DRY GOOD WHEAT. - Chronicling America · ng, rHE MEMPHIS iD-AJuk-.- EALTUESDAl. JULY 35, JLH16...

ng, rHE MEMPHIS iD-AJuk- .- EALTUESDAl. JULY 35, JLH16 RAILROADS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. KIOTOUS CONDUCT. NOTICE EXTRAORDHNAItF. KAIR RSKEWES. SEEl'IIIS AKD CHAELE8T0K B. B. CilXSQB OF BCUEDULH. AND AFTER 8UNDAY, JUNE H ON 1876, Mall train, dally at Express train, dally, at bomerrUle train, dally, i vCbpi riunaays, ai Jackson. Tenn- - accommo Leave. Arrive. 12 0 sum. SSJO pjn J5i0pjn. 12 turn p.m. BSOcon dation (ex. bnnday) i t30 pjn. HJ5a-- m Kail train trill not stop at Flag Stations be- tween Urand Junction and Memphis. Trains connect at Grand Junction for all points, and at Decatttr closely lor Montcom ery and points bouth. Close connection lor Nashville by both trains. Close connections at Chattanooga for Eastern and Southeastern VatnU. No chance of cars between Memphis and Bristol and Memphis and Montgomery. The new and magnificent sleeping-car-lin- e will nave one or their new sleepers leave Memphis dajlt on Express train at 50 lor Lynchburg, Washington and Baltimore without change. Only owe cuasoi to New Jtorfc and Philadelphia. Time 2D minutes faster than city tlms, Ticket Office, 278 Jf aln nnru W. J. BOBS. Qenl Bnpt. TOM B. DUNN. Ticket Agent. MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE B. E. CHASQE OF HCIinDOLK. VN AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 11, J 1S78. trains will mn as follows: AR.RIVS Hew Orleans Mail, dally 2:60 pun. USOpjn Freight and Accommodafn, (except Sunday) 8 SO ol 3 SO pjn Clcsa connections made at Grenada with trains North and Booth for all points. For further information apply to Ticket Office, No. 237 Main street, and at depot. M, BUREJS, Superintendent. JAMES HPEED, Ticket Agent. L9 UIS7ILLE AND KASHTXLLB AND GREAT SOUTHEBH RAILROAD. Express train Bsaturdayt) at. HCHSDCIiS. dally X.KAVJC. daily leaves Time, (except "-i- s train leaves dally at ajn Accommodation train leaves dally (except Sunday) at 5 no pun Clly pjn till mis Pullman. Palace Bleeping-Car- s on all night sains. For tickets or Information apply at Ticket Office, No. 287 Main Street, COKNER MADISON, JOHN T. FLYNN, Snp't Memphis Dlv. JAM KB HPEED. Ticket Agent. ANNOTmCEMEWTS. Justice of tba fence Mtn Civil District. HEREBY announce myself a candidate r for as Justice or the Peace for KnnrtM nth civil District fhelby county. Re spectfully. J. A. THOMPSON4 1 II ALL Is a candidate for JAMES office ol Justice of the Peace for the Fourteenth Civil District. COLMAN Is a candidate for Justice BENJ. Peace for Fourteenth Civil District. STB A!? ED. the Memphis Oil Company's MULE-Kro- m Friday, July 21st, a black mare mule, about 16 hands nigh, mealy color about me nanus ana nose, a rewara oi siu win do paid on delivery of mule to Memphis Oil Co., loot I'opiar street. jy T- - ED COW XV From 200 Carroll avenue, a red cow, with a short right horn and very largo bag. A lib eral reward will be paid for ber rsturn. JJ22 W. A. COLLIER "IOG-- 55 BBWAKD Liver-colore- d ! dog, about one year old . 1 to A. K. SLOAN. 61 Front street. S. Jyl3 PEESONAIi. Legally and quietly obtained DIVORCES etc.; residence un- necessary. Fee alter decree, A. GOODRICH, P. O. Box 1037. Chicago. ALFRED VO0BHIES makes a specialty OK. treating EYE AND EAR DIHKaSES. Offlce. 321 Popiar street. lug) 8TEAYSD OXZ STOLSZT. MULE -- On the 30th or June, from Adklns one bay mare mule, seven ears old , about 15 hands high, a 11 ght spot on J ett hip, also on right eye, thin in order. I will give ten dollars for return of said mule to me, or lor lnlormation that may lead to her recovery. J. C EDENION, Jy21 daw Macon, Tenn. ROOMS AHB BOARD. TO THE CITY-C- an find VISITORS at 100 Madison st. ROOMS Nicely furnished rooms at 85 MAIN STREET. TJOOMS AND BOARD Nicely-furnishe- d Cv rooms, with board, at 110 Monroe street, 2$ blocks from Main. rs wanted. sDB. RfSWT. TTOUSE-N- o. 49 Market; brick. Aj- - 191 ply at 44 Second street. Return Jy2o ALABAMA Seven rooms; S16 per month. Furnished or unfurnished, at 179 ROOMS street. Jy23 HARMING RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS, J furnished or unfurnished (and piano In- cluded;, near street cars, choice neighborhood. r Qry SHELBY feU; large brick. In complete vcr i oruer. No. 226 Wellington St.; fine yard and garden na.zu union st,; cottage. No. 332 Poplar St.; small cottage. No. 91 Exchange st.; brick. No. 101 Jeflersou st.: large brick. No. 1 Hulinc st. No. 50 Old Madison. pointer No. 58 Marshall avenue. No. 202 Desoto st. No. 227 Elliott fctreet. Two houses on Bass avenue, cheap. Cottage on Adams street extended. Several Stores, etc. H. L. GUION, Real Estate Agent. Jy23 No. 31 Bonth Court street, t? AWM.1LL I wish to rent my sawmill, four miles from Sunflower Landing. Coahoma county. Miss. M1U complete, with 40 horse engine; timber Immediately around the mill; rent, can oe paia in lumDer. Apply to a . m. w nxie s VO., .aempnis. x enn., or Jy20 II. P. HELD. Friars Point, Miss. r ES1DENCES - -- Handsome, eleeantlv.fin- - (V lshed residences, cor. Vance and Lauder-dal- e streets. ED. MCDONNELL, 116 Front St. KR and 56 Fourth St.; 6 rooms and gas and OJ water, J15; 13SK and 140& Exchange, near r ourtn eu, tiu; iu popiar sc., storeroom, sia. STURM & HIRSCH, Aj,enU, 41 Madison St. EXPOSITION !BU1LDLNG The old Mem- - J2l phis Industrla) Exposition Building. I"' Sfl4 Hoond tr TJANKBUPT HALE Of Household and 1 1 Kitchen Furniture and Barroom Fixtures, cuubisungoi iricmres, uiasses, uounier, oiue uujiru, ice-uo- etc, aixa iropiar street, THURSDAY, JULY 27TB. H ORSE-POWE- lt An endleri chain horse power, in good order, for sale cheap, at V. 11. BKAUKETT & CO.'H, 321 Second St. CHOICE GEItMAST illLLETT AND 8TOCK J fEAB. B. P. HJIITII A CO. aiKADlNG-BOA- T CHEAP-- A No. 1 tradlne- - X boat, newly fitted up, with license for estate oi Mississippi. Apply to W. J. BOOKER & COm --5:20 302 Front street. 1IT.S Ten Gullett's celebrated Improved VA ugut-ara- it magnolia uins, assorted sizes, nil new, and warranted In perfect order. wnicli we offer at a largo reduction under manujaciurer-- s prices, io close out consign- ment, being part of the etoclr of Onlleu's for. u er agents, and mu6t be sold. For superior quality of sample.quantlty of yield and rapid ginning, these gins cannot be surpassed, bample can be seen at oar offlce. Liberal terms offered to the trade. A. id. BCAB-- jikuuuh & cu Front street. Jyl3 DOUGH CYPRE3S-8ulta- ble for fencing, at i wjr uiuuHaou teeu oy WltiLIAMB & CO., Lumber Dealers. pYPBESS LATH 600,000 Bawod Cypress jaui u.ti uu per uiougano. Jiy WILLIAMB A CO- - Lumber Dealers. BUILDING LOTS- -It you wish to be lnde secure a home. I am now offer. lng to parties who with to build, lots on the tract at one-na- u tneir value. The rent you are now paying will soon secure you I. D. CON AWAY, Rental apl Real Krtate Agent. 8 Madison st. ? in of i M. Appeal offlce. HOME-I- n Memphlsorsnburbs, in exchange stock of goods worth 57000, cheap . Jr23 EXCHANGE. P. Q. UfflDDLE-AGE- D WOMAN To attend sick laiy and look alter household. Address JfOME. this offlce. "DOILEKS, Safes and Heavy Machinery, to A move. G. E. DUNBAK, 37 Union. SITUATION A3 GOVERNESS By lady competent to tench th n.na. xruBi. hnnrhm Pr.n.h ...... . . , . " . fluently with Parisian accent); test of refer-ence- s. J. A. a. Appeal offlce. V, AS housekeeper or seamstress 'n family or boarding-schoo- l; best of " B cu Auur6?w y MRS. 8. E. J.. Appeal office. UlEDICATED VAPflR I? rtcprnxr ,AaRY treatment of Chronic Diseases " "tnotu street. UK. K. A. WHITE. EXCHANGE -- A desirable . . place near . Hot , MnrintM . r Not a single police arrest waa made Sunday. James Trigg, charged with lsrceDy, was yesterday sent to jsll by the re- corder. Mack Brown, colored, chastised h?s wife last night and was arrested by the jollce. The colored military company com-mande- d by Captain Jim Glass, had a parade yesterday morning despite the 'aln. The criminal court meets next Thursday to hear the report of the graLd Jury, and will adjourn then until the next term. The game of base-ha- ll at Hernando park yesterday, between the DeSoto acd White 8ock, was won by the former bcore 20 to 4. The ward meetings Thursday night will be well attended, and will be ad- dressed by eloquent speakers. The work goes bravely on. Albert Lock, colored, who la re- garded as a suspicious character, was yesterday committed to jail in default of bail by the recorder. The horses belonging to Uie Vollen-tin- e and DtBoto engines are unable to go at a fast speed, and should bo re- placed by new and fleet animals. Yesterday afternoon a little of Mr. Jack, of the firm of W. & H. Jack, fell out of a tree at the residence of his father, No. 176 Washington street, and waa teverely injured. The fire yesterday morning was the burning ot five one-etor- y frame dwell- ings, corner of Mill and Third streets, Chelsea. The buildings were owned by B. Fitzgibbon, who resides near the National cemetery. About three o'clock Sunday morn-in- s: a stiff breeze SDransr ur in the north. subsequently followed by a hard, cold rain. Yesterday and last night were pleas tan Uy cool; in fact, the weather is like that of autumn. The festival of Captain Jim Glass's military company, at tue Exposition last night, was largely attended, and very much enjoyed by the colored people. Good order was maintained, and the whole affair was creditable to its mana- gers. Billy Hunt, who was fined Mav 16:h, and escaped from the chain-gan- g, was arrested last night by Officer Smith. A night or two after Hunt's es- cape, a man was rohbed opposite No. 181 Front street, and Hunt is suspected of being engaged in the outrage. Last Thursday there was a largely attended and pleasant picnic at Luey.on the Paducah railroad. There are a num- ber of cool springs at Lucy, and the cit izens contemplate the erection of exten- sive accommodations for Memphi-answh- o visit there during the warm weather. -- The Little Rock OazetteM the twen d, says: "The first bale of cotton of the season was received on the nine- teenth instant, by the Merchants' and Planters' cotton warehouse. It was classed as middling, and was purchased oy Mr. J. H. Van Alstinp, and shipped to Messrs. E. M. Apperson.