DMDS Winter 2015 Workshop 1 slides

Winter 2015 Session #1: Exploring Programming in Digital Scholarship February 12, 2015 Paige Morgan Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship

Transcript of DMDS Winter 2015 Workshop 1 slides

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Winter 2015 Session #1:

Exploring Programming in Digital

ScholarshipFebruary 12, 2015

Paige Morgan

Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship

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Programming is complex

enough that just figuring

out what you want to do

and what sort of language

you need is work.

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Thinking that you ought to be able

to do everything almost

immediately is a recipe for feeling


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Photo by MK Fautoyére, via Flickr

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There will always be new

programs and platforms

that you will want to

experiment with.

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Working with technology

means periodically starting

from scratch -- a bit like

working with a new time

period or culture; or figuring

out how to teach a new


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Being able to effectively

communicate about your

project as it relates to

programming is a skill in


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What can programming

languages do?

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Programming languages

can...• search for things

• match things

• read things

• write things

• receive information, and give it

back, changed or unchanged

• count things

• do math

• arrange things in quantitative or

random order

• respond: if x, do y OR do x until

y happens

• compare things for similarity

• go to a file at a location, and

retrieve readable text

• display things according to

instructions that you provide

• draw points, lines, and shapes

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They can also do many or

all of these things in


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Example #1• find all the statements in quotes ("") from a


• count how many words are in each statement

• put the statements in order from smallest

amount of words to largest

• write all the statements from the novel in a

text file

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Example #2• allow a user to type in some information, i.e.,

"Benedict Cumberbatch"

• compare “Benedict Cumberbatch” to a much

larger file

• retrieve any data that matches the


• print the retrieved information on screen

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Example #3• "read" two texts -- say, two plays by Seneca

• search for any words that the two plays have in


• print the words that they have in common on


• calculate what percentage of the words in each

play are shared

• print that percentage onscreen

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Example #4• if the user is located in geographic

location Z, i.e., 45th and University, go

to an online address and retrieve some


• print that text on the user’s tablet


• receive input from the user and respond

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• In Example #1, the computer is focusing on

things that characters say. But what if you want

to isolate speeches from just one character?

• In Example 2, how does the computer know

how much text to print? Will it just print

"Benedict Cumberbatch" 379 times, because

that's how often it appears in the larger file?

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These are the areas of

programming where

critical thinking and

specialized disciplinary

knowledge become vital.

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The Difference

• Humans are good at differentiating

between material in complex and

sophisticated ways.

• Computers are good at not

differentiating between material unless

they’ve been specifically instructed to

do so.

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Computers work with


You work with data, too --

but you may have to do

extra work to make your

data readable by


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Ways to make your data

machine-readable• Annotate it with markup language

• Organize it in patterns that the

computer can understand

• Add metadata that is not explicitly

readable in the current format (i.e.,

hardbound/softbound binding;

language:English; date of record


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Depending on the data

you have, and the way

you annotate or structure

it, different things become


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Your goal is to make the

data As Simple As

Possible -- but not so

simple that it stops being


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Depending on the data

you work with, the work of

structuring or annotating

becomes more

challenging, but also

more useful.

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The work of creating data

is social.

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Many programming languages

have governing bodies that

establish standards for their


• the World Wide Web (W3C)



• the TEI Technical Council

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Data Examples

• Annotated (Markup Languages: HTML,


• Structured (MySQL)

• Combination (Linked Open Data)

• Object-Oriented Programming (Java,

Python, Ruby on Rails)

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Markup: HTML

<i> This text is

italic.</i> =This text is italic.

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Markup: HTML

<a href=“”>This text</a> will take you to a webpage.


This text will take you to a webpage.

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Markup: HTML

Anything can be data -- and markup

languages provide instructions for how

computers should treat that data.

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Markup: HTMLHTML is used to format text on webpages.

<p> separates text into paragraphs.

<em> makes text bold (emphasized).

These are just a few of the HTML formatting instructions

that you can use.

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HTML Syntax Rules

• Open and closed tags: <> and </>

• Attributes (2nd-level information)

defined using =“”

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Markup languages are

popular in digital

humanities because lots

of humanists work with


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Without markup

languages, the things that

a computer can search for

are limited.

