Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a...

, Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS 1 ...... --- U nil'ersitatAutonomadeBarce lona __ ----11

Transcript of Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a...

Page 1: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa


Doctor Honoris Causa


1......--- Unil'ersitatAutonomadeBarce lona __ ----11

Page 2: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa
Page 3: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

Doctor Honoris Causa


Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura

celeb ra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa Creu

i de San! Pau el dia 4 de maig de

]'any 1995


Page 4: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

Editat i impres pel Servci de Publicacions

de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

08J 93 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Impres a Espanya

Page 5: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa



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El científic

William Strauss va né ixer ara fa cinquanla-q llatre anys a Brooklyn. Educat a Nova York. es va graduar com a metge el 1965. Després de dos anys de poslgrau a la Slate University de Nova York , es va incorpora r al Departa­me nt de Med icin a Nuclear de l l ohns Hopkins Hospital de Baltimore, diri ­git pe l professor He nry Wagner lr. AII" va esdevenir en prim e r 1I0c profes­sor a uxiliar de Medicina ( 1972- 1975) i després. professor adjunt de Radiologia i Salut Ambiental ( 1975-1976). Després es va trasll adar a Bos­ton. al Massachusetts Genera l Hospital i a la Harvard Medical Sehao\. 0 11

va dcse nvolupar la que fins ara ha estalla part més !l arga i productiva de la se va ca rrera. prim e r com a pro fessor adjuI11 i després CO I11 a ca tedr~lti c de Radiologia i director de l De pa rtame nt de Medicina Nuclear de l Masschu­seUs General Hospital (1979-1992). Darre rame nt s ha traslladat a Stanford , on és catedratie de Radiologia i director de l Departame nt de Medicin a Nuclea r de la Sta nford U nive rsity School of Medicine.

Si hom re passa e l se u currículum de publicacions, sorpn2! n no salam e n! e l nombre (q uatre-cents anic\es origi na ls, múltiples col·l a boracions, ca pí­tols de lIibres, lIibres i pate nts), sinó també la gran qualitat. Ten int e n COI11-pte només les publicacions de més impacte (Ne .v England JOllrnal ol Medi­cine, Circula/ion, Science, e tc.) i a plicant e l factor d'impacte del Je t de 1993, surt un tota l de mil quatre-cen!s punt s! Realme nl , es poden veure be n pocs currículllms científ1cs d'aqllesta magnitud arrClI de l món.

Si hem de I11c ncio nar les seves conlribucio ns cientíAques més relleva nts. cita ríc m. a l comenvamcnt de is a nys setanta . les prime res deseripcions de l'estudi de la funció ventricul ar cardíaca amb iS010pS (American Journal oJ Cardiology 1991, NelV England .Io llrnal 01' Medicine 1973), és a dir, I'ara uni ve rsalme nt utilitzada vCl1triculografia isotópica. També són se ves les prirn e res desc ripcions de l'es ludi de la pe rfusió miodlrdica amb isbtops (Radiology I973, CirclIlation 1973 i 1974), q ue han donat 1I0c als uni versa l­mc nl utilitza ts cstudis de pe rfusió mioca rdica a mb ta l·Ji . Aquestes ducs co ntribucions van establir les bases cie nlífiques del que dcsprés ha estat la ca rdiologia nu clea r, dc la qual e ll és un de is cxponenls més assenya lats. Poslcriorment. podem remarcar, c ntre altres. la seva co ntribució al dese n­volupame nt deis an ticossos mo noclonals ant imiosina per detectar una lesió miodlrdica (Scien ce 1980), la utilització de Is acids grassos marcats pe )' a I'estudi de l me tabolislTIe miod lrdic (Circulatioll 1982). la recerca de marca­dors de la placa d 'a teroma metaboli ca men t activa (Arteriosclerosis 1988) , la descripció de la immunoglobulina policlonal per detectar infeccions (NelV England ./ol/rnal of Medicine 1989) i la descripció d'un sistema pe r mesurar la funci ó ve ntricular de forma ambulatoria (Am erican. /-Ieart ./ol/r· nal 1990). \Villiam Slrauss no és, doncs, un investigador a mb una sola línia


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específica. És , al contrari, un autor prolífk en dive rsos camps, on ha desco­be rt , innovat i aben nous camins pe r a les aplicacians científlqucs i la rece rca d 'altres.

Cal destacar, també, la seva labor editorial. ja que és membre de is C011-sells de redacció de di ve rses de les principals revistes de ca rdiologia i de medicina nuclear del mÓI1. i director de l Jouflwl of Nuclear Medicine (1989-1993), revista que sota la se va direcció ha esdevingut la revi sla de radio logia i diagnostic pe r la imatge amb e l factor eI'impacte més alt de l 1116n, segons el se!.

La se va tasca investigadora i docent continuara ara a Stanford. on cal espe rar que, amb el potencial científic de la inslitució californi ana , I'activi ­tat científica de \Villiam Slrauss sigui tan producti va com fin s ara, abri nous camins per a la recerca en medicina i contribue ixi al progrés de la ciencia i la salul.


Les principals qua litals humanes de \Villiam Slrauss són la int c¡'¡igencia combinada amb una pro funda sensibilit at, la curiositat intacta , la tcnacitat i la capacitat d 'escolt a r. Em comentava, no obstant aixo, un company d 'a­que lls anys a Basta n. a ra director d'un departal11cnt de Ca rdiología a Italia, que e l que impressio nava Illés de la pe rso11a litat de Willia lll Strauss e ra la seva gene rositat inLe¡'¡ectua l. Aquesta és una qualitat essencial pe r a un ven adcr líder cient ífk. Aquest3 carac terís ti ca pe rm et que e ls se us coHabo­rado rs desenvolupin idees que moltes vegadcs són originalmcnt eI 'e ll , pe ro c ls ceele ix tal e l pro tago ni sme ci cntífic i int eJ.l ectual. Aixo ha fet que al seu entorn hagi sorgit I'escola de medicina nuclea r a l meu entendre més impor­tant del món. quant a nombre i quant a qua litat. EIs seus ex-j'ello Hl ... esta n escampats arreu de l mó n dese nvolupant molles vegades tasques de direc­ció de departaments de medicina nuclear, radio logia i cardio logia. També cm comentava un destaca t dircctiu d ' una impo rt ant multin acion al dellllón de la inclústri a sanitari a, que des de la se va pe rspecti va , William Stra uss e ra un autentic «guru». ja que veia com la se va presencia actuava CO I11 un cala­litzador sobre les pe rsones que estaven al se u voltanL i indu'ia la illte racció inte J.1 ectu?! i la generació de noves idees i no us projectes. Willi am Slrauss és rcconegut, dones, CO I11 un líde r cie ntífi c a escala mundial.

Pe rsonalmcnL recordo amb admiració, no exelllpta de nost¡) lgia, les ses­sio ns de les vuit de lmatí a l seu departament de Boston. Anlb una almosfe­ra 3mb una intensa olo r de cafe, i sota la tenue lIum deis projcctors de transparencies , residents. fello ws d'arreu de l mó n, i fin s pe rsonalitats reco­negudes en dife rents a rees de la medi cin a, és a dir, tat el ventall de l progrés profess io nal i cie ntífic, di scutíem en un a actitud d 'autentica igualtal. Sota la scva inte¡'¡igent mode raci ó, l'aprenenta tgc es combinava amb la interacció inte¡'¡cctua l, i do nava com a resultaL, cada dia, noves idees i 11 0 US ea mins pe r explorar. La necessitat de l'equilibri e ntre la crcació inte Hcctual i e l


Page 8: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

treball sacrificat del dia a dia al laboratori eren el missatge que ens varem emportar t01s els que aquells anys varem tenir la sort de passa r pel seu departament.

Des de Boston i ara des de Stanford, William Strauss manté viu el con­tacte amb tots els seus ex-fellolV5 i co¡'¡aboradors, Aixo fa que pe r a nosal­tres hagi estat fácil d 'establir des d'aquí una línia de co¡'¡aboració fructífera amb ell i el seu grup. Els darrers anys, la 110stra coJ.[aboració amb el se u grup ha donat \loc a la recerca específica que hem portat a terme pel que fa a la utilització deis anticossos monoclonals antimiosina en la detecció del rebu ig cardíac, la miocarditis i la ca rdiotoxicitaL amb múltiples publica­cions, tesis doctorals, beques d'organismes oficials ¡diversos intercanvis personals. Actualment també estem impulsant una nova Iínia de rece rca cooperativa pel que fa a la detecció de plaques d'ateroma metabolical11ent actives utilitza nt diversos agcnts desenvolupats pel seu grup amb afinitat per aquestes plaques,

Wi\liam Strauss té el perfil i totes les característiques aelients per esele­ve nir eloctor honoris causa per la U ni versitat Autonoma de Barcelona.


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This is a scinlilla ling sto!'y with a murky bcginning and :ln ending Iha l has nol been wrille n. II in volves many dedicaled people a nd illustrales lhe syne rgy bet\\'een clinical needs, rcscarch goals. and technical prowess. OUí story begins in Ih e ea rly 1920's and continues 0 11 through tomo·rro\\!.

lnte rest in unde rstandin g cardiovascular physiology fostcred the major developmcnts in instrumental ion. radiophannaceuticals ancl cl inical appli ­cations of radionuclide imaging lhal ultimately gave birth lo the lIelcl of nucl ea r medicine. O ne o f Ihe earliest human uses of radionuclides occurrecl in Ih e l11id 1920's. when Blumga rt performed his pioneering sludies o[ Ih e circula tion time in mano He injected radian intravc nausly a nd obse rvec\ its aITiva l in lhe olhe !" arm by the tracks madc in a clOlld chambe r. As Blum­ga rt applied th is technique 10 study the cha nges in circul al io n time in hcalth and discase. he nccded a more sensiti vc and real iab le detection devicc. To fllllh a l nccd. shortl y a rle r the Geiger lube was invenled in 1928, Blul11gart adopled il ror his subseq uent studi es 01' Ihe circu lalion.

Similar rapid progress occ urred forty years late r \vith one of the firsl major cli nicaluse radionuclides in cardiology. the radiocardiograrn. Prinzllle­ta l and his colleagues gave tha t name lo a tracing o l' lhe trallsit of radiolabe­led albumin Ihrough Ihe heart and lungs recorded with a Geiger tube placed over lhe precordium. These measurc me nts \ve re va luable for lhe informa­ti on provided abo ut heart failure a nd cardiac OlltpUt. As occurred with Blumgart. \vhen a more se nsili ve radiation de tector was described, it was immediate ly ulilized to enhance the qua lily or Ihe data. The sodium iodide scintillation detecto r was described by Hofsladte r in 1947, and was immcdia­te ly adopted to replace the Geiger counte r fo r these dete nnin ations.

In 1952, Cassen dcveloped lh e rectilin ear scanner to record irnages 01' the in-vivo distribution of radioactivity in the thyro id gland. Shortl)' the re­a rte ro in vestigators rca lized Ihe pOle ntial 01' lhis device l O reco rd lhe d ist ri­bution oC radioacti vit y in any o rgan 0 1' syste m. Within six yea rs o f tbe des­criptio n of the sca nne r, Rejali el al reponed Ihe use radiolabeled albumin blood pool il11aging lo deleet pe rieardial e fru sion by noting Ihe space bel ­ween the cardiac bloocl pool and surrounding structures.

In the 1950's, the major radionuclide for imaging wilh the rectilinea r scanne r was Jl' iodine, a nucl ide \Vith an 8 day half-li Ce, that decayed with combined beta a nd gamma emissions, resulting in high radia li on burde n lO the patient. The rapid gro\\fth of radionuclidc imaging spurred research on short lived l1uclides lhat could be aclmini stered in larger amounts ye t result in 100\fer radiation burdens. Ri cha rds and his colleagues a l Brookhavc n Nalional Laboratories solved the probl em by inventing Ihe Molybdenumrrechne tium generator. This system allowed the shipme nl o r a column cOlltaining 9'lMo with ils half-life of 67 hours. Whe n needed. the daugLhe r product , w'''Tc, wilh it s () hour hal f-lifc and pure ga mma e missiol1 could eluted [ro l11 lhe column. Thi s allowed adrninistra li o ll o f doses about 100 fold greale r Ihan ''' iodine. bUI yet reduced Ihe radiation burde n lo the palie nt.


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The ava il ab ility 01' a radionuclide that provided a hi gh photon nux made il praclicallo image rapidly chan ging funclion s, such as lhe lransil 01' blood thro ugh lhe centra l circula tion. Scinlillation cameras were developed in Ihe early 1960's. An early applicalion of these inslrumenls was 10 record lhe transit of a techne tium -99m tracer through the heart and lun gs. Early appli­cations of these imaging techniqucs included cvaluation of congcnita l heart disease. valvul ar disease, and characteri zation of regionaltransit times.

The twenty-year int erval beginning in 1965 saw the majar adv¿lnces in that led today's praclice or ca rdi ovascular nuclear medicine . In 1962. Bing and his colleagues described the use 01' Rubidium-84, a positron emitting radionuclide that localizcd in the myocardium. and coincidence counting lo determine an index o( coro nary now in mano Thc tracer was inject ed intra­venously ancl the fraetion 01' clase localizing in the heart was de le rmined. Thi s measurement was decreased in patients \,,-'ith myocardial in(arction. In pa ra ll el wirh lhis. Ross and hi s colleagues al Johns Hopkins described their rcsults [rom c1earence measurcmc nts [ollowing inlraco ronary adminislra­tio n ol' Kryplon and Xenon in the ca thcteri za lion laboratory to de termine coronary blood now in normal and infarcted myocardilllll As these studies were laking place, Grcgg and his colleagues were pc rfecting the e lectro­magne lic coro nary flow pro be for the measlIrement ol' coronary blood flow. and lhe microsphe rc lechnique of Rudolph and Hcyman was app lied lo de termine regional perfusion in animals with experime ntal myocardial ischemia. These determinations ide ntif¡cd the degree al' reduced pe rfusion thal a lte red regional wallmotion, lhe diffe rences betwecn endo and epic(Jr­dial pe rfusio n and defin ccl lhe re la lionship belween oxygen supp ly and oxygell demando

In parallel wil h the deve lopmenls in nuclea r imaging, lhe cardiac ca thcte­rization laboratory had evolved from a place where prcssllres wcre meas u­red in vario LI S chambe rs of the hem·t, lO record information abollt corona ry anatomy ancl globa l and regional ventricular function 0/1 cinean giographic film . It beca me apparent thal «noninvasivc» imaging techniques were necessary to a llow rcpeatcd measures of cardiac function during lhe course of trea lment, lO determin e how individual zones of myocardium werc res­ponding. These circumsLances creat ed the ellvironment lh al result ed in the developmcllt al' cardiac imaging procedures.

To quantify left ve ntricular pe rformance the cardiology commllnity sel­lled on lhe ejeclion fraclion. Ashburn and his colleagucs described a mel ­hocl o[ calculaling ejeclion fraction from images recarded during rhe initial transit of traeer through the left venlricle in 1966. This lechnique, tho ugh useful in patienls with well maintai ned cardiac function. often produced poor images in patienls with scvere heart disease. In addition. only one al' two mcasuremcnts \-vere possib le with the inilial lransit tcchnique . At this time, inlensive studi es were unde rway to evaluale new drllgs to treat patienls with acule myoeard ial infarction. An early goal of these studies was 10 determine if ischcmic myocardium could be salvaged if drllgs were


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adm nistered lo reducc myocardial oxygen dcmand under circumstanccs of decreased pe rfusion. Defming Ihe slatus of palienls before Ihey were Irea­ted with nitrogl)'ce rin 0 1' nitro prusside infusio n. be ta blocke rs. 01' high potency diure ti cs and monitori ng the ir response to the rapy 'tile n becamc important goa ls. These circumslanccs provided the e nvil'onmc nt that foste­red the developmenl o f galed blood pool imaging. This lechnique. descri ­bed by Slrauss, Zarcl and thei r eolleagues. used a si ngle erystal seinlillalion ca mera. él radiopharmaceulica l that remained in lhe blood pool. an d a tech­niqlle of synchronizing (gating) (h e recording of dat a with Ihe pati ents elec­trocardiogram. The resultant images of the cardiac blood poo l at end syslO­le and end diastole were used lO define lhe o utline of lhe le fl vcnlriele al ea eh phase of Ihe ea rdiae cyele. These o Ullines \Vere used lO ea leulate Ihe cnd diasloli c volume, ejection fra ction , and regional wa ll moli on of the Idt ve ntricle. This info rmal ion he lped document the improvemenl in regiona l wall mOlion and cjection fraction lhat occurred foll owing administration 01' drugs 10 unload the le ft venlriclc in the ea !'!)' hours 01' acute infarclion. This improvement suggested that some pati enls had myoca rdium in t he zone or in[arction lhal could recove l', and sel lh e stage [01' the curre nt aggrcssive therapies used to reduce ischemia in these patients.

\Vhile regiona l wa ll motio n measurements provide substanti al informa­tion aboul lhe heart. lhey are on ly an in direct indicator o[ myocardial sta­tus. Thc pioneering work 01' Can in 1963 demonslrated that an isotope of ccsi um conce ntra ted in the m)'ocardium to a sufficien t dcgree to pcrmit imaging. Initi al investiga tions uli lized PICS. a radionuclide with low energy. which eleal'ed slowly from Ihe blood. Im ages were useful to ide nli fy arcas o[ myocardia l infarct ion involving lhe anterior wall as zones 01' dccreased tracer concentratio n. Lesions or lhe posterior wal !. however. wcre not \\'c ll see n. A bett e r radionuclide fo r m)'ocardial imaging. potassium-43. was des­cribed by Poggenburg ¡¡nd colleagues in 1968. This agenl had Iwo impor­tant improvemcnts over cesium: highcr pho to n encrgy and ras ter blood ele­m-ance. T he higher photan encrgy could delincate zones o[ acu te infarclion in any surface of lhe heart. In 197 J. Zareí. Sl rauss, and lhe ir colleagues uti ­lized lhe fas te r blood clea rance of potassium-43 lo dctect myocardial ische­mia. They reaso ncd that comparillg images follü\·ving inj ectio n of Ihe radiopharmacc utical on two accasio lls. once durillg in creascd m)'ocardial oxygen dcma nd the othe r at rest. would dclineate zones o[ isehemia. Their pio necri ng studics in patients with corona ry artery disease demonstraled lhe improved sensitivity or pcrfusion im aging to th a! 01' th e cxercise e lee­trocard iogra m.

Many investigators contributcd lo the advancement 01' myocardi al pe!'­fusio n imaging. Tha llium 201 was deseribed by Li ebowilz anel his eoll ea­gues. and quick ly beca me th e radiopharmace lltica l o f choice fo r these per­fusia n slud ies. The advent of si ngle photon tomogra phic imaging. described by Keyes e l al. allowed more com plele dala 10 be recorded, anel enhaneed Ihe deleclion of Icsions involving Ihe poslerior wa ll of the hear\.


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Quan titati ve techniqucs \\Te re deve lopecl to pcrmit o bjecti ve int e rprelation of these complex studies.

Since ventricula r fllnclion can be inllue nccd by many facto rs that occur during everyday events. it seemed worthwhi le lo record cardi ac fun ction as a n individua l wenl aboul their activit ies o f daily li ving. This intercsl led St rallss el al to develop and validate a device fo r lhe ambulalory monito­ring of ventricular fllnclion. Arter patie nts had imaging measurements of ve ntri cular functi on, a small radionuclide de tector was placed in a tight fit ­tin g vest-like ga rm ent a nd position ed over the patie nt s Idt ventricu lar blood pool. Informatio n about lhe cha ngcs in blood pool activity with cach beat were recorded in synchrony with the patients e lectrocardi ogram 011 a sma ll lape recorder. Arter several hours 01" monitoring the tape was re lri e­ved a nd analyzed for cha nges in cardiac performance. This instrllmc nt was used to defin e cha nges in ca rdiac flln cli on with wa lking. psychia lric slress interviews. slecp apnea, exposure lo cold , ep isodes of a nge r, and dllring sile nt ischemia.

A nother perspective o n ea rdiac [unct ion could be glea ned fro m eva llla­ting th e substrates used for oxidative me la bo lism by th e hea r!. Sin ee the heart utilizes ra lly acids, severa l grollps 01' in vest iga tors had radiolabe led lhese agents in an e l'fo rt 10 visualize lhe hearl and stlldy its meta bo lic c rfi ­cie ney. Fatt y acid imaging was characterized by rapid llplake , inilial high concen tration , and rapid c1earance o r ca tabolized producLs fro l11 the myo­card illm. To ovcrcome the rapid c1earance. Livni. Elma le h. St ra uss and th eir colleagues syn thesizccl a branchcd chain falty ac id lh at could not uncle rgo beta oxidation. As a result, thi s age nt conce ntrat ecl in the hea rt but did not clea r, a liowing high qllality im ages o( th e myoea rdillm to be rccordecl. Changes in metabolism in arcas of isehe mia and myopat hy were ide nti fied with this agcn!.

O ne of the most exeiting dcvclopmcnts in th is fie ld . howcvcr. did not involve the scicnce a l a ll . lt invol ved people. Cardiovascular nuclear medi­cine att racted a cadre of highly motivaled invcstigators from around lh e world. These individllals spa n ma ny disciplines and cont in ue to make great adva nces in radiopharmaceuticals, imaging dcv ices. and in the clinical applicarions 01' these lechniques. Dn e majo r aclvance utilizecl radiolabe lecl a ntibodies dirccted aga insl the heavy cha in o r ca rdiac myosin for the cletec­tion of acute myocyte necrosis. Many of lhe in novalive applicatio lls 01" t:his rad iop harmaceulical were developed he re. a l lhe Hospital de Sant Pau by Dr. Ca rrió and his eolieagues.

