Distributed*Collaborave* Systems*pagesperso.lina.univ-nantes.fr/~molli-p/pmwiki/... ·...

Distributed Collabora/ve Systems Pascal Molli Nantes University, GDD Team, LINA Polytech 2014

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Distributed  Collabora/ve  Systems  

Pascal  Molli  Nantes  University,  GDD  Team,  LINA  

Polytech  2014    

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Distributed  Collabora/ve  Systems  

•  “Distributed  collabora/ve  systems  allow  users  from  different  computers  to  share  applica/ons  and  interact  with  each  other.”  

•  Prasun  Dewan,  University  of  North  Carolina  •  So  many  soLware  matches:  

– Google  Docs,  slides,  spreadsheet,  office  live,    – Google  Drive,  Dropbox  – Git,  SVN,  Mercurial  –  But  also,  Wikis,  Emails,  Worflows,  chats,  IRC    –  and  many  others…  


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Engelbart  1997  :  Turing  Award  

“For  an  inspiring  vision  of  the  future  of  interactive  computing  and  the  invention  of  key  technologies  to  help  realize  this  vision.”  

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«  For  an  inspiring  vision  …»  

•  1962  :  «  La  complexité  et  l'urgence  des  problèmes  auxquels  nous  devons  faire  face  croissent  plus  vite  que  notre  capacité  à  les  comprendre  et  à  les  résoudre.  C'est  un  problème  essentiel,  nous  pouvons  prendre  des  mesures  stratégiques,  collectivement  »  

•  L'approche  d'Engelbart    :    – «  Augmenter  les  capacités  intellectuelles  humaines  en  augmentant  notre  intelligence  collective...  »  

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«  For  an  inspiring  vision  …»  

•  Dans  les  années  60,  Engelbart  développe  l’ou/l  NLS  basé  sur  2  principes:  1.  «  Develop  knowledge  Collec/on:  »    Codifier  et  

structurer  les  connaissances.    •  En  1962,  approche  centrée  autour  des  hypertextes  

2.  «Use  networked  improvement  communi/es  »    •  Des  communautés  pour  développer  et  maintenir  les  connaissances.    

•  Créa/on  du  premier  «  groupware  »,  collec/ciel  

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«  …  and  key  technologies…  »  


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First  Shared  editor  

•  1962:  Mother  of  all  demo  (Engelbart)  – First  collabora/ve  editor,hbp://web.stanford.edu/dept/SUL/library/extra4/sloan/MouseSite/1968Demo.html,  See  clip  26  

•  Hangout,  Wikis,  Seman/c  web  -­‐>  the  vision  of  Engelbart  in  progress…  Hope  it  works  for  human  kinds  ;)  

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CSCW  Matrix  


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The  Time/Space  Groupware  Matrix  

•     same place colocated

different places remote

same time synchronous

different times asynchronous

face to face interactions decision rooms single display groupware shared table / wall displays roomware…

continuous task

remote interactions


Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Group  Decision  Rooms  •  Embeds  decision  making  process  

–  dedicated  computer-­‐based  conference  facility    

–  real  /me  large  group  support  (5-­‐50)  

–  typically  facilitated  –  embeds  a  structured  mee/ng  

process  –  domain  of  MIS  

•  Typical  func/on  –  explore  unstructured  problems  –  brainstorm  ideas  –  organize/priori/ze  results  –  Vo/ng…  –  good  for  brainstorming,  but…  

The COLAB meeting room, Xerox PARC http://www2.parc.com/istl/members/stefik/colab.htm

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Single  Display  Groupware  

•  Multiple  people  using  a  single  display  –  multiple  input  devices  –  simultaneous  input  –  new  interaction  widgets  

–  technical  issues  (O/S)  –  conflict  with  conventional  

applications  –  supporting  social    

conventions  of  simultaneous  work  

–  mice  vs.  direct  touch…        

Edward Tse http://grouplab.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/papers/2004/04-SDGToolkit-MScThesis/SDGToolkit-MSc.pdf

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Shared  Table  /  Wall  Displays  

–  device  characteristics  –  social  affordances  of    tables/wall  

InteracTable and Dynawall, From the GMD Darmstadt web site on I-Land

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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•  Computer-­‐augmented  room  elements  –  integrated  desk/wall  displays  for  collaboration  –  Inter-­‐operation  between  devices    

From the GMD Darmstadt web site on I-Land

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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The  Time/Space  Groupware  Matrix  

•     same place colocated

different places remote

same time synchronous

different times asynchronous

face to face interactions

continuous task

remote interactions video conferencing instant messaging chats/muds/virtual worlds shared screens multi-user editors


Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Video  /  Audio  conferencing  •  Desktop  conferencing  

– bandwidth/latency  issues  – what  is  the  value  of  talking  heads?    

VoiceToVideo, http://www.voicetovideo.com/images/video_lge.gif

Xerox Parc video link

Saul Greenber, University of Calgary

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Rich  Instant    Messaging  

•  Can  do  much  more  than  text    – How  does  one  handle  complexity?  

– How  does  one  handle  interruption?  

Community Bar, by Gregor Mcewan, U Calgary

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Chat  rooms/MUDS/Virtual  worlds  

•  Space  for  meeting  and  interacting  with  people  –  from  text  to  3d  spaces  –  can  move  between    ‘rooms’  and/or  around  space  

–  seeing/manipulating  artifacts  

–  self-­‐representation  (avatars)  

–  community  of  strangers  

–  shared  purpose…  

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: Social Support for Cancer Patients

Saul Greenber, University of Calgary

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Shared  Screens/Windows  

•  Share  unaltered  single  user  applications  –  technical  concerns  

•  how  regions  are  captured/transmitted  •  architectural  limitations  •  controlling  input    •  access  control…    

– social  limitations    •  turntaking  •  control  •  privacy  

Richardson, T., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Wood, K. and Hopper, A.

Virtual Network Computing. IEEE Internet Computing. Vol. 2, No. 1. p33-39. January/February, 1998.

