Dover District Council Performance Report For the Quarter...

Page 1 Dover District Council Performance Report For the Quarter Ending – 31 December 2013/14 Introduction Summary of Performance Indicators KEY Improved performance Maintained performance Decline in performance Status Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Direction of Travel No. % No. % No. % No. % Green 20 50 20 48 26 62 Amber 8 20 10 24 5 12 Red 12 30 12 28 11 26 Total 40 100 42 100 42 100 Regeneration & Development PI Description Outturn 2012/13 DDC Target 2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Current Cumulative figure Absolute Number of Cases this Qtr Direction of Travel RAG Status PLA002 Percentage of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements) 56.8% 60% 50% 42.90% 45.45% 46.67% 15 Red PLA003 Percentage of minor planning applications determined in 8 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements) 60.2% 65% 58.3% 72.50% 66.10% 65.29% 59 Green PLA004 Percentage of other planning applications determined in 8 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements) 62.9% 80% 49.7% 67.30% 71.34% 62.42% 164 Red New PLA005 Percentage of electronic planning applications received 42% 45% 58.2% 58.50% 58.92% 58.92% 297 Green

Transcript of Dover District Council Performance Report For the Quarter...

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Dover District Council Performance Report For the Quarter Ending – 31 December 2013/14


• Summary of Performance Indicators KEY

▲ Improved performance

► Maintained performance

▼ Decline in performance

Status Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Direction of Travel

No. % No. % No. % No. %

Green 20 50 20 48 26 62 ▲

Amber 8 20 10 24 5 12 ▲

Red 12 30 12 28 11 26 ▼

Total 40 100 42 100 42 100

Regeneration & Development

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases this Qtr

Direction of Travel

RAG Status


Percentage of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements)

56.8% 60% 50% 42.90% 45.45% 46.67% 15 ▲ Red


Percentage of minor planning applications determined in 8 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements)

60.2% 65% 58.3% 72.50% 66.10% 65.29% 59 ▼ Green


Percentage of other planning applications determined in 8 weeks (excluding section 106 agreements)

62.9% 80% 49.7% 67.30% 71.34% 62.42% 164 ▲ Red

New PLA005

Percentage of electronic planning applications received

42% 45% 58.2% 58.50% 58.92% 58.92% 297 ► Green

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Regeneration & Development

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases this Qtr

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

PLA001 The percentage of appeals against planning decisions which were successful for the applicant

24.2% 25% 50% 30.70% 0% 27.58% 0 ▲ Green

New PLA006

Number of properties improved following Council intervention

19 25 4 6 20 30 20 ▲ Green

Regeneration & Development Director’s comments: Performance: Half of all targets have now been met, although processing times for applications remain a challenge, particularly in relation to major applications. However, given the complexity of a number of these larger schemes, this is not surprising. It is now a requirement for Officers to negotiate any extension to timescales, therefore the progress of major schemes is very much in close liaison with applicants. The early concerns about our success at appeals, resulted in training for staff and Members and this has led to significant improvement. It is important, however, that training is periodically refreshed. The performance improvements for enforcement activity is partly due to more accurate record keeping, especially in relation to interventions that resulted in improvements without the need for formal action. The enforcement team continue to try and resolve matters informally where possible. Enforcement training for Members is planned for the near future.

Key Initiatives/Outcomes: January will see the start of a major project to digitise planning records and introduce electronic planning applications. In addition, a parallel project will be implementing a major web-based software product, Local View Fusion, that will provide much more information online and make it easily accessible. The Aylesham Village Expansion project has now moved to the delivery phase and other major projects continue to progress

Concerns/Risks: The improved performance in Enforcement is going to raise expectations and it is important that we are able to manage these and have clear focus on enforcement priorities. Market confidence will lead to more enquiries and resulting applications. A review of the Council’s Pre-application advice service is underway with a view to improving this for applicants and a more flexible approach to staff resourcing is also being implemented.

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Environment & Corporate Assets

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

CSU001 Percentage of ASB cases resolved within 30 days

96.8% 95% 94.30% 97.20

% 97.60

% 96.36% 31 ► Green

WAS003 Number of collections missed per 100,000 collections of household waste.

