Doctrines Banking (1)

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Transcript of Doctrines Banking (1)

  • 8/18/2019 Doctrines Banking (1)


    Banking cases

    1. Sec 83, RA 337 Violation of Director, Ocer, Stockholders and related

    interests (DOSR! "a#a. O$ender is a director or ocer of an% &anking instit'tion&. O$ender either directl% or indirectl%

    1. Borro#s an% of the deosits or f'nds of s'ch &ank). Beco*es a g'arantor, indorser or s'ret% for loans fro* s'ch &ank to

    others3. +e &eco*es in an% *anner an o&ligor for *one% &orro#ed fro* &ank

    or loaned &% it. O$ender has erfor*ed an% of s'ch acts #itho't the #ritten aro-al

    of the *aorit% of the directors of the &ank, e/cl'ding the o$ender, as

    the director concerned

    • 0o -s BS2 g'aranteed&orro#ed *one% fro* the &ank #here he is the

    resident and 45O.

    • Soriano -s eole2 Soriano, &ank ocer of RB of San 6ig'el (B'lacan!

    ac'ires &ank f'nds for his ersonal &enet (-iolati-e of DOSR la#!

    • R5%noso -s 4A and 0442 444 ac'ired 39: e'it% etc. 'nder DOSR r'les,

    directors, ocers and stockholders are rohi&ited fro* &orro#ing fro* their


    ). 4onser-atorshi2 Sec ); of RA )est of insol-enc% realia&le assets C lia&ilities

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  • 8/18/2019 Doctrines Banking (1)


    1.oreign deosits (ntengan case!2 not 19= &'t

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    20lasgo#2action for ci-il forfeit're *a% &e searatel% and indeendentl%

    rosec'ted and resol-ed20reen J Ross2 4A can iss'e freee order for < *onths #ithin ) hrs (sa*e

    #ith irst acic et#ork!

    hiliine Banking "a#s oc's

    1. 0eneral Banking Act of )999). e# 4entral Bank Act3. >r'th in "ending Act. Secrec% of Bank Deosit

    Secrec% of Bank Deosit2 RA 19=

    2 An act rohi&iting disclos're of deosits2 5nco'rage the eole to deosit their *one% in &anking instit'tions2 Disco'rage ri-ate hoarding of *one%

    2 rotect eole and &anking ocials fro* 'nd'e ress'res fro*

    go-ern*ent agencies and ri-ate indi-id'als to *ake disclos'res

    Khat is the e/tent of the la#@s co-erageL

    2 All deosits of #hate-er nat're2 n-est*ents in &onds iss'ed &% the go-ern*ent

    4o-ered transactions (in relation to A6"A!2 transactions in e/cess of =99,999 in

    one single transactions

    2condential in nat're

    2*a% not &e e/a*inedin'ired


    a. Kritten er*ission&. *each*entc. Order of co*etent co'rts in cases of &ri&er% or dereliction of d't% of '&lic

    ocialsd. A6"A casese. Ine/lained #ealthf. Reort of indeendent a'ditorg. 5/a*ination generalsecial a'thoried &% 6B #reasona&le gro'nd to

    &elie-e that a &ank fra'd or serio's irreg'larit% has &een co**itted

    Moreign acco'nt ta/ co*liance act (A>4A!2 #ill &e stricter (0lo&al ta/ co*liance


    n order to ens're that the intended 'rose is achie-ed Sec (3! illegal to disclose

    (6alicio's reorting!