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Mul/-­‐user  editors  •  True  groupware  for  visual  artifacts  

–  structured  documents  (e.g.,  text  paper)  –  visual  workspace  (2d  graphics)    –  awareness  –  conflicting  actions  –  tight  vs    loose  coupling  –  relaxed  wysiwis  

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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The  Time/Space  Groupware  Matrix  

•     same place colocated

different places


same time synchronous

different times asynchronous

face to face interactions

continuous task

remote interactions

communication+coordination email bulletin boards, blogs asynchronous conferencing group calendars workflow version control wikis

Saul Greenber, University of Calgary

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Email  � Many  styles  

�  vanilla  email    �  threaded  mail  �  intelligent  mail  (rou/ng  /  sor/ng)  �  structured  mail  (by  speech  acts)  � mul/media  mail  �  object-­‐oriented  mail  �  distribu/on  lists  /  elist  servers    

�  Social  � managing  complexity  and  overloads  �  spam  �  archiving    

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Email  –  Informa/on  Lens    •  Structured  email  

–  messages  as  inherited  object  types            

•  Rules    

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Communal  Messaging  

•  Many  types  – bulletin  boards  – computer  conferencing    

– discussion  groups  – blogs  – e.g.,  Usenet    

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Group  Calendars  

� common  calendar  � mee/ng  scheduling  �  resource  use      

� privacy  � who  keeps  things  up  to  date?  

� how  do  you  stop  people  scheduling  your  mee/ngs?  


Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Workflow  • “Integration  and  harmonious  adjustment  of  individual  work  efforts  toward  the  accomplishment  of  a  larger  goal”  –  B.  Singh    

• Codified  procedures  and  processes  –  PeopleSoft  –  forms  management  and  routing  –  coordination  theory  (speech  acts)  –  Notifications  triggering  user  actions  –  triggering  automated  actions  

 –  standard  operations  –  exceptions  management  

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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� Group-­‐viewable  /  editable    web  site  �  community  of  strangers  to  community  of  collaborators    

�  culture  of  what  is  allowed  vs.  hard-­‐coded  access  control  

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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The  Time/Space  Groupware  Matrix  

•     same place colocated

different places remote

same time synchronous

different times asynchronous

face to face interactions

continuous task team rooms large public displays shift work groupware project management

remote interactions


Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Community  Bulle/n  Boards  

• Post  information  from  various  sources  to  public  place  

– who  posts?  – how  to  personalize?  – relevance?  

from Multimedia Fliers, Churchill, Nelson, Denoue, Communites and Technoligies 2003

Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary

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Collage, Greenberg2001

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Focus  on  shared  editors…  

•  Ok,  many  systems,  many  issues,  many  approaches  -­‐>  focus  on  shared  editors,  

How  it  works??  •  2  way  to  build  it  today:  

– Using  Opera/onal  Transforma/on  approach  – Using  Conflict  Replicated  Data  Types  approach  

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Opera/onal  Transforma/on  (OT)‏  

•  designed  for  real-­‐/me  collabora/ve  edi/ng  

•  G.  ELLIS  and  S.  GIBBS.  J,  AND  REIN,  G,  1989,  Concurrency  control  in  groupware  systems.  Proceedings  of  the  ACM  SIGMOD,  89  :399–407.  

•  Google  Doc,  google  Wave,    


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•  In  order  to  achieve  high  responsiveness  (latence  issue)  

•  Data  (text)  are  replicated  on  all  sites  •  Each  /me  a  user  types  a  character:  

–  It  is  executed  locally  immediately  (no  lock,  no  communica/on…)  

–  Broadcasted  to  others  (oh  yeah?  How  ?)  –  Received  by  others  (eventually,  but  no  ordering  garentee  not  /me  limit)  

–  Integrated  (maybe  modified)  and  re-­‐executed    

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•  The  system  is  correct  if  it  ensures  the  CCI  model    – Causality  (Lamport  defini/on) ‏  – Convergence  (eventual  consistency)‏  –  Inten/on  (not  formal) ‏  

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OT  Causality  

s1 s2 s3 op1=mkdir(/) ‏

op1=mkdir(/) ‏op2=mkfile(/a) ‏

mkfile(/a): Cannot execute

mkdir(/) ‏op1->op2 : causality established

Causality violated

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OT  Causality  

•  If  op1-­‐>op2  on  one  site  (happened-­‐before),  it  should  precede  on  all  sites  

•  Usually  vector  clocks  are  used  to  implement  a  causal  recep/on  in  OT  systems.  

Lamport, Leslie (1978). "Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System", Communications of the ACM, 21(7), 558-565. F.Mattern, "Time and Global States of Distributed Systems", Proc. of the International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Bonas, France, October 1988, North-Holland 1989.

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OT  and  Causality  s1 [0,0,0] s2

[0,0,0] s3 [0,0,0] op1=mkdir(/) [1,0,0]

op1=mkdir(/) [1,0,0] op2=mkfile(/a) [1,1,0]

mkfile(/a) [1,1,0] (not causally ready : delayed...) ‏mkdir(/) [1,0,0]

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OT  and  Causality  

•   Vector  u,v  – u≤v,  iff  qqs  i,  u[i]≤v[i]  – u<v,  iff  u≤v  and  u≠v  – u||v,  iff  ¬(u<v)    and  ¬(v<u) ‏  

•  So  2  opera/ons  that  are  not  causally  related  are  concurrent…  

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OT  and  Concurrency  

s1 [0,0]

s2 [0,0]

op1=mkdir(/a) [1,0] op2=mkdir(/b) [0,1]

op1||op2 !! op2||op1 !!

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OT  and  Convergence  (or  eventual  consistent)  

S1 « ab »

S2 « ab »

ins(x,1)= « axb »

ins(y,1)= « ayb »

ayxb axyb Divergence  

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OT  and  «  Inten/on  »  

•  Intention  of  an  operation  is  the  observed  effect  when  executed  on  generation  state  

•  «  ab  »  and  ins(1,x)  :  we  can  observe  –  ins(1,X),    –  ins(a<x),    –  ins(x<b),  –  ins(a<x<b)‏  

C. Sun, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, and D. Chen. Achieving convergence, causality preservation, and intention preservation in real-time coopera- tive editing systems. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 5(1) :63–108, 1998.

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OT  and  Inten/on  Preserva/on  

•  Intention  preservation:  – Effect  of  an  operation  op  on  all  sites  must  be  the  same  as  the  intention  of  op  

– Effect  of  an  operation  must  not  change  the  effect  of  a  concurrent  operation  

•  if  intention(ins(1,x))=ins(1,x)  -­‐>  cannot  preserve  

•  if  intention(ins(1,x))=ins(a<x<b)  -­‐>  can  preserve  

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OT  and  Inten/on  

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OT  General  Idea  





Ins(5,s) ‏Ins(2,f) ‏

effecst   effects  

Ins(5,s) Ins(2,f) ‏ ‏

Op1 Op2

S1 o Op1

State S1 State S1

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OT  Transforma/ons  

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Transforma/on  Func/ons  

•  T(op1,op2)  =  op'1  •  Pre-­‐conditions  for  applying  T:  

– op1  and  op2  are  concurrent  (op1||op2)    – op1  and  op2  are  defined  on  the  same  state  S  !  