105 50 18 19.46 8.16 15.21 ▲ Green

WAS010 Residual household waste per household 326 kg 350 kg 355kg

348kg (est)

345.27 kg (est)

349.40kg ▲ Green

WAS011 Household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting

46.5% 50% 47% 46% 44% (est)

46% ▼ Amber

WAS004 Average number of days taken to remove fly tips

1.58 days

2 days 2 days 1.3

days 1

day 1.4 days ▲ Green

WAS012 Environmental cleanliness: Percentage of streets containing litter

5.6% 5% Reported in Q2

7% 2.67%

4.84% ▲ Green

WAS013 Environmental cleanliness: Percentage of street containing detritus

10.21% 10% Reported

in Q2



10.22 ▲ Amber

MUS002 The number of visits to the museum in person per 1,000 population

196 240 52.67 45.50 31.38 129.55 ▼ Red

Environment & Corporate Assets Director’s comments

Performance & Key areas of activity:

Indicators are currently on track, apart from the number of visits to the museum, which has dipped during the last quarter. It is anticipated that this will improve during Q4. Within other service areas performance on the key indicators is reasonably strong across all service areas.

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Environment & Corporate Assets

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Community Safety, Parking & CCTV

• During this quarter, the performance of the Community Safety Unit remained high as follows: o Satisfaction levels remained at 100% against a target of 90%; o 31 new cases were received by the CSU during this quarter, of which 97.6% were completed within 30 days.

• During this quarter, high sickness levels have unfortunately been experienced within the CEO establishment. One of these relates to an incident at work, but the other cases are not work related. Progress is being made on addressing these matters with a view to members of staff returning to work at the earliest opportunity.

• The number of PCNs issued for the year to date is 8037, (2826 in Quarter 1, 2729 in Quarter 2 and 2482 in the third Quarter)

• Operation Clean Sweep carried out on 20th November 2013. CSP initiative to tackle safety issues in the Town Centre and Seafront areas of Dover. Involved DDC, KCC, KF&RS, UKBA, PoD Police, Kent Police and others. Despite appalling weather, over 50 local people engaged with and 48 properties visited. A number of on-going issues currently being investigated/addressed.

Museum & Tourism

• Exhibitions o “Beyond the Horizon; Societies of the Channel and North Sea 3500 years ago.”

Exhibition at Dover Museum and Bronze Age Boat Gallery:1st July - 31st December 2013 As part of the European Interreg IVa "Two Seas" project, ‘BOAT 1550 BC’, and organized in collaboration with the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust a major exhibition ‘Beyond the Horizon: Societies of the Channel and North Sea 3,550 Years ago’ is open to the public in Dover Museum alongside the original Dover Bronze Age boat, symbol par excellence of these ancient maritime connections. The touring exhibition ‘Beyond the horizon, ' was held at Dover Museum from 1st July to 31st December 2013 "Beyond the horizon" tells the history of men and women who lived on the Channel coast 3500 years ago, and also of the research community who now gives it a new life today.

o “Dover in the Great War”

A new exhibition is under construction to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

• Bronze Age Boat Conference o “Yesterday Today: Bronze Age Connections in a Modern World”

International Conference, Dover, Cruise Terminal Two; 18th–20th October 2013 This international conference presented the latest research into the archaeology of the maritime connections of the Transmanche zone during the

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Environment & Corporate Assets

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Bronze Age (and beyond) and explored the best ways by which this new knowledge might be shared with the broadest possible audience. The conference attracted more than eighty delegates from across the world.

• The new White Cliffs Country Tourism brochure has been designed and printed and will be available in January.

Recycling & Waste

• The recycling rate continues to average 46%, during quarter 4 we will be looking at capture rates, participation on rounds and contamination in wheeled bins. This should help drive up the recycling rate but also improve the quality of the materials received.

• The residual waste per household remains consistently low and is nationally one of the best performance measures.

• Street cleansing performance is assessed every four months via the performance indicator NI195 (a&b). The survey for period 2 (August, September, October and November) has indicated that levels of litter and detritus have improved and are on target especially in areas of high density which was high in levels of detritus on the last survey.

Property, Assets & Building Control

• Planning consent has been granted for the development of housing at Elvington and work is well advanced towards commencing works.

• Demolition contracts have been signed for the former William Muge and Snelgrove sheltered housing sites and work is in progress.

• Staff were very involved in managing the emergency response to the tidal flooding incidents within Sandwich and elsewhere in early December and also the response to the various winter storms and consequent damage.

