E-mag!ne_Feb 09

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E-magazine of the department of Masters in Human Resource Management, Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management

Transcript of E-mag!ne_Feb 09

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    To bring anything into your life, imagine that its already there. To bring anything into your life, imagine that its already there. To bring anything into your life, imagine that its already there. To bring anything into your life, imagine that its already there. Richard Richard Richard Richard Bach.Bach.Bach.Bach.

    Imagination is the process of harnessing and utilizing the creative power of the mind. Imagination resides in the boundless realm of the mind where you can travel anywhere at the speed of thought. When you soar with the wondrous When you soar with the wondrous When you soar with the wondrous When you soar with the wondrous creative powers of your imagination, you possess a firstcreative powers of your imagination, you possess a firstcreative powers of your imagination, you possess a firstcreative powers of your imagination, you possess a first----class ticket to the life class ticket to the life class ticket to the life class ticket to the life of your dreams. of your dreams. of your dreams. of your dreams. Imagination has been the tool of all the great innovation of the world.

    This imagination, powered with innovation can help us invent newer avenues in the future path as we traverse as young professionals.

    We welcome you all to the very first edition of EEEE----mag!mag!mag!mag!nenenene the E magazine brought out by the students of Masters in Human Resource ManagemMasters in Human Resource ManagemMasters in Human Resource ManagemMasters in Human Resource Management ent ent ent department (MHRM) of Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business department (MHRM) of Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business department (MHRM) of Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business department (MHRM) of Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business ManagementManagementManagementManagement (IISWBM). (IISWBM). (IISWBM). (IISWBM). The purpose of EEEE----mag!mag!mag!mag!nenenene is to update its readers with events in the corporate scenario as well as to enlighten them with clarity of thought and ideas with illustration of basic management concepts.

    Our journey begins with the inspirational inputs from our mentors, our learned faculty members. Without their guidance and support, our initiatives would never have reached the acumen of success. Expression of thought finds a new facade in our sections of photography, sketches and poetry. And in case you want to catch up with the latest trivia connected to our department, our Campus Byte section is a must for you!

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    We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this magazine and we sincerely hope to receive more contributions for our future editions.

    Please feel free to write to us at [email protected] with your feedback and suggestions. We would appreciate all your ideas and inputs.

    Hope you enjoy reading the very first edition of EEEE----mag!nemag!nemag!nemag!ne and the ones that follow.

    Warm Regards

    Team E-mag!ne






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    INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (IISWBM),BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (IISWBM),BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (IISWBM),BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (IISWBM), the first Bfirst Bfirst Bfirst B----SchoolSchoolSchoolSchool in India was inaugurated on April 25, 1953 by Late Dr. B.C RoyLate Dr. B.C RoyLate Dr. B.C RoyLate Dr. B.C Roy, the then Chief Minister of West Bengal. The institutions foundation stone was laid down by the first Prime Minister of India Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.Late Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.

    The institutes alumni include eminent personalities like Mr. L. N Mittal, Professor D. K. Sanyal, Srimati Renuka Ray, (Late) Sumantro Ghosal to name a few

    IISWBM, the only B-School on whose name a postage stamp has been issued by the Government of India on its completion of 50 years of academic glory on 25th April 2003

    IISWBM was the first B School to have honourable former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul KalamDr. A. P. J. Abdul KalamDr. A. P. J. Abdul KalamDr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in our convocation held on December 16th 2006.

    Dr.Kalam congratulated the graduating students of IISWBM and quoted I am confident that the young graduates of IISWBM will certainly imbibe the quality of creative leaders and be partners in the

    transformation of West Bengal into a developed state.

