Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception DIOCESE OF LAKE CHARLES Established April 25, 1980 The Most Rev. Glen John Provost, D.D. Bishop of Lake Charles PARISH STAFF Rev. Father Rommel P. Tolentino Pastor Rev. Fr. Ruben Buller, In Residence Rev. Deacon Christopher Fontenot Pastoral Assistant Principal SLCHS Mr. Robert Marcantel Music Director Mrs. Charlotte Hine Organist Ms. Sue Burke Receptionist Ms. Lavonne “Cookie” White Secretary Mrs. Pam Menou Bookkeeper Mr. Philip Ardoin Maintenance Mrs. Christi Jarreau Principal ICCS Mr. David Hardey Youth Director Cathedral Website: immaculateconceptioncathedral.com 935 Bilbo Street P. O. Box 1029 Lake Charles, LA 70602 (337) 436-7251 Fax (337) 436-7240 MASSES Saturday Anticipated 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 12:05 p.m. NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Before 12:05 Mass on Tuesday SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Friday 11:00-Noon; Saturday 3:00 pm 30 minutes before all other Masses. Or call office for appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM A Pre-Baptism class must be attended before the celebration of Baptism. These classes are held the 4th Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Arrangements for celebration of Baptism may be made by calling the parish office after having attended the Baptism Class. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least six (6) months before the wedding date by calling the parish office. An appointment must be made for a pre-marriage interview. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. An on-going process of formation and education is provided for anyone who is interested in inquiring into the Roman Catholic faith. The RCIA process is available throughout the year to those who are seeking initiation into the church as well as for those non-Catholics seeking more information about the Roman Catholic church. Information concerning participation in the RCIA process may be obtained through the parish office.

Transcript of DIOCESE OF LAKE CHARLES - Immaculate...

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

DIOCESE OF LAKE CHARLES Established April 25, 1980

The Most Rev. Glen John Provost, D.D.

Bishop of Lake Charles PARISH STAFF

Rev. Father Rommel P. Tolentino Pastor Rev. Fr. Ruben Buller, In Residence Rev. Deacon Christopher Fontenot Pastoral Assistant Principal SLCHS Mr. Robert Marcantel Music Director Mrs. Charlotte Hine Organist Ms. Sue Burke Receptionist Ms. Lavonne “Cookie” White Secretary Mrs. Pam Menou Bookkeeper Mr. Philip Ardoin Maintenance Mrs. Christi Jarreau Principal ICCS Mr. David Hardey Youth Director Cathedral Website: immaculateconceptioncathedral.com

935 Bilbo Street † P. O. Box 1029 † Lake Charles, LA 70602 † (337) 436-7251 † Fax (337) 436-7240

MASSES Saturday Anticipated 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. (Extraordinary Form) 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 12:05 p.m.

NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Before 12:05 Mass on Tuesday

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Friday 11:00-Noon; Saturday 3:00 pm 30 minutes before all other Masses. Or call office for appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM A Pre-Baptism class must be attended before the celebration of Baptism. These classes are held the 4th Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Arrangements for celebration of Baptism may be made by calling the parish office after

having attended the Baptism Class. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least six (6) months before the wedding date by calling the parish office. An appointment must be made for a pre-marriage interview. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS. An on-going process of formation and education is provided for

anyone who is interested in inquiring into the Roman Catholic faith. The RCIA process is available throughout the year to those who are seeking initiation into the church as well as for those non-Catholics seeking more information about the Roman Catholic church. Information concerning participation in the RCIA process may be obtained through the parish office.

