Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes

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Ahadith Sahlah with Iraab and Notes by the world renowned Dr Abdur RahimMadinah books,

Transcript of Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes

  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 1:

    : :" ." 1st sentence

    (Ruwiya) = hidden passive verb past tense.

    3n = from, harf jarr,

    jabir = majroor

    (radiyallahu 3nh) = jumlah mu3tarida.

    2nd sentence:

    qal = verb + doer/agent (hidden 'he'

    3rd sentence:

    qal = verb

    rasulullah = (mudaf + mudaf ilayh) = fa3el

    (sallallahu alyh wa sallam) = Jumlah mu3tarida.

    4th sentence:La ta2kuluu: verb nahy + fa3el (damir)

    bi = harf jarr

    alShimaal = majrur

    5th sentence:

    Fa = fa isti2nafiya

    inna = harf mushabbah bilFe3l

    alShytaan = ism inna

    Ya2kul = fe3l + fa3el (hidden huwa)

    bi = harf jarr.

    Alshimaal = majruur.

    6th sentence:

    rawa = verb

    hu = maf3ool bih object

    Muslim = fa3el

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    Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said:

    Do not eat with your left hand, for the Satan eats with his left hand.

    Some important points:

    La = La al nahiyah that makes the mudhaari majzoom

    ShImaal with an I = Left

    ShAmaal with an A = North

    Fa = Taaleeliyah indicating the reason - therefore translated as for/because.

    The fa of sabab is used to indicate that something will cause/lead to such and such. The fa of ta'lil is usedto indicate that the reason for the mentioned hukm is such and such. There is a clear difference

    between the two, based on the clear difference between ta'lil and sabab in language and in usul.

    In this hadith, the shaytan eating with his left is not the effect of your eating with the left, i.e. your

    eating with your left does not cause shaytan to eat with his left. Rather the reason why we are asked to

    not eat with our left is because shaytan eats with his left.


    Please translate the sentence and also tell me the use of here.Answer:

    This faais Harf aTf.

    This faaalso has the additional task of telling us why to do something (sababiyyah).

    In English it can be translated as

    Get up as the adhaan has already been proclaimed.

    So it gives you the reason why you should get up.

    Here is another example:

    Laa takuluu bi shshimaali fa inna shshayTaana yakulu bi shshimaali.

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 2: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    : : " ... ". ()On (the authority of) Abu hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him; he said: the prophet may Allah give

    blessing to him and upon him be peace said: A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a

    weak believer. Narrated (by) Muslim

    I would translate as "From Abu Hurayra; he said...". Those translations which go with on the authority of

    are being loose (linguistically) since there is no 'on' ('ala) here nor any mention of authrotiy...probably inorder to convey the right meaning given the context. I don't think there is a need for that though

    This hadith mentions that Allah SWT loves the genus of strong believers - this is similar to the example

    given in the third last line above in the picture.

    I think it's worth keeping in mind that even in English the definite can be a reference to the genus. As

    such i think that the translation containing the definite article "the" can still refer to the genus in


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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 3: Translation and Parsing (Iraab), Ahadith Sahlah - Easy


    " : ". (

    - Fel - Faail - mutalliq jaar majroor - maatoof 1

    ." maatoof 2This hadith was discussed at some length a few months ago and here are some important comments

    and answers to the question - Why Mudhaari was used for Amr (command).

    Noman Ali Khan:

    I can't comment on the Hadith but on the use of mudare for amr. It illustrates its an expectation where

    it should be a matter of fact. The Muslim eats with his right hand. That's the same as saying that this is a

    standard and an obvious expectation.

    Uthman Badar

    It's a normal jumla fi'liyyah with a normal mudhari, but the khabr it benefits is in the meaning of an


    Using the khabr to intend insha' (khabr and insha' being the two types of *meanings* sentences benefit)

    is common in Arabic, and particularly in the primary texts since their context is that of law-giving. In the

    Qur'an for instance,

    "Women who are divorced wait, keeping themselves apart, three courses" (2:228) which is a informative

    sentence intending a command; and

    "None touch it save the purified" (56:79) i.e. the Quran; which is an informative sentence intending a

    prohibition (and the main evidence for the prohibition of touching the Qur'an without wudu).