T he synergy 01' advances in inst rul11cn tation . radiopharmacelllica l deve­lopme nt. and lhe dedication of clinica l investigators aSSllre the continued growth of thi s fie ld . In add ition to a ntibody imaging somc l1ighli ghts of recent aclvances inclucle I11 ctabolic imaging with the glu cose an(l log FIlIoro­deoxyglucose to detecl ische mia, beta receptor imaging \virh racliolabeled pindolol, pept ide imaging for lhe dctection o l' venous thrombosis a nd acute pulmonary cm bo lism, and lhe direcl deteclion o f myoca rdia l hypox ia with


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radiolabeled misonidazolc analogs. The quality 01' investigation. coupled \vith lhe array of clinical applications. marks cardiovascular nuclear medici­ne as a dynamic field with a scintillaling [ulure. The beat goes on.


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Page 16: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

Name: H. William Strauss, MD Business addrcss:" Chief. Division 01' Nuclear Medicine

Stanfo rd Uni versi ty Sehool o[ Medicin e 300 Pasteur Orive, Room H-OiOI , Rt. 8 Sta nfo rd . CA 94305-528 1

Home address: 1850 Sand Hill Road . #29 Palo Alto. CA 94304

Date o[ birth: April 29, 1941 Place of birth: Brooklyn, New York

Acadcmic appointmcnts

Assistant Professor of Medicine. Johns Hopkins Unive rsit y Sehool of Medicine 1972- 1975

Assistant Professor o f E nvironment a l Health, Johns Hopkins University Sehool o[ Hygiene and Publi e Health 1972-1975

Assoeiate Pro fessor of Radi ology, Johns Hopkins University Sehool of Medicine 1975-1976

A ssociate Professor of Environmental H calth, Johns H opk ins U niversity Sehool of Hygienc and Publie Health 1975- 1976

Adjunct Clinica l Profcssor in Nuclear Medicine, Massaehusetts College of Phannaey 1977-1992

Assoeiate Professor of Radiol ogy a t the Massaehusetts General Hospital. Harvard Medieal Sehool 1976-1982

Professor of Radiology at the Massachuselts Gene ra l Hospital. Harvard Medieal Sehool 1982- 1993

Hospital appointl11cnts

Associate Professor in Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Johns Hopkins Universi ty Sehool of Medicine

A ssociatc Professor in E nvirol1mcnt al H ealth, Oivision of Radiation Health , Jo hns Hopkins Universit y Sehool o f Hygiene and Public Health

Assoeiate Radi ologist, Department of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital

Radiologist. Department 01' Radio logy. Division of Nuclear Medicine. Massachusctts General Hospital

1975- 1976


1976- 1979



Page 17: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

Editorial board,

E ditori al Board, Circl/lation E ditori al Board, Arl/erican ioumal al Cardi% gy E dito ria l Board, i Ollrnal al Nuc/ear Medicine Edito ria l Board, i orll'llOl al American College al

Cardi%gy E dito ri al Board, American JOl/rna/ al Cardiac

/maging Editorial Board, Errropean JOl/rna/ oI NI/clear

Medicine Editoria l Board, Tire Jouma/ al Nuclear Medicin e

Grant support


NHLB I, Hea rt lmaging \Vith Single Ph oton Imaging Agents PI: 1-1 , William Stra uss, MO

Mallinckrodt, Ine, Research Myocardia llmagillg Agents PI : 1-1. William SITauss, MD

Cambridge Resea reh Lab Development o[ Radiolabeled Antibodies for Ihe Imaging of lnfeclious Disease PI 's: 1-1. Willia m Slrauss, MO, alld Robert Rubin , M D

Capintec, lne. The Vest PI: 1-1 . William Stra uss, MD

lohnson & Johnson lmagin g of lnnammation and Infection

1979-1984 1980 1981- 1989

1980- 1985


1988 1994

1985-199 1




1985- 1992

Page 18: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

Original ~lfticlcs

1. STRAUSS, H . W.; S MITII . R . B .; PO Ll ~·I EN I. P. : SOI E!' KER. A . c.; SCHEN KER, y. J .; STUCKEY, J . H . " Plas ma serolon in le ve ls in sto red hu ma n b lood», Angiology, 1967 Sep; 18 (9): 535-46.

2 . CA GGIANO, y. R .; SCl INITZLER, W.; STR AU SS. H. W. ; B AKER, R . K.; CA RTER, A. c.: J OSEPHESON. A . S.; W ALLACH. S. " Zi nc de fic ie ncy in a pat ie nt wi th re tarded gro wth hypogo nadi sm . H ypo­gammaglobulinemia and chronic infecti om). Amer J l\IIed Sci 1969; 305: 257.

3. STRALJSS, H . W.: H URLEY. P. J .; RH ODES. B. A. ; W AG!'ER. H . N . Jr. : «Q uanti ficati on of right to left transpulmon.ary shunts in ma n». J Lab Clin Merl l969 O cl; 74 (4): 597-607.

4. H URLEY, P. J .; STRA USS, H . \V. ; W AGNE R, H . N. J r. « Ra dio nuc li d e an giocardi ography in cyanotic congenital heart disease». Johns Hopkins Med J I970 J u l; 127 (1 ) : 46-54.

5. STR AUSS , H . \V. ; N ATARAJAN , T. K .: SZIKLA S, J . J. ; PO ULOSE, K. 1'; F U KUS H Ii\·l A, T.: \VAG NE R, H . N. JI'. «Compul er assistance in th e interpretation and quant ificat ion of lung scans». Radiology 1970 Nov; 97 (2) : 277-81.

6. STR AUSS, H . \V. ; H UR LEY, P. J .; W AGNE R. H . N. Jr. «Adva nl ages o f 99 mTc pert echn e tate for th yro id sca nnin g in pa ticnt s wi th decreased radio iodin e u pla ke». Radiology 1970 Nov; 97 (2): 307- 10.

7. D UJOVNE, C. A.; STRAUSS, H . \v. «Changes in li ver and spleen scans 0 1'

pati cnts durig treatment with two hypolipidemic drugs». Radiology 197 1 M ar; 98 (3): 682-4.

8. J AMES, A. E. J r. ; STR ALJSS, H . W.; F ISC IIER, K. ; W HEE LESS . C. R .; LO:'\Go, R . <(Placental imaging with 11 3mTn transferrin and 99mTc serum a lb umi n». Obstet Cyl/ecol197 1 Apr; 37 (4): 602-1 1.

9. JA" ES. A. E. J r. ; CONWAY , J . J .; C HA"G, C. H. ; COO PERo M. ; WII ITE, R. l. : STRAUSS , H . W. «T he fissure s ig no its Ill u lli p le ca uses». Am J Roentgenol Radinl11 Th er ,ynct Med 1971 Na r; 111 (3): 492 -500 .

.10. Z ARET, B. L.; STRAUSS. H. \V.; H URL EY, P. J .; NATARAJAN, T. K.: PI1'1'. B. «A noninvasive scin tiphotographic method rol' detect ing regional ve ntricu lar dys fun c tio n in ma n» . N Engl J Med 197 1 M ay 27; 284 (2 .1 ) : 1165-70.

11. P AVON I, p. : H URLEY, P. J .; STRACSS, H. \V. : LANGAN, J . K.; W,\ GNER. H. N. JI'. «Th e pinh ole sc annin g gamma camera and Tc99 m pert echnetate in the study of the normal thyroid gland) . A cta Iso! (padova) 1969 Dec 15: 10 ( 1): 139-47.

12. H URLEY, P. J .; STRALSS, H . W.; PAVON I, P. LANGA N, .I . K.; W AG NER, H . N. «T he scintill ati on ca mera with pinhole co llim ator in thyro id imaging». Radiology 197 1 Oct: 1 0 1 ( 1 J: 133-8.

13. STRAUSS, H . \V. : ZARET. B. L. ; H URLEY. P. 1.; NATARAJAN. T. K. ; PI1'1'. B. «A scint iphotographic meth od fo r mea suring left ventricular

2 1

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ejection fraction in man \l,.rithOllt cardiac cathetcrizatioJ1». Am. J Cardiol 197 1 Nov; 28 (5): 575-80.

14. MOSES, O . c.; JA\1 ES, A. E. Jr. ; STRAUSS, H. W.: WAGNER, H. N. Jr. «Regional ce rebral blood nov,,' es timation in th e diagnosis of cerebrovasell la r di scase» . .1 Nuel Med 1972 Feb; 13 (2): 135-41.

15. STRAUSS. H. W; MARTI "'. N. D.: WELLS. H. «Advanlage of minir,ea lion (01' rapid. low infonna1ion dcnsily scanning». J N{{cI l\1ed 1972 Mar: 13 (3): 23 1-2.

16. STRAUSS, H. W: JAM ES . A. E.; H URLEY, P. J. ; OELAND, F. H.; MOSES, D. C.: \V/\ G~ER. H. N. Jr. «Nuclear cerebral angiography. Usefulness in the differenlial diagnosis of cerebrovascular discase and lumor». Arc" IlIIern Med 1973 Feb; 131 (2): 2 11 -6.

17. ZM'ET, B. L.: STR AUSS . H. W. ; MARTIN. N. D.; WELLS. H. P. Jr.; F L AMM. N. D. Jr. «Noninvasivc regional myocarclial per[usion wilh radioaclive potassium. Sludy of patients al angina pecloris». N Engl J Med 1973 Apr 19: 288 (16): 809-12.

18. STRAUSS, H. W; ZARET, B. L.: MARTIN, N. D.; WELLS, H. P. Jr.; FLA\'11\:1, M. D. Jr. «Noninvasivc evaluation o[ regional myoca rdial perfusion with potassium 43. Tcchnique in patients wilh excrcise induced Iransienl myocardial ischemi a». Radiology 1973 Jul ; 108 ( 1): 85-90.

19. WAGNER. 1-1. N. Ir.; STRAUSS, H. W. «A new approaeh lO eoronary hearl disease» . CirC/llatiol1 1973; 48 (2): 229-31.

20. ZARET. B. L.: STENSO"'. R. E.: MARTIN. N. D.; STRA USS, 1-1. W.; WELLS. H. P. Jr. ; MCGOWAN, R. L.; FLAMM, M. D. J r. «Polass illm 43 myocardial perfllsion scanning for the noninvasivc cvalllation o( palienls wilh [alse posilive exercisc lesls». Circula/ion 1973 Oec; 48 (6): 1234-41.

2 1. STRAUSS. H. \Y.; Prn, B. «Cardiovascular nuclear medicine. Ils role in patients with coronary hearl disease». Cardio vas /\'ucl ¡Uer! 1974.

22. ZARET. B. L. ; MARTI N, N. D .; MCGOWA", R . L.: STRAUSS, 11. W: WELLS, 1-1 . P. Jr. ; FLAMM, M. D. JI'. «ReSI a¡.d exereise potassilllll 43 myocardial perfu sion imagi ng fol' lhe noninvasive eva luati on of aorlocoro nary bypass surgery». Circulotion 1974 Apr: 49 (4): 688-95.

23. M A RT IN. N. D.; ZARET, B. L.; STRA USS, H. \V.: W ELLS, 1-1. P. JI'. ; ALB ERS. J. «Myocardial im agi ng usin g 43K and th e gamma camera». I?adiology 1974; I 12 (2): 446-8.

24. RI Go, P.: MURRAY , N.: STRA USS, 1-1. N. ; TAYLOR, D.; K ELLY, D.: VV E I SFELDT. M. ; PrrT. B. «Left ve ntri cular fUll ct ion in acule myocardial infarcLion eva lualion by galed sc inLiphotograph y». Circulation 1974 Ocl; 50 (4): 678-84 .

25. PROKOP, E. K.; STRA USS, 1-1. W ; SHAW, J.; Pln, B.: WAG"'ER, H. N. Jr. ~<Comparison of regional myocardial perfusion determined by ionic pOlassium 43 to that dcterminatcd by microsphercs». Circula/ion 1974 Nov; 50 (5): 978-84.


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26 . RIGO. P.: MURRfW, M.; STRAUSS. H. w,; Pl n, B. «Scin tiphotogra phic cva luat ion of pati cnts \vith suspcctcd lcrt ve ntri cul ar ancurys lll ». Circula/ion 1974 No\'; 50 (5): 985-9 1.

27. PROKOP. E. K.; BCDDE\·IEYE R. E. U.: STRAUSS, H. W.: WAGNER. H. N. Jr. ( D etcclion an d localization of an occult vesicoenteric fi stul a». Am ./ Roen/genol Radillln '/'ller Nue/ Med 1974: 12 1 (4): 8 11-8.

28. RIGO. P.: STRAUSS, H. w,: Prrr. B. «The combi ned use ol gaIed blood pool scanning ancl myocardial imaging with potassium-43 in lhe evaluation o[ pati ents with myocardial infarction». Radiology 1975; 11 5: 387.

29. STRAUSS. I-l . W.: HARR ISON, K.: LANGAN, .I. K. ; LEBOWITZ, E.: PITT, B. «Thalli ulll 20 \ for myocardial ill1aging. Relatioll 0 1' thalli um 20 1 to regional myocardial perfusion». Circulation 1975 Apr: 5 1 (4): 64 1-5.

30. SOSTRE, S.: MART I". N. D.: LUCAS, R. N.: STRAUSS. I-l. W. «Scintigraphic findings in prima ry amyloidosis. A n analysis a f 7 cases» . Radiology 1975 .Iu n; 11 5 (3): 675-77.

31. RIGO, p.: MURRAY, M.; TAYLOR, D. R.; WEISFELDT. M. L.; STRAUSS. H . \V.: Pn-r, B. «Hemodynamic and prognosti c tlndings in pat ients \vi th transl11 ural and nontransJ11u ra l infarctioJ1». CirclIlafion 1975 Jun; 51 (6): 1064-70.

32. RIGO, P.: MURRAY, M.; TAYLOR, D. R.: WE ISFELDT. M. L.: KELLY. D. T.: STRAUSS. H. W.: PITT. B. " Right ve ntr icu lar dysl'unctio l1 de tecled by ga ted scin li photography in pa tients with acute infer io r myocardia l infarction". Circulatioll 1975; 52 (2): 268-74.

33. OSTER. Z. 11.; L\RSON, Z . M.; STRAUSS, H. W.; WAG:-IER. H. N. JI'. «Analysis 0 1' liver scanning in a genera l hospita l» . .1 lVI/el J\!led 1975 JUI1 ; 16 (6): 450-3.

34. ROSS\IAN, D. J.; STRAUSS, H. W.; SIEGEL. M. E.; PITT, B. «Acclllllulat ion of 991llTc glucoheptonate in aculel)' inl'arcted myocard ium". j Nuel Med 1975 Del: 16 (10): 875-8.

35. SCHULZ. R. A. JI'.: ROULEAU, J.: RIGO. P.: BOWERS. S.: STRAUSS. H. W.: PIlT, B. «Ventricular arrhythlll ias in lhe late hospita l phase 01' acute myocardial infarc tioll. Relation lO leh ventricu lar funcl ion dctcctcd by gated careliac blood pool sca nning». Circula/ion 1975 Dce: 52 (6): 1006- 11.

36. ROSSMM'. D. J .: ROU LEAC. J .; STRAUSS. H. w, ; PI'IT, B. "Detect ioIl an d sizc est im ati on of acute Ill)'oca rdia l inra rction using 99Tc glucoheptonate". j NI/e/ Med 1975 Nov; 16 ( 11 ): 980-5.

3'/. BC:LKLEY. B. H.; ROULEAU, J .: STRAUSS. H. w,: PI'IT, B. <dd iopat hic hyper tro phic s ub aortic stenosis: de tectio n by Ih a ll ium 20 1 myoca rdial pe rfusion imaging». N Engl j Med 1975 Nov 27: 293 (22): 11 \3-6.

38. BU LK LEY, B. H.: ROCLEAU, J .: STRAUSS, \-l. W : PITT. B. "Procecdings: Delec li o n 0 1' hype rtr o phi c carel io m yo pa th y by t ha llium 20 1 myocardia l pcrfusion imaging and ga led card iac blood pool scans». Z Kardiol 1975. Suppl 2: 5.


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39. FEIGIN, D. S.; STRAUSS, H. w.: JAMES. A. E. "The bOlle maITow sean in experimental osteomyelitis". Skelelnl Rad 19761: 103-108.

40. AOACHI, H.: STRAUSS. H. w.: OCHI, H.; WAGNER, H. N. "The effeet of hypoxia on the regional distribution 01' cardiac Qutput in the dog». Circ Res 1976; 39: 314-319.

41. PITr. B.; STRAUSS, H. W "Radionuclide methods in the evaluation of mvocardial ischemia and infarction. Discussion». Circl/lation J 976 rvíar: 53 (3 Suppll): 121-3.

42. PrIT, B.; STRAUSS, H. W. «Myocardia l imaging in the eva luation or patients with isehemie heart c1isease». Md Slale Ned .1 1976 Mar; 25 (3): 69.

43. COOK. D. J.; BAILEY. l.: STRAUSS. H. W.; ROULE, J.: WAGNER, H. N. Jr.; Plrr. B. <,Thallium 201 for myocardial imaging: appearance of the normal hear!» . .1 Nucl ,\ied 1976 Jul; 17 (7): 583-9.

44. WISEMAN, J.: ROULE, J.: RIGo. P: STRAUSS, 1-1. W.; Pln, B. "Gallium 67 myocardial imaging (or lhe detection o[ bacteria! endocarditis». Radiologyl976Jul: 120 (1): 135-8.

45. COBE!\'. H. A.; BAIRO. N.G.: ROULE, J. R.; FUIIRMANN, C. F.; BAILEY. 1. X.: SUMMER, W. R.: STRAUSS, H. W.; PITT, B. "Thallium 201 myocardial imaging in paticnts with pulmonary hypertension». CirC/llalion 1976 Nov; 54 (5): 790-5.

46. STRAUSS. H. V\'. «Cardíovascular nuclear medicine: a new look at an old problem. Noninvasive approaches to the evaluatíon of coronary heart disease: ne\\' hori zons for radiologists lecture». Radiology 1976 Nov: 121 (2): 257-68.

47. BAILEY, 1. K.; GRIFFITH, L. S. c.: ROULEAU. J.; STRAl'SS, H. W: PITr, B. «Thallíum-201 myocardial pcrfusion imaging at rest and exercise. Comparative sensitivity to elecl rocardiography ín coronary artery disease». Circulalion 1977: 55: 79-87.

48. BAILEY. l.; ROl'LEAl'. J. R.: GRIFFITII, L. S. C.; STRAUSS, H. W. ; Pln, B. «Myocardialperfllsion imaging to detect patients with single and multivessel discase» . /-Ierz 1977; 2: 135-137.

49. P ITT, B.; STRAUSS, H. W. "Combi ned use o[ thallium-201 myocarclial perfusion imagíng and gated ca rdiac blood pool imaging». Herz 1977: 2 : 212-214.

50. SCHLLZE, R. A. Jr. ; STRAUSS, H. W.; PITr. B. "S udden death in th e year followíng rnyocardial ínfarct ion. Relation to ventricular prematllre contraet ions in ¡-he l ate hospitals phase and left ventricular ejeet ion fraetion". Am.l Med 1977 Feb: 62 (2): 192-9.

51. WEICH , H.; STRAUSS, H. W; DAGOSTINO. R.; PITT, B. «Detelmination of extraetíon fraction by a double tracer method». J /\'ucl .Med 1977 Mal: 18 (3): 226-30.

52. STRAUSS, H. \V.; Prrr, B. «Noninvasive detection o( subcritical coronary arterial narro\víngs \-vith a coronary vasodi la tor ancl myocardi al per[usion imaging" . Am.l Cardio/1977 Mar; 39 (3): 403-6.


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53. BCLKLEY, B. 1-1. ; I-I UTCHINS. G. M.: BAILEY, 1.: STRAUSS. 1-1. w.; Prn. B. "Thallium 20 1 imaging a nd ga ted eardiae bl ood poo l seans in patienls v . .ri th ischemic and idiopathic co ngestivc cardi omyopathy. A c1inieal and palhologie study». Circula/ion 1977 May: 55 (5): 753-60.

54 . PITT. B.; STRAl;SS. H . VV. «Eva luati o n of ve ntri cublr fun ction by rad io isotopie teehnies». IV El/gl .1 Med 1977 May 12: 296 (19): 1097-9.

55. WEleH. 1-1 . F.; STRAUSS, H. w.: Plrr. B. "The extraeti on 0 1' thallium 20 1 by the myoea rdium». CirculalÍolI 1977; 56 (2): 188-9 1.

56. BULK LE Y, B. 1-1 .: ROULE. J. R.; WIIITAKE R. J. Q.: STRAUSS. 1-1. w.; P,.,T, B. «Thc use o f 20 1 thallium fOI" myocardial perfusion imaging in sareoid hea rt discasc». Ches/ 1977 Jul: 72 (1): 27-32.

57. NCGOWA". R. L.; MARTIN. N. D.: ZARET, B. L. : I-I ,\ LL. R. R.: BRYSON. A. L.: STRAUSS. 1-1 . \"l.; FLA:VIM. M. D. «Diagnostie aeeuraey o[ noni nvas ivc myocardial imaging for coronary artery disease: an electrocardi ographic and angiographic correlation»), AI11 .1 Cordial 1977 Jul : 40 (1): 6- 10.

58. M ENON. M.; MENO". S.; STRACSS. 1-1. W. ; CATALONA. W. J. «Dcmonstrat ion of lhe existence of canine prostati c Iyrnphatics by radioisotope techniques». } UroI 1977: 118 (2): 274-7.