& Co., Captain Michael Dea has our thanks for old copies of tli9 Appeal, and Eagle and Enquirer, the one dated March 19, isatj. ana other May 12, 1855. These papers contain much to remind one of tee long ago ana trie changes that have swept over tho land Eince 1856. We will make, hereafter, interesting extracts from those papers, thanks to Captain Dea. The Centennial picnic held in this city on the Fourth of July, realized a net profit of one hundred and fiftv-fiv- e dollars and five cents, which will be contributed to the Confederate monu ment at Ehnwood. The receipts were nine hundred and twentv dollars and fifty cents, and the expenditures seven nundred and twenty-liv- e dollars and forty-fiv- e cents. Four of the wards, the second. third, eighth and tenth, have organized Tilden and Hendricks clubs. Let the other wards do so at an early day and then we will te prepared for active work. Let our ablest and best speakers attend the ward meatings, and inspire the people with enthusiasm in behalf of our noble standard-bearer- s, Tilden and nenuncKS. Tip Harries, a well-know- n colored cltizsn.was arrested yesterdav at the in stance ofEx-Councilma- n Turner Hunt, colored, who charges him with assault witn a pistol. Tne case was heard yes- terday afternoon by Eecoider Duff, and continued until to-da- y, the accused be- ing allowed to give bail until that time. The difficulty originated in the alleged Intimacy of Hunt with the wife of the accused. Unsound eeers have been selllnir in this city at from three to twelve cents a dozen. Saturday a man at the Beale-stre- et market sold a lot of eggs to a wo- man at eight and a half cents per dozen. The purchaser, upon reaching home, found out the character of the eggs, and wishing to impress the fact upon the huckster's head, returned to the market-hous- e and battered them against his cranium in a manner worthy of Ama- zonian glory. much for Belling spoiled hen-frui- t. The crops are fine throughout West Tennessee. The recent rains have been of great eervice, particularly to corn. The warm dry weather we have had for some weeks was very fine for threshing wheat, and saving the oat and hay crops. Let our farmers commence in time to make preparations for next year's crop by deep plowing and subsoiling in the fall, and we will have good crops an- - uiuer jear. jlub success oi farming de- pends upon the proper preparation of the land at the proper time, and th fall eeason is the time for good plowing. PERSONAL. MB. F. MAESEY. of the finnfttnliiA (Miss.) Tidal-Wav- e, was in the cilv yesterday. Postmaster Deloach. of this o.Uv. has gone to Hot SDrlntrs. and is fitnn. ping at the Arlington hotel. Majob Will. O. Wosdron. A pun. elated Pro? agent, has returned from Detroit, where he was in attendance at the annual meeting of the aasooiation. The many friends of Bav. Charlf-- n. Parsons, rector of St. Lazarus church, will rejoice to learn that is ranidlv recovering from his recent prostration, week1 by ovenvork (luring the past BEV. Db. STAINBAf!jr. nf tlio rVmrf HireeiuumDenanu Presbyterian church. v.. jutviuuj iui vuiuuiuu;, uilBSISSippi, to visit his family and relatives. We trust he will have a pleasant sojourn and a safe return to home in this city. 6" Fbom the Belgian News, of Jniw lot we learn that the Misses Merrill, dausrh ' tera of his Excellency. Hon. A. p ivtlr. rill, minister of the TJnitpil Rtntoa t tv, Belgian court, had the tpeclal honor of uemg receiveu Dy tneir msjeaties, the king and queen of the BeleianH. t the royal palace at Lacken. on Riuria laat j General Colquit. a nromlnf.ni r.ifi. zsn of Georgia. aLd law-mrtn- Rom.. "WASTES. t0? Gordon, is at thePeabody, and leaves morning. This distinguished gen- - ClTUATlON-- As seamstress housekeeper 13 caiiuiaaie. ior governor of J a private family, by a lady expert- - "eorgia, anu wui unuoUDteuly be Horn- - tuuu iwucuco Keu. .auurebs luuieu uy mo jjenTOcrauc estate convpn- - iii a v Address ref-- ATTT For riX) son all tne So D. he tnis tion, which meets in a few'davH. w regret that his visit here is so limited. Memphis Reds. The XempulN Beds will play the St. Louis boys ngnln, at Central park, thin afternoon. This is your last chance f o see the ponies. Now For a Bargain Of Betricerators. Stoves. Tin-W- ar and House-Furnishin- g Goods, at cost, which must b closed out in thirty days. r- - r. rvroivo: uu.,auo Main street Decay's Eiraeincr Fincer Will never mar the lppth tlmt ra brushed daily with odorlfrrntiH S It lends a floral fragrance to thn hroti.' as well as protects the teeth from slou and decomposition. can at 818 Main btreet, Memphis. jni8 I attend KODertfon s Business College. Exciting Hceucit nt the Exposition Uiillillns; Among- - the Colored Population Tealenlny Condnct. Quite a commotion was created at the Exposition building yesterday. It seems that while the colored military company was going through the maneuvers inci- dental to drill, several negro boys, in their anxiety to imitate their elders, mocked the captain in each of his com mands. This so irritated the sword-beare- r, that he detailed four men to oust the unruly. When the four ap- proached the boys, the latter showed fight, and objected to being thrown out of the door, and this being the signal for victory on the part of the company, that body of grown men sud- denly stopped in the midst of drilling, and joined with the four men to put down the unruly boy?. At tbis, one of the boys scampered out of the building, and ran up Fourth to Adams street, out Adams to the bayou bridge, the whole mob of negroes around the building fol- lowing In pursuit. The mob stopped at the corner of Adams and Fourth, and delivered themselves of anathemas, s of the whites in the neighbor- hood, the ladies especially. One negro exclaimed, "You come back here, yen s n of a b h, and we will fix you." Another proposed to follow and catch him. At this proposition the mob start- ed and ran to the bridge, covering the sidewalks and streets on their way. T .e pursued boy, seeing that matters were getting hot, pulled off his shoes, picked up & brick, and ran at good speed, turn- ing now and then to look at his pursu- ers, and bantering them on for a fight Getting to the bridge the boy stopped, and waved his hand to "come on." The crowd ran to the bridge, but stopped at the crossing, the boy holding his own and defying anyone to come Whether n br'"!r b-- .d its effect, or'6tttcr reason prevailed, it is hard to Eay, but never- theless the mob halted and re- turned, engaging in loud and deafening language, aud acting in the man- ner characteristic of the Mary Burton afftlr. Bight here it is proper to ask, "Where were the police?" Again, at the Exposition building the mob stopped, and the excitement that previously en- sued of course gathered a crowd that re mained at the building, anxiously await- ing to hear results, or what was the mat- ter. In discussing the causes there were two sides to participate, and for a time a fight eeemcd inevitable. At last two men got overheated, nd one of them was atksd to "come 'long wid me, and we'll see the best man." The other pro- posed to "come on wid me, you'll see the man." The latter meant business. At last the former didn't want to go, " because of the latter's crowd doubling on him." The second party said, "shut up or put up." The first party,, who bantered the fight, backed out, but got up his courage to say, " He's one of them fellers what I'se been feeding all the time, and that's the treatment I gat." At this the reporter left the swelling crowd, and what occurred afterward is unknown. It is sufficient to sjy that these occurrences on the part of the ne- groes are to be deplored, and in this in- stance the disturbance, we believe, was originated by negroes unfriendly to the colored company, whose commander, Captain Jim GIa?s, endeavors, in so far as he is able, to have only men of good character in the organization. The po- lice should try to be present at places where crowds assemble, in order to pre- vent any outburst of passionate excite-- , ment like that of yesterday. We hope the colored people will have a better re- gard for their own race than to induce these public disturbances, for they should be the last ones to do anything as an impediment in the way of perfect- ing a military company, composed of their cwn race. CARTERS INNOCENCE. Interesting Explanation by this Bud or VIrtno Mary Ilnr-to- n, Sperm Candles and Christian Charity. Yesterday Ham Carter, who wai one of the most enthusiastic persons in the recant Mary Burton torchlight proces sion, witn wnien our readers are already acquainted, called at the Appeal offlce to be set aright in regard to that mob. Carter, the night of the arrest, made an enthusiastic statement, the substance of wnicu, contrary to ins expectations, ap- - apeareu in tne appeal tne secoLd day after the occurrence ol the affair. Owing to a defective memory Carter can't recollect what he says, nut is now anx ious to get right in the matter. He, therefore, details the following state- ment relative to MARY BUBTON'S PERSECUTION. "I did not originate the arrest and ex- posure, but was there at the time of the arrest. A policeman gave me a candle, he having first a lamp, and remarking: 'ThisrJamned thine; is dangerous: some of you go and get candles.' The cau- dles wera got and brought there, and then tho search I egan, he getting up and looking through the house. A clean-face- d policeman seeing the crowd of boys said: 'Boys, there are too many of you uere; you nau ustter go out or nere and get a warrant, and have the houee arrested, if it is one of assignation.' The warrant was issued at the instance of Louis Brown, Jim Jones, Antony Mil- ton, and another brown-skinne- d fellow, and a fellow named Albert. These got oat the warrant, but I had nothing to do with it. I was present and asked Mary a question, and bad it not been for me I believe her clothing would have been torn off, as saveral boys were treading on her skirt, and I made them stop it. About dark I happened to pass by the house and saw Henry Young, colored, sitting on a dray. I went on to an ice-crea- saloon and returned about ten o'clock at night. Next morning Young told me was watching Mary Bar- ton; that night, and said, 'Carter you isn't got any sense; she's been burles- quing you. That fellow who was there with her in the house gave mo five dol- lars to claim that I was her cousin and to put up for her twenty-fiv- e dollars of his money as a iorreit to get ner cut or the stationhouse.' I had nothing to do with her arrest and feel kindiy disposed toward her. Some of the members c t the church say they will not stay in the church if she remains. I told them they were acting wrong and ought not leave the churchon that account, for the girl may repent. I hope she will, and believe she Is disposed to act right." Base-Bal- l. Grand trial game this afternoon be tween the Memphis Reds nnd the SU Louis Reds. Game to be called at fonr o'clock. Grand Closing Out Sale Of Tinware, Bsfiigtrators, Stoves and House-Furnishin- g Goods, at cost. Must ba elo3cd out in thirty days. E.F. RISK A CO., 306 Main street Fob August fashions see Butterick's patterns at :4 second street. Fbom Baltimore Sunday News: Cold-en- 's Liebig's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator, is meeting with uni- versal favor wherever introduced. Phy-sicia- recommend it, and invalids re- gard it a? one of the greatest boons which has yet been discovered. o. w. juntas & uo Agent. Tby Thraeh Consumption Cure and Lung Restorer, for all lung affections, loss of voice, cough, croup, etc. For sale by all druggists; wholesale by W. N. Wilkerson & Co., 340 Main st., Memphis. St. louls Reds Will play their last game, this after- noon, at Central park, Willi tbe Mem phis Beds. Save Your Hair. If you wish to .ave your hair and keen itstroncr and healthy, use Burnett's Cocoaine. Bald heads may have a new crop of nair dv annivinct .nail's vegetable hi. cilian Hair renewer, if the hair folicles are not entirely closed up. Thh cheapest and best Htkam Pyeikg and QutkTxrxa Hodss in the city Is at 2tg HeoonH Ktreet. T.J. WALKER k OO. Hound trip Tickets to St. Paul for S28, for sale by Johnson & Manget, 303 Main Btreet. Immense ICeilnclIon In the Prices Cnstom-JIad- c Clothing AT Lowcnstcin's Mammoth Clothing Gents' summer crsdmere suiti at $7 50; former price ?12. Gents' summer csssimere suitii at $10; former price $15. Gents' summer cassimere tults at $12 50; former price $18. Gents's summer tweed pants at $2; for- mer price $4. Gents' summer cassimere pants at $2 50; former price $5. Gents' summer cassimere pants at $1; former price $7. Gents' alpaca coats at $2; former price $4 50. Gents' mohair coats at $3; former price $5. -- We are offering special inducements in gents' linen and Marseilles vests, the price3 of which will be found remarka- bly low. In alpaca coats, and linen and cassimere suits for boys' and youths' wear, we are offering ea line unpre- cedented in variety at most attractive prices. If in need of any goods In our line, you will save money by visiting Lowcnstcin's Slnmmotb Clot b ins; Store 238 Main street, two doors from Jeffer- son street. Save Money By buying your office stationary Dod's, 341 Main street. Mrs. Maria D. Monsakratt, teach er of vocal and instrumental music, will receive a few more pupils. Orders to L'e left at H. G. Hollenberg's music store, Main street. Neuralgia. "Neuril" cuies it. by O. V. Jones A fi ManiDhls. Go TO Leddln 's Business College. STEAMBOATS. Sold BEBUOEB FARE! TO THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION Cincinnati, rbjladelphla, Norr York, Via the A No. 1 Elegant Passenger Steamers Cons. Millar, S. 8. Mclntyrecaptaln Jas. Wlteon..cleik Will leave Tnesdny, Jnly 25tli, at S p.m. J. Kennlston.mastr 1 "W. F. Mclntyre...clerk Will leave Friday, Jnly 3SIH, at 5 p.m Xbe above steamers will ticliot passen- gers tbrongh to all Eastsrji (Cities nt sreatly reduced rates. Passengers by these elegant stjamors have choice of railroad routes out of Cincinnati. Ho expense at Cincinnati, either for Hotel Bills or Transfer to Depots. For full particulars, apply on beard or to E. W. IilUHTBUBNK, Clen'l Snpt, z rrom si. FOR LOUISVILLE & CINCINNATI Cincinnati and New Orleans Packet. For Cairo, Evansvllle, Louisville, Cincinnati Robert Mitchell James "Paul . master Will leave Glenn's Wharfboat WEDNES- DAY', July iCth, at 12 o'clock m. R.P. GLENN, Agent. on vrharfboat. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. For Pine Bluff, Little Bock and all way land- ings on Arkansas river. BOSA KILLKIt, Darragh . jncsterJs3&fllBRC Leaves Glenn's Wharf boat TUESDAY, July 25th, at 5 p.m., for all points on Ar- kansas river through to Fort Smith. "JNO. N. HARBIN, 8npt,.25fj Front at. R. P. GLENN. Agent, on Wharfboat. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. V. S. Mall For Otceola, Sew IBadrid . Hickman, Cairo aud St. Lonls. Hteamer GRAND TO WEB, Lennox mastef mMBg Leaves TUESDAY, July 25th, at 6 pjn. AD. SITOUM, Hnp't Mississippi River Elevator Company. forTcksburI Bcmpbls and St. tonis Paol'.el Coiup'y U. H. HJnll 1,1 ne. yor Vicksbnrg and all "Way Landings. Str. OITr OF VICKSBUKG, Kiley .master ljeaves xuissuAt, July Ujtn, at tu a.m. AD. STORM. Snp't ailtsisslppl River Elevator Company FOR PRESIDENT'S ISLAND. Memphis and President's Isl:tnd Packet Steamer Bertie Will make MORNING and EVKNXfl'KlPd; from foot of Beale street, commencing Thurs day, July 20th, at 7 o'clock in the morning tmu p o ciocjL ill ma evening. jylo For VlcfesbnrB and all VHsny LnnaiazH. xuo Biegani. passenger sicamer M. R. Cheek.......master I J. W. 8peers....clerk Leaves Memphis every TUESDAY at 5 p.m., connecting with steamers and railroads ior n ew urieans. The Illinois makes close connoctions with the Chicot railroad, the Parisott line for points uu x uiou river, ana me it, xi. ie ior riow or leans. Helena, Friars Point and Bends Trl weeuiy Packet. The elegant and fleet slde-whe- ol Eteamer Nat.H. Green......maKtor J D. P.Divis cierk Will leave every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 n.m. Particular attention paid to freight and pas- - oeuKBusiur w aiuui anu uonnoii lienos. W After the first of SeDtembcr. the A. .T. White and G. W. Cheek will form a daily lino oeiween jacnipnis ana rriars Pomt.TW For freight or passage apply on ooard or to GEO. wTchKIIK, Snpt,, Memphis and Vicksbnrg Packet Company, 'iu. oo rruiii sireoi, or to R, W. UGHTBORNE, Agent, sepl 298 Front street. FOR A8HPORT. Regular Randolph, Fulton and Oiceola Bemi Weekly Packet. Osceola JSelle, u. v. jqpun........ . master aempnia jauwuAYH, at 5 pjn., and returning on sundavh. Vnr freight or DHwuew anolv hnard. FOR CHICOT AND GREENE VILLE IEB LIWE CAtiKI'ISU U., S. MAIL. The elegant passenger pucket Stack Lee master J. M. Thompsonlxlerk Leaves Memphis every WEDNESDAY, at five i:;'"'t" unicoi ana Arkansas Leaves every SATURDAY, at 3ve p.m., for uiGGUQTjuDujuau way points, strict atien- - uon naiu io an ousiness intrusted to her card umsunuiu umor business apply to J. T. WASHINGTON, Agent. No. SOQ Front street. FOR WHITE RIVER. Kilt Harry Memphis ana VTblte iZlxtr V. S, Kp.ll Line. Month WhlU River, Indian Bay, Bt, Jharles, Crocketts Bluff, Mt, Adams. Clarendon, De-Va- Blnff, Des Arc, Angusta, Jacksonpcrt, The fine passenger steamer Milt Harry .TZZlmimuii Leaves Memphis every SATURDAY &t 6 p.m ifor freight or passage apply on board, or to J. T. WAStelNfiTONT Ag't.S90 Front nl. x.. x -- . uixcjm a . Agent, on WharTooat. Freight consigned to Milt Harry will b hanilfcd free of storage, drayage :md commia-slo- n, and pnt through promptly. Shippers vm jjicusa tsuuu irtif ni io uieuns wnari' boat, as usual. nov7 ARTIFICXAI. ARTIFICIAL STONE 00. A BE now fully prepared to furnish, at short uuuw, ui ,uvu uwu manuiacmre: Stone Steps, CbIoiDy uea s.ud Tops) Btone Hearths, Flagging Cnirblntt; Stone Fencinz;, Carriage Steps, Tas And alemetery Work of all fcjndi, SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Give this now Home Enterprise yonr libera patronage. OMceamdYard : : 101 Oidon Street. ap2 . W.B. LOCKET, ifaia cex. at . VVi jsatt;s VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. This standard article la compounded with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to Its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, Itching and dand- ruff; and the scalp, by its use, become white and clean. By its tonic properties its restores the capil- lary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing nothing has been found so ef fectual or desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, Htate Assayer of Massachu- setts, says of it: "I consider it the best preparation for its intended purposes." Dyo, FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesirable shade, to brown black, at discretion. It is easily applied, b ing In onk preparation, and quickly a effectually produces a permanent color wh will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HAM. & CO., Hftshna, B. II. Bold by all Drueglsts and Dealers in &W7KG-MACHII!i-33- S. lA DECIDED ADVANCE." g Judges' Rtort Amir. Ins. Fair. p. H WILLCOxfg3i, 2 If & Metla'lion (n base V rTerj machine." P2 SILENT SEWING MACHINE Awarded the grand "Gold Jledal of Progrc-s- " X of the American Institute, Nov., 1875, and the " Scott Legacy Medal," of the Franklin lusti- - C2 g tute, Oct., 18T5. B No other Sewing Machine the world g Chas an "Automatic Tension," orW anv other tho characteristic features CC this machine. j. Correspondence and investigation invited. Willcox&GibbsS.M.Co., (Cor. Bond st) G58 Broadway, New York H. B. HUTCHINSON & CO., 30 General Agents, 44 North Court St., Memphis, Tenn ITTSTOH HOUSE. Temperance Lunch-Hous- e, 1A MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE CODBT-l- U house, having been transferred to the Women's Temperance Union; the ladles respectfully solicit a liberal patron- age, as tbey Intend to make the room pleasant and attractive, as well as furnish the bkst CoiTee, with Lunch or Meals, at the lowest possible price, without the temptations of stronger drinks. Ladles and gentlemen, friends tbe temperance cause, earnestly solic-te- d to favor the enterprise. mv24 JsTJMBSR. MOORE, BASSETT& CO LUMBER DEALEE8, No8. 351 and 353 Second 'A s ', ir Street. DOORS, LUMBER Q I - Sash ; Laths ., u S AND 1 AND l1 t BLI?tOS SHlfiELES - g of ! IK r., 0 OS ",rr,--- 7 f 0 a i .tnr 'it.'" v"'' 1 ' j. 5 :'i ill,. S "ft lift" XmBSaTAElHS.-- ' JAMI23 SJ,"i TfinzrSl. KOIiLIVA-- 'IUBBBTT FDHBRU DSHRTAKBBI, 317 and 3I Sessnd Street, Near Monro: : t V W In of of J. O 2 aiaPHM, m.vmuk .luumi UUUL.) tJuiA. ttUltU4 A.1U1X3 Ul wjffln TrlmmlnssJ for BDecial attention pniQ io mo ncm(i7xi nr iunnams. lylo Q HOLSV GIBBS W.HOhST. SCO SI&IS St., op. Peabody Hotel. Always hand, a large assortment of Me. tallls Cases and Caskets, and Wooden Coffini of ovory description. Crtloi-- J by telegroph promptly filled, nd OAsaR NhlnivB'l IT. O. 1 EDUCATIONAL. Virginia Female Institute, Nlauaton, Virginia. Fev. H. Pmillii's. A.M.. Rector, assisted a large corps of experienced officers. T hirty-becon- annual setslon will commencn September 0. Patronage represents nineteen States. Buildings fpaclous. Grounds exten- sive. Terms moderate. Churches of seven denominations within three minutes walk. For catalouge. address the Rector, or JnI8tu-su-fr-- HON. W. bllEFFB.Y. CEEGAEAY INSTITUTE (REOPEJTS WEDS ESOAY SEPT. 20TH 1 YOONQ LADIES AND SfrHSF.1. Boarding and Day School; Latin, English and French. French is the language of tne family. ecd MADAME D'ii "IRVILLY, Prlnclnal. VIRSINfl SILITAEY INSTITSTB l LIMITED number of vacancies will exist cv in mis wen-Know- n institution. Thosn wisning ap: wunoui ue; Snp't T. ou H. MBS. ODTHBBai'3 SEMINARY REOPENS MONDAY, SEPT. llTH. FOR Ladies and Children. Hnnrdintr and school. corps of efficient and experienced teachers. Superior building, ap- paratus, etc. hneclal attention crlven inmn. corner loin anu Pine sis., Louis. For cuuuouo aaure's TENN MBS. EUGENIA CUTHBBKT. Principal, ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL, (Law Department of Washington University) qidl5 regular annual of this LawSchool wUl open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11,1875. Full course, two terms, six months each. Students admitted to the SfnlnrClim on examination, by application on or before October 10-- Tuition, t50 per term, including use of library. Forpartlculars address n. aihwAKT Dean of Faculty. eod DiNIYEKSlTY OF VIUGINIA. SUMMER LAW LhCTUKKS (nine weekly) July, 1870, and end 13th Septem-be- r. Have proved of slmial ns ii.t tn dents who design to pursue 1 heir studies this or other Law-scho- ol ; 2d to those who pro- pose to privately; and Sd, practitioners who have not had the ndvantoe-- nr nuat. matlc instruction. For circular apply (P. o. University Va.) to JOHN MINOR, Jii ziw rror. com. ana Slat, Law. as fcJ O o 73 A H of of to are r ..i & II. "0 m r O m IE. sals. R. by FOR Lexl day Full mc iau term .1 at. Law .m. at read to of B. c m DRY GOOD CONTINUE AT Ladies' lawn and Organdie Suits less than cost, Ladies' Linen Suits, $2 50 and upward, Ladies' Linen Dusters, and upward, Misses' Suits $1 each, and upwardi Children's Suits, 50 cents and upward, Ladies' Summer Shawls, . each, at to Unen REAL Parasols more reduced, Infants' Caps half valuo. OYER'S CATH4E1 PILLS BLACK eiBNADIM LESS all THAN Good Iron Grenadines less than cost, Dress Goods without regard cost, Collars, CuflV, Ties, Ribbons, market! A KBBUCTIOB. IE Ml DEPARTMENTS. 242, 244 MP 246 MM STREST, COR, JBFFEBSOE SEND YOUR ORDERS COTTON PRESSES, HOME POWERS ! Gin Gearing, Pnllsys, Shifliop, Hangers and Coupling. General Repairs, all kinds of Iron nnd Braia Castings', or any In the line of FOUNDRY OB 2IACHI3E-SIIO- P WOHli to tbe HANDLE, HEATH & LIVERMOBE, Proprietors, KTo- - OS Second. iStzoot, z TVrrT-- n jtt-- t 1 c Agents for the AIUS'JS PORTABLE STEAM R5GINF, JUHS'JX'S GftV-EBSO- Startevant nioweis, Brass Good, Etc. JAILS OK THE " COOK & HEATH PERFECTED SYSTEM." Estimates of cost of Iron Front, Balcoulu, Verandahs, Wronght aad Cast Rail-i- n r, itepalra to Entlilnery, etc., furnished on application. Ordots BolioltodL Fromptly Hxooutod, I have formed alusiness connection with t.tEVESSOX & 0., Manufacturers and Wholesale Healers in CJLOI.HIIVG, 46 White Street, New York. When visit the City, shall be pleased to see you, and serve your wants in the above line. Respectfully, ZEE. E3Xj, Formerly of A. SEESSEL & MemphlB. Tenn. OF - - - Special Deposit Insurance other States.