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    2if -iolated, i*rison*ent of not *ore than = %rs or not *ore than )9,999 or &oth

    f ISN c'rrenc% in-ol-ed2 Bank Secrec% "a# does not al% (0SS -s 4A!. t sho'ld

    &e the foreign c'rrenc% deosit act (4DA! RA o. otal a*o'nt to &e nancedf. inance or chargesg. ercentage that the nance &ears

    enalt%2 199 or in a*o'nt e'al to 3/ the nance charged re'ired &% s'ch

    creditor in connection #ith s'ch transaction, #hiche-er is greater

    Killf'l -iolation2 1999 or *ore

    2entit% e/e*ted are go-ern*ent or its agenc%olitical s'&di-ision

    e# 4entral Bank Act RA o. 7

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    2 5sta&lished the Bangko Sentral ng iliinas as the 4entral 6onetar%

    A'thorit% that #ill foc's on *one%, &anking and credit (6B4!2 Shall eno% scal and ad*inistrati-e a'tono*%2 =9B f'll% s'&scri&ed 0o-ern*ent2 19B f'll% aid

    BS@s ri*ar% resonsi&ilit%

    2rice sta&ilit% (ination, la# of s'l% and de*and!

    Deosit2 &ank #ith interest

    Deosit s'&stit'te2 high net#orth indi-id'als

    Bank2deosit fro* '&lic

    E'asi2&ank2 deosit s'&stit'tes

    2a%*ent and settle*ent that is ecient

    2&ankingsta&le nancial s%ste*

    2*onetar% sta&ilit% and trada&ilit% of eso

    BSP’s powers exercised by the Monetary Board

    Monetary Board comprised of:

    2 7 *e*&ers2 residential aointees

    2 < %ears ter*2 0o-ernor2 4hair*an2 6e*&er of ca&inet2 Sec of inance2 = *e*&ers fro* ri-ate sector and ser-e f'll ti*e2 All e/cet the 0o-ernor #ill not &e s'&ect for conr*ation of 4o**ission

    on Aoint*ent2 6a% &e reaointed &% the resident &'t not *ore than once.

    Qualications of Members of MB

    2nat'ral2&orn citien of the hil

  • 8/18/2019 Doctrines Banking (1)


    2at least 3= %ears

    29 %ears for 0o-ernor

    2 of good *oral character

    2'n'estiona&le integrit%, ro&it% and atriotis*

    2#ith recognied co*etence in social J econo*ic disciline (Sec 8!

    Qualications are continuing requirement

    2if for*er iliino2no *ore

    2 estafa cases2 no *ore

    Khat are dis'alicationsL

    1. Director, ocer, e*lo%ee, cons'ltant, la#%er, agent or stockholder of an%&ank, 'asi2&ank or an% other instit'tions). 6B fro* ri-ate sector shall not hold an% other '&lic oce3. 6'ltilateral &anking on nancial instit'tion

    Vacancies2 aoint*ent of ne# *e*&ers co*lete 'ne/ired eriod of the ter* of

    *e*&er concerned

    0ro'nds for re*o-al of 6B

    2 Dis'alied2 h%sicall% or *entall% incaacitated

    2 0'ilt% of acts of fra'd2 o longer ossesses 'alications secied in Sec 8

    Does BS ha-e o#er to cond'ct e/a*ination of non2&ank entitiesL2 %es, &ank,

    B, s'&sidiaries and aliates

    2no restraining order or in'nction

    ot a&sol'te2 e/cet ar&itrar% and *ade in &ad faith

    nade'ate li'idit% of &anks2 BS can conser-atorshi

    Sec );2 in a state of contin'ing ina&ilit% or 'n#illingness to *aintain or condition ofli'idit%, BS can aoint a conser-ator2to take charge of assets, lia&ilities and


    4onser-atorshi2 'nder a'thorit% and o#ers of 6B #ho shall o-ersee e-er% asect

    of &ank@s oeration and a$airs

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    4onser-ator2 erson aointed &% the 6B -ested #ith the e/cl'si-e o#er and

    a'thorit% to take o-er and o-ersee the oeration and a$airs of the &ank

    2o-err'le or re-oke actions of re-io's *anage*ent of BOD of &ank or EB

    6ini*'* 'alications2 co*etent and kno#ledgea&le in &ank oerations and


    6a/i*'* eriod for conser-atorshi2 not e/ceed 1 %r

    4onser-ator salar%2 )3 of resident of instit'tion@s salar% in 1) e'al *onthl%


    Bank a%s re*'neration2 #ill conser-ator recei-e if ter*inated &efore end of 1 %r

    eriod2 deends, if can oerate on its o#n2 okH if notPthen no.

