Do You Want All Wants Are Supplied. Do You Want Buy Sell...

THE ST. PAUL GLOBE SUNDAY APRIL 24, 1898. Do You Want a House ? Do You Want a Room? All Wants Are Supplied. Try a Globe Want and See How Many Letters You Receive in Answer. 23 Do You Want to Sell? Do You Want to Buy ? GhOBE WANT ADS. One cent per word same rate aa charged at Globe Office, Fourth and Minnesota. No advertisement less than 26 cents. Two cents r«r word for Personal. Clalrvoy- ] ants. Palmists, Massage and Medical i ads. Leave your want ads at any one of the fol- lowing Clofce _rau._ OtU.C-S ARLINGTON HILLS. Bedford and Decatur C. R. Marellus : Tayne. 954 A. & G. A. Schumacher , DAYTON'S BLUFF. East Third. CTS Sever Westby ; LOWER TOWN. Broadway, 442 M. D. Merrill j Grove and .la.-kson Joseph Argay Seventh and Sibley William K. Collier MERRIAM PARK. St. Anthony and Prior A. L. Woolsey BT ANTHONY HILL. r>ale. 171 A. T. Guernsey Grand end St. Albans Emil Bull Rondo and Giotto Straight Bro?. Rondo. 233 A. A. Campbell Selby snd Western W. A. Frost & Co. Victoria and Selby Brackett'a UNION PARK. University and Prior C. A. Monchow UPPER TOWN. East Seventh. 29 B. J. Wltte Rice. 496 F. 11. Crudden Robert and Twelfth W. E. Lowe Rice and Iglehart Ray Campbell Seven Corners ... S. 11. Reeves St. Peter a-d Tenth C. T. Hell.-r WEST SIDE. S. Robert ar.d Fairlield Tbe Eclipse State and Concord Concord Drug Store Wabasha aud FairQeld Ceerge Marti Wabash cr.d Isabel A. T. Hal! WEST SEVENTH STREET. James and W. Seventh J. ,r. Mullen W. Seventh. 483 A. & G. A. Schumacher FINANCIAL. "MONEY i DO YOU WANT MONEY?" If so ! rull on us. We can get you a MONEY i lean oa household furniture, pi- ll aces, or any kind of personal property of value; goods left in your own possession; payments made to snit the bor- rower, cv installment plan ii desired; any payment on '.lie loan reduces the cost; if you want mo_ey the quickest and cheap- est call on us: all business private and co :- Adential. Minnesota Mortgage Lean Co., Room 7. First National Bank build, ng". corner Fourth and Jackson st3. MONEY To lean m approved property In St. Paul or Minneapolis. V PEK CK..T. "OX OK BKKOItE," ln Sums to Suit. R. H. MIWI'UUT A: SOS, Pir.neer PreS" Building, Reeve Building, S:. Paul Minneapolis. ' HONEY TO LOAN on persona; property oJ i value—furniture, pianos, seal cloaks, bi- ' cycle.", etc.; can be repaid by Installments; ' strictly con adential; notes bought. Ohio In- ves;:r.cnt Co.. 730 Globe Bids. . take eieva- tor. MONEY TO LOAN on gcod real ( stats s>- '\u25a0 enrity. Diamond Collection and Renting Agency. 608 N w York Life building. WE HAVE HOME MONEY TO LOAN at 10w- ..-:, without charge, for commission or fxehu:;^. ; r.ouire no sold clause, and give the "on or before" privilege. The Slate Savings Bank, Germania Life lildg. WANTED TO RENT. A RE: ; PON_IKLE rr.rty will take a five' years' base and pay g per cent gross to cv-ner who wili build a woo.m 9-rooui house, south-facing, gocd location, St. Anthoii\ hi.l. by September 1. Ad-dress G _ 38. Glebe. FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT wanted lor the summer; ten ____tes' frcm Co.i- over Music Co. B 27, Globe. ROOMS— Wanted, three or four rooms com- pletely furri.-hed for housekeeping; must be first-class; give full Dartieulars aud price. AdJress A 45, Globe. ROOM Room wanted by gentleman employed j in Minneapolis, on St. Anthony hill, near ! park car lino. G 24, Globe. ROOMS— Wtn led, four or five rooi-T~ for ' housekeeping: give particulars and price. Address B :-. Globe. ROOM __(*.\u25bc wants furnished room on hill, east of Dale; reasonable rent. W.. Geneva Flats. STORE— Wanted, a small store in a gocd location, sritable tor a restaurant, by a responsible tenant. Address G 25, Globe. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD— Kor rent, with gocd board, nicely furnish.d rooms, all conveniences; fine lo- cation. Day boarders wanted. 48 West College ay. BOARD— For rent, nicely furnished parlor btdrcom with beard, for two gentleman, en Hill; convenient to cable. A_dr-:s-< N 1"., Globe. BOARD for two—Two front rooms in suite, house modern, private family, references exchangcdl Address _ 3'!, Glebe. BOARD—Pleasant front rccm, handsomely furnishc-d, with boaid; large shade trees: every convenience. 397 East Tenth st. BOARD WANTED. ROOMS AND BOARD—Wanted, April 39, two furnished rooms and beard by gentleman, wife and one child; references; state terms B 32. Globe. _ STORAGE. WAR IS BAD. but a poor job cf mo\ing is worst . For seed work leave orders at Kent's express. 211 West Seventh st. ; tele- phone 48. AUCTION SALES. A. _. Johnson Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD FUR-NITURE, RUG-S, ETC. at BQCtion. I will _el! at pub- ii.; ruction on Wednesday, April 27, at 10 a. in., at the residence No. C37 St. Peter rt., corner of Summit ay., all the household effects, consisting of bedroom \u25a0suits. fancy rockers and chairs, exten- sion table, rtinirg rcom chairs, couch, cen- ter tables, iron beds, drcssern, spiings, mau treEßfG, sheets, pillows, comfortables, spreads, fine velvet and body Brussels ea»- pcts, rigs and matting. This furniture has been in use only a short time and is as good :is new. A. G. Jcbnson, Auctioneer. 419 a::d 421 Ja-.-ksen st. I RESERVE OF MILLIONS B__B__3 m A POSITION TO RE- SPOND TO ANY CALL Slntcnicut for the Week Tiitlicalen That fl;e Cl«mrlatK Ilous.tlu.itli'i- tlotm Have rcrfiirutcil a. Dllllcalt I';iijii;«-»;il Operntion YVIIH Pure SKill flute- !*rc..ln,l. j_H Bor- rt»wfau>_ Tliat Not Ttiniwm j. XEW yc.-'..r., April 23.— The Finan- cier says: According to the sUiteir.ent of tbe Xew Ycrk clearing house Banks for lhe v.-CL-k ending: April 23, the in- \u25a0tltutions imM a -uvi_ea reserve of Si 3- ,-625,300, which i.s larger than has lt-W reported since the woek J-_)W 1597. This result has Lc.?n brought al»._r by t>;o conservative -ction r,f ihe hanks in preparing; for the <:i-i«--i>: which is now nt hand. Their cash hol^'n^^, le_rtete- by dcn>t.n'js from lhe" in-.c-lcr. have been re_>.'Li;!_;_.d by tepc.tfi of gold - HELP WANTED UALtS. AGENTS— SB.36 daily, selling nickel-plated brilliant gaslight burners; fits ail kero- sene lamps, gives beautiful, bright gas- light; no wick, no chimney, no smoke; cheapest light known; free sample. W 81, Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED throughout ths West for "Elastic Mucilage." Mends china, cut glass and woodenware. Send _>c for sample and terms to agents. Wayne Novelty Co., Rich- mond, Ind. AGENTS sell cur magic gaslight burner; makes kerosene lamps give brilil-nt gas- light; no chimney, wick, smoke or smell; sample free to agents. National brass Co., LVpt. 4, New York. AGENTS— S7 daily sealing Specialty Soaps, giving customers double value in Handsome Presents; exclusive territory; sample outfit free. Lease Soap Co.. Cincinnati. O. A MONEY-SAVER FOR SUBSCRIBER-— A money-maker for intelligent lady and gen- tlemen solicitors; Ealarv or coiu_ils_ii>n. John_W._lliff & Co.. Chicago. BOY—Wanted, brig-ht boy; one who has had some experience la bicycle repairing pre- ferr-.d. Apply 8 a. m. Monday.' A. D. Smith. 27 West Fourth st. ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN—Send 10 cents far. _4-page pamphlet containing a list of Questions asked by an examining board of engineers. Address G. o. A. Sella-, Books. ll- er, IS South F- urth st., St. Louis, Mo. Mention this paper.) FREE SAMPLE BICYCLE TO AGENTS IN each locality. Exclusive territory. Guaran- teed grades, $15 up. Bak-er Safe Co., Chi- cago, 111., Dc-pt. S. JOB PRINTER—Wanted, an energetic up-to- date job printer of good habits, with gcod references, in a first-class country news- paper office. Address A 48, Globe. OUR NEW NAVY AND NAVAL BATTLES of All Ages— All about war with Spain, the "Maine," all other battleships, coast defenses, cruisers, gunboats, rams, torpedo heats; tremendous seller; biggest money- maker eves- known; liberal terms; agents making 57 to $28 per .day; credit given. freight paid, outfit tree; send six 2c stamps lor postage, Monroe Book Co, Dept. 107, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago. SALESMEN $lt>i a mon.h and expenses guaranteed setting io merchants and fam- ilies cur machines for cooling refrigerator-; guaranteed 75 p r r cent cheaper man ice. Fer full particulars, address Arctic Re- irigc rating Co., Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN WANTED to sell cur assort- ments to dry goods ard general trade. Entire time and bond required. High com- o issioos; large sales; exclusive territory. The Elysian Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich. WANTED Capable man who can command $1,500 cash, io take efca ge cf Minnesota bianoh office of Srst-class ('hi.azo ni_uu- [acturfng c.-. in; any h_vi_g large est itl.shed trade, Income. $2,383 to $5,000 yearly, in- cluding salary and t.nimissicn. Permanent j osition for reliable man. Address Vice President, 702 Pontile Bldg., Chicago. WANTED— Men and woi. . _ :o work at Home— l pay S8 to $16 per week for mak- ing crayon portraits, new patent method; i;i;y one who can read or write can do the '-oik, at koine, !n spare time, day cr even- ing; send for ;aiticulars and york at ence. Address 11. A. (Jripp. Cerinaii Artist. Ty- rone. Fa. WANTED Your.g nien to learn barber trrde; can have state license in two mcnt_s;-*_ree years' apprenticeship saved; poti.i. ns guar- anteed; tools donated.; catalogue iaa:lol free. Meier System Barber Co.lege, 223 Washington as. south. __n_eapcli_. WANTED— Steady man. who wishes perma- nent position, to travel and establish local representatives; good route, fair salary; chance for advancement ; self-addressed en- velope reply. Office 702, 250 Dearborn, Chi- cago. WANTED—Upright r.erscns to travel; salary $7'o and expenses. Reference. Enclose self-adcressed stamped envelope. The Do- minion Company, Chicago. WANTED— Distributers. $20 per 10C0. Send 10c for particulars, contract and samples. Crescent diem. Co., 1151 Montana st , Chi- —eago. WANTED— Man with horse and wagon to~de- liver light parcels in the city; must fur- nish references. Answer C 46, Glcbo. WANTED—Salesmen in every county. Good pay weekly. Write for terms. Hawks Nursery Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED—Good all-around man to work in bicycle store. Address V 28, Globe. WE CAN PLACE a few more district ag-nts in Minnesota under good contracts and in desirable territory; our policy combines sick, accident, endowment and death benefits, and is issued to men, women and child: en; company absolutely sate; our bicycle acci- dent policy Is se ling fast. Also wanted good male and female agsnts for S\ Paul. Minnesota Mutual Casual y Company, six.h floor Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minn. J4O WEEKLY selling patent combination rolling pin (seven articles in one), inaat chopper, egg beater, potato masher, churn, cake cutter, biscuit cutter, roilingpin; sam- ple free. D. Central Supply Co., Cincin- nati, (X >'-•> ' > PER ICO paid any person far coTlecting names. Particulars and book holding 1/K0 names. 