-.....- .. in nands or Trnstees IN with ad Casta In Bank and other Total January 1, 1876..... SAMUEL D. BABCOCK, Babcock Bros. & Co. SAMUEL 1). BABCOCK, J. BOORMAN JOHNSTON, still lace IC Fans down again. FOR AND New SOIf.. INSUSAHCE OOMP'Y UVEIJPOOE. CAPITAL, 2,000,000 STERLING ujsu. THE CONVENIENCE OF who may wish try a CARD ASSETS 1HIB COTJHTRY Assets.. Assets Department TRUSTEES IN YORHi WILLIAM MACY, Seamen's Bank Savings. DIRIECTORS IN NW YOBK UW' HENRY DAVID JOSIAH uiitiNiiii, uenorai Agent. I1UTT. snp't Agencies. 214 and 216 View York Bank FOR each the Fifteen Hnmbers Pens, will sent mall reeeint ui ji it a xs utniiTH. OF THE and thing; ,M.ct Jr0. you them, & 138 and St., CONTAINS FORTY COLUMNS OF AM VELL AB tHii H. Pres. for OF THE 0 AND FILLKD Wftlj 1, v.tJfr X F. SPAULDING, CLAFLIN, F. H. N. BINGHAM. WM. K. KITCHEN, m"f1sKB. "7'3M:. 35.0jC3S Manager. a. j. a. or Broadway, (Park BuildlBg). AeET AID ADJUSTER, to SAMPXiE one of of these be on jca CO., PER OK NEWS WEEK NBWS 13 Embracing Political, Literray Sclgentlfic, Agricultural, Philosophical, Re- ligious ordinary news, and all other matters of Interest to the Farmer, Manufacture, Mer-eban- lo and Merchant. E M SrBELT, CO. HAVE now complete Abstracts of all - trirf, nrlclnal Sarveys, Grants and ConvraucH of all lands In Shelby county recorded In the Register's offlce. All Conveyances on Hie In County Clerk'd office, acknowledged but not recorded. All Wills recorded in County Clerk's office. All unsatisfied leus in First and Second Circuit Canrts, Irom their organi- zation. All unsatisfied Tax .Liens, for U.S. Direct Ta, State, County and Memphis City Taxes. Also, Indexes of all cases of ever brought In the Chancery Courts of Shelby county, and of all perrons scalnst whom Jndsmenlshave betn entered in these courts since January 1, 1875. An of twelve years has tested and affirmed the accuracy of our Abstracts nr Titles. The best lawyers rely Implicitly noon tbem. Our Abstracts wiU render your land negotia- ble for sale, or as the basis of loans, ann thev oiten prove of the highest value In pointing out clouds upon titles, which the owners may thus be enabled to remove. No real estate Owner can afford In be with. ont our Aostracts of hU titles. They are al ways worth to him more than their cost. Charges reasonable, with liberal .lis. counts on large orders. All work guaran teed, v. A. JUCUMimat, Superintendent. 6 - i Handkerchief PEiRFDii York, 15, 1876. Messrs. J"x, at Albany, Sew "York, MEW t is rssa b2e -- 8 417.313 860,587 ...81,31S.fl37 JAMES M. MORRISON. President Manhattan Bank. 1 FOR SAIS BY AliL DKALERS IN STATIONERY. Containing by IVISON, BLAKEMAW, TAYLOR 140 Grand ETw York. ONLY $2.50 YEAR THE LATEST Literary eleotioias Commercial, ABSTRACT!. ESTAT TITLES. MADISON JuHjeineni Attachment experience July SAIL MAKERS. Camp St, Potdras. New Orleans, La. PRINTING. BLANl DOST PENS. MAIHT V ACTUJB2SR -- AND 71, OSS 95 nun 16 Court Street, Memphla, Check Draft Dray Books, Cash Boobs, Ledgers, Journals B&iLEOAD 81 STEAMBOAT WOES nusJnesa ard, totter Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Tlcltets, Tags, Ztc. Tiis patronage of my mends and the pnbllo is respeauuiiy noucuou. QootS Work tat Hour Call and examine specimens of Printing, Blank Books and Binding. MflIC--Y8ML!NBP- M0 jLTlSS SUE A. COOPEB WILL CONTINUE L to clve Lessons In Vocal Music and Ma lleoli the Piano during the summer months, at her resld ence. No. 10 uoslee street. Will at tend pupils their residence., if desired. WHEAT. (1ASII PAID FOR WHEAT. BACKS on application at No. 211 Front street. HA YD EN BROH. alHE CITY OIL WORKS, MADISON 8T. Memphis and Charleston Depot, will pay cash for sound Cotton Seed delivered at their works or at wharf. Sacks and twine will be sent to responsible parties, as usual, on receipt ol orders. Ju23 .Men to trarrl and sell good to lcalerm. No pedilUns. StUs month, hotel aud traveling cxdvdws JIosiioallj.xcrinriu.ia Co..ClocbinattOala at their licoks, Uoofcg, Prioet For all the purposes of a Family Fhjs!c, CORISO oiUvenes,Djspep fcla. Jnandlce, Inill-grwtiox- ?, Djieuterj-- , fonl Ktomnrh and Ilreatb, Kfrnchf, rjilplas, Flies, Itbrnmatlain, trap- - lions aad hklu Dis eases miloasness, .iv-- r i iiwiiimni, Dropiy, Tetter, Tn-mo- rs nnd 'att nhenm. Worms, flanf, Nea,nlKl.,as a Dinner Pill, and Purilylng the illood, are the rnot congenial purgative yet perfected. Their eflets abundantly know-ho- much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take, bnt powerful to cure. X hey purge ont the fonl hnmo.-- s of the blood: they stimulate the slnzidsh or disor dered org in into action; and they Impart health and tone to the whole being. They enre not only the every day complaints ot every body, but formidable and dangerous dis- eases. MostsKllful physicians, moot em nent clorgymen, and our Best citizens send certifi- cates of cures performed and or zreat benefits .they have derlve'l Irom these Pills. They are the safest and best pbyslc for children, because mild as well as effectual. Being sugar-coate- they are easy to take; and being purely vege- table, they are entirely harmless. PEZPASED BT Sr. J. C. AYEH & CO., I,o-wel- l, Mass.. Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists and Deolars in Medicine THE BEST AND PUHEST TOILET SOAP. CHEAP, CONVENIENT, CLEANLY. DELICATELY PERFUMED. ASK YOUR GROCER OR DRUGGIST FOR IT. WM. GLEN" SONS, CINCINNATI. LSGAX. PUBLIC SALE. Fvursuahcs of an order of sale of the or Shelby county In tbe snit of Wm, A. Goodman vs. Sam Tate et als., made July 8, 1W6, I, tho undersigned, M. P. Head, Casnler Union and Planters Bank of Memphis, will, on Wednesday, tbe 9 th Day or An sunt, 1878, at 12 o'clock, at the southwest corner of Madi- son and Main streets. In the eitv of Memnhls. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, tbe following property, to-w- it: 1st. S25.200 in the Peoples Insurance Company of Memphis. 2d. S100.000 Second Mortaage Bonds of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company. 3d. 131,000 Second Mortgage Bonds of the Memphis and Little Rock Railway Company. 4th. 339.000 Income Bonds of the same Rail way Company. oin. Etoctc in the same Railway Com pany. Ana bin. isawj r im Mortgage Bonds or the same Railway Company, or a sufficient of the above securities to py tbe deb' s specified In tald order of tale. Memphis, July ll.llfta. 8 P. READ, casnler. Kortrecht, Craft & Scales, Solicitors. Trezevant & Co., Auctioneers. Jyl5 Adminlxtrulor'H Notice. letters of administration on WHEREAS, of B.D.Tresd well, deceased, were granted to the undersigned atthe present term of the Probate Court of Shflbv countv. Tenn.; now all persons navinz claims against the estate of said decedent are nereby required to exhibit said claims lo me, or Hie the same with my attorneys, Clapp & Meux, No 15 Union street, Memphis. Tenn., within the time limited by law, or the rame will be barred. FRANCIS HOLMES, AdmV. Memphis. Jnne 13. 1876. Jnll Attachment Notice. BEFORE JAMES HALL, J. P.-S- tate of Ten nessee, onemy county Edward McDonnell vs. Clark Mantey. In this cause an attachment l.avlni? been sued out under section 3tS or the Code or Tennessee, and returned levied by garnish- ment on John Hood, who answers that he owes the defendant the sum of thirty-fiv- e dol- lars; and that said defendant In justly In- debted to plaintiff In the turn of (17 33, due by account, dua and unpaid.and tnatthe defend- ant is a nt ot the Stateof Tennessee: It Is therelore ordered. That the said defend ant make his personal appearance before ma. James Hall, J. P., at my office, in the city oi Memphis. Tenn., on the 12th day of Angnst, 1S78. at 10 o'clock a.m.. and defend said at tachment suit, within the time prescribed by law, or the same will be proceeded with ex- - parte; and that a copy of this order be pub. Ilshed once a week, for four consecntlva weeks. In the Memphis nj.il r Anneal. Thin 7th day of July, 1878. Administrator's Notice. HAVING been duly appointed of Sophia Bokar. deceased, all persons In debt to said estate are notified to settle at once; and those having claims again st said estate will present to me for pay- ment In tbe time allowed by law. or the same will be barred. ADO LP H BOHMS. lu2Ssn No. 38 Madison street. Attachment Notice. BEFORE JAMES HALL, J. P.-S- tate of Ten nessee, Shelby county M. F.Bali vs. Joseph Frost. In this cause an attachment having been sued out under section S455 of the Code of Ten-nesse- o, and returned levied by attachment on the properly of defendant, who Is Justly Indebted to plaintiff in the sum of til, due by account and unpaid. Grounds of attach- ment: '1 hat the raid defendant is absnt to re- move, or has removed hlmielt or property from the State.or has removed or la remnvlncr himself out ot tho county privately, or con- cealing himself so that the ordinary procets of law cannot be served upon him, or has ab- sconded, or is absconding or concealing him- self or property, or has fraudulently disposed of, or is about fraudulently to dispose of his property: It Is therefore ordered, That the said defend- ant make his personal appearance before me. James Hall, J. P., at my offlce, in the city of Memphis. Tenn.. on the 12th dav ot AnsnuL 1876, at 10 o'clock a.m., and defend said at- tachment suit within the time prescribed by law or the same will be proceeded with i. parte, and that a copy of this order be pub- lished once a week, for four consecutive weeks. In the Memphis Dallv Annoal. This 7th day of Jnly, 1S76. IJi sal JAMES HALL, J. P. Non-Heside- nt Notice. No. 2282. In the Chancery Court or MhMhv county, Tennessee Lilian Van Brocklln, by her next friend, etc., et al. ys. Mrs. D. J. Sharp et al. It anoearlnir from affidavit In thin anu that tbe defendants. th nnknmm hits or Edward 8. Tod. whoso names and residences, it appears liom allegations in tbe bill, are un- known and cannot be ascertained after dili gent inquiry, and whoperhapsmay havesome Interest in I he land referred to In this cause : It is therefore ordered, That they make their appearance herein, at the courthouse in thn city of Memphis, Tenn., on or before the flrst Monday In August, ls76, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to them and set for hearing exparte; and that a copy of this order be cnbiishedonce a weeks for four successive weeks. In the Memphis Api cal. This nth day of June, 1878. Clertr and MuImi By R. J. Black, Deputy C. and M. .fierce s nix, eoi. ior Uompl't. Jula thn DfSOLYENT NOTICE. State of Tennessee, Shelby county. Offlce ol f'ntl , f.nnw. fnr,r ,, 1 rt. . r 20, 1878. To J. A. Anderson, Administrator of John B. Uatll, deceased. Having suggested the lnsolvancv of thn estate of John B. Gatt'. deceased, vnn ar. hereby ordered to give notice, by advertise- ment In some newspaper published within the said State, and also at the courthouse door of Shelby county, for all persons having claims against said estate to appear and rile the same with tho Clerk of the county Court, authenticated In the manner prescribed by law, on or berore the21'h day ot August, 187o and any claim not filed on or before said day or before an appropriation of tbe funds of said estate Is made, shall be forever barred both In law and equity. ..WK.n.? '"yhnnJ.at offlce, this 21st day of Mav, 1870. j AMES RK1LLY. Clerk By John J. Shea, Deputy ClerkT Notice Is given to ail parties havinir against the estate of said John Uatll S tonietheni.as above required. ' T. M, Rhitt, Attorney. my23ta

