Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest...

Notes from the Chair Double Helix Must be Spring… A few months ago we hurried from building to building in the cold, rain, and snow. Today, how- ever, students linger to catch a few rays before heading to class, a student sits under a tree play- ing a guitar ( this is Belmont, after all! ) , and an English class meets under a tree. Signs of spring abound on campus this afternoon. Spring is also evident in the Hitch Science Building: bones are strewn on the hallway tables as A&P students distinguish the radius from the ulna, gram staining occurs feverishly as micro students identify their unknown bacteria, glassy-eyed parasitology stu- dents peer through microscopes at tapeworms, and Biology freshmen review dichotomous keys for their upcoming lab practical. The research labs look spiffy since the seniors just cleaned everything. Sala- mander eggs thrive in the cold room awaiting the summer undergraduate research projects to begin. Other signs of spring include the numerous conferences and awards ceremonies we have been busily attending that highlight the excellent work of our Biology students as you can see in this issue of the newslet- ter. Enjoy celebrating spring with us! Dr. Darlene Panvini Chair, Biology Department Inside this issue: CAS Ceremony Awards 2 Speaker Jason Rohr visits Belmont Biology Department 2 BURSSpring 2010 3 Quotes from the Scholarship Day Awards Program: “When I measure academic accomplish- ment, I think of how much I’ve learned, not just the grade” Laura Muck, Biology Major “Academic achievement means not only reaching the goals set before one’s self but surpassing them” Sarah Ayers, Biology Major Biology Department Newsletter Spring 2010 Volume 4, Issue 2 The Biology department is extremely proud of JoAnna Adkisson and Monique Parrish. Both students received the University Hale Leadership Awards. Adkisson received the First Year Award. Parrish received the Second Year Award. These awards are given to those students who show outstanding values in leadership, service, scholarship and faith. The Biology department congratulates JoAnna and Monique on their accomplishments! JoAnna Adkission and Monique Parrish show off their awards. Scholarship Day Awards Biology Shines! JoAnna Adkission receives her award from President Fisher. Monique Parrish receives her award from President Fisher.

Transcript of Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest...

Page 1: Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest research linking pesticide use, climate change and disease ... Page 2 Double Helix

Notes from the Chair

Double Helix

Must be Spring…

A few months ago we hurried from building to

building in the cold, rain, and snow. Today, how-

ever, students linger to catch a few rays before

heading to class, a student sits under a tree play-

ing a guitar ( this is Belmont, after all! ) , and an

English class meets under a tree. Signs of spring

abound on campus this afternoon. Spring is also

evident in the Hitch Science Building: bones are

strewn on the hallway tables as A&P students

distinguish the radius from the ulna, gram staining

occurs feverishly as micro students identify their

unknown bacteria, glassy-eyed parasitology stu-

dents peer through microscopes at tapeworms,

and Biology freshmen review dichotomous keys

for their upcoming lab practical. The research labs look

spiffy since the seniors just cleaned everything. Sala-

mander eggs thrive in the cold room awaiting the summer

undergraduate research projects to begin. Other signs of

spring include the numerous conferences and awards

ceremonies we have been busily attending that highlight

the excellent work of our Biology students – as you can

see in this issue of the newslet-

ter. Enjoy celebrating spring with


Dr. Darlene Panvini

Chair, Biology Department

Inside this issue:

CAS Ceremony Awards 2

Speaker Jason Rohr visits Belmont Biology Department


BURS—Spring 2010 3

Quotes from the

Scholarship Day Awards


“When I measure academic accomplish-

ment, I think of how much I’ve

learned, not just the grade” Laura

Muck, Biology Major

“Academic achievement means not only

reaching the goals set before one’s self

but surpassing them” Sarah Ayers,

Biology Major

Biology Department Newsletter

Spring 2010

Volume 4, Issue 2

The Biology department is extremely proud of JoAnna Adkisson and Monique Parrish. Both students

received the University Hale Leadership Awards. Adkisson received the First Year Award. Parrish

received the Second Year Award. These awards are given to those students who show outstanding

values in leadership, service, scholarship and faith. The Biology department congratulates

JoAnna and Monique on their accomplishments!

JoAnna Adkission and Monique Parrish show off

their awards.

Scholarship Day Awards—Biology Shines!

JoAnna Adkission receives

her award from President


Monique Parrish

receives her award

from President Fisher.

Page 2: Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest research linking pesticide use, climate change and disease ... Page 2 Double Helix

For the 5th straight year Environmental Science ( f ormerly Environmental Studies ) and ONE

Club hosted a speaker event. Dr. Jason Rohr of the University of South Florida spoke on Thurs-

day, March 25. Dr. Rohr ’ s talk, entitled “ A Paradise and Amphibians Lost, ” discussed his

latest research linking pesticide use, climate change and disease

to the worldwide decline of amphibians. Dr. Rohr spoke with

students in the BIO 1120 classes and discussed aspects of his

research. Afterwards Dr. Rohr joined ENV and ONE club mem-

bers for a lunch discussion of environmental issues and research.

The day ended with an evening convo in Beaman.