•  Return  op'1  – op'1  defined  on  S.op2  – op'1  has  the  same  effect  as  op1  (intentions)‏  

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OT  General  Framework  

•  n  sites,  each  site  runs  an  integra/on  algorithm  •  Causally  ready  opera/ons  are  delivered  to  the  integra/on  algorithm  

•  The  algorithm  is  INDEPENDENT  of  shared  data  types,  it  relies  on  transforma/on  func/ons  

•  The  integra/on  algorithm  calls  appropriate  T  when  pre-­‐condi/ons  of  T  are  verified  

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•   OT  algorithm  is  proven  correct  if  underlying  transforma/on  func/ons  ensure  at  least  property  TP1:  – op1.T(op2,op1)≡op2.T(op1,op2) ‏  

•  OT  algorithms  requiring  only  TP1  are  SOCT4  [Vidot00]  and  COT[Sun06]  

M. Ressel, D. Nitsche-Ruhland, and R. Gunzenhäuser. An integrating, transformation-oriented approach to concurrency control and undo in group editors. In CSCW ’96 : Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Com- puter supported cooperative work, pages 288–297, New York, NY, USA, 1996. ACM.

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OT  and  TP1  

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Site  1  :  user  1  




Site  2  :  user  2  


Del(2)‏ Ins(2,x) ‏

axc   xac  

Del(3)‏ Ins(1,x) ‏






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[Sigmod89, TP1ko]


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•  SOCT4  :  – Operations  are  totally  ordered  !  

•  Sending  an  operation  requires  to  get  a  timestamp  

– Cannot  send  an  operation  if  concurrent  published  operations  are  pending  (deferred  broadcast)‏  

•  (cannot  commit  if  not  up-­‐to-­‐date)‏  

N. Vidot, M. Cart, J. Ferrié�, and M. Suleiman. Copies convergence in a distributed real-time collaborative environment. Proceedings of the 2000 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, pages 171–180, 2000.

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Before  integra/on  

local operations waiting for broadcast



op1 op2

.  .  .    .  .   .  .  .  opL opL m1

After integration

Integration of opi

opi op opi op

op1 op2

.  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  opL

opL opi-1

opi m1 ’ ’forward transposed

local operations

op1 mop2

.  .  .    .  .   .  .  .  opL opL 1 opi’ opi-1


SOCT4  principle    

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SO6  :  SOCT4  for  Version  Control  System  

P. Molli, G. Oster, H. Skaf-Molli, and A. Imine. Using the transformational approach to build a safe and generic data synchronizer. Proceedings of the 2003 international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work,pages 212–220, 2003.

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T(opl1,op3)=opl’1 T(op3,opl1)=op’3

Opl’1 opl2 Op’3 T(opl2,op’3)=opl’2 T(op’3,opl2)=op’’3

Opl’1 Opl’2 Op’’3

Site « Hala », Ns=2, Synchronize !

Execute(op’’3)‏ Ns=Ns+1, getOp ? No more remote op

Send(opl’1)‏ Send(opl’2)‏

opl1 opl2




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OT  and  SOCT4  

•  Total  ordering  of  opera/ons  requires:  – A  central  /mestamper  :    

•  can  be  shut  down  or  too  busy  – Or  a  consensus  for  delivering  totally  ordered  /mestamps  (Paxos):    

•  very  costly,  •  requires  sites  involved  in  consensus  to  stay  during  consensus  (pb  with  churn  of  P2P  networks) ‏  

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Jupiter  (the  one  of  Google  doc)  

•  Require  a  central  server  – Clients-­‐server  architecture,  but…  – Transforma/ons  done  on  the  server  +  client  side  

•  Require  TP1    – S  o  Op1  o  T(op2,op1)  ≅  S  o  Op2  o  T(op1,op2)  

•  Does  not  need  Version  Vectors  (or  just  2-­‐entries  vector)  

Nichols,  David  A.,  et  al.  "High-­‐latency,  low-­‐bandwidth  windowing  in  the  Jupiter  collabora/on  system."  Proceedings  of  the  8th  annual  ACM  symposium  on  User  interface  and  soLware  technology.  ACM,  1995  

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Centralized  OT  

•  Pro:  – Quite  efficient,  mature  technology…  

•  Cons:  – Single  point  of  failure  (or  costly  consensus)  – Economic  intelligence,  privacy…  – Service  Limita/on  

•  Try  51  connected  users  on  Gdocs??  

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Decentralized  OT    

•  Other  OT  algorithms  that  require  no  par/cular  orders  on  recep/on  of  opera/ons:  – ADOPTED  [Ressel96],  GOTO[Sun98],  SOCT2[Suleiman98]  

•  But  they  require  a  new  property  on  T,  TP2  •  T(op3,op1.T(op2,op1))=T(op3,op2.T(op1,op2))    

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OT  and  TP2  

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Ressel  –  [CSCW96],  TP1ok,  but  

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user  3   user  1  




user  2  


Ins(3,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

ayc   ayc  

Ins(2,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

ayxc   axyc  

Ins(3,x) Ins(2,x) ‏ ‏



Ins(2,x) ‏Op1 Op2 Op3

Op’3 Op’2

Op’1 Op’’1

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Sun  –  [TOCHI98]  

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Site  1  :  user  1   Site  2  :  user  2  




Site  3  :  user  3  


Ins(3,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

ayc   ayc  

Ins(2,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

ayyc   ayyc  

Ins(3,y) Ins(2,y) ‏ ‏



Ins(2,y) ‏Op1 Op2 Op3

Op’3 Op’2

Op’1 Op’’1

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Imine  –  [ECSCW03]  

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user  3  user  1  




user  2  


Ins(3,3,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

ayc   ayc  

Ins(2,3,y) ‏Del(2) ‏

axyc   axyc  

Ins(2,2,x) Ins(2,2,x) ‏ ‏



Ins(2,2,x) ‏Op1

Op2 Op3

Op’3 Op’2

Op’1 Op’’1

Ins(2,2,x) ‏

Ins(2,2,x) ‏

Ins(2,2,x) ‏

Ins(2,2,x) ‏

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TP2  verifica/on  

•  TP2  quite  difficult  to  verify  «by  hand»  •  Using  theorem  prover  system  to  validate  TP2  •  Specify  T  in  SPIKE,  Generate  counter  example  in  case  of  viola/on...  

•  We  proved  all  exis/ng  T  are  false.  –  [Ressel96,Sun98,Suleiman97,Li04,Imine03...]  