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Ctrl + F: any text in iambic


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With markup, the

things you can

search for are only

limited by your


Markup: TEI

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(Text Encoding Initiative)

Markup: TEI

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Poetry w/ TEI<text xmlns="" xml:id="d1">

<body xml:id="d2">

<div1 type="book" xml:id="d3">

<head>Songs of Innocence</head>

<pb n="4"/>

<div2 type="poem" xml:id="d4">


<lg type="stanza">

<l>Piping down the valleys wild, </l>

<l>Piping songs of pleasant glee, </l>

<l>On a cloud I saw a child, </l>

<l>And he laughing said to me: </l>


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Grammar w/ TEI<entry>





<gram type="pos">noun</gram>





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TEI’s syntax rules are

identical to HTML’s --

though your normal

browser can’t work with

TEI the way it works with


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TEI is meant to be a

highly social language

that anyone can use and

adapt for new purposes.

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In order for TEI to

successfully encode texts,

it has to be adaptable to

individual projects.

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Anything that you can isolate

(and put in brackets) can

(theoretically) be pulled out and

displayed for a reader.

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TEI can be used to encode more than just text:

<div type="shot">

<view>BBC World symbol</view>


<speaker>Voice Over</speaker>

<p>Monty Python's Flying Circus tonight comes to you live

from the Grillomat Snack Bar, Paignton.</p>



<div type="shot">

<view>Interior of a nasty snack bar. Customers around, preferably

real people. Linkman sitting at one of the plastic tables.</view>



<p>Hello to you live from the Grillomat Snack Bar.</p>



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Or, you could encode all

Stephenie Meyer’s

Twilight according to its

emotional register.

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Whether you include or

exclude some aspect of

the text in your markup

can be very important

from an academic


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The challenge of creating

good data is one reason

that collaboration is so

important to digital


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Wise Data Collaboration

• Avoid reinventing the wheel (has

someone else already created an

effective method for working with this


• Consider the labor involved vs. the

outcome (and future use of the data you


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Structured Data

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Study Scenario #1

• You study urban espresso stands: their

hours, brands of coffee, whether or not

they sell pastries, and how far the

espresso stands are from major


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Study Scenario #2

• You study female characters in novels

written between 1700 and 1850.

Encoding a whole novel just to study

female characters isn’t practical for you.

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Both scenarios involve

aggregating information,

rather than encoding it.

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Structured Data: Example


(MySQL)ID Name Location Hours Coffee Brand Pastries (Y/N) Distance from


008 Java the Hut 56



London, UK

7:00 a.m.-

2:00 p.m.

Square Mile


N 25 meters

009 Prufrock




High Street

7:00 a.m. –

10:00 p.m.

Monmouth Y 10 meters

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Structured Data:

Example #2 (RDF)

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• Java, Python, C++, Perl, PHP, Ruby, etc.

• Widely used, highly flexible, very powerful

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What’s an “object”?• An object is a structure that contains data in

one or more forms.

• Common forms include strings, integers, and

arrays (groups of data).

• Example (handout)

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Object-oriented programming, cont’d

• Learning a bit about an OOP language can

help you become accustomed to working

with programming

• Reading OOP code can also be useful

• Many free tutorials are available

• Goal: to be able to converse more effectively

with professional programmers, rather than

become an expert yourself.

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How your data is

structured will influence

the technology that you

(can) use to work with it.

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Digital scholars see

creating machine-

readable data as valuable


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• Homer Multi-Text Project

• Modernist Versions Project

• Scalar (platform)

• Century Ireland

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You Create the Data!

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Your data determines your


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Every project has data.

Text objects, images, tags, geographical

coordinates, categories, records, creator

metadata, etc.

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Even if you’re not planning to

learn any programming skills,

you are still working with data.

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Next time:Programming on the Whiteboard

February 19th, 3:00-5:00 p.m., Sherman


• Cleaning data before you work with it!

• Identifying specific programming tasks

• How access affects your project idea

• Flash project development

• Homework: bring some data to work
