Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department … P. Adams Jr, M.D. Division of Cerebrovascular...

Harold P. Adams Jr, M.D. Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Neurology Carver College of Medicine UIHC Stroke Center University of Iowa

Transcript of Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department … P. Adams Jr, M.D. Division of Cerebrovascular...

Harold P. Adams Jr, M.D. Division of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Neurology Carver College of Medicine UIHC Stroke Center University of Iowa

o  I adjudicate events in clinical trials sponsored by Merck and I serve on the DSMB for a clinical study funded by Medtronic. I am a consultant to Pierre Fabre (France)

o  I receive grant support from NINDS and St Jude Medical

o  I will discuss therapies for treatment of stroke that are not approved by the FDA

o  A leading cause of death and disability among Americans o  Approximately 800,000 new strokes annually o  Affects men, women, and children of all ages o  More common in Blacks, Hispanics

o  A leading cause of long-term disability o  The most common acute neurological illness

o  Leading neurological reason for hospitalization o  The frequency of stroke is increasing

o  Aging of the American population o  Survival of high-risk patients with heart disease

Iowa  Stroke  Registry  Design  Project   4  

o  4th most common cause of death – 1,627 deaths o  5 Iowans die from stroke every day o  3rd most common cause of death among women o  14% of the men dying of stroke are < 65 o  The mortality rate from stroke has been declining

o  In 2009, 8140 admissions for stroke in Iowa hospitals

o  In 2008, average inpatient costs for stroke were $9282

o  Total inpatient hospital costs are $78.2 million

¡  Number  of  patients  =14,483  

¡  Source  of  data    §  IHA  Discharge  Data  

SAH,  176,  1%   ICH,  546,  

4%  Other  ICH,  314,  2%  

Occlusion  Precerebral,  4281,  30%  

Occlusion  Cerebral,  2871,  20%  

TIA,  1413,  10%  Acute,  21,  


Other,  1362,  9%  

Late,  3499,  24%  

o  Important  issue  in  Iowa    o  Approximately  25%  of  Americans  

o  Rural  areas  or  small  communities  o  Risk  of  stroke  is  1.34  greater  than  urban  areas  

o  Elderly,  poor,  minorities  o  Outcomes  among  rural  patients  

o  Relative  increase  in  mortality  –  18%  o  Many  problems  not  unique  to  rural  America  

o  Suburban  and  non-­‐academic  hospitals  o  Non-­‐availability  of  technology/expertise  

o  Large distances to hospitals o  Hospitals – limited resources

o  Critical access hospitals o  Limited experience with stroke

o  Non-availability of stroke specialists o  Neurology o  Interventional

o  Interventions used in this setting o  Time in transfer to medical center

o  Current  approach  to  early  treatment  of  ischemic  stroke  o  Change  attitude  of  the  public  and  health  care  system  o  Increase  the  number  of  persons  treated    o  Core  message  

o  Stroke  is  a  life-­‐threatening  or  life-­‐changing  disease  o  Stroke  is  an  emergency  o  Stroke  may  be  successfully  treated  and  outcomes  

improved  o  Time  is  brain    

o  Public  education  to  recognize  stroke  and  best  responses  

o  Organize  medical  resources  to  treat  stroke  

o  Public  recognition  of  symptoms  o  Sudden  onset  of  neurological  symptoms  o  May  not  be  recognized  by  patient,  observers  are  key  o  Family,  friends,  neighbors,  co-­‐workers  

o  Response  –  immediately  seek  medical  attention  o  Do  not  wait  for  symptoms  to  resolve  o  Call  911  or  brought  to  the  hospital  o  Arriving  by  EMS  expedites  early  hospital  care    o  If  not  stroke,  many  be  another  serious  neurological  



o  Treatment  of  stroke  modeled  on  treatment  of  MI  o  Vascular  events  secondary  to  arterial  occlusion  o  Need  rapid  treatment  to  limit  organ  injury  o  Treatment  centers  on  reperfusion  o  Best  managed  in  specialized  centers  o  Most  important  early  treatment  occurs  in  the  community  

o  Emergency  cardiac  care  system  is  well-­‐developed  o  Need  to  think  of  stroke  in  the  same  way  and  add  