•  Do  func/ons  ensuring  TP2  exist  ?  A. Imine, P. Molli, G. Oster, and M. Rusinowitch. Proving Correctness of Transformation Functions in Real-Time Groupware. Ecscw 2003 : Proceed- ings of the Eighth European Conference on Computer Supported Coopera- tive Work, 14-18 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland, 2003.

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Site 1 “abc”


Site 2 “abc”


Site 3 “abc”


Common  Problem  (“false-­‐/e”)‏  

“axyc”? “ayxc”?

op’1=Insert(2,x)‏ op’3=Insert(2,y)‏

op1=Insert(2,x)‏ op2=Delete (2,b)‏ op3=Insert(3,y)‏

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TTF  Approche  [CollCom06]  

•  Keep  “tombstones”  of  deleted  elements  

a View b y c Insert(3,y) ‏

Model h a b Insert(5,y) n y c ‏


G. Oster, P. Urso, P. Molli, and A. Imine. Tombstone transformation functions for ensuring consistency in collaborative editing systems. In The Second International Conference on Collaborative Computing : Networking,Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2006), Atlanta, Georgia,USA, November 2006. IEEE Press.

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Tombstone  Transforma/on  Func/ons  (TTF)‏  

T(Insert(p1,el1,sid1),  Insert(p2,el2,sid2)){    if(p1<p2)  return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)‏    else  if(p1=p2  and  sid1<sid2)  return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)‏    else  return  Insert(p1+1,el1,sid1)‏  

   }  T(Insert(p1,el1,sid1),  Delete(p2,el2,sid2)){  

 return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)‏      }    T(Delete(p1,sid1),  Insert(p2,sid2)){  

 if(p1<p2)  return  Delete(p1,sid1)‏    else  return  Delete(p1+1,sid1)‏  

     }  T(Delete(p1,sid1),  Delete(p2,sid2)){  

 return  Delete(p1,sid1)‏      }    

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Compacted  Storage  Model  (C-­‐TTF)‏  

a View b y c Insert(3,y) ‏

Compacted Model a,2 b,3 Insert(5,y) y,5 c,6 ‏view2model()‏

a View b y c Insert(3,y) ‏

Model h a b Insert(5,y) n y c ‏


C-­‐Model  =  sequence  of  (character,  abs_pos)‏  

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Delta  Storage  Model  (D-­‐TTF)‏  

a View b y c Insert(3,y) ‏

Compacted Model a,2 b,3

Insert(5,y) ‏

y,5 c,6


a View b y c Insert(3,y) ‏

Insert(5,y) ‏view2model()‏

Delta Model

a,+2 b,+1 y,+2 c,+1 Ce,+1

D-­‐Model  =  sequence  of  (character,  offset) ‏  

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Models  Comparison  •  Basic  Model  

– Deleted  characters  are  kept  –  Size  of  the  model  is  growing  infinitely  

•  Compacted  Model  – Update  absolute  posi/on  of  all  characters  located  aLer  the  effect  posi/on  

•  Delta  Model  – Update  the  offset  of  next  character    

•  Our  observa/ons    –  View2model  can  be  op/mised  (caret  posi/on)‏  – Overhead  of  view2model  is  not  significant    

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Par/al  Resume  

•  We  have  a  solu/on  with  TP1  and  SOCT4  – Central  /mestamper  or  consensus  – Not  compa/ble  with  P2P  – Decentraliza/on  -­‐>  TP2  

•  We  have  now  Transforma/on  func/ons  that  sa/sfy  TP2    – We  need  an  algorithm  :  GOTO,  SOCT2,  Adopted,  COT    

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Par/al  Concurrency  Problem  S1 [0,0] S2 [0,0]

op1 [1,0] op2 [0,1]

op3 [0,2] op'2[1,1]

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Par/al  Concurrency  Problem  

S1 [0,0] S2 [0,0] op1 [1,0] op2 [0,1]

op3 [0,2] op'2[1,1]

Cannot  Transfor

m  !  

On S1 : op3 // op1 but op3,op1 not defined on same state : T(op3,op1) cannot be applied !

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Par/al  Concurrency  

•  What  has  been  done  can  be  undone  

•  T-­‐1(op'2,op1)=op2  •  op2//op1  

S1 [0,0]

op1 [1,0]



S1 [0,0]

op'1 [1,0]

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Par/al  Concurrency  

•  op2  precedes  op3  – No  transformation  

•  op3  //  op'1  and  defined  on  the  same  state  :  – T(op3,op'1)    

S1 [0,0]

op1 [1,0]



S1 [0,0]

op'1 [1,0]


No transf



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Respec/ng  User’s  Inten/on    in  a  Par/al  Concurrency  Situa/on  

(From  J.  Ferrié)‏  

Site  1   Site  2  




delete(5)‏   insert(5,'p')‏  


insert(6,'h')‏  insert(5,‘p’) ‏  

"telepone"   "telephfone"  


delete(7) ‏  

op1 op2






   insert(5,  'p') ‏  


insert(6,'h') ‏  Transpose_fd(delete(6),  insert(6)) ‏  

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history  :  


op2 opi opj opn

.  .   .  .   .  .  .  opn+1

?  causal  


opi op opj op

.  .   .  .  .  



opi op opj

op ∀ ∀

The  SOCT2  Algorithm    

M. Suleiman, M. Cart, and J. Ferrie. Serialization of concurrent operations in a distributed collaborative environment. In GROUP ’97 : Proceedings of the international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work, pages 435–445, New York, NY, USA, 1997. ACM.

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Correctness  of  TTF  

➲ Reversibility  property:        ➲ T-­‐1(  T(  op1  ,op2  ),  op2  )  =  op1  

op’1=T(op1,op2) ‏

op2 op1

op1=T-1(op’1,op2) ‏

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Inverses  of  Transforma/on  Func/ons  

➲  T-­‐1(Insert(p1,el1,sid1),  Insert(p2,el2,sid2)){  l   if(p1<p2)  return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)�  l   else  if(p1=p2  and  sid1<sid2)  return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)�  l   else  return  Insert(p1-­‐1,el1,sid1)�  l     }  ➲  T-­‐1(Insert(p1,el1,sid1),  Delete(p2,el2,sid2)){  l   return  Insert(p1,el1,sid1)�  l     }  ➲  T-­‐1(Delete(p1,sid1),  Insert(p2,sid2)){  l   if(p1<p2)  return  Delete(p1,sid1)�  l   else  return  Delete(p1-­‐1,sid1)�  l       }  ➲  T-­‐1(Delete(p1,sid1),  Delete(p2,sid2)){  l   return  Delete(p1,sid1)�  l     }  