10 cents silver. Walker Co., Box A. Merriam Park, Minn. $15 TO $35 A WEEK and expenses paid tn^n to sell cigars on time; experience unnecea- saiy. W. L. Kline Co., St. Louis, Mo. KKLIEF SOCIETY Empt-yitMMit Ucglster. Office, 141 East Ninth Street. Telephone 183. COLLECTING cr any clerical work wanted by an efficient, reliable married man. COACHMAN, honest and thoroughly reliable; an excellent man for a private family. COPYlNG, addressing envelopes, writinginvi- tations, cards, etc., wanted by an expert penman. STENOGRAPHER— A young woman stenog- rapher and typewriter wants a position. ENGINEER A good stationary engineer, with a family depending upon him, is anxious to secure work. SEWING wanted by a woman who can do good work. WOMEN to do washing, ironing, house- cleaning and caring for the sick can be se- cured from this c-ice; also men to saw wood, clean up yards. etc ANNOUNCEMENTS. REMOVED-MRS. HAVES, to 18% SOUTH Ninth St., Minneapolis; lacc-s and lace cur- tains cleaned; send by express; will pay charges. CARPET CLEANING. THE HELPS Carpet Cleaning works. Uni- vers.ty ay.. is the place to get your car- \u25a0 peta acd rugs cleaned promptly. Tel. £4X PROFESSIONAL. MISS liULL removes -upertiuous haar. moles, etc.. by electricity; only positive and per- manent remedy; references given. C37 Mer- rMBlock, corner Fifth and St. Peter sts. and by" the continued contraction or outEtandins obligations. Today they are in an exceedingly Strong position, ar.d are ready to meet any demands which may be made upon them. The statement in detail does not differ much from those of the last several weeks. The dc-crease of $7,439,100 in loans represent the turning of accu- mulated sterling Into specie imports, and also the liquidation of current ac- counts. Bnt little new business is being done as the rates demanded preclude any borrowing other than that which is absolutely necessary. The banks arc-, however, looking out for the needs at their customers. The gain in cash for tho -week was $5,636,500, gold receipt:; having been nearly $8,000,000 and legal tender decreases only $2,300,000. The increase in gold was larger than the week's receipts from abroad, and it Is quite likely that the heavy ex- pansion reflects some of the previous imports. Deposits fell oft only $2,302,101, which just about equals the legal ten- der decrease, and is less than the known loss to the interior. The statement, judged by usual cal- culations, does not balance, but the changes are logical since the gold im- ports and their relations to accumu- HELP WANTED FEMALES. ANY WOMAN CAN B:ARN .1.37 lo $2 daily making artificial flowers; we teach you In one day and give steady employment; we havo hundreds of worhers; distance from U3 makes no difference; don't delay, but send fo.- particulars. Address Fairfield Flower Co., Fairfield, lie. i APPRF.NTICK— Smart girl to learn dress- making. Mrs. Stewart, Washburn build- ing. I COOK Wanted, cook; one wl"o can also do general housework; no washing nor iron- _ ing. Apply mornings, 207 Martin st. I COOK Wanted, competent cook; references re lUired. Mrs. C. L. On en. 294.Liurel ay. DINING ROOM GlßL— Wanted. cinic£ roam . girl at Midway house, St. Anthony Park, i _§t Paul. . HOUSEWORK— Wanted, at once, a good girl for general housework; good wiges to a cotup.-'tcut person. Apply at 603 Weslinin- ster -t. HOUSEWORK— WauIed, competent girl fnr general housework to _o to White Btar Lake. Apply evenings Lo Mrs. Moipliy, St.3 Summit ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanti d. a ec-inpe .. Nt gi.l fr general housework; and also a German nui-e girl. Apply 10'J Summit ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, cempe'ent girl for general housework; wages, $14 a month. 220 North Victoria. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; two in f_mily. Apply at once, 601 Selby ay. I HOUSEWORK— Wanted. g*il for gcn.jral | housework; one wil ing to go out of city, to Spokane, Wash. Stwi Pir-asarit ay. j HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl for general housework. 272 Prescott st. j HOUSEWORK— GirI fer general ' housework and to li-lp in confectioner; st;re; small _family._ _P_ 49. Globe. HOUSEWORK— Wanted. _i:l for general heeaework; sma.ll family. 03. Gccdrich ay. : HOUSEWORK— Wanted. Sca__i__vU_ girl fer general housework. 5J9 st. j LADIES, Imake big wsgrr, at limn?, and wiut all to have the same opportunity. The work is very pleasant and will easily pay $18 vveeklj. This Is no deception. 1 want no money and will glad.y send full particulars to al. sending stamp. Miss il. A. Stebbins, Lawrenie, Mich. j NUR-5_ Wanted, by May 1. nurse maid; ref- erences required. 272 Prescott st. j NURSE Wanted, a reliable young _iil as nurse. 10 Farrirgton 1- lata. i SALESLADIES—Wanted, first-class millinery salesladies and trimmers; no other need apply. 11. A. Sehultz, 412-411 Wabasha st. j 1 SEAMSTRESS— Wanted. sewing girl. by j week; none but expel fenced nod apply. 4S j _ West Central, flat 3. ; SECOND GlßL— Wanted, young girl for sec- ond wcik. Apply &)7 Summit. ; SECOND GIRL w;.n;**l at 783 Dayton ay. WANTED Ladies to make bandage. . at ; home for large surgical house; eara $10 weekly; enclose rcdrcss-d stamped envelope for rt-p'y. Marshall Co., COG I-'ulton St., j ErcoV.lyn, N. Y. SI TO A TIONS WANTED MALES. j BOOKKEEPER— Experienced bookkeeper and j j office man at liberty after May Ist; first- j ! class references. Address J 51, Globe. ! CCACI'.V AN—Ycung man wants position as i !\u25a0 coachman cr deliverer In stcrc, cr on farm; has g.;od knowledge of hcrses; good r.;fe!-- Address V 25, Glebe. i COOK A gocd colored man wants position ; as- ccok in hotsi, boarding house, or. res- taurant. Address, 203 West University, j 1 EMPLOYMENT WANTE7) by mtrrlJd j man as messenger, night watchman, position in shipping rcom of wholesale, or any line of trust; cl.y rcfa;eace3. Address, B 30, Glebe. HOTEL CLERK—Experienced liotel clerk wishes posttien; day work preferred; city ; or country ; -.-best of references furnished. Address B 31, Globe. * PRESSFEEDER— Situation wanted, press- feeder (Gordon) and compositor. B 25, ! Globe. j SITUATION WANTED FEMALES. DRESSMAKER— A competent dressmaker wants sewing by the day in fam.lies. Call ! cr addre-s 213 Rondo st. EMPLOYMENT— Ycung lady desires any kind of office or store work; is a typewriter, | geed penman and accurate figurer; has had I experience; moderate salary; willing to leave city. L. L., 48 West College ay. HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by an cxpeti v el lady, position as liousekcener for w dowe.- with _mall children; no cbjcc.icn to ecu ltry. . B 24. Gic]^ LADIES can find help on short notice; g-rl3 wanted f-:r places out of city. Mrs. Merry- weather, 543 Wabasha. , WASHING—-Woman wcuid like to secure situation taking in and going out washing or hcuse-cieaning. Address C97 Charles St. WASHING—GirI wants to go out by the day washing and houseclccning. Call Co West Tenth et lated sterling-, carried as loans, must be taken into account. Summarized, the only conclusion Is that the banks have performed a diffi- cult operation with rare skill. The-.- have retrenched whc-re necessary and supplied their correspondents, witn funds while strengthening their own holdings. They have put their busines i in first-class condition and today whe.i a call for funds by the government r* imminent they have more money avail- able for the purpose than at any tim. during the last nine months. The increase in circulation after a long period of decre-ase indicates clear- ly that no channel to expand the vol- ume of money is being overlooked. Specie Movement. NEW YORK, April 23.—Exports of specie for tlie week were: Gold, $8,500; silver. $1597.105. The imports were: Gold, $10,083,105; ?17,5?4. BAMv BURGLARS \u25a0___. Tvrelve Hnndrrd Dollars In M>i:ey and $5,000 in Paper Seeared. DEL-AWARE, 0., April 23. Some time before daylight this morning the Scioto Savings Bank of Ostrand°r seven miles west of this city, was en- BUSINE33 CHANCES A GOOD, established grocery and feed storo for ssle cheap. 899 West, Seventh st. FOR SALE—Small grGCeVy';„p,°>'e; good loca- tion, good trade; small ijjfnount cash, bal- ance to suit purchaser. ,' Address B 26 Globe. FOR SALE—Hotel and- saloon c.mblned, in a lively town with a Igoad business. F. J. _Leonard, Jordan, Minn; li FOR SALE— Stcck of dry"' goods, notions and gents' rurnishing goods; established trade; _partyjleaving town. Address T 39, Globe. FOR SALE—Stock and7fixt!«ires of cigar and confectionery store, cheapj 4.a Wabasha s:. [ HOTEL— For rent, a fine '30-rcom hotel, first i class Ideation, good chance for the right ' _I'»_ty__ Apply 314 Sibley st. $1,6C0.00-SPECULATE w-itl} ,your"!urpiuWdoT- lars; they will rapidly increase both your capital and income; ?399.jffl realized ln one I week; no other spccualfve 1 field or commer- I cial enterprise offers such golden oppor- j tunities for amassing weallh. with quick returns. Last season we realized more than i $1,600.C0 per month; write for particulars. I Conden & Co., Bo^n Block, Covington, Ky. | $4,000 FINE STOCK grocery and fixtures^ feu- saie. or will exchange for house end lot; one of the best locations in city; well estab- lished trade. G. W. Thuet, Room 2, Na- tional German-American Bank Bldg. ' $150 INVESTED ACTUALLY EARNING 35 per cent weekly profits. Rare chance. No stock or Klocdyke scheme. Safe enter- prise. Contrcl capital yourself. D. Sloaue 110 St. Paul st.. Baltimore. Md. FOR SALE. BAR FIXTURES—For sale; two full sets of ! second-hand bee fixtures; one a viry hue i ;-t. Apply at 373 Jackson st. DOG— For sale, bright Irish setter, one year i old. Call 423 Selby ay. ! FOR SALE— A _r_t-el_s_ $1,600 7 p:r cent I coupon mortgage, newly made, 3 years to \u25a0 inn; secured on X) acres of line land, ad- joining city limits. Positively safe s?curity. __J Sl^Globe. _ - j GASOLINE STOVE— A.Mor.rrch, co t $27,Wn good c million, for $3. 