• The coast defences at Kingsdown sustained damage to the promenade and funding is being sought from the Environment Agency to enable repairs to be undertaken.

• Promotion of the Green Deal and other government environmental initiatives such as Collective Switching has continued.


• None currently

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PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

New GOV003

The number of second stage complaints referred to the Council's Complaints Officer

61 N/A 3 15 11 29 N/A N/A

New GOV004

The number of FOI requests received

873 N/A 273 265 356 894 N/A N/A

New LIC006

The percentage of unopposed licensing and permit applications processed within 5 working days

89.2% 90% 96.2% 64% 67% 75.73% 312 ► Red

New LIC005

The percentage of licensed premises inspections completed by the target date.

91.5% 90% 77.80

% 76% 0% 51.27% N/A ▼ Red

New ENH010

The percentage of food inspections completed by the target date.

N/A 90% 69% 89% 87% 79% 112 ▼ Amber

New ENH012

Number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for litter

N/A N/A 10 33 41 84 N/A N/A

New ENH015

Number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for dog fouling

N/A N/A 2 2 2 6 N/A N/A

New ENH016

Number of Envirocrime prosecutions completed

N/A N/A 0 1 0 1 N/A N/A

New ENH013

Percentage of stray dog enquiries responded to within target response time.

N/A 95% 100% 99% 99% 99% 122 ► Green

New ENH005

Percentage of complaints regarding nuisance responded to within 5 working days

97.5% 95% 99% 99% 99% 99% 177 ► Green

GOV001 The number of working days/shifts lost due to sickness absence per FTE

8.5 days 8 days 1.84 days

1.87 days

1.89 days

5.60 days ► Green

GOV002 Number of working days/shifts lost due to long term sickness absence over 10 days per FTE

5.3 days 4 days 1.16 days

1.13 days

1.74 days

4.03 days

▲ Red

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PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Governance Director’s comments Performance: Indicators are currently on track, apart from the licensing indicators relating to application processing and inspections undertaken. Licensing inspections are ordinarily conducted to confirm compliance with license conditions. However, they are non–statutory and are subject to the exigencies of the licensing function as a whole. Protracted staff sickness and focus on training new, inexperienced staff prevented any routine inspections from being conducted during the last quarter. However, focus is always placed on ensuring high risk premises are inspected as a priority and complaint led inspections are always conducted. It is intended that routine licensing inspections will resume early in the 4th quarter when a new Acting Licensing Team Leader will take up the post enabling the Enforcement Officer to undertake her normal duties. During this period staffing sickness and training of new staff has also impacted on the Licensing team’s ability to issue licenses within the 5 day target set. However, an improvement is anticipated in the next quarter. The overall sickness level for the Council at 31 December 2013 was 5.60 days per full time equivalent (FTE). Of this 4.03 days/ FTE represent long term sickness, which is carefully and sensitively managed across the Council, utilizing occupational health referrals and other support mechanisms. As a result, a number of employees have returned to work following serious illnesses or operations. The age profile of officers across the Council, and the increase in retirement age when added together increase the risk to the Council of more serious and long term illnesses occurring.

Key Initiatives/Outcomes: Emergency response: The Council worked effectively with our multi agency partners to provide a range of excellent services and responses to our communities over two days in early December 2013 during the tidal surge and flooding along the east coast. The emergency was covered calmly and professionally, and the Council received a number of positive comments from our partners and the community. At the same time staff ensured business continuity covering the day-to-day business of the Council during this emergency.

Regulatory Services (Environmental Health, Environmental Enforcement, Enviro Crime and Licensing) transferred to the Governance Division on 1 April 2013. Following Cabinet approval to a revised approach to Environmental Enforcement activities 3 Environmental Enforcement Officers were recruited and commenced patrolling on 29th August. Unfortunately 1 officer resigned shortly after but a recruitment process was undertaken and the team are now fully staffed again. This has resulted in a rise in the number of FPN’s issued. A number of Environmental Crime prosecutions are also currently awaiting a Court Hearing.

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PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status


Individual Electoral Registration continues to represent the biggest change to Electoral Registration in over 100 years. It involves a fundamental change in process and a transition over the period before the new business as usual model commences following the Parliamentary Election. The Minister has now signed the statutory order to implement IER on 10 June 2014 and as a result a great deal of preparatory work needs to be completed in the next few months, alongside preparation for the European Elections.