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OT  and  Garbage  Collec/on  

•  Basically,  each  site  needs  to  know  the  state  of  other  sites  – Can  guess  this  state  using  received  state  vectors  

•  Each  site  maintains  a  State  Vector  Table  –  SVT[i]  

•  Each  site  maintains  a  Minimum  State  Vector    – MSV  =  min  SVT[i],  for  all  i  

•  Local  operation  with  SV  <  MSV  =>  garbaged  Sun, C., Jia, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., and Chen, D. 1998. Achieving convergence, causality preservation, and intention preservation in real-time cooperative editing systems. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 5, 1 (Mar. 1998), 63-108. DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/274444.274447

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OT  and  Garbage  Collec/on  s0 s1 s2

op1[1,0,0] op2 [0,1,0]



SVT[0]=[1,0,0] SVT[1]=[0,0,0] SVT[2]=[0,0,0] MSV =[0,0,0]

SVT[0]=[1,2,1] SVT[1]=[1,2,0] SVT[2]=[0,1,1] MSV =[0,1,0]

SVT[0]=[1,1,0] SVT[1]=[0,1,0] SVT[2]=[0,0,0] MSV =[0,0,0]

SVT[0]=[1,1,1] SVT[1]=[0,1,0] SVT[2]=[0,1,1] MSV =[0,1,0]

Can garbage op2 on site0 !

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OT  and  P2P  networks  •  OT  :  

–  CCI  Model,  Inten/ons  are  maintained  by  Transforma/on  func/ons  

– Generic  :  Integra/on  algorithm  independent  of  data  type.  

–  Can  be  fully  decentralized,  does  not  support  the  churn...  

•  PB:  – Mainly  use  State  Vector  (Does  not  scale)  to  detect  concurrency...  

– MOT2[CollCom07]  is  an  excep/on  

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MOT2  :  OT  for  P2P  [CollCom07]  

•  MOT2  is  clearly  the  successor  of  SOCT4  – Without  central  sites  – Without  state  vectors  

•  MOT2  does  not  broadcast  operations  – MOT2  use  pair-­‐reconciliations  

M. Cart and J. Ferrié �. Asynchronous reconciliation based on operational transformation for p2p collaborative environments. In The Third Interna- tional Conference on Collaborative Computing : Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2007), White Plains, New York, USA, November 2007. IEEE Press.

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MOT2  Pair  reconcilia/ons  

s1 s2 s3

op1 op2 op3


op1+op2 op1+op2 op1+op2



op1+op2+op3 op1+op2+op3


op1+op2+op3 op1+op2+op3

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MOT2 Scenario

S1 S2 S3 op1


op1 op1 op2


[op1,op2] [op1,op2]

op3 Reconcile  


[op1;op4] VS [op1,op2,op3] ???

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MOT2 Scenario

S1 S2 S3

op1 Reconcile  

op1 op1 op2


[op1,op2] [op1,op2] op3



Stored [op1;op4;op2';op3'] Exec [op1;op4;op2';op3']

Stored [op1;op4;op2';op3'] Exec [op1;op2;op3;op4']

[op1;op4] VS [op1,op2,op3] ???

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MOT2  Principle  

•  S1  connects  to  S3  for  reconciliation  and  sends  its  whole  log  :  [op1;op4]  

•  S3  detects  op1  as  common  prefix  and  infer  – op4  //  [op2;op3]  – S3  computes    

•  op4'=T(op4,[op2;op3]) ‏  •  [op2';op3']  (as  in  SOCT4)‏  

–  [op2;op3;op4']  <=>  [op4;op2';op3']  by  TP1  and  TP2  

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MOT2  idea  

•  MOT2  maintains  a  totally  ordered  history  !!  •  op4  must  appear  in  first  after  the  common  prefix  (S1<S3)‏  

•  So  both  sites  will  store  [op1;op4;op2';op3']  – S3  executes  op4',  stores  [op1;op4;op2';op3']  and  sends  [op2';op3']  to  site1  to  be  immediately  executed    

– and  S1  executes  [op2';op3']  and  stores  [op1;op4;op2';op3']  

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MOT2 Scenario

S1 S2 S3

op1 Reconcile  

op1 op1 op2


[op1,op2] [op1,op2] op3



Stored [op1;op4;op2';op3'] Exec [op1;op4;op2';op3']

Stored [op1;op4;op2';op3'] Exec [op1;op2;op3;op4']

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•  A  very  nice  algorithm  •  MOT2  requires  TP1  and  TP2  (CE  in  CollabCom08)  •  Generic,  no  state  vectors,  no  central  sites  •  Only  PB  :  

– No  garbage  of  the  log  today  –  Log  grows  infinitely  –  In  the  worst  case,  en/re  Log  must  be  sent  at  each  reconcilia/on  

–  Communica/on  cost  grows  infinitely    

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Conclusions  on  OT  

•  Quite  mature  technology  with  centralized  server  

•  Decentralized  approaches  more  difficult,    •  PB:    

– Complexity  is  located  on  recep/on  – What  about  an  op  generated  1  /me  and  integrated  1M  /me  ??  

– Require  to  detect  concurrency  (transforma/on  of  concurrent  opera/ons)  

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WOOT  •  Focusses  on  linear  structures  (sacrifices  genericity  of  OT)‏  –  Linear  structures  :  String,  files,  Ordered  trees...    

•  Changes  the  profile  of  operations  •  ins(p<c<n):  (p<c<n)  are  intentions  to  be  preserved  –  c  is  the  newly  entry  identified  by  wid=(siteid,lclock ‏(++  

–  p  and  n  are  the  wid  of  previous  and  next  entry  •  del(c:wid)  :  c  is  marked  as  invisible  (tombstone)‏  

Data Consistency for P2P Collaborative Editing. Gérald Oster, Pascal Urso, Pascal Molli and Abdessamad Imine. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2006, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 4-8, 2006, 2006.

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id id id

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WOOT  and  commuta/vity  

➲  ins//del,  del//ins  are  commuting  ➲ del//del  are  commuting  ➲  Ins//ins  are  not  commuting...  

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WOOT  and  commuta/vity  

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WOOT  and  posets  

➲ Each  ins  generates  2  relations  ➲ Each  site  maintains  a  po-­‐set  

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WOOT  and  lineariza/on  

•  Each  site  has  to  linearize  this  partial  order  !  but...  

•  Each  site  can  receive  operation  in  different  order...  