420 Fain lew ay., Union Park. I 'I' IPIF.-:— Fer cale, fox terrier puppl;s; thoroughbred; beautifully marked, harry Pringle, 328 Ramsey st., nejr Pi; as nt ay. SCALE—For sale, one computing scale; gool as new; ccst $o's; will sell for 525. Call ac 193 West Seventh st. L HORSES AN? CARRIAGES. | A CARLOAD draft and driving horses for eale at Griggs Pros.' barn, ay., West Side. J 7 |DRAFT HORSES wanted, weighing between j twelve and fifteen hundred. Address, giv- ing weight, age, price, C 45, Globe. FOR SALE— Carload, ot : lieavy horse;, all kinds, delivery and speedy high-bred driv- j ers. harnesses. Thompson Briggs, Eighth j and Wacouta. ' . '\u25a0 FOR SALE— One horse. 1 $30; also buggy and harness, ehf>aD, or all for $35. 1C66 Ross St., St. Panl. jFOR SALE Seven ho-rses, one fine te_m of ponies, one open buggy, one single har- ness; cash or on time. 211 East Ninth st. I i FOR SALE Three heavy teams, harness and ! _wagons. _ Address 193 Fuller st. TWO YOUNG horses, c : ty broke, suitable for j family cr delivery purpose, weighing 1,200 I \ and 1,100 pounds. 1.3 Charles st. WANTED— Driving liorss and carriage and i ; saddle horse, for casH, or in exchange for | upright piano. Call_4t l*i West Sixth s>._ WANTED- Ll^ht, \u25a0' secend-hand delivery. wa.e;on or two-seated open bu^cry. Addres3 N 39. Glcbs. BICYCLED. \u25a0 BICYCLE— For sale,; a by's tS'Uccl, cost $35. In perfect cordition. $la takes it.' 420 Fair- _yiew ay., Umoji Park. •, \u25a0 ... BICYCLE—WanteiT, second-hand. Bicycle, in good condi.'on; must be .reasonable. Ad- dress 13 21, Globe. i BICYCLE— Wanted, second-hand bicycle suit- able for eight-year-old girl. Address R 48, Globe. \u25a0 •\u25a0 | WHEELS! WHEELS! WHESLS-Wjo hig_ prices with us; get in on the ground floor; new. hi;:h-grade, '98 model, >'3) wheels, $2970; $3-1 wheels, $24.5; i: $4(J wheel?, Sl9 50: $33 wheals, $17. Standard Wheel Co., 215 1-ho-nix Bldg., over Yr-rxa s. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ST. ACATHA'S CONSERV ATOHY Of Music and Art. 26 East Exchange _t., St. Paul. Piano, violin, guitar, ma_dolin ar.d vecal music- taught. Lessons given in drawing and I painting. Call or send for prospectus. PATENTS. PATENTS—Send for Inventors' Guide, free. Edgar Tate & Co., Patent Solicitors, 245 _ Broadway, New York. Want a Cook Want a Situation, Want a Salesman, .... . . •_ .. .- Want a Servant Girl, ...,--.. Want to Hire any Help, . 1 W, \u25a0. Want to Rent a Store, ./ . Want an Agent or Partner, ... : . ......... Want to Buy or Sell a Farm,. .1. Want to Hire or Rent a House, ii * i •\u25a0> W?nt to Trade or Exchange Anydrift £, .... Want to Find Anything You've Lost ... Want to Find Strayed or Stolen Animals. .. .. You can do it easily through the Adl-et: Col- .. . umns of the Globe, the Great Want Medium. . tertd by four __r_l-_&. and the safe blown cpen with \u25a0fomiMMite ar.d $1,200 in cash. $5,000 in nefotVibie paper and v; . r S sH 11 Hl,_ W hU._ _\u0084.n. The J-raxlra-vgui}, which plays a pon st;:t part in our _r___nevt. HOUSES FOR RENT. COTTAGE— For rent, modern six-room cot- tage, with large yard; also three rooms for light housekeeping. 2(15 East University ay., corner Canada. FOR RENT— Be-fore you locate, be suro to call on us. We have houses, s'xires, and flats for rent. Diamon Collection and Rent- ___S_Asency,_6o9_New York Life building. | HOUSE— For rent, 05C Pine st., seven rooms I and bath. Apply at 658 Pine st. ; take Missis- sippi car to Nash St., within two blocks of house. HOUSE— For rent, 9-room furnished house for the summer: all modern conveniences. 297 Bates ay., one block from street car ! W__v_ .^ d --? B_W__°'8_ W__°' G'obe- i HOUSE— For rent, May 1, house, 793 Iglehart st., seven rooms with bath. Price $20; apply to H. Hi Mann, 30 EastJSixth st j HOUSES FOR RENT— No. 56) Canada Et.. eight rooms, city water, sewer; No. 693 East I Seve nth st., nine rooms, city water, ba h. j HOUSES for rent and sale, in all parts of city. Money to loan. J. I. Farley, 51 Na\ Gtr.-Am. Bk. Bldg. ; HOUSE for rent; furnished or unfurnished, nine-rcom modern house, on hi.l. G.od ! bam. B 2., Globe. HOUSE— For rent, a very pleasant and con- ! yenient 8-rooin house; in good order. 151 ! Western ax. HOUSE— For rent, furnished house, No. 495 ! Portland ay., for one year. Inquire at house. HOUSES— For rent, houses arrangsd with I modern conveniences for two fami ies- new- ! _Iy_ papered.^ Inquire 544 Wacouta st. HOUSE-— 7-room 'rouse, with water and s wer- ' good neighborhood; _ block from Maria I __________ Ct, _ K « s t Third. HOUSE— Fer rent, a modern six-room house * n n cr p ' ta "m°nt and De Soto sts. Inquire 070 De _cto st. HOUSE— For rent, .-room house; latest im- provements, good j aid and shade trees. 399 Fuller st. HOUSE— EIeven-ro__i house for rent rid m improvements; rent, $25. Inquire _t 13. East Tenth st. HOUSE— For rent, 973~IIague ay., cighW room house; gas, bath, water; larg? yara &°d all modern conveniences. Cal! .57 Rice. HOUSE—Fer rent, modern seven-room housa* W"_ r __ gr _ u i ;a . s - Call 1:24 Margaret st. IH OUSE fer rent, 535 Holly ay.; fineltousT, ________ MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. IS9 Dav- idson Block—Houses, flats and stores for rent in all parts of the city and at all prices. may ist—S9 B-- ___-___«,» _eee__s, | ALL MODERN CONVK\Ii_-.CES. CALL ON TIYI.OR'S SB-TOG I AGRACY. ROOMS FOR REN T. CENTRAL AY.. 46-l' > l^lT^__i^iiCr" ! rent, three rooms in steam-heated flat; gas range, bath. FIFTH ST.. 1:56 WEST— For re~nt; ric_ly"fuT~- nished room, suitable for one or two g n- tk-nien; all conveniences. IGLEHART, 4?s— Furnished front room anl alcsye; bath and ga3. ! PARK PLACE, 74-Fcr "ljn'tWfurnishedWoT- light housekeeping, second fio.r, losm; I and bath rocm. ! PLEASANT AY., £53—Corner SheTmanWi^ j rent, a furnished rcom in upper town; fif- i teen minutes' walk from- p.stofflce; all j conveniences ; private family. ' PLEASANT AY., 133—For rent, three nicely furnished rooms; will rent for housekeep- ing gROOM—For rent, nicely furnished room; private bouse; all conveniences; Aye mm. utcs' walk from Seventh and Robert sts Address V 29, Globe. ROOMS—For rent, two pleasant front rooms, furnished, bath End other modern con- veniences; with or without board; private __faniil}' : Inquire 725 Portland ay. ROOMERS— Wanted, one or two gentlemen roomers, or will rent several rooms to young couple for light housekeeping. 701 East _Thirrt st. I ROOMS— For rent, four rooms and bath, sec- I end floor, in gocd order. Inquire at 197 ci 139 East Fourteenth st. ROOMS— For rent, three rooms, first floor; i city water, screen doors; near valley and car line. Inquire 764 Jackson St. ROOMS For rent, furnished rooms; bath, gas and _heat._^Call_at_2s7 Rice st. ROOMS—Up stairs for rent; city water acd _sewer. 230 Ig'ti:art. RICE ST.. 261—Nicely furnished, large front room for rent; modern eonveniencts. ST. PETER ST.. 493— For rent, furnished __d unfurnished rooms by the day, week or month; steam heat and gas. SUMMIT AY.. 89— For rent. A nicclyWf-r- --nished front rcom with alcove. TENTH ST., 97 WEST-TwoWic~lv furnlshld front rooms, $3 and $1 per month. Board if desired. FLATS FOR RENT. THE ARGYLE, St. Peter and Central Ay.- From May 1, five and six-room apart- ments at $25 and $35 per month; first, second and third floors. References re- quired. Inquire janitor at building, or J. J. Watson, Germania Life Euiiding. FLAT— For rent, Cat of eight rooms, third floor; all modern improvements; screen., storm windows. 170 West Ninth st. Apply rear of house. FLAT For rent, four rooms up stairs, with city water and sewer, for $5 per month. 510 Ohio st. FLAT— Furnished flat of four rooms for housekeeping, in a modern house. Addre33 N 49, Glcb3. FLAT— Seven-room flat, modern conven- iences, second floor, front and back porch 73-1 East Fifth st., near Bate.; avenue. FLATS—Elegant flats on Goodhue st; $8 to $15; free water; bath. 315 Pioneer Press Building. FLAT Modern seven-room, steam-heatf d, outside flat; furnished or unfurnished. 715 Laurel ay., Flat 50. FLATS— Seven rooms; tath, hot and cdM water; $13; Fcos Blk., Dousman St., near West Seventh. FLAT— For rer.t, six-room Act; niod:rn; sc-pa.;ate entrance; perfect order; rent, $H per month. Inquire of W. L. Perkins & Co. FLAT— 7-room fiat, bath, gas and all mcd m improvements; first floor. 275 West Sever.ti. PERSONAL— Many an interesting story ls told in the personal column of The Globe wants. Read them, they may be of ioter- a let of jewelry stolen. The r.i.n tng&tt gocd their escape with a stolen her.-. and buggy. STORE FOR RENT STORES— For rent, small stores. Fine loca- tlon. Inquire at 16 West Sixth at. OFFICES FOR RENT. STUDIO— For rent, part of nicely furni3_ed studio. In one of the best buildings ln the city. Addresg H 48, Globe. FOR RENT SUBURBAN. COTTAGE— White Hear Lake, desirable cot- tage of six rooms; all on ground floor; threa minutes' walk from lake shore station. Ap- ply second floor 2. East Fourth st. or onlce Schuneman &Evan3. COTTAGES^For rent, cottages at Mahtomedl White Bear Lake. Dampier, 313 Wabasha. FARM LANDS. iyai'"^ 80 ACRES WELL IMPROVED ggxfXFkiAJ? farm; half cultivated, bul- fe_l itH_-i ance oak and maple; fenced; _BL_l_i^£q^F;~ !,roi7<: full of trout; spring; new frame house; good out- buildings; nice home for country life; near St. Paul; $1,250; $700 cash, balance 7 to 10 I years, low Interest. 160-acre farm; 120 | acics cultivated; balance oak and maple ; timber; spring water; good buildings; $1,700. I John B. Kolsbun, 116 E. 3rd, cor. Robert, St. r.