Digital Communication and Social Media Trends for 2011

Digital Communication and Social Media Trends for 2011

Transcript of Digital Communication and Social Media Trends for 2011

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Digital Communication

and Social Media Trends

for 2011

Page 2: Digital Communication and Social Media Trends for 2011

#1Social Commerce

The growth of electronic commerce, consumer trust and

social media use will consolidate even more the social

commerce. Buying and selling of goods and services on

the web become more influenced by social media and

use them as a platform.

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#2Market Research and Analysis

More and more internet users. This great mass of

individuals who can express themselves have transformed

the web and social media in a large laboratory of market

research. Companies and politicians realized this in 2010

with several initiatives of Social Media Monitoring. In

2011, the chances increase and the practices will be


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#3More ad platforms

In addition to AdWords, Yahoo and platforms of major

Brazilian portals, social media will gain space and budget

with advertising revenue. Facebook's platform and its

more refined targeting will force the Brazilian market to

improve. The ad platform and analytics of Twitter will do

the same for the microblog.

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#4Screens of all sizes

The continuing trend of proliferation of screens

continues. Desktops, notebooks, netbooks, cellphones,

smartphones, tablets, digital totems and the integration

of it all: big companies, agencies and producers already

produce in various formats by default.

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#5Apps and Saas

The union of applications (both mobile and the social

media) to the business model Software as-a-service is

gaining ground in the country. The convenience of such

applications and increasing income of Brazilians are

creating a viable market for developers.

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#6Co-Creation and Customization

The concept of the prosumer (producer + consumer) no

longer refers, as in previous years, only to

communications and media. The literate users in digital

communication are emitters but are now also producers

directly or indirectly. They give opinion, co-produce or

specify every detail of unique products for personal


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#7True Measurement

The role of the measurement of communication

campaigns and reputation will grow. The false belief in

the difficulty of measuring digital communication in

social media is declining.

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#8Performance and Competition

The so called badgefication of social media is a trend of

use of competition resource. Developers have realized

these dynamics for years, with competitions on who has

more friends, fans or followers. The Foursquare

popularized the use of badges to make the competitions

among users more fun and complex.

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With the maturing of the market in digital

communications and social media, the term "social media

analyst" (that never said much), will be less frequent.

On one hand, the understanding of the integration of

platforms will create more multi-environments

professionals, on the other hand the growth of the digital

market will also require experts in specific tasks.

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#10More investment

The share of investment in digital platforms still

represents less than 10%, but increases with solidity.

Some large companies dare and show that investments of

up to more than 50% in digital are successful.

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+ Read more:(english)- Social Media Metrics

(portuguese)- Social Commerce- Comércio Social e Facebook como plataforma de compras- Monitoramento e Comportamento do Consumidor- Plano de Mensuração em Mídias Sociais- Ferramentas de Mensuração e Análise- Mensuração de Mídias Sociais baseadas em Geolocalização- Netnografia: antropologia aplicada ao estudo de comunidades online- Co-criação, Crowdsourcing e Social Commerce- Mídias Sociais e Mercado de Trabalho- Mercado da Comunicação Digital e Mídias Sociais

* Click to view the portuguese version of thispresentation / Clique para ver a versão em português dessa apresentação

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