•  Linearization  must  be  «  monotonic  »  

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WOOT  Lineariza/on  

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Lineariza/on  viola/on  

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<id  when  choice  is  arbitrary  

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No  problem  

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Same  arbitrary  choice  -­‐>  diverge  

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WOOT  Idea  

➲  Compare  incoming  characters  to  concurrent  characters  in  the  causal  order.  

➲  Concurrent  characters  =  characters  between  incoming  relations  

➲  Causal  order  =  1  happens-­‐before  3  ...  ➲  compare  ’2’  first  with  ’1’  !  

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WOOT  Algorithm  

L= First rank in the causal Order

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X  incoming  :  Y  in  L  if...  

Incoming X


Incoming X


Incoming X


Incoming X


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Incoming X


Incoming X


Incoming X


X  incoming:  Y  not  in  L  if...  

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WOOT  Example...  

•  IntegrateIns(a<2<b)  :  S=[3;1]  •  L  =[1]    •   2  >id  1  •  IntegrateIns(1<2<b)  -­‐>  2  after  1  

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More  difficult  now  :  Cb12034Ce  

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More  difficult  now(2)  :  Cb120634Ce  

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Result  :  Cb1206354Ce  

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WOOT  •  Algorithm  is  well  founded  •  Algorithm  ensures  intentions  •  Algorithm  ensures  eventual  consistency  •  No  garbage  collecting  solution  compatible  with  P2P  networks...  –  State  grows  infinitely..  

•  Implementation  available    at  (Richard  Dallaway):  – https://bitbucket.org/d6y/woot    – Talk  on  https://speakerdeck.com/d6y/woot-­‐for-­‐lift  

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Eventual  Consistency/Strong  Eventual  Consistency  

•  Eventual  delivery  –  An  update  executed  on  some  correct  replica  eventually  executes  to  all  correct  replica  

•  Termina/on  –  All  updates  terminate  

•  Strong  Convergence  –  Correct  replicas  that  have  executed  the  same  updates  have  equivalent  state  

•  Eventual  delivery  –  An  update  executed  on  some  correct  replica  eventually  executes  to  all  correct  replica  

•  Termina/on  –  All  updates  terminate  

•  Convergence  –  Correct  replicas  that  have  executed  the  same  updates  eventually  reach  equivalent  state  

M.  Shapiro,  N.  Preguiça,  C.  Baquero,  M.  Zawirski.Conflict-­‐free  Replicated  Data  Types.  13th  Int.  Symp.  on  Stabiliza/on,  Safety,  and  Security  of  Distributed  Systems  (SSS).  Grenoble,  France,  10-­‐12  October  2011.  

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CmRDT  and  CvRDT  

•  2  ways  to  build  CRDT  – CvRDT  are  state  based  :  Monotonic  la�ce  ensure  SEC  

– CmRDT  are  op  based:  Commuta/vity  of  concurrent  opera/ons  ensure  SEC  

•  Both  are  equivalent  – One  can  be  expressed  in  other  – But  not  the  same  system  at  the  end  -­‐>  impact  on  architecture  and  performances  

A  comprehensive  study  of  Convergent  and  Commuta/ve  Replicated  Data  Types.  Marc  Shapiro,  Nuno  Preguiça,  Carlos  Baquero,  Marek  Zawirski.  INRIA  Technical  Report  RR-­‐7506,  January  2011  

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State  Based  CRDT  

•  Monotonic  semi-­‐la�ce  -­‐>  CRDT  •  Ex:  integer  with  merge=max  

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CvRDT:  Interger  +  max  

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State  Based  Object  

•   An  object  is  a  tuple  (S,  s0,  q,  u,m)  .  The  replica  at  process  pi    has  state  

•  S  ,  called  its  payload    •  the  ini/al  state  is  s0.    •  A  client  of  the  object  may  read  the  state  of  the  object  via  query    method  q      

•  and  modify  it  via  update    method  u  .  •  Method  m    serves  to  merge    the  state  from  a  remote  replica  

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State  equivalence  

•   We  define  state  equivalence  s~s’    if  all  queries  return  the  same  result  for  s  and  s’.  

•   A  query  has  no  side-­‐effects  

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Monotonic  semila�ce  object  

•  The  merge  opera/on  of  the  semi-­‐la�ce  must  be    associa/ve,  commuta/ve,  idempotent.  

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CvRDT  specifica/on  

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Exemple:  G-­‐set  

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Op-­‐Based  CRDT  

•  If  all  concurrent  opera/ons  commute,  replica  converge  

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Op-­‐based  object  

•   An  op-­‐based  object  is  a  tuple  •  (S,  s0,  q,  t,  u,  P)  ,  where  S  state  domain,  s0  ini/al  state  and  q  query  method).    

•  an  update  is  split  into  a  pair  (t,  u)  ,  where  t    is  a  side-­‐effect-­‐free  prepare-­‐update    method  and  u    is  an  effect-­‐update    method.  

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CvRDT  Specifica/on  

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Example:    Op-­‐based  counter  

+  and  –  are  commuta/ve  in  Z    

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Opera/on-­‐based  emula/on  of  state-­‐based  object  

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State  based  emula/on  of  opera/on  based    

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Port  Folio  of  CRDTs  

•  Register  –  Last  Writer  Wins  – Mul/-­‐value  

•  Set  –  Grow  Only  –  2P  –  Observed-­‐removed  

•  Map  –  Set  of  Register  

•  Counter  –  Unlimited  –  Non-­‐nega/ve  

•  Graph  –  Directed  – Monotonic  DAG  –  Edit  grapg  

•  Sequence  –  Logoot,  Growable  Array,  treedoc  

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Logoot  (1/3)  

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Logoot:  Generate  Ids  

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Logoot  (3/3)  

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Logoot  Idea  

•  A  document  is  a  sequence  of  elements  (char  or  lines)  

•  Each  element  has  a  unique  id:  –  <p1,  s1,  h1><p2,  s2,  h2>...<pk,  sk,  hk>  

•  Pi  is  an  integer  (0  <  pi    <  BASE)  •  Si  is  a  site  id  •  Hi  is  a  logical  clock  of  site  i    

•  With  lexicographic  order,  •  Unique  in  space  and  time,  •  IDs  set  is  dense.  