-.v.!. : BARGAINS IN FARM- and railroad lands; half fare; send for list of bargains to C, j J. Sawbridgc, Fergus Falls, Minn. t WE OAN locate a few industrious men on farms, where they can earn a gcod living I n£par by while building a home; only $50 cash requlried; half fare ticket; fare refunded _if_Jou_buy. Addrcs3 T 51, Globe. FOSn'NT MISCELLANEOUS. j BARN Fer rent, modern brick barn for four or more hcrsc. and carriag«s; very central; cc_c'„inan's room; city water. Ad- dress R 15, Gobe. HOUSES WANTED. LIST VOIR VACANT UOISE. W.TII SIKRUiLL __B3___KG COIiIPAXY, _-AXHATT,__ __~Wjn___ WE CAN F.RN1321 GOOD ____AKT3. REAL ES TATE HO USES. FOR SAI_3 at a bargain for a few days, 763 Dayton ay., a new residence, strictly niod- i cm in every respect; finished in quarter | sawed oak and cherry; south-facing ; asphalt pavement in street; open tcday. LOST AND FOUND. | DOG LOST—Lest, a pel dog; answers to the j name of "Buck." Lioeral reward lor re- I turn to Mrs. H. N. Mcrriscn, 5-3 Missis- sippi bt. DOG LOST—Red Irish setter; few white hair- en breast. Fir der please re turn to 2f'J Igle- hart street and rccai/e reward. KEYS LOST— Lest, four keys on chain, with padlock. Return to G_3 St. Peter st. and receive reward. UMBR.ELLA LOST—On interurban car. 'Ihursday afternoon, silk _t__rt-__, gold head and ring; engraved en hand!?. Suit- able reward. Nick Weiler. 622 University ay. SEWING MACHINES. ; NEW SEWING MACHINES from $15 up. We handle White, Standard. Domestic and oth- ers; second-hand machines from $5 up; all kinds of sewing machines repaired. C. H. _Wf_chell &. Co., iTi Wabasha st. TO EXCHANGE. ST. PAUL 'BUSINESS COLLQ.E, Sh rt and and Telegra.pnic Institute, will ixchame tuition fc-r phaeton, trjp, buggy or bicycle. Maguire Bros., 33 East Sixth st. '• TO EXCHANGE— New goods exchanged for second-hand. Cardozo Furniture and Ex- change Company, £32 East Seventh st. CLAIRVOYANTS. EGYPTIAN FORTUNE TELLER— TeIIs i.ast, I present and future; if not true, no cbarge. , 75 South Robert st. MRS. DR. WILLIAMS, clairviyant and massaglst, has returned, located 516 St. Peter. _ MRS. DR. MOSS leaves this Wednesday; any ere wishing to see me, cail 5.5 Wabasha. PERSONAL MARRY Denver corresponding club mem- bers worth $50,00.7 private list 10c. R. L. Love, Dtnvcr, Ccl. INSTRUCTION. A LADY FRENCH TEACHER desires to give lessons in exchange for room and board. Address (Mellc) L., 390 St. An- thony ay. GLOBE BUSINESS COLLEGE offers special advantages for these wishing to teach, and r_r beys and girl 3 wanting to pursue their studies during the-' summer or make up _gradtf. F. A. Marcn, Seventh and St. Peter. ST. PAUL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Shcr hind and Telegraphic Institute has a natioaal reputation of 33 years' standirg ociu'._ti.i£ substantial money-making business m?n and women for the business world; op n day and evening year round. M.guro Bros., 93 Ecst Sixth st. MEDICAL. ANNA MACK, from Chicago, IS6 East Sev- enth street; taths. all kinds; expert i__s- saglst3. LATHS given for nervous diseases, steam, vapcr and al.-ohol. select massage. li 3 East Sixth st., te Hotel Ryan. LAHIKSI Chichesrar's English Fcnnvroyal pi!i» "^iamood Tltmul, tllO Best. S"fe, IHtlhMi. T.t. no ot.i.r. Sen,! Ac., ii-ripa, tor |.itrtip--übr«, -kcllel for _»:: \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0' ii I.KTT.Bby Ret-rrl Mail... At Dropr*.. C&-____e_ Chemical Co., Phllada., Fo, MME. LAURETTA'S MAS3u\GE BATH PAR- lors; elite patronage so.icited. 319 Jack- sen st. MRS. DR. STEINE— Batha, massage, electro- magnetic healer. 27 East Sevtutu St., Suite ZQO. MONEY may be tight and hard to get. but ycu. can get al! you want by asking for it ihlftugh The Globe Financial Columns. STILLWATEH. Special to The SL Paul Globe. STILLWATER, April 23— The Clcnmont left today with a raft of logs and lumber consign- ed to ]>art'es at Muscatine, 10. Edward Krlley, a well-known resident cf Stillwater, who put in several year 3as night engineer at the rcntcon bridge, di d last even- ing at the home of his father en North Main street, of typhoid pneumonia. Deceased was about forty years cf age, and had been 111 less than a week. The funeral will be held from St.'s church next Monday. Word was received here tcday rf the death cf Isaac H. Alcott. at Minnesota Lake. De- ceased was the father of Mrs. il. N7 V.o- Kusick. of this city, and was woil known here. He was 77 years of age. Ji;; was a vet- eran of the late Civil war and was a member ef George Cro^k post. G. A. it. The city co__cil he 1.1 a special meeting yes- terday aftemc.c- and amended an ordinance granting a tel-.y.hane fr_nchiso to 0:1s Sta- ples. Mul\ ey- and It. H. liic-nson. Mrs. A. 17 S_ft<!"__Mg etrtel tst_e_ a !ar_e number of lt-dy fcteaiSa his afiernw.n ln h„nor of Miss M'.lviva '.j% Pargey. The Elks gave choir la_t hop of the MUCH last cv.ninp. nnd it was an er.joyohlo _..•_!._ event. Abrut thirty couples •-'-re pr«»as_ The Junior <-I.'.ss cf the school i»,iv.-> IN annual cnterta it: merit in ihe auditorium cf the high school last crofting and the Jar.;, hall was completely fllfd. The entertainment was a grand kuoc<-ss both artistically and iin_n- rf*lSr. Thomas P.-ingle leaves tomorrow* fis Gor- don, Wis., wltera ho -,vl!l ir-cud the unnrarr, George Bixby ls CfcppeUd -onics tomorrow With GB READ, New York Life Building. $3,100.0®. Corner of Goodrich Avenue and St. Albans street; siz? of lot 61x 150 to 20-foot alley; lot fa_aa couth and west. There are only a few left likeit. $400.00 Buys a fine south front, forty- foot lot on Carroll Straet, east of Fisk. Lot has sewer and water. $400.00 Buys a south-ficing, for.y-.oot lot on Charles Str©-t, east of Maekubin. TWO HOUSES, No. 586 sLinco'n Aye. and No. Ql^eaw.Dod Terrace, ar_ offered for trade at modern pricas, wW •_¥_!_; _<_.____*__ IS \u25a0 N.w York Lif. Building. RENTAL LISTS. -K_! OIK I_.TI.ST PlilViKl) I,l^. OF HOI ,'SKS AND FLATS. f| MERRILL A l_-JlA6____ OF I'ROPERTV. MANHATTAN _l ILDIXG. 47 DALKst., Holly, detachid m room house. 624 Ohio st., detached S-rcom h;us3 with .irn 75«j Payne aye.. brick store, 20x60, ban: _nd :i adjoining l-t3, used for over five years for feed and fuel business. 7_? aud 756 Payne aye.. two second fl; r n7t3. ft rooms, water acd sewer. $8 each. 316 Cclbarne st.. 4-ro?m hcu;e, $.",.i». 400 Nugent st., rear, 3 rooms, ceil water, ?5. 908 Earl st., lower fl:or. 4 large rattu lar and water, JS. Inquire at The Sta.c Savings Bank, _t_ and Minn. sts. REAL ESTATE. B £ 1 %&*£sMq Two-story Brick Blor'.i on We_t 7t'.i and Oneida Streets. A. STOLFES7 _'. 406 Pioncrr i'r.-.y.n .________;. BUSINESS PERSONALS. f -WJ\ -i jW4 r. ';enllem:.;r« :-;.. - . . ir .y WT:) ln *\u25a0 lxr->' t s T«TS wtotevil . . r ,a p « rjtall. --ompdon. r. <• .ju* V I'ressin. aa=l Real-. Tr . 7T utSce iin.t ftjtrl i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i V^^ Wab-xhn St.. Va'^-ir.;,, . p.', \u25a0 ; f co:-. Nin!h _r.:;.r.. 3iil orjjf i ljl WHAT MARRIED FEOPL.W WW'W VnWv" Pamphlet giving m.ia ral____ bin 25c pc-stage. Bwreka Pub. •">., j \ ew Chambers St., New York City. NEW CITY CEABTEE. Notice of Electiais on the Propped Charter for the City of St. Paul, an Itotcrnrd to lhe Mayor March St, IKON, by tbe Board of Fifteen Freeholder- Appointed i'arnna-Jt to the Act of the —carislat ur< the Slate of .'.linnr-ola Authoriz- ing tHics an.-l Village" to Fraino Their Own Charter. Office of the City Clerk, cf the C'ty of SL Paul, Minn.. April 9, A. I>. IS3B. To th«i Qualified Voters Of the City of St. Paul. Notice is hereby given that the Jurtres of the district ccurt cf the county of Ramsey end State of Minnesota, bent-tore pursuant to an act cf the legislature of the .ta p. of Minnesota, entitled -'An Act" any city or \iila_e in this state tv frame l-s own charter for its government as a city consist- ent with and subject to the law.; of thU st3te," a.proved April Et, !SO7, appointed a beard of fifteen freeholders, and ta tsM board of fifteen freeholders so appointed has prepare d a draft of the proposed charter for the City of St Paul, which draft of sur-h pro- posed charter was returned by said board of freeholders to the chi-f magistrate of eaid city, to-wit: The mayor of said city, on the 21st <iay of March. ISSg; and that fact has been communicate d by .aid mayor to the common council of the City of St. Pau). and the com. mon council of said city, with the _pr the mayor, has fixed the 3rd play of May l-3>{ as the time for holding the election at' whi li such proposed charter shall be _3b;iiitv' -.-> Itnu , Ju^i:?.-'l ratsn cf the City of S' I and pursuant to tup.i _--.:.., i, the sal.t ;, .- posed charter cf the City cf St. Paul mil be FUb.-nitted to the qualified voters if of St. Paul, en the 3rd day of m.t- ,\ j: ISOB, at the election to be he!, on said day Sor city officers of the City of St. Paul. In t^stimorv whereof. I h.vp hereunto sot my hand an* affixed the corporate s-nl of tho C-ty of St. Raul this .th div -t April \ D l?f'S. (Seal) MATT JENSEN City rit-rk c r tie Ci'y rf S' Paul. (Anrll 11, 23 times Sundays included until May 3.* HELP WANTED—You can easily gf t ail the experienced help ycu wi3h for any kind of business by .avert sing in The G ! c b o waDt columns. morning from Anamosa, 10., where he sp\nt several <1-vs. V Austin .Teaks la rperc'ing a few days witW his daughter, Mrs. I). B. Newccmb, cf St\ Paul. \ Mrs. George Reeves, of Duiuth. spent a pari of the week with friend, in this city. Carl Baucrman. rf Wincna. was a gu -at cf 11. T. King on Wednesday. Mrs. Jaeoh Bean and rhildrrn have r( turned from California, where they sp< nt the vv.. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Masterman |.-hr:-.:cd the fifth anniversary of their marriage Tues- day evening and entertained a masker of friends. They wore asateted la enter'aining by Miss Wade. A. J. Steard. of West Superior, spent a i;art of the week with friends in this cfty. OUR WARSHIPS. Would you like to krow ail about our battleships, cruisers, monitors and tor- pedo boats? They will be fighting pret- ty soon, and every American should know all about them. Sis portfolios of the series of ten are now ready. Read the display advertisement else- where in this paper for full pa'.-Li.-ulara. The portfolios now ready are: No. I—The1 The American Navy— Part I. No. 2 The Hawaiian Islands--.-'- r: I. No. ,t— The American Navy— Part 11. No. i--The Hawaiian— Tart TL N". n Th'.' American Navv—l'a:-t 111. No. C-The Hawaiian Isl&—Part 111. Be sure to see th.ta- . 9ri