DDC Headcount Analysis

Division FTE @ 1 October 2013

(Leavers)/ Joiners/


FTE @ 31 December


Chief Executive 36.07 (0.7) 35.37

Governance 42.46 1.92 44.38

Finance, Housing and Community 43.53 (1.62) 41.91

Environment and Corporate Assets 77.35 0.50 77.85

HR & Audit 28.41 0.88 29.29

Total Staff FTE 227.82 0.98 228.80

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Finance, Housing & Community

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

ACC004 Percentage of invoices paid on time 93.4% 97% 96.4% 94.70% 95.41% 95.50% 1199 ▲ Amber


Number of households living in Temporary Accommodation

36 40 42 35 39 39 ▼ Green


Number of DFG applicants waiting more than a year for a grant offer 53 50 22 6 0


▲ Green

New PSH007

Number of DFG applications completed

N/A 70 11 20 15 46 ▼ Red

New HOU005

The number of households presenting as homeless

223 N/A 39 41 33 113 ▲ N/A

New HOU011

The number of households presenting as homeless where a duty to re-house is accepted

78 N/A 12 14 19 45 ▲ N/A

Finance, Housing and Community Director’s comments Performance: The indicator relating to number of households living in temporary accommodation is a snapshot figure for the last day of each quarter and therefore a cumulative figure is not applicable. Temporary accommodation includes short term, emergency accommodation e.g. bed & breakfast and hostels as well as longer term accommodation e.g. properties leased in the private sector. The number is similar to previous quarters and within the expected range. The number of households presenting as homeless has remained at a stable level over the last three quarters. The number of households where a duty to rehouse is accepted is partly dependent on the date a decision is taken in relation to the date of application. The investigation process can take several weeks and there are occasions where more decisions are made in a particular quarter. We expect the 2013/14 outturn figure to be lower than that for 2012/13. There are currently no DFG applicants who have waited more than a year for a grant offer. While the DFG budget is fully committed in terms of the offers that have been made the Council does not have control over how quickly applicants take up the offers. While the Q3 figure for the number of DFGs actually completed is only 64% of the annual target our experience to date is that we typically see a higher number of completions in the final quarter.

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Finance, Housing & Community

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Key Initiatives/Outcomes: Nothing to report this Quarter

Concerns/Risks: Nothing to report this Quarter

Performance Summary – General Fund, HRA and Capital

Finance, Housing and Community Director’s comments The budget monitoring report for the third quarter, which is summarised below, shows that: General Fund Revenue Budget

• The General Fund Revenue Budget shows an adverse variance of £6k, leading to a deficit of £50k. The original budget has been adjusted by £49k for the Environmental Crime service approved by Council (up to £71k approved).

• In addition, Members will note the transfer to earmarked reserves in 2013/14 of the £12.5m transferred from HRA in 2012/13 whilst we await a response from DCLG on their review of the transaction.

Housing Revenue Account

• The HRA budget showed a deficit of £280k after a transfer of £2m to the Housing Initiatives Reserve.

• Following the £12.5m transfer to the General Fund, the £2m transfer to the Housing Initiatives Reserve has been put on hold, to enable the financial plans of the HRA to be reviewed in the MTFP.

• As of 31 December 2013 the HRA is showing a projected surplus of £2,365k. The main variances are set out in the Housing Revenue Account Budget Variances table below.

Capital Programme

• Within the capital programme, all projects approved to proceed are fully financed, and there are no significant project overspends and further details were provided in the budget monitoring report circulated to Members.

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Finance, Housing & Community

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

General Fund 1. General Fund Budget Summary:

General Fund Budget (31st December 2013) £000

Original budget (surplus) / deficit (5)

Supplementary Approval (Environmental Crime) 49.

Budget variations 6.

Projected budget (surplus) / deficit 50.

Balances Brought Forward (includes transfer from HRA approved by Council 25/09/13) (14,760)

HRA transfer to Earmarked Reserves 12,500.

Projected Year End Balances (2,210)

2. The main variances in the General Fund budget are shown below:

General Fund Budget Variances (31st December 2013) - cumulative Variance £000

Green Waste - Green waste income lower than budget forecast 29.