Transcript of DRY GOOD WHEAT. - Chronicling America · ng, rHE MEMPHIS iD-AJuk-.- EALTUESDAl. JULY 35, JLH16...







Mall train, dally atExpress train, dally, atbomerrUle train, dally, ivCbpi riunaays, aiJackson. Tenn- - accommo

Leave. Arrive.12 0 sum. SSJO pjnJ5i0pjn. 12 turn

p.m. BSOcon

dation (ex. bnnday) i t30 pjn. HJ5a-- m

Kail train trill not stop at Flag Stations be-tween Urand Junction and Memphis.

Trains connect at Grand Junction for allpoints, and at Decatttr closely lor Montcomery and points bouth. Close connection lorNashville by both trains. Close connectionsat Chattanooga for Eastern and Southeastern

VatnU.No chance of cars between Memphis and

Bristol and Memphis and Montgomery.The new and magnificent sleeping-car-lin- e

will nave one or their new sleepers leaveMemphis dajlt on Express train at 50lor Lynchburg, Washington and Baltimorewithout change. Only owe cuasoi to NewJtorfc and Philadelphia.

Time 2D minutes faster than city tlms,Ticket Office, 278 Jfaln nnru

W. J. BOBS. Qenl Bnpt.TOM B. DUNN. Ticket Agent.



J 1S78. trains will mn as follows:AR.RIVS

Hew Orleans Mail, dally 2:60 pun. USOpjnFreight and Accommodafn,

(except Sunday) 8 SO ol 3 SO pjnClcsa connections made at Grenada with

trains North and Booth for all points.For further information apply to Ticket

Office, No. 237 Main street, and at depot.M, BUREJS, Superintendent.

JAMES HPEED, Ticket Agent.



Express trainBsaturdayt) at.





(except"-i- s

train leaves dally at ajnAccommodation train leaves dally (except

Sunday) at 5 no pun


pjntill mis

Pullman. Palace Bleeping-Car- s on all nightsains.

For tickets or Information apply at

Ticket Office, No. 287 Main Street,COKNER MADISON,

JOHN T. FLYNN, Snp't Memphis Dlv.JAM KB HPEED. Ticket Agent.

ANNOTmCEMEWTS.Justice of tba fence Mtn Civil District.

HEREBY announce myself a candidater for as Justice or the Peace forKnnrtM nth civil District fhelby county. Respectfully. J. A. THOMPSON4 1

IIALL Is a candidate forJAMES office ol Justice of the Peace forthe Fourteenth Civil District.

COLMAN Is a candidate for JusticeBENJ. Peace for Fourteenth Civil District.

STBA!? ED.the Memphis Oil Company's


Friday, July 21st, a black maremule, about 16 hands nigh, mealy color aboutme nanus ana nose, a rewara oi siu win dopaid on delivery of mule to Memphis Oil Co.,loot I'opiar street. jyT-- ED COWXV From 200 Carroll avenue, a red cow, witha short right horn and very largo bag. A liberal reward will be paid for ber rsturn.


"IOG-- 55 BBWAKD Liver-colore- d

! dog, about one year old .


to A. K.SLOAN. 61 Front street. S. Jyl3

PEESONAIi.Legally and quietly obtainedDIVORCES etc.; residence un-

necessary. Fee alter decree,A. GOODRICH, P. O. Box 1037. Chicago.

ALFRED VO0BHIES makes a specialtyOK. treating EYE AND EAR DIHKaSES.Offlce. 321 Popiar street. lug)


MULE -- On the 30th or June, from Adklnsone bay mare mule, seven

ears old , about 15 hands high, a 11 ght spot onJett hip, also on right eye, thin in order. Iwill give ten dollars for return of said mule tome, or lor lnlormation that may lead to herrecovery. J. C EDENION,

Jy21 daw Macon, Tenn.

ROOMS AHB BOARD.TO THE CITY-C- an findVISITORS at 100 Madison st.

ROOMS Nicely furnished rooms at85 MAIN STREET.

TJOOMS AND BOARD Nicely-furnishe- d

Cv rooms, with board, at 110 Monroe street,2$ blocks from Main. rs wanted.


TTOUSE-N- o. 49 Market; brick. Aj- -

191ply at 44 Second street.



ALABAMASeven rooms; S16 per month.

Furnished or unfurnished, at 179ROOMS street. Jy23

HARMING RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS,J furnished or unfurnished (and piano In-

cluded;, near street cars, choice neighborhood.

r Qry SHELBY feU; large brick. In completevcr i oruer.No. 226 Wellington St.; fine yard and gardenna.zu union st,; cottage.No. 332 Poplar St.; small cottage.No. 91 Exchange st.; brick.No. 101 Jeflersou st.: large brick.No. 1 Hulinc st. No. 50 Old Madison.


No. 58 Marshall avenue. No. 202 Desoto st.No. 227 Elliott fctreet.Two houses on Bass avenue, cheap.Cottage on Adams street extended.Several Stores, etc. H. L. GUION,

Real Estate Agent.Jy23 No. 31 Bonth Court street,

t? AWM.1LL I wish to rent my sawmill, fourmiles from Sunflower Landing. Coahoma

county. Miss. M1U complete, with 40 horseengine; timber Immediately around the mill;rent, can oe paia in lumDer. Apply to a . m.w nxie s VO., .aempnis. x enn., or

Jy20 II. P. HELD. Friars Point, Miss.

r ES1DENCES - --Handsome, eleeantlv.fin- -(V lshed residences, cor. Vance and Lauder-dal- e

streets. ED. MCDONNELL, 116 Front St.

KR and 56 Fourth St.; 6 rooms and gas andOJ water, J15; 13SK and 140& Exchange, nearr ourtn eu, tiu; iu popiar sc., storeroom, sia.STURM & HIRSCH, Aj,enU, 41 Madison St.

EXPOSITION !BU1LDLNG The old Mem- -J2l phis Industrla) Exposition Building.

I"' Sfl4 Hoond tr

TJANKBUPT HALE Of Household and1 1 Kitchen Furniture and Barroom Fixtures,

cuubisungoi iricmres, uiasses, uounier, oiueuujiru, ice-uo- etc, aixa iropiar street,


HORSE-POWE- lt An endleri chain horsepower, in good order, for sale cheap, atV. 11. BKAUKETT & CO.'H, 321 Second St.


aiKADlNG-BOA- T CHEAP-- A No. 1 tradlne- -X boat, newly fitted up, with license for

estate oi Mississippi. Apply toW. J. BOOKER & COm


302 Front street.1IT.S Ten Gullett's celebrated Improved

VA ugut-ara- it magnolia uins, assorted sizes,nil new, and warranted In perfect order.wnicli we offer at a largo reduction undermanujaciurer-- s prices, io close out consign-ment, being part of the etoclr of Onlleu's for.u er agents, and mu6t be sold. For superiorquality of sample.quantlty of yield and rapidginning, these gins cannot be surpassed,bample can be seen at oar offlce. Liberalterms offered to the trade. A. id. BCAB--jikuuuh & cu Front street. Jyl3DOUGH CYPRE3S-8ulta- ble for fencing, at

i wjr uiuuHaou teeu oyWltiLIAMB & CO., Lumber Dealers.

pYPBESS LATH 600,000 Bawod Cypressjaui u.ti uu per uiougano. Jiy

WILLIAMB A CO- - Lumber Dealers.

BUILDING LOTS--It you wish to be lndesecure a home. I am now offer.

lng to parties who with to build, lots on thetract at one-na- u tneir value. Therent you are now paying will soon secure you

I. D. CON AWAY,Rental apl Real Krtate Agent. 8 Madison st.

?in of

iM. Appeal offlce.

HOME-I- n Memphlsorsnburbs, in exchangestock of goods worth 57000, cheap

. Jr23 EXCHANGE. P. Q.UfflDDLE-AGE- D WOMAN To attend sicklaiy and look alter household. Address

JfOME. this offlce."DOILEKS, Safes and Heavy Machinery, toA move. G. E. DUNBAK, 37 Union.SITUATION A3 GOVERNESS By ladycompetent to tench th n.na. xruBi.hnnrhm Pr.n.h ...... . . , . " .fluently with Parisian accent); test of refer-ence- s.

J. A. a. Appeal offlce.V, AS housekeeper or seamstress'n family or boarding-schoo- l; best of" B cu Auur6?wy MRS. 8. E. J.. Appeal office.

UlEDICATED VAPflR I? rtcprnxr,AaRY treatment of Chronic Diseases" "tnotu street. UK. K. A. WHITE.

EXCHANGE --A desirable. . place near .Hot, MnrintM . r

Not a single police arrest waa madeSunday.

James Trigg, charged with lsrceDy,was yesterday sent to jsll by the re-corder.

Mack Brown, colored, chastised h?swife last night and was arrested by thejollce.

The colored military company com-mande- d

by Captain Jim Glass, had aparade yesterday morning despite the'aln.

The criminal court meets nextThursday to hear the report of the graLdJury, and will adjourn then until thenext term.

The game of base-ha- ll at Hernandopark yesterday, between the DeSoto acdWhite 8ock, was won by the formerbcore 20 to 4.

The ward meetings Thursday nightwill be well attended, and will be ad-dressed by eloquent speakers. The workgoes bravely on.

Albert Lock, colored, who la re-garded as a suspicious character, wasyesterday committed to jail in default ofbail by the recorder.

The horses belonging to Uie Vollen-tin- e

and DtBoto engines are unable togo at a fast speed, and should bo re-placed by new and fleet animals.

Yesterday afternoon a little ofMr. Jack, of the firm of W. & H. Jack,fell out of a tree at the residence of hisfather, No. 176 Washington street, andwaa teverely injured.

The fire yesterday morning was theburning ot five one-etor- y frame dwell-ings, corner of Mill and Third streets,Chelsea. The buildings were owned byB. Fitzgibbon, who resides near theNational cemetery.

About three o'clock Sunday morn-in- s:

a stiff breeze SDransr ur in the north.subsequently followed by a hard, coldrain. Yesterday and last night werepleas tan Uy cool; in fact, the weather islike that of autumn.

The festival of Captain Jim Glass'smilitary company, at tue Exposition lastnight, was largely attended, and verymuch enjoyed by the colored people.Good order was maintained, and thewhole affair was creditable to its mana-gers.

Billy Hunt, who was fined Mav16:h, and escaped from the chain-gan- g,

was arrested last night by OfficerSmith. A night or two after Hunt's es-

cape, a man was rohbed opposite No. 181Front street, and Hunt is suspected ofbeing engaged in the outrage.

Last Thursday there was a largelyattended and pleasant picnic at Luey.onthe Paducah railroad. There are a num-ber of cool springs at Lucy, and the citizens contemplate the erection of exten-sive accommodations for Memphi-answh- o

visit there during the warmweather.

--The Little Rock OazetteM the twend, says: "The first bale of cotton

of the season was received on the nine-teenth instant, by the Merchants' andPlanters' cotton warehouse. It wasclassed as middling, and was purchasedoy Mr. J. H. Van Alstinp, and shippedto Messrs. E. M. Apperson.& Co.,

Captain Michael Dea has our thanksfor old copies of tli9 Appeal, and Eagleand Enquirer, the one dated March 19,isatj. ana other May 12, 1855. Thesepapers contain much to remind one oftee long ago ana trie changes that haveswept over tho land Eince 1856. We willmake, hereafter, interesting extractsfrom those papers, thanks to CaptainDea.