stroke  care  to  the  emergency  cardiac  care  system  

o  Most patients are not treated with reperfusion therapy

o  Most patients arrive too late for treatment or their strokes are considered to be mild

o  Overall impact of intravenous thrombolysis is limited

o  Impact of intra-arterial interventions is very small

o  4750  hospitals  with  495,000  patients  with  ischemic  stroke  o  64%  of  hospitals  had  not  treated  a  single  patient  o  0.9%  of  hospitals  had  treated  10  or  more  patients  

o  Low  utilization  of  rtPA  o  Smaller  (<  95  beds)  hospitals  o  Less  densely  populated  areas  in  South  and  Midwest  o  Areas  that  involve  40%  of  the  American  population  

   Kleindorfer  et  al,  Stroke,  2009;  40:  3580    

o  Ischemic stroke is a common and serious disease o  Potential for death or severe incapacity o  Affects patient and family

o  An approved therapy of proven value is available o  Intravenous thrombolysis is approved by the FDA

o  Success is linked to early treatment o  Guidelines provide recommendations for care

o  Improve safety and efficacy of treatment o  Failure to follow guidelines associated with poorer


o  Not treating a patient may violate the rule of “doing no harm”

o  The primary legal issue is not prescribing rtPA o  Need a well-documented reason for not treating o  Clearly state reasons in the medical record

o  Medication may be prescribed by any physician o  Neurological consultation helps comfort levels of primary

care or emergency medicine physician o  Plans for consultation should have these plans in place

o  The size of the hospital is not a defense o  Expected to have a plan for emergency treatment of


o  Organize emergency medical services o  Certification of stroke centers

o  Primary stroke centers o  Comprehensive stroke centers

o  Time goals for emergency treatment o  Development of regional stroke programs

o  Hub-and-spoke system o  Drip-and-ship strategy o  Use of technologies to increase availability of

neurological expertise o  Get With The Guidelines

o  First step in stroke management o  The time the stroke is most “acute” o  Meets the need of early intervention o  Matches the approach for MI

o  More than just assessment – start treatment o  Guidelines proved recommendations

o  General emergency care o  Hemorrhage or infarction

o  100% use of validated pre-hospital screening tools o  Compare to final diagnoses o  Use to improve first responder and EMS training o  Complete minimum of 2 hours of training/year o  Use stroke history checklists

o  Assure that response time is < 9 minutes o  Dispatch time < 1 minute, travel time same as

for MI o  Assure pre-arrival notification of hospitals o  Protocols for transfer of patients from non-

stroke hospitals to stroke centers Jauch et al, Stroke 2013

o  Assess and manage ABCs o  Do not treat hypertension unless directed by physician

o  Initiate cardiac monitoring o  Provide O2 to maintain O2 saturation > 94% o  Establish IV access with saline

o  Do not give excess volume of fluid o  Do not administer glucose-containing fluids unless patient has

hypoglycemia o  Check blood glucose and treat accordingly o  Determine time of onset of stroke o  Obtain family information, preferably a cell phone

Jauch et al, Stroke, 2013

o  Diversion of patients to hospitals that can treat stroke o  Emergency medical services o  Hospitals that are not ready to treat stroke are bypassed

o  Regulations that route patients with acute stroke to primary stroke centers or stroke-ready hospitals o  Initiated in 2000 in Alabama and Texas o  End of 2010: 16 states and regional areas in 3 additional states

o  Covered population o  2000 4,471,933 1.5% o  2010 164,705,389 53%

o  Efforts continue to expand this system Song & Saver, Stroke, 2012; 43: 1975

o  Recognize the wide range of EMS programs in the state of Iowa o  Full-time paramedics o  Part-time, unpaid volunteers

o  Levels of expertise and experience vary o  Reflect numbers of patients with stroke seen

o  Develop programs that will provide core information to EMS directors and personnel

o  Key features o  Recognition of stroke manifestations o  Early stabilization and obtain key history o  Prompt notification and transport to stroke-ready hospital

