East London (May) Primary School

GRATIS FREE NUUS NEWS Tel: 021 872 3880 [email protected] www.awsum.co.za AWSUM News MAY 2014 EAST LONDON PRIMARY SCHOOL LAERSKOOL To advertise in this newspaper - Contact: Stacey Ikin - (072) 956 2382 - [email protected] WHAT TO FIND INSIDE Health School News Lifestyle AWSUM! AWSUM! AWSUM! AWSUM! WIN with your selfie 1ste Verj rsdag In Mei 2013 het ‘n handjie vol skole in die Boland vir die eerste keer AWSUM-nuus gekry. Nou, op ons eerste verjaarsdag is ons trots en dankbaar om te sê dat AWSUM deur sy tandekry-fase is en groei dat die biesies bewe. Ons bedien nou 64 laerskole en 56 hoërskole in 6 streke. Baie dankie vir elke leser, student, adverteerder en ieder en elk wat deel het aan ons sukses. Hier is wat ‘n paar lesers sê oor AWSUM: • Baie baie dankie vir die pragtige advertensie in die Februarie uitgawe, so by die editorial! Dit is ons eerste verjaarsdag, en ons sê dankie! skole, het ek onlangs julle AWSUM koerantjie ontvang. Dit is ‘n pragtige kreatiewe konsep en ek dink dit verskaf fantastiese blootstelling aan skole. • I have just had the pleasure of reading your AWSUM newspaper! It is great! • Eerstens wil ek u bedank en loof vir die uitstekende skoolkoerant wat AWSUM is. Ek geniet dit baie en vind dit baie interessant. • Ek hou van die resepte, artikels en insetsels oor die verskillende skole in die Helderberg en omliggende area, dis baie interessant om te sien waar jou eie skool staan in vergelyking. Die FOMO-kalender is ook tops! Ek voel so bevoorreg en begunsdig, oorweldig en dankbaar. Ek is oortuig dat julle die perfekte platform bied vir my om te adverteer en my hart en passie te deel met die huishoudigs waar kinders is. • Uitstekend! Julle is voorwaar AWSUM!!! • Ek sien uit na elke volgende uitgawe in 2014. • As ouer van ‘n leerder by een van ons plaaslike P2 6 Ways to Keep Your Kids... P3 AWSUM Scoop P3 Use crates for book shelves P4 - P8 School NEWS P2 Die Boelie P3 OPPI Spyskaart



Transcript of East London (May) Primary School

Page 1: East London (May) Primary School







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WIN with

your selfie

1ste Verj rsdagIn Mei 2013 het ‘n handjie vol skole in die Boland vir die eerste keer AWSUM-nuus gekry.

Nou, op ons eerste verjaarsdag is ons trots en dankbaar om te sê dat AWSUM deur sy tandekry-fase is en groei dat die biesies bewe.

Ons bedien nou 64 laerskole en 56 hoërskole in 6 streke. Baie dankie vir elke leser, student, adverteerder en ieder en elk wat deel het aan ons sukses.

Hier is wat ‘n paar lesers sê oor AWSUM:

• Baie baie dankie vir die pragtige advertensie in die Februarie uitgawe, so by die editorial!

Dit is ons eerste verjaarsdag, en ons sê dankie!skole, het ek onlangs julle AWSUM koerantjie ontvang. Dit is ‘n pragtige kreatiewe konsep en ek dink dit verskaf fantastiese blootstelling aan skole.

• I have just had the pleasure of reading your AWSUM newspaper! It is great!

• Eerstens wil ek u bedank en loof vir die uitstekende skoolkoerant wat AWSUM is. Ek geniet dit baie en vind dit baie interessant.

• Ek hou van die resepte, artikels en insetsels oor die verskillende skole in die Helderberg en omliggende area, dis baie interessant om te sien waar jou eie skool staan in vergelyking. Die FOMO-kalender is ook tops!

Ek voel so bevoorreg en begunsdig, oorweldig en dankbaar. Ek is oortuig dat julle die perfekte platform bied vir my om te adverteer en my hart en passie te deel met die huishoudigs waar kinders is.