Waste Contracts - Reduced contract inflation, increased income for management, less replacement bin costs


Other Waste - Reduced savings from servicing and cleansing of "bring bank" sites due to delayed removal and other waste income adjustments


DDC Properties - Reduction in charges for business rates (22)

Development Income - increase for one-off large applications, net of reserve transfers to cover specific costs


ICT Reserve Transfer - Additional cost of "PC refresh" programme and allowance for future officer and member ICT initiatives


Transfer profit from on-street parking to reserve, as required by Road Traffic Regulation Act 52.

Savings from CMT review of current year budgets against prior year expenditure (103)

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Finance, Housing & Community

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Parking Income reductions 108.

Building Control Income reductions 55

Interest receivable - improved income, after offset of additional general fund share of costs (84)

Fines and court costs income reduced due to more proactive collection of Council Tax income arrears and increased level of direct debit payers


Net saving on insurance policies (20)

Other variances (see Budget Monitoring report for full analysis) (30)

Total Variances 6

Housing Revenue Account 3. Housing Revenue Account Budget Summary:

Housing Revenue Account Budget (31st December 2013) £000

Original budget (surplus) / deficit 280.

Budget variations (2,645)

Projected budget (surplus) / deficit (2,365)

Balances Brought Forward (659)

Projected Year End Balances (3,023)

4. The main variances in the Housing Revenue Account budget are shown below:

Housing Revenue Account Budget Variances (31st December 2013)

Total Variance £000

Leaseholder service charges for services & facilities – more detailed programme of works available than when setting original budget


Increase in East Kent Housing management fee 65.

Increase in‘ Capital Expenditure Funded from HRA – re: ICT infrastructure cost b/f from 12/13 76.

Decrease in Capital Expenditure Funded from the HRA – re: works programme (711)

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Finance, Housing & Community

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Net reduction in Capital Expenditure Funded from the HRA – “other” = contingency for replacement housing system removed (£330k), funding for Empty Homes Project £150k, demolition of Sheltered units £120k & fees re: Elvington development £18k


Increase in garage rental income (27)

Increase in rental income, from reduced void periods – (higher turn around time) (101)

Increase in void numbers (from bedroom tax) resulting in higher repair costs 94

Reduction in interest receivable following transfer of funds to HRA 75

Increase in Council Tax from increase in void properties and removal of empty property relief 35

Transfer to Housing Initiatives Reserve removed, to be reviewed as part of MTFP process (2,000)

Other variances (4).

Total Variances (2,645)

Medium Term Capital Programme 5. The main changes in the Medium Term Capital Programme are shown below:

Capital Budgets (31st December 2013) Current Year


Total Cost of Programme


Budget at 30th September 2013 9,504 30,948

Phasing (timing) changes (498) -

New grant funding 30 30

Additional funding for existing projects 11 46

Re-allocated reserve funding (90) (136)

HRA Capital Property Projects- revised requirement 170 170

HRA Capital proposed projects – revised allocation (528) (528)

Cancelled projects (30) (30)

Total Capital Programme – projected spend 8,569 30,500

Notes: Please refer to the December 2013 Budget Monitoring Report for full details of the data provided in the tables above.

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Shared Services Performance

EK Services

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulativ

e figure

Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status


EKS01d Percentage of incidents resolved within agreed target response time - ICT

96% 95% 98% 98% 97% 97% ▼ Green

EKS04d Percentage availability of email service

100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% ► Green

EKS05d Percentage availability of the corporate website (DDC responsibility)

99.97% 99.5% 100% 100% 100% 100% ► Green

EKS07d Percentage of calls answered within 2 minutes (As at latest available figures)

75.54% 68.50% 74.24% 69.47% 85.08% 80.08% ▲ Green


Percentage availability of Finance system

100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% ► Green


Percentage availability of Anite System

100% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% ► Green

Council Tax

EKS13d Pay benefit quickly

9.4 days 13.92 days

10.05 days

7.71 days

7.42 days

9.36 days

▲ Green


The percentage of council taxes due for the financial year which were received in year by the authority.