59. BUROW, R. D.; STRAUSS. 1-1 . w.: SINGLETON. R.: PONDo M.; REH:<. T; BAILEY. 1. K.: GRIFFITI-I . L. c.; NICKOLOFF. E.: PrlT. B. "Analysis 01' left vent ri cular function frol11 multiple gated acq uisition cardiac b load poo l imaging. Co mpar ison 10 contrast nngiography». CirCIIlaliol/ 1977 Dec; 56 (6): 1024-8.

60. BAILEY. 1. K. ; COME. P. c.; KELLY . D. T; BUROW. R. D.; GRIFFITII, L. S.: STRMJSS. 1-1. W.; PIlT, B. "Thallium ZOI myoeardial perfusion imaging in aortie valve stenosis». ÁII1 J Cm'diol 1977 Dee; 40 (6): 889-99.

61. STRAUSS. 1-1 . w.: I-I AR RISON, K.; Prrr, B. "Thalliulll 20 1: non invasive determin at ion 0 1' lhe regional dislribution 01' ca rdiac OUlput». j Nucl Med 1977 Dec: 18 (12): 1167-70.

62 . NI CHOLS, A. B.: POHOST. G. M.; GOLD, 1-1. X.; LEI"BAC H. R. c.; BELLER, G. A.; McKuSI CK, K. A.; STRACSS, !-l. w.; BUCKLEY, M. J. «L eft ve ntri cular fun cti ol1 during intraaorti c balloon pumping asscsscd by lTIultigated ca rdi ac bload pool imaging», Circlllation 1978: 59 (1): 176-183.

63. KHAW. B. A.: GOLD. 1-1. K.; LEINBACII. R. c.; FALLON, J . T; STRAUSS. H. W.: POHOST, G. M.; HABER, E. «Early imaging of experimental myocardia l infarction by intracoronary aclministration 01' 131 )­labeled anti card iac myosin (Fab ') fragments», Circulmiol1 1978; 58: 1137- 1142.

64. OSTER. Z. H.; STRAUSS, 1-1. w.; HARRISON. K. ; BURNS. 1-1 . D.: PITI, B. «Thallium 20 1 distribution in th e thyroid; relationshi p to lh yroidal trapping fu netion». Radiology 1978 Mar; 126 (3): 733-4.


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65. Lo. H.: MeKusl c K. K. A.; STRAL:S S, H. W. "Gastrie di s tcntion simulating a left subp hren ie abseess» . J NI/el Med 1978 Apr; 19 (4): 438-40.

66. NIC I-'OLS. A. B.: COCHAVI. S.; H ALeS, C. A.: STRAUSS. H. W.: NcKLSICK, K. A.: WALTMA'i. A. c.: BCLLER, G. A. "Seintigraphie detection of pulmonary emboli by serial positron imagillg 01' inhaled 150 labc ied carbon dioxidc». N El/gl.! Med 1978: 259 (6): 279-84.

67. JCWIRTZ. H.; OKEEFE. O. D.; POIIOST. G. M.; STRAUSS. H. W.: McILDUFF, J. B.; OAOOETT. W. N. "The effeel of isehe mia on thallium 201 elearanee rrom th e myoeardium». CirclllaliOl: 1978: 58 (2): 2 15-9.

68. STRAUSS. H. W. «Nuclear techniques in myocardial cliscase: gated blood pool sean ning». Hasp Pracl 1978 May: 13 (5): 88. 93-6.

69. RITCHIE. J. L.: ZARE I. B. L.; STRAUSS. H. W: PI IT B.; BERVIAN, O. S.: SCIIELBERL 1 L R.: ASIIBL:RN. W L.: BERGER. H. J.: H AMlt.XON. G. 'VY. «Myocardial imaging with lhal1ium 201: a l11ulticenter sludy in patients \l,Iith angina pcctoris 01' acule myocardial infarctiol1 ». AI11 .1 Cardial 1978 Sep: 42 (3): 345-50.

70. BARTH. K. H.: ALDERSON. P. O.; STRANDIlERG, j. D.: STRAUSS, H. W: WIIITE. R. L Jr. ,,99mTe pyrophosphate imaging in experimental mesenteric infarction: relationship of tracer uplake lo lhe dcgrcc o( isehemic injury». Radialogy 1978 Nov: 129 (2): 491-5.

7 1. NICIIOLS. A. B.: McKLSICK, K.A.: STRAUSS. H. W.: DI'iS\lORE. R. E.: BLOCK. P. c.: POIIOST, G. M. «C1 inieal utilily of galcd earcliae blood pool imaging in congcstive left heart fajlurc~). Am J :\1ed 197X r\ov: 65 (5): 785-93.

72. KONSTAM. M. A.: LEY,"C, B. W: S-I RAUSS. 11. W: McKuSICK. K. A. «Left superior vena cava to left atrial communicatiol1 diagnoscd with radionuclide angiocardiography and with differcntial righl lO left. shunting». A 111 J Cordial 1979 Jan: 43 (1): 149-53.

73. KADIR, S.: STRACSS. H. W. «Evaluatioll af inflarnmalory bowcl discase with 99mTe OTPA ». Radiology 1979 Feb: 130 (2): 443-6.

74. GEWIRTZ, 1-1.: BELLER, G. A.; STRAUSS. H. W; OINSMOR E, R. K.; ZIR . L. M.: McKuSICK. K. A.: POIIOST. G. M. "Transient dcfeel s ol resti ng thal1iul11 scans in patients with coronary artery disease )~ .

Circula/ioll 1979 Apr: 1959 (4): 707-13. 75. STRAUSS. H. W «Teaehing editorial and now myoglobin?». J NI/el Med

1979 Feb: 20 (2): 165-6. 76. GEWIRTZ. H.: GRoTrE, G. J.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W; OKEEFE, D. D.: AKI~S,

C. W.; OAGG ETr. W. M.; POHOST, G. M. «The influenee 01' Icft ventricu lar vaJume and \vall motion in myocardial images». Circl/la/ioll 1979 Jun: 59 (6): 1172-7.

77. NICHOLS, A. B.; STRAUSS, 11. W.: MOORE. R. H.: GUINEY. T. E.:


COCHAV!. S.: BELLER. G. A.: POliOS 1. G. M. "AC Ul e ehanges in cardiopu lmonary bload vaJume during upright exe rcise stress

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testing in paticnts with coronary hcart disease» . Circl/latiol1 1979 Sep; 60 (3): 520-30.

78. OKADA. R. D.: POII OST. G. N.: KIRSII E:-< BAC\1. H. D.; KUSI INER. F. G.: BO UC II ER. C. A.: BLOCK. P. c.: STRAUSS. H. W. " Radio nu el id e determin ed changc in pulr.l0nary blood vo lume with exercise. lmproved sC l1sitivit y ol' multiga tcd blood pool scanning in detecting coronary arle ry disease ». N Engl J Med 1979 Ser 13; 30 I (11): 569-76.

79. PnT, B.; STRACSS. H. 'vv. <~Clini ca l applicalion of myocard ial imaging wilh lhallium 20!». Cardiovasc e lin 1979: 10 (2): 125-37.

80. POHOST. G. M.: FALLON, J . T.: STRALJSS, H. W. "T :, e ro le 01' radionuclid e techniqucs in patients witll myocardial diseasc». Cardiovasc C/in 1979: 10 (2): 149-63.

81. OKADA. R. D.: KIRSII ENBAUM. 11. D.: KUSIINER. F. G.: STRAUSS. H. W: D';\SMOR E, R. E.: NEWELL. J . B.: BOUCIIER. C. A.; BLOCK, P. c.; POHOST. G. M. «Observer variancc in the qualitativc evaluation of left ventricular wall motion and tlle quantitation of left ve ntricular ej ec ti on fraction usi ng res t and cxercise multigated blood pool imaging». Circl/la/ion 1980 Jan: 61 ( 1): 128-36.

82. LAVER. M. B.; STRACSS. H. VV.: POHOST. G. M. " ll crbert Shu bin Memorial Lecture. Right and left ventricular geometry: adjustments during acu le respiratory [a ilu re». Cril Care Med 1979 Deo; 7 (12): 509-19.

83. BOl.:cIlER, C. A.: STRALJSS, 11. W; OKADA. R. D.: KIRSII ENBALJM . 11. D.: KLJSIINER. F. G.: McKcSIC'K. K. A.; BLOCK. P. c.: LEASK, J. W: POJ-lOST , G. M. «The bifocal divcrg ing co llim alor: a means 0 1'

simultancous biplane imaging of the heart during equi librium radionuelide ventriculography». J NI/el Med 1980 Jan; 21 (1): 71-6.

84. TOOMBS, B. D.; McKuSICK. K. A.; CASTRONOVO, F. P.; CALLAHAN. R. J.: STRAUSS. 11. \ "AI. «Urin ary excretion of 99mTc administered as mir.rosphcres». Radiology 1980 Feb: 134 (2): 489-91 .

85. CALLA II ¡-\;\. R. J. ; STRAUS S. H, 'vv. «Labcling hum an albumin microspheres wilh radiomereu ry». 1111 J NlIeI Mer! Biol 1980: 7 (1): 65-7.

86. COC II AV I, S.; POHOST. G. N.: ELMALE II , D. R. ; STRAUSS. H. VV. «Tra nsvc rsc sect ional im aging \vith Na 18F in myocardial infaretio n». J NI/e/ Med 1979 Oct: 20 (10): 101 3-7.

87. WIl'ZELB ERG, G. G.: MCKUSICK, K. A.; STRAUSS. H. VV.: WALTMAN. A. C.; GREE'lFIELD. A. J. «Evalualion 01' gastrointestina l bleeding by red blood eclls labcled in vivo with tcehnelium 99m». J NI/el Med 1979 OCl: 20 ( 10): 1080-6.

88. NICIIOLS, A. R.; COCHAVI. S.: HALES, C. A.; BELLER. G. A.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Rcsolution rates of pulmonary embolism asscsscd by se ri al positro n imaging with inhalccl O 15 labeled carbo n clioxide». J NI/el fvler! 1979 Apr: 20 (4): 28 1-6.


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89. KONSTAM, M. A .: STRAUSS . 1-1 . W.; A LI'ERT. N. M.; MI LLE R. S. W. ; MURI'II Y, R. X. ; GR EEl' E. R. E.; Mc KuS ICK, K. A. " Nonin vasive cst imation of pulmonary arterial prcssurc by analysis of pulmonary blood Ilow dislribulion" . J NI/el Mer/l979 Sep; 20 (9): 923-7.

90. E LM ALE II , D. R.; I-I NATOWITCH. D. J. ; COCHAV I. S.; Mc KuS ICK. K. A.: B RO \V:-.JELL, G. L: STRAUSS. H. W. «Emi ssion tOl11ographic images of lhe skull wilh lluorine-18». Int J NI/el Med alld Biology. 1980: 7: 289-293 .

91. HOMCY. C . J. ; STR AUSS , H . W.; KOI'IIV OIM . S. " Be la rece ptor occupancy. A ssess ment in the intact animal» . .1 Clin JI/ves t 1980 May: 65 (5) : 1111 -8.

92. WI NZELBERG, G . G. ; CASTRONOVO. F. P.; CALLA II AN, R. J.; Mc KuSICK. K. A.: S"'RAUSS, H. W. " lllln oxine labeled red cells for deleclion of s;mulatcd lowcr gastrointestin al bleeding in an animal 111ode!» . Radiology 1980 May: 135 (2): 455·61.

93. OKADA, R. D .; POII OST. G. M.; NICII OLS. A . B.: Mc KuS ICK. K. A. ; STRAUSS. H. W : BoucHER. C. A. : BLOCK. P. c.; ROSENTII AL. S. V ; DI i\SMOHE. R. E. «Left ventricular regional \Val! mol ion assessment by 1l1uILigatcd and cnd diastolic. end sysLOlic gatcd radiol1uclide ¡eh ve nlricu lography». J\m./ Cardio/1 980 Jun ; 45 (6): 12 11 ·8.

94. KIIAIV. B. A.; FAI.LO". F. T.; STRALSS. 1-1 . W.; 1fABER. E. «Myocardia1 infarct imaging of antibodies lo canine cardiac myosin \vilh indium 111 d ie lh y1ene triamine pentaaceli c acid». Sciel/ce 1980 Jul lJ ; 209 (4453): 295·7.

95 . BROWNELL. G . L. ; ACKE RM A". R. 1-1.: STR ALiSS, H. W : ELMALEII , D. R.; COC IIAV I, S.; A LPERT, N. ; CO Rll EIA, J. A. : KE,\ RFo·n . K. J. ; TAVERAS, J. «Preliminary imaging resulLs wilh 18F 2 nuoro 2 dcoxy D glucose» . ./ Compra A"út Tom ogr 1980; 4 (4): 473·7.

96. LAZEWATSKY, J . L. ; ALI'ERT. N. M.; MOORE. R. 1-1 .: BOUCII ER, C. A.; STRAUSS, 11 . W ; EKTI "E, G.; CHA~EY, R.: SCII Rc INER, R. «A CdTe ambulatory ventricular fun cti on monitop). I EEE TraJ/saclioll 0 11 N I/clear Sciel/ce 1980; NS·27 ( 1): 524·528.

97. WI ~ZELBERG. G. G .: MILLER. S. W ; OK ADA, R. D.: BOUCHER. C. A. : Mc KLS ICK, K. A.; POHOST. G . M.: STRAUSS. H. W. "Scinligraphic assess rn cnl of fal se left ve ntri cul ar an cur ys ms». Al R Am 1 Roem gel/ol 1980 Se p: 135 (3): 569·74.

98. BOLiC II ER. C. A. : Z IR. L. M. ; B ELLER . G. A .; OK ADA. R. D.: Mc KuSICK, K. A. ; STRAUSS. 1-1. W ; POIIOST. G . M. «Increasecl 1ung upt ake of th alliul11 20 1 durin g exercise myocardi al imaging: clini ca !. hcmodynami c and angiog r aphi c impli cation s in palienl s wilh coronary arle ry disease». Am ./ Cm'diol 1980; 46 (2): 189·96 .

99. OKADA, R. D.: BoucI IER. C. A.; KIRSII EN Il AUM, 1-1. K. ; KUSHNER , F.


G.; S'I RALiSS. 1-1. W.: BLOCK, P. c.; Mc KuS ICK, K. A.: POII OST, G. M. «Improvcd cli agnos ti c accuracy of th alliuI11 20 1 stress test using

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multiple obscrvcrs and criteria dcrivcd from interobserver analysis of varianee». Am J Cordial 1980 Oel; 46 (4): 619-24.

100. CASTRONOVA. F. P. Jr.: Mc KuS ICK, K. A.: CALLAHAi\. R. J .; STRAUSS. H. W. ( Dosi lllelric consideration of bladder wa ll dose fbllowing th e adl11inislralOin 0 1' 99mTe l11 ierospheres». I-Ieallll Plly.\' 1980 Jul: 39 (1): 11 2-3.

101. PITI, B.: STRAL;SS. H. W; TIIRALL..I. 1-1. «Use of l11yoeardia l il11aging in the eva luation af palic nt s wilh ca rdi ovascular di seas("»). Prog Nucl Med 1980; (6):210-22.

102. BI NG II AM. J . B.; McKuSICK. K. A.: STRAUSS. H. W: BOUCIIER, C. A.; POIIOST. G. M. «lnftuencc of coronary art er)' discasc on pulmonar)' uplake 0 1' Iha llium 201 ». AIII J COI'diol 1980 Nov: 46 (5): 821 -6.

103. LORELL. B.: BO IJC HER, C. A.: FR IED Ll CH. A. L.: STRAIJSS. 1-1 . W «R egional differences in pulmonary vascular rcsisla nce in the sa llle pati ent. A study of parlial anomalous pu lmonary ve nolls retllrn , intact at ri al SeplUI11, and mirral slcnosis befare and arter surgica l eorreelion ». AJIJI IJllcm M ed 1980 Sep: 93 (3): 437-411.

104. DEBoE R, L. W : STRAIJSS. H. W: KLONER. R. A.: R UDE. R. E.: D Av ls, R. E; M f\ROKO. P. R .; BR AUN\VALD, E. «Autoradiograph ic Illethod for I11casuring lhe ischemic m)'ocardiulll al risk: cffccts of ve rapamil on in fa rct size after experiment al coronary artery occlll sion». Proc Nml A cad Sci USA 1980 Oel; 77 (10): 6 11 9-23.

105 . KUSI·I ~ER. F. G.; OKADA, R. D.; KmsIIENBAUM. H. D.: BOUCHER. C. A.: STRAUSS, H. W ; POHOST. G. :'-1. «Lung Ihalliulll 20 1 uplake a(te r stress lcsting in patients with coronar)' artery diseasc» . Cirelllalioll 198 1 Feb: 63 (2): 341 -7.

106. STRA L.:SS. 1-1. W: Mc KuslcK. K. A.: BI NG HA\'I, J. B. "Ca,diae nuclear imaging: principIes. instrulll entat ion and pit fa ll s». AIII .1 Care/iol 1980 Dee 18: 46 (7): 1109-16.

107. WINZELIlERG. G. G.: STRA USS. 1-1 . W: BI NGIIAM, J . B.: Mc KuSICK, K. A. «SCinligraphic evaluation of Icfl ven tri cular ancurysITI». A11I J Cm'dial 1980 Dee 18: 46 (7): 11 38-43.

108. OKADA. R. D. ; BOUC HER, C. A.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W: POII OST, G. M. «Exc rcisc radiolluclide illl aging approach cs lO coronary artery disease». Ant ./ Cardial 1980 Dee 18; 46 (7) : 11 88-204.

109. LIBERTIISON, R. R.: BOUCII ER. C. A.: STRAL.:SS, H . W ; DI NSMO RE. K. A.: M c K uSICK. K. A .; POHOST. G. M. ( Right ve ntricu lar function in acl ult a tri a l se pLal de fecl. Prco perali ve and posloperative aSSCSSlllcnl ancl c1ini cal implications» . Am J Cardiol 1981 Jan: 47 (1): 56-60.

110. POIIOST, G. M.: OKADA , R. D.; OKEEFE. D. D.: GEW IRTZ, H.: BELLE R. G.: STRALSS, H . W. ; CII AFFIi\. J. S.: LEPPO. J .; DAGGETr. \V. M. «Thall iulll rcdistribution in dogs with severe coronary artery Slenosis of (ixcel ea liber». Cire Res 198 1 Mar; 48 (3): 439-46.


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111. GOODMAN. N. M.: ELMA LEH, D. R.; KEARFOTT, K. J.; ACKERMAN, R. H.; Hoop, B . .Ir.; BROWN ELL G. L.; ALPERT, N. M.: STRAUSS, H. W "F 18 labeled 3 deoxi 3 nuoro D glucose [or the study o[ regional metabolism in the brain anel heart" .'/ Nuc/ Ned 1981 Feb; 22 (2): 138-44.

112. WI NZEL8ERG. G. G.; FROELlCH , J. W: McKuSICK. K. A.: WALTMAN, A. c.; GR EEN FI ELD. A. J.: ATHANASOCLlS. C. A.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Radionuclide localizatían of Im,ver gastrointestinal hemorrhagc». Radiology 198 1 May; 139 (2): 465-9.

113. BOUCHER, C. A.; BIN GHAM, .I. B.; OSIlAKK E" . M. D.; OKADA. R. D.: STRAUSS, H. W.: BLO CK, P. c. ; LEVI"E, F H.; PIIILLlPS. H. R.; POJ-lOST, G. N . «Early changes in left ventricular size and function after correclion af left ve ntricular volume ovcrload». Am J Cordial 198 1 May: 47 (5): 991-1004.

114. WI NZELBE RG, G. G.; BOUCHER, C. A.; POHOST. G. M. ; Mc KuSICK, K. A.; BINOHAM, J. B.; OKADA, R. D.; STRAUSS. H. W. «Right ventricular [ul1ction in aartie and mitral valve disease» . Ches! \981 May; 79 (5): 520-8.

115. KIRSIIEN8AUM. H. D.; OKADA, R. D.; BOUCHER. C. A.: K USHNER. F G.: STRA USS, H. W; POHOST, G. N. «Relationship ol thallium 201 myocardial perfusion pattcrn to regional and global len ventricular function wilh exe reise». Am Henrl ./ 1981 Jun ; 10 1 (6): 734-9.

116. CASTRONOVO, F P. Jr.: McKuSICK, K. A.; STRAUSS. H. W. "Bladdcr dosimctry arter Lh e adm inisLration of 99mTc diphosphonate». Henllh Phys 1981 May; 40 (5): 744-6.

117. GOLDMAN, M. R.; BOUCJlER, C. A.: BLOCK, P. c.; BUCKLEY, M. J.: AUSTE'i, W. G.; STRAUSS, H. W.; POHOST. G. M. "Spectrllm ol congestive hea rt failur e lat e a ft er aortie val ve or mitra l replacement: differentiation of valvular ve rsus myoeardial cause by radionuc1id e ventriculogram ejection fraction». Am I lean J 198 1 Oct;102 (4): 751-6.

118. WINZELBERG, G. G.: RAI'OI'ORT, F: BOUCHER, C. A.; CAREY, R. W: MCKUSICK. K. A.; STRAL'SS, H. \\1. «Combined gated cardiac blood pool scintigraphy and 67Ga citrate sc intigraphy for detection 01' cardiac Iymphoproliferati ve di sorclers» . Radiology '198 1 Ocl ; 141 (1): 191 -2.