• Uitstekend! Julle is voorwaar AWSUM!!!

• Ek sien uit na elke volgende uitgawe in 2014.

• As ouer van ‘n leerder by een van ons plaaslike

P26 Ways to Keep

Your Kids...


P3Use crates forbook shelves

P4 - P8SchoolNEWS

P2Die Boelie



Page 2: East London (May) Primary School

MAY 20142



As ons verwag dat alles in die wêreld net gelukkig, gemaklik, vredevol, veilig en in oorstemming met ons waardes moet wees, leef ons in ‘n fantasie wêreld. Boelies help ons somtyds om hierdie fantasie te breek!

Kinders wat afhanklik van ondersteuning, veiligheid, besker-ming en goedkeuring bly, trek noodwendig ‘n boelie aan om daardie fantasie van ‘n vredevolle lewe te breek.

Dr. Demartini sê die volgende oor boelies: “If you’ve got a bully in your life and he’s pushing you around, it’s partly because you’re not guiding or governing your own life. You’re not empowered in that area.

Once you empower that area, the bully disappears. If you don’t empower yourself, the bully just keeps coming in to toughen you up, to make you stronger so you empower that area. That bully is your hero because he is actually helping you empower yourself.”

Om te verhoed dat kinders in die moontlikheid van ‘n boelie dinamieka vasgevang kan word, is dit wys om vir hulle te leer hoe om hulle eie lewens te bemagtig:

Die BoelieDeur Karla van Biljon

Niemand van ons kan die realiteit van boelies ontsnap nie. Almal van ons het al gevoel hoe dit voel om geboelie

te word, hetsy deur jou broer of suster, vriende, ‘n werkgewer of ‘n verkoopsman – ons weet hoe dit voel as

iemand jou knoppies druk!• ‘n Gesonde maaltydplan en ge-reelde oefening kan kinders fisies bemagtig.

• As ouer kan jy jou kind help om psigies hulle persepsies in balans te bring. Jy kan hulle lei om nie ‘n “slagoffer” ingesteldheid aan te neem nie, maar eerder hulle lei om te sien hoe enige iets wat met hule gebeur, hulle help om karakter te bou en ‘n sterker mens te word.

• Sosiaal kan jy jou kind help om ‘n netwerk van vriende te bou waar hy/sy binne die vertrouens verhouding leer hoe om met ander te kommunikeer in terme van di twat hulle in gemeen het.

• Familiaal kan jy as ouer bewus raak om nie nét jou kind te ondersteun nie, maar ook geleenthede van uitdagings vir hulle te bied sodat hulle nie afhanklik raak van goedkeuring nie.

In die dans van die lewe kan ons leer om saam met die boelies te groei en onsself te ontwikkel tot ‘n selfstandige, bemagtigde volwassene!

Vir meer inligting, kontak Karla van Biljon OF kom woon gerus die Familiedinamika Werkswinkel by.

Post and win!

The more likes your selfie gets, the better your chance will be at winning! So get snapping, get

selfing and start liking for your chance to win.

Submit as many selfies as you want!Make sure you share this with your friends so you can get more likes... Remember that more

likes means more chance at winning!

If you are new to our Facebook page be sure to “LIKE” us as well!

Take a selfie with a AWSUM Newspaper then post the photo on the AWSUM News Facebook Page for your

chance to win a R1 000.00. Go to www.facebook.com/AWSUMNews

Entries close on the 31st of May 2014. The winner will be contacted shortly after the closing date via a Facebook private message from us.

By Heather Montgomery / www.everydayfamily.com

As winter arrives, you may be dreading the colds, flu, and general icky-ness, that seems to accompany it. Here are six tips to help you and your children stay healthy this winter.

Wash Your Hands It’s estimated that children with proper hygiene miss 2 days of school each year, while children who do not practice proper hygiene miss 3 days a year. Teach your children to wash their hands well, and often. This includes before and after meals, after coughing or sneezing, after using the restroom, and when they come home from school. You can also use alcohol-based wipes or gels when a water source is not readily available.