o  Recognize the common neurological findings o  FAST – face, arm, speech

o  Obtain key historical information o  FAST – time of onset of symptoms (last normal) o  Medications or other recent illness o  Cell phone # of next-of-kin or family member

o  Stabilization o  As with other critically ill people

o  Emergency transport o  Bypass a hospital that cannot treat patient

o  Notification of stroke ready hospital – Code Stroke Jauch et al, Stroke, 2013

o  Hospitals that have the capability to give emergency stroke care o  Focus on care in emergency department o  Communication closely linked to EMS o  Rapid evaluation and treatment of stroke o  Administration of intravenous thrombolysis o  Communities across the United States

o  Protocols in place o  Certified by Joint Commission or states o  Another group of hospitals – stroke capable

o  Integrated between smaller and larger hospitals o  Hub-and-spoke system

o  Increase availability of neurological expertise o  In person, telephone consultation, telemedicine

o  Develop protocols that can be used in community hospitals o  Emergency evaluation o  General emergency treatment o  Administration of intravenous rtPA o  Drip and ship (emergency transfer to larger hospital)

o  Increase the number of patients treated with rtPA

o  Develop stroke care protocols for the network o  Used at both the hub and spokes o  Emergency diagnostic studies and therapies o  Indications for evacuation to the hub o  Returning the patients back to the community

o  Professional educational programs o  Physicians and hospital personnel o  Emergency medical services personnel

o  Public educational programs o  Coordinate research

o  Emergency Medical Services o  Treat stroke as a level 1 emergency o  Dispatchers and rescue services o  Emergency assessment, transportation and notification

o  Primary Stroke Centers or Stroke-Ready Hospitals o  Protocols for emergency management of stroke o  Potential collaboration with comprehensive center o  Community outreach programs o  Public education, health screening and stroke prevention o  Maintaining continuity of care

o  Limited neurological coverage in most small to medium sized communities o  Non-availability of a neurologist o  Even less availability of a vascular neurologist

o  Develop close links with a comprehensive stroke center o  Crucial time lost during transfer to center o  Treatment started locally

o  Choices o  Telephone consultation o  Teleradiology o  Telemedicine (telestroke)

o  Nationwide inpatient sample o  22,243 patients treated with IV thrombolysis o  4,474 patients treated using drip-and-ship approach

o  81% referred to teaching hospitals o  7% had subsequent endovascular treatment

o  States using drip-and-ship had higher rates of use of thrombolytic therapy o  5.4% vs. 3.3% (p < 0.001)

o  Outcomes (home and self care) o  Drip-and-ship vs. primary emergency department o  Odds ratio 1.198 (95% CI 1.019-1.409, p = 0.028)

Tekle et al, Stroke, 2012; 43: 1971

o  Hospital plan to respond to a patient with acute stroke o  Coordinate emergency assessment and treatment o  Emergency alerts to the code stroke team o  Emergency department is usual site for treatment

o  Development of a code stroke toolbox o  Initial assessment including orders and laboratory

supplies o  Screening assessment for stroke and rtPA o  General emergency management o  Stroke-specific management and availability of rtPA

o  Based on Brain Attack Recommendations o  Door-to-needle time 60 minutes

o  First contact in the emergency department o  Clinical assessment and diagnosis o  Results of diagnostic studies o  Decisions about treatment o  Starting bolus dose of rtPA

o  Results of diagnostic studies 45 minutes o  Time of arrival to hospital o  CT, laboratory, and ECG

o  Are the neurological symptoms due to stroke?

o  Is the stroke hemorrhagic or ischemic?

o  Are there acute medical or neurological complications that affect early treatment?

o  Is the patient eligible for intravenous thrombolytic treatment?