    4onser-atorshi2 intended to ro-ide 6B to deter*ine if can still oerate on its o#n,

    contin'ance in &'siness #o'ld in-ol-e ro&a&le loss

    Recei-ershi2 ro-isional re*ed%

    2A'thorit% of &ank, BOD, S6 Q o#n its roerties and e$ect are s'sended



    2in'nction, to restrain &ank ocers fro* inter*edding in or #a%

    "i'idation2 settling of all inde&tedness of &ank

    Bank assets in hands of recei-er order of garnish*entL

    2in c'stodial egis

    2e/e*t fro* an% order of garnish*ent, le-%, attach*ent or e/ec'tion.

    0ro'nds &% #hich a &ank is for li'idation

    2'na&le to a% its lia&ilities as the% &eco*e d'e in ordinar% co'rse of &'siness

    2nancial anic in the &anking co**'nit%

    2ins'cient realia&le assets as det. B% BS to *eet its lia&ilities

    2cannot contin'e in &'siness #itho't in-ol-ing i*ro&a&le losses

    2-iolated cease and desist order

    4onser-atorshi not recondition &efore recei-ershiL

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    Action of 6B shall &e nal and e/ec'tor% and *a% not &e restrained or set aside of

    co'rt 'nless2 etition for certiorari e/cess of 'risdiction, gra-e a&'se of discretion

    Sanctions? ad*in, ci-il, cri*inal

    4i-il2 nes, s'sension, re-ocation

    Acts rohi&ited

    2ref'sal to *ake reorts or er*it e/a*ination

    2#illf'll% *aking of false*isleading state*ent

    2#illf'l -iolation

    Resignationter*ination2 shall not e/e*t fro* ad*inistrati-e or cri*inal sanction

    6B can s'send a &ank director or ocer ending in-estigation2 es, #hene-er

    #arranted &% circ'*stances, re-enti-el% s'send ending in-estigation

    5/cl'si-e iss'e o#er of c'rrenc%T of BS #ithin territor% of the hil

    0eneral Banking Act of )999RA o 87;1

    2-ital role of &anks

    2s'stained de-elo*ent of nat'ral econo*%

    2d'ciar% nat're of &anking that re'ires high standards of integrit% and


    BS e/ercise s'er-isor% o#ers

    2o-erseeing to ascertain la#s

    2iss'ance of r'les, cond'cts, esta&lish*ent standards of oerations

    2cond'ct e/a*inations

    2reg'lar in-estigation

    2in'iring into sol-enc% and li'idit% of the instit'tion

    2ro*t correcti-e action (4A!

    Mnot li*ited to &anksH it also alies to EB, tr'st entities and other nancial


    irst sec're an a'thorit% fro* BS. n fact S54 shall not register 'nless acco*anied

    &% a certicate of a'thorit%

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    6B2 det. erson or entit% in BankEB

    Basic condition (stock cororation!

    1. )9 or *ore). 'nds o&tained '&lic

    3. 6ini*'* caital re'ire*ent. ot allo#ed to ac'ire o'r shares=. o, not *ore than < %rs

    oreign o#nershi2 9:Horeign Bank "i&eraliation (199:!

    4ororate stockholdings2 sa*e fa*il% or gro'

    Stockholdings of fa*il% gro' considered as related interest2 ' to fo'rth degree

    =21= directors2 ) indeendent, i.e., other than ocer or e*lo%ee of &ank,

    s'&sidiar% and aliate

    oreigner can &e elected of BOD

    it and roer R'leP 6B to rescri&e, ass 'on and re-ie# 'alications and

    dis'alications of indi-id'als elected or aointed as &ank directors or ocers and

    dis'alif% those fo'nd 'nt

    6B *a% dis'alif%, s'send or re*o-e an% &ank director or ocer #ho co**its or

    o*its or act #hich render hi* 'nt for the osition after d'e notice to the BOD of

    the &ank2 integrit%, e/erience, ed'cation, training and co*etence

    6B *a% not interfere to &enets &'t *a% reg'late a%*ent &% &ank to its directors

    and ocers of co*ensation, allo#ance, fees

    6B *a% interfere in oerations if?