November 06, 2016 without mercy, but there is still something else of which the very thought alone makes me die with terror.’ The poor sisters were deeply distressed. ‘Alas! Can it be hell, then?’ ‘No,’ she told them. . ‘Hell, thank God, is not for me. Oh! My sisters, it is the holiness of God. My God, have pity upon me! My life must be brought face to face with that of Je-sus Christ Himself! Woe to me if I have the least blemish or stain! Woe to me if I am even in the very shadow of sin!’ ‘Alas,’ cried these poor sisters. ‘What will our deaths be like!’ What will ours be like, then, my dear brethren, we who, perhaps in all our penances and our good works, have never yet satisfied for one single sin forgiven in the tribunal of Penance? Ah! What years and centuries of torment to punish us!……How dearly we shall pay for all those faults that we look upon as nothing at all, like those little lies that we tell to amuse ourselves, those little scan-dals, the despising of the graces which God gives us at every moment, those little murmurings in the difficulties that He sends us! No, my dear brethren, we would never have the courage to commit the least sin if we could un-derstand how much it outrages God, and how greatly it deserves to be rigorously punished, even in this world. God is just, my dear brethren, in all that He does. When He recompenses us for the smallest good action, He does so over and above all that we could desire. A good thought, a good desire, that is to say, the desire to do some good work even when we are not able to do it, He never leaves without a reward. But also, when it is a matter of punishing us, it is done with rigor, and though we should have only a light fault, we shall be sent into Purgatory. This is true, for we see it in the lives of the saints that many of them did not go to Heaven without having first passed through the flames of Purgatory. Saint Peter Da-mien tells that his sister remained several years in Purga-tory because she had listened to an evil song with some little pleasure. It is told that two religious promised each other that the first to die would come to tell the survivor in what state he was. God permitted the one who died first to appear to his friend. He told him that he was remaining fifteen years in Purgatory for having liked to have his own way too much. And as his friend was complimenting him on remaining there for so short a time, the dead man re-plied: ‘I would have much preferred to be flayed alive for ten thousand years continuously, for that suffering could not even be compared with what I am suffering in the flames.’A priest told one of his friends that God had con-demned him to remain in Purgatory for several months for having held back the execution of a will designed for the doing of good works. Alas, my dear brethren, how many among those who hear me have a similar fault with which to reproach themselves?…. If we really desired the hap-piness of possessing God, we should avoid the little faults as well as the big ones, since separation from God is so frightful a torment to all these poor souls!” Let’s try to make prayer for the holy souls in Purga-tory our number one prayer intention every day, and give special attention to those poor souls who have been for-gotten or ignored for so long. May God have mercy on them, and on us. And may the holy souls during and after Purgatory pray for us always!

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception November is the month of the Holy Souls. One of the great forgotten acts of charity in the Church in the past 50 years has been the duty to

pray for the poor souls in Purgatory. With almost every Funeral Mass turning into an instant canonization, most people no longer bother to pray for the departed, pre-sumptuously thinking they have no need to do so. But St. John Vianney, and our Catholic ancestors, knew far bet-ter. Here’s an excerpt from the sermon on Purgatory by St. John Vianney: “Oh! How we suffer, they cry to us. Oh! You, our brethren, deliver us from these torments. You can do it! Ah, if you only experienced the sorrow of being sepa-rated from God! Cruel separation! To burn in the fire kin-dled by the justice of God! To suffer sorrows incompre-hensible to mortal man! To be devoured by regret, kno-wing that we could so easily have avoided such sor-rows! Oh! My children, cry the fathers and the mothers, can you thus so readily abandon us, we who loved you so much? Can you then sleep in comfort and leave us stret-ched upon a bed of fire? Will you have the courage to give yourselves up to pleasure and joy while we are here suffering and weeping day and night? You have our wealth, our homes, you are enjoying the fruit of our la-bors, and you abandon us here in this place of torments , where we are suffering such frightful evils for so many years! And not a single almsgiving, not a single Mass which would help to deliver us! You can relieve our suffe-rings, you can open our prison, and you abandon us! Oh! How cruel these sufferings are! Yes, my dear brethren, people judge very differently, when in the flames of Purgatory, of all those light faults, if indeed it is possible to call anything light which makes us under such rigorous sorrows. What woe would there be to man, the Royal Prophet cries, even the most just of men, if God were to judge him without mercy. If God has founds spots in the sun and malice in the angels, what, then, is this sinful man? And for us, who have committed so many mortal sins and who have done practically noth-ing to satisfy the justice of God, how many years of Pur-gatory! ‘My God,’ said St. Teresa, ‘what soul will be pure enough to enter into Heaven without passing through the vengeful flames?’ In her last illness, she cried suddenly: ‘O justice and power of my God, how terrible you are!’ During her agony, God allowed her to see His holi-ness as the angels and the Saints see Him in Heaven, which caused her so much dread that her sisters, seeing her trembling and extraordinarily agitated, spoke to her, weeping: ‘Ah Mother, what has happened to you; surely you do not fear death after so many penances and such abundant and bitter tears?’ ‘No, my children,” St. Teresa replied, ‘I do not fear death; on the contrary, I desire it so that I may be united forever with my God.’ ‘is it your sins, then, which terrify you, after so much mortification?’ ‘Yes, my children,’ she told them. ‘I do fear my sins, but I fear still another thing even more.’ ‘Is it the judgment, then?’ ‘Yes, I tremble at the formidable account that it will be necessary to render to God, Who, in that moment, will be