o  Hemorrhagic stroke o  Seizures with post-ictal signs o  Migraine (may or may not have headache) o  Metabolic disorder

o  Hypoglycemia o  Occult trauma o  Intracranial mass

o  Subdural hematoma o  Tumor

o  Somatization disorder

o  Sudden onset of focal neurological symptoms o  Usually maximal at onset o  May wax and wane or slowly progress

o  Signs should fit within a defined vascular territory o  Cerebral hemisphere – hemiparesis, sensory loss, visual

field defect, aphasia, neglect o  Brainstem/cerebellum – ataxia, cranial nerve palsy,

dysarthria, bilateral motor signs, crossed signs o  Rarely associated with loss of consciousness o  Approximately 20% of patients have headache o  Nausea and vomiting occur with brainstem or

cerebellar infarction

Consciousness 0 - 3 Orientation 0 - 2 Commands 0 - 2 Gaze 0 - 2 Visual fields 0 - 3 Facial paresis 0 - 3 Arm motor (x2) 0 - 4 Leg motor (x2) 0 - 4 Limb ataxia 0 - 2 Sensory 0 - 2 Language 0 - 3 Dysarthria 0 - 2 Inattention 0 - 2

Brott et al, Stroke. 1989; 20: 864-70.



0-3 points n = 170

4-6 points n = 409

7-10 points n = 323

11-15 points n = 205

16-22 points n = 103

23+ points n = 059


Adams Jr HP, et al. Neurology. 1999;53:126.

Impact of NIHSS Scores on Outcomes

o  Brain imaging o  May be either CT or MRI o  CT generally more readily available in community

hospitals o  Quick, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive o  Gives key information for emergency care

o  Electrocardiogram o  Complete blood count and platelet count o  INR and aPTT o  Cardiac enzymes, renal studies, glucose o  Pulse oximetry

o  Similar to other acutely and seriously ill patients o  ABC of life support

o  Airway protection if decreased consciousness or brainstem dysfunction

o  Oxygen supplementation not needed unless hypoxic o  Monitor vital signs and neurological status o  Intravenous access with normal saline o  Treat fever and look for source of fever o  Treat serious cardiac arrhythmias o  Symptomatic treatment – pain, nausea,


o  Elevations in blood pressure common – underlying risk factor, stress, physiological response for perfusion

o  Management is controversial because of lack of clinical trial evidence

o  Aggressive lowering of blood pressure is not recommended because of risk of worsening of stroke

o  Need to lower blood pressure to treat rtPA o  IV administration of short-acting medications

o  Labetalol, nicardipine, apresoline, sodium nitroprusside

Jauch et al, Stroke, 2013  

o  Approved medical therapy for treatment of carefully selected patients with acute ischemic stroke

o  Engine that is driving acute stroke care o  Improve neurological outcomes o  May “cure” patients o  Efficacy is time-linked o  Cannot be given with impunity – does cause

bleeding o  Effective therapy of limited usefulness because

too few patients are being treated

 Pooled analyses of clinical trials

Time Odds of Favorable Outcomes < 90 minutes 2.55 (1.44 – 4.52) 91 – 180 minutes 1.64 (1.12 – 2.40) 180 – 270 minutes 1.34 (1.06 – 1.68) 270 – 360 minutes 1.22 (0.92 – 1.61) Lees et al, Lancet, 2010; 375: 1695

o  IV administration of rtPA is recommended o  0.9 mg/Kg (maximum dose is 90 mg) o  10% as bolus, remainder infused over 1 hour

o  Carefully selected patients < 3 (4.5) hours o  Can be associated with side effects

o  Overall risk of bleeding is 6%, higher with severe strokes

o  Does not increase mortality o  Uncommon risk of angioedema

o  Success in clinical settings is similar to that achieved in trials

o  Success is linked to compliance with guidelines Jauch et al, Stroke, 2013

o  Goal remains to treat as quickly as possible o  Expansion of time window from 3 to 4.5 hours o  This expansion in time not approved by FDA

o  Require a similar study in the US o  Dosage of rtPA and ancillary care similar o  Some differences in criteria for treatment (3 – 4.5

hours) o  Age less than 81 o  Maximum NIHSS score – 25 o  Diabetes and history of prior stroke o  Warfarin use (regardless of level of INR)