    IISWBM introduced a special course Masters of Human Resource Management (MHRM) which has been designed to give the students a liberal business education, preparing then to manage most significant aster of an organization i.e. Human capital

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    From the Directors DeskFrom the Directors DeskFrom the Directors DeskFrom the Directors Desk 6 6 6 6

    Satyam about socializing privSatyam about socializing privSatyam about socializing privSatyam about socializing private lossesate lossesate lossesate losses 9 9 9 9

    Brand YOUBrand YOUBrand YOUBrand YOU 12121212

    Strategic HRMStrategic HRMStrategic HRMStrategic HRM 16161616

    Rhyme & ReasonRhyme & ReasonRhyme & ReasonRhyme & Reason

    You win some.. you loYou win some.. you loYou win some.. you loYou win some.. you lose somese somese somese some 19191919 20202020

    Picture ThisPicture ThisPicture ThisPicture This

    The new age MBAThe new age MBAThe new age MBAThe new age MBA 21212121

    Yesterday.. Once moreYesterday.. Once moreYesterday.. Once moreYesterday.. Once more 22222222

    Campus ByteCampus ByteCampus ByteCampus Byte 23232323

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    Professor P.K.Misra,Professor P.K.Misra,Professor P.K.Misra,Professor P.K.Misra,

    Head, MHRM & Head, MHRM & Head, MHRM & Head, MHRM & Director, IISWBMDirector, IISWBMDirector, IISWBMDirector, IISWBM

    Student of Masters in Human Resource Management (MHRM) Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management have taken initiative to start e magazine. The magazine besides unleashing the creative potential of the students will help in sharing knowledge. The magazine will also provide an interactive forum for the students of IISWBM and other Business Schools. I am indeed very happy for this, being Head, MHRM and Director, IISWBM.

    The economic liberalization has spurred industrial growth and brought in fierce competition. The

    industrial growth has created segments of industry, which can be categorized as sectors.

    Some of the sectors are:

    Financial Financial Financial Financial banking, insurance & banking, insurance & banking, insurance & banking, insurance & Capital Capital Capital Capital investment servicesinvestment servicesinvestment servicesinvestment services




    Transport & LogisticsTransport & LogisticsTransport & LogisticsTransport & Logistics

    Hotel and Hospitality including Hotel and Hospitality including Hotel and Hospitality including Hotel and Hospitality including TourismTourismTourismTourism

    Health CareHealth CareHealth CareHealth Care

    Media Media Media Media


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    Manufacturing industry other than Manufacturing industry other than Manufacturing industry other than Manufacturing industry other than automobilesautomobilesautomobilesautomobiles

    Construction Construction Construction Construction infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure

    Oil and NOil and NOil and NOil and Natural Gasatural Gasatural Gasatural Gas


    Agriculture products etc Agriculture products etc Agriculture products etc Agriculture products etc

    The market is customer driven. The customers require products, which meet their specific needs in terms of functions, quality, cost and availability. To produce, sell and service these specific products, special skills are needed. In order to survive and grow, the future professional managers will have to be equipped with these special skills. Those of the management institutes, which can cope up with, these special requirements are going to flourish.

    The management institutes will have to develop students as professionals. Mere academic knowledge with the budding managers is not going to fully serve the needs of the industry. The personality of students has to be transformed into a professional manager, having ability to survive the stresses and strain of the competitive market conditions and possessing necessary special skills needed for the specific sector.

    This will mean that the students have to be observed and trained in campus. The management courses will have to be residential to enable the faculty to observe and develop students as professionals. In order to cater to the special needs of each sector, the students may have to choose the area of specialization from the day they join the training in a management institute.

    Selling pharmaceutical products is very different from selling insurance. Similarly production of steel is different from operations in an electronics industry.

    The industry has to be a partner of management institutes in training of students. In addition, resources in terms of the faculty with experience in specific sectors will have to be provided. This perhaps will be most difficult to obtain. In the absence of adequate in house resources, the institutes will have to depend on outside help. Persons with suitable experience in the industry, and penchant for teaching may be able to establish educational consultancy companies to cater to such needs.

    A new system of education is fast emerging in which the institutions partner other management institutes for mutual help through online teaching. A large number of colleges catering to distance

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    education already exist. Many of them have specialized resources in some areas. These institutes have already perfected distance education. Their help in selected areas on line will be needed more and more. The systems like education through video

    conferencing and virtual classrooms in the required areas may have to be introduced.

    The e magazine, which is being launched, should be able to meet some of these emerging needs in management education. I see a bright future for this magazine. I congratulate the students for taking this initiative. I wish them success in their endeavour.