    2'nsafe'nso'nd *anner

    2'nsatisfactor% nancial osition

    o aointi-e or electi-e '&lic ocial

    5/cetion? if incident to nancial assistance

    Banking da%s and ho'rs2 < hrs a da%H = da%s a #eek &'t can oerate d'ring

    #eekends and holida%s for 3 hrs #ith rior aro-alinfor* 6B

    Strikes and locko'ts in a &ank2 BS to reort to "a&or Ar&iter and latter #ill ass'*e

     'risdiction if not settled in 7 da%ss

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    4o**ercial &ank (all e/cet in-est*ent ho'se and o#er to in-est in non2allied

    enterrises -s. Ini-ersal &ank (all!!

    Restriction of Bank e/os're to DOSRL

    2 ot &orro#, g'arantee, endorser or s'ret%

    o, it can &e #ritten aro-al of *aorit% of all directors of &ank e/cl'ding directors


    5/cetion to e/cetion Q not re'ired fringe &enet lan

    'rose of the r'le2 'on ter*s not less fa-ora&le to the &ank than those o$ered to


    Sanction2 -acant

    2enal ro-isions of 4BA

    rohi&ition to act as ins'rer (Sec =!

    rohi&ited transactions (Sec ==.1!

    4ond'cting &'siness in an 'nsafe or 'nso'nd *anner

    Sec 392 'nder recei-ershi 'nsafe


    1. Vol'ntar%in-ol'ntar% li'idation

    ). Recei-ershi

    Ref'ses to t'rn o-er to recei-ers

     >a*ers #ith &ank records

    Aroriates2recei-ers of er*its or cases, a%s etc

    RA ;1

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    6one% la'ndering

    2 >ransacting2 >ransferring, disosing of 2 4oncealing or disg'ising2 Atte*t or co*rising to co**it 6"

    2 Aiding, a&etting2 acilitating2 ailed to reort to A6"4

    Other rohi&ited Acts

    1. ail're to kee records). 6alicio's reorting3. Breach of condentialit%

    Safe +ar&or ro-ision2 no ad*in, ci-il or cri* case shall lie against an% erson forha-ing *ade a co-ered or s'sicio's reort

    A6"42 BS, 4, and S542 re'ire and recei-e 4>R and S>R fro* co-ered ersons

    DOG2 ci-il forfeit're

    A'thorit% to freee order2 4A order e$ecti-e i**ediatel%H shall not e/ceed <


    A'thorit% to in'ire2 &ank in'ir%

    4A #ithin ) ho'rs

    4i-il forfeit're2 initiated &% A6"4 thro'gh OS0

    e'al -al'e rincileT

    4o-ered ersons2 &anks, non2&anks, EB, s'er-ised or reg'lated &% BS, S54, 4,

     e#elr% dealers, co*an% ser-ice ro-iders, la#%ers, acco'ntants, doctors,

    *anages client@s *one%

    O&ligation of 4

    1. 4'sto*er identication). Record keeing = %ears3. Reorting of 4>R and S>R

    4>R2 in e/cess of =99,999 in 1 &anking da%

    S>R2 regardless of a*o'nt, no 'nderl%ing legal, not roerl% identied

    6alicio's reorting2 *alice &ad faith

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    6" indeendentl% of rosec'tion of the 'nla#f'l acti-it%

    A6"A ro-ided state #ith 3 e/traordinar% re*edies to re-ent "

    reee order 'dicial rerogati-e

    Breach of condentialit%