Del Zoppo et al, Stroke, 2009; 40: 2945 & Jauch et al, Stroke, 2013

o  Impact on the numbers treated is relatively small o  Approved by European Regulatory Authorities o  Not approved by FDA

o  Did not find the data compelling o  Requested another study in the US o  Such a study is not likely to be done

o  Marketing of the medication for this indication o  Influence CMS decisions about reimbursement for

treatment in time window o  Guidelines continue to recommend the

administration of rtPA up to 4.5 hours after onset of stroke

Wechsler and Jovin, Stroke, 2012; 43: 2517

o  Did the stroke happen in the last 3 – 4.5 hours? o  Stroke upon awakening or unwitnessed stroke o  Minor symptoms with subsequent worsening o  TIA followed by a second (new) event

o  Remember the difference in criteria for those treated < 3 hours and those treated 3 – 4.5 hours

o  If the stroke is > 3 hours but < 4.5 hours o  Age must be < 81 for treatment in 3 – 4.5 hours o  No age restriction for treatment < 3 hours  

o  Any co-morbid disease or recent illness that could be associated with a high risk of bleeding complications? o  History of prior cerebral hemorrhage o  Recent stroke or myocardial infarction o  Recent major trauma or surgery o  Recent major bleeding

o  Is the patient taking oral anticoagulants? o  If taking warfarin, do not treat in 3 – 4.5 hours o  If taking warfarin, treat in < 3 hours if INR is < 1.8 o  Aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, ticlopidine o  Safety with use of thrombin or direct Xa inhibitors is

not known. Interim plan: not to treat if drug was given < 48 hours

o  Are baseline coagulation tests normal? o  Primary issue is anticoagulant use or a history of bleeding o  Abnormal coagulation tests preclude treatment o  Tests take time to perform and may treat in some instances if

tests are delayed o  Finger stick test for INR o  Prolonged aPTT as a marker for dabigatran effect

o  Is the patient a diabetic and has a history of a previous stroke? o  May treat < 3 hours but not in 3 – 4.5 hour time period

o  Is the patient taking an ACE-inhibitor? o  Not a contraindication o  May be associated with increased risk of angioedema

o  What is the score on the NIH Stroke Scale? o  No minimum score for treatment o  Mild stroke may worsen subsequently o  Composition of score may influence decision o  A patient may be disabled despite a low score

o  No maximum score for treatment < 3 hours o  Use caution with very severe stroke o  Higher risk of bleeding complications o  No increase risk in mortality

o  Maximum score for treatment in 3 – 4.5 hours o  NIHSS score < 25

o  What are the findings on brain imaging? o  Presence of a hemorrhage – contraindication o  Stroke appears to be older than 3 – 4.5 hours o  Very large ischemic lesion is detected o  Presence of a dense artery sign – usually a severe stroke

o  Are the patient/family aware of risks of treatment? o  Overall risk of symptomatic bleeding is approximately 6% o  Hemorrhagic transformation of infarction or hematoma o  Risk of bleeding greater in patients with severe strokes o  FDA approved therapy and guidelines available

o  A number of variables have identified those patients at the highest risk for bleeding following intravenous thrombolysis o  Elderly, severe strokes, elevated glucose, serious

comorbid diseases, cardioembolism o  None of these variables is an absolute

contraindication to treatment o  Many of these variables also portend a poor

outcome without treatment o  The presence of multiple “risk factors” for a

hemorrhagic complication should lead to a careful discussion with the patient and family about the risks and benefits of treatment

o  Close observation and monitoring during first hours o  Neurological status o  Blood pressure and vital signs

o  Aggressively treat arterial hypertension o  If systolic > 180 mm Hg or diastolic > 110 mm Hg o  Parenterally administered, short-acting medications

o  Delay placement of devices associated with bleeding o  Nasogastric tube o  Bladder catheter o  Central venous line

o  Stroke now is being treated as the emergency it is o  Requires coordination and collaboration

o  Public o  All components of the health care system o  Government and third-party payers

o  Need to address hurdles to early treatment o  Each community or region has its own issues to address o  Overcome these hurdles with careful and proactive


o  Likely will have new interventions for treating stroke

o  Combinations of interventions o  Thrombolysis and neuroprotective agents o  Intravenous and intra-arterial interventions o  Adjunctive use of antithrombotic agents

o  Improved selection of patients for specific therapies o  Treatments that could be started in ambulance or

helicopter o  Regardless of advances, the success of future

stroke treatment will remain time-linked and time-limited