Biology Department Presents Awards at CAS Ceremony

A Paradise and Amphibians Lost

Page 2 Double Helix

On April 21, 2010 The College of Arts and Sci-

ences hosted its annual Awards Day ceremony.

Faculty of the Department of Biology made

presentations to six deserving students, from

freshmen to graduating seniors. The awards

are given for different accomplishments, to

different majors, and to different classes.

Award recipients are listed at right.

Freshman Achievement Award in Biology:

Bradley Johnston

Ronald M. Barrett Pre-Health Award:

Emily Smothers

Donald R. Ramage Award for Service to the

Learning Community in Biology:

Monique Parrish

Department of Biology Scholarship:

Sara Bentley

Award for The Outstanding Student in Biology:

Sara Bentley

Freshman Achievement Award in Biochemistry

and Molecular Biology:

Benjamin Walloch

David R. Hill Environmental Service Award:

Lindsay Walker

Sara Bentley, Emily Smothers, Lindsay

Walker, Bradley Johnston and Monique


Dr. John Niedzwiecki, Dr. Darlene

Panvini and Dr. Jason Rohr.

Dr. Don Ramage with Monique


Lindsay Walker with

Dr. Darlene Panvini

Sara Bentley with

Dr. John Niedzwiecki




his award

Page 3: Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest research linking pesticide use, climate change and disease ... Page 2 Double Helix

For the third year Belmont School of Sciences hosted the TAS

( T ennessee Academy of Science ) Middle Collegiate Division

Meeting on April 17. Undergraduate students from Belmont as well

as Austin Peay, Vanderbilt and Tennessee State were represented at

the morning sessions. Students pre-

sented their research abstracts in ar-

eas of Chemistry, Biology, Ecology,

Physics, Math and Computer Sciences.

ENV meets ASB

TAS comes to Belmont

Does nicotine exposure impact working

memory on the zebrafish? What is the

predation response in the streamside

salamander? Can tree and tree-hole char-

acteristics define the habitat of a conenose

bug? These were some of the

presentations given by Sen-

iors at the Belmont Undergraduate

Research Symposium ( BURS )

on April 29, 2010. In concurrent sessions the Department of

Biology sponsored oral presentations by 9 senior Biology ma-

jors, 1 Neuroscience major and one Environmental Studies

major. Among the zebrafish, sala-

manders and conenose bugs, C.

elegans also made an appearance

along with Saphylococcus aureus as

presentation topics for Biology. Fam-

ily and friends attended

to learn more and to

support these students.

Dr. Darlene Panvini and Environmental Studies major Lindsay Walker attended the 71st Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB) April 7 through 10 in Asheville, NC. Dr. Panvini presented a paper on a classroom lab exercise used to introduce high school students to science learning. Lindsay Walker presented a paper on composting materials.

Biology Seniors Present at BURS

Page 3 Volume 4, Issue 2

Lindsay talks about composting materials.

Abigail Murphy

presents her

research at BURS.

Anwesa Chakrabarti answers

questions about her research.

Kendra Cowan

presents at BURS.

Lindsay Walker and Dr. Darlene Panvini at

ASB conference in Asheville, NC.

Students wait for their

sessions to begin.

Belmont Alum Update

Jill Neblett, Biology major,

class of 2008, has recently

been hired at Vanderbilt ’ s

Biology department. Her job

title is Laboratory Teaching

Assistant. Jill’ s duties in-

clude TA for the Intro Bio lab

for majors and pre-meds, all

the lab set-up, clean –up and


Page 4: Double Helix - Belmont University · ing a guitar (this is Belmont, after all! ), ... latest research linking pesticide use, climate change and disease ... Page 2 Double Helix

Biology Alumni Update

Dr. Robert T. Grammer, Professor

Dr. C. Steven Murphree, Professor

Dr. Lori L. McGrew, Associate Professor, ICORD Fellow and Neuroscience Coordinator

Dr. John Niedzwiecki, Assistant Professor and Gulf Coast Research Lab Coordinator

Dr. Darlene Panvini, Associate Professor, Environmental Science Coordinator and Chair

Dr. D. Nicholas Ragsdale, Associate Professor and Pre-Health Advisor

Dr. Jennifer T. Thomas, Associate Professor and BMB Coordinator

Ms. Terri Templeman, Administrative Assistant

Mr. Ray Seely, Laboratory Manager and Chemical Hygiene Officer

We’re on the web!


We want to hear from you! Please take a moment to fill out the information below and send to us. Name________________________________________________Graduation Year_______________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________State_____________Zip Code________Phone____________ Email address_______________________________________________________________________ Employment____________________________________Title________________________________ Recent promotion, honor, award, family activity?_____________________________________________

Biology Department

Contact Us! Have any comments about the newsletter or the Department?

An alum with an update on activities?

Like further information about the Department, its offerings or activities?

Please contact us by one of the following e-mail addresses or by postal service.

Ms. Terri Templeman, Administrative Assistant, [email protected]

Dr. Darlene Panvini, Chair, [email protected]

Department of Biology

Belmont University

1900 Belmont Blvd.

Nashville, TN 37212