Keep Warm Make sure you and your children are dressed appropriately for the colder weather. Jackets, gloves, and hats are all important clothing pieces to protect against the elements and keep your body in tip top shape.

6 Ways to Keep Your Kids Healthy this Winter

Eat Well Make sure your children get well-balanced meals. Give your family the vitamins and minerals they need, so their bodies have the energy to stay healthy.

SleepSleep is one of the most important things we can do to give our body a leg up against sickness this winter. Each member of your family should get at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night, more for your younger children (10-13 hours).

Food SafetyAs you prepare your holiday meals, wash your hands often when handling food. Keep any raw meats, poultry, and eggs away from food that is ready to eat or already prepared. Invest in a quality food thermometer to check the temperature of all of your cooked meals, make sure they are at least at the proper eating temperature. Do not use the same knives, cutting boards, or utensils to prepare raw foods and ready-to-eat foods.

QuarantineIf you still get sick after taking precautions, quarantine the family members. Do not allow your children to return to school until they are 24-hours free of fevers or vomiting. Wipe all surfaces with disinfectant, as well as washing clothing and bedding in hot, soapy water. Consider getting your children a flu shot this year to give you a leg up against sickness.

Page 3: East London (May) Primary School


Lifestyle3MAY 2014


Lifestyle3MAY 2014

Your March/April


See what specials to grab in your area!

Cut this out and keep it safe

Oos - London

Guido’s | 043 743 4441

Special: Guido’s Beachfront Kiddies Parties!!

R35 per child incl a hat, balloon, kiddies meal and a cooldrink.

We are on Facebook!

Paint to the desired colour.

To mount the crate book shelves onto the wall, use nylon wall plugs and screws. Use in kids room / study for books etc or in the kitchen for receipe books.

How to create practical book shelves by using ordinary pine crates.Use crates for book shelves

Using a few pieces of 10 x 44mm PAR pine that you can buy, you can make up your own crates for this project - and make them so that they don’t need to be cut in half or you can buy ready made crates at Spiro’s Mica.

Paint the crates with two coats of water-based enamel. Note: Although this is mentioned at the beginning of the project, I would leave the painting until the end if you are going to cut ready-made crates in half.

Just below any handle holes - if there are any - attach two keyhole brackets. Note: Use a pencil to mark the hole for the bracket, use an 8mm wood bit to drill out and then screw the bracket in place.

Pssst..Ons wil weet...van jou en jou vriendeSo stuur vir ons jou foto’s!

Ons stel bekend: AWSUM Scoop

Speel papparazzi en stuur vir ons fotos van jouself, jou vriende, jou

onnies, jou hond, jou familie...

en dit mag dalk net op die AWSUM Scoop-

blad geplaas

word. Neem foto’s in die klas, langs die sport-veld, by die huis, net waar jy wil of neem `n selfie en stuur dit!

Stuur jou nuus na [email protected]


Onthou om in jou e-pos die volgende te sit:- Watter skool - Byskrifte soos bv jou vriende se name (opsioneel) - `n Boodskap (opsioneel)

(Fotos word slegs geplaas indien goedgekeur deur die AWSUM redaksie)

Maak gou!


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Page 4: East London (May) Primary School

Sweet Wine and Vanilla Jelly with Pomegranate Seeds. Serves 8

3 cups dessert wine (Muscat or similar style)¼ cup white wine2/3 cup caster sugar1 vanilla bean split lengthways8 sheets or 5 tsps. gelatine powder¼ cup boiling waterPomegranate seeds

SPICE of the month!