Transcript of Do You Want All Wants Are Supplied. Do You Want Buy Sell...

Page 1: Do You Want All Wants Are Supplied. Do You Want Buy Sell… · THE ST. PAUL GLOBE SUNDAY APRIL 24, 1898. Do You


Do You Want a House ?Do You Want a Room? All Wants Are Supplied.

Try a Globe Want and See How Many Letters You Receive in Answer.


Do You Want to Sell?Do You Want to Buy ?

GhOBE WANT ADS.One cent per word

—same rate aa charged at

Globe Office, Fourth and Minnesota.No advertisement less than 26 cents.Two cents r«r word for Personal. Clalrvoy- ]

ants. Palmists, Massage and Medical iads.

Leave your want ads at any one of the fol-lowing

Clofce _rau._ OtU.C-S

ARLINGTON HILLS.Bedford and Decatur C. R. Marellus :Tayne. 954 A. & G. A. Schumacher ,

DAYTON'S BLUFF.East Third. CTS Sever Westby ;

LOWER TOWN.Broadway, 442 M. D. Merrill jGrove and .la.-kson Joseph ArgaySeventh and Sibley William K. Collier

MERRIAM PARK.St. Anthony and Prior A. L. Woolsey

BT ANTHONY HILL.r>ale. 171 A. T. GuernseyGrand end St. Albans Emil BullRondo and Giotto Straight Bro?.Rondo. 233 A. A. CampbellSelby snd Western W. A. Frost & Co.Victoria and Selby Brackett'a

UNION PARK.University and Prior C. A. Monchow

UPPER TOWN.East Seventh. 29 B. J. WltteRice. 496 F. 11. CruddenRobert and Twelfth W. E. LoweRice and Iglehart Ray CampbellSeven Corners ... S. 11. ReevesSt. Peter a-d Tenth C. T. Hell.-r

WEST SIDE.S. Robert ar.d Fairlield Tbe EclipseState and Concord Concord Drug StoreWabasha aud FairQeld Ceerge MartiWabash cr.d Isabel A. T. Hal!

WEST SEVENTH STREET.James and W. Seventh J. ,r. MullenW. Seventh. 483 A. & G. A. Schumacher


"MONEY iDO YOU WANT MONEY?" Ifso!rull on us. We can get you a

MONEY ilean oa household furniture, pi-ll aces, or any kind of personal

property of value; goods left in your ownpossession; payments made to snit the bor-rower, cv installment plan iidesired; anypayment on '.lie loan reduces the cost; ifyou want mo_ey the quickest and cheap-est call on us: all business private and co:-Adential. Minnesota Mortgage Lean Co.,Room 7. First National Bank build,ng".corner Fourth and Jackson st3.

MONEYTo lean m approved property In St.Paul or Minneapolis.V PEK CK..T. "OX OK BKKOItE,"

ln Sums to Suit.R. H. MIWI'UUT A: SOS,

Pir.neer PreS" Building, Reeve Building,S:. Paul Minneapolis.

'HONEY TO LOAN on persona; property oJ i

value— furniture, pianos, seal cloaks, bi-'

cycle.", etc.; can be repaid by Installments; 'strictly conadential; notes bought. Ohio In-ves;:r.cnt Co.. 730 Globe Bids.. take eieva-tor.

MONEY TO LOAN on gcod real (stats s>- '\u25a0enrity. Diamond Collection and RentingAgency. 608 N w York Life building.

WE HAVE HOME MONEY TO LOAN at 10w-..-:, without charge, for commission or

fxehu:;^. ; r.ouire no sold clause, and givethe "on or before" privilege. The SlateSavings Bank, Germania Life lildg.

WANTED TO RENT.A RE:;PON_IKLE rr.rty will take a five'

years' base and pay g per cent gross tocv-ner who wili build a woo.m 9-roouihouse, south-facing, gocd location, St.Anthoii\ hi.l. by September 1. Ad-dress G_ 38. Glebe.

FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT wanted lorthe summer; ten ____tes' frcm Co.i-over Music Co. B 27, Globe.

ROOMS—Wanted, three or four rooms com-pletely furri.-hed for housekeeping; mustbe first-class; give full Dartieulars audprice. AdJress A 45, Globe.


Room wanted by gentleman employed jin Minneapolis, on St. Anthony hill, near !park car lino. G 24, Globe.

ROOMS— Wtn led, four or five rooi-T~ for'

housekeeping: give particulars and price.Address B :-. Globe.


__(*.\u25bc wants furnished room on hill,east of Dale; reasonable rent. W.. GenevaFlats.

STORE— Wanted, a small store in agocd location, sritable tor a restaurant, bya responsible tenant. Address G 25, Globe.

BOARD OFFERED.BOARD—Kor rent, with gocd board, nicely

furnish.d rooms, all conveniences; fine lo-cation. Day boarders wanted. 48 WestCollege ay.

BOARD— For rent, nicely furnished parlorbtdrcom with beard, for two gentleman,en Hill;convenient to cable. A_dr-:s-< N 1".,Globe.

BOARD for two—Two front rooms in suite,house modern, private family, referencesexchangcdl Address _ 3'!, Glebe.

BOARD—Pleasant front rccm, handsomelyfurnishc-d, with boaid; large shade trees:every convenience. 397 East Tenth st.


furnished rooms and beard by gentleman,wife and one child; references; state termsB 32. Globe. _

STORAGE.WAR IS BAD. but a poor job cf mo\ing is

worst . For seed work leave orders atKent's express. 211 West Seventh st.;tele-phone 48.

AUCTION SALES.A. _. Johnson Auctioneer.

HOUSEHOLD FUR-NITURE, RUG-S, BQCtion. Iwill _el! at pub-ii.; ruction on Wednesday, April 27,at 10 a. in., at the residence No. C37St. Peter rt., corner of Summit ay., allthe household effects, consisting of bedroom\u25a0suits. fancy rockers and chairs, exten-sion table, rtinirg rcom chairs, couch, cen-ter tables, iron beds, drcssern, spiings, mautreEßfG, sheets, pillows, comfortables,spreads, fine velvet and body Brussels ea»-pcts, rigs and matting. This furniture hasbeen in use only a short time and is asgood :is new. A. G. Jcbnson, Auctioneer.419 a::d 421 Ja-.-ksen st. I



Slntcnicut for the Week TiitlicalenThat fl;e Cl«mrlatK Ilous.tlu.itli'i-tlotm Have rcrfiirutcil a. DllllcaltI';iijii;«-»;ilOperntion YVIIH Pure

SKill flute- !*rc..ln,l. j_H Bor-rt»wfau>_ Tliat l» Not Ttiniwm j.

XEW yc.-'..r., April 23.—The Finan-cier says: According to the sUiteir.entof tbe Xew Ycrk clearing house Banksfor lhe v.-CL-k ending: April 23, the in-\u25a0tltutions imM a -uvi_ea reserve of Si3-,-625,300, which i.s larger than has lt-Wreported since the woek o£ J-_)W1597.

This result has Lc.?n brought al»._rby t>;o conservative -ction r,f ihe hanksin preparing; for the <:i-i«--i>: which is nownt hand. Their cash hol^'n^^, le_rtete-by dcn>t.n'js from lhe" in-.c-lcr. havebeen re_>.'Li;!_;_.d by tepc.tfi of gold


AGENTS— SB.36 daily, selling nickel-platedbrilliant gaslight burners; fits ail kero-sene lamps, gives beautiful, bright gas-light; no wick, no chimney, no smoke;cheapest light known; free sample. W 81,

Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.AGENTS WANTED throughout ths West for

"Elastic Mucilage." Mends china, cut glassand woodenware. Send _>c for sample andterms to agents. Wayne Novelty Co., Rich-mond, Ind.

AGENTS sell cur magic gaslight burner;makes kerosene lamps give brilil-nt gas-light; no chimney, wick, smoke or smell;sample free to agents. National brass Co.,LVpt. 4, New York.

AGENTS— S7 daily sealing Specialty Soaps,giving customers double value in HandsomePresents; exclusive territory; sample outfitfree. Lease Soap Co.. Cincinnati. O.

A MONEY-SAVER FOR SUBSCRIBER-— Amoney-maker for intelligent lady and gen-tlemen solicitors; Ealarv or coiu_ils_ii>n.John_W._lliff & Co.. Chicago.

BOY—Wanted, brig-ht boy; one who has hadsome experience la bicycle repairing pre-ferr-.d. Apply 8 a. m. Monday.' A. D.Smith. 27 West Fourth st.

ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN—Send 10 centsfar. _4-page pamphlet containing a list ofQuestions asked by an examining board ofengineers. Address G. o. A. Sella-, Books. ll-er, IS South F- urth st., St. Louis, Mo.Mention this paper.)

FREE SAMPLE BICYCLE TO AGENTS INeach locality. Exclusive territory. Guaran-teed grades, $15 up. Bak-er Safe Co., Chi-cago, 111., Dc-pt. S.

JOB PRINTER—Wanted, an energetic up-to-date job printer of good habits, with gcodreferences, in a first-class country news-paper office. Address A 48, Globe.

OUR NEW NAVY AND NAVAL BATTLESof All Ages— All about war with Spain,the "Maine," all other battleships, coastdefenses, cruisers, gunboats, rams, torpedoheats; tremendous seller; biggest money-maker eves- known; liberal terms; agentsmaking 57 to $28 per .day; credit given.freight paid, outfit tree; send six 2c stampslor postage, Monroe Book Co, Dept. 107,324 Dearborn st., Chicago.


$lt>i a mon.h and expensesguaranteed setting io merchants and fam-ilies cur machines for cooling refrigerator-;guaranteed 75 prr cent cheaper man ice.Fer full particulars, address Arctic Re-irigc rating Co., Cincinnati, O.

SALESMAN WANTED to sell cur assort-ments to dry goods ard general trade.Entire time and bond required. High com-o issioos; large sales; exclusive territory.The Elysian Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich.


Capable man who can command$1,500 cash, io take efca ge cf Minnesotabianoh office of Srst-class ('hi.azo ni_uu-

[acturfng c.-. in;any h_vi_g large est itl.shedtrade, Income. $2,383 to $5,000 yearly, in-cluding salary and t.nimissicn. Permanent•j osition for reliable man. Address VicePresident, 702 Pontile Bldg., Chicago.

WANTED—Men and woi.. _:o work at

Home—lpay S8 to $16 per week for mak-ing crayon portraits, new patent method;i;i;y one who can read or write can do the'-oik, at koine, !n spare time, day cr even-ing; send for ;aiticulars and york at ence.Address 11. A. (Jripp. Cerinaii Artist. Ty-rone. Fa.


Your.g nien to learn barber trrde;can have state license in two mcnt_s;-*_reeyears' apprenticeship saved; poti.i. ns guar-anteed; tools donated.; catalogue iaa:lolfree. Meier System Barber Co.lege, 223Washington as. south. __n_eapcli_.

WANTED— Steady man. who wishes perma-nent position, to travel and establish localrepresentatives; good route, fair salary;chance for advancement ; self-addressed en-velope reply. Office 702, 250 Dearborn, Chi-cago.

WANTED—Upright r.erscns to travel; salary$7'o and expenses. Reference. Encloseself-adcressed stamped envelope. The Do-minion Company, Chicago.