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Ids   Doc  



Ids   Doc  



Ins(1,A)->Insert(<15,1,1>,A) Ins(1,B)->Insert(<15,2,1>,B) Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  


Ids   Doc  


<15,2,1>   B  


Insert(<15,2,1>,B) Insert(<15,1,1>,A) Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  

<15,2,1>   B  


Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  

<15,2,1>   B  


Site 1 Site 2

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Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  

<15,2,1>   B  


Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  

<15,2,1>   B  


Ins(2,X)->Insert(<15,1,1><15,1,2>,X) Ids   Do



<15,1,1>   A  

<15,1,1><15,1,2>   X  

<15,2,1>   B  



Ids   Doc  


<15,1,1>   A  

<15,1,1><15,1,2>   X  

<15,2,1>   B  


IDs  can  be  long…  •  O(k)  at  genera/on  •  O(k.log(n)  at  integra/on  •  If  k  is  small,  logoot  is  ok  

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Logoot  on  Wikipedia  pages  

•  Boundary  =  1  000  000  •   Standard  pages  :  k  minimal  •  Extreme  pages  :  

– Articles  :  k  <  2  – Most  edited  pages  :  

•  12,2  -­‐>  3  •  624,9  -­‐>  3,4   153  


Strategy of IDs allocation matters !

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LSEQ  Approach  

•  A  Sequence  abstract  data  type  is  a  CRDT  if  – Any  Insert(id1,x1,id2)  opera/on  commute  with  any  other  Insert  and  preserve  par/al  order  rela/on  

– Any  Delete  opera/on  commute  with  another  delete  

– Any  Insert(x1)  commute  with  any  delete(x2)  if  x1<>x2  

•  Insert(x1)|Delete(x1)  do  not  commute,  but  cannot  happen  if  causality  is  ensured.  


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PB:  Order  of  Inser/ons  

Typed:  Q;W;E;R;T;Y   Typed:  Y;T;R;E;W;Q  

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Combine  Exponen/al  tree  &  random  alloca/on  

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Ahmed-­‐Nacer,  M.,  Ignat,  C.  L.,  Oster,  G.,  Roh,  H.  G.,  &  Urso,  P.  (2011,  September).  Evalua/ng  crdts  for  real-­‐/me  document  edi/ng.  In  Proceedings  of  the  11th  ACM  symposium  on  Document  engineering  (pp.  103-­‐112).  ACM.  

We  denote  by  R  the  number  of  replicas  and  by  H  the  number  of  opera/ons  that  had  aected  the  document.  

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Ahmed-­‐Nacer,  M.,  Ignat,  C.  L.,  Oster,  G.,  Roh,  H.  G.,  &  Urso,  P.  (2011,  September).  Evalua/ng  crdts  for  real-­‐/me  document  edi/ng.  In  Proceedings  of  the  11th  ACM  symposium  on  Document  engineering  (pp.  103-­‐112).  ACM.  

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Apply  WOOT  to  a  P2P  Wiki  :  WOOKI  

•  WOOKI  data  Model:  •  A  sequence  of  (idl,line  content,degree,visibility)‏  – Degree  and  idl  are  set  at  generation  time  and  never  change.  

– Visibility  is  just  a  boolean  •  Storage  Overhead  =  1  id  +  1  integer  +  1  boolean  by  line  

S. Weiss, P. Urso, and P. Molli. Wooki : a p2p wiki-based collaborative writing tool. In Web Information Systems Engineering, Nancy, France, December 2007. Springer.

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WOOKI  Model  

•  What  we  see  :  – riri  – fifi  –  loulou  

•  What  we  store  :  – ((0,1),riri,0,true)‏  – ((0,2),fifi,1,true)‏  – ((0,3),loulou,2,true)‏  

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WOOKI  Opera/ons  

•  Insert(idl,CP,CN,degree,data):  –  idl=(siteid,(Lclock++)),  – CP=idl  of  previous  line  (CB  if  first  line)‏  – CN=idl  of  next  line  (CE  if  last  line)‏  – degree(c)  =  max(degree(CP),  degree(CN))  +  1  

•   del(idl):  – Line  identified  by  idl  is  marked  invisible  

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WOOKI  Algorithm  

•  Insert(idl,CP,CN,degree,data)  integrated  only  if  CP,CN  are  existing  locally...  

•  IntegrateIns(c,  cp,  cn)�  –  let  S0  :=  subseq(S,  cp,  cn)�  

•  if  S0  :=  Empty  then  –  insert(S,  c,  in)�  

•  else  –  let  dmin  :=  min(degree,  S0),  i  :=  0  –  let  L  :=  cpd0d1  .  .  .  dmcn  where    ∀  i.degree(di)  =  dmin  – while  (i  <  |L|  −  1)  and  (L|i|  <id  c)  do  i  :=  i  +  1  –  IntegrateIns(c,  L[i  −  1],  L[i])�  

•  endif  

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•  wooki.sf.net  •  A  P2P  Wiki    

– Optimized  WOOT  based  – LpbCast  +  AntiEntropy  support  – Ensures  eventual  consistency  and  intentions  

•  Future  work  –  Include  awareness,  undo  – and  much  more... ‏(‐­-:   

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•  Introduction  •  RFC677  (Thomas)‏  •  OT  

–  SOCT4  – TP1/TP2  – MOT2  

•  WOOT  •  Comparison  MOT2/WOOT  •  Conclusion  

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Compare  MOT2/WOOKI  on...  

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Concurrent  opera/ons...  

Line 8

Line 9

Line 10 User1  

Insert(9<I<10) ‏  


User2  update(9) ‏  

Line 8

Line 9

Line 10

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MOT2  vs  WOOKI  

•  MOT2  uses  TTF  •  and  WOOKI    •  What  is  the  expected  result  ??  

C. Ignat, G. Oster, P. Molli, M. Cart, J. Ferrié �, A.-M. Kermarrec, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro, L. Benmouffok, J.-M. Busca, and R. Guerraoui. A comparison of optimistic approaches to collaborative editing of wiki pages. In Interna- tional Conference on Collaborative Computing : Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom), number 3, White Plains, NY, USA, nov 2007.

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Criteria  •  Merging  concurrent  states  :  Manual  or  automatic  •  Communication  complexity:  number  of  messages  

exchanged  for  achieving  convergence  •  Time  Complexity:  complexity  of  integration  algorithm  •  Space  Complexity:  memory  required  by  site  •  Convergence  latency:  Number  of  rounds  necessary  to  

converge    –  Send(others),Receive(from-­‐others),Process()�  

•  Semantic  expressiveness  :  any  operation,  any  operation  +  constraints,  specific  data  type  

•  Determinism  •  Dynamic  membership  

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➲ The  classical  Wiki  :  Concurrent  operations  are  merged  manually.  

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MediaWiki  characteris/cs  

•  m  =  number  of  sites  •  L  =  number  of  lines  

in  the  doc  •  l  =  number  lines  

appeared  in  the  doc  •  n  =  number  of  

operations  •  Round:    

–  Send(toServer)  !!  

