Digtialpak analysis

Digipak Analysis

Transcript of Digtialpak analysis

Page 1: Digtialpak analysis

Digipak Analysis

Page 2: Digtialpak analysis

Analysis One : Riahanna

Riahanna’s latest album “LOUD” : The main colours used in this digipak are red , white and beige. These colours create connotations with different meanings . The red connotes sex and lust which is something Riahanna has constantly been marketed on. Her beige complexion helps to highlight the red more which again reinforces the sexual undertones . One and a half of the panel of the digipak shows her wearing a white dress. This helps connate an innocent and vulnerable Riahanna as opposed to the front cover with a close up where the red is more predominantly focused on her “luscious lips” showing listeners a powerful Riahanna . Also her body composition connotes an innocent and vulnerable Riahanna she looks as if she's helpless imagining for something to happen maybe waiting for her “prince charming” to come. The background is essentially filled up with roses which shows the theme of this album is love.

The target market is likely to be girls within the age of 14-25 ages , I came with this conclusion because I feel girls this age tend to desire Riahannas seductiveness

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Analysis Two : Britney Spears

This is a CD is of Britney Spears greatest hits: The colour pink is a dominant colour in this digipak and there’s a reason for this . Around the time Britney's career was at its peak was around late 90’s and early 200’s , in these times a common theme of interest in little girls was highly towards barbies dolls. Britney applied this desire into her personality as an artist . I believe the colour pink is used to remind listeners of her ‘Barbie’ like character everyone originally fell in love with, for this reason I feel this album is mainly targeted at old listeners or big on going fans of her. The layout out of this pack has Britney posing in the middle on the actually CD, this is used to draw in attention of what she's wearing which is showing some flesh underlying the sexual undertones

The colour again shows the genre of the album . Pink connotes the ‘girly’ stereotype and the fact this digipack is covered all around with pink shows the type of songs are likely to be ‘poppy’ and about ‘love’ if were conforming to stereotype ideas. Media has been used in this to manipulate the image for example high key lighting has been used to enhance the innocent look in her face to again portray back to her “Barbie character”. I believe this digipak has been successful in targeting its audience as each aspect I’ve analysed has come back to the attempt to appeal to its chosen market.

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Analysis Three : Madonna

• This is a digipak of Madonna's album the ‘confession tour’: The layout of this pack has a close-up of Madonna with a confessed facial expression this suggests to listeners that one of the themes in this album is confusion . Confusion in music is often associated with ‘trancy’ and ‘dance’ music which connotes what type of genre her alum is likely to be. The colour scheme stayed similar through out the front and back implying the theme of the album doesn't dramatically change and the songs are all similar. Grey is used to highlight Madonna's face this is because grey is often associated with confusion as its seen to stand in the middle, being neither black or white. This will enhance the confusion even more in Madonna's face again subconsciously reminding us of the themes. The main text is a block pink font with a glossed appearance this reminds us of disco lights linking to the disco ball on the back of the pack and again reinforcing the genreof this album.

Madonna is often known for changing her style and genres in music. I believe this has been marketed well to her audiences because it clearly hints to listeners what kind of genre she will be taking up on this album. Her fan base are likely to buy into whatever genre she takes up because she's more marketed on just being such a successful well known artist.