeup create an identity for herself that she is well taken care of.

A phone call between her and a business man in an un-organised environment (office) calling her a “prostitute” which gives away her hidden identity.

Being greeted by the businessman with “Prostitute” clearly affects the women's mood and is the begun to look slightly distressed from the blackmailing phone call off the businessman.

The next shot is a framed shot between two items in the office that are out of focus then the mans close up focused shit in-between. The laughter from the business man is clearly showing his evil state towards the women and his affect from blackmail towards her is becoming a “joke” or a “game” to him.

Once the phone call is ended the builders in the cafe then look over to the women and “check her out” which must make the women feel cheap on the inside however her outer appearance shows differently.