╬Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time╬

Baskets in the foyer of the church are available for collection of non-perishable food for Catholic Charities. Please bring items that you would want to have available for your Thanksgiving Dinner. If you would like to donate money to help Catholic Chari-

ties with the purchase of food or turkeys, you may make a check payable to them and mail it to 1225 Second Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 or drop it into one of our offertory baskets. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ $10S FOR TURKEYS—-$20S FOR COATS—-Catholic Charities of SWLA is collecting monetary donations to purchase turkeys for our low income families of the Dio-cese of L.C. and coats for the displaced refugees in Syria. (Frozen turkeys and gently used coats are also welcome). A donation of $10 will purchase a turkey for the Thanks-giving table of a local needy family and a donation of $20 will purchase a new coat for a refugee in Syria. Dona-tions may be mailed or dropped off to Catholic Charities of SW Louisiana, 1225-2nd Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ St. Louis Catholic High School OPEN HOUSE & TOURS, Wednesday, November 16th, at 5:30 P.M. (enter at the SLC gym). Everyone is invited!!! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Our Lady of Good Success Pilgrimage...Join Fr. Rom-mel Tolentino on a pilgrimage to Quito, Ecuador January 23—February 4, 2017 to see the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Good Success and learn about the Blessed Mother’s message for our times. Matthew Arnold, a Catholic speaker, author, producer and host of the radio program Shield of Faith on Radio Maria, will give presen-tations throughout the pilgrimage. Holy Mass will be of-fered each day. Registration deadline is November 20, 2016. For more information or to register, go to: www.maryofgoodsuccess.org/pilgrimage.html ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

ALTAR SOCIETY NEWS!! PLEASE NOTE: The November 8th Altar Society Meeting has been cancelled in order that all of our members have enough time to VOTE!!!

Altar Society Fall Bake Sale INCLUDING FROZEN EN-TRIES—-November 19th & 20th after each Mass. All Cathedral Parishioners are invited to participate which will greatly as-sist us as we work to raise money for the care of our Altars. You may want to start cooking and freezing some of your favorite foods like gumbo, chili, roasts or casseroles. We would like the items to be a two, four, or more servings per container. More information will be provided in next week’s bulletin. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

THIS WEEK November 06… Youth Group meets, 6:30-8:00 PM, Ave Maria Hall November 07… ”Come, Lord Jesus”, Men’s Prayer Group, 6:00 PM— Library. November 08… .”Come Lord Jesus”, Men’s Prayer Group, 6:00 A.M., Ave Maria Hall November 09….. Year of Mercy Pilgrimage Day, Church doors open 7:00 A.M.—7:00 P.M. November 09…...ICCS First Penance—-6:00 P.M., in church. November 09…...Come Lord Jesus, Women’s Prayer Group 10:00 A.M.—-Library November 09…...Choir Practice, 6:00 P.M., Ave Maria Hall November 09…...RCIA Inquiry, 6:00 P.M., Day Chapel November 10…...RCIA Catechumenate, 6:00 P.M., Day Chapel November 11…...GNATS meets, 9:30 A.M., Library November 13….Youth Group meets, 6:30 PM, Ave Maria Hall ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Rosalie Hart Fullington, daughter of Caro-line and Steven Fullington,

was welcomed into the Family of Christ through the Waters of Baptism on

October 29, 2016. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Our Cathedral Faith Community extends its Best Wishes and Congratulations to