    This discussion is beyond nahw and sarf though. You'll come across it in the other sciences of Arabic, or

    in the discussion on language in usul.

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    Nabeel Alkhalidy

    This is discussed in the balagha books and scholars mention that the mudari can be used for the

    meaning of a command. This command is done in a subtle manner and shows more respect to the

    addressed. Some scholars even go to the extent of assuming a Laam Al Amr, but even in English we

    might use the present tense to indicate an amr. e.g a teacher walk in class and finds students standing in

    the classroom and says "students are to be sitting down in their chairs when the teacher walks in" it's

    less direct than saying " sit down!". Also another point is that the speaker needs to be in a position of

    authority to use this type of command.

    Mudhaari is being used to show an expectation in this hadith and thus the hadith is often translated as

    using "should/shall". So using Faraz's translation and modifying it, we have:

    Rasool Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The young (lit. small) SHOULD give salam to the

    old (lit. big/large); the walking one to the sitting one; the small (in number/group) to the many". [Agreed

    upon (ie Bukhari and Muslim narrated)]

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Narrated Anas (May Allah be pleased with him), from Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon him), he

    said, "The deceased follows three things, his family, his wealth and his deeds. Two (of them) will return.

    One (of them) will remain, his family and his wealth will return but his deeds will remain"

    (hope u'd understand my inconvenience with translation)

    I think the first line should be "Three things follow the deceased", instead of "The deceased follows

    three things." Thalaathatun is marfoo'.

    Ahluhu = ma3toof alayh,

    wa = Harf 3tf

    Maaluhu = ma3toof and ma3toof alayh

    wa = harf 3tf

    3amaluh = ma3toof

    altogether = badal al kull of thalatha

    So is "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu" badal kulli min al kulli or atf al-bayan? Sorry I can't read this

    bit clearly from the image.

    ShafiulBasically, the picture says that the "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu", could be called BOTH atf

    ul bayaan or Badal ul Kul. And this is true in most cases.

    All badal ul kul are atf ul bayaan but not vice versa.

    //How can we distinguish between badal and 'atf alBayan? //

    In a sentence containing Badal and Mubdal Minhu

    1. Badal can be dropped without disrupting the meaning or construction.

    2. An 3amil hypothetically can be brought before both the mubdal minhu and Badal and this will not

    affect the meaning or construction of the sentence.

    The above two conditions are not true for Atf ul bayaan.

    Tabia / Yatbau = To walk in the footsteps literally, though this could be metaphorical.

    Ittaba3a = To obey

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    Dr Abdur Rahim further expounds on the difference between Badal and Atf ul Bayaan:

    Grammarians say that any instance of atf al-bayan can also be badal al-kulli also except

    in the following cases:

    In atf al-bayaan both the elements should either be ma"rifah or nakirah. If they differ in

    this regard, the second element is badal, not atf al-bayaan,

    Here ,can be both badal as well as atf al-bayaan. But in .the second element cannot be atf al-bayaan as the first element is nakirah and secondis ma"rifah.

    In some cases, atf al-bayaan is an integral part of the sentence, and cannot be omitted,e.g.:

    .Here, if is omitted, the sentence has no meaning.I think this much is enough to understand the difference between them.

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    Narrated Anas (May Allah be pleased with him), from Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon him), he

    said, "The deceased follows three things, his family, his wealth and his deeds. Two (of them) will return.

    One (of them) will remain, his family and his wealth will return but his deeds will remain"

    (hope u'd understand my inconvenience with translation)

    I think the first line should be "Three things follow the deceased", instead of "The deceased follows

    three things." Thalaathatun is marfoo'.

    Ahluhu = ma3toof alayh,

    wa = Harf 3tf

    Maaluhu = ma3toof and ma3toof alayh

    wa = harf 3tf

    3amaluh = ma3toof

    altogether = badal al kull of thalatha

    So is "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu" badal kulli min al kulli or atf al-bayan? Sorry I can't read this

    bit clearly from the image.

    ShafiulBasically, the picture says that the "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu", could be called BOTH atf

    ul bayaan or Badal ul Kul. And this is true in most cases.