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    PRITHA PRITHA PRITHA PRITHA BASU,BASU,BASU,BASU, MHRM 2008 MHRM 2008 MHRM 2008 MHRM 2008----2010201020102010

    Balance sheeBalance sheeBalance sheeBalance sheet with an inflated cash and bank t with an inflated cash and bank t with an inflated cash and bank t with an inflated cash and bank balance of Rs 5,040 crore, Nonbalance of Rs 5,040 crore, Nonbalance of Rs 5,040 crore, Nonbalance of Rs 5,040 crore, Non----existence of existence of existence of existence of Accrued interest of Rs 376 crore,Accrued interest of Rs 376 crore,Accrued interest of Rs 376 crore,Accrued interest of Rs 376 crore, Rs. 1,230 Rs. 1,230 Rs. 1,230 Rs. 1,230 crore was arranged to Satyam, but was not crore was arranged to Satyam, but was not crore was arranged to Satyam, but was not crore was arranged to Satyam, but was not reflected in the books."reflected in the books."reflected in the books."reflected in the books."

    The recent accounting fraud at Satyam Computers Ltd, one of the top five IT companies of India, has raised several questions on corporate ethics and accountability, the Role of Regulators in Corporate Governance and also the age old issue of privatizing profits and socializing privatizing profits and socializing privatizing profits and socializing privatizing profits and socializing losses. losses. losses. losses. And it is very much evident from the fact that corporate India and their sponsors in the Government are trying to project this fiasco more as an aberration rather than a deliberate act. There is a noticeable reluctance to acknowledge and address, the systemic issues involved both on the part of government as well as the judiciary although SEBI is now trying to probe insider trading charges against the Satyam Board members.

    Since the period of liberalization, Indian corporate, backed by the Government have tried to emulate the American financial and corporate governance systems by making the

    economic activities more liberated and curbing the scope of vigilance. One of those drawbacks of liberalized capital markets is that it leads to an obsession with the stock market valuation of firms. The problem gets compounded when the firms feels the pressures to make huge sums of money in a very short period, through speculative capital gains rather than real value addition. As a result of this prevalent trend, the American system has been badly exposed in the recent sub-prime meltdown and the consequent bankruptcies of leading financial entities. But as we all know the Federal government came to the rescue of these big shots sighting socio-economic reasons. Frankly this is quite a familiar scenario all over the world and India is no exception in this regard.

    The same thing happened with Satyam, the manipulation of accounts was going on for years in innumerable ways basically to inflate the firms profits in order to gain from higher stock prices and market capitalization. And through this Ramalinga Raju had made huge capital gains in the stock market and also being an IT company enjoyed an almost zero

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    tax regime and also floated real estate ventures like Maytas, which was again heavily rewarded with land and lucrative contracts by the Andhra Pradesh Government. So beyond any sort of reasonable doubt it can be stated that Satyam has made maximum utilization of its corporate image and status to maximize profits. And during this entire time whilst Satyam was busy making unfair profits it did every possible thing to evade its social responsibilities. But sadly the government cannot escape its social responsibilities or in such cases we can say it has to bear the losses created by the private sector.


    But in this case the Government's decision to defer the bail-out package for Satyam is unquestionably appropriate as bailing out Satyam by using tax payers money, would amount to yet another squalid instance of socializing private sector losses. Apparently, it has recognized the fact that considering financial help for a hoaxer is not a social, economic or ethical option. More so, when it

    recognizes the failure of different government mechanisms such as auditors, regulators and banks. But at the same time to address the interests of more than 50000 employees of Satyam and save the global reputation of Brand India, the government has to ensure that the enterprise continues to function viably so that the jobs and salaries stay protected.

    The Satyam incidence is not a stray incidence at all, majority of the companies indulge in such practices to a variable extent. A private sector company adhering to unethical standards and drawing off public money to serve personal ends of its promoters and CEO does not deserve any pity or leniency. And the bail-out of Satyam would only fuel the issue of privatization of profit and socialization of losses. But lets face it maximizing profits in minimum time is the name of the game in the era of capitalism and LPG. So without moving away from todays paradigm of liberalized markets liberalization with regulation is the need of the hour.