98.4% 97.61% (86.40%)

29.92% 57.77% 85.61% 85.61% ▲ Green

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EK Services

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulativ

e figure

Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Business Rates

New EKS19d

Total Business Rates collectable per NNDR1

N/A 98.10% (83.70%)

30.96% 58.62% 86.98% 86.98% ▲ Green


Total Business Rates Invoiced

N/A N/A £11,390,197 £20,976,443 £34150,591 £34150,591 N/A N/A

New Business Rates collected as a % of amount invoiced

N/A 95% 30.96% 58.62% 86.98% 86.98% ▲ Green

Social Sector Size Criteria

New Households affected by reductions in Housing Benefit

N/A N/A 634

(extract at 23.07.13)

604 (extract at 26.09.13)

585 585 N/A N/A

EK Services Director's Comments Performance: Overall performance is relatively stable. Key Initiatives/Outcomes: A key project is the refreshing of all desk top hardware as part of the compliance requirements for PSN – public services network, this work will be completed by April 2014. The outcomes will be improved performance and speed for users, as well as, enabling our continued compliance to access government data.

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EK Services

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulativ

e figure

Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

Concerns/Risks: The next phase of CoCo (PSN – public services network) is still causing slight concern, district councils (via Ashford) are making representation to the Cabinet Office, the main area is the use of remote access.

ITC Investment Programme Update The ICT Investment Programme consists of a number of projects to improve the Council’s ICT facilities for the two years to 31 March 2015. The analysis below shows the progress to date.

Total Budgeted


£ £

Completed Projects Replace Firewall and borrowed TDC Router with a single device 5,000 Replace Customers Premises Equipment (Kent Connects Router) 0 Upgrade Northgate Open Housing Management System (OHMS) 20,000 25,000

Projects in Progress Replace Core switched network in the Data Centre & Whitfield site & extend cabling runs 110,000 PC Refresh 161,000 Storage Facility


Upgrade VMWare



0 Projects Not Yet Started GIS and Xmap Back up Facility Telephone DNA server upgrade Tonesmart





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EK Services

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulativ

e figure

Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status





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EK Housing

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

EKHL1 (BV212)

Average time taken to re-let council dwellings

16.4 days

19 days 21.8 days

17.15 days

13.58 days

18.25 days 652

days/48 re-lets

▲ Green

New Total current residential arrears (including court costs)

£278,956 £287,528 £329,641 £329,232 £343,614 £343,614 ▼ Red

EKHM1 (LP147)

Percentage of total responsive jobs completed on time

95.6% 97% 98.21% 97.17% 96.79% 97.36% 2618 /

2534 jobs ► Green

New Average current tenant arrears per rented unit

£63.36 £65.21 £75.02 £74.40 £78.09 £78.09

£343,614 / 4,400

occupied units

▼ Red

New Total former tenant arrears (including court costs)

£98,269 £100,000 £102,373 £106,515 £103,899 £103,899 ▲ Amber

New Amount of former tenant arrears written off

£62,774 N/A £6,510 £18,060 £17,872 £42,442 ▲ N/A

EKHM5 (LP148)

Percentage of properties with a valid gas safety certification

99.98% 100% 100% 100% 99.95% 99.95%

4179 / 4181

properties requiring a certificate

► Red

EKHC2 Rent arrears as % of annual debit

1.52% 1.50% 1.71% 1.72% 1.77% 1.77% ▼ Red

East Kent Housing Director's Comments Performance:

Total current residential arrears (including court costs) - £287,528 is the year-end target for this indicator. RAG status is green compared to the quarter 3 profiled target of £383,411. Profiled targets are calculated by reference to the year-end target and the level of arrears at the same period in the previous year. Current tenants’ rent arrears totalled £376,982 as at the end of Q3 2012/13 and £440,920 as at the end of Q3 2011/12.

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EK Housing

PI Description Outturn 2012/13

DDC Target

2013/14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Current Cumulative


Absolute Number of Cases

(where applicable)

Direction of Travel

RAG Status

EKHC2 - Rent arrears as % of annual debit - As above, 1.5% is the year-end target. RAG status is green against the Q3 profiled target of 2.00%. Average current tenant arrears per rented unit – As above, the average rent arrear per occupied property was £85.10 as at Q1 2012/13. Total former tenant arrears (including court costs) - Have been reduced but remain above target. This reflects the priority being given to collection of current tenants’ arrears including mitigating the impact of welfare reform. Impact of Welfare Reform - Initially 460 Dover DC tenant households were subject to the Social Sector Size Criteria (SSSC) that took effect from 1 April 2013. The impact of the changes has been able to be mitigated by continuing to reduce the number of households affected, for example by facilitating down-sizing moves. 379 DDC tenant households are now affected. EKH has also reduced the level of arrears amongst affected households from c£43,500 owed by 343 cases at the start of the year to £37,042 owed by 236 cases as at 31 December 2013. Another element of welfare reform, the maximum benefit cap, was implemented during July 2013. The thirteen DDC tenants subject to benefit capping between them owed rent arrears totalling £2,069 as at 31 December 2013. Properties with a valid gas safety certificate – Two properties that were due certificates did not have these as at 31 December 2013. This was as a result of access difficulties. The gas safety inspections were subsequently carried out on 17 January 2014.