Krystyn Dupuie and Blake Saltzman who were united in Christian Marriage on

Saturday, October 29, 2016 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Fifth Annual Bishop’s Gala Coming Up!!!Saturday, December 10th., Lake Charles Civic Center. Rory Partin, a local talent that made a name for himself around the country with his “big band” sound is the featured enter-

tainment. Tickets are $125 each and a table for 10 is $1,250. They can be purchased in the parishes of the diocese, at the Chancery and at www.lcdiocese.org. More will follow in future bulletins. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ “RETURN TO THE LORD” UPDATE: Cathedral Campaign Goal: $982,734; Gifts: 75 Total Pledges: $1,008,350; 103% of Goal; Parish Share: $217,040 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

The flowers that adorn our Altar this week-end were donated by Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Lady of the Lake #695, in honor of their 95th Anniversary. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Offertory Collection last weekend, Oc-tober 29th & 30th………$11,273.75 Second Collection…….$ 1,597.00 (Outreach) BSA collected in October..$4,444.00 Amount owed to meet our quota………………… $22,022.00

SATURDAY, November 05…(4:00)—-Conrad A. Langley, Jr.; Ida Miller; Daniel Pellerin; Souls in Purgatory; Joseph A. & Louise Bertrand & Gerald Simmons

SUNDAY, November 06…(7:30)—-”Pro Populo” (For the People) (9:30)—-Concetta and Curtis Cardone, Sr. and Curtis Cardone, Jr.; Billy Navarre; Kathy Coleman; Catherine Navarra; Dr. Al O’Bryne; Leon and Jean Theriot; Wanda Broussard (living) (11:15)—Alex White (living) (5:00 P.M., Extraordinary Form)—-Matz Family MONDAY, November 07…(12:05)—Buddy Prejean. (5:30 P.M., Extraordinary Form)—Jesse Robert “Bob” Navarro. TUESDAY, November 08..(12:05)—Yvonne Pharr. WEDNESDAY, November 09…(12:05)- Joe & Michael Lanza. THURSDAY, November 10... (12:05 P.M.)—Dr. Tommy White. FRIDAY, November 11…(12:05)—Vincent Niel. SATURDAY, November 12…(4:00)—-Gladys and Delma Devillier; Posy Pauley; David Lawrence Crockett; William Wadsack; Henry Jackson. SUNDAY, November 13…(7:30)—-”Pro Populo” (For the People) (9:30)—-Monsignor Wayne Richard; Reynald Fontenot; Augustus Mayo; Leonard Richard; Theron “Bud” Hanchey, Jr.; Forrest D. Leidley; Peggy Hardy Carlson; Becky Nicholas (living). (11:15)—-Marjorie Conner (5:00 P.M., Extraordinary Form)—-Billie Mary Chavanne. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Watch Glad Tidings, 6:00 A.M., KPLC-TV—Next Sunday, November 13th, Bishop Glen John Provost reads the Gos-pel of the day from St. Luke (21:5-19) and speaks of the importance of the scripture to the faithful. The News Seg-ment brings you stories of the diocese, the region, the state and the world. In the second half hour, on Lead Kindly Light,, Rickard Newman talks with Randall Edwards of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church about college campus ministry at the Catholic Student Center. You can also see the program by clicking the Glad Tid-ings link under the Resources tab at live.lcdiocese.org. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is our pleasure to welcome Mary and David Hamilla to our

Cathedral Parish Community! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

THANKS TO ALL THE NOMINEES WHO RAN FOR PASTORAL COUNCIL! We appreciate their service. The winners are Jimmy Bushnell and Barbara Wyman. Thanks to Karen Fills for her three years of service on the Pastoral Council. The next Pastoral Council meeting will be Tuesday, November 8th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