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    Walter Landor, one of the greats of the advertising industry, said:

    "simply put, simply put, simply put, simply put, a brand a brand a brand a brand is a promiseis a promiseis a promiseis a promise. By . By . By . By identifying and authenticating a identifying and authenticating a identifying and authenticating a identifying and authenticating a product or service it delivers a product or service it delivers a product or service it delivers a product or service it delivers a pledge of satisfaction and quality."pledge of satisfaction and quality."pledge of satisfaction and quality."pledge of satisfaction and quality."

    More rightly put A brand is a A brand is a A brand is a A brand is a collection of perceptions in the collection of perceptions in the collection of perceptions in the collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumermind of the consumermind of the consumermind of the consumer

    Most people have a general understanding of brands, which are omnipresent1 in this commercial, market-driven society in which we find ourselves. An important aspect of brands is that they are abstract.

    Think about the following brands. What abstract quality does each invoke for you?

    NNNNikeikeikeike, , , , PepsiPepsiPepsiPepsi, , , , StarbuckStarbuckStarbuckStarbuckssss, , , , VolvoVolvoVolvoVolvo

    If you are like most consumers, each of these brands has an identifiable personality. The goal of the Pepsi brand is to ensure that your mental construct of Pepsi is not about colored sugar water; it is about re-establishing your connection with your youth whenever you drink a Pepsi. Volvo makes cars, but what they really provide is safe transportation for you and your loved ones. Nike markets sneakers, but in actuality identifies the inner athlete, the

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    talented, confident, successful competitor lurking inside. Starbucks sells coffee, but what each Starbucks cafe represents is a warm, comfortable gathering place. The marketing theory is that by associating these abstract, highly compelling qualities that consumers desire with specific products, those consumers are more likely to purchase those products, and to derive pleasure, and thus value, from those products, far beyond their utilitarian benefits.

    Personal BrandingPersonal BrandingPersonal BrandingPersonal Branding

    When Tom Peters first wrote When Tom Peters first wrote When Tom Peters first wrote When Tom Peters first wrote about Brand You, it was cool. Now about Brand You, it was cool. Now about Brand You, it was cool. Now about Brand You, it was cool. Now it's life or deait's life or deait's life or deait's life or deathththth....

    Personal Branding is the art of attracting and keeping more clients by actively shaping public perception..

    External brandExternal brandExternal brandExternal brand

    The external brand is how one projects oneself to the world. There is an element of choice here. One can decide what to say or write in order to convey a certain image.

    Ones projected image will influence what others think of him and how they might choose to interact with him. One may stumble upon this image accidentally, or one can deliberately target a specific type of image.

    I think the best external image to project is the one you believe best reflects who you really are. Being Being Being Being oneself simply means being honest.oneself simply means being honest.oneself simply means being honest.oneself simply means being honest.

    Paying attention to ones external image neednt become an ego trip. Really its just the opposite. Becoming aware of how others see one helps one identify blind spots within oneself. Then one can work on those blind spots to help one become more internally congruent.

    Internal brandInternal brandInternal brandInternal brand

    In addition to ones external brand, which is how most people think about personal branding, one also have an internal brand. This is what one thinks of oneself.

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    I believe there are three areas you need to focus on when assembling your "BrandYou" strategy

    (1) Develop your brand. (2) Package your brand. (3) Communicate your brand

    (1)(1)(1)(1)DDDDeveloping your brandeveloping your brandeveloping your brandeveloping your brand During the development of "BrandYou" one needs to ask oneself some basic questions. For example: What are my values? What do i love? What do i hate? What am I insanely great at doing? What am I most proud of? What do I want to be? What is important and valuable to me? What do i want to be known for? Basic, fundamental questions, yes. And yet, sometimes these are the most difficult to answer. But they must be answered and must be true. The three pillars of a good brand are authenticity, consistency, and clarity. This holds true for ones personal brand as well. One uses these three pillars as ones guide when evaluating ones brand. By delving deep into oneself during this process and working hard to define who one is and

    what one stands for, ones brand message will become clear. It will be clear to others precisely because it is clear to him. A clear message is a message people can trust. Personal brands do evolve overtime somewhat, but they remain essentially consistent at the core. (2) Packaging your brand(2) Packaging your brand(2) Packaging your brand(2) Packaging your brand