    All badal ul kul are atf ul bayaan but not vice versa.

    //How can we distinguish between badal and 'atf alBayan? //

    In a sentence containing Badal and Mubdal Minhu

    1. Badal can be dropped without disrupting the meaning or construction.

    2. An 3amil hypothetically can be brought before both the mubdal minhu and Badal and this will not

    affect the meaning or construction of the sentence.

    The above two conditions are not true for Atf ul bayaan.

    Tabia / Yatbau = To walk in the footsteps literally, though this could be metaphorical.

    Ittaba3a = To obey

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    Narrated Anas (May Allah be pleased with him), from Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon him), he

    said, "The deceased follows three things, his family, his wealth and his deeds. Two (of them) will return.

    One (of them) will remain, his family and his wealth will return but his deeds will remain"

    (hope u'd understand my inconvenience with translation)

    I think the first line should be "Three things follow the deceased", instead of "The deceased follows

    three things." Thalaathatun is marfoo'.

    Ahluhu = ma3toof alayh,

    wa = Harf 3tf

    Maaluhu = ma3toof and ma3toof alayh

    wa = harf 3tf

    3amaluh = ma3toof

    altogether = badal al kull of thalatha

    So is "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu" badal kulli min al kulli or atf al-bayan? Sorry I can't read this

    bit clearly from the image.

    ShafiulBasically, the picture says that the "ahluhu, wa maaluhu, wa 'amaluhu", could be called BOTH atf

    ul bayaan or Badal ul Kul. And this is true in most cases.

    All badal ul kul are atf ul bayaan but not vice versa.

    //How can we distinguish between badal and 'atf alBayan? //

    In a sentence containing Badal and Mubdal Minhu

    1. Badal can be dropped without disrupting the meaning or construction.

    2. An 3amil hypothetically can be brought before both the mubdal minhu and Badal and this will not

    affect the meaning or construction of the sentence.

    The above two conditions are not true for Atf ul bayaan.

    Tabia / Yatbau = To walk in the footsteps literally, though this could be metaphorical.

    Ittaba3a = To obey

    Dr Abdur Rahim further expounds on the difference between Badal and Atf ul Bayaan:

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    Grammarians say that any instance of atf al-bayan can also be badal al-kulli also except in the following cases:

    In atf al-bayaan both the elements should either be ma"rifah or nakirah. Ifthey differ in this regard, the second element is badal, not atf al-bayaan,

    Here ,can be both badal as well as atf al-bayaan. But in .the second element cannot be atf al-bayaan as the first element is nakirahand second is ma"rifah.

    In some cases, atf al-bayaan is an integral part of the sentence, andcannot be omitted, e.g.:

    .Here, if is omitted, the sentence has no meaning.I think this much is enough to understand the difference between them.

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Whoever builds for Allah a mosque, Allah will build for him a house in jannah. Narrated (by) Muslim.

    Why do you keep putting the 'by' in brackets, Faraz?

    I think literally it is "Muslim narrated it."??

    Yeah, precisely. It would be "Muslim narrated it", but that sounds archaic/lame in English. But the point

    of the exercise is for us to master translation, not contextual english norms (lol) so i try to indicate both

    the actual translation but also what would be a more conventional english understanding, where


    I would translate it as "Muslim narrated it", at least for the purpose of our exercise, because the phrase

    "narrated by Muslim" implies that the Arabic verb being translated is passive - which is not the case.

    Moreover, is a complete sentence, whereas, Narrated by Muslim is not.

    Man = ism ash shart

    bana lillah masjidan = shart

    banaAllahu lahu baytan filJannah = jazaa/ jawaab ashShart

    Can we do mubtada khabr instead of jaza & shart? So "man...masjidan" mubtada and the rest khabr?

    Man is mawsoof and 'bana...masjidan' is sifah? I think that's how I learnt but need to check.

    Then, 'man' would be 'man mawsul'. And it'd be translated, "Who built for Allah a mosque, for him Allahmade a house in the jannah'. If 'man' is a 'man lishshart', the translation will be a meaningful one. If

    'man' means conditions, the verbs will always have a futuristic meaning despite the use of fe3l madi.