Key Initiatives/Outcomes: The period for consultation on proposed tenancy changes has now ended.

Concerns/Risks: The timescale for the roll out of Universal Credit, under which eligible tenants will receive support for their housing costs direct as part of a single payment four weekly in arrears, is still to be confirmed. The impact of this will be that EKH will be required to collect about an additional £12m p.a. direct from DDC tenants once Universal Credit is fully implement.

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Quarterly Focus

Welfare Reforms – universal credit/new benefits limits

TopicTopicTopicTopic UpdateUpdateUpdateUpdate Council Tax SupportCouncil Tax SupportCouncil Tax SupportCouncil Tax Support No significant changes to scheme are required. Some amendments to keep references, dates and amounts current as well as

general maintenance.

Social Sector Size Social Sector Size Social Sector Size Social Sector Size


(SSSC) (aka Bedroom (SSSC) (aka Bedroom (SSSC) (aka Bedroom (SSSC) (aka Bedroom

Tax, Spare Room Tax, Spare Room Tax, Spare Room Tax, Spare Room


See additional information below for latest numbers. Numbers change as household circumstances change.

Potential exemption for customers with continuous Housing Benefit entitlement since 1st January 1996. DWP are reviewing the

situation. EKS are reviewing cases to identify customers who would qualify if the exemption is correct.

Benefit CapBenefit CapBenefit CapBenefit Cap See additional information below for latest numbers. Numbers change as household circumstances change.

No changes to regulations known.

Universal Credit (UC)Universal Credit (UC)Universal Credit (UC)Universal Credit (UC) The last of the current pathfinders is expected to go live on 24.03.2014 (date unconfirmed by the DWP). At the end of this

additional pathfinder roll out there will be 10 Jobcentres where UC is administered instead of legacy benefits. The only households

currently able to claim UC are single people. The roll out is next supposed to expand to include new claims from couples (summer)

and families (autumn). Then, by the end of this year (DWP haven’t specified calendar year or financial year) UC will expand to cover

more of the northwest.

An update to the Local Support Services Framework is expected in autumn 2014 to inform LA budgeting for 2015/16. UC

supposed to be nationally available during 2016 at which point legacy benefit caseloads will migrate during 2016 and 2017.

This means that Housing Benefits caseloads for working age customers can continue to grow up until 2016 at least.

Pension CreditPension CreditPension CreditPension Credit For customers of qualifying age for State Pension Credit, housing costs were supposed to be moved from Housing Benefit to

Pension Credit in October 2014. The DWP have now asked LAs to keep dealing with housing costs for these customers until


This means that Housing Benefits caseloads for State Pension Credit age customers can continue to grow up until 2017 at least.

Personal Independence Personal Independence Personal Independence Personal Independence

Payment (PIP)Payment (PIP)Payment (PIP)Payment (PIP)

PIP replaces Disability Living Allowance.

Nationally available for new claims since 10 June 2013. Migration due to changes was supposed to be national from 7th October

2013 but instead is now regional. From October 2013 some customers in Wales, East Midlands, West Midlands and East Anglia are

being reassessed. From 13 January 2014 some customers in Dumfriesshire, Midlothian, Selkirkshire, Berwickshire, Roxburghshire,

Northumberland and Lanarkshire are able to be migrated. From 3 February 2014 some customers in Cumbria, North Yorkshire,

North Humberside and Lancashire, are able to be migrated.

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Customers without a change in circumstances or a without a required reassessment are not expected to start migrating till 2015 or


Discretionary Housing Discretionary Housing Discretionary Housing Discretionary Housing

Payments (DHP)Payments (DHP)Payments (DHP)Payments (DHP)

On track to spend allocation for 2013/14.

EKS waiting for reply from clients and EKH to support application for additional funding for 2014/15.