    Companies spend tons of money on the packaging of their goods and services. Why? After all, it is the actual product or service that is important; the packaging is superfluous, right? Wrong. Like it or not, superficial or not, people judge products (and people too) based in part on appearances. First impressions, as we have all been told, are huge. Packaging for a new shampoo or an iPod Mini certainly makes sense. We can understand that. A package for a physical product has to attract, inform, and persuade the customer to buy. But the packages of a brand even a physical product is much more than the wrapper

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    (3) (3) (3) (3) Communicating your brandCommunicating your brandCommunicating your brandCommunicating your brand "If you're not appearing, you're "If you're not appearing, you're "If you're not appearing, you're "If you're not appearing, you're disappearing," said legendary jazz disappearing," said legendary jazz disappearing," said legendary jazz disappearing," said legendary jazz musician,musician,musician,musician, Art Blakey. Art Blakey. Art Blakey. Art Blakey. Absolutely true. No matter what your "thing" is engineer, marketing exec, or French Literature professor, whatever! standing on the merits of your great work alone is not (usually) enough. People have got to know about you and your great work. They have got to meet you, see you. If you want people to talk about the wonderful things you do, then you must give them the opportunity to experience you. This means attending networking meetings (both social and professional) and getting involved in external organizations in your field. But do not limit your involvement only to organizations in your direct field. Some of the best contacts may come from quite unexpected places, but you will never know unless you get out there and mix it up.

    BrBrBrBrandYou andYou andYou andYou now more than ever now more than ever now more than ever now more than ever

    Personal branding may have been a cool idea in the '90s when Tom Peters first wrote the article for Fast Company. Today, personal branding is essential. The market place is crowded and the labour market as competitive as ever. To make your mark and rise above the noise, you need to have a clear idea what you're all about and what you have to offer (and to whom). What makes you different? What do you have to offer that is demonstrably different, better, cooler? Dig deep inside yourself and find out. Once you have your message down, clear and concise, make the opportunities to tell your little piece of the world what you're all about and how you can help.

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    HR: A Strategic Partner or Strategic HR: A Strategic Partner or Strategic HR: A Strategic Partner or Strategic HR: A Strategic Partner or Strategic HRM.HRM.HRM.HRM.

    What is HRM(Human Resource HRM(Human Resource HRM(Human Resource HRM(Human Resource Management)Management)Management)Management)?

    HRM HRM HRM HRM is a management function that recruits, selects, trains, develop and maintains people for an organization. Thus it is a holistic approach towards management of people working in an organization who contribute to the achievement of organizational objectives.

    SHRM(Strategic Human Resource SHRM(Strategic Human Resource SHRM(Strategic Human Resource SHRM(Strategic Human Resource Management):Management):Management):Management): Wright and Mc Mahan (1992) defined SHRM as the pattern of planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable the firm to achieve its goals.

    Thus in simple terms its the organizations intentions or plans of achieving the goal or objective of an organization through its people

    i.e it is concerned with those issues and practices relating to the people (Human Resource) that affect or are affected by the strategic plan of the organization.

    How is HR a strategic partnerstrategic partnerstrategic partnerstrategic partner?

    HRM proponents and executives have empathized over the years that HR acts as a strategic partner to the organization. But questions like how is it a strategic partner? How is how is it a strategic partner? How is how is it a strategic partner? How is how is it a strategic partner? How is it measured?it measured?it measured?it measured? often intrigue the students as well the organizations alike. Many firms believe or have the notion that good human resource management practices helps in building the core competencies of the organization which in long run acts as a competitive advantage but they struggle to identify and quantify the effects of these practices on the strategic initiatives of the firms.

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    To resolve such problems and answer the above questions several organizations have adopted various measures such as:-

    1. Deloitte developed the Human Capital Management Value man (HCMVMHCMVMHCMVMHCMVM) to demonstrate the contribution of HR initiatives towards shareholders value and helps management prioritize and align their HR investments with companys overall strategic objective.