The Centennial picnic held in thiscity on the Fourth of July, realized anet profit of one hundred and fiftv-fiv- e

dollars and five cents, which will becontributed to the Confederate monument at Ehnwood. The receipts werenine hundred and twentv dollars andfifty cents, and the expenditures sevennundred and twenty-liv- e dollars andforty-fiv- e cents.

Four of the wards, the second.third, eighth and tenth, have organizedTilden and Hendricks clubs. Let theother wards do so at an early day andthen we will te prepared for activework. Let our ablest and best speakersattend the ward meatings, and inspirethe people with enthusiasm in behalf ofour noble standard-bearer- s, Tilden andnenuncKS.

Tip Harries, a well-know- n coloredcltizsn.was arrested yesterdav at the instance ofEx-Councilma- n Turner Hunt,colored, who charges him with assaultwitn a pistol. Tne case was heard yes-terday afternoon by Eecoider Duff, andcontinued until to-da- y, the accused be-ing allowed to give bail until that time.The difficulty originated in the allegedIntimacy of Hunt with the wife of theaccused.

Unsound eeers have been selllnir inthis city at from three to twelve cents adozen. Saturday a man at the Beale-stre- et

market sold a lot of eggs to a wo-man at eight and a half cents per dozen.The purchaser, upon reaching home,found out the character of the eggs, andwishing to impress the fact upon thehuckster's head, returned to the market-hous- e

and battered them against hiscranium in a manner worthy of Ama-zonian glory. much for Bellingspoiled hen-frui- t.

The crops are fine throughout WestTennessee. The recent rains have beenof great eervice, particularly to corn.The warm dry weather we have had forsome weeks was very fine for threshingwheat, and saving the oat and hay crops.Let our farmers commence in time tomake preparations for next year's cropby deep plowing and subsoiling in thefall, and we will have good crops an- -uiuer jear. jlub success oi farming de-pends upon the proper preparation ofthe land at the proper time, and th falleeason is the time for good plowing.


MB. F. MAESEY. of the finnfttnliiA(Miss.) Tidal-Wav- e, was in the cilvyesterday.

Postmaster Deloach. of this o.Uv.has gone to Hot SDrlntrs. and is fitnn.ping at the Arlington hotel.

Majob Will. O. Wosdron. A pun.elated Pro? agent, has returned fromDetroit, where he was in attendance atthe annual meeting of the aasooiation.

The many friends of Bav. Charlf-- n.Parsons, rector of St. Lazarus church,will rejoice to learn that is ranidlvrecovering from his recent prostration,week1 by ovenvork (luring the past

BEV. Db. STAINBAf!jr. nf tlio rVmrfHireeiuumDenanu Presbyterian church.v.. jutviuuj iui vuiuuiuu;, uilBSISSippi,to visit his family and relatives. Wetrust he will have a pleasant sojourn anda safe return to home

in this city. 6"Fbom the Belgian News, of Jniw lot

we learn that the Misses Merrill, dausrh'

tera of his Excellency. Hon. A. p ivtlr.rill, minister of the TJnitpil Rtntoa t tv,Belgian court, had the tpeclal honor ofuemg receiveu Dy tneir msjeaties, theking and queen of the BeleianH. t theroyal palace at Lacken. on Riurialaat j

General Colquit. a nromlnf.ni r.ifi.zsn of Georgia. aLd law-mrtn- Rom..

"WASTES. t0? Gordon, is at thePeabody, and leavesmorning. This distinguished gen- -

ClTUATlON-- As seamstress housekeeper 13 caiiuiaaie. ior governor ofJ a private family, by a lady expert- - "eorgia, anu wui unuoUDteuly be Horn- -

tuuu iwucuco Keu. .auurebs luuieu uy mo jjenTOcrauc estate convpn- -














tion, which meets in a few'davH. wregret that his visit here is so limited.

Memphis Reds.The XempulN Beds will play the St.

Louis boys ngnln, at Central park, thinafternoon. This is your last chance f osee the ponies.

Now For a BargainOf Betricerators. Stoves. Tin-W- ar

and House-Furnishin- g Goods, at cost,which must b closed out in thirty days.

r-- r. rvroivo: uu.,auo Main street

Decay's Eiraeincr FincerWill never mar the lppth tlmt ra

brushed daily with odorlfrrntiH SIt lends a floral fragrance to thn hroti.'as well as protects the teeth fromslou and decomposition.

can at 818 Main btreet, Memphis. jni8 I attend KODertfon s Business College.

Exciting Hceucit nt the ExpositionUiillillns; Among- - the Colored

Population TealenlnyCondnct.

Quite a commotion was created at theExposition building yesterday. It seemsthat while the colored military companywas going through the maneuvers inci-dental to drill, several negro boys, intheir anxiety to imitate their elders,mocked the captain in each of his commands. This so irritated the sword-beare- r,

that he detailed four men to oustthe unruly. When the four ap-proached the boys, the latter showedfight, and objected to beingthrown out of the door, and this beingthe signal for victory on the part of thecompany, that body of grown men sud-

denly stopped in the midst of drilling,and joined with the four men to putdown the unruly boy?. At tbis, one ofthe boys scampered out of the building,and ran up Fourth to Adams street, outAdams to the bayou bridge, the wholemob of negroes around the building fol-

lowing In pursuit. The mob stopped atthe corner of Adams and Fourth, anddelivered themselves of anathemas,

s of the whites in the neighbor-hood, the ladies especially. One negroexclaimed, "You come back here, yens n of a b h, and we will fix you."Another proposed to follow and catchhim. At this proposition the mob start-ed and ran to the bridge, covering thesidewalks and streets on their way. T .epursued boy, seeing that matters weregetting hot, pulled off his shoes, pickedup & brick, and ran at good speed, turn-ing now and then to look at his pursu-ers, and bantering them on for a fightGetting to the bridge the boy stopped,and waved his hand to "come on." Thecrowd ran to the bridge, but stopped atthe crossing, the boy holding his ownand defying anyone to come Whethern br'"!r b-- .d its effect, or'6tttcr reasonprevailed, it is hard to Eay, but never-theless the mob halted and re-

turned, engaging in loud and deafeninglanguage, aud acting in the man-ner characteristic of the Mary Burtonafftlr. Bight here it is proper to ask,"Where were the police?" Again, atthe Exposition building the mob stopped,and the excitement that previously en-sued of course gathered a crowd that remained at the building, anxiously await-ing to hear results, or what was the mat-ter. In discussing the causes there weretwo sides to participate, and for a time afight eeemcd inevitable. At last twomen got overheated, nd one of themwas atksd to "come 'long wid me, andwe'll see the best man." The other pro-posed to "come on wid me, you'll seethe man." The latter meant business.At last the former didn't want to go," because of the latter's crowd doublingon him." The second party said, "shutup or put up." The first party,, whobantered the fight, backed out, but gotup his courage to say, " He's one ofthem fellers what I'se been feeding allthe time, and that's the treatment Igat."At this the reporter left the swellingcrowd, and what occurred afterward isunknown. It is sufficient to sjy thatthese occurrences on the part of the ne-groes are to be deplored, and in this in-stance the disturbance, we believe, wasoriginated by negroes unfriendly to thecolored company, whose commander,Captain Jim GIa?s, endeavors, in so faras he is able, to have only men of goodcharacter in the organization. The po-lice should try to be present at placeswhere crowds assemble, in order to pre-vent any outburst of passionate excite-- ,ment like that of yesterday. We hopethe colored people will have a better re-gard for their own race than to inducethese public disturbances, for theyshould be the last ones to do anythingas an impediment in the way of perfect-ing a military company, composed oftheir cwn race.


Interesting Explanation by thisBud or VIrtno Mary Ilnr-to- n,

Sperm Candles andChristian Charity.

Yesterday Ham Carter, who wai oneof the most enthusiastic persons in therecant Mary Burton torchlight procession, witn wnien our readers are alreadyacquainted, called at the Appeal offlceto be set aright in regard to that mob.Carter, the night of the arrest, made anenthusiastic statement, the substance ofwnicu, contrary to ins expectations, ap- -apeareu in tne appeal tne secoLd dayafter the occurrence ol the affair. Owingto a defective memory Carter can'trecollect what he says, nut is now anxious to get right in the matter. He,therefore, details the following state-ment relative to

MARY BUBTON'S PERSECUTION."I did not originate the arrest and ex-

posure, but was there at the time of thearrest. A policeman gave me a candle,he having first a lamp, and remarking:'ThisrJamned thine; is dangerous: someof you go and get candles.' The cau-dles wera got and brought there, andthen tho search I egan, he getting up andlooking through the house. A clean-face- d

policeman seeing the crowd ofboys said: 'Boys, there are too many ofyou uere; you nau ustter go out or nereand get a warrant, and have the houeearrested, if it is one of assignation.' Thewarrant was issued at the instance ofLouis Brown, Jim Jones, Antony Mil-ton, and another brown-skinne- d fellow,and a fellow named Albert. These gotoat the warrant, but I had nothing to dowith it. I was present and asked Marya question, and bad it not been for me Ibelieve her clothing would have beentorn off, as saveral boys were treadingon her skirt, and I made them stop it.About dark I happened to passby the house and saw Henry Young,colored, sitting on a dray. I went on toan ice-crea- saloon and returned aboutten o'clock at night. Next morningYoung told me was watching Mary Bar-ton; that night, and said, 'Carter youisn't got any sense; she's been burles-quing you. That fellow who was therewith her in the house gave mo five dol-lars to claim that I was her cousin andto put up for her twenty-fiv- e dollars of hismoney as a iorreit to get ner cut or thestationhouse.' I had nothing to do withher arrest and feel kindiy disposedtoward her. Some of the members c tthe church say they will not stay in thechurch if she remains. I told themthey were acting wrong and ought notleave the churchon that account, for thegirl may repent. I hope she will, andbelieve she Is disposed to act right."

Base-Bal- l.Grand trial game this afternoon be

tween the Memphis Reds nnd the SULouis Reds. Game to be called at fonro'clock.

Grand Closing Out SaleOf Tinware, Bsfiigtrators, Stoves and

House-Furnishin- g Goods, at cost. Mustba elo3cd out in thirty days.

E.F. RISK A CO., 306 Main streetFob August fashions see Butterick's

patterns at :4 second street.Fbom Baltimore Sunday News: Cold-en- 's

Liebig's Liquid Extract of Beef andTonic Invigorator, is meeting with uni-versal favor wherever introduced. Phy-sicia-

recommend it, and invalids re-gard it a? one of the greatest boonswhich has yet been discovered.

o. w. juntas & uo Agent.Tby Thraeh Consumption Cure and

Lung Restorer, for all lung affections,loss of voice, cough, croup, etc. For saleby all druggists; wholesale by W. N.Wilkerson & Co., 340 Main st., Memphis.

St. louls RedsWill play their last game, this after-

noon, at Central park, Willi tbe Memphis Beds.

Save Your Hair. If you wish to.ave your hair and keen itstroncr andhealthy, use Burnett's Cocoaine.

Bald heads may have a new crop ofnair dv annivinct .nail's vegetable hi.cilian Hair renewer, if the hair foliclesare not entirely closed up.

Thh cheapest and best Htkam Pyeikgand QutkTxrxa Hodss in the city Is at 2tgHeoonH Ktreet. T.J. WALKER k OO.

Hound trip Tickets to St. Paul forS28, for sale by Johnson & Manget, 303Main Btreet.

Immense ICeilnclIon In the Prices

Cnstom-JIad- c ClothingAT

Lowcnstcin's Mammoth Clothing

Gents' summer crsdmere suiti at $7 50;former price ?12.

Gents' summer csssimere suitii at $10;former price $15.

Gents' summer cassimere tults at $12 50;former price $18.

Gents's summer tweed pants at $2; for-mer price $4.

Gents' summer cassimere pants at $2 50;former price $5.

Gents' summer cassimere pants at $1;former price $7.

Gents' alpaca coats at $2; former price$4 50.