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    " (: : " .(

    Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him took sllk and placed t into

    his right (hand) and took gold and placed it into his left (hand), then said: these two are haram upon the males of mynation . From Ahmed Abu Dawud.

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes



    When KhabarNot Required to

    Agree with Mubtadain Number


    Assalaamu alaikum

    In Hadiith6 in the compilation, is there anexception to the ruling of the khabarmatching the mubtadain


    Or at least regarding the khabarand ismof inna?


    Why not ?

    Jazaak Allahu khairan yaa Sheikh.

    DrVaniya.comQ & A


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes




    Our Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim replied (quote):

    The word

    is a maSdar, and maSdarsusually remain


    Note that in the following Hadiith, the mubtada'is

    feminine, but the khabar has unchanged:


    ) :56(

    He who wittingly claims to be born to some one other than

    his father will be barred from paradise.

    (end reply)


    Admin.s note : Related Reading : Grammar Lesson 4 :

    (Agreement between the mubtadaand khabar) - discusses when the khabaris not required

    to agree with the mubtada in gender.

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    Ma: Ma almawsul

    byn: mudaf

    baity: (mudaf+mudaf ilaih) ma3tuf 3alaih

    w : harf 3tf

    minbary: (mudaf + mudaf ilaih) ma3tuf

    baity wa minbary : mudaf ilaih

    'bayna byti wa minbari': silah

    'ma byn byty wa minbary': (Mawsul+silah) mubtadarawda : khabr

    mn : hrf jr (min at-tab3idiyya)

    riyad alJannah: (mudaf+ mudaf ilaih): majrur

    ism mawsool+silah= mubtada

    rawda=khabarmin....= mutaliq e khabar

    and the full sentence is maqolah ... mafool bhi for the verb qala

    Rawdah is the Khabar - Khabar is conveying information about the subject. What comesafter IS is the Khabar.

    here Ma is ism mawsool Translation:

    That which is between my house and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of


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    ." : " (). The Prophet (SAW) said, "Do not pray to the graves. And do not sit on

    them." Muslim narrated it.

    La' is for 'nahy'.

    Tusalluu (Fe'l and Fa3el is waw) La nahiya makes mudhari majzoom and

    here the sign of mudhari becoming majzoom is dropping of noon

    ila (harf jarr)

    alqubuur (majruur)

    wa : waw al atf (.)la tajlisuu (same)

    3alaiha (harf jarr + majruur)

    :: :. ( : (

    : : : : = + +

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    : " : : " : ". : "

    : " : ". ().". -...-....-....-.....- -..-...-...-...

    -...-... -...-....-...-...-

    swt...- -....-

    .-...-... ....- ...--. -

    -...-....ibn is Naat thats why hamzatulwasl is dropped + masood (name )is masculine

    if its feminine eg hamzatulwasl does not drop even though its coming as naat

    + : :. 2::.+1

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    -: :.

    :.:::::::+:.:1:: ::.::2:::.: ::( +:( ::

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    = The iraab of birruin the Hadiith is:

    maTuuf of the word al-Salaatu.

    The word al-Salaatu is khabar as it is the reply to the question:

    Ayyu l-amali aHabbu ilaa l-Llaahi?

    The full reply / taqdiir, is:

    aHabbu l-amali ilaa l-Llaahi al-Salaatu alaa waqti-haa.

    Birru l-waalidaynis the reply to the question: thumma ayyun?

    Thummais Harf aTf here, so the taqdiir now is:

    aHabbu l-amali ilaa l-Llaahi al-Salaatu alaa waqti-haa thumma birru l-waalidayni thumma l-jihaadu fi

    sabii lillaah.

    = idhaafah ma3nawiyyah because it is masdar. Idhaafah lafziyyah can be formed from mushtaqonly.

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    ". ( : " ). Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said that the best of you is the one who learns the

    Quran and teaches it. (Al-Bukhari)

    ::::++= :::

    : ( :: : : :: : += :'khayru' is mubtada, marfuu" and muDaaf.

    'man' is ism mawSuul - It is khabar, fii maHalli raf".

    ta"allama l-qur'aana ... is Silatu l-mawSuul, laa maHalla la-haa fii l-i"raab.