MAY 20144


AWSUM Kombuis

Clarendon Primary

Eisteddfod Results 2014 Founders DayAfter the first week of Eisteddfod, Clarendon Primary is proud of excellent achievements obtained by our Music pupils.We are extremely pleased with 4 trophies which have been awarded to:1. Our Choir (Special Mention)2. The Recorder Ensemble (Gold Award)3. Rebecca van Wyk as the best Junior Vocalist (Gold Award)4. Julia Nhawu as the best Junior Recorder Player (Special Mention) Other results are as follows:VOCAL SECTION:BRONZE AWARDS: Melissa Rorich, Athule Ntoyanto, Sarah SpargSILVER AWARDS: Anabelle Connellan, Zomzi Njamela, Heather Sandison, Jasmin Williams, Mpuni NgesiGOLD AWARDS: Courtney Barnes, Lea Heyns, Caitlin Fourie, Caitlin & Athule (duet), Rebecca & Mpuni (duet) RECORDER SECTION:BRONZE AWARDS: Mihle Mbusi, Amber Coetzee, Erykah Tate, Rashmi MonsinghSILVER AWARDS: Inga cengimbo, Anabelle Connellan, Yolanda Matebese, Liwa MtiseGOLD AWARDS: Megan Patrick, Nika Weiss

They recently celebrated Founders Day. The guest speaker was Louisa Holst, the Food editor of Ideas magazine.

Anna Lukose, Soso Mnguni and Mrs Barbie Harrison (Chair of the Old Girls Guild) light the candles, each representing the past, present and future of the school.

Mrs King (Principal), Mr Bruce (Chairman of the Governing Body) and Ms Holst (Food Editor of Ideas Magazine and guest speaker for Founders Day).

The French Affair!I met Jan Hendrik in France on the French Rivera, in Nice to be exact while I was filming my new TV series for Food Network called Jenny Morris Cooks The Rivera’s. Jan Hendrik told me that he had a love affair with France and its culture of good food, and was so inspired by the fresh produce from local markets and the meals he has been inspired by on his travels through these epicurean surroundings, he decided to write a book called The French Affair. This lovely book is a feast for the eyes and nourishment for the soul, reflecting Jan Hendrik’s passion. The French Affair is a collection of recipes collected by author, chef and photographer Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen on his life journey that took him from a farm in South Africa to the French Riviera and Paris.

Let’s Cook!

Place the wines, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan on medium heat and stir for 5 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and cook for about 2 minutes until the syrup thickens. Remove the vanilla bean and reserve for garnishing. Soak the gelatine and water in a large heat-proof jug and whisk until the gelatine has dissolved. Stir the wine mixture into the gelatine mixture. Divide a small amount of the liquid among eight glasses or moulds of your choice. (Jan Hendrik uses martini glasses for a more classic look) Refrigerate until set , then top with fresh pomegranate seeds and the rest of the gelatine liquid.

If the leftover liquid has set slightly, reheat quickly to fill the rest of the moulds. To finish off, top with another layer of pomegranate seeds. Cut the discarded vanilla bean in quarters and use as a garnish.

© Jan Hendrik V an Der Westhuizen 2013

VanillaVanilla is the second most expensive spice after saffron, and is highly valued for its flavor, which described in The Book of Spices as “pure, spicy, and delicate”.

As a result, vanilla is widely used in both commercial and domestic baking, perfume manufacture and aromatherapy.

Vanilla is an aromatic spice that benefits the nervous system. It also contains high levels of antioxidants which are valuable for reducing free-radicals in your body, which are the waste products from normal as well as harmful metabolic processes.

Excess free radicals may cause diseases, including cancer.

SPICE up your life!

Page 5: East London (May) Primary School


Voorpos Primary5MAY 2014

Nahoon Primary


Traditional Wear

Miss and Mr Pre-Primary Competition

Beach Wear

Casual Wear Educators


Queen and King

These grade one learners proudly show off their Easter Bunny pictures.

The winners in the Traditional Wear Section were Chiyedza Vanda, Sinelizwi Lamani and Ifeziwe Bango.

Voorpos Pre-Primary and Educare recently held a Miss and Mr Pre-Primary Competition. The learners modelled in different categories and the audience was also entertained by items performed by the learners in each class. It was a lovely

evening filled with glitz and glamour. Well done to our little ones!

The winners in the Beach Wear Section were Alwaba Leve, Lavuya Mrwetyana and Alakhe Ngongoshe.