MediaWikiMerging ManualMermbership N/AComm. m2+3m-2Time Comp N/ASpace Comp O(L)Convergence 2mSemantic N/ADeterminism No

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Centralized  vs  P2P  wikis  

•  In  a  centralized  Wiki:  – Concurrent  changes  are  detected  when  a  user  saves  a  page  

•  In  a  P2P  wiki:  – Merging  has  to  be  done  in  background  –  2  people  can  save  concurrently  a  page  (with  no  conflict)‏  

– updates  are  propagated  –  and  merge  will  be  performed  by  the  server  when  concurrent  operations  are  received  

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MOT2  Result  with  TTF  

Line 8

Line 9

Line 10 User1  

Insert(9<l<10) ‏  


User2  update(9) ‏  

Line 8

Line 9

Line l Line 10

Line 9'

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➲  m  =  number  of  sites  ➲  L  =  number  of  lines  in  the  doc  

➲  l  =  number  lines  appeared  in  the  doc  

➲  n  =  number  of  operations  

➲  Round:    l Send(toServer)  !!  

MediaWiki MOT2Merging Manual AutoMermbership N/A YesComm. m2+3m-2 2(2m-3)Time Comp N/A O(n2+nm)Space Comp O(L) O(n+l)Convergence 2m 2m-3Semantic N/A Any opDeterminism No yes

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WOOT  result  

Line 8

Line 9

Line 10 User1  

Insert(9<l<10) ‏  


User2  update(9) ‏  

Line 8

Line 9

Line l Line 10

Line 9'

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WOOT  results  MediaWiki MOT2 WOOTO

Merging Manual Auto AutoMermbership N/A Yes YesComm. m2+3m-2 2(2m-3) mTime Comp N/A O(n2+nm) O(nl2)Space Comp O(L) O(n+l) O(l)Convergence 2m 2m-3 1Semantic N/A Any op Insert/deleteDeterminism No yes yes

� m  =  number  of  sites  

�  L  =  number  of  lines  in  the  doc  

�  l  =  number  lines  appeared  in  the  doc  

�  n  =  number  of  opera/ons  

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•  Replicated  integer  suppor/ng  increment  and  decrement  

•  Value  to  query  it  •  Value  converge  to  the  global  number  of  inc  minus  number  of  decrements.  

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Op-­‐based  counter  

+  and  –  are  commuta/ve  in  Z    

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State  based  increment-­‐only  counter:  G-­‐Counter  

Only  increment  -­‐>  a  monotonic  semi-­‐la�ce:ok  

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Sean  Cribbs,  Berlin  Buzzwords  2012  

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State-­‐based  PN-­‐Counter:  2  G-­‐Counter  

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Sean  Cribbs,  Berlin  Buzzwords  2012  

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•  Registers  – A  memory  cell  storing  an  opaque  object  – Support  assign  to  update  its  value,  – Support  value  to  query  it.  

•  Concurrent  update  do  not  commute  – LWW  register:  Last  writer  win  – MV-­‐Register:  concurrent  assignment  are  retained  

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Op-­‐based  LWW-­‐Register  

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State-­‐based  LWW  register  

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LWW  register  :  state  based  

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MV-­‐Register  (Dynamo)  

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MV-­‐Register  (State  based)  

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CRDT  for  sets  

•  Containers,  Maps,  Graphs  are  all  based  on  sets.  

•  Consider  add  and  remove  element..  •  Add(x),  remove(x)  does  not  commute  

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205  •  ins⋄ins⋄del  ≠  ins⋄del⋄ins  

Set  is  NOT  a  CRDT  

op1=ins(x) op2=ins(x)

site1   site2   site3  



{x}   {x}  

{}   {}   {}  






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Grow-­‐only  set:  G-­‐set  

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Cannot  re-­‐add  removed  element.  

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•   Concurrent  add  s  commute  since  each  one  is  unique.    

•  Concurrent  remove  s  commute  because  any  common  pairs  have  the  same  effect,  and  any  disjoint  pairs  have  independent  effects.    

•  Concurrent  add(e)    and  remove(f)    also  commute:    –  if  e<>f    they  are  independent,    –  if  e  =  f    the  remove    has  no  effect.  

•  And  Add(e)  and  Remove(e)  commute  ?  

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C-­‐Set  Proof  

•  On  Site1  for  an  element  x:  (+1)  +  (+2)  +  (-­‐1)  +  (+1)  =  (+3)  •  On  Site2  for  the  same  element  x:  (-­‐1)  +  (+1)  +  (+2)  +  (+1)  =(+3)  •  Addi/on  on  Z  is  commuta/ve  ⇒  C-­‐Set  is  CRDT  

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C-­‐Set  -­‐  Example  

•  One  Set  •  (e,  counter)  •  insert  opera/on  overrides  del  opera/on  

op1=ins(x) op2=ins(x)

site1   site2   site3  



{(x,+1)}   {(x,+1)}  

{}   {}   {}  







rins(x,+1)  rdel(x,-­‐1)  

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• Tombstones  exist  • They  disappear  when  the  counter  is  0  • No  concurrent  del  means  no  tombstone  • Beber  space  complexity  than  TWR  

op1=ins(x) op2=ins(x)

site1   site2   site3  



{(x,+1)}   {(x,+1)}  

{}   {}   {}  

{(x,+1)}   {(x,+1)}  



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site1   site2  

{(x,+1)}  op2=del(x)




{(x,-­‐3)}   {(x,-­‐3)}  


{(x,+1)}  op4=del(x)




It  converge  but  ...  Inten/on  Viola/on  

Eventual  consistency  is  not  sufficient  

rins(x,+4)  rins(x,+4)  

rdel(x,-­‐1)  rdel(x,-­‐1)  

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CRDT  for  Graph  

•   A  graph  is  a  pair  of  sets  (V,E)  such  that  E    included  in    V  x  V    .  

•  Any  of  the  Set  implementa/ons  described  above  can  be  used  for  to  V    and  E.  

•   What  should  happen  upon  concurrent  addEdge(u,  v)  ||  removeVertex(u)  ?  – Can  give  precedence  to  addEdge(u,v)  

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2P2P  graph:  2  2P-­‐sets  

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Growable  Array  

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•  Distributed  Collabora/ve  Editors  include  many  popular  systems  such  as  google  doc,  dropbox,  git  etc…  

•  From  collabora/on  point  of  view  –  It  follows  the  original  vision  of  douglas  engelbart…  –  Edit  anywhere,  any  /me,  any  kind  of  data  in  communi/es  

•  From  distributed  system  point  of  view  –  It  highlight  problems  of  weak  consistencies  and  scalability