Digestive system very_good

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Parts of Digestive system

Transcript of Digestive system very_good

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Digestive system

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Complete digestive Complete digestive apparatusapparatus


Liver Abdominal aorta

StomachGallbladder Spleen


Colon Small intestine






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Exploded view ofExploded view ofdigestive apparatus (1)digestive apparatus (1)

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Exploded view ofExploded view ofdigestive apparatus (2)digestive apparatus (2)

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Upper Respiratory Upper Respiratory TractTract


Oral cavity


Nasal cavity



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Oral cavityOral cavity

Upper lip

Lower lip


Palatine tonsil



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Taste buds

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Salivary glandsSalivary glands

Parotid gland

Sublingual gland

Submaxillary gland

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Pulp cavity

Nerves andblood vessels

Maxillary bone





Alveolar bone

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Pyloric Den


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Lymphatic system of the Lymphatic system of the stomachstomach

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Stomach wallStomach wall

Main cell

Border cell

Mucous neck cell

Fundus membrane

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Liver lobuleLiver lobule

Intralobular vein

SinusoidKupffer cell


Bile canaliculus

Bile duct

Branch of portal vein

Branch ofhepatic artery

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Bile secretionBile secretion

Bile canaliculus

Sinusoid capillaries

Kupffer cell


Reticulin fibre

Red blood cell

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Islet of Langerhans

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Small intestine (1)Small intestine (1)

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Small intestine (2)Small intestine (2)

Circular creaseswith villi

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Intestinal villiIntestinal villi


Mucus cell

Epithelial cell


Blood circulationLymphatic circulation

Capillary system

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Internal hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids

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Stomach ulcerStomach ulcer

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Hiatal hernia Mixed herniaParaesophageal hernia

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Gastroesophageal reflux Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)disease (GERD)

Closed sphincter Open sphincter

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Healthy liver Hepatomegaly

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Cirrhosis of the liverCirrhosis of the liver

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Crohn’s diseaseCrohn’s disease

Healthy colon Crohn’s disease

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Peduncular polyp

Sessile polyp

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Colon cancerColon cancer

Stage I Stage II Stage III

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Biliary lithiasisBiliary lithiasis

Small calculi Big calculi withcholecystitis

Big calculi