The winners in the Casual Wear Section were Owenene Mpoyipheli, Zenazi Qabaka and Chulumanco Mjiwu.

Thank you to the Pre-Primary Educators for all your hard work in hosting a most entertaining and successful evening.

The Pre- School finalists were as follows: 2nd Princess: Olwenene Mpayipheli; 2nd Knight: Zenazi Qabaka; 1st Princess: Chiyedza Vanda; 1st Knight: Olo Notha; Queen: Esinakho Ndevu; King: Caden Lazarus.

Voorpos Primary participated in the SACEE General Knowledge Quiz held recently. The team consisted of Grade 6 and 7 learners. Voorpos Pre-Primary and Educare recently held a Miss and Mr Pre-Primary Competition.

The Educare Queen and King were Lisa Mzilikazi and Lunathi Lawu.

Die Gr. R-Klasse leer van troeteldiereDie gr. R-klasse se tema vir die volgende 3 weke is “Troeteldiere” & die kinders is verskriklik opgewonde daaroor!

Emile Smith

Huib de Bruyn Milla van Heerden

Leerlingraad besoek Gr. 2-Klas geniet kuns Rekenaarklas

O/9-span oefen rugby

Die leerlingraaad van Laerskool Nahoon is besig om ‘n verskil in die gemeenskap van Oos-Londen te maak deur uit te reik na nie-winsgewende organisasies. Gedurende die eerste kwartaal het die leerders by die skool hul gehelp om troeteldier-benodighede vir spesifiek honde en katte vir Pet Pals Animal Santuary in te samel. Die hondekos, katkos, water- en kosbakke is vroeg in die tweede kwartaal gaan aflewer.

Die leerders kry elke week geleentheid om hul kunstalente te ontgin in die kunsklas. Hier is die gr. 2-klas besig om nuwe vaardighede aan te leer onder die bekwame leiding van die kunsjuffrou, mev. Inge Jansen v. Vuuren.

Alle leerders vanaf gr. R ontvang een keer ‘n week onderrig in rekenaars. Hier is die graad 3-klas besig met hulle les. By Mev. Henrieta van der Walt wat vir al die grade klas gee.

Die o/9-rugbyspan oefen hard vir hulle eerste rugbywedstryd.

From left are: Sange Tshakumane, Sibabalwe Madayizana, Sitha Sikutshwa and Naledi Mohale.

Page 6: East London (May) Primary School

MAY 20146


Gonubie Primary

Lilyfontein Primary

Project: Making the best of waste Happy at Hobbiton!

Archery Chess for all Young artists at work

Gonubie Primary Grade 7 pupils modelled outfits made only from waste materials, which they designed and made themselves. The winning costume was modelled by Lelethu Senti (front row, middle) and designed by Leandra Nel.

Our Gade 5 pupils spent 3 days at Hobbiton-on-Hogsback in April. They faced many personal and group challenges and this outing remains a highlight in the Primary School career of every GPS pupil.

Pupils from various grades recently participated in a fun NASP (National Archery In Schools Programme) competition. Mr Ludwig Ehrke (back row, middle) is the initiator of this extra-curricular sport at GPS and our archery pupils are having lots of fun!

These Gr 1 and 2 pupils in Junior Chess are learning all about the Great Game of Chess! The matches are great fun and already some of them have mastered the terminology of moving the “pawn” – and not the “prawn”! (They do live near the sea, so anything’s possible!)

Keen young artists being creative at our Art Academy. From left to right they are Longwe Qwesha, Trinity Brooks and Crystal Wantenaar.

Border Drummies Yvette Basson, Aphelele Jali & Jaydee Nicholson. SACEE fun with words.

Onwabe Najwa and Elizabeth Cairns model their home made Easter hats.

Border Drummies

Grade 7 Paddling Camp

Easter Bonnet paradeSACEE General KnowledgeCongratulations to Yvette Basson, Aphelele Jali and Jaydee Nicholson on achieving Eastern Province Colours for drum majorettes.

