Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form

Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form Publicist’s Name: ______________________________________ Home Club: ______________________________ Division: ______ To receive this award the publicist must complete 950 of the 1200 possible points in this category. This form and all items related to it must be sent to the individual designated on the Distinguished Officer Information Form by the deadline indicated on the Information Form as mailed with the Spring Convention Mailing. This sheet must be the first sheet in your binder. You must provide proof for each category to achieve the points. Binder must be organized in the order below. Provide tabs to speed judging and ensure credit is given for meeting the criteria. Failure to meet the above requirements will result in loss of points or disqualification. 1. CLUB ATTENDANCE - Attend Board & Club Meetings Regularly (Include percentage of attendance.) Points awarded are equal to the percentage. Include attendance sheet signed by club secretary. (Possible Points: 100) 2. DIVISIONAL ATTENDANCE – Attend a divisional rally if any are held. Points awarded are equal to the percentage attended. Attach program from rally or note from Lieutenant Governor. (Possible Points: 100). 3. DISTRICT ATTENDANCE - Attend Fall Rally and Spring Convention during your year in office. Proof of attendance could be a program, nametag or photos from the event. (Possible Points: 100) 4. INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION – Attend the Key Club International Convention or a Key Leader event for 25 points. Proof of attendance could be a programs, name tag or photos from the event. Ensure that three articles are submitted to the Keynoter for an additional 25 points each. Include copies of articles with submission date Possible Points: 100) 5. OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE – Attend an officer training conference. Fall Rally is included in this. Include certificate of attendance from Fall Rally forum or program from OTC. (Possible Points: 100) 6. MinnDak Quack– Ensure that at least four articles are sent to the MinnDak Quack. Twenty-five points are awarded for each submitted. Include copies of articles with submission date. (Possible Points: 100) K E Y C L U B Minnesota - Dakotas District of Key Club International


Binder must be organized in the order below. Provide tabs to speed judging and ensure credit is given for meeting the criteria. Failure to meet the above requirements will result in loss of points or disqualification. Minnesota - Dakotas District of Key Club International Home Club: ______________________________ Division: ______ Publicist’s Name: ______________________________________

Transcript of Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form

Page 1: Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form

Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form

Publicist’s Name: ______________________________________

Home Club: ______________________________ Division: ______

To receive this award the publicist must complete 950 of the 1200 possible points in this category. This form and all items related to it must be sent to the individual designated on the Distinguished Officer Information Form by the deadline indicated on the Information Form as mailed with the Spring Convention Mailing. This sheet must be the first sheet in your binder. You must provide proof for each category to achieve the points. Binder must be organized in the order below. Provide tabs to speed judging and ensure credit is given for meeting the criteria. Failure to meet the above requirements will result in loss of points or disqualification.

1. CLUB ATTENDANCE - Attend Board & Club Meetings Regularly (Include percentage of attendance.) Points awarded are equal to the percentage. Include attendance sheet signed by club secretary. (Possible Points: 100)

2. DIVISIONAL ATTENDANCE – Attend a divisional rally if any are held. Points awarded are equal to the percentage attended. Attach program from rally or note from Lieutenant Governor. (Possible Points: 100).

3. DISTRICT ATTENDANCE - Attend Fall Rally and Spring Convention during your year in office. Proof of attendance could be a program, nametag or photos from the event. (Possible Points: 100)

4. INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION – Attend the Key Club International Convention or a Key Leader event for 25 points. Proof of attendance could be a programs, name tag or photos from the event. Ensure that three articles are submitted to the Keynoter for an additional 25 points each. Include copies of articles with submission date Possible Points: 100)

5. OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE – Attend an officer training conference. Fall Rally is included in this. Include certificate of attendance from Fall Rally forum or program from OTC. (Possible Points: 100)

6. MinnDak Quack– Ensure that at least four articles are sent to the MinnDak Quack. Twenty-five points are awarded for each submitted. Include copies of articles with submission date. (Possible Points: 100)


Minnesota - Dakotas District of Key Club International

Page 2: Distinguished Publicist Nomination Form

7. NEWSLETTERS – Distribute at least four club newsletters to the club members, respective Lieutenant Governor, and District Bulletin Editor. Twenty-five points are awarded for each distributed. Include copies of each newsletter. (Possible Points: 100)

8. LOCAL PUBLICITY – Submit at least five articles to local newspapers for the promotion of Key Club. Twenty points are awarded for each submitted. Include samples of each article submitted. (Possible Points: 100)

9. KIWANIS SPONSORSHIP – Ensure club participation with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club. In addition, the publicist should attend 2 Kiwanis club meetings. Include program or photo from event. Award 50 points for serving with the Kiwanis Club. Award 25 points for every Kiwanis Club meeting attended until 50 points are given. Include programs from Kiwanis meetings or notes from Kiwanis members. (Possible Points: 100)

10. CLUB MEMBERSHIP – Sponsor at least two new students into membership. Each is worth 50 points. Include names of sponsored members with their signatures. (Possible Points: 100)

11. SERVICE - Complete at least 50 hours of service within the club. Provide list of projects and hours totaled signed by club secretary. (Possible Points: 100)

12. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – Provide evidence of work performed above and beyond the call of duty. Points are at the discretion of the judges. Include signature of your advisor as proof these will be completed. (Possible Points: 100)

13. BINDER ORGANIZATION AND PRESENTATION – Binder is neatly organized by above criteria with tabs to separate sections, materials within are organized chronologically. Binder demonstrates exemplary effort. (Possible points: 50)

Please submit an organized binder providing proof of meeting the criteria. If for any reason the publicist could not perform one of the described tasks, please explain in a letter included in the binder.

We hereby verify that the information contained within this nomination binder is accurate

Club President Date

Faculty Advisor Date

Kiwanis Advisor Date

Note: All signatures must be present for the nominee to be considered for the award.