119. URBINA, A.; OKADA, R. D.: PALACIOS, l.; OSIlAKKE~. N.; STRAUSS, H. vV. «Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure , as inferred from lung areas in gated blood pool scintigram s: concise communication» . ./ NI/el Med 198 1 Nov: 22 (11): 950-4.

120. ELMA LEII, D. R. ; KNA I'P , F. F. JI'. ; YAS UDA, T.: CO FF EY, .l. L.; KOPIWODA, S.; OKADA, R.; STRAUSS, H. \V. «\:lyocarclial imaging with 9 [Te 123m] tcllllrahcpladeca noie acid». J NlIcI Metl 1981 I\ov: 22 (ll): 994-9.

121. OKADA. R. D.; OSIlAKKE'i, M. D.: BOUCJlER , C. A.; STRAUSS. H. W.; BLOCK, P.C.; POIIOST, G. Ñ1. «Pulmonary blood volume ratio


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response to excrci sc: a noninvasive determinatian a f cxe rcise indu ccd changes in pulmonary capi llary wcdge pre s3 ure». Circll laliol/ 1982 Jan: 65 ( 1): 126-33.

122. OKADA. R. D.: J ACOBS. M. L.: DAGG ETr. W M.: LEPPO. J.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W: I\'EwELL. J . B.: MOOR E, R.: BOUCII ER. C. A.: OKEEFE. D.: POIlOST, G. M. «Thailium 20l k in etics in nanischcmic ca nine myoca rdium ». Circulalioll 1982 Ja n: 65 ( 1): 70-7.

123. Mc KuSICK. K. A.: FROELlCII, J. ; CALLAIIAN. R . .l.: WI NZELBERG. G. G .: STRAUSS, H. W. «99 mTc red blood cc ll s for deleClion of gas trointes tinal bl eedin g: cxpcr icnce with 80 patients». Am J Roen/geno/1981 Dec: 137 (6): 111 3-8.

124. OK f\DA. R. D.: K NAPP. F. F. Jr. ; EI.MALEII. D. R.; YASCDA. T : BOUC IIER. C. A.; STRAUSS. H. W. «Tellurium 123m lab e led 9 tcllurahcptadccanoic ac id : a pass ibl c carcliac imaging agen t». Circ/llalion 1982 Feb; 65 (2) : 305-10.

125. FROELlClI. J. W.: McKuSICK. K. A.: STRAl:SS. 11. W.: WI NZELBERG. G. G. «Detection of gastrointestinal hC111orrh agc». 81111 NY Acad lvted 1981 I\'ov: 57 (9): 755-8.

126. ClIR1STENSO~. J . T: MEGERMA N, J .: J-1 ANEL. K. c.: LtTALlE". G. J .: SI R,\USS. J-1. W: ABRon. W. M. «The erreel of bl ood fto \V rates on plat e le l dc position in PTFE arterial by pass grafts». Tralls AIII Soc Arlif III{cm Organs 1981: 27: 188-9 1.

127. Ll vK I. E.: EL\lALEII , D. R.: LEVY. S.: BIWW"ELL. G. L.: STRAUSS, H. W « Bcla-methy l 11- IIC) heptadcea noie Acid: A new myocardial mctabolic tracer for positron cmi ssion tomography». J lVuc! :\1ed 1982: 23: 169- 175.

128. LEE, D. c.; JOHNSON . R. A. : BINGIIAM. J. B.; LEAHY. N.: DINS\10R E. R. E.: GOROLL, A. H.: NEWELL. J. B.: STRAUSS. J-1. W: H ABER, E. ,d-Icart railure in outpatients: a ranclomizcd trial 0 1' cligox in versus placebo». N Eng/J Med 1982 l\1ar 25: 306 ( 12): 699-705.

129. OKADA, R. D.: LEPPo, J. A.: STRA USS. J-1. W.: BOUCl IER. C. A.; POII OST. G. M . «Mechanisms and time course for thc disappearance 0 1' tha lli um 20 1 de feets at rest in d ogs. Re lat io n of tim e to pea k aelivity lO myoeardia1 blood now». AIII J Cardiol 1982 Mar; 49 (4): 699-706.

130. STRA CSS, J-1 . W: BO CCHER. C. A. «Radionuclicle angiography". AI11 J Cardiol1982 Apr; 49 (5): 1337-41.

13 1. CALLA II AN, R. J. ; FROELl CH, J. W. ; Mc K uSIC K. K. A.: LEPl'o . J .: STRAUSS, 1-1. W «A modified mc lhod for lhe ill vivo 1abeling af red blood ccll s \\'ithTc 99m: concise c011lmun ica ti on». J Ntlcll\1ed 1982 Apr: 23 (4): 315-8 .

132. CASTROKOVO, F. r Jr.; STR AUSS. J-1. W: Me Ku Slc K, K. A.: POTSAID, M. S. ,dadine 125 lab e lecl ph c ny1pho s phonic acid: a new radiopharmace utical for long tcrm investi gati ans af thc skclcton ». Skelewl Radial 1982 Ja n: 7 (4): 233-7.

3 1

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133. BRO\VN, K. A.; BOUClIER, C. A.: OKADA. R. D.; STRA USS, H. 'vV.; POHOST, G. «Initial ancl delayecl righl ventricu lar thalliull1 201 rest ill1aging foll owing clipyriclall10l e inducecl coronary vasodilation: relationship lo right coronary artery pathoanatomy». 1\111 Ilean J 1982 Jun: 103 (6): 1019-24.

134. JACO BS, M. L.: OKADA R. D.: D AGGEIT, W. N.; FOIVLER. B. N.: STRAUSS. H. 'vY.: GEFFIN. G.; POII OST. G. M. «Regional myocardial radiotracer kinetics in dogs using miniature racliation c1 ctcctors ». 1\111.1 Pilpio/1982 May: 242 (5): H849-54.

135 . WI\'ZELBERG. G. G.: M C'KuSI CK. K. A.: FROELlCII. J. W.: CALLf\ HAN. R. J.: STRAL'SS, H. Vv. «Detcction 01' gastrointestinal blced ing with 99mTc 1abe1ed red b100d ce 11s". Selll ill NI/el Med 1982 Apr: 12 (2): 139-46.

136. LEPPo, J.; BOlJC'IIER. C. A.: OKADA. R. D. : NEWELL. J. B.: STRAUSS. H. 'Vi.; POHOST. G. M. <<Serial thallium 201 myocardial imaging arte r dipyridamolc infusion: diagnosti c utility in dctcc tin g co ronary stenoscs and rclationship to regiona l wallmotion». Circf(/otioJ/ 19~Q Sep; 66 (3): 649-57.

137. LIBERTlISON. R. R.: ZAMA". L.; W EY\·IAN, A.: KIGER. R: DINSMORE. R. E.; L EI\'BAC II. R. c.; STRAUSS. 1-1. \V.: BUCKLEY, M. J. «Aberrant origin of the left coronary artery froln the proximal right coronary artery: diagnostic fcatures and pre and postoperative coursc». Clill Cm'dio/1982 JlIn: 5 (6): 377-81.

138. OSIlAKKEN, M. D.; KOPIWODA. S. Y. ; SWAN, A.; CA STRONOVO. F. P.; STRAUSS, H. \Al «Carcliac Iymphoscintigraphy follO\,ving closed chest cath eter injection of radiolabcled co lloid in ID the myocarcliulll of dogs: eoncise eomll1l1lliealioll" . .1 N/leI Mal 1982 Oel; 23 ( 10): 883-9.

139. FI NKLE STE IN. S.; MILLER. A.: CALLAII ,"'. R. J. ; FAL LON. J. T.: GODLEY, F: FELDMAN. B. L. ; I-II NTO ~. R. c.: ROIlERTS. A. B.: ST RA USS, 1-1 . W.: LEES, R. S. <dmaging 0 1' acute ancrial injury wilh 1111n labe lcc\ platelets: a compar iso n with scall ning eleclron micrographs». lIadiology 1982 Oel: 145 (1): 155-9.

140. BU\'TING, R. W.; CALLA HAN, R. J. ; FINKELSTEIN. S.: L EES, R. S.; STRAUSS, 1-1. \V. «A ll10dified mClhoc\ rol' 1abe1ing human p1atcJcls with indium 111 oxinc using albumin density graclient scparatio!1», lIadi% gy 1982 OCI: 145 (1): 2 19-2 1.

141. KH AW. B. A.: STRAI,;SS. H. W.: CARVALHO, A.: LOCKE. E.: GOLD. H. K.: H ABER, E. «Technetium 99m labeling 01' antibodies to ca rdiac myosin Fab and to human fibrinogcn )~. J NllcI N/erf 1982 Nov: 23 (11): 1011-9.

142. FROELlCH. J. W. ; SIM EONE.. J. F; M c K uSICK. K. A.; WI NZELIlERG. G.


G.: STR¡.\L'SS, 1-1. W. «RadionucJide imaging ancl ultr[l so und in li ver/sp leen trauma: a prospective co mparison». Radi%gy 1982 Nov: 145 (2): 457-6 1.

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143. BROW:-J . K. A .; BOUClIER, C. A. ; OKADA. R. D. ; STRAUSS, H. W.; McK uS ICK , K. A.: POII OST. G. M. «Se rial right ven tri ele rhallium 201 im agin g arter exercisc: rclation to analomy of lh e right coronary artery». Am } Cardiol 1982 Dec; 50 (6): 12 17-22.

144. MOOR E. R. H.: A LPERT, N. M.: STRAUSS, H. W «A va ri ab le anglc slant ho le eollimator,>. } NI/e/ Med 1983 Jan : 24 ( 1): 6 1-5.

145. FROELl CII , J. W: Mc KuSICK, K. A.: S"I"RALSS. H. W: BI NG HAM, J. E.; KOPANS. D. B.: DELl,;cA, S. A. «Locali zation of bone lesio ns for open biopsy». I?arliology 1983 Fcb; 146 (2): 549-51l.

146. OSBAKKEN, M. D.: BO UCHER, C. A.; OKADA, R. D.: BINGII AM, J . B.: STRAUSS, H. W.; POHOS"I". G. N. «S peetrum of globa l Icft ventricular respo nses lO supine exercisc. Limitation in lh e use of ejection fractioll in idcnlifying paticllLs wil h coronary arlcry diseasc». Am J Cardiol 1983 Janl ; 5 1 (1): 28-35.

147. SVENSSON, S. E.: LO~1SKY, N.: OLSSON, L.; PERSSON, S.: STIV\USS. H. \Y.: \VES'I LJ1\G, H. «Non invasivc dctcrminalion of lhe distribution o[ ca rdiac output in man al rest and cluring exercisc». Clill Physiol 1982 Dee: 2 (6): 467-77.

148. LEES, R. S.: LEES. A. M.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Ex te rn a l imagi ng 0 1' human alh erosclerosis» . .1 NI/e/ Med 1983 Feb, 24 (2): 154-6.

149. WILSO". R. A.; OKADA, R. D .: BOUCHER. C. A.: S"I"RAUSS. H. W.; POHOST. G. N. " Rad ionuclide de termined changes in pulmonary bload volume and thallium iung uptakc in patients with co ronary artery diseasc». Am} CO/'dio11983 Mar 1: 51 (5): 74 1-8.

150. BOUCI'IER, C. A.: WI LSON, R. A.: KAN,\REK, D. J .: HUTI"ER, A. M . .Ir. . OKADA. R. D.; lIB EIHHSON, R. R.: STRAUSS, H. W: POIIOS"I". G. M. (~Exe rc i se testing in asyrnptomatic 01' minimall y symptomati c aortic regurgitation: relationship of lefl ven tricular cjcction fraction to Idt ventricular fi lling pressure during excrcisc». Circllla /ion 1983 May: 67(5): 109 1-100.

15 1. BROWN, K. A.: BOUCIIE R. C. A.; OKADA. R. D .: GUINEY. 1'. E.: NEWELL, J. B.; STRALSS, H. W : POI 10S'1 , G. N. " Prognosl ic value of exercise thalliulll 20 1 imaging in patients presenting for evaluation ofchest pain». } Am ColI Cardiol1983 Apr; 1 (4): 994- 100 1.

152. OHSUZU, E: BOIJCHER, C. A.: NEWELL, J. B.; YASLDA. T.: GOLD. H . K. : LEINIlACl I. R. c.: Mc KuSICK. K. A.: OK ADA, R. D.: ROSENTIIAL, S.: POIIOST. G. N.: STRAUSS. H. W «Re la lio ll of segmc nt a l wa ll l11otion lo global lert ve ntricul ar functi on in acule rn yoca rdi a l infaretioll ». AIII J CO/'dio11983 May 1: 51 (8): 1275-8 1.

153 . KH AW, B. A.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W: Po 11 OS"I", G. M.: FALLON, J. T.; KATUS. H. A. ; H ABER, E . «Relatior. of imm ediate and dclaycd thalliul11 201 distributio n to loca lization o f iodinc 125 an tim yosi n antihody in acute experimental myocardial inrarctioll». Am J Cordiol 1983 May 1; 51 (8): 1428-32.


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154. W[LSON. R. A.; OKADA. R. D.: STRAUSS, H. W.; POI [05'1'. G. M. «Effecl of glucose insulin potassium infu sian o n thallium myoeardial clcaranee». CirC/{!atioll 1983 J ul; 68 (1): 203-9.

155. CAMB R[ A. R. P.: M EGERMAN. J.: L1TALlH, G.; WARNOCK. D.: STRALSS, 11. W.: ASSOTr. W. N. «Thc effeel of halol:,ane ancslhesia 0 11 plaiel c t agg regat ion in vivo: decreased dcpositi o ll 011 polytetrafluoroclhylene arterial gra fl s in dogs». 5urgery 1983 Jun: 93 (6): 752-7.

156. W[NZELllERG. G. G.; FROELlC[[ , J. W. : MCKuS[CK, K. A.; S[ RAUSS. H. \\l. «Scintigraphic dctcction 01' gastrointestinal bleeding: a rcvic\v of eurre nl ",elhoels». A 111 J Gasrroellrero! 1983 Jun; 78 (6): 324-7.

157. CORRE[A. J. A.: BUCFLEWICZ, W 11. ; S rRAUSS. H. W' ALPERT, N. M.; BROWl\ELL. G. L.; TAVERAS. J. N.: FFRRARI, V. «Transporla tio n of slvJrt ¡ived posilron em iuers from a medical cyclotroll lO a remote imaging suile». Med P/¡ys 1983 Mar Apr; 10 (2): 228-3 1.

158. B[<owI\. K. A.: OKADA . R. D.: BOLCIIER. C. A.: P[[[LLlI'S. 11. R.: STRAUSS. H. W; POIIOST. G. M . «Seriallhallium 20 1 imaging al res! in patients \vith ullstable and stabl c angina pectori s: rclationship of myocardia! pcrfusion at rest to prcscnting clínica! syndrome». A/II Hearr .11983 Jul : 106 ( 1 PI 1): 70-7.

159. NEGERMA'i. J .; CtIR [ STE'iSO~. J. T.: HANEL, K. c.: S'[ RAUSS. H. W: ABBorr. Vv. M. «Imaging vascular gra fts in vivo \V it!l Ind ium 111 labeled platclcls. lnlluence or tillling on illlagc intcrprctation». /\1111

SI/rg 1983: 198 (2): 17R-84. 161l. OKADA. R. D.; ELMALE [[, D.; WFRR[o. G. S.; STI<AlJSS, 11. W.

«Myocardial kinctics or l23I labeled 16 hcxadecanoic acid». Eur J NI/e! Med 1983: 8 (5): 2 11 -7.

161. BROWN. K. A.; OKADA, R. D.: BOL:O[ER. C. A.: ROTH E'DLER, J. A.: STRAUSS, H . \V.: PO HOST, G. N. «Exe rcise induccd changes in hepatic blood vol ume Illcasured dllring ca rdiac eqlli li briulll cineang iography: relation to coronary anatomy a nd right ventric ular funclion». J Am Co!! Cardio! 1983 Sep. 2 (3): 5 14-2 1.

162. W[LSO N. R. A.: SCLLlVAN, P. J. ; MOORE. R. H.: Z[ELONKA, J. S.: ALPERT, N. M .. BOUC[ [ER, C. A. ; Mc Kcs[CK, K. A.: STRAUSS. H. W «A n ambulatory ve ntricul ar fun ction monitor: val idat io n ancl preliminary c1inica l results». Am J Cordio! 1983 Se p 1: 2 (5): 601-6.

163. BOUCHER, C. A.: K,"AREK, D. J.: OKADA. R. D.: HCTrER. A. M. JI'.: STRAUSS. H. W.: POIIOST. G. M. « Excrc ise tes tin g in aorlie rcgllrgitation: comparison or raclionuclidc left ventricular cjcction fradion with cxcrcise performance at t!le anaerobic lhrcsholci and peak exe rcise». A 1/1.1 Cm'dio! 1983 OCI 1: 52 (7): 80 1-8

164. \~/I LSO:'-J , R.: M c K uSICK, K.; STRAUSS. H. \V. «Cardiovasc lllar nuclear medicine currcnt app lications and the outlook for 1985». Eur.l Radio! 1983: Suppl 1: 264-7.


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165. ROIlE RTS. A. B.; L¡, ES. A. M .• LEES. R. S.: STRAUSS. H. W: FALLO". J. T.: TAVERAS. J.: KOPI\VODA. S. «Selecti vc accul11ulatiol1 of low cl cnsity lipoprotei ns in clamaged arterial wall» . .1 Lipid Res 1983 Sep: 24 (9): 1160-7.

166. BOUCHER. C. A.; POIIOST, G. M.: OKADA. R. D.; LEVINL, F. H. : H ARTHORN E. J. \v. «Effecl of ventricular pacing 011 left ventricldar fU l1ction assesscd by raclionuclidc angiography». Am Hearl J 1983 Nov; 106 (5 Pl 1): 1105-11.

IA7. BRADY. 1'. J.: OK EE FE. D. D.: OKADA, R. D.; J ACOCKS, M. A.; JOIINSON. R. G.: GEFPlN. G . A.: MERRILL. D.: STRAl.!SS. H. W.: D AGGETT, W. M.: POI-IOST. G. M. ,dnability of seve n pinhole myocardial tomography lo obtain accurate 20lTl kinetic data», Eur J Nue/ Med 19R3: 8( 1 0):425-30.

168. EL\·'ALEII. D. R.: Llv~1. E.: LEVY. S.: VAR'illM, D.: STRAUSS. H. W: BROWNELL. G. L. "Comparison of II C and 14C labclcd fally acids and II,eir be ta methyl analogs». lur J Nue/ Med Bio11983: 10 (4): 181-7.

169. GOODMAN,:-'¡. M.; KNAPP. F. F. Jr.: ELMAI.EII, D. R.: SIRAUSS. H. W " New Illyocardial imagin g agents: Synthesis of 15-(p- lodophcnyl)-3(R,S) Ill c thylpcntadecanoic acid by decolllposition o[ a 3.3-(1,5-Pentanediyl) triazene precursor». J Org C/¡elll 1984: 49: 2322-2325.

170. KEARFOTL K. J.: EL\-IALEH. D. R.: GOOD\1AN, M.: CORREIA, J. A.: ALI'ERT, N. N.: ACKERMAN, R. 1-1.: BROWNELL, G. L.: STRAUSS. I\. W. "Comparison of 2- a nd 3-18f'-Fluoro-deoxy-D-glucose for studies 0 1' ti ssue Illetabol ism». 1111 J NI/el Mer! Bio! 1984 : 11 :15-22. 19R4.

! 71. OSBAKKEN, :VI. D.: OKADA. R. D.: BOl.!CHER. CA.: STRALJSS. H. W.: POHOST. G. M. «Comparison of cxercisc perfusion and ventricular runctioll irnaging: an analysis 01' factors arrecting lhe diagnostic accuraey o f eaeh Icchniqlle» . J I\m ColI Cardiol J 984 Feb: 3 (2 PI 1): 272-83.

172. Own. C. 1-1.: RUDE. R. E.: LEIVIS. S. E.: PARKEY, R. W.: POOLE, W. K.: PARKER. C: Fox, N.: ROIlERTS. R.; STRAIJSS. H. W: TIIOMAS. L J.; el al. ~<Comparison 01' lefl ventricular function and infarct sizc in paticnts wilh and withoul persisten tly posi tivc lcchnetiulll 99m pyrophosphate myocardial scintigrams arter myocardial infarction: ana lysis of 357 patients». A 111 J Cardiol1984 Feb 1: 53 (4): 421-8.

173. EUvIALEII. D. R.: ZAMECNIK, P. C: C/\STRONOVO. F. P. Jr.: STRAIJSS. H. W.: R APA PORT. E . «99mTc labcl cd lluclcOlides as tumor sccking radiocliagnostie agents". Proc Nar! Acml Sci USA 1984 Feb: Sl (3): 918-21.

174. KA CL, S.: BOCCIIER, C. A.: OKADA, R. D.: NEWELL. J. B.; STRAl;SS, H. W.; POHOST. G. M. "Sourecs 01' variability in lhe raclionllelide 3ngiographic asscssment of cjection fraction: a comparison of I1r5t pass and gated cquilibriull1 techniqucs». AII1 .1 Cm"diol 1984 Nar 1: 53 (6): 823-8.


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175. BR OWN, K. A.; OKADA , R. D.: BO CCHER. C. A.; STRACSS, H. W. ; POHOST, G. M. «Right ventricular ejecti o l1 fraction res ponse to exerci se in paticnls \vilh co ronar)' artery disease: inftuence of both right corona l")' arter)' disease and exercise induced changes in right ventricular afterload" . J Arn Coll Cardio/1984 Apr; 3 (4): 895-901.