WANTED—Distributers. $20 per 10C0. Send10c for particulars, contract and samples.Crescent diem. Co., 1151 Montana st ,Chi-


WANTED—Man with horse and wagon to~de-liver light parcels in the city; must fur-nish references. Answer C 46, Glcbo.

WANTED—Salesmen in every county. Goodpay weekly. Write for terms. HawksNursery Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

WANTED—Good all-around man to work inbicycle store. Address V 28, Globe.

WE CAN PLACE a few more district ag-ntsin Minnesota under good contracts and indesirable territory; our policy combines sick,accident, endowment and death benefits,and is issued to men, women and child:en;company absolutely sate; our bicycle acci-dent policy Is se ling fast. Also wantedgood male and female agsnts for S\ Paul.Minnesota Mutual Casual y Company, six.hfloor Endicott Building,St. Paul, Minn.

J4O WEEKLY selling patent combinationrolling pin (seven articles in one), inaatchopper, egg beater, potato masher, churn,cake cutter, biscuit cutter, roilingpin; sam-ple free. D. Central Supply Co., Cincin-nati, (X

>'-•> ' > PER ICO paid any person far coTlectingnames. Particulars and book holding 1/K0names. 10 cents silver. Walker Co., BoxA. Merriam Park, Minn.

$15 TO $35 A WEEK and expenses paid tn^nto sell cigars on time; experience unnecea-saiy. W. L. Kline Co., St. Louis, Mo.

KKLIEF SOCIETYEmpt-yitMMit Ucglster.

Office, 141 East Ninth Street. Telephone 183.COLLECTING cr any clerical work wantedby an efficient, reliable married man.COACHMAN, honest and thoroughly reliable;

an excellent man for a private family.COPYlNG,addressing envelopes, writinginvi-tations, cards, etc., wanted by an expert

penman.STENOGRAPHER— A young woman stenog-

rapher and typewriter wants a position.ENGINEER

—A good stationary engineer, witha family depending upon him, is anxious to

secure work.SEWING wanted by a woman who can do

good work.WOMEN to do washing, ironing, house-cleaning and caring for the sick can be se-

cured from this c-ice; also men to sawwood, clean up yards. etc


Ninth St., Minneapolis; lacc-s and lace cur-tains cleaned; send by express; will paycharges.

CARPET CLEANING.THE HELPS Carpet Cleaning works. Uni-vers.ty ay.. is the place to get your car-

\u25a0 peta acd rugs cleaned promptly. Tel. £4X


MISS liULLremoves -upertiuous haar. moles,etc.. by electricity; only positive and per-manent remedy; references given. C37 Mer-rMBlock, corner Fifth and St. Peter sts.

and by" the continued contraction oroutEtandins obligations.

Today they are in an exceedinglyStrong position, ar.d are ready to meetany demands which may be made uponthem.

The statement in detail does not differmuch from those of the last severalweeks. The dc-crease of $7,439,100 inloans represent the turning of accu-mulated sterling Into specie imports,and also the liquidation of current ac-counts.

Bnt little new business is being doneas the rates demanded preclude anyborrowing other than that which isabsolutely necessary. The banks arc-,however, looking out for the needs attheir customers. The gain in cash fortho -week was $5,636,500, gold receipt:;having been nearly $8,000,000 and legaltender decreases only $2,300,000.

The increase in gold was larger thanthe week's receipts from abroad, andit Is quite likely that the heavy ex-pansion reflects some of the previousimports. Deposits fell oft only $2,302,101,which just about equals the legal ten-der decrease, and is less than theknown loss to the interior.

The statement, judged by usual cal-culations, does not balance, but thechanges are logical since the gold im-ports and their relations to accumu-


making artificial flowers; we teach you Inone day and give steady employment; wehavo hundreds of worhers; distance from U3makes no difference; don't delay, but sendfo.- particulars. Address Fairfield FlowerCo., Fairfield, lie.

iAPPRF.NTICK— Smart girl to learn dress-making. Mrs. Stewart, Washburn build-ing.


Wanted, cook; one wl"o can also dogeneral housework; no washing nor iron-_ ing. Apply mornings, 207 Martin st.


Wanted, competent cook; referencesre lUired. Mrs. C. L. Onen. 294.Liurel ay.

DINING ROOM GlßL— Wanted. cinic£ roam. girl at Midway house, St. Anthony Park,i _§t Paul. .

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, at once, a good girlfor general housework; good wiges to acotup.-'tcut person. Apply at 603 Weslinin-ster -t.

HOUSEWORK— WauIed, competent girl fnrgeneral housework to _o to White BtarLake. Apply evenings Lo Mrs. Moipliy,St.3 Summit ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanti d. a ec-inpe.. Nt gi.l frgeneral housework; and also a Germannui-e girl. Apply 10'J Summit ay.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, cempe'ent girl forgeneral housework; wages, $14 a month.220 North Victoria.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalhousework; two in f_mily. Apply at once,601 Selby ay.

IHOUSEWORK— Wanted. g*il for gcn.jral| housework; one wiling to go out of city, to

Spokane, Wash. Stwi Pir-asarit ay.

j HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl forgeneral housework. 272 Prescott st.

j HOUSEWORK— GirI fer general 'houseworkand to li-lp in confectioner; st;re; small

_family._ _P_ 49. Globe.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted. _i:l for generalheeaework; sma.ll family. 03. Gccdrich ay.

:HOUSEWORK— Wanted. Sca__i__vU_ girlfer general housework. 5J9 st.

jLADIES, Imake big wsgrr, at limn?, andwiut all to have the same opportunity.The work is very pleasant and will easilypay $18 vveeklj. This Is no deception. 1want no money and willglad.y send fullparticulars to al. sending stamp. Missil. A. Stebbins, Lawrenie, Mich.

j NUR-5_—

Wanted, by May 1. nurse maid; ref-erences required. 272 Prescott st.


Wanted, a reliable young _iil asnurse. 10 Farrirgton 1-lata.

iSALESLADIES—Wanted, first-class millinerysalesladies and trimmers; no other needapply. 11. A. Sehultz, 412-411 Wabasha st. j

1 SEAMSTRESS— Wanted. sewing girl. by jweek; none but expel fenced nod apply. 4S j_ West Central, flat 3.

; SECOND GlßL—Wanted, young girl for sec-ond wcik. Apply &)7 Summit.

; SECOND GIRL w;.n;**l at 783 Dayton ay.


Ladies to make bandage. . at ;home for large surgical house; eara $10weekly; enclose rcdrcss-d stamped envelopefor rt-p'y. Marshall Co., COG I-'ulton St., jErcoV.lyn, N. Y.


jBOOKKEEPER— Experienced bookkeeper and jj office man at liberty after May Ist; first- j! class references. Address J 51, Globe.!CCACI'.V AN—Ycung man wants position as i!\u25a0 coachman cr deliverer In stcrc, cr on farm;

has g.;od knowledge of hcrses; good r.;fe!-- Address V 25, Glebe.i COOK

—A gocd colored man wants position ;

as- ccok in hotsi, boarding house, or. res-taurant. Address, 203 West University, j

1 EMPLOYMENT WANTE7) by mtrrlJd jman as messenger, night watchman,position in shipping rcom of, or any line of trust; cl.y rcfa;eace3.Address, B 30, Glebe.

HOTEL CLERK—Experienced liotel clerkwishes posttien; day work preferred; city ;

or country ; -.-best of references furnished.Address B 31, Globe.


PRESSFEEDER— Situation wanted, press-

feeder (Gordon) and compositor. B 25,! Globe. j


DRESSMAKER— A competent dressmakerwants sewing by the day in fam.lies. Call !cr addre-s 213 Rondo st.

EMPLOYMENT—Ycung lady desires any kindof office or store work; is a typewriter, |geed penman and accurate figurer; has had Iexperience; moderate salary; willing toleave city. L. L., 48 West College ay.

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, by an cxpeti v ellady, position as liousekcener for w dowe.-with _mall children; no cbjcc.icn to ecu ltry.. B 24. Gic]^

LADIES can find help on short notice; g-rl3wanted f-:r places out of city. Mrs. Merry-weather, 543 Wabasha. ,

WASHING—-Woman wcuid like to securesituation taking in and going out washingor hcuse-cieaning. Address C97 Charles St.

WASHING—GirI wants to go out by the daywashing and houseclccning. Call Co WestTenth et

lated sterling-, carried as loans, mustbe taken into account.

Summarized, the only conclusion Isthat the banks have performed a diffi-cult operation with rare skill. The-.-have retrenched whc-re necessary andsupplied their correspondents, witnfunds while strengthening their ownholdings. They have put their busines iin first-class condition and today whe.ia call for funds by the government r*imminent they have more money avail-able for the purpose than at any tim.during the last nine months.

The increase in circulation after along period of decre-ase indicates clear-ly that no channel to expand the vol-ume of money is being overlooked.

Specie Movement.NEW YORK, April23.—Exports of specie for

tlie week were: Gold, $8,500; silver. $1597.105.The imports were: Gold, $10,083,105;,5?4.

BAMv BURGLARS \u25a0___.

Tvrelve Hnndrrd Dollars In M>i:eyand $5,000 inPaper Seeared.

DEL-AWARE, 0., April 23.—

Sometime before daylight this morning theScioto Savings Bank of Ostrand°rseven miles west of this city, was en-

BUSINE33 CHANCESA GOOD, established grocery and feed storo

for ssle cheap. 899 West, Seventh st.

FOR SALE—Small grGCeVy';„p,°>'e; good loca-tion, good trade; small ijjfnount cash, bal-ance to suit purchaser. ,' Address B 26Globe.

FOR SALE—Hotel and- saloon c.mblned, ina lively town with a Igoad business. F. J.

_Leonard, Jordan, Minn; li

FOR SALE— Stcck of dry"'goods, notions andgents' rurnishing goods; established trade;_partyjleaving town. Address T 39, Globe.FOR SALE—Stock and7fixt!«ires of cigar and

confectionery store, cheapj 4.a Wabasha s:. [HOTEL—For rent, a fine '30-rcom hotel, first iclass Ideation, good chance for the right

'_I'»_ty__ Apply 314 Sibley st.$1,6C0.00-SPECULATE w-itl},your"!urpiuWdoT-

lars; they will rapidly increase both yourcapital and income; ?399.jffl realized ln one Iweek; no other spccualfve 1 field or commer- Icial enterprise offers such golden oppor- jtunities for amassing weallh. with quickreturns. Last season we realized more than i$1,600.C0 per month; write for particulars. IConden & Co., Bo^n Block, Covington, Ky.|

$4,000 FINE STOCK grocery and fixtures^ feu-saie. or willexchange for house end lot;one of the best locations in city; well estab-lished trade. G. W. Thuet, Room 2, Na-tional German-American Bank Bldg.


$150 INVESTED ACTUALLY EARNING 35per cent weekly profits. Rare chance. Nostock or Klocdyke scheme. Safe enter-prise. Contrcl capital yourself. D. Sloaue110 St. Paul st.. Baltimore. Md.


BAR FIXTURES—For sale; two full sets of !second-hand bee fixtures; one a viry huei;-t. Apply at 373 Jackson st.

DOG—For sale, bright Irish setter, one year iold. Call 423 Selby ay.

! FOR SALE— A _r_t-el_s_ $1,600 7 p:r cent Icoupon mortgage, newly made, 3 years to \u25a0

inn; secured on X) acres of line land, ad-joining city limits. Positively safe s?curity.__J Sl^Globe. _ -

jGASOLINE STOVE—A.Mor.rrch, co t $27,Wn

good c million, for $3. 420 Fain lew ay.,Union Park.

I'I'IPIF.-:—Fer cale, fox terrier puppl;s;thoroughbred; beautifully marked, harryPringle, 328 Ramsey st., nejr Pi;as nt ay.