    Some firms use Cash Flow per Employee (CFPECFPECFPECFPE), instead of profits as a measure of firms success because it directs the attention of the management to HR of the firm and its strategic role.

    Cash flow per employee =>(Cash flow / number of employees) / (total investment / number of employees) = (Cash flow / capital invested)

    CFPE shows the average contribution an employee has to make in relation invested by the shareholders.

    2. HR scorecard HR scorecard HR scorecard HR scorecard : HR audit in conducted, it assess HR competencies, culture, business linkage and assigns a score to each of these. BenchmarkingBenchmarkingBenchmarkingBenchmarking: In this method comparison is made on basis of selected HR performances indicators of organizations in the same industry so that the firm knows how well its HR practices compare with the best practices in other successful organizations. Excellence Model Business Excellence Model Business Excellence Model Business Excellence Model (BEM)(BEM)(BEM)(BEM): In this method all the areas for business success are covered which serves as a blue print for total organizations performance. It is adopted by the Tatas and is named as Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM).

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    Thus we can say that HR acts as a strategic partner of a firm in attaining competitive advantage because a firm can adopt a new technology available in the market, can imitate the work-life

    practices of another firm but it cannot imitate an employees sense of belongingness and his/her commitment and loyalty towards an organization.

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    You win some you lose some.......You win some you lose some.......You win some you lose some.......You win some you lose some.......

    Merely a factor, you cant say

    Facets so many, you cannot essay;

    Dynamic and turbulent you got to admit, to its trivialities you sometimes have to submit;

    Vital so much that you dare not ignore, BIKRAM SARKAR, MHRM 2008 2010BIKRAM SARKAR, MHRM 2008 2010BIKRAM SARKAR, MHRM 2008 2010BIKRAM SARKAR, MHRM 2008 2010

    Yet Byzantine so much you hate to explore;

    Managing it is an art that deserves to be studied,

    It has to be understood, observed and examined;

    Controlling it is a science that requires finesse,

    With perseverance and patience develops expertise;

    Human is the element that bodies this rhyme,

    In dealing with it, you win some and you lose some, every time....

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    The MHRM department campus is a mix of technology & harmonious academic environment at its best. Class rooms equipped with A/V facilities, WI-FI all round, cooperative and highly qualified faculty members, well stocked library and all other facilities needed for a proper academic environment. The campus is always abuzz with life, academic and co-curricular activities that take place regularly under supervision of the distinguished faculty members.

    This year has been a memorable one in terms of the events that have taken place. July was marked off by a splendid welcome to the 2008-10 batch of MHRM department where the new entrants introduced themselves to their seniors and the faculty members and got acquainted with them. This was followed by a freshers party for the 2008-10 batch in August, where different

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    games and events were designed to break the ice between the seniors and the juniors followed by a gala lunch for the entire MHRM department. September marked onset of placement trips to the different zones north, south, east & west, to leverage the placement of the students of the MHRM department.

    November bought the first industrial visit for the 2008-10 batch. The destination was Ishapore Rifle factory located at North 24 Parganas (under Barrackpore Subdivision) within the state West Bengal. The visit enabled the students to get up close with the workings of a real factory and understand its underpinnings and working mechanism. Also beneficial was the seminar conducted on the venue to familiarize the students with the functioning of the labour unions at the factory. Various issues related to labour laws; industrial disputes and trade unionism were discussed therein.

    December was a landmark in the event book. The annual HR summit held by the MHRM department GENESIS 2008GENESIS 2008GENESIS 2008GENESIS 2008 took place in this month. The topic was Organizational Flexibility: A Competitive Advantage. The panel discussion was followed by management games in which business schools from all over India like the IIM C, IIM L,MDI, XIMB, XIME, Nirma, Welingkar, NMIMS had participated with equal zest and enthusiasm. The whole experience gave the students of the department a chance to interact with the students of the other B-schools and exercise their management acumen. GENESIS was followed by CONFABCONFABCONFABCONFAB the alumni meet, where alumni were given a scope to share their experiences with the current batches.

    For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail us at:For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail us at:For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail us at:For feedbacks and suggestions, please mail us at:

    [email protected]@[email protected]@gmail.com