    As a rule, Silatu l-mawSuul has no i"raabic status.

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    :" ". ().

    - - - - - -- - - - -

    - - ()- al haaliyah

    -- - -

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    TIP: When classifying the Waaw as atf, see if the either sides of

    the waaw match, i.e. the left and right sides of the waawshould have the SAME STRUCTURE (Jumlah Ismiyyah - Jumlah

    Ismiyyah, Mufrad - Mufrad, Jumlah Feliyah - Jumlah Feliyah).

    In this hadith, this is not the case clearly. The position of

    maatoof alaihi has a jumlah feliyah whereas the position of

    maatoof has a jumlah ismiyyah. Therefore, this waaw cannot be

    atf - it has to be something else. Considering the meaning of

    the sentence, it is clear that the waaw is haaliyah.


    Do not prevent your women from (going to) the mosques,

    although their houses are better for them.

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    Hadith 12: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    ". ( ).( ( :() :: ( ( : : : : : :: :

    its mutalAq is mahzoof : : : : : + : :: :

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    " : : ". . (). :

    -- -- ----- --

    - - -- -- --

    ---- - ::: .....

    +.= +: :: (: : ) :: :.+=::: .......=::

    : : +_=....

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    : ::: : : : :::: = + ...=

    ++= =::......... ++ Translation:

    The Prophet (SAW) said: He who dies associating anything with Allah will enter the Fire. And I said,

    "He who dies without associating anything with Allah will enter Jannah."

    The ana is for emphasis of the pronoun in qultu, and the sentence (wa qultu ana) is to differentiate

    between the statement of the Prophet (saw) and the statement of the narrator.

    al-naar and al-jannah are maf'ul bihi, not dharf makan. 1. Dakhala (to enter) is a fi'l muta'adi therefore

    takes maf'ul bihi which would be the placed entered;

    2. The role of dharf makan is very different to that of maf'ul bihi in the jumla fi'lliya. The latter is the

    object of the act, whereas the former is the place in which/where the act takes place (hence called

    maf'ul fihi). In most cases the different will be clear, but sometimes, like in this case, I can understand

    how both may seem to apply, but there's still a clear difference in meaning, which is that if al-naar was

    dharf makan the meaning would be, "he will enter (something) at/in the fire", but if is maf'ul bihi the

    meaning is, "he will enter the fire".

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    Dakhala is laazim or muta'adi and could have a direct object ( e,g,dakhaltu Albayt) or an indirect object (

    the ayah- Udkhuloo fil silmi kaafaah). If you look at the slide below Al ghurfah is a mafool bihi and bayt is

    mafool feehi. When the harf jaar fee is used as an indirect object then that which is entered is not

    physical e,g entering Islam.



    omitting the harf jar in some verbs is something done by the arabs ( Sama'i) and we cant do it to any

    verb. Another verb that the arabs sometime omitted the harf jar is Shakara, which sometimes takes

    direct object or with the harf Jaar Laam. The Mafool Fihi is in the second sentence i.e. the place in which

    the entering took place. Ghurfah is the mafool bihi. You notice that when the Mafool bihi is converted to

    a mafool fihi the word takes the harf jar. when the tharf makan is mahdood ( confined to a specific

    place) then by necessity it needs a harf Jar. This is discussed in the Hidayah.

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    : - ! : . . . : "

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    - - -- - Translation:

    A blind man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said, O Messenger of Allaah, I have no guide

    to lead me to the mosque,and he requested the Messenger of Allaah to permit him to pray in his

    house, and he allowed him that. But when he turned away, he called out to him and said, Can you hear

    the call (to prayer)?He said, Yes.He said, Then answer it.

    My i'rab of it would be: harf atf, fi'l, fa'il, muta'alliq, jarr, majroor

    : :::.::....:::: : ::. ::::+.:: :: 1:.:... ....:+/:. 2

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    ( )(-::( :() / :+( ( )-:: ::(:: ::::( ( :.::::: :::.:::.: .: : :::.:......:.

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 15: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    " : () ." ::.: : :::


    Every drink which intoxicates is Haram (prohibited).