Kent Social Assistance Kent Social Assistance Kent Social Assistance Kent Social Assistance

Scheme (KSAS)Scheme (KSAS)Scheme (KSAS)Scheme (KSAS)

From 2015 local welfare provision grant will be included in Revenue Support Grant instead of separately identifiable.

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Additional InformationAdditional InformationAdditional InformationAdditional Information

Social Sector Size CriteriaSocial Sector Size CriteriaSocial Sector Size CriteriaSocial Sector Size Criteria

The table below illustrates the numbers of households affected by SSSC and the average reduction in Housing Benefit.

Canterbury Dover Thanet ALMO RSL CombinedCombinedCombinedCombined ALMO RSL CombinedCombinedCombinedCombined ALMO RSL CombinedCombinedCombinedCombined

1. The number of households in the council

area that are known or believed to be

under-occupying their properties by one

bedroom, under the terms of the bedroom


304 156 460460460460 343 154 497497497497 233 284 517517517517

2. The number of households in the council

area that are known or believed to be

under-occupying their properties by two or

more bedrooms, under the terms of the

bedroom tax

59 11 70707070 61 28 89898989 64 38 102102102102

TotalsTotalsTotalsTotals 363 167 530530530530 404 182 586586586586 297 322 619619619619

3. The forecast average weekly loss in

Housing Benefit for tenants who are under-

occupying by one bedroom

£13.26 £16.64 £14.41£14.41£14.41£14.41 £11.72 £13.45 £12.26£12.26£12.26£12.26 £11.39 £14.33 £13.01£13.01£13.01£13.01

4. The forecast average weekly loss in

Housing Benefit for tenants under-

occupying by two or more bedrooms

£25.37 £30.07 £26.11£26.11£26.11£26.11 £22.34 £25.09 £23.21£23.21£23.21£23.21 £21.46 £25.73 £23.06£23.06£23.06£23.06

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Benefit CapBenefit CapBenefit CapBenefit Cap

The tables below illustrate the effect of Benefit Cap within each LA.

Numbers / number of HB claims per LANumbers / number of HB claims per LANumbers / number of HB claims per LANumbers / number of HB claims per LA CanterburyCanterburyCanterburyCanterbury DoverDoverDoverDover ThanetThanetThanetThanet

Numbers now cappedNumbers now cappedNumbers now cappedNumbers now capped 50 35 60

Range of HB lost to cap / amount per LARange of HB lost to cap / amount per LARange of HB lost to cap / amount per LARange of HB lost to cap / amount per LA CanterburyCanterburyCanterburyCanterbury DoverDoverDoverDover ThaThaThaThanetnetnetnet

Minimum lossMinimum lossMinimum lossMinimum loss £0.00 pw £0.11 pw £0.77 pw

Average lossAverage lossAverage lossAverage loss £53.85 pw £44.21 pw £66.46 pw

Maximum lossMaximum lossMaximum lossMaximum loss £243.94 pw £158.20 pw £176.39 pw

% of HB lost to cap / number HB claims per LA% of HB lost to cap / number HB claims per LA% of HB lost to cap / number HB claims per LA% of HB lost to cap / number HB claims per LA CanterburyCanterburyCanterburyCanterbury DoverDoverDoverDover ThanetThanetThanetThanet

Up to 10%Up to 10%Up to 10%Up to 10% 11 10 6

10.01% to 20.00%10.01% to 20.00%10.01% to 20.00%10.01% to 20.00% 16 5 11

20202020.01% to 30.00%.01% to 30.00%.01% to 30.00%.01% to 30.00% 4 5 8

30.01% to 40.00%30.01% to 40.00%30.01% to 40.00%30.01% to 40.00% 2 1 5

40.01% to 50.00%40.01% to 50.00%40.01% to 50.00%40.01% to 50.00% 3 2 6

50.01% to 60.00%50.01% to 60.00%50.01% to 60.00%50.01% to 60.00% 3 3 2

60.01% to 70.00%60.01% to 70.00%60.01% to 70.00%60.01% to 70.00% 0 2 2

70.01% to 80.00%70.01% to 80.00%70.01% to 80.00%70.01% to 80.00% 1 2 4

80.01% to 90.00%80.01% to 90.00%80.01% to 90.00%80.01% to 90.00% 3 0 4

90.01% or over 90.01% or over 90.01% or over 90.01% or over (note 50p pw HB must remain) 7 5 12

TotalTotalTotalTotal 50505050 35353535 60606060