176. POZEN, M. W; LERNER, D. J. ; D AGOSTlNO, R. B.; STRA USS, H. W.; GERT.\'lAN, P. M. «Cardiac nuclear imaging. Adoption of an cvolving teehnology». Med Care 1984 Apr; 22 (4): 343-8.

177. KHAW, B. A.; STRAUSS, H. W.; CAHILL, S. L.; SO ULE, H. R.; EIJG INGTON. T.: COONEY. J. «Sequential imaging oE indium 111

labeled monoclonal ant ibody in human mammary tumors hostcd in nucl e miee» . .1 NlIcI Med 1984 May; 25 (5): 592-603.

178. ROTH ENDLE R, J. A.; OKADA, R. D.: STRAUSS. H. W.; C¡'IESLER , D. A.; POI/OST, G. M. «Eva luatioll in dogs of a new double clase technique for imaging changcs in myoca rdial per(usion», J j"uc/ l\1cd 1984 Jun; 25 (6): 706-J 3.

179. R abinowitz, S. A.; MeKusiek, K. A.; Strauss, H. W ,,99mTc red b lood ce l! scinti graphy in eva luatin g focal liver les ions). I1JR 11m J Roelllgenol 1984 Jul: 143 (1): 63-8.

180. BROWN. K. A.; BOUCJlER, C. A.; OKADA, R. D.: STRA USS, H. W ; POI-IOST, G. IvI. «Quantification of pulmonary thallium 201 activity after upright exercise in normal pcrsons: imporlancc o( pea k hea rt rate and propranolol usage in del'ining normal va lues). Am J Ca/'diol J 984 Jun 1; 53 (11): 1678-82 .

181. SULLlVAN. P. J. ; W ERR E, J.; EL.vlALEH. D. R.; OKADA, R. D.; KOPIWODA, S. Y.; CASTR O~OVO. F. P. JI'. ; rvI c K uSIC K. K. A.: STRACSS, H. \V. «A co mpari so n of lh e tcc hn e tium la be led myocardial agenls DiArs and DMPE 10 2 01T1 in ex pe rim e ntal animals»./ntJ NI/e/ Med Bio/1984; 11 (1): 3- 10.

182. CASTRONOVO, F. P.; YASUDA, T.; STRAUSS, H. W. [99m1'e ]pyrophosp hale a nd (1 25 1]phenylphosphonate behavior in the infaretecl ral myoca rclium». 1/1/ J Nue/ Med Biol 1984; 11 (1): 55-9.

183. NUKHAR.JJ, J. ; R UDE, R. E.; POOLE. W K.: GusTArsON, N.; T II OMAS, L. J. lr.; STRAUSS. H. W ; J AFrE, A. S.: M ULLER . J. E.; ROBERTS, R.; R AA13E. D. S. Jr. ; el al. «Risk factars for suelelen death after acute myocardia l infarctian : twa year fo llo\v UP») . Am J Cardiol 1984 Ju11; 54 (1): 3 l -6.

184 . GEL LER, E.; KH AW, B. A .; STRAUSS. H. W.; CARVALJlO. A. c.; R AJAGOPALAN. B.; J ONES, R. ; ZA I' OL, W. M. «Teehn e tium fibri nogen lung scanning in can ine lung contusiol1». J Trauma 1984 Jul: 24 (7): 611-8.

185. KJl AW, B. A.; NATTIS, J . A.; MELI,",COFF, G.; STRAUSS. H. W ; GOLl), H.


K.; H ABER, E. «Monoclonal antibody lO cardiac myosin: im aging ol' experimen ta l myoeardial infaretion". HybridomG 1984: 3 (1 J: 11-23 .

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186. PI LE SI'ELLM AN , J. M. ; Me Kuslc K. K. A.: STR AUSS, H. W ; COONEY. J.: T AVERAS. J. N. «Expe rime nt al in vivo imagin g of lhe crani al peri neura l lymphatic palhway». A1N R A m 1 Nel/ roradio/ 1984 Sep OCl; 5 (5): 539-45. .

187. KATUS. H. A. : YASUD A. T.: GOL.]), H . K.; LEINllACII. R. C; STRAUSS, H. W.: WAKSMONS KI . C: HABER, E.: KHAW, 13 . A . «Diag nosis 0 1' acule ll1 )'ocardial infa rcl io n by dctection of circulating cardi ac myosin lighl ehains». Am J Cm'dio /1 984 Nov 1: 54 (8) : 964-70.

188. HARRIS, W H. : Mc KuSICK. K.: A rIl ANAsoULlS, C A. ; WAU'MAN, A. C: STRAUSS, H. W «Dcleclio n o[ pulmonar)' embo li afle r tola l hi p replaccment lIsing seri al C I. 502 pulmonary sca ns». j l30ne } oin! SI/rg {A mi 1984 Dec: 66 (9): 1388-93.

189. OH SUZU, F.: STRAUSS, H. W ; I-IOMCY. C J. «The lun g be ta receplo r in th e spo ntaneous hyperle nsive ral». Jpn Cire J 1984 Nov: 48 ( 11 ): 1203-9.

190. BRow". K. A.; OSBAKKEN. M.; BouCII ER. CA.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W : POII OST. G. M.: OKADA, R. D. «Positi ve exe rcise tha ll ium 201 tesl responses in paticnts with Icss tha n 50% maximal coronary stenosis: angiographic aIld cli !l ica l predictors». Am .1 Catdiol 1985 Jan 1: 55 ( 1): 54-7.

19 1. BOUCll ER. CA.; BR EwsTER, D. C: DAIlLl NG, R. C : O KADA, R. D.; STlV\uss. H. W.: PO HOST, G. M. «D etermination of cardi ac ri sk by dipyridamolc thallium imaging before pcripheral vascul ar surger)'» . N El/g/ J M ed 1985 Feb 14: 312 (7): 389-94.

192 . GR EEN ll ERG. J. M. ; MURPII Y, J . 1-1 .: OKA DA, R. D.: POIl OST. G. M.; STRAUSS , 1-1. W. : Boue lI ER. C. A. " Ya lu e a nd limi la ti o ns o f radi onuclide angiosgraphy in detcrm ining the cause 0 1' reduccd lefl ve ntricular ejection fracl ion: compari son 0 1' idiopalhic di lat ed ca rdiomyopa thy and coronar)' artery disease» . Am .1 Cardial 1985 Fcb 15; 55 (5) : 541-4.

t 93. YONE KURA, Y; BRILL. A. 13 .; SOMo P: YAMAMOTO. K.; SRIVASTAVA, S. C; IWA I, J. ; E U1 ALEH, D. R.: LIVI' I, E.; STRAUSS. H. W. : GOOD\1AN, M. M. : el a/. «Regionalm yoca rdia l substrate upl ake in hypc rtensive rats: a quanlitati ve autoradiograp hic measurcment». Science 1985 Ma r 22; 227 (4693):1494-6.

194. CASTRONOVO. F. P. JI'. ; YASU DA, T.: STRAUSS. H . W «Acule uptake and chronic rctent ion o l' infarct av id myocard ial secking agents: 99Tc m pyrop hospha te a nd 125 1 phe nylphosp ha te" . NI/el M ed COIIIIlll/111 984 OCl; 5 ( 10): 647-54.

195. BR E\VSTER, D. C; OKADA, R. D.: STRACSS, 1-1 . W.; ABllorr. W M.; D ARLII'G . R. C; B OUC II ER, C . A . «Se lec l io n of pali e n ts fo r preopcrati ve co ro nal")' an giography: use or dipyri damole stress tha ll ium myoca rdia l im aging». J Vasc SlIrg 1985 May; 2 (3): 504-10.

196. KAU L. S.: O KADA, R. D.: PA;-J DIAN, N. G.; POIIOST. G. M.: WEYMAN. A. E ,; S TRAUSS. 1-1. \\1. «D ctcrminat ion of lefl ventricul ar "area al


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risk" \vith high resolution single photon emission computerized 10mography in experimental coronary occlusion». Am Heart J 1985 Jun; 109 (6): 1369-74.

197. LIU. P.: KIESS, M.: OKADA, R. D.: STRAUSS, H. W.; BLOCK, P. c.: POIlOST, G. M.; BOUCIlER, C. A. ,dncreased thalliulll lung uptakc aftcr exercise in isolated left anterior descending coronary artcry disease». A 111 ./ Cordiol 1985 J un 1; 55 (13 Pt 1): 1469-73.

198. ROTHENDLER. J. A.; OKADA, R. D.: WILSON, R. A.; BRowN, K. A.: BOUCHER, C. A.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W: POIlOST. G. M. "Effect of a dclay in commcncing imaging on the ability to detect transient thallium defects». } NI/e! Med 1985: 26 (8): 880-3.

199. LEES, R. S.; GARA3EDIAN, 1-1. D.; LEES, A. M.; SCIIUMACIIER, D. J.: M!LLER, A.: TSAACSOIlN, J. L.; DERKsEN, A.; STRALSS, 1-1. W. «Tcchnetium 99m 10\1,1 density lipoproteins: prcparation and biodistribution» . ./ NI/e! Med 1985 Sep; 26 (9): 1056-62.

200. ELMALEII, D. R.: LIVNI, E.: OKADA, R.: NEEDHAM, F. L.: SCHLEUEDERBERG. J.; STRAUSS, H. 'W. «The synthcsis and evaluation of radioiodinated 14 (iodophenyl) 3 (R,S) Illethyltetradecanoic acid". NI/e! Med COl11l11l/n 1985 May, ti (5): 287-97.

201. WILSON, R. A.: OKADA. R. D.: BARLAI KOVACH, M.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W «The cffcct of glucose insulin potassium on thallium 20l myocarclial redistribution». 1/11./ NI/e! Mer! Biol 1985: J 2 (2): 97- J 01.

202. ROTHEi\DLER, J. A.; BOUCHER, C. A.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W; POHOST, G. M.; OKADA, R. D. «Decrease in the ability to detect clevated lung thallium due to delay in commencing imaging after exercise». Am HearlJ 1985 Oct: J 10 (4): 830-5.

203. Llu, P: KIESS, M. c.; OKADA, R. D.; BLOCK, P. c.; STRAUSS, H. W.: POIlOST, G. N.: BOUCIIER, C. A. «The persisten! defeet on exercise thallium imaging and its fate after myocardial rcvascularization: c10cs it represent scar or ischelllia?». Am Heorl./ 1985 Nov: J 10 (5): 996-1001.

204. OKADA, R. D.: KNAPP. F. F. Jr.; GOODMAi\, M. :VI.; ELMALEH, D.: STRAUSS, H. W. «Tellurium labeled fatty acid analogs: relationship o[ heteroatolll position to myocardial kinetics». El/r J ,NIlc/ /vled 1985; 11 (S): 156-61.

205. CASTRONOVO, F. P. Jr.: McKuSICK, K. A.; DANN. J.: PROUT, G. R. Jr.: STRALSS, H. W. "A simplifl ccl tcchnique for quanlifying 24 h whole body rClenlioll o[ 99mTe labe lecl Ill et hyl e ne c1iphosphonatc (MDP)>>.ln/./ NI/el Med Biol 1985; l2(3): 209-14.

206. LEPro. J. A.: OKADA, R. D.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W.; POHOST, G. M. «Effeet of hyperaemia on thalliul11 201 reclistribution in normal canine myocardiunl». Cordiovosc Res 1985 Nov; 19 (ll): 679-85.

207 . CARLSON, R. 1.; BEN-PoRATH, E.; SHOUVAL. D.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W.:


ISSELBACHER, K. J_: \VANDS, J. R. «An tigenic charact eriza tion of human hcptocellular ca rcinoma» . .I e/in InveSf 1985; 76: 40-5 1.

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208. BINGIIAM. J.; OKADA. R. D.: McK uS ICK. K.: BOUCHER. C.: TAROLLI, E.: ALP ERT. N.: STR AUSS. H. W. " Cornparison 01' lhree semia utom atic mcthods for de tcrmination of left ve ntricular eject ion fraclion from gated cardiac blood pool imag'cs» . Eur.l NllcI Med 1985: 10: 494-499.

209. KAUL. S.: CHESLER. D. A.: 1'01l0ST, G. N.: STRAUSS, J-l. W.: OKADA. R. D. : BO UCHER, C. A. "' nfluenee 0 1' peak exe reise hea n rate o n normal th allium 50] myoca rdiaJ clea rancc». J NI/el ¡\1er! 1986 Jan: 27 (1): 26-30.

2 10. WILSON. R. A.: S¡;LLlVAN. P. J.: OKADA. R. D. : BounlER. C. A.: MOR Rl s. c.: 1'01l0ST. G. N.: STRACSS, J-l. W «The effeel 01' ea ling on thalJiurn rnyoeardial ima ging». C/¡ es1 19R6 Feb: 89 (2): 195-8.

2 11. LrVNI. E .: ELMALEH. D. R.: B¡\RLAI KOVACH. M. M.: GOODlvIAN, M. M.: K~APP. F. F. ./1'.: STRAUSS. H. W «Radioiod inated be ta Illethyl phen)'1 faHy acids as pot c11lial lracers for myocardial imaging and meta boli slll». Ellr /-Iearl .! 1985: 6 Suppl B: 85-9.

2 12. YAM AMOTO. K.: SOMo P.: BRILL. A. B.: YO:'<EKURA. Y: SRIVASTAVA. S. c.: M EIJ\KEN. G. E.: IWA I . .l.: GOODlvIAN. M. M.: K"APP, F. F.: ELMALEH. D. R.: Lr vNI. E.: STRAUSS. J-l . W. «Dual traee r a utoradiogra phi e st ud y or B-mclhyl-( 1- 14C) hepladeea noi eaeid anel 15- 1' - ( 13 11 )-lodophenyl-B-lllelhylpenlaelcca noie acid in normotensivc and hypc rt ensive r3ts». J NllcI /v/erl 1986: 27: 11 78- 11 83.

2 13. LEE. D. c.: .I 0 Il NSO~ . R. A.: BINGHAM. J. B.; LEAIIY, M.: DINsMoRE, R. E .: GOROLL. A. J-l.; NEWELL, J. B.: STRACSS, J-l. W: HA8ER. E. «H ea rt failure in olltpaticnls: A randomized trial oC digoxin versus placebo». N El/gl J Med 1986: 306 (12): 699-705.

214. PARKER, J. A.; STIV\USS. H. W «The e lTecl o r exereise on lhe tOla l \\-'ater space and red blood cell voJume of the gracilis musclc of th e dog». 11/1 J NI/ti Med 8io/1985: 12 (4): 255-9.

2 15. KAl:L. S.; BOUC II ER. C. A.: NEWELL, J. B.: C II ESLER. D. A.: GR[E~IlERG. J. N.: OKADA. R. D. : STRACSS. H. W: DINsMoRE. R. E.: POHOST. G. N. «Dctcrmination of rh e quantitativc thallium imaging variables that op timi zc detection of coron ary artery disease». J AI11 ColI Cardiol 1986 Mar: 7 (3): 527-37.

2 16. HO MMA, S.: CALLA II A", R. J. ; A~·I EER . B.; Mc K uS IC'K. K. A.: STRAr.;SS, H. W: OKADAM R. D. ; BOUC II ER, C. A. "Usefu lncss 01' oral dipyridamole suspcnsion for stress thallium imaging without cxercise in the detection of coronary artery discase). AII1 J Cardiol 1986 Mar 1: 57 (8): 503-8.

2 17. [SAACSO H" . J. l.: LEES. A. M.: LEES, R. S.: STRAU SS , H. w,; BARLAI KO VAC Il, rvL: M OO RE. T. J. «Adrcnal imaging with technetium 99m labe ll ed low de nsity lipoproleins» . MelabolislII 1986 Apr: 35 (4): 364-6.


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218. WHEELA :-:. K.: MlI KII ARJI. J. : R UDE. R. E.: POOLE, W. K.: GUSTAFSON. N.: TIIOMAS, L. J. JI'.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W.: JAFFE. A. S.: M ULLER, J. E.; ROIlERTS , R.; el al. "S udden death a nd ils relation lo QT int e rval prolongatian after acule myocardi al infarction: t\Vo yea r 1'0110\\1 Up». A 111 .1 Cordial 1986 Apr 1; 57 (10): 745-50.

219. C Ron. C. 1-1.: RUDE. R. E.: GUSTAFSO". N.; STONE. P 1-1.: POOLE. W K.: ROIlERTS. R.; STRAUSS, 11. W.: RAA BE. D. S. Jr. ; THOMAS. L. J .: JJ-\ FFE. A. S.; el al. «Abrupt withdrawal 0 1' beta blockade lh efapy in pati enls \\!ith myoca rdial infarction: effects o n infarct sizc. lcft ventricular function, and hospital course». Circula/ion 1986 Jun: 73 (6): 128 1-90.

220. WISKE. P. S.: PALACIOS. l.; BLOCK, P c.: OGARA, P: STRAUSS. H. W: OKAD A, R. D.: BOUC HER. C. A. «A ssess ment of regio nal rnyocardial perfusion with thalyum imaging during transicnt left anterior desccnding coronal)' art erial occlusion during angioplasty». AIII j Cordial 1986 Mal' 1; 57( 13): 1083-7.

221. KI ZUKA. H.; ELMALClI , D. R.: BOUDREAUX, G. J. ; STRA USS. 1-1. W.; ACKERMAN. R. 1-1.; BROW NE LL. G. L. «N lll C Me lh yi] ch lorphe ntermi ne and N.N lllC dimethylJchlorphenlcrmine as brain blood flo\v agents ror positron cmission tom ograph y». J Nuc/ Med 1986 Apr; 27 (4): 532-7.

222. Oll sezu. F.: H OSONO, K.; N AKA MURA. H. ; STR AUSS. 1-1. W. ( Radionuclide ve lltricu lographic evaluation of leh ventricular systolic function in acute myocardial infarctioll». J Cardiogr Sllppl 1986; (8): 43-52.

223. MAlnvN. J. A.: Mc KuslcK, K.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W. ; BURK E, .1. F. ( Ventricular volum e ancl ejeclion fraction in lhe diagnosis of the aetio logy o[ low cardi ac output in burned patients». Allaeslltesia 1986 May: 41 (5): S il -S .

224. KHAW , B. A.; COONCY. J. ; EDG ING TO:-:. T.: STRA USS, 1-1. W. «Oiffcrences in experimental tumor localiza tion of dual labeled monoclo nal a nli body. J NI/el Med 1986; 27 (8): 1293-9.

225. BROWN. K. A.: BOeCHER , C. A.; OKAD A, R. D.; NEWELL. J.: STRALJSS, H. W.: POII OST, G. M. «Prognostic significance 01' regional myoca rdial ischemia of the ventricular septum assessed by thallium 20 1 exereise lesling». Aln J Cardial 1986: 58 (3): 359-60.

226. KHAW, B. A.; GOLD, H. K.; YASUDA, T.; LEINIlACl I, R. c.; KANKE. M. ; FALLON, J. T.: BARLAI KOVACH, M.: STRA USS, H. W: SIIEEII "I' . E: H ABE R. E. «Scintigraphic quantificat ion of m)'ocardial necrosis in patients afler intravenous injection of myosin specific antibocly». Circl/lmion 1986 Sep; 74 (3): 50 1-8.

227. lIu. P.; KIESS, N. c.; STRAUSS. H . W ; BOUCHER, C. A; BLOCK, P. c.; OKADA, R. D. «Comparison of cjection fraction and pulmonary blood volume ratio as markers of ¡eft ventricular function changc afler coronary a ngioplasly» . .I AIII Call Cm'diol 1986 Sep: 8 (3): 5 11 -6.


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228. TAM AKI , N.: YASUDA, T; LEINBACH, R. c.; GOLO, H. K.: Mc Kus lc K, K. A.; STRAUSS. H. \V. «Spontaneous changes in regional \vall mOlian abnormalities in acute rnyocardial infarction )~ . Am .1 Ca¡'dio/1986 Sep 1; 58 (6) : 406-10.

229. Bl ANCO, J. A.; ELMALEII, D. R.; LEPPO, J. A.; KI NG, N. A.; MORING , A.; L!vNI. E. ; ESP I;-JOZA, E .: ALPERT, J. S.: STRAUSS. H. W. "Effect of glucose and insulin infusioll 011 th e myocardial extraction o( a radioiodinated me thyl substituted rally acid". E ur J Nucl M ed 1986: 12 (3): 120-4.

230. Llvl. E.: SPELLMAN, J. P.; CORREIA, J. A.; ALPERT, N. M.; BROW"ELL, G. L.; STRAUSS, H . W; EL"ALE H, D. R. «[ IICJMPTP: a potcntial tra ce r fOI" Parkin son's disease research in ¡abarator)' animals» . .! Nuc/ M ed 1981i Oct; 27 (10): 1600-3.

23 L TAMAKI. N.; RABlTo. C. A.: ALPEI{]', N. M.; YASUDA, T ; CORREIA. J. A .; BARLAI KOVACH, M.; KANKE. N.; DRAGOTAKES. S. c.; STRAUSS, H. W "Serial analysis of renal bload fiow by positron tom ograp hy with rubidium 82". ;1m.! Physio/1986 Nov: 25 1 (5 Pt 2): H1024-30.

232. G ILL, J . B.: MOORE. R. H.; TAMAKI, N.; MILLER, D. D. ; BARLAI KOVACH. M.; YASUDA, T: BOUCHER, C. A.; STRAUSS. H. W. «Mu lti ga ted blood pool tomography: new method for the assessmcnt o( len ventricular function» . .1 lVUc/ /Y1ed 1986 Dec; 27 (12): 19 16-24.