    Comments by author:

    * : . - Drink* : : . : . Alcoholic beverage intoxicated him

    It made him intoxicated(. (

  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 16: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    : " ". ( ).:

    +) : ( (): () : '' ). + + ( : ::


    The Messenger of Allah said:

    "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for


    Comments by the author:

    * . :. :. ( (: : : .

    ):) * : . :1- .2- .3- .) " " ).

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    * / .. :1- .2- .

    . ...:::::( ( ::::'' ::: :+=:

    . ..:

    - - - - - - - - : ..-


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    Hatta in a jar Jaar according the Basran school but according to the Kuffan school it gives direct

    Nasb to word after it without an estimation of An al masdariyah. According to the second

    opinion it doesn't act like a harf Jar so the question of where is its muta'laq is not valid. Hatta isknown as a harf Ghaayah , a harf used for an end point and along with this is a harf Jaar (

    according to the Basrans). It's not a pure harf jaar and I wouldn't worry about where the

    muta'alaq is. best way to understand it is to keep in mind that it has the meaning of until.

    Just wanted to add that Hatta and what follows does not give information about the verb

    yu'minu but indicates the condition when the negation of the verb yu'minu ends.

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    Hadith 17: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    : " ." ( ). ::::: .....

    ( ( :or :' ( ( " " -: ='' :::: :

    : 1: :2 ::: ......

    Comments by the author:

    * : .

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    * : . .) * ): :1- .2- .) .(

    None of you will truly believe until I am more beloved to him than his father, his

    children and all of mankind."(Bukhaari, Muslim and others).

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    Hadith 18: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    : . : . " : ."-:: :: .....: ::[.:] -: 1: -2: ::

    : : ::-::.... -: tamyeez is mufrad because of Min... can we say .. it is lafzan mufrad but jama in


    - : +: :::::

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    :: :: ...::: -: :

    : :: :

    :.... Translation:

    Abu Hurayrah said, "The Prophet of Allah kissed Hasan ibn 'Ali while Aqra' ibn Habis Al Tameemi

    was sitting nearby. Aqra' said, 'I have ten children and have never kissed one of them.' The

    Prophet looked at him and said, 'Those who show no mercy will be shown no mercy.'"

    * . : .

    Response from admin of Dr Abdur Rahim regarding the word "al walad"

    "The word 'walad' can be used to signify plural as well as singular - as explained by the Shaykh

    in the lexical notes for this word in Hadiith #17.

    Al-Fayyuumiyy (raHimahu llaah) the great grammarian has also given the use of walad in 'al-MiSbaaH al-Muniir'.

    The Shaykh recommends this dictionary which contains lexical and grammatical notes, aayaat

    and aHaadiith to explain meanings."

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 19: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    " : : ". ( .(:::tamyeez is mahzoof :

    ... -: :: : ] [ ): ( -: : :: -:

    -++= :: 4::3:::2:::1:....:

    Note : :' ' the whole section will be total badal. If you divide it up each......will be partial.

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    Islam is built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no deity worthy of worship

    except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the

    Salaah (prayer), paying the Zakah (obligatory charity), making the Hajj (pilgrimage)

    to the House, and fasting in Ramadan.

    Comments by the Shaikh:

    * . / : .: .* : . :1- .


    * : ) . .(* . / : .* . :/ / ) ).* . : : .:.: .* . : .* / : .

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  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


  • 5/26/2018 Dr Abdur Rahim Ahadith Sahlah With Iraab and Notes


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    Hadith 20: Translation and Iraab, Ahadith Sahlah - Easy Ahadith

    " : : ( ." (: ::

    (): .....:: : 4-::3-::2-::1-::

    Comments by the author:

    * : .* : ) ).* : . :. : " " . " " ""* : : . .

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    * : .: . .* : ..* : :. :. .* . / : ..:* : ". " : : .* . . /

    : .* : : :. .: .Translation:

    "Every Muslim has five rights over another Muslim

    1) Responding to the greetings,

    2) Visiting the sick,

    3) Accompanying funeral processions,

    4) Accepting an invitation,5) Responding to the sneezer [i.e., to say: `Yarhamuk-Allah (may Allah bestow His

    Mercy on you),' when the sneezer praises Allah].''