Double Page Spread Analysis 3


Transcript of Double Page Spread Analysis 3

This double page spread is different to the other’s I have analysed. This is the ‘OMG!’ page that is usually in pop magazines; it reflects the fun genre, and the young readership. Bright colours are used, mostly yellow and pink, reflecting the target audience, and drawing attention to the page. ‘OMG!’ suggests excitement, and makes the readers want to read the article; the exclamation mark emphasises this. The title of the page ‘OMG!’ is written in pink capital letters with yellow dots in it; this reflects the age of the readers, and the funky and qwerky genre of pop as a whole.

The language also links to the target audience such as ‘cringe’, ‘shame-otter-meter’ and ‘txt ur lolz’. The subheading for each of the of the different ‘cringe confessions’ attract the audience by using either alliteration or a pun. ‘Plane stupid’ is a pun on ‘plain’ because the person talking about it was talking about an experience on a plane. ‘Pool Panic’ uses alliteration, just like ‘Towel tragedy’, ‘Teacher trauma’ and ‘Flying footwear’. ‘Beau-d luck’ is a pun on ‘bad luck’ because the ‘cringe’ mentions the celebrity Beau. ‘Silly Filly’ and ‘Pooper scooper’ use rhyme to attract the audience. ‘Dad dance’ also uses alliteration, however, it is also a well-known ‘dance’. Some of these confessions have been sent in by celebrities, which reassures the readership that they’re not the only ones who do embarrassing things, and this creates a link between the celebrity and the readership.

The images around the page use humour to appeal to the readership, for example, a picture of a lipstick with eyes, a bikini top with eyes, and a horse with cartoon eyes with a speech bubble coming out. At the top of the page, images are used with the ‘shame-otter-meter’ to rate whose confession is the cringiest.

Images are placed all around this page, including Ariana Grande looking embarrassed; this makes the page more visually attractive for the young audience, and makes it more interesting.

At the bottom of the page is a pink stripe with more brief confessions. Having confessions from other readers of the magazines creates a link between all the readership, and creates a sense of friendship as they all relate to the same things.