Gents' mohair coats at $3; formerprice $5. --

We are offering special inducementsin gents' linen and Marseilles vests, theprice3 of which will be found remarka-bly low. In alpaca coats, and linen andcassimere suits for boys' and youths'wear, we are offering ea line unpre-cedented in variety at most attractiveprices. If in need of any goods In ourline, you will save money by visiting

Lowcnstcin's Slnmmotb Clot b ins; Store238 Main street, two doors from Jeffer-son street.

Save MoneyBy buying your office stationaryDod's, 341 Main street.

Mrs. Maria D. Monsakratt, teacher of vocal and instrumental music, willreceive a few more pupils. Orders to L'e

left at H. G. Hollenberg's music store,Main street.

Neuralgia. "Neuril" cuies it.by O. V. Jones A fi ManiDhls.

Go TO Leddln 's Business College.





Cincinnati, rbjladelphla, Norr York,Via the A No. 1 Elegant Passenger Steamers

Cons. Millar,S. 8. Mclntyrecaptaln Jas. Wlteon..cleikWill leave Tnesdny, Jnly 25tli, at S p.m.

J. Kennlston.mastr 1 "W. F. Mclntyre...clerk

Will leave Friday, Jnly 3SIH, at 5 p.m

Xbe above steamers will ticliot passen-gers tbrongh to all Eastsrji (Cities ntsreatly reduced rates.

Passengers by these elegant stjamors havechoice of railroad routes out of Cincinnati.

Ho expense at Cincinnati, either forHotel Bills or Transfer to Depots.

For full particulars, apply on beard or toE. W. IilUHTBUBNK, Clen'l Snpt,

z rrom si.

FOR LOUISVILLE & CINCINNATICincinnati and New Orleans Packet.For Cairo, Evansvllle, Louisville, CincinnatiRobert Mitchell

James "Paul . masterWill leave Glenn's Wharfboat WEDNES-DAY', July iCth, at 12 o'clock m.

R.P. GLENN, Agent. on vrharfboat.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVER.For Pine Bluff, Little Bock and all way land-

ings on Arkansas river.BOSA KILLKIt,

Darragh . jncsterJs3&fllBRCLeaves Glenn's Wharf boat TUESDAY,

July 25th, at 5 p.m., for all points on Ar-kansas river through to Fort Smith.

"JNO. N. HARBIN, 8npt,.25fj Front at.R. P. GLENN. Agent, on Wharfboat.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.V. S. Mall For Otceola, Sew IBadrid. Hickman, Cairo aud St. Lonls.

Hteamer GRAND TO WEB,Lennox mastef mMBg

Leaves TUESDAY, July 25th, at 6 pjn.AD. SITOUM,

Hnp't Mississippi River Elevator Company.

forTcksburIBcmpbls and St. tonis Paol'.el Coiup'y

U. H. HJnll 1,1 ne.yor Vicksbnrg and all "Way Landings.

Str. OITr OF VICKSBUKG,Kiley .master

ljeaves xuissuAt, July Ujtn, at tu a.m.AD. STORM.

Snp't ailtsisslppl River Elevator Company

FOR PRESIDENT'S ISLAND.Memphis and President's Isl:tnd Packet

Steamer BertieWill make MORNING and EVKNXfl'KlPd;from foot of Beale street, commencing Thursday, July 20th, at 7 o'clock in the morningtmu p o ciocjL ill ma evening. jylo

For VlcfesbnrB and all VHsny LnnaiazH.xuo Biegani. passenger sicamer

M. R. Cheek.......master I J. W. 8peers....clerkLeaves Memphis every TUESDAY at 5

p.m., connecting with steamers and railroadsior n ew urieans.

The Illinois makes close connoctions withthe Chicot railroad, the Parisott line for pointsuu x uiou river, ana me it, xi. ie ior riow orleans.Helena, Friars Point and Bends Trlweeuiy Packet.The elegant and fleet slde-whe- ol Eteamer

Nat.H. Green......maKtor J D. P.Divis cierkWill leave every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY

and FRIDAY, at 5 n.m.Particular attention paid to freight and pas- -

oeuKBusiur w aiuui anu uonnoii lienos.W After the first of SeDtembcr. the A. .T.White and G. W. Cheek will form a daily linooeiween jacnipnis ana rriars Pomt.TW

For freight or passage apply on ooard or toGEO. wTchKIIK, Snpt,,

Memphis and Vicksbnrg Packet Company,'iu. oo rruiii sireoi,or to R, W. UGHTBORNE, Agent,

sepl 298 Front street.

FOR A8HPORT.Regular Randolph, Fulton and Oiceola BemiWeekly Packet.

Osceola JSelle,u. v. jqpun........ . masteraempnia jauwuAYH, at 5 pjn., and

returning on sundavh.Vnr freight or DHwuew anolv hnard.


The elegant passenger pucket

Stack Lee master J. M. ThompsonlxlerkLeaves Memphis every WEDNESDAY, at fivei:;'"'t" unicoi ana Arkansas

Leaves every SATURDAY, at 3ve p.m., foruiGGUQTjuDujuau way points, strict atien- -uon naiu io an ousiness intrusted to her card

umsunuiu umor business apply toJ. T. WASHINGTON, Agent.No. SOQ Front street.

FOR WHITE RIVER.Kilt Harry Memphis ana VTblte iZlxtrV. S, Kp.ll Line.Month WhlU River, Indian Bay, Bt, Jharles,Crocketts Bluff, Mt, Adams. Clarendon, De-Va-

Blnff, Des Arc, Angusta, Jacksonpcrt,The fine passenger steamer

Milt Harry .TZZlmimuiiLeaves Memphis every SATURDAY &t 6 p.m

ifor freight or passage apply on board, or toJ. T. WAStelNfiTONT Ag't.S90 Front nl.x.. x --. uixcjma . Agent, on WharTooat.Freight consigned to Milt Harry will b

hanilfcd free of storage, drayage :md commia-slo- n,

and pnt through promptly. Shippersvm jjicusa tsuuu irtif ni io uieuns wnari'boat, as usual. nov7


ARTIFICIAL STONE 00.A BE now fully prepared to furnish, at short

uuuw, ui ,uvu uwu manuiacmre:Stone Steps, CbIoiDy uea s.ud Tops)Btone Hearths, Flagging Cnirblntt;Stone Fencinz;, Carriage Steps, TasAnd alemetery Work of all fcjndi,SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY.


Give this now Home Enterprise yonr liberapatronage.OMceamdYard : : 101 Oidon Street.

ap2 . W.B. LOCKET, ifaia cex.


. VVi



This standard article la compounded withthe greatest care.

Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactoryas ever.

It restores gray or faded hair to Its youthfulcolor.

It removes all eruptions, Itching and dand-ruff; and the scalp, by its use, become whiteand clean.

By its tonic properties its restores the capil-lary glands to their normal vigor, preventingbaldness, and making the hair grow thick andstrong.

As a dressing nothing has been found so effectual or desirable.

Dr. A. A. Hayes, Htate Assayer of Massachu-setts, says of it: "I consider it the bestpreparation for its intended purposes."


This elegant preparation may be relied onto change the color of the beard from gray orany other undesirable shade, to brownblack, at discretion. It is easily applied, bing In onk preparation, and quickly aeffectually produces a permanent color whwill neither rub nor wash off.

Manufactured byR. P. HAM. & CO., Hftshna, B. II.

Bold by all Drueglsts and Dealers in

&W7KG-MACHII!i-33- S.

lA DECIDED ADVANCE." gJudges' Rtort Amir. Ins. Fair. p.

H WILLCOxfg3i,2 If &

Metla'lion (n base V rTerj machine."P2

SILENT SEWING MACHINEAwarded the grand "Gold Jledal of Progrc-s- "

X of the American Institute, Nov., 1875, and the" Scott Legacy Medal," of the Franklin lusti- - C2

g tute, Oct., 18T5. BNo other Sewing Machine the world g

Chas an "Automatic Tension," orWanv other tho characteristic features CC

this machine.j. Correspondence and investigation invited.

Willcox&GibbsS.M.Co.,(Cor. Bond st) G58 Broadway, New York

H. B. HUTCHINSON & CO.,30 General Agents,

44 North Court St., Memphis, Tenn


Temperance Lunch-Hous- e,


house, having been transferred to the

Women's Temperance Union;the ladles respectfully solicit a liberal patron-age, as tbey Intend to make the room pleasantand attractive, as well as furnish the bkst

CoiTee, with Lunch or Meals, at the lowestpossible price, without the temptations ofstronger drinks. Ladles and gentlemen, friends

tbe temperance cause, earnestly solic-te- dto favor the enterprise. mv24




No8. 351 and 353 Second'A

s ', ir


DOORS, LUMBER QI - Sash ; Laths ., u


t BLI?tOS SHlfiELES - g

of ! IK r., 0

OS ",rr,---7 f 0a i .tnr 'it.'" v"''

1' j. 5 :'i ill,.

S "ft lift"

XmBSaTAElHS.-- '

JAMI23 SJ,"i TfinzrSl. KOIiLIVA--


FDHBRU DSHRTAKBBI,317 and 3I Sessnd Street,

Near Monro: : t









aiaPHM,m.vmuk .luumi UUUL.) tJuiA. ttUltU4 A.1U1X3 Ulwjffln TrlmmlnssJ for BDecial attention

pniQ io mo ncm(i7xi nr iunnams. lylo




SCO SI&IS St., op. Peabody Hotel.Always hand, a large assortment of Me.

tallls Cases and Caskets, and Wooden Coffiniof ovory description.

Crtloi-- J by telegroph promptly filled, ndOAsaR NhlnivB'l IT. O. 1

EDUCATIONAL.Virginia Female Institute,

Nlauaton, Virginia.Fev. H. Pmillii's. A.M.. Rector, assisted

a large corps of experienced officers.T hirty-becon- annual setslon will commencnSeptember 0. Patronage represents nineteenStates. Buildings fpaclous. Grounds exten-sive. Terms moderate. Churches of sevendenominations within three minutes walk.For catalouge. address the Rector, orJnI8tu-su-fr-- HON. W. bllEFFB.Y.


YOONQ LADIES AND SfrHSF.1.Boarding and Day School; Latin, English andFrench. French is the language of tne family.ecd MADAME D'ii "IRVILLY, Prlnclnal.

VIRSINfl SILITAEY INSTITSTBl LIMITED number of vacancies will existcv in mis wen-Know- n institution. Thosn

wisning ap:wunoui ue;Snp't





REOPENS MONDAY, SEPT. llTH. FORLadies and Children. Hnnrdintr

and school. corps of efficient andexperienced teachers. Superior building, ap-paratus, etc. hneclal attention crlven inmn.corner loin anu Pine sis., Louis. Forcuuuouo aaure's



ST. LOUIS LAW SCHOOL,(Law Department of Washington University)qidl5 regular annual of this LawSchool

wUl open on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER11,1875. Full course, two terms, six monthseach. Students admitted to the SfnlnrClimon examination, by application on or beforeOctober 10-- Tuition, t50 per term, includinguse of library. Forpartlculars addressn. aihwAKT Dean of Faculty.



SUMMER LAW LhCTUKKS (nine weekly)July, 1870, and end 13th Septem-be- r.

Have proved of slmial ns ii.t tndents who design to pursue 1 heir studiesthis or other Law-scho- ol ; 2d to those who pro-pose to privately; and Sd, practitionerswho have not had the ndvantoe-- nr nuat.matlc instruction. For circular apply (P. o.University Va.) to JOHN MINOR,Jii ziw rror. com. ana Slat, Law.




















day Full

mc iau


at. Law


read to

of B.




Ladies' lawn and Organdie Suits less than cost,Ladies' Linen Suits, $2 50 and upward,

Ladies' Linen Dusters, and upward,Misses' Suits $1 each, and upwardi

Children's Suits, 50 cents and upward,Ladies' Summer Shawls, . each,




Parasols more reduced,Infants' Caps half valuo. OYER'S CATH4E1 PILLS



THANGood Iron Grenadines less than cost,Dress Goods without regard cost,

Collars, CuflV, Ties, Ribbons,market!