233. RLDDY, T D.; YASLDA, T; GOLO, H. K.; LEINBACH, R. c.; NEWELL, J. B.: McKuslcK. K. A.; BOLCHER. C. A.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Anter ior ST segment dcprcssion in acute inferior myocardial in(arction as a marker of greater inferior. apica \. and posterolatcral damage». Am IIeorlJ 1986 Dee; 11 2 (6): 1210-6.

234. KA MM, R.: BUTCIIER. R.; FROELlCH. J.; JOHNSON, M.; SALZMAN, E.; SIIAP IRO. A.; STRALSS, H. \lt.l. «Optimi zation of índices oC external pneumatic comprcssion for prophylaxis against deep ve in thrombosis: radionuclide gated imaging sludies». Cardiovasc Res 1986; 20 (8): 588-96.

235. YOUNG, D. Z.; GUINEY, TE.; McKuSICK, K. A.: OKADA. R. D.; STRAUSS, H. W; BOUCHER, C. A. "Unmasked potenti a l myoca rdial ischemia wilh dipyridamol c thallium imaging in palients with norm al submax imal exerci se thallium tests». Am J /'/oninvasive Cardiol1987: 1: 11 - 14.

236. KHAW, B. A.; STRAUSS, H. W: MOORE, R.; FALLON, J. T ; YASUDA. T; GOLO, H. K.; HABER, E. «M yocardial damage delineated by indiulll III antil1lyosin Fab and tech netium 99m pyrophosphate» . .! Nucl Med 1987 Jan: 28 (1): 76-82.

237. QUIl\'J. D. A.; CA RVALHO, A. c.; GELLER. E.: KIIAW, B. A.; BARLAI KOVACH. M. ; ZICLONKA, J.: GREENE, R. ; STRAUSS. H. W.; ZAPOL, w. N. «99mTc fibrinogen scanning in adult respira tory distress syndromc». Am Rev Respir Dis 1987 Jan: 135 ( 1): 100-6.


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238. HOMMA. S.; GILLlLAND, Y.: GL IKEY. TE.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W.: BOLCII ER. C. A. «Sa rety or inlravenous dipyridamole rol' stress lesling wilh Ihallium imaging». ;\/11 J Cordial 1987 Jan 1: 59 (1): 152-4.

239. STEI"BERG. E. P.; KLAG. M. J.; BAKAL. C. W: STRALSS. H. W.: BOUCHER. C. A.; GUINEY. T. E. «(Excrcise thaJliul11 scans: palterns of use and impact on managcmcnt of patients with known or SlIspccted coronary arter)' discasc». A1I1 J Cm'dio! 1987 Jan 1; 59 (1): 50-5.

240. MII .LER. D. D.; RLDDY. T D.: ZLSMAN. R. M.: OKADA. R. D.: STRAUSS. H. W.: KAK,\RCK. D. J.: CIIRISTENSE~. D.: FEDERM A". E. B.: BOCClIER. C. A. «Left ventricular ejection fraction response during exercisc in asymplomalic syslcmic hyperten sioll ». Am J COI'diol 1987 Feb 15; 59 (5): 409-13.

241. KRADIN. R. L.: BOYLE. L. A.; PREFFER. F. l. ; CALLA "A". R. J.: BARLAI KOVACII. M.; STRAUSS. H. W: DUBINETr. S.; KLRNICK. J. T «Tumor derived interleukin 2 dependent Iymphocytes in adoPlive immunothcrapy 01' lung ca neen>. Callcer ¡mOllll1ol Il1/l1IwlOllter

1987; 24 (1): 76-85. 242. TOFLER. G. H.; STONE. P. H.; MULLER, J. E.; WILU CH. S. N.; DAvls.

V. G.; POOLE. W. K.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W; WILLERSON. J. T; JAFF'- . A. S.; ROBERTSOl\. T.; el al. «Effccts of gender and race on prognosis afte!" myocardial infarction: adve rsc prognosis for \Vomen. partieularly blaek \Vomen» . .! Am ColI Cardiol 1987 Mar; 9 (3): 473-82.

243. DANN. J.: CASTRO"OVO, F. P. Jr.; McKuSICK. K. A.; GRII·FIN. P. P.: STRAUSS. H. W. ; PRO UT. G. R. JI'. «Tolal bone IIplakc in management of melastatic carcinoma of lhe prostatc». J Urol1987 Mar; 137 (3): 444-8.

244. DR UCKER, E. A.: SI RAUSS, H. W «Co ngestive hea rt failure with normal ejccli on rraction ». Semill Nucl Med 1987 Jan; 17 (1): H3-4.

245. CASTRONOVO. F. P. JI'.; McKuSI CK. K. A.; STRAUSS. !-I. W «The 4 h/24 h 99mTe MDP whole body relenllon: a new index 01' bone palhology». 11lI.! Rad Appl IIISII'III/l [B]1986: 13 (6): 599-602.

246. I-IER RMANN, !-l. c.: RUDDY. T D.; DEC. G. W; STRAUSS. H. W.: BOUCIIER. C. A.; FI FER, N. A. «Diastolic [u nction in patients \vith sevcrc heart failurc: compari son of the eHccts of enoximonc ane! nitroprllssidc». Circulalion 1987 Jun: 75 (6): 1214-2 1.

247. HERRM A"N, H. c.: RUDDY, T. D.: WILLlAM , G.: STRAUSS, H . W: BOLCHER. C. A.: FIFER. M. A. «1 nolropic e lTeet 0 1' enoximone in pacicnt s with sevcrc heart failurc: dcmonstration by left ve ntricular end systo lic pressure vo lumc ana lysis» . .1 Am Call Cardial 1987 May; 9(5): 1117-23.

248. NIS HI MURA, T: YASUDA. T.:. GOLD. H. K.; LEI"BACK. R. c.; BOLCHER, C. A. : McKuSI CK. K. A.; STRALSS. 11. W. <<l neidenee,


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severity and clinical course of right ventricular involvemcnt afler acute inferior myocardial in farction; assessmenl by sequenlial 99Tcl11 pyrophosphale sean anel galecl blood pool sea 11» , NllcI Med CO"'I/llIl/ 1986 Dec; 7 (12): 887-96.

249. TAM,\K I, N.: OILL, J . B.; M OORE. R. H.: YASUDA, T.: BOUCIIER, C. A.: STlü \USS. H, W, <~Ca rdiac response 10 daily activities and excrcise in normal subjects assessed by an ambulatory ve ntricular [unction monilor». ¡Im.l Ca/'diol 1987 May 1: 59 (12):'1164.9.

250. N ISIII.'1 URA, T.; YAS CDA. T.; OO LD , H. K. : LEI NBAC II , R. C.: \1 CK US ICK . K. A.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Lcft and ri gh! ventricular [unction after streptokinase reperfusion: assessment by ga ted blood pool scans». Nlle! Med COIII /lIIIII 1987 Feb: 8(2) :87·97.

251. TORCHILI ~, Y. P: KLlIlANOV. A L. ; NOSSlrF, N. D.: SLlNK I~ , M. A: STRAUS S. H . W.: H ABER, E.: SMIR NOV, y. N.: KII AW. B. A. ~< Monoclonal antibody modification wilh chelate lin ked high molecular \veight polymers: majar incrcascs in polyvalent cation binding without los5 of antigen binding». Hybridoma 1987 Jun; 6 (3): 229·40.

252 . R UDDY. T. D.: Y ASUDA, T. ; OOLD. H. K.; L EINRACH, R. C: M c KuSICK. K. A.; BOUCHER. C. A.: STRACSS. H. W. «CorrelaLions of regional wa H motion and myocardial perfusion in patients with and withallt anter ior precordial ST segment depression during acute inferior myoca rdi al infarctiol1». A1I1 J Nonil/vasive COI'diol 1987; 1: 81·87.

253. RUDDY, T. D.: YASUDA. T.; BARLAI KOV,\ CIL N.: NEDELMA:< . M. A: M OORE, R. 1-1.: ALPERT, J. M .: COR REIA. J . A.: NEWELL. J . B. : OKADA. R. D .: BOUCHER. C. A.: S'I RAUSS. H. W. " M eas lIremcnL of b01h lefl ve ntricular [ullction and regional myocardial pcr(usion with Xe-133 in dogs». EI/r.l NI/el Med 19R7; 12: 533-541.

254. RUDDY. T. D.: DIGI-I ERo. 1-1. R. ; NEWELL. J . B.; POHOST. O. M.: STRAUSS, H. W. OK ADA. R. D.: B OUCIL ER. C. A. «Quan liLaLive analysis of dipyridamol e thalliuJ11 images for th e detection 01' coronary arlery disease». J A 171 Col! Cm'diol 1987 J ul : 10 (1): 142-9.

255. MILLER. D. D.: LIU, P; STRAUSS. H. W.: BLOCK. P. C.; OKADA, R. D.: B OUCH E R, C, A, «Prognosli c value 01' computer qu anlit ated cxercise thalliulll imagillg early aft er percutanco lls tran sluminal coronary angioplasly». J AI7I Col! Cordiol 1987; 10 (2): 275·83.

256. N ISI-II\1UR A, T.: YASU DA, T. ; O OLD, H. K. ; LEI NBAC H. R . C: BOUCHER. C. A.: M c K uSICK . K. A.; STRAUSS. H. W. «High risk subgroup oC inferior myocardial infarction: importance 0 1' anterior wall 11101ion and right ventricular fUl1ction », Radint iWed 1986 Oct Dec: 4 (4): 11 2-8.

257. NISIIIM URA, T.: YASUDA, T. ; OOLD , H. K .: LE LN BAC H. R. C: BOUCHER. C. A.: M c K uSICK. K. A .; STRAUSS. H. W. " ConLribulion of contract ile Slate of lhe 11011 infarcted area lo globa l ventricular


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perform ance after acute myoca rd ial infarction: assessment by quantirative radionuelide angiography». Radial Med 1986 Oet Dec: 4 (4): 127-33.

258. FI SCIIMAN , A. J. ; LEES, A. M. ; LEES, R . S.; BARLAI KOVACII , M.; STRAUSS, H. \V. «Accumulation o( native and melhylat cd 10\\1

dcnsity lipoproteins by healing rabbit arterial wall». Arteriosclerosis 1987 Jul : 7 (4): 361-6.

259. YASUDA, T.; PALACIOS, 1. F.: D EC, G. W ; FALLON, .I. T.; GOLD, H. K. : LEI,"BA CII , R. c.; STR AUSS, H . W.; KIIAw. B. A. ; HAB ER, E . «Indium 111 monoclonal ant im yos in antibody imaging in lhe diagnosis 01' aeut e myoearditis». Circu/mioll 1987: 76 (2): 306- 11 .

260. WILSON, R. A.; KOPlwoDA, S. Y: CALLAIIA'. R. J .; MOORE, R. H. ; BOUCHER. C. A.; MANSPEA KER , 1-1.; C,\STRONOVO, F. P.; STRAl;SS, H . W. «Biod istrib uti o n 01' tanta1um J78: a s hort lived radiop harmaceut ical ror blood pool imaging». Eur J Nucl Med 1987; 13 (2): 82-5.

26.1. TAt-.:IAK I , N.; S TR AUSS. H. W. «Asscssmcnt or card iac run ction by an ambulatory ventricular fun et io n monitor (VEST) (1) Validati on». Kaku Igaku 1987 Mar: 24 (3): 289-96.

262. Kl zuKA, I-i. ; EL~IALEII, D. K.; BROW,"ELL, G. L.; STRAlJSS, H. W.; HAI\'SON. R. N. "Synthesis and evaluation 01' piado phente rmine (1 P) as a brain pcrfusion imaging agent». Nucl .41ed COI11I11I1Il 1985 Jan; 6 (1): 49-56.

263. DIMSDALE. J. E.: YOUI\'G, D.; MOORE, R.: STRAlJSS , H. W. «Do plasma l10rep incphrinc leve ls rcrlcet behavioral stress'?,> Psy­c/¡osom Med 1987 Ju1 ; 49 (4): 375-82.

264. WILLETT, C. G.; URANO, M .. SUIT, H. D.; STRAUSS. H. W: KAII N, J.; OKUI\' IEFF, P. G. «Erfeet of temperarure o n b100d !low and hypox ie fraction in a Illuri nc fibrosa rcoma» . /nl J Radial Ollcol Biol Phys 1987 Sep; 13 (9): 1309-12.

265. RUDDY, T. D.: GILL, J . B.; FI:-JKELSTE IN. D. M.: STI<AUSS. H . W.; Mc Ku SICK , K. A.; OKADA, R. D.; BOUCIIER, C. A. «I'vlyocardial uptake and clcarancc of thalli um 20 1 in no rm al subj ec ts: comparison of dipyridamole induced hypercmia with cxercisc stress». J A 111 ColI Cardio/1987 Sep; 10 (3): 547-56.

266. HABER, E .: YASUDA, T.; PALACI OS. 1. F.; DEC, G. W; GOLI), 1-1 . K.: LE INBACII , R. c.: FALLON. J . T: STRA USS. H. W : KII Aw, B. A. «An ti myosin an li body im agi ng in lh e dia gnos is o f ac ut e l1lyoearcli tis» . Europ Ilean ./ 1987; 8: (S upplcment J), 119-1 23.

267. OKADA. R. D.; BE NDERS KY , R.; STRAUSS, H. W. : 1'0 1105'1', G. M.; BOUCIIER, C. A. «Compari so n of intravenous dipyrida lll ole thallium ca rdiac imaging with exercise radionuc\idc angiography», AII1 Hean ./l987 Sep: 114 (3): 524-31.


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268. TAMAKI. N.: STRAUSS, H. W. «A ssessmcnt or cardiac funclion by an ambulalory ve nlricular funclion monilOr (VEST) (2). Applicalion in coronary anery discase». Kaklllgakll 1987 May: 24 (5): 55 1-8.

269. FRIST, W.: YASU DA, T ; SEGALL. G.: KH AIV, B. A.: STRAUSS. H. W ; GOLD. 1-1.: STl NSON . E.: OVERo P.: BALDWIN, J. ; BILLl NG II AM . M.: el al. «Noninvasive dClectian 0 1' human cardiac transplant rcjccti on wilh indium ] 11 anl imyosin (Fab) imaging». Circulmioll 1987 Nov: 76 (5 PI 2): V8 1-5.

270. C\STRONOVO. F. P. Jr.; PHOUT, G. R. J r.; STRAUSS, H. W: Mc KuS IC'K. K. A.: GRIFFI". P. P. «A re fincd method for asscssing 99mTc MDP whole body relenl ion in prostalc ca ncer patient s»). 1m J Rad Appl II/Srrlllll [B1 1987: 14 (5): 475-7.

27 1. KIIAIV, B. A.; YASL:DA. T: GOLD, H. K.: LEI" 8ACII. R. c.: JOHNS. J. A.; KA:" KE, M.: BARLAI KOVACH. N.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W ; H ABER. E. «Acut e Illyocard ial infarcr imaging with indium 1I I labelcd monoclona l an l imyosin Fab» . .1 Nue/ Med 1987 Nov; 28 (11): 1671 -8.

272 . I-I L:R FORD. W E.: KOLK ER. A. C. : STRAU SS , 1-1. W «T he use of vent il at ion/per fusion lung scans to pred ict oxygenat ion during one lung aneslhesia». AI/esr/¡esi% gy 1987 Nov; 67 (5): 841-4.

273. MILLER. A.; SCIIOcN, F. J .; LEES. A. M.: F,\LLON, J. T; STRAUSS, 1-1. W.; LEES. R. S. «Low density lipop rotein accumul atio n by PTFE graft s in l he rabbit ao rt a, lo radio graphic morp hologic correlalions». ASA IO 1i'al/S 1987 J ul Sep: 33 (3): 489-93.

274. GILL, ./ . B.; R UD DY, T D.: NEWELL, ./ . B.: FI"KELSTE IN. D. M.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W.; BO L:C HER. C. A. «Prog nosl ic importance of tha lli um uptale by lhe lu ngs dur ing excrcise in coronary artery d isease». N El/g/ } Med 1987 Dec 10; 317 (24): 1486-9.

275. CHO, B.: YASUDA, T; MOORE, R. 1-1.; BOUC II ER, C. A.; STRAUSS, 1-1 . \V. «D ctection of intracavitary Illasses 0 11 gated scans: a pha l1101ll study». N/lc/ Med COIIIIl//lI/ 1987 Ju l: 8 (7): 469-77.

276. KAUL, S.; FIN KL ESTE IN. D. M.: I-I OMMA, S.; LEAv ITr. M. ; OKADA, R. D.: BOLJCHER, C. A. «Superi ority a f quantitati ve exercise TI-201 va ri ables in dc tcr lllini ng long- term prognosis in ambu lator}' pati ent s \v ith ches t pa in : A cO lll pa r iso n \v ith ca rdi ac ca lhe terizati on» . .I AIl/ CoII C"rdio/1988; 12: 25-34.

277. J ONES, G. S. Jr. ; LlV NI. E.: STRAUSS, H . W. ; HANSON, R . N.: ELMALEH, D. R. «Sy nthesis and biologic evalualio n o f 1 [1I e] 3.3 dimelhylheptadeca noic acid" . .I N/lcI M ed 1988 Jan: 29 ( 1): 68-72.

278. KA UL, S.; WATSON, D. D.: O UNER. J . D.: OKA DA. R. D .: WEYMA~. A . E. : STRAUSS, 1-1 . W. «RelaLio nshi p be twee n 10ft vent ri cu la r systolic I"uncti on and plasma clearance of l 69Y b-DTPA in normal and isc hemic dogs». Nepltrol1 1987: 47 (2): 144-9.

279. Flsc HMA N. A. J .; RUB I:", R. H.; KIIAW. B. A. ; CA LLAHA N. R. J .: WIL KI" SON . R.; KEEC ll , F.; NEDELMAN. M.; DRAGOTAKES, S.:


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KRAM ER. P. B.; LAMuRAGLlA. C. M.: L"m, S.; STRA USS. 1-1. W «D etection 01' acute inflammation \-vith 1llln-labcled nOllspccific poll'clonal IgC». Sell1 Nlle! Med 1988: XVIll (4): 335-344.

280. TAKAIIASHI. 1-1 .: WILSON, B. ; OZTURK. N.; MOTTE, P; STRAL:SS. 1-1. W: ISSELBACHER, K. J. ; WAN DS, J. R. « /11 vivo loca liza tion 0 1' human colon adenocarcinoma by monoc\onal antibody binding lo a highly expressed cell surrace antigem>. Callcer Res 1988: 48: 6573-6579.

28 1. TAMA KI. N.; AU'ERT. N. M.: RAIlITO, C. A.; BARL" I KOVACH. M.; CORREIA, J. A. ; STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «The cfreer 01' caplopri l on renal bload flow in renal artery stcnosis asscssed by positron tomography wilh rubidiul11 82». l-Iyperlellsion1988 Mar: II (3): 217-22.

282. EAGLE. K. A.: QUERTERMOUS, T.: S I NG~ R. D. E.: M ULLEY. A. C. : RED " I~, V. A.; BOUCIIER, C. A.: STRA L:SS, H. W.; TIIILIlAul: r, C. E. «L eft ve ntricul ar ejection fraclion. Physician cstimalcs comparcd wilh galed blood pool sean mcasuremcnls,) . Are/¡ Imern Med 1988 Apr: 148 (4): 882-5.

283. KRADI N. R.: D UBI NETT, S.; NULLlN, J.; BOYLE, L.: STRAUSS. H. W: BO URGO IN. P. M .: PR EFFER. F. 1" K URNICK. J. " Trea tl11 enl of paticnts wilh advanced ca ncer using tumor infiltrating Iymphocytes ancl interleukin 2». 7i-ansplalll Proc 1988 Apr; 20 (2): 336-8.

284. CASTRONOVO, F. P. Jr.; STRA L:SS, H. W «Dual tracer resorption and apposition in a rat fracture mode!». /n l .1 Rarl App{ 111 ~·lrll111 [B I 1988: 15 (2): 18 1-5.

285. R L:BI~, R. H.: YOU"G. L. S.: H ANSEN. W. P.; NEDELMAN, M. : WILKINSOi\, R .; N EL.L ES. M. J. ; C.~LLA IIAN. R.; KHAW, B. A.: STRAUSS, H. \V. «Specific and nonspec ifi c imag ing of loca lized Fishcr im munotype 1 Pselll/omOl1as aeruginosa infect ion with rad iolabe led monoclonal an tibody». J NI/el Med 1988 Muy: 29 (5): 651 -6.

286. KIESS, M. c.; DIMSDALE, J . E.: MOORE, R. 1-1 .: LIL:. P; NEWELL, J.: BARLAI KOVACII, M.; BOUCIIER. C. A.: STR,\USS, H . W. «The effects ol' stress on leH ve ntricular ejcct ion fraclion». EI/r j Nl/e/ Med 1988: 14(1 ): 12-6.

287. CASTRONOVO, F. P. Jr.: McKuSICK, K. A.: STR,\ USS, H. W. «The inriltrated radio ph armace uli ca l inj ec li o n: dosi me tri c considcrarions». EI/r J NI/el Mal 1988: 14 (2): 93-7.

288. TAMAKI, N.: YASL:DA. T.: M OO RE , R. H .: C ILL, J. B.; BOUCII"R, C. A.: H U'!"I"'R, A. M. Jr. ; COLD. H . K. : STRAUSS, 1-1. W. "Continuous monitoring of le ft ve ntri cular functi o n by an ambu latory radionucliclc delectar in palients with coronary artery clisease». J A 111 Call Cordial 1988 Scp: 12 (3): 669-79.

289. PALMER. E.; H ENR IKSO'O, B.: McKuSlcK. K.; STRAUSS. H . W. ; B OCII BERG, F. «Pain as an indica lor 0 1' bon e metaslasis». Acta Radiol 1988 Jul: 29 (4) : 445-9.


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290 . CASALE. P. N.: GUINEY. T. E.; STRAUSS, 1-1. w. ; BOCCIlER, C. A. «S imullanco us 10\\1 leve l trcadmill exerci sc and intravenous dipyridamole slress Ihallium imagillg». Am J Cardio/ 1988 Oel 1; 62 (10 PI 1): 799-802.

291. MILLER, D. D.; GILL, J. B.: Llv:-II. E.: ELMALEH. D. R.: ARETZ, T.; Bo ue llER. C. A.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Fally ae id a nal og ue accumulation: a marker of myocyte viabiJity in ischcmic reper(used myoeardiulll». Cire Res 1988 Oel: 63 (4): 681-92.

292. FROELlCIl, J . w.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W.; MOORE, R. H.; Mc KuSICK, K. A. «Red ist ributi on of visceral bload va lume in upright exercisc in heallhy volullleers». J NI/e/ Med 1988 Oel; 29 (10): 1714-8.

293 . MILLER, D. D.: KAUL, S.: STRAUSS. 1-1. w.: NEWELL. J. B.: OKADA. R. D.: BOCC'IlER. C. A. «lnereascd exereise lh allium 20 1 Iung uplake: a noninvasive prognostic indcx in two vessel coronary artery disease». Call J Cm'dio/ 1988 Sep; 4 (6): 270-6.

294. KIlAW, B. A.: BAILES, J. S.; SCIl"EIDER. S. L.: LAN CASTER. J.; POWERS, .l. ; STRAUSS. 1-1. W.: LASHER, J. C.; MCGUIRE, W. L. «Human breast tumor imaging using 1111n labelcd monoctonal anlibody: Alhymie mouse model ». EI/r J Nt/eI Med 1988: 14 (7-8): 362-6.

295. LEES, A. M.: LEES. R. S.: SUIOE". F. J.; ISAAC'SOHN, J. L.: FISCIlMA~.

A. J.; McKuSI CK. K. A.: STRAUSS. H. \V. « lll1aging human alherosc\crosis wilh 99mTc labeled low dcnsily lip oproleins». Arteriosclerosis 1988 Sep Oel; 8 (5): 461-70.

296. EAGLE, K. A.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W.: BOUCHER, C. A. «Dipyridalllolc myocardial pcrfusion imaging for coronary heart discasc». Am J Card /lIIag 1988: 2 (4): 292-303 .

297. CORI<E IA, J. A.: WEISE. S. B.: CALLAIIA:-I, R. J .: STRAUSS. H. W. «The kinetics of in gested 222Rn in humans dct crmill ed fraIn mcasurcmenlS wilh 133Xe. USEPA-Researeh MOllograph #600/S1-87/013 .1 988.

298. TAi\ll J-\ KI, N.: STRAUSS. H. Vv. «A mbulatory ventricu lar fun ction moniloring fol' se rial asseSSJ11cnts of cardiac run ction during exereise». J Cm'dio/1987 Dec; 17 (4): 875-85.

7.99. TAKAHASIIl. H. ; CARLSON, R.: O ZTURK. M.: SU;\. S .. MOTIE, P.: STI<A USS. H. w.: ISSELBAC HER, K. J.: WA;\DS, J . R.: SIIOUVA L. D. «Radi oim mullolocat ion 0 1' hcpa li c and pulmonary melastasis of human co lon adenocarcilloma ». CO!ilrOel/{erology 1989: 96: 1317-1329.

300. KRADIN, R. L.; LAZA RUS, D. S.: DURINETT, S. M.; GIFroRD, J.: GIWVE, B.; KURNICK, J. T.: PREFFER. F. 1.: PINTO, C. E .; DAVIDSON. E.: C¡\LLAIIA~. R. J. ; STRAUSS. H. 'vV. «Tulll our-i nfiltratin g Iymphocylcs and interleukin-2 in lrcalment 01' adv3nced caneer». Tile Lmtcet 1989: 577-580.


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30 1. F[SCHMA N, A. J. ; SA lTO, T: D[LS[Z[AN, v.: Roceo, P. ; YASCOA, T; GONZÁLEZ. E.; ELMALEII , D.; STI~AUSS, H. W. «Myoca rdi a l fatly acid illlaging: Rad io nale . cOlllparisoll of II C a nd 123-1 la bclccl fally acids. and pot ential c1inical utilit y» . Am J Card I lIlag 1989; 3: 288-296.

302. GR[EBEL, R . W. ; BLAC K. P. M.: PII.E-SPELLMAN, J .: STRALSS, H. W «Tbc impor tan ce o f "accessory" outflaw pat hways in hydroce phalus arter experi ment al subarachnoid hemo rrh agc», Neurosurgery 1989 Feb; 24(2): 187-92.

303. H[M EL, H. N.; AIIMAD, M. ; PARME'["[', S. R.; STRAUSS, H. W: MAY, J. 'Ar. Jr. « ErrCCl of Ihe liming of tourniquet release on posloperalive hematoma ro rm ation: an experi me nta l an imal stud y». PlclSl l?ecol1slr S I/rg 1989 A pr: 83 (4): 692-700.

304. SE"DA, M.: AIIMAD, M.: RCB[N, R.: S'[ RAUSS. H. W. «T ha llilllll 20 1 uptak e in kidneys and heart as an indicator of prognosis in septic shock in the ra l". Cire Shoek 1989 Mar: 27 (3) : 2 11 -7.

305. F[SII~IAN, J. A.; STRAUSS, H. W.: NEDELM AN , N. ; CALLAIIAN, R.: KH A\V , B. A. ; R UBIN, R. H. « Noninvasiv e di ag nos is o[ Pneun1 0cyst is caril1¡¡ in lhe ra t using radiolabelcd , no nspccific. human polyclonal immunoglobulin ». j ProlOzool J989 Jan Feb: 36 (1): 465-475.

306. YOC~G, D. Z.: D [MSDALE, J. E.: MOORE, R. H .; BARLA[ KDVACH. M.: NEIVELL, J . B. ; McKus [cK. K. A.; BOUCII ER. CA.: F[FEH, M. A __ STRAUSS. H. \V. «Le ft ventricu lar performance during psychological slress». EI/r j NI/e/ Med 1989; J5 (3): 11 8-22.

307. EAGLE. K. A. : COLEY. CM.: NEWELL. J. B.: BR EWSTER. D. C; DARLlNG, R. C.: STRAUSS, H. W; GU [NEY. T E.: BOlJCII ER. C A. «Combining clínical and thallium data optimizes prcopcrative asscssmcnt 0 1' ca rdiac risk bc fore major vascular surgery». Ann Il/1em Med 1989 JlIn J: 110 (1 1): 859-66.

308. KH AW. B. A.: T ORCH [LI". V P.: KLlIl ANOV. A. L ; NOSSIFF, N. D. ; POIVER S, J. B.: STRA USS, H. W. : H AIlE R, E. «Mod ifica lion of monoclonal a ntimyosin antibody: e nhanced sp ec ifi city of loca li zation and scintigraphic vi suali zation in acute experimental myocardia l infarclion ». j Mol Cel! COI'diol 1989 Feb; 2 1 SlIpp l 1: 3 1-5.

309. STONL P. H. : M ULLE R, J. E.; H ARTWEL L, T ; YORK , B. J. ; R UTHER FO RD, J. D.: PARKER , C B.: TCRI. Z. G.: STR AUSS, H. W.; W[ LLERSON. J. T: ROIlERTSO N. T.; el al.: «Thc effeel o f diabe tes mellitus on prognosis and serial left ventricular function arter acule myocardial infarction: contribution o f both coron ary di scase and diastolic le ft ventricular dysfullction to th e adverse prognosis». Th e MILIS Swdy Grol/p. J Am ColI Cardio /1989 .lul ; 14 (1): 49-57.

3 10. WACKE RS, F. J.: HERMAN. D. S.: MADDAJ-I[, J .; WATSO" D . D.: BELLER . G. A.: STRACSS, 1-1. W.: BOUCI [ER. CA.; P[ CARD. M.:


Page 46: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

HOLMAN, B. L; FRIDRICH, R.; el al. " Technctium 99m hexaki s 2 methoxyisobutyl isonitril e: human biodistribution , dosimetry, sa[ety, alld preliminary comparison to thallium 201 far myocardial perfusion imaging" .} Nue/ Medl989 Mar; 30 (3): 301-1 1.-

3 it. R UBIN. R. 1-1. ; FISCHM AN , A. J.: NEDELMAN, M. ; WILKINSON, R.; CALLAI'IAI\ , R. J.; KHAW, B. A.; H ANSEN, W. P.; KRAMER, P. B. ; STRACSS, H. \V. «Radiolabeled, nonspecific, polyclonal human immunoglobulin in th e de tce tian of focal inflammation by scinLigraphy: comparison wirh gallium 67 citrate and technetium 99m labeled albumin». } NI/e/ Me" 1989 Mar; 30 (3): 385-9.

3 12. FISCI'IM AN, A. J. ; R LB IN , R. 1-1.; KH AW, B. A.: KR AME R, P. B.; WILKI NSON. R; AIIMAD, M.: NEDELMAN, M.; LOCKE, E.; NosSIFF. N. D. , STRAUSS. H. W', «Radionuclide imaging of expe rim e ntal atherosclcrosis \vith nonspecific polyclonal immulloglobulin G». } NI/e/ Med 1989 Jun; 30 (6): 1095-100.

313. STRACSS, H. \Y.; FISCHMAN, A. J. «Cardiovasc ular nuclea r medicine: the nex t step".} Nue/ Med 1989 Jun: 30 (6) : 1123-8.

314. Rocco, T. P. ; D ILS IZIAN, V: FISCI'IMAN, A. J. ; STRAUSS, 1-1. W. «Evaluation of ventricular function in patients with coronary artery disease» . .I Nucl Mer! 1989 Jul; 30 (7):1149-G5.

315. LAMuRAGUA. G. M.: FISCHMAN. A. J. ; STRAUSS. \-l. W.; KEECHM F ; WILKINSON. R; CALLAIIAN. R. J. ; KHAW. B. A.: RUBIN. R. 1-1. «Utility of the indium 111 labeled human immunoglobulin G scan fOI" the detection of focal vascu lar gra ft infection» . .1 Vasc Surg 1989 Jul ; 10 (1): 20-7; discussion 27-8.

316. MOREL, E. M .; TOMPKINS, R. G.; FISCH'IAN, A. J.; WILKI 'SON. R. A.: BURKE. J. E; RU8I" R. 1-1.; STRAUSS, 1-1. w.: YARMUSII. M. L. «Autorad iographic method for quantitation of radiolabeled proteins in tissues using indiumlll ».) NI/e/ Med 1989 Sep; 30 (9): 1538-45.

3 17. RUIlIN, R. 1-1.; FISCI'IMAN. A. J. ; CALLA I-I A", R. J.: KHAW. B. A.: KEECII, F.; AHMAD, M.; WILKINSO", R.: STRAUSS. \-l. W. ,<lI IIn labeled nonspecific immunoglobulin scanning in lhe detection o[ focal in recl iom,. N EnglJ Med 1989 Oct 5: 321 ( 14): 935-40.

318. MEIGNA!', M.; PALMER. E. L.; WALr"AN, A. c.; STRAUSS, \-l. W. «Zones of incl"eased per[usion (hOl sp01S) on perfusion lung sca ns: co rrclalion with pulmonary arteriograms». Radiology J 989 Oct: '173 ( 1): 47-52.

319. TROP, M.: SCHIFFRI". E. J. ; JUNG. W. K.; CALLAIIAN, R. J. ; STRALSS, H. \V.: CARTER, E. A. «Effect of acute burn trauma 011 pha gocylic activity of th e reticuloendothelial system in rats» . ./ Blfrn Care Rehabi! 1989 Sep Oct: 10 (5): 388-93.

320. I SHIBASHI. M. , YASLDA, T; TAM AKI. N .; STRAUSS, \-l. W. "Evaluation of symptomatic vs. si lent myocardial ischemia using lhe ambulatory left ventricular (unclion monitor (VEST)>>. ¡sr .l Med Sci 1989 Sep; 25 (9): 532-8.


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321. DILslzIAN, V: Rocco, T P.; STRAU SS, H. W.: BOUCHER, C. A. «Technetiul1l 99m isonitrile myocardial uptake al rest. 1. Relation to severi ly of coronary artery stcnosis». J Am ColI C"rdiol 1989 Dec: 14 (7): 1673-7.

322. Rocco. T P. ; D ILSlzIAN. V; STRAUSS. H. W.; BOUCHER, C. A. «Technet iull1 99m isonitrile myocardial uplake al rest. 11. Relation to e1inica l markcrs of potential viabilil y». J Am ColI Cordial 1989 Dec; 14 (7): 1678-84.

323. DILSI ZIAl\. V: Rocco, T P.: BONOW. R. O.; FISCIl)'lA~, A. J.: BO CCIl ER, C. A.: STRAUSS, H. W. "Card iac blood púol imaging. 11: Applications in noncoronary hcart disease» . .1 NlIcI i'v1ed 1990 Jan: 31 (1): 10-22.

324. TArvIAKI. N.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Assessmenl 01' silcnt and symptomatic ischelllia in daily activity by an ambulatory ventricular runction monitor». JIJIl Cire.l 1989 Nov; 53 (1 1): 1458-65.

325. FLA~IM, S. D.: TAKI, J.; MOORE. R.; LEWIS. S. F.: KEEC'H. F.; M ALTAIS, F.; AHMAD. M. ; CALLA HAN. R.; DRAGOTAKES. S.; ALI'ERT, N.; STRACSS, 1-1. W. "Rcdislribution 01' rcgional ancl organ blood vo lume and CfrCe l 011 cardiac function in relatioll to upright exercisc intcllsity in healthy hum an subjects). Circulafiol/ 1990: 81: 1550-1559.

326. H URFORD. W. E.: ¿A POL. W. M.: LY~C'H. K. E.: FLAMM, S.; LOWENSTEIN. E.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Tilc influence 01' positivc end­expiratory prcssure on pulmonary blood volume changcs in adult respiratory distress syndrol11e» . .I Cril Care 1990: 5: 227-237.

327. YASUDA. T: OK,\DA. R. D.; L EINIlACIl , R. C.; GOLD. H. K.; PIlILLlPS, 1-1.: M cKuSICK. K. A.: GLOVER. D. K.: BOUCHER. C. A.: STRAl;SS. H. \V. «Serial cva luation o( right ventricular dys(unction associated with acute inferior myocardial infarctiom>. Am /leart J 1990 Apr; 119 (4): 816-22.

328. DEc. G. w.; PALACIOS. l.; YASUDA, T; FALLON. J. T: KIlAIV. B. A.: STRAL;SS, H. 'N.; H ABE R, E. «Antimyosin antibody cardiac imaging: its role in tile diagnosis of l11yocarditis». J Am Call Cm'dio11990 Jul: 16 (1): 97- 104.

329. ISlllllASIlI. M.; YASUDA, T; Rocco. T. P.; ALPERT. N.: MOORE. R. H.: STRALSS. H. Vv. (Evaluation of ¡eh ventricular diastolic funclion using an ambulatory radionuclide monitor: relationship to left ventricular systolic performancc». Am /-Ieor! J 1990 Jul ; 120 (J): 96- 103.

330. FISCHMAN. A. J.: RusI". R. H.; WIlITE . .I . A.: LOCKE, E.; WILKINSO~. R. A; NEDELMA~. M.: CALLAHAN, R. J.: KIlAW. B. A.: STRAUSS. H. \V. «Locali zalion 0 1' Fc and Fab fragmenls of nonspeciAc polyclonal IgG at focal siles 01' inflaml11alioJl» . .I NI/e/ Med 1990 Jul; 31 (7): 1199-205.

331. CHRISTE"SON. J. T.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W. «Fibrinogcn and platelet deposition in PTFE grafls». Vaso 1990: 19 (2): 129-33.


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332. Rocco, T. P.; DILSIZIA'I, v.; Mc KuSICK, K. A.; FIS CHMAN, A. J.: BOUCllER. C. A.; STRAUSS, 1-1. W. «Compar ison of thallium rcdistribution \\!ith rcst "reinjectioll" imaging ror lhe delcction 01' viable myocardium». Am J Cardiol1990 Jul 15: 66 (2): 158-63.

333. FISCIIMAN. A. J.: A IIMAD. M.: CIII IEDA. H.; PETO, C . A. ; WILKINSON, R.: STRAUSS, 1-1. W. «R e li ability of radionuclide scintigraphy for det ecl ion of testicular torsion: an an imal stucly». Eur J Nucl Med 1990; 16 (8-10): 657-6l.

334. HURFORD , 'vV. E.: CROSOV, G.: STRAUSS, H. W.; l ONES, R.; LOWEKSTE IN, E. «Ventricular performance and glucosc uptake in rats dllring chro nic hypobaric hypoxia». J NI/e/ Med 1990; 31 (8): 1344-51.

335. LEVINSO~. J. R.: BOUCll ER. C. A.: COLEY. C. M.; Gt)INEY. T. E .: STR,\USS. 1-1. W.; EAGLE. K. A. "Usefulness of se miquanlitative analysis of dipyridamole thallillm 201 redistribution for improving risk stratification befare vascu lar surgery»_ Am J Cordial "1990: 66 (4): 406-10

336. OHSUZU. E: YAWOA, T.: GOLO, H. K.: LEH'BACH. R. c.: ROSE"THAL. S. v.: ALPERT, N. M.: BOtJCllER, C. A.: McKuSICK. K. A.: STRAUSS. H. \Y. «Evolutionary changcs in left and right ventricular function in acute m)'ocardial in farction». AI/Il Nucl Med 1987 Sep: 1 ( 1): 7-14.

337. FI 'IK. G. O.: MONTGOMERY, J. A.: DAVID, E: GARI'E. M.: LtV'I1. E.; EL'\!lALEll, D.: STRAUSS, H. \Y. ; BRUNENGRA13ER, H. «Metabolism of beta mClhyl heptadecanoic acid in lhe perfuscd ral heart and li ve!'» . .1 Nucl Med 1990 Nov; 31 (11): 1823-30.

338. TAKI. J.: YASUDA. T.; TAMAKI. N.: FLA~I M. S. D.: HU'ITER, A.: GOLO. H. K.; LE1NBACI-I, R.; STRAL:SS, H. \ \l. «Temporal rclation between lert ventricular dysfunction and chest pain in coronHry arter)' disease during activiries 0 1' daily living». Am J Carr/io1 1990 Dec 15: 66 (20): 1455-8.

339. TROP. M.: SCtl IFFR IN. E. J .; CALLAHA", R. J.: STRAUSS, H. W. ; CARTER, E. A. «Effect o[ acute bum trauma on reticulocndothelial systcm phagocyric activity in rats, II : Comparison of uptake o[ radiolabeled colloid and bacte ri a». BUrIls 1990: 16 (4): 278-80.

340. CARTER. E. A.: BARLl KOV,\Cll. M.: ELMAL Ell . D.: LIVNI, E.: STR ¡-\ USS, H. \V. «Acute alcohol ingestion red uces fatty ac id extraclion of Ihe heart. li ver. and small intestine». Alcollol elin Exp Res 1990 OCI; 14 (5): 781-4.

34 1. AnR '\Ms. M . .l. JUWEIO, M.; TEN K,\TE, C. l. ; SnlwARTZ. D. A.; 1-IALSCR. M. M.; FUCCELLO, A. J.; RUBIN, R. 1-1.; STRAUSS. H. w.; FISCtI\'IAN, A. 1. "Technetium 99m human polyelonal IgG radiolabetcd vin lhe hydrazino nicotinamide dcrivativc fol' imaging focal sites of infection in rats». J NI/el Med 1990 Dee: 31 (12): 2022-8.


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342. YAOITA. H. ; UEIIARA, T. ; KROWNELL, A. L.; RAB ITO, C. A.; AI-IMAO, M.; KHAW, B. A.; FISCIIMAN, A. J .; STR,\USS. H. W «Localizalion of technetiulll 99111 glucarate in zones of acule cerebral injury». J NI/e/ Med 1991 Feb: 32 (2): 272-8.

343. T EN KATE, C. l. ; FI SCHMAN, A. J.: RUBIN, R. H,: Fl;CCELLO, A. J .; REXINGER. D. ; WILKINSON, R. A.: Oc, L.: KHAW, B. A.: STRA CSS, H. V·l. «E ffect of isoclcctric paint 011 biodi stribulion and inOammation: imagi ng with indiul11 111 labeled IgG». Eur J Nucl Med 1990; 17 (ti-8): 305-9.

344. N ISHIZAWA, K.: OKUNIEFF, P.: ELMALEI-I, D.; M cKuSICK. K. A.: STRAUSS, H. W: SCIT, H. D. " Blood flow of human so ft lissue sarcomas mcasured by thallium 20 1 sca nning: prediclion 01' tumor response lo rad ial ion». 1111 J I?adiat Ol/col Biol P/¡ys 1991 Mar; 20 (3): 593,7.

345. FI SCI·IM A:-¡. A. J. : PIKE, M. c.: KR OON, D.: F UCCE LLO, A. J.: R EX ING ER, D. ; TEN K ATE, c.; WILKI :-¡SON, R. ; R UBI :-¡, R. H .: STRAUSS, I-I. 'vV. <dmaging focal sitcs of bacterial infection in rats with indium 111 labelecl chemotactic pcptide analogs». J IVUc! A1ed 1991 Mar: 32 (3): 483-9 1.