READINGS FOR THE WEEK November 07—-13, 2016

Pray For Our Friends Who Are Ill Megan Allen; Sam Ange, Jr; Steven Scott Ardoin; Candice Ashford; Brian Babineaux; Mary Baker; Alysa Barrett; Philip Bell; Gloria Bennett; Charles Benoit; Emily & Rusty Benoit; Buddy Bertrand; Randy Biagas; Robert Blanchard; Shirley Bonin; Agnes Breaux; Heath Breaux; Clifton “T-Boy” Breaux; Hubert Broussard; Jennifer Broussard; Wanda

Broussard; Jim Brown; Doug Burguieres; Luke Burnham; Emily Carlton; Kirk Carlin; Jeff Chaisson; Betty Chaisson; Brian Chase; Harry Ches-son; Brian Chase; Hagan Brice Cole; Cohen Cole; Pearl Collins; John L. Conner; Claude Conner; Jodi Conner; William Corbett; Annie Cormier; Karen Berry Crawford; B.J. Cruz; Debbie Curlee; Sydnie Dailey; Julie Davis; Chad Delahoussaye; Hubert Delome; Sam Deson-tos; Debbie Diffee; Ernie Dimaline; Irene Ducharme; Buddy Ducote; George Duhon: Shirley Duhon; ;Charles Elter; Dee Elter; Davis Charles Elter; Jan Eustamante; Julie Farque; Jason Fontenot; Julie Percle Fontenot; Tucker Fontenot; Phil & Philip Fontenot; David Fontenot; Paige Ford; Camille France; David Fruge; ; Brooklyn Hebert; Hadlee Henry; Terry Ray Glasglow; Mary Elise Gosselin; Regina Gray; John Green; Luitgard Gretz; Bertha Guillory; Valerie B & Ernie Harvill; Joanne Heard; Bill Hebert; Patricia Hebert; Brandon Henley; Hilda Henry; Dolores Hodges; Karson Hoffpauir; Cynthia House; Daniel Hudspeth:Dennis Hughes; Jessica Hulin; Jeff Hunsicker; Perry Hunsicker; Paula Russell Jacob; Mary Jeffers; Hayden Jones; Kathy & Gerald Jones; Michael Jones; Harry Jouette; Emily Judice; Bernard Kadulbar; Paula Kanesaw; John Knight; Chris Stemmann; Warren Thomas; Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Howard; Aubrianna Johnson; Darrell Jones; Carol Kershaw; Kelly Langley; ; Vivian Langley; John M. Langley II; Della Lemaire; Dale Lutgring; Tommy Martinez; John Lavern; Anthony LeBato; Glinda LeBlanc; Jennie LeBouef; Rosalie LeDoux; Emma Leger; Charles Leggio; Beth Loftin; Melanie Lupo; Amanda Martin; Bertha Martinez; Mary Matthews; Kathy Carter McBride; Julia Mere; Jason Miller; Robbie Morgan; Joseph Morris; Matthew Lucas; Angelique Nathan; Lois Neveu; Fred Nodier; Dorothy Orsot; Lucas Orsot; Alexa Owen; Joe Pappion Family; Larry Parker; Mike Parker; Sue Parker; Wilma Pawlowski; Phyllis Penning; Joan & Landy Peluso; Alexis and Jackson Pousson; Sheila Pousson; Frances Prejean; Lena Roush; Barry Reed; Jody Richard; Jim Ricklefsen; Judy Rogers; Wes Rollo: David Ross, Jr.; Stacey Rougeau; Felica Saer; Quinten Savoie; Collette Schindler; Martha Schnauder; Cammie Shaddock; Christian Skrnich; Martha Shively; Mark Schram; Michael Scimemi; Sandy Smith; Mary St.Romain;Ashley Wheat Sipes; LaVona Taylor; Lyndon Thomas Simien; Lorena Stutes; Stephanie Houssiere Sucre; Lisa Sullivan; Ona Thacker; Margaret Thompson; Bobby & Maxine Tupper; Carmen Varela; Gwendolyn Veazey; Ed Watson; Arvel West; Daniel Whitting-ton; Mary Wiltz; Curtis Williams; Sue Williams; John Young; Matthew Young; Debra Willard Please call 436-7251 to remove a name from the list.

Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98:5-9; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19