COTTON PRESSES, HOME POWERS !Gin Gearing, Pnllsys, Shifliop, Hangers and Coupling. General Repairs,

all kinds of Iron nnd Braia Castings', or any In the line ofFOUNDRY OB 2IACHI3E-SIIO- P WOHli to tbe

HANDLE, HEATH & LIVERMOBE, Proprietors,KTo- - OS Second. iStzoot, z TVrrT-- n jtt--t 1 c


Startevant nioweis, Brass Good, Etc.

JAILS OK THE " COOK & HEATH PERFECTED SYSTEM."Estimates of cost of Iron Front, Balcoulu, Verandahs, Wronght aad Cast Rail-i- n

r, itepalra to Entlilnery, etc., furnished on application.Ordots BolioltodL Fromptly Hxooutod,

I have formed alusiness connection with t.tEVESSOX& 0., Manufacturers and Wholesale Healers in CJLOI.HIIVG,46 White Street, New York.

When visit the City, shall be pleased to see you, and serveyour wants in the above line. Respectfully,

ZEE. E3Xj,Formerly of A. SEESSEL & MemphlB. Tenn.


- - -

Special Deposit Insuranceother States.-.....- ..

in nands or Trnstees


Casta In Bank and otherTotal January 1, 1876.....

SAMUEL D. BABCOCK,Babcock Bros. & Co.



stilllace IC

Fansdown again.








THE CONVENIENCE OFwho may wish try









uiitiNiiii, uenorai Agent. I1UTT. snp't Agencies.214 and 216 View York Bank


each the Fifteen Hnmbers Pens, will sent mall reeeintui ji it a xs utniiTH.








&138 and St.,



H.Pres. for



"7'3M:. 35.0jC3S Manager.a. j. a. or

Broadway, (Park BuildlBg).



SAMPXiEone of of these be on







Embracing Political, LiterraySclgentlfic, Agricultural, Philosophical, Re-ligious ordinary news, and all other mattersofInterest to the Farmer, Manufacture, Mer-eban- lo

and Merchant.



HAVE now complete Abstracts of all -

trirf, nrlclnal Sarveys, Grants andConvraucH of all lands In Shelby countyrecorded In the Register's offlce.

All Conveyances on Hie In County Clerk'doffice, acknowledged but not recorded.All Wills recorded in County Clerk's office.

All unsatisfied leus in Firstand Second Circuit Canrts, Irom their organi-zation.

All unsatisfied Tax .Liens, for U.S. DirectTa, State, County and Memphis City Taxes.Also, Indexes of all cases of

ever brought In the Chancery Courts of Shelbycounty, and of all perrons scalnst whomJndsmenlshave betn entered in these courtssince January 1, 1875.

An of twelve years has testedand affirmed the accuracy of our Abstracts nrTitles. The best lawyers rely Implicitly noontbem.

Our Abstracts wiU render your land negotia-ble for sale, or as the basis of loans, ann thevoiten prove of the highest value In pointingout clouds upon titles, which the owners maythus be enabled to remove.

No real estate Owner can afford In be with.ont our Aostracts of hU titles. They are always worth to him more than their cost.Charges reasonable, with liberal .lis.

counts on large orders. All work guaranteed, v. A. JUCUMimat, Superintendent.

6 -




York, 15, 1876.Messrs.


at Albany, Sew "York,



is rssa b2e

-- 8 417.313860,587


JAMES M. MORRISON.President Manhattan Bank.




Containing by





Literary eleotioiasCommercial,









Camp St, Potdras. New Orleans, La.






71, OSS

95 nun

16 Court Street, Memphla,

Check DraftDray Books, Cash Boobs,

Ledgers, Journals


nusJnesa ard, totter Heads,Bill Heads, Circulars,

Tlcltets, Tags, Ztc.Tiis patronage of my mends and the pnbllo

is respeauuiiy noucuou.

QootS Work tat HourCall and examine specimens of Printing,

Blank Books and Binding.


jLTlSS SUE A. COOPEB WILL CONTINUEL to clve Lessons In Vocal Music and Ma

lleoli the Piano during the summer months,at her resld ence. No. 10 uoslee street. Will attend pupils their residence., if desired.


on application at No. 211 Frontstreet. HA YD EN BROH.

alHE CITY OIL WORKS, MADISON 8T.Memphis and Charleston Depot,

will pay cash for sound Cotton Seed deliveredat their works or at wharf. Sacks and twinewill be sent to responsible parties, as usual,on receipt ol orders. Ju23

.Men to trarrl and sell good tolcalerm. No pedilUns. StUs

month, hotel aud traveling cxdvdwsJIosiioallj.xcrinriu.ia Co..ClocbinattOala

at their

licoks, Uoofcg,


For all the purposes of a Family Fhjs!c,CORISO

oiUvenes,Djspepfcla. Jnandlce, Inill-grwtiox- ?,

Djieuterj-- ,

fonl Ktomnrh andIlreatb, Kfrnchf,

rjilplas, Flies,Itbrnmatlain, trap- -

lions aad hklu Diseases miloasness,

.iv-- r i iiwiiimni, Dropiy, Tetter, Tn-mo- rs

nnd 'att nhenm. Worms, flanf,Nea,nlKl.,as a Dinner Pill, and Purilylngthe illood, are the rnot congenial purgativeyet perfected. Their eflets abundantly know-ho-

much they excel all other Pills. Theyare safe and pleasant to take, bnt powerful tocure. X hey purge ont the fonl hnmo.--s of theblood: they stimulate the slnzidsh or disordered org in into action; and they Imparthealth and tone to the whole being. Theyenre not only the every day complaints otevery body, but formidable and dangerous dis-eases. MostsKllful physicians, moot em nentclorgymen, and our Best citizens send certifi-cates of cures performed and or zreat benefits.they have derlve'l Irom these Pills. They arethe safest and best pbyslc for children, becausemild as well as effectual. Being sugar-coate-

they are easy to take; and being purely vege-table, they are entirely harmless.

PEZPASED BTSr. J. C. AYEH & CO., I,o-wel- l, Mass..

Practical and Analytical Chemists.Sold by all Druggists and Deolars in Medicine







Fvursuahcs of an order of sale of theor Shelby county In tbesnit of Wm, A. Goodman vs. Sam Tate et als.,made July 8, 1W6, I, tho undersigned, M. P.Head, Casnler Union and Planters Bank ofMemphis, will, onWednesday, tbe 9 th Day or An sunt, 1878,at 12 o'clock, at the southwest corner of Madi-son and Main streets. In the eitv of Memnhls.sell at public auction, to the highest bidder,for cash, tbe following property, to-w- it:

1st. S25.200 in the Peoples InsuranceCompany of Memphis.

2d. S100.000 Second Mortaage Bonds of theMemphis and Little Rock Railroad Company.

3d. 131,000 Second Mortgage Bonds of theMemphis and Little Rock Railway Company.

4th. 339.000 Income Bonds of the same Railway Company.

oin. Etoctc in the same Railway Company.Ana bin. isawj r im Mortgage Bonds or thesame Railway Company, or a sufficient of

the above securities to py tbe deb' s specifiedIn tald order of tale. Memphis, July ll.llfta.

8 P. READ, casnler.Kortrecht, Craft & Scales, Solicitors.Trezevant & Co., Auctioneers. Jyl5

Adminlxtrulor'H Notice.letters of administration onWHEREAS, of B.D.Tresd well, deceased,

were granted to the undersigned atthe presentterm of the Probate Court of Shflbv countv.Tenn.; now all persons navinz claims againstthe estate of said decedent are nereby requiredto exhibit said claims lo me, or Hie the samewith my attorneys, Clapp & Meux, No 15Union street, Memphis. Tenn., within thetime limited by law, or the rame will bebarred. FRANCIS HOLMES, AdmV.

Memphis. Jnne 13. 1876. Jnll

Attachment Notice.BEFORE JAMES HALL, J. P.-S- tate of Ten

nessee, onemy county Edward McDonnellvs. Clark Mantey.In this cause an attachment l.avlni? been

sued out under section 3tS or the Code orTennessee, and returned levied by garnish-ment on John Hood, who answers that heowes the defendant the sum of thirty-fiv- e dol-lars; and that said defendant In justly In-debted to plaintiff In the turn of (17 33, due byaccount, dua and unpaid.and tnatthe defend-ant is a nt ot the Stateof Tennessee:

It Is therelore ordered. That the said defendant make his personal appearance before ma.James Hall, J. P., at my office, in the city oiMemphis. Tenn., on the 12th day of Angnst,1S78. at 10 o'clock a.m.. and defend said attachment suit, within the time prescribed bylaw, or the same will be proceeded with ex--parte; and that a copy of this order be pub.Ilshed once a week, for four consecntlvaweeks. In the Memphis nj.il r Anneal. Thin7th day of July, 1878.

Administrator's Notice.

HAVING been duly appointedof Sophia Bokar. deceased, all

persons In debt to said estate are notified tosettle at once; and those having claimsagain st said estate will present to me for pay-ment In tbe time allowed by law. or the samewill be barred. ADO LP H BOHMS.

lu2Ssn No. 38 Madison street.

Attachment Notice.BEFORE JAMES HALL, J. P.-S- tate of Ten

nessee, Shelby county M. F.Bali vs. JosephFrost.In this cause an attachment having been

sued out under section S455 of the Code of Ten-nesse- o,

and returned levied by attachmenton the properly of defendant, who Is JustlyIndebted to plaintiff in the sum of til, due byaccount and unpaid. Grounds of attach-ment: '1 hat the raid defendant is absnt to re-move, or has removed hlmielt or propertyfrom the State.or has removed or la remnvlncrhimself out ot tho county privately, or con-cealing himself so that the ordinary procetsof law cannot be served upon him, or has ab-sconded, or is absconding or concealing him-self or property, or has fraudulently disposedof, or is about fraudulently to dispose of hisproperty:

It Is therefore ordered, That the said defend-ant make his personal appearance before me.James Hall, J. P., at my offlce, in the cityof Memphis. Tenn.. on the 12th dav ot AnsnuL1876, at 10 o'clock a.m., and defend said at-tachment suit within the time prescribed bylaw or the same will be proceeded with i.parte, and that a copy of this order be pub-lished once a week, for four consecutiveweeks. In the Memphis Dallv Annoal. This7th day of Jnly, 1S76.


Non-Heside- nt Notice.No. 2282. In the Chancery Court or MhMhv

county, Tennessee Lilian Van Brocklln, byher next friend, etc., et al. ys. Mrs. D. J.Sharp et al.It anoearlnir from affidavit In thin anu

that tbe defendants. th nnknmm hits orEdward 8. Tod. whoso names and residences,it appears liom allegations in tbe bill, are un-known and cannot be ascertained after diligent inquiry, and whoperhapsmay havesomeInterest in I he land referred to In this cause :

It is therefore ordered, That they make theirappearance herein, at the courthouse in thncity of Memphis, Tenn., on or before the flrstMonday In August, ls76, and plead, answeror demur to complainant's bill, or the samewill be taken for confessed as to themand set for hearing exparte; and that acopy of this order be cnbiishedonce a weeksfor four successive weeks. In the MemphisApi cal. This nth day of June, 1878.

Clertr and MuImiBy R. J. Black, Deputy C. and M..fierce s nix, eoi. ior Uompl't. Jula thn


State of Tennessee, Shelby county. Offlce olf'ntl , f.nnw. fnr,r , , 1 rt. . r20, 1878. To J. A. Anderson, Administratorof John B. Uatll, deceased.Having suggested the lnsolvancv of thnestate of John B. Gatt'. deceased, vnn ar.

hereby ordered to give notice, by advertise-ment In some newspaper published withinthe said State, and also at the courthouse doorof Shelby county, for all persons havingclaims against said estate to appear and rilethe same with tho Clerk of the county Court,authenticated In the manner prescribed bylaw, on or berore the21'h day ot August, 187oand any claim not filed on or before said dayor before an appropriation of tbe funds ofsaid estate Is made, shall be forever barredboth In law and equity...WK.n.? '"yhnnJ.at offlce, this 21st day ofMav, 1870. j AMES RK1LLY. ClerkBy John J. Shea, Deputy ClerkT

Notice Is given to ail parties haviniragainst the estate of said John Uatll Stonietheni.as above required. 'T. M, Rhitt, Attorney. my23ta