Keeping all your food, clothing and bedding dry during the Grade 7 paddling camp is always a challenge, but this year’s Grade 7’s had to try to manage this in the rainiest week of the year. The camp teaches the groups about shopping within a budget, following verbal instructions to cook food and paddling between campsites on the Kowie River. Have you ever tried to keep a potjie fire going during a downpour? The Lilyfontein Grade 7’s have! In all this was a truly character building experience and one they will talk about for years to come.

The Pre Primary held its annual Easter Bonnet Parade. Each child makes their own Easter hat and participates in a parade through the school to the school Hall. They each have an opportunity to model their hat in front of the parents and then everyone heads back to the pre-primary playground for an Easter egg hunt and tea with the parents.

Well done to Julia Wood, Anya Nash, Nande Mbixo and Alex Jacobs who participated in the SACEE General Knowledge Quiz .They came 3rd out of the 12 schools which was a very good effort considering we were unable to enter our Grade 7’s as they were on camp.

Page 7: East London (May) Primary School


Beaconhurst Primary7MAY 2014

George Randell Primary

Foundation Phase EarlyAct Founders Day


Blood Donation Month

Election Day

The Easter Bunny came to surprise the Foundation Phase learners this April.

We have a very active EarlyAct Club at Beaconhurst School. In the past few months the club has been very busy collecting supplies and treats for those who need it most.

On Thursday, 20 March 2014, Beaconhurst School celebrated its annual Founders Day. The day was marked with an assembly where the entire school was gathered in the hall.

The U/10 A Netball Girls getting ready for their match against Clarendon Primary School.

During the year, Beaconhurst School takes one month and dedicates it to donating blood.

Great excitement as Grade 1 learners participated in voting for one of three parties – “Lots of Sweets”, “No School” or “Kids in Charge”. The result – a resounding victory for the “Kids in Charge” part.

These U/10 B Netball players are excitedly waiting for their turn to play against the Clarendon Girls.

A group of Foundation Phase Learners having fun with their Easter surprises.

The EarlyAct Club members sorting out the jerseys we have already collected, and having fun at the same time. Helping others is always a good way to spend your time.

Here are the learners who managed to bring in the most units of blood for the SANBS for the Donate a Month project.

Loyalty learners, who attended Beaconhurst School since grade 1, are getting awarded for their consistent dedication to the school.

Tahlita Smit, one of our grade 4 learners, lighting a candle on the birthday cake.

Easter Braai before Election Braai before Election


Georgie learners at the Aftercare Centre celebrated Easter with cards and crafts. Georgie families braved the chilly

autumn evening and gathered at the school for a braai before our country’s General Election. Braai fires were lit and the children were entertained with a jumping castle and bumper cars. It was the ideal time to bring out picnic blankets and baskets.

Georgie learners were entertained with a puppet show celebrating the life of Madiba. His childhood and youth, as well as his contribution to our country was explained with an inter-active show with learners participating.

With the mini flood East London experienced recently, the school quad was flooded for a short period resulting in a SECOND Georgie swimming pool - much to the children’s amusement and delight!

Page 8: East London (May) Primary School

MAY 20148


Grens Voorbereiding

Cambridge Primary

Educational Tour to Graaff Reinet

Museum Uitstappie Slimkop Party Cupcakes Landloopbyeenkoms

Jukskei Toernooi

Die Graad 3’s het ‘n museum uitstappie gehad. Hulle het oor verskillende reptiele geleer.

Graad 3’s staan toue om te stem op 6 Mei! Die Graad 3’s moes kies tussen die Slimkop party wat vir een pouse stem, en die Vetpretparty wat vir 2 pouses stem... die Vetpretparty het natuurlik gewen!

Die Graad 2’s het ‘n Moedersdagtee gehou. Die Mammas is bederf met heerlike “cupcakes” en tee.

Grens Voorbereiding neem vir die eerste keer deel aan ‘n Landloopbyeenkoms! Die byeenkoms was by Nahoon en Grensies het pragtig gehardloop!

Grensies spog met 3de plek in die JW auto Jukskei toernooi by Cradock.