SCALE—For sale, one computing scale; goolas new; ccst $o's; will sell for 525. Call ac193 West Seventh st. L

HORSES AN? CARRIAGES.|A CARLOAD draft and driving horses for

eale at Griggs Pros.' barn, ay.,West Side. J 7

|DRAFT HORSES wanted, weighing betweenj twelve and fifteen hundred. Address, giv-

ing weight, age, price, C 45, Globe.

FOR SALE— Carload, ot :lieavy horse;, allkinds, delivery and speedy high-bred driv-

j ers. harnesses. Thompson Briggs, Eighthj and Wacouta. ' .

'\u25a0 FOR SALE— One horse.1 $30; also buggy andharness, ehf>aD, or all for $35. 1C66 RossSt., St. Panl.


Seven ho-rses, one fine te_mof ponies, one open buggy, one single har-ness; cash or on time. 211 East Ninth st. I


Three heavy teams, harness and !_wagons. _ Address 193 Fuller st.

TWO YOUNG horses, c:ty broke, suitable for jfamily cr delivery purpose, weighing 1,200 I

\ and 1,100 pounds. 1.3 Charles st.

WANTED— Driving liorss and carriage and i; saddle horse, for casH, or in exchange for |

upright piano. Call_4t l*iWest Sixth s>._WANTED-

—Ll^ht, \u25a0' secend-hand • delivery.

wa.e;on or two-seated open bu^cry. Addres3N 39. Glcbs.

BICYCLED. \u25a0

BICYCLE—For sale,; a by's tS'Uccl, cost $35.In perfect cordition. $la takes it.' 420 Fair-

_yiew ay., Umoji Park. •, \u25a0...BICYCLE—WanteiT, second-hand. Bicycle, in

good condi.'on; must be .reasonable. Ad-dress 13 21, Globe.

iBICYCLE—Wanted, second-hand bicycle suit-able for eight-year-old girl. Address R 48,Globe. \u25a0 •\u25a0

| WHEELS! WHEELS! WHESLS-Wjo hig_prices with us; get in on the ground floor;new. hi;:h-grade, '98 model, >'3) wheels,$2970; $3-1 wheels, $24.5;i:$4(J wheel?, Sl9 50:$33 wheals, $17. Standard Wheel Co., 2151-ho-nix Bldg., over Yr-rxas.


Of Music and Art.26 East Exchange _t., St. Paul.

Piano, violin, guitar, ma_dolin ar.d vecalmusic- taught. Lessons given in drawing and

Ipainting. Call or send for prospectus.


PATENTS— Send for Inventors' Guide, free.Edgar Tate & Co., Patent Solicitors, 245_ Broadway, New York.

Want a CookWant a Situation,Want a Salesman, .... ..•_

...- Want a Servant Girl, ...,--..Want to Hire any Help, . 1W, \u25a0.

Want to Rent a Store, ./. Want an Agent or Partner, ...:..........

Want to Buy or Sell a Farm,. .1.Want to Hire or Rent a House,


W?nt to Trade or Exchange Anydrift£,.... Want to Find Anything You've Lost... Want to Find Strayed or Stolen Animals. •.... You can do it easily through the Adl-et: Col- ... umns of the Globe, the Great Want Medium. .

tertd by four __r_l-_&. and the safeblown cpen with \u25a0fomiMMite ar.d $1,200in cash. $5,000 in nefotVibie paper and

v;. r

S sH11Hl,_ WhU._ _\u0084.n.

The J-raxlra-vgui}, which plays a pon st;:t part in our _r___nevt.


COTTAGE—For rent, modern six-room cot-tage, with large yard; also three roomsfor light housekeeping. 2(15 East Universityay., corner Canada.

FOR RENT—Be-fore you locate, be suro tocall on us. We have houses, s'xires, andflats for rent. Diamon Collection and Rent-

___S_Asency,_6o9_New York Life building.

|HOUSE— For rent, 05C Pine st., seven roomsI and bath. Applyat 658 Pine st. ; take Missis-sippi car to Nash St., within two blocks ofhouse.

HOUSE— For rent, 9-room furnished housefor the summer: all modern conveniences.297 Bates ay., one block from street car

! W__v_. d̂--? B_W__°'8_W__°' G'obe-iHOUSE— For rent, May 1, house, 793 Iglehartst., seven rooms with bath. Price $20; apply

to H. Hi Mann, 30 EastJSixth stj HOUSES FOR RENT— No. 56) Canada Et..eight rooms, city water, sewer; No. 693 EastI Seventh st., nine rooms, city water, ba h.j HOUSES for rent and sale, in all parts ofcity. Money to loan. J. I. Farley, 51 Na\Gtr.-Am. Bk. Bldg. ;

HOUSE for rent; furnished or unfurnished,nine-rcom modern house, on hi.l. G.od !bam. B 2., Globe.

HOUSE— For rent, a very pleasant and con- !yenient 8-rooin house; in good order. 151 !Western ax.

HOUSE— For rent, furnished house, No. 495 !Portland ay., for one year. Inquire athouse.

HOUSES— For rent, houses arrangsd withImodern conveniences for two fami ies- new- !_Iy_papered.^ Inquire 544 Wacouta st.

HOUSE-—7-room 'rouse, with water and s wer-'

good neighborhood; _ block from Maria I__________Ct,_ K«s t Third.

HOUSE— Fer rent, a modern six-room house*™n

ncr p'ta "m°nt and De Soto sts. Inquire

070 De _cto st.

HOUSE— For rent, .-room house; latest im-provements, good jaid and shade trees.399 Fuller st.

HOUSE— EIeven-ro__i house for rent rid mimprovements; rent, $25. Inquire _t 13.East Tenth st.

HOUSE— For rent, 973~IIague ay., cighWroom house; gas, bath, water; larg? yara&°dall modern conveniences. Cal! .57 Rice.

HOUSE—Fer rent, modern seven-room housa*W"_r__gr _ui;a.s- Call 1:24 Margaret st.IHOUSE fer rent, 535 Holly ay.; fineltousT,________MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. IS9 Dav-

idson Block—Houses, flats and stores forrent in all parts of the city and at allprices.

may ist—S9 B--___-___«,» _eee__s, |ALL MODERN CONVK\Ii_-.CES.CALL ON TIYI.OR'S SB-TOG IAGRACY.


CENTRAL AY.. 46-l'>

l^lT^__i^iiCr"!rent, three rooms in steam-heated flat; gasrange, bath.

FIFTH ST.. 1:56 WEST— For re~nt; ric_ly"fuT~-nished room, suitable for one or two g n-tk-nien; all conveniences.

IGLEHART, 4?s— Furnished front room anlalcsye; bath and ga3.

!PARK PLACE, 74-Fcr "ljn'tWfurnishedWoT-light housekeeping, second fio.r, losm;

I and bath rocm.!PLEASANT AY., £53— Corner SheTmanWi^ j

rent, a furnished rcom in upper town; fif-iteen minutes' walk from- p.stofflce; all jconveniences ;private family.

'PLEASANT AY., 133—For rent, three nicelyfurnished rooms; will rent for housekeep-


ROOM—For rent, nicely furnished room;private bouse; all conveniences; Aye mm.utcs' walk from Seventh and Robert stsAddress V 29, Globe.

ROOMS—For rent, two pleasant front rooms,furnished, bath End other modern con-veniences; with or without board; private

__faniil}': Inquire 725 Portland ay.

ROOMERS— Wanted, one or two gentlemenroomers, or will rent several rooms to youngcouple for light housekeeping. 701 East

_Thirrt st.

I ROOMS—For rent, four rooms and bath, sec-I end floor, in gocd order. Inquire at 197 ci

139 East Fourteenth st.

ROOMS— For rent, three rooms, first floor;i city water, screen doors; near valley andcar line. Inquire 764 Jackson St.


For rent, furnished rooms; bath,gas and _heat._^Call_at_2s7 Rice st.

ROOMS— Up stairs for rent; city water acd_sewer. 230 Ig'ti:art.

RICE ST.. 261—Nicely furnished, large frontroom for rent; modern eonveniencts.ST. PETER ST.. 493—For rent, furnished __d

unfurnished rooms by the day, week ormonth; steam heat and gas.

SUMMIT AY.. 89—For rent. A nicclyWf-r---nished front rcom with alcove.

TENTH ST., 97 WEST-TwoWic~lv furnlshldfront rooms, $3 and $1 per month. Board ifdesired.


THE ARGYLE, St. Peter and Central Ay.-From May 1, five and six-room apart-ments at $25 and $35 per month; first,second and third floors. References re-quired. Inquire janitor at building, or J.J. Watson, Germania Life Euiiding.

FLAT—For rent, Cat of eight rooms, thirdfloor; all modern improvements; screen.,storm windows. 170 West Ninth st. Applyrear of house.


For rent, four rooms up stairs, withcity water and sewer, for $5 per month.510 Ohio st.

FLAT—Furnished flat of four rooms forhousekeeping, in a modern house. Addre33N 49, Glcb3.

FLAT—Seven-room flat, modern conven-iences, second floor, front and back porch73-1 East Fifth st., near Bate.; avenue.

FLATS—Elegant flats on Goodhue st; $8 to$15; free water; bath. 315 Pioneer PressBuilding. „


Modern seven-room, steam-heatf d,outside flat; furnished or unfurnished. 715Laurel ay., Flat 50.

FLATS—Seven rooms; tath, hot and cdMwater; $13; Fcos Blk., Dousman St., nearWest Seventh.

FLAT—For rer.t, six-room Act; niod:rn;sc-pa.;ate entrance; perfect order; rent, $Hper month. Inquire of W. L. Perkins & Co.

FLAT—7-room fiat, bath, gas and all mcd mimprovements; first floor. 275 West Sever.ti.

PERSONAL— Many an interesting story lstold in the personal column of The Globewants. Read them, they may be of ioter-

a let of jewelry stolen. The r.i.n tng&ttgocd their escape with a stolen her.-.and buggy.

STORE FOR RENTSTORES—For rent, small stores. Fine loca-

tlon. Inquire at 16 West Sixth at.

OFFICES FOR RENT.STUDIO—For rent, part of nicely furni3_ed

studio. In one of the best buildings ln thecity. Addresg H 48, Globe.

FOR RENT SUBURBAN.COTTAGE—White Hear Lake, desirable cot-tage of six rooms; all on ground floor; threa

minutes' walk from lake shore station. Ap-ply second floor 2. East Fourth st. oronlce Schuneman &Evan3.

COTTAGES^For rent, cottages at MahtomedlWhite Bear Lake. Dampier, 313 Wabasha.


iyai'"^ 80 ACRES WELL IMPROVEDggxfXFkiAJ? farm; half cultivated, bul-fe_l itH_-i ance oak and maple; fenced;_BL_l_i^£q^F;~ !,roi7<: full of trout; spring;

new frame house; good out-buildings; nice home for country life; nearSt. Paul; $1,250; $700 cash, balance 7 to 10

I years, low Interest. 160-acre farm; 120| acics cultivated; balance oak and maple; timber; spring water; good buildings; $1,700.I John B. Kolsbun, 116 E. 3rd, cor. Robert, St.


:BARGAINS IN FARM- and railroad lands;half fare; send for list of bargains to C,

j J. Sawbridgc, Fergus Falls, Minn.

t WE OAN locate a few industrious men onfarms, where they can earn a gcod livingI n£par by while building a home; only $50 cash

requlried; half fare ticket; fare refunded_if_Jou_buy. Addrcs3 T 51, Globe.



