Double page spread drafts

Double page spread drafts I like this double page spread layout because it will look quite eye catching. The images along the bottom and top of the page are unusual and will attract attention to them. I think the use of pull quotes are effective because it makes the reader want to read the whole article. I like the way the copy is in columns and not straight across, this makes it look more professional. The images all have captions to describe the image.



Transcript of Double page spread drafts

Page 1: Double page spread drafts

Double page spread drafts

I like this double page spread layout because it will look quite eye catching. The images along the bottom and top of the page are unusual and will attract attention to them. I think the use of pull quotes are effective because it makes the reader want to read the whole article. I like the way the copy is in columns and not straight across, this makes it look more professional. The images all have captions to describe the image.

Page 2: Double page spread drafts

I like this double page spread for a few reasons, one is that the title goes along the top of the page, this is different and will defiantly draw attention to it. Another reason is that it has a sub title, this would be in a large copy to make it stand out. I like how the images are positioned because it will make the article look interesting. However I do not like how the copy is positioned, there is a lot of it which may be off putting for the reader.

Page 3: Double page spread drafts

This is my final draft, this is the one I least prefer. I do not like how the copy goes across the page, it looks unprofessional. I like how the article name goes along the page as it will stand out and draw the reader in. The pull quote at the bottom page may not stand out as it is at the bottom. The main image at the bottom of the page will stand out because it takes up a lot of space.