346. ISI'IIB AS III , M.; TAMAKI, N. : Y ASU DA. T.; T AKI, J. ; STRAUSS, H. W « Assessment 0 1' ventricular fun ction wi th an ambulatory left venlricular funclion monilor". CirCl/lalioll 1991 Apr; 83 (4 Suppl): 166-72.

347. STRAUSS. H . w,; FISCIIMA:-¡, A. J.; KI-JAw. B. A .; RU IlI ~. R. H. " Non tumor applicatio ns of radioimmun e imaging». Inl .1 Rad Appl 1m/mm rBl 199 1; 18(1): 127-34.

348. YAO ITA, H.; STRAUSS, H. W, " Role o f single photon wal! mol ion and per fusion sludies in th e eva luation o f patients \Vith suspected coronary anery diseasc». EI/r J NI/e/ Med 1990: \ 7 (5): 269-78.


R.: FISCltrvlAN, A. J.; STR ACSS, H . \V. «DifCerentiation of regional perfusion and fall y acid uptakc in zones of myoca rdial injury» . NI/e/ Med COII/1Il 1991; 12: 663-675.

350. PI ERI , p.: FI SCIIMAN, A. J.: AII"1AD, M.: MOORE. R. H.; CALL,\IIAN, R. J.: STRAUSS, H. W. «Cardiac blood pool scintigraphy in rat5 alld hamsters: compar ison of fi ve radiopharmaceutical s and three pinhole coll imalor aperlures» . .1 NI/e/ Med 199 \ May: 32 (5): 851 -5

35 1. HCRFORD, W E.: LVNCII, K. E.: STRAUSS, H. W.: LOWE~STE I :-¡. E.; ZAPOL. 'N. M. «Myoca rdial perfusion as assessed by thallium 20l scintigraphy dllring lhe discontinllation of mechanica l vcnti lation in venlilalor dependenl palicnls» . IIn e.\'Ihesiology 1991 Jun : 74 (6): 1007- 16,

352. KAN KE, M.: MATSUEOA, G. R.: STRAUSS, H. W.; YASUDA, T.: LJ AlJ, C. S.: KH AW. B. A. «Localization a lld visualization of pulm onary


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cmboli \vith radiolabeled ¡'ibrin spec ific monoclonal antibocl y» . .1 N I/el M ed 199 1 Jun ; 32 (6): 1254-60.

353. F ISHMAN. J . A.: STRAUSS. H. W.: F ISCHMA~. A. J .: NEDELMAN, M .. CALLAHAN. R .: K HAW, B. A.: R u bi n , R. H . <d inag ing 01' Pnel,ll11ocY!itis carin ii pne umonia \vit" h 1111n labeled non specific polyclonallgG: an experimental study in ra1s». Nuc/ Med Commull 199 1 Ma r: 12 (3): 175-87.

354. K IIAW, B. A.; KUBAi\OV, A.; O'DONI'ELL, S. N.; SAlTO. T; NOSSIFF, N.; SUNK Ii\. M. A.: NEWELL, J . B.; STRAUSS, H. W; TORCIIILlN, Y. P. «Gamma imagi ng \vi th negati vc ly charge mod ified monoclonal anlibody: mod ifical ion wi lh synlhe lic po lymers». J NI/e/ Med 199 1 Sep; 32 (9): 1742-5 1.

355. JUWE ID, M.; FISCII MAN, A. J .; R UB I". R . H.; BAUM, R. ; STRAUSS. I-1 . W. «Co mpariso n o[ 99Tcm labe led mo noelona l a nli granu locy le a nl ibody anel 111 In labe leel IgG I'or lhe de tecli o n of foca l sites 01' in [eelio n in ra ls». NI/el Med COIIIIll IIII 1991 Jul ; 12 (7): 637-44.

356. D UB INETI', S. M.: CA LLMIAN. R. J .: X IA, W .l .: A II MAD, M.; STRAUSS, H . W .: K RAD IN, R . L. «Cytak in e admini str ati on a lt e rs th e disl ribu lion o [ aeli valed Iymph oeyles lo lhe lung». POlllOb i%gy 199 1: 59 (6): 372-7.

357. P IE RI. P.; YASCDA. T ; FISCHMAN, A, .l .; AII MAD, M. ; MOORE, R .: Y Ao rTA. H .: ST RAUSS. H . W. «M yocarcli a l accumul at io n ancl c\ea rancc a l' tec hnetium 99m teborox ime al 100%.75%.500/0 and zero coronary b lood How in dogs». EI/r J N I/el Med 1991: 18 (9): 725-3 1.

358 . N ISHIMURA, T. ; U EIIARA, T. : STRAUSS. H . W. "Rad io nu c liel e asscssment of st unned myocardi um by alterati ons in pcrfusion, melabolism a nd [uneli on» . .lpn Cire .l 1991 Sep: 55 (9): 9 13-8.

359. ABRA II AM, S. A .; COLES, N. A .; COLEY, C. M .; STRAUSS. H. W ; B OUCH ER, C. A .; EAGLB , K. A . «Coronary ri sk 0 1" nonca rdia c surgery", Prog Cardiovosc D is 199 1 Nov D ec: 34 (3): 205-34.

360. PAK. K. Y. ; NEDELMAN, M. A.: KA~KE, M.; KII AW. B. A.: NA1T IS, J . A.; STR AUSS. H. W; D EAN, R. T: BERGER, H. J. " An in stant kil m cth ocl for labeling antimyos in Fab ' with techn etium 99m: cva luation in an experimental Illyocardial inl'arct modch>. J Nlicl M ed 1992 Ja n; 33 (1 ): 144-9.

36 1. L rvNI, E .; Fr sclI ~1 AN, A. J.; R AY, S.; S ri\CLAr R, l. ; EU\!IALEII , D. R. ; A LPERT, N. M.; W EISS, S.: CORR EI", J. A. ; W Ella , D. ; DAHL, R. ; ROIJ ESON, W ; M ARGOULEFF, D .; Llss. R .; STRAUSS. 1-1 . W : R UBIN, R . H . «Synthesis of 18F-labeled nuconazolc ancl posi lron emission lo mograph y sludies in rabbils». J Nlle/ M ed B iol 1992; 19: 19 1- 199 .

362. ISOllE, M.; NARU LA. J. ; SOUTHERN, J . E; STRAUSS. H. W : KII AW, B. A.: H ABE R. E. «Imaging lhe rejecting hcart. /11 vivo detecti on o f maj or histocompat ibilit y complex c1 ass 11 antigen induction ». Circl/ /ation 1992 Fcb: 85 (2): 738-46.


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363. Juweid, M.; Slrauss, H. W; Yaoit a. H.; Rubin. R. H.; Fischman. A. J. «Acc umulation of immunoglobulin G al focal si tes of inftal11l11atiom>. Eflr J NflcI Med 1992; 19 (3); 159-65.

364. SENDA. M.; FISHMAN, J. A.: WEISE. S.: ALPERT. N. M.: CORREIA. J. A.; ReBIN. R. H.; STRAUSS, H. W «Regional perl'lI sion, oxygen metabolism. blood vol umc and immunoglobul in G accul11ulation at focal si tes of infcetion in rabbits». EI/r.l NflcI Med 1992; 19 (3): 166-72.

365. OYEN, W J.: CLAESSENS. R. A.; VAN DER NEER. J. W ; RUB IN. R. 1-1.: STRAess. H. W.; CORSTE~S. F. H. <d ndium 111 label ed hu man nonspccific immunoglobulin G: a nc\v rad iopharmaceutical fOI"

imaging infcctious and inrJammatory foci». e/in Infecl Dis 1992 May; 14 (5): 1110-8.

366. FISC II MA", A. J .: FeCCELLo. A. J. ; PELLEGRINO-GENSEY. J. L.; GELTOFSKY. J.; YARMUSH, N. L.; RUBI:oI, R. 1-1.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Effect of carbohydrate modification 011 the localization 0 1' human polyclona l IgG at focal sites of bacterial infection ». J NflcI Med 1992 Jul: 33 (7): 1378-82.

367. STRAUSS, H. W; YASUDA, T.; FISCHMA". A . .l.; TAMAKI, N.; TAKI. J.; KATAYAMA. H. «Continuous monito rillg of vent ricular fUl1ction » . .1 NI/el Biol Med 1992 Apr-Jun; 36 (2 Suppl): 82-6.

368. KIIAW. B. A.; NARULA. J. ; KANKE. M. ; SAlTO, T.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W.; DITLO\V, C.: CI-IEN, F. «(Application of monoclonal antibodies in card iovascular diseases: alherosclerosis and pulmonary emboli il11aging" . .1 NI/e/ Biol Med 1992 Apr-Jun; 36 (2 Suppl): 35-40.

369. PIERI. P. L.; STR,\USS, 1-1. W. «Advances in myocardial perfusion illlaging: 99mTc-teboroximc» . .1 NllcI Biol Med 1992 Apr-Jun; 36 (2 Suppl): 22-8.

370. KIIAW. B. A.; NA RULA , J.: NICOL. P.: PIERI , P. L.: GUERRERO, L.: STRAUSS. H. W. «Myocardial salvage in reperfusion injury». J Nf{cI /3iol Med 1992 Apr-J un; 36 (2 Suppl): 113-7.

37 1. STRAUSS. 1-1. w. «Conlroversics in cardiovascular nuclear medicine». J NlleI Biol .lvIed 1992 J ul-Sep; 36 (3): 2gl-5.

372. Scon, J. A.; PAL~'ER , E. L. : F,SC,"' AN, A. J. ; STRAUSS. H. W Inves/­Radial 1992 AlIg; 27 (8): 583-6.

373. OKADA, R. D.; MURPIIY. J. 1-1. ; BOUCHER, C. A.: POHOST, G. M.; STRAUSS, H. W.; JOIIN SON. G.: D AGGET. W. M. «Relationship belween sep tal perfusion. viability, and mOlion befare and after coro nary a rtery bypass surgel')'». Am I-Iear/ J 1992 Nov: 124 (5): 1190-5.

374. OHTANI, H .; CALLAIIAN. R. J. : KII AW. B. A.; FISHMAN. A. J.; WILKINSON, R. A.: STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Co lllpari so n of technelium-99m-glucarate and lha ll ium-201 (or th e idcnti(ication of acule Illyocardial infareti o n in rals» . .1 NI/el Med 1992 Nov; 33 ( 11 ): 1988-93.


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375. GARP ESTAO . E.; KATAYAMA, H.; PARKER,.I. A. ; RINGLER, J. ; LlLLY, J. ; YASUOA, T.; MOORE, R. H.; STRA USS, H. W; WEISS, J. W "Strokc vaJume anc! cardiac output dccrease al termin ation 0 1' obstructive apneas" . .I App Pliysiol1992: 73: 1743-8.

376. T AK I, J .; YASU OA, T: FLAMM. S. D.: H crrER, A.: GOLO, H. K.; LEI1'OACH, R. ; STRAUSS, H. W. «Comparison 01 pai nlul and painless lert ventricular dysfunction recordcd during ambulalory ventricular fun cti oll Illonitoring in an gina pectorís second ary lo coronary arte ry disease" . Am J Cordial 1992 Dee; 70 (20) : 1555-8.

377. LI VN I, E .; BAO ICH, J.; ALPERT, N. M. ; LI U, Y.: TI'IOM, E.; CLEELANO, R.: PROSSER , B. ; COR REIA, J . A.: STRAUSS, H. W.: RUBIN. R. H. ; F,SC HM A'I, A. J. "Synthesis and biodi st ributi o n of 18F- labeled fl e roxaci"" . J N I/el Med Biol 1993: 20 (1): 81-7.

378. NARULA, J.: KH AW, B. A.: DEC, G. W. Jr. : PALACIOS, 1. F: SOUTH ERN, J . F ; FALLON, J . T. ; STRAUSS. 1-1. W; HABER. E.: YASUDA. T «Brie l repart: recognition a f acule myocarditis masq ucrading as acute myocardia l inlarctiom>. N Engl.! Med Jan 141993; 328 (2): 100-4.

379. SZA BO, M. D.: C ROSBY, G.; H URFORIJ, W. E.: STRA USS, H. W. «Myocardial pcrfusion following acule subarachnoid hemorrhagc in patie nl s wi th an abnormal elcc troca rdiogram ». Anesth-Analg 1993 Feb: 76 (2): 253-8.

380. OHTAN I, 1-1. ; STRAUSS, H. W.: SOUT II ER'I, J . F : TAMATAN I. T: N IYASA KA . N.; I SO BE, M . « Imaging of inlcrcc ll ular ad hes ioll mol ecul e-I induction in rejcc tin g heart: a ncw sci nti graphic approach to detect ea rly all ograft rejecti oll» , Trol1splantation Proceedings Feb 1993; 25 ( 1): 867-869.

381. ELMALE II , D. R.; HIR O, K.: HANSON, R. N.; J 01'ES, G. S. Jr. : H ERMAN, L. W.: STRA USS, H. W. " Struc ture- Ioca li za ti oll re latio ll ships 01 11C-labeled phen lermille de ri vatives: e ffect o[ aroma tic SlIbslitution". Appl Uadia{ !so{ 1993: 44 (5): 821-9.

382. P, ERI. P. : Mc Ku SICK. K. A.; F ISC II MAN, A. J. : A LP ERT , N.: CONSTA:<T INOS, B .; STRA USS, H. W. «C haracleriza ti on of th e rcinjeclion th allillm image». J Nue/ Med1993: 34: 879-884.

383. WAKASUG I, S.; FISCII MAN, A. J.; BAIl ICII. J. W.; ARIO: I'Z, H. T; CA LL,\­HA]':, R. J.: NAKAK I, N.; \VIl. ... K1NSON, R. ; STRAUSS. H. \v. «M etaiodo­benzylguanidinc: cvaluation of ilS potcntial as a tracer for monitoring doxorubicin cardiomyopathy". J NI/el Med 1993; 34: 1282-1286.

384. Y AOITA. H.: FISCHMA1'. A. J .; WI LKINSON, R.: KII AW, D. A.; JUWE IIJ, N.: STRACSS, 1-1 . W. «Distributio ll 0 1 deoxyglucose a lld technetium-99m-gluca rate in the acutely ischemic rn yocardiulll ). J N/lc/ l\11ed 1993: 34: 1303- 1308.

385. NAKAI, K.: MARSOOD, A.; NAKAKI , M. : WILKINSON, R. ; CA LLA HAN, R. J. ; ELMALEH, D. R.; FISCIIMAN, A. J.: STR AUSS, H. W "Serial CQurse 01' Idt ve ntricular fUllction. perfusion and fatt y acid uptake in the cardio myopathic hamster» . .I Nue/ Mee! 1993; 34: 1309-1315.


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386. KIIAW. B. A.; STRA USS . H . W.; NARULA . .l. «Magic b ull ets: from muskcts to smart bombs!» j NI/e/ Med 1993: (Dec issue).

387. FISC:IMA:'>l . A. J.: LlVNI. E.: BABI CH. J.: ALI'ERT, N. M.: Llu. Y y: Tllm 'l, E.; CLEELAND. R.; PROSSER, B. L.: CO RR EIA. J. A.; STRALS5, H. W.; R UB IN. R. H. " Pharmacokin e ti cs of [1 8FJf1eroxacin in hea lthy hu ma n s ubjccts s t udied by using positron e m ission tomograp hy» . .I i\ntimicrob Chell10ther 1993; 37 (10): 2144-2 152.

388. BLRN, 1'. R.: Porr5, M. S.; MOOR E, R. H.; FISCIIMA:-I. A. J.; STRAUSS. 1-1. W. «Tissue distribu tion and cxcre tion of 99mTc-disofen in in thrcc ma rin e species: pIel/ronce/es arnericanus (w in te r flou ndcr). homarus Gmericanf(s (Iobster), and mya areollrio (sort-shcll clam)>> . Mar Biol 1993; 116: 355-36 1.

389. MO:-:TA LCSCOTT, G.; FISCHMAN, A . .l.: S'I RA USS. 1-1. W.: WILKIN50N , R. A.: AII\1AD. N.: FITZGIBBON, c.; R08lNSON. D. W: ZAPOL, W M. <d maging lhe ov ine heparin -protaminc int craction with 1111n­protami ne» . .I i\{J{J Physiol 1993: 75 (2): 963-971.

390. FISCIIMAN. A. J .: RAUH. D.: SOLO~·ION. 1-1 .: BAB ICII. J . W.; TOM PKINS, R. G .; KRoo~. D. ; STRAUSS. H . W.: RUIlIN. R. H . « I n vivo bioact ivity and biodist ri bution of chcmotact ic peptide ana logs in no n hu man pri ma tes». J Nuc/ Med 1993; 34 (12): 2 130-2134.

39 1. FISCII MA :< . A. J .: BABICH, J . W ; STRAUSS. H. W «A ticket to ride: pept ide rad io ph armaceuticals» . .1 NI/el Med 1993; 34 (12): 2253-2263.

392. FISCII MAN. A. J .; SOLOMON, 1-1 . F.: BAB le ll, J . W : AIlRAMS, M. J .: CALLA II AN, R. J .: STRAUSS, 1-1 . W.; ReB IN, R. H . «I magin g of foca l s i tes 0 1' infl ammation in Rh esus monkeys with 99mTc- labeled hum an po lyclo nal IgG» . NlIcI Merl Biol 1994; 2 1 ( 1): 111- 1 l6.

393. JONES, G. S. Jr.: ELMALEII , D. R. ; STRAUSS, 1-1 . W : FISCII :VIAN, A. J . «Synthesis and biod istributi on of a ncw 99m technetium [a11y acich). NlIcI Merl Biol 1994; 21 (1) : ] 17-123.

394. GEWIRTZ, H.; FISCII MA:-I. A. J.; ABRAHAM, S.; G II..sO". M.; STRAUSS, H . W.; ALPERT. N. M. «Pos itro n emi ss io n tomogra phi c measurcmcnlS of absolute regional myocardial blood flow permils idcnli fica lion of nonviable myoca rdium in pa ticnts with chro nic myocardia l infa rction" . .I Am Col! Carrliol 1994; 23: 85 1-9.

395. CASTRONOVO. F. 1'. ; McKuS ICK. K. A.: STRAUSS. H. W «Dosime tric conscqucnces of radiopharmaceutical inriltrati ons». In vesl Radiol 1994: 29 ( 1): 59-64.

396. EL\'IALEH, D. R. ; lI VN I, E.; A LPERT. N. M. ; STRAUSS, 1-1 . W ; BexTO".


R .: FI SOIMAN, A. J. «M yoca rdi a l cx tr ac ti o n o [ l - [II C] betame th ylheptadecanoic acid" . .I N I/el Metl '1994; 35: 496-503.

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Books edited

1. STRACSS, H. W.; PITT, B.; JAMES, A. E. Jr. Cardiovascl/lar NI/clear Medicine. SI. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co .. 1974.

2. STRA USS, 1-1. W.; PITr, B.: ROULEAU, J. : BAILEY. 1. K.: WAGKER. H. N. !l/las 01 Cardiovascl/lar NI/clear Medicine. SI. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co.,1977.

3. STRAUSS. 1-1. W ; PITr. B. Cardiovascl/lar NI/clear Medicine. 2nd edition. SI. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1979.

4. PALM ER, E. L.; Scorr, J. A.; STRAUSS, H. W. Practi ca l Nuclear Medicine. I'hiladelphia: W B. Saunders Co .. 1992.

5. KI-IAU, B. A.: NARULA, J.; STRAUSS, H. W. A1onoclonal Antibodies in Cardiovascll lar Diseases. Lea & Fibiger (A Wavcrly Company). 1994.


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Acte d'investidura com a doctor honoris causa del doctor

H. William Strauss

4 de maig de 1995

Universitat Autonoma 00 Barcelona

Page 56: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

1. El rector obre l'acte i diu:

Constitueixo aquest claustre, avui dia 4 de maig de 1995, per tal d'investir doctor honoris causa el professor H. William Strauss, i demano al doctor Salvador Alegret, secretari general d'aquesta universitat, i al padrí del doctorand, doctor Ignasi Carrió, que el vagin a cercar.

El padrí i el secretari general surten a cercar el nou doctor, que entra a la sala i és rebut a peu dret per tots els assistents.

2. El rector inicia la sessió dient:

Es declara oberta la sessió. Té la paraula el secretari general, que llegira l'acord pel qual es concedeix el títol de doctor honoris causa al professor H. William Strauss.

3. El secretari general procedeix a la lectura de l'acord de la Junta de Govem.

4. El rector dóna la paraula al padrí:

El doctor Ignasi Carrió, padrí del doctorand, té la paraula.

5. El padrí llegeix el seu discurs i conc\ou amb les paraules següents:

Per tot aixo, Exce¡'¡entíssim i Magnífic Rector, sol·licito que s'atorgui i confereixi el grau de doctor honoris causa al professor H. William Strauss.

Page 57: Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS · Doctor Honoris Causa H. WILLIAM STRAUSS Discurs IIcgit a la cerimonia d'invcstidura celebra da a la sala (J actes de rHospilal de la Santa

6. A continuació, pren la paraula el rector, fa ellliurarnent del diploma al nou doctor i li imposa la medalla tot dient:

Heu estat designat doctor h01loris causa per la Junta de Govern de la Universitat Aulonoma de Barcelona i, com a símbol, us muro aquest diploma i us imposo la medalla de doctor h01loris causa.

Us admeto i us incorporo al c\auslre de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

7. A continuació, el rector dóna la paraula al doctorand:

Té la paraula el professor H. William Slrauss, el qual pronunciara la m~ó magistral en aquest c\austre.

8. Lli~ó magistral del professor H. Williarn Strauss.

9. Discurs de cloenda del rector.

10. El rector diu:

S'aixeca la sessi6.