Fer rent, modern brick barn forfour or more hcrsc. and carriag«s; verycentral; cc_c'„inan's room; city water. Ad-dress R 15, Gobe.




_-AXHATT,__ __~Wjn___

WE CAN F.RN1321 GOOD ____AKT3.


FOR SAI_3 at a bargain for a few days, 763Dayton ay., a new residence, strictly niod-

i cm in every respect; finished in quarter| sawed oak and cherry; south-facing ;asphalt

pavement in street; open tcday.


| DOG LOST—Lest, a pel dog; answers to thej name of "Buck." Lioeral reward lor re-I turn to Mrs. H. N. Mcrriscn, 5-3 Missis-

sippi bt.

DOG LOST—Red Irish setter; few white hair-en breast. Firder please re turn to 2f'J Igle-hart street and rccai/e reward.

KEYS LOST—Lest, four keys on chain, withpadlock. Return to G_3 St. Peter st. andreceive reward.

UMBR.ELLA LOST—On interurban car.'Ihursday afternoon, silk _t__rt-__, goldhead and ring; engraved en hand!?. Suit-able reward. Nick Weiler. 622 Universityay.


;NEW SEWING MACHINES from $15 up. Wehandle White, Standard. Domestic and oth-ers; second-hand machines from $5 up; allkinds of sewing machines repaired. C. H.

_Wf_chell &. Co., iTi Wabasha st.


and Telegra.pnic Institute, will ixchametuition fc-r phaeton, trjp, buggy or bicycle.Maguire Bros., 33 East Sixth st.

'• TO EXCHANGE— New goods exchanged forsecond-hand. Cardozo Furniture and Ex-change Company, £32 East Seventh st.


EGYPTIAN FORTUNE TELLER—TeIIs i.ast,I present and future; if not true, no cbarge. ,

75 South Robert st.

MRS. DR. WILLIAMS, clairviyant andmassaglst, has returned, located 516 St.Peter. _

MRS. DR. MOSS leaves this Wednesday; anyere wishing to see me, cail 5.5 Wabasha.



Denver corresponding club mem-bers worth $50,00.7 private list 10c. R. L.Love, Dtnvcr, Ccl.


give lessons in exchange for room andboard. Address (Mellc) L., 390 St. An-thony ay.

GLOBE BUSINESS COLLEGE offers specialadvantages for these wishing to teach, andr_r beys and girl3 wanting to pursue theirstudies during the-' summer or make up

_gradtf. F. A. Marcn, Seventh and St. Peter.ST. PAUL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Shcr hind

and Telegraphic Institute has a natioaalreputation of 33 years' standirg ociu'._ti.i£substantial money-making business m?n

and women for the business world; op nday and evening year round. M.guroBros., 93 Ecst Sixth st.


ANNA MACK, from Chicago, IS6 East Sev-enth street; taths. all kinds; expert i__s-saglst3.

LATHS given for nervous diseases, steam,vapcr and al.-ohol. select massage. li3East Sixth st., te Hotel Ryan.

LAHIKSI Chichesrar's English Fcnnvroyal pi!i»"^iamood Tltmul, tllO Best. S"fe, IHtlhMi.T.t. no ot.i.r. Sen,! Ac., ii-ripa, tor |.itrtip--übr«, -kcllel

for _»:: \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0' iiI.KTT.Bby Ret-rrlMail... At Dropr*..C&-____e_ Chemical Co., Phllada., Fo,

MME. LAURETTA'S MAS3u\GE BATH PAR-lors; elite patronage so.icited. 319 Jack-sen st.

MRS. DR. STEINE— Batha, massage, electro-magnetic healer. 27 East Sevtutu St., SuiteZQO.

MONEY may be tight and hard to get. butycu. can get al! you want by asking for itihlftugh The Globe Financial Columns.

STILLWATEH.Special to The SL Paul Globe.

STILLWATER, April23— The Clcnmont lefttoday with a raft of logs and lumber consign-ed to ]>art'es at Muscatine, 10.

Edward Krlley, a well-known resident cfStillwater, who put in several year 3as nightengineer at the rcntcon bridge, di d last even-ing at the home of his father en North Mainstreet, of typhoid pneumonia. Deceased wasabout forty years cf age, and had been 111less than a week. The funeral will be heldfrom St.'s church next Monday.

Word was received here tcday rf the deathcf Isaac H. Alcott. at Minnesota Lake. De-ceased was the father of Mrs. il. N7 V.o-Kusick. of this city, and was woil knownhere. He was 77 years of age. Ji;; was a vet-eran of the late Civil war and was a memberef George Cro^k post. G. A. it.

The city co__cil he 1.1 a special meeting yes-terday aftemc.c- and amended an ordinancegranting a tel-.y.hane fr_nchiso to 0:1s Sta-ples. Mul\ey- and It. H. liic-nson.

Mrs. A. 17 S_ft<!"__Mg etrtel tst_e_ a !ar_enumber of lt-dy fcteaiSa his afiernw.n lnh„norof Miss M'.lviva '.j% Pargey.

The Elks gave choir la_t hop of the MUCHlast cv.ninp. nnd it was an er.joyohlo _..•_!._event. Abrut thirty couples •-'-re pr«»as_

The Junior <-I.'.ss cf the Lii.lischool i»,iv.-> INannual cnterta it:merit in ihe auditorium cf thehigh school last crofting and the Jar.;, hallwas completely fllfd. The entertainment wasa grand kuoc<-ss both artistically and iin_n-rf*lSr.

Thomas P.-ingle leaves tomorrow* fis Gor-don, Wis., wltera ho -,vl!l ir-cud the unnrarr,

George Bixby ls CfcppeUd -onics tomorrow

With GB READ,New York Life Building.

$3,100.0®.Corner ofGoodrich Avenue andSt. Albans street; siz? of lot 61x150 to 20-foot alley; lot fa_aacouth and west. There are onlya few left likeit.

$400.00Buys a fine south front, forty-foot lotonCarroll Straet, east ofFisk. Lot has sewer and water.

$400.00Buys a south-ficing, for.y-.ootlot on Charles Str©-t, east ofMaekubin.

TWO HOUSES,No. 586 sLinco'n Aye. and No.Ql^eaw.Dod Terrace, ar_ offeredfor trade at modern pricas,

wW •_¥_!_; _<_.____*__ IS\u25a0

N.w York Lif.Building.





47 DALKst., Holly,detachid mroom house.624 Ohio st., detached S-rcom h;us3 with .irn75«j Payne aye.. brick store, 20x60, ban: _nd

:i adjoining l-t3, used for over five yearsfor feed and fuel business.

7_? aud 756 Payne aye.. two second fl; r n7t3.ft rooms, water acd sewer. $8 each.316 Cclbarne st.. 4-ro?m hcu;e, $.",.i».400 Nugent st., rear, 3 rooms, ceilwater, ?5.908 Earl st., lower fl:or. 4 large rattu

lar and water, JS.Inquire at The Sta.c Savings Bank, _t_ andMinn. sts.


B £ 1%&*£sMq

Two-story Brick Blor'.i on We_t 7t'.iand Oneida Streets.

A. STOLFES7 _'.406 Pioncrr i'r.-.y.n.________;.


f -WJ\ -i jW4 r.';enllem:.;r« :-;..

- . . ir.yWT:) ln*\u25a0 lxr->'t s T«TS wtotevil. .r,ap« rjtall. --ompdon. r. <• .ju*

V I'ressin. aa=l Real-. Tr. 7T utSce iin.t ftjtrli\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 iV^^ Wab-xhn St.. Va'^-ir.;,,. p.', \u25a0;f co:-. Nin!h _r.:;.r.. 3iilorjjf iljl

WHAT MARRIED FEOPL.W WW'W VnWv"Pamphlet giving m.ia ral____ bin25c pc-stage. Bwreka Pub. •">., j \ewChambers St., New York City.

NEW CITY CEABTEE.Notice of Electiais on the Propped

Charter for the City of St. Paul,an Itotcrnrd to lhe Mayor MarchSt, IKON, by tbe Board of FifteenFreeholder- Appointed i'arnna-Jtto the Act of the —carislat ur< _£

the Slate of .'.linnr-ola Authoriz-ing tHics an.-l Village" to FrainoTheir Own Charter.

Office of the City Clerk, cf the C'ty of SLPaul, Minn.. April 9, A. I>. IS3B.To th«i Qualified Voters

Of the City of St. Paul.Notice is hereby given that the Jurtres ofthe district ccurt cf the county of Ramsey

end State of Minnesota, bent-tore pursuantto an act cf the legislature of the .ta p. ofMinnesota, entitled -'An Act" anycity or \iila_e in this state tv frame l-s owncharter for its government as a city consist-ent with and subject to the law.; of thUst3te," a.proved April Et, !SO7, appointed abeard of fifteen freeholders, and ta tsMboard of fifteen freeholders so appointed hasprepare d a draft of the proposed charter forthe City of St Paul, which draft of sur-h pro-posed charter was returned by said board offreeholders to the chi-f magistrate of eaidcity, to-wit: The mayor of said city, on the21st <iay of March. ISSg; and that fact has beencommunicate d by .aid mayor to the commoncouncil of the City of St. Pau). and the com.mon council of said city, with the _pr •

the mayor, has fixed the 3rd play of May l-3>{as the time for holding the election at' whi lisuch proposed charter shall be _3b;iiitv' -.->

Itnu ,Ju^i:?.-'l ratsn cf the City of S'Iand pursuant to tup.i _--.:..,i, the sal.t ;, .-

posed charter cf the City cf St. Paul mil beFUb.-nitted to the qualified voters if •

of St. Paul, en the 3rd day of m.t- ,\ j:ISOB, at the election to be he!, on said daySor city officers of the City of St. Paul.

In t^stimorv whereof. Ih.vp hereunto sotmy hand an* affixed the corporate s-nl of thoC-ty of St. Raul this .th div -t April \ Dl?f'S.

(Seal) MATT JENSENCity rit-rk cr tie Ci'y rfS' Paul.

(Anrll 11, 23 times Sundays included untilMay 3.*

HELP WANTED—You can easily gft ailthe experienced help ycu wi3h for any kindof business by .avert sing in The G !c b owaDt columns.

morning from Anamosa, 10., where he sp\ntseveral <1-vs. V

Austin .Teaks la rperc'ing a few days witWhis daughter, Mrs. I). B. Newccmb, cf St\Paul. \

Mrs. George Reeves, of Duiuth. spent a pariof the week with friend, in this city.

Carl Baucrman. rf Wincna. was a gu -at cf11. T. King on Wednesday.

Mrs. Jaeoh Bean and rhildrrn have r( turnedfrom California, where they sp< nt the vv..

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Masterman e« |.-hr:-.:cdthe fifth anniversary of their marriage Tues-day evening and entertained a masker offriends. They wore asateted la enter'ainingby Miss Wade.

A. J. Steard. of West Superior, spent a i;artof the week with friends in this cfty.

OUR WARSHIPS.Would you like to krow ail about our

battleships, cruisers, monitors and tor-pedo boats? They will be fighting pret-ty soon, and every American shouldknow all about them. Sis portfoliosof the series of ten are now ready.Read the display advertisement else-where in this paper for full pa'.-Li.-ulara.The portfolios now ready are:

No. I—The1—

The American Navy—Part I.No. 2—

The Hawaiian Islands--.-'- r:I.No. ,t—The American Navy—Part 11.No. i--The Hawaiian— Tart TLN". n

—Th'.' American Navv—l'a:-t 111.

No. C-The Hawaiian Isl&—Part111.